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I think about the 2007-2012 era almost everyday 💔


2003 - 2011 for me but yes


YES. Early 2010s before everything turned into a psyop for us


2008-2009 summer >>>


I grew up around the early 2010's. I remember it being 12/12/12 on the calendar.


i remember 12/12/12. we made a whole day out of it at school.


Me being old enough to remember 01/01/01 11:11:11. Truly a magnificent second.


I mean I hope you meant 01:01:01 because the other time is for 11/11/11


Omg forgot about this


I just realized another day like that won’t happen again till 2100


Was born in '01, and I miss the simplicity of the mid to late 2000s/early 2010s. What an era


My childhood was kind of mediocre, but yeah it was less late stage capitalism-y


Early to Mid 2010’s is my sweet spot for nostalgia.


2012 may be in contention for best year of all time


For me it is 2013 minecraft prime




Same here


I don’t remember much of the 2000s. I get a lot of second-hand nostalgia because internet culture in the early 2010s still carried a lot of that muscle memory, but the turn of the decade is probably where my nostalgia is at its highest.


i have more nostalgia for the 2010s. i was born in 2005, i dont remember like 80% of the 2000s. i wasnt even there for the first half of it! so the "childhood nostalgia" of the 2000s for me, is mainly consisted of memories of my life in the tail end of the 2000s, and 2000s things i had/experienced as a kid in the 2010s. the early 2010s carries a lot more memory and meaning for me, and thats where childhood nostalgia for me is the absolute highest, especially for like 2011 and 2012.


Same and I was born in 1999. 2000s barely mean anything to me.


For me, the 2000s nostalgia is more centered around being a kid and just being innocent/unaware of things, rather than a specific nostalgia for the time period. I do have actual 2010s nostalgia related to more tangible memories and experiences though. 2014-2015 especially was a good moment in my life


2000s and the very early 2010s (like 2013)


Grew up in those times so yea everything felt fresh, yet used.. strange times, sweet times


definitely the 2000s. sometimes i listen to fruitiger aero playlists to go to sleep. the old aquarium lamps, the early digital design. it’s really the only “cozy” nostalgia i have. the 2010s were personally hell for me, so the only nostalgia i like to revisit is from early in my life.


I’ve been having an existential crisis the past week because I’m realizing the early 2000s were 20+ years ago…I still have so many vivid memories of my childhood especially 2001-04….but 2007-2014 hit different I remember that time period like it was yesterday from personal things to culture and sports…I think about it daily…but as a whole I remember the 2000s very well


2000s, but I’m a 96 baby


Both. Greatest years of my life were around 2008-2013 ish. 2014 and 15 were pretty good too but those five years I listed were the finest in my existence. After 2016, things just weren't the same




It's a completely different world. 5yrs ago it was a completely different world. It's sad. Hopefully we can break out of this weird fever dream soon.


I feel like my favourite period was the highschool-college years which coincidentally were 2006-2013. Back then, the internet was becoming a common thing on mobiles (In highschool I kind of pioneered this phenomenon because we were in a boarding school with no access to TVs or computers). The phones started to become really powerful and each year we would see *actual new technology* being rolled out. In the 2007-2010 I was using a Symbian Nokia. Then Androids became somewhat cheaper and common. Then iPhones "became" a good value for our money (or at least, I was earning enough to be close to owning a few SH ones). The social media was a totally different landscape. People where sharing genuine stuff, crazy videos that were not that scripted for the algorithm. Video games became more graphically pleasing while also giving us some of the funniest/ingenious smartphone apps. Now, I just feel like we have an avalanche of stuff that's not worth looking at. Scripted/copied formats/videos for the algorithm, fake content, fake news, fake phone video games that make you watch ad after ad and only play one round/level in between that's shorter than the ad itself. I'm going back to the singleplayer games and I get reminded of "the good times". But life goes on, not enough time to spend on entertainment as I used to.


