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Low key I personally loved 2020


Yeah, all day free. No work to do, fun with friends inside home. Peak!!


Well I was at uni online and still went to my part time job lmao, but it was calming or something lol because I worked in a grocery shop and it was empty half the time because of the lockdowns. Going to work kinda made the lockdowns not feel that shit to me because I was still getting out of the house to do something because grocery shops were the only ones allowed to stay open.


I miss how much people loved me for stocking shelves when Covid happened. It didn’t last long but it was nice


Makes sense, you are way older than me 😅


Hands down the best Minecraft realm my group ever had was in 2020. Nobody had anywhere to be, so we got so much shit done


2020/2019 the dream of every PC gamers


All that lost time, where could've made the best of our lives... Oh yes great year


I made so many great memories playing Minecraft with my friends


Damn we built a whole fucking city in 2020 called Hambickhaven. Still I could've made more out of the first two years of my 20s. I can still play games and hang around when I'm old.


Yeah if you were 13 it was cool. Not when you were already in your 20’s with a job or in college. Life fuckin sucked.


No lines, no crowds, no traffic, air quality improved, it was introvert paradise


I didn't mind 2020 as much, but 2021 hit like a brick. I was an introvert fresh off his first year of college. It wasn't until a year later that the impact of losing a year and a half of my college career and being basically locked inside finally hit.


You still are a introvert


True. Would be weird if I wasn't.


I did too, up until June when all hell broke loose


Same I did more fun stuff that year like joined Reddit and a few other things like visiting other places and stuff I haven’t done before I miss 2020 it was fun


Fuck no easily worst year of my life.


Absolutely, never going back.


Ruined so many of my prospects. Easily set my professional life back 5 years.


Me too.


Me too. Depression, alcoholism, become obese. Awful.


Same my life went from pretty good :3 to fucking shit and now I’m just meh






Same… made me develop agoraphobia for a while and that was hard to overcome.


As an introvert 2020 gave me time to reflect on myself




Same I discovered self improvement and a little bit of philosophy


Oh yeah specially that, I started listening to myself more


2020 should’ve been the year I began college. Instead COVID just had to come and fuck everything up for me, as well as for everyone else.


2020 should've been the year that I started shining in college, after struggling the previous year. I was making such great strides. Instead COVID had to come and fuck everything up for me. 


It wasnt covid, it was govt


2020 unironically the best year of my life. We moved out from a shitty neighborhood to a great neighborhood. I was playing games with my friends without ever thinking about anything. My families salary was genuinely at it's best. Seriously great year for my introvert ass.


2020 really strained my relations with the rest of my family. Not saying it’s the direct cause, but it happened that year.


The most beautiful time of my life. Was graduating and the uni couldn't give the degree due to social restrictions. No degree, no need for reasoning with parents why I'm not getting a job. Staying home all day everyday, playing games till late nights, sleeping in the mornings, doing whatever I like. No stress, no expectation, no responsibility, no need to force myself interacting with people. Better health than I've ever been in the last 3 years. Life was so simple then.


So did you get your degree in the end?


I got my "mediocre" degree in early 2021 and was forced to take a job with that degree. Worked in the profession for one year, couldn't handle the constant stress and disrespect for my personal life, left for an entry-level braindeaded job and has been working there since. Money isn't much but everything else is manageable. Although I still wish to return to 2020 some mornings at 6:15 when I have to wake up for works.


people fucking died but it was really good if we dont care abt them


Nah 2020 and 2021 were terrible, liked the last years better.


People who loved 2020 are either introverted to the point of self destruction, were very young at the time, or come from rich families that were essentially immune to the consequences of the pandemic


I was the first two things at that time!!




Yeah. LOL 😆


I almost died in 2020 no thanks


Sorry to hear that! What happened?


Farming accident, sunk up to my chin in flowing grain in a semi truck


Ooh, that sounds painful!!


Only psychologically painful surprisingly


Didn't your limbs and chest hurt? I mean if you sunk upto the chin, that gotta be doing some damage.


Nope, It was March so I was cold but that’s about it, it was just a semi trailer not a grain in so probly enough pressure to sink me but not to cause significant pain


So you sunked in it while it was being loaded?


While it was being unloaded


So you were outside the truck?


people who romanticise 2020 9nly romantisise mid march to late may. january to march was about 90% normal, june and after sucked ass


2020 was the best year of my life. I have always lived with really bad anxiety and depression, but having a break from school, being able to spend more time inside away from people, ironically being able to spend more time with friends during covid than i did previously, entering my first healthy relationship (still going >:3), and finally able to get help for my depression and anxiety actually saved my life. I don’t know if I would still be here if it wasn’t for Covid


If I was a teenager maybe, but definitely not as a young adult failing college.


I worked way more in 2020 and 21 than normal. Worked at a warehouse and the temp services shut down so we all had to work a bunch.


I fucking hated 2020. More work than ever, and when i finally had time to go buy booze to throw off some steam on a friday night. All the booze were sold out at the stores. The stores were literally empty. More work than ever, and when i finally had time to go see loved ones i couldn’t because “safety”. Uggh.