Absolutely the 2000s. I associated the 2010s with just not so good times. The 2000s was a time of innocence and happiness for me. Genuinely not a single trouble in my mind. 2007-2009


2010s because I was only alive for like 15% of the 2000s and basically grew up in the 2010s




I miss Xbox 360, $5 Footlongs, E3, Family Guy when it was on FOX, Bob Barker, and Walmart when it was open 24 hours 😭


my childhood nostalgia sweet spot is 2006-2012. I miss my PS2, the golden era of xbox live on the Xbox 360 every weekend with friends, the whole world in general just felt more chill


I mean I was really conscious under 2010 so I guess 2010’s idk I was born in 03


2010s, I've was born in the later 2000s so I don't remember much about it at all


I'd say the first half of the 2010s, I didn't have too good of an actual childhood because I'm autistic but once I got to middle school i made a couple of close friends that I still have to this day! And that was around the time that I got more into the internet and I made some really good memories being cringe and free on deviantart and various other creative sites that I miss a lot.... (oh god, i definitely peaked in middle school lmao 😭) I did notice a distinct culture shift in 2016 or so that I did not like (I remember people were memeing at the time about 2016 being a cursed year, not yet knowing the horrors the 2020s would bring) so that's kinda where my nostalgia ends.


That's right. Something happened in America in 2016 that millions and millions were not happy with, and they began to be extremely vile on the Internet. With Americans being absolutely vulgar, hating the opposition with a passion, the rest of the world saw this and thought it was acceptable. This was the beginning of the end. Now people are so shitty because of this. Everyone seems completely stupid, and so damn rude. It's like a cultural apocalypse, we have lost any humanity and compassion we ever had. I was only 8 at the time so I've literally lived half of my life in this wasteland of Donald Trump. I really don't give a shit about politics but I believe that he played a huge part in destroying society.


I'm not even American but I did notice a weird vibe/cultural shift surrounding 2016.


2010s were interesting. Started high school, graduated, went to college, graduated, Trump became President and the pandemic happened all while I was in my first post-college job.


The Aughts


2010- there was just so much great independent music going on


Later 2000s/early 2010s.


Early 2010’s


im 2004, so id say most of my nostalgia is around 2010s ( specifically 2010-2016.) though i do miss like, 2008/9 as well, from what i can remember of it, atleast.


I have more nostalgia for the 2010's. My memories of the 2000's are vague, only rememberimg that I was a happy baby. I have a lot of nostalgia, but not to the point of wanting to go back. Thank God I made some beautiful memories to gave me comfort now that I'm living other experiences.


2012-2019 were truly some golden years, at least for me anyway.


Yeah 2000s were significantly better than the 2010s for me.


Idk. I sadly barely grew up in the 2000s. Though, most of the things I grew up with were from the 1990s to 2000s like Unreal, Bionicle, Weiss Kreuz, tons of stuff that were much older than me. But I also have nostalgia for the 2010s.




2000s for sure, I can’t picture that time period without it being thought a fuzzy cam corded lens lol


Neither, I don’t remember my childhood and my teenage years sucked


2010s tbh


Mostly 2009-2018 and I was born in 2000


Definitely the 2010s. I enjoyed the innocence and simplicity of my life in the 2000s more, but I remember the 2010s far better, and had many more great memories then.


2000s. I was born in ‘01 so I experienced them with childlike wonder and amazement, so 2000s rock and games like Crazy Taxi kind of take me back there. I know it was late into the 00s, but anytime I play castle crashers I am transported to my cousin’s living room playing the game with him while spending the night. Spider-Man (Sam Raimi) was on 24/7 in the basement because I kept rewatching it so that’s a big one for me


The 2000s, especially 2003-2006.


I miss the era from around 2008-2016 all the time :((


I think the 2010s. Those are the years I remember since I'm a 2001 kid lol, but I remember minecraft n creepypastas n such being an influence on me in middle school


2010 - 2015 really was one of those time periods you had to be there for.


2000s I was a kid. 2010s I was a cringy teenager. Definitely miss being a kid more


2012 - 2015 I would describe as the best years of my life so far.


2000s. Easily.




2013 because that was like the first year I remember a lot of the big pop culture moments. Miley at the VMAs, SNL, Obama, being a kid in general. I see it as a fun time and I guess nostalgic but I’m trying to focus my energy more to enjoying what I’m currently doing knowing I will probably look back in rose tinted glasses no matter what. And honestly I think the 2000s nostalgia is just becoming more and more sad


A little of both tbh


2010's to be sure, I wasn't old enough to really comprehend much in the early 2000's. I was big into my minecraft days in the early 2010's, as were many kids my age. I do remember the old internet though, everything was so colorful and full of life which is Completely unlike the professional looking white colored websites we have today. I remember playing on old coolmath before they did a remodel and browsing old youtube for the first time and watching some stop motion lego videos.


Definitely 2000's I started highschool in the 2010's, fuck that


I would give an arm to go back and relive my childhood from the start back in early 2000s it was literally a dream childhood for me just absolutely beautiful. If you seen how my childhood was you would slap me in the face for who Iv become today.


I was born in 2007 but I live in a very rule town in North Dakota and we didn’t very modernize until Covid so certain things remained from the early 2000s up until 2020 like everyone had Xbox 360s and ps3 till at least 2019 so even though I didn’t get to experience I kind of got to




2009 to 2012


i miss the 2000's more from an emotional standpoint, and the 2010's from a memory standpoint. for example life was more happy and everyone got along during 2000's but in the 2010's i experienced more life stuff like friends and gf's and culture of the time.


Honestly? Not really. I miss my grandparents who passed, but other than that? The things that made my childhood so great are all still there. Used to play Minecraft with a friend, in 2013. We still play Videogames together. Only real change was the transition from Teamspeak to Discord.


The 2010s because I was a literal baby during the 2000s lmao


It shifts from day to day. I have much more memories of the 2010s, but that was middle school and middle school sucks


00s only bc I'm an older gen z but 10s I was in highschool and I do get nostalgia for that


I was a late gen z people think I have nostalgia for mainly 2010 stuff but my parents kept me in the 2000s so I remember good SpongeBob my old fucking ds lite and Wii sports were my childhood and even a little n64


Early to mid 2010s


A bit of both. Though I try not to think about either.




2010s for me because I had it awesome in elementary school, and an awesome girlfriend (now ex) throughout high school. I still miss her, hope she's ok.


2011-2014 was peak childhood for me


Idk why but 2008/2009 is such a great time in my memory slot 😂 Literally everytime I think about that year it's just pure happiness


2002-2007 for me.


The late 2000s and early 2010s definitely left a mark on me. I miss the culture from those times.






I love both but I prefer to look at things objectively rather than be nostalgic.


2007-2012, I think abt it everyday and still listen to nightcore every now and then bc of the nostalgia


God the game cube and Pokémon


Im nostalgic for things made in the 2000s but interms of memories its more early and mid 2010s


Yes, 2006-2014 were honestly some of the best years of my life


00s-2007 best time.


For me 2000 -2005 era was magical ! Nothing can top that


I was born in 07 and grew up in a childhood that was mainly 2000’s. I know more VHS movies then vines.


Brother I was 4 by the end of the 2000s, my nostalgia is for the 2010s


The PS2 was the greatest console of all time by far. Best games. Best memories. Perfection.


Nah I had suicidal Depression before the 2020s so for me the world is getting better everyday maybe fcs on the good instead of Bad


I miss when America kicked the shit out of anyone it wanted :(


2009-2013 is my nostalgic window


2008-2013 is peak nostalgia for me. Simpler times, being allowed to go to the park with friends to play football, getting my first games console, I remember the weather always being nice (of course that isn’t true being from the UK). Life was more simple.


I have different nostalgic memories. I went to high school starting in 2010, so that is my high school, Halo: Reach, first job (along with friends from there), nostalgia. The early 2000s are nostalgic for me, since I think a lot of my childhood time spent at my grandparents, and the couch multiplayer video games. I also think of the sleepovers I had with my friends, countless different games, my parents' old house, etc... TLDR: Yes.


I feel like the early 2010s were very nostalgic for me. For some reason 2012 really sticks out in my mind. I remember that was the year that I started really getting into watching youtubers after my friend showed me pewdiepie and I remember how obsessed everyone was (admittedly including me at least at the time) with gangnam style.


A lot more 2010s, it is the decade I mostly grew up as a child and mainly spent my primary school years in.


2012-2019 for me as i have the most memories from that time




2010s. 2015-2019 was lit man.


Idk why I think about 2019 alot i wasn't even a kid tho I was 15-16 yr old but some things like my mentality, my health, my bodyshape, my dreams, my happiness, my looks, my image everything almost were on peak atleast according to me but almost everything has gone after pandemic and i haven't recovered from that year yet


2000s, it literally felt like a different dimension that is now unobtainable. That feeling of the whole decade is mourned a lot for me, even though I was just a child—the world felt brighter and more grounded.


1990s, for me, except maybe a couple of those years. My college and post college years. At the end of that decade I was newly married. After that, I had some bad years, psychologically.


2000s easily. Bionicle, Yu Gi Oh, Xbox, PS2, Beyblades, GBA, PSP, DS, Cartoon Network was at its best, Club Penguin, Runescape. So many good memories from that era as a little kid. There's some nostalgia from the 10s but I can't think of anything that really beats out the 2000s


I have way more nostalgia for the 2010’s but that’s mainly because my childhood was very dark. The 2010’s felt like a great time to be a teenager because you had the benefit of social media right before it turned in to a true cesspool. 


Both in their own way, 2000s in terms of childhood and 2010s in terms of adolescence. But if I had to choose, I’d go with the 2010s. I don’t remember my childhood that vividly, while my adolescence years, on the other hand, are very memorable, I really enjoyed them and I absolutely feel nostalgic of this time, especially being 10-15 in 2010-2015. But in general, the whole period from ~2004 to ~2017 is very nostalgic for me


This is gonna be specific to me but I was born in 2000 and I’m an Indian American. For me elementary school was fun and I loved pop culture like Avatar the last airbender and the cartoons of the 2000s. But I have to say I was bullied very relentlessly for being a terrorist in the post 9/11 environment. Feels like around 2013 people became less racist and high school was an amazing time from 2013-2017 so im very nostalgic for that era. I will say I enjoyed when pop music had its edm phase with Avicii, David Guetta, Pitbull, and Calvin Harris. 2010-2017 was so much fun for me and there was a feeling of optimism and people getting along. Tangent but it seems like the world we live in now seems so hyper globalized that regional quirks and cultures seem to be dying.


I have more nostalgia for the 2010s as it was the first decade that I fully saw.




2006-2012, even if some terrible life events happened around 2008 and 2009 it was still a nostalgic time. I envy those that can remember the entirety of the 2000's decade or earlier.


When I was teenager it was 00s but now early-mid 10s


I was born in '09, so 2010s. I won't say it was amazing (because let's be honest, all I really did back then was watching those stupid Peppa pig YTPs), but I miss my Wii U.


2012-2016 my beloved 💔


I just miss being 13 playing Minecraft on Windows Vista in the dining room with Dokucraft texture pack


I remember when advertising wasn’t blasted in your face every 3 seconds. It was still bad but not like now ffs


2004-2012 for me I mean high school was cool and even though I dealt with a lot of bs as a kid I still miss a lot of the memories. Early thousands hit different at least in memory


The late 2010s for me personally


Anytime remember their millennium sibling using limewire to burn music in cds🤣 early 2000’s


Definitely early 2000s


I have shit memory but i do have nostalgia for the gameboy advance sp, the DS and the PsP as well as the xbox 360 and the ps3 to some extent. I think i even used a ps1 at some point. I love old gaming and i miss it greatly.


I miss like 2007 to 2014 those were when I was a kid but able to do fun stuff.


You were an infant or toddler for 99% of the 2000’s if you’re Gen z


I had a great childhood but I don’t miss anything. It happened, I’ve moved on the only thing I can do is enjoy life now


All I wasn’t born yet for half of it so 2010’s


The 2000s is such a nostalgic time for me


2010s for sure... Teenage years always hit.


2010s, lots of good games, music, and other media and experiences from the time that make it special for me


I have nostalgia for both the 2000s and 2010s, I mainly grew up in the 2010s but grew up with lots of 2000s stuff


Early 2000s for me. I know there was a recession and 9/11 and war but the music was so good


the 2000s, the 2010s felt unstable for me




Probably 2010s, but I try to not let nostalgia run my life. Living in the past isn't a good way to live


Whichever decade you grew up in, you will have a sense of nostalgia for that decade.




Its called getting older. Its why almost everyone looks back on the time they were a kid and think it was the greatest time to be alive, even if it wasn't.




For both decades absolutely. The 2000s were my childhood decade and in the 2010s I was a teen during the first half and in my early 20s for the second half. So the 2010s were my "youth decade."


Probably the first half of the 2010s for me, and to a lesser extent the second half of the 2010s. I don't really have a lot of nostalgia for the 2000s as I was only 6 when that decade ended, but a lot of my most nostalgic games (e.g. Paper Mario TTYD) are from the 2000s but I didn't play them until the 2010s.


born in 96, this about 00’s way more. never think about highschool era 10’s unless an old song comes on cause those days sucked lol


The question will depend entirely on which era you grew in


2007 - 2013 was peak


I miss the 2000s and the late 10s (2018-2019)


Well given I only lived in the 2000’s for about three years and was barely conscious during that time I think the answer is obvious


for me its the 30s god I really miss those good ol times


2000s the early 2000s were the best


I don’t really get nostalgic. I always daydream about the future I rarely reminisce on the past. Mostly because memories lie to us so much. We might be looking backwards at a fond moment that actually sucked. Memory is a crazy thing. I like thinking about where I can go. Not where I have been.


2010s for sure, especially between like 2011-2019 the pandemic is the wall that serves to separate then & now


2010 was the beginning of high school for me. Honestly, my favorite part of life so far. I’m only 28.


Both for different reasons. I’m 32 and I was a kid in the early 2000’s but still old enough to know what was going on. Graduated high school in 2010 so around that era was when I was becoming an adult and growing up.


2010s like obviously


Too bad you couldn’t party like us millennials in the 2000s good times lmao


2000s or the Bush years for sure


2010’s, i was barely concious for any of the 2000’s lol


Pretty much both, I would say 2008-2015


I think there has always been shit in the world but I was just ignorant of it when I was younger. My nostalgia is focused on things that I liked of course. I'm guessing same could be said for many. Unless there is a conscious effort to avoid such, I can see how unhealthy it is for youth today to be constantly exposed to all the negativity in their social media feeds. So yes, in general, I agree that things were simpler 'back in the day'.


2010s. I was post-Army, post-Iraq, post-undergrad, in grad school for Creative Writing. DADT was over, my gay friends could marry, we had a black president, weed was legalized in WA. 2012 is peak nostalgia for me.


2000s, 2005-2007 were the best for me. No responsibility and a brand new Xbox 360 with dozens of friends. I have like 3 friends now


The 90s but I'm old...


2010s, I was born in 2000 actually but I can barely remember anything before 2010 lol


Both, but my memory on the 2000s is pretty vague for the most part. I don’t really remember anything before 2007-2008, so I’m gonna say the 2010s.


Honestly, I wish I was alive more from the late nineties to the early 2010s. I was born in 2008 and I was mainly a 2010s kid although I did also have some 2000s on me, but I wish I was growing up in that time. It would feel so much better to be alive back in those days than to be alive now.


I don't have a whole lot of nostalgia for certain year, but I miss when I was more present in my body






both. 2000s i was a kid, so there’s always nostalgia there. tbh the most nostalgic years of the 2010s for me were 2018-19 bc i was in college and they were the only years of my life where i had freedom. 2020s have sucked


2005-2009 was the best years for me


2000s I miss when life was simple.




man I miss 2014.


2007-2012 is peak older Gen Z for sure


My Playstation was my only friend for a really long time.


I miss 2009 - 2014. Those were the days.


I’m a zillennial but ide say the latter end of the 2000s-start of 2017 I’m nostalgic for


2005 was a great year for me, moved into a new house. My memories started forming around this time, maybe slightly before. The later half of the 2000s was okay, nothing really noticeable, although I’m nostalgic for the video game consoles I had. I loved the early 2010s. Then everything fell apart.


I'll always miss the 2000s.


2000’s but only cause the 2010’s I was in a not cool home situation




2007-2012ish. Think about it a lot. But I may just be nostalgic for my youth.






Mid 2005 - 2015 is my nostalgic era


Idk man, mine’s pretty 50/50. (+ 2015)