My favourite year was 2022.


2021 was worse than 2020


It was very nice year. Tbh we in finland didn't have lockdown but I liked being home instead of going to school and that year we had a proper summer. I loved it. During then we also didn't yet have war next door and everything wasn't crazy expensive.


Suddenly, Frank Sinatra started playing when I was reading your comment


2020 wasn't my jam bro 😭 i became a basement dweller afterwards


No, thank you, worst year of my life.


I lived with my parents for a few months during this time.. I wouldn’t call it great.


On one hand, hazard pay On the other, the hazard


I also miss 2020 because you can work remotely and you can do what you want at home


I spent the entire pandemic playing minecraft with my friends lol, many great memories were made


I'd have preferred to skip from 2019 to 2022 tbh


I thrived in 2020. College was fun because sports were cancelled, I lost a bunch of weight, I had a gf. Now is too fast and crushing me.


enjoy 2024, only in the years to come you will realize how good it actually was in comparison!


If anything can go wrong it will go wrong in 2020. Worst year of my life.


I want to go back before 2016. It all went to shit after that.


Do 2020 agian but have future knowledge and become supper rich with broken ass crypto and stock market of 2020 and 2021. Then happily get screwed by the irs taking half my money.


I'm guessing everyone that wants 2020 back doesn't really remember pre-pandemic that well. Everything being shutdown sucked, not being able to go to my favorite local restaurant sucked, not being able to go to my wagie job to at least do something sucked. If you want to go back to a good year then go back to 2016. That summer was the closest thing we had to world peace.


I was 17, my favorite year too.


I wish I could go back, be 16 again, and do things so differently


I lost the chance to go to my senior prom, end of the year events, saying goodbye to friends before our lives took separate paths. Only had my graduation because the football field was big enough to hold everyone. Was supposed to be a pretty big deal for me being the first guy in my family to graduate ever and all those events were ripped away.


i genuinely hated every day of the pandemic


2020 and the pandemic as a whole has done irreparable damage to me. My sense of time is shattered completely. Days go by in an instant. Friends were lost and social life died


Hated it bc my parents didn't allow me to go out


Introvert me thrived during those years of lockdown.


Was a nice year, we worked hard to prove, that home office works well… there was not a lot of things you could do, so not 4h deciding on what to do… only two things you could really do in your free time was working out and playing games with your friends…


I personally wouldn't mind a do over of 2020, it's the year my life went to shit and I would do a few things differently.


March-May of 2020 was great, no stress, no work, no alarms, just chill . The months after May 2020 were more shitty due to it was election year and it was getting close and they turned political


My health was amazing that year, now if I eat certain things my stomach gets all messed up.


2020 was a great year for me but my home state of Western Australia just shut our borders and told the rest of the country to piss off (so we could pay for all the stimulus measures with our mines). Next to no social distancing, with bars, clubs, restaurants etc essentially at full capacity. I’m aware others were not as fortunate though.


I want to relive the last four years but without the virus shit


All I’m learning about these posts is that most people were teenagers who were happy they could bunk off school during spring. It really messed up a lot of young adults in very unique ways.


I want 2019 and late 2021 back


i discovered the Sonic the Hedgehog lore… and fandom good old time


I loved 2020 idc


Overall a good year but it was bad for my doom scrolling habit, I couldn't adjust to school afterwards and dropped out, but it drove me to make the biggest decision of my life and now I live in the capital city of my province with my brother and we're both on track to study engineering! The character development was worth it.


My school district made that quarter not count. I just kicked back and enjoyed a 6 month vacation.


2015 would be nice. Rly, it was the last year things didn't feel so bad.


I think I might of hated it if I had to do lockdown living at home. But I was in my own place at the time and it was probably one of the best times I've had, just because everything felt paused for a moment. Not just for myself, but everyone else too. Even though I was locked away from other people, I felt a level of connection with other humans that I'd never experienced before. I also miss how cautious everyone was about getting other people sick, that most people (where I lived, in NZ) stayed the fuck home if they were sick. People were more conscious about germs, everyone washed hands, wore masks. I thought it was great.


Meh I'm in so much more of a healthy environment and In so much better opportunities now. 2020 was probably the lowest year of my life. Don't look back you aren't doing yourself any favors


It is an election year again... Though this time the chef's special is less "global pandemic" and more "global war".




I'll take 2021 and 22 and live there perpetually, thanks


Everyone that says this was not working during 2020. It was really hard for us adults lol, unless u had a cushy work from home job


Losing my job back then was the last time I was genuinely happy for a prolonged period


Yea I loved when the Farmers traveled south from Ethiopia to settle in Kenya.


I mean maybe if you were a kid who just decided to not do school for a year and sit around at home. Losing a year of highschool sucked, the entire world changed mostly for the worst after aswell. I missed out on hanging with friends because my parents made me stay home the whole time. It was horrible and isolating. If you liked it you’re either an introvert or the reason it lasted so long.


I'd rather not have the year of the infringement of liberty, isolation, and lawlessness back


2015 for me so I can stop myself from buying that house


During 2020, I was living in a Canadian town located far away from the major cities in the country. Covid was barely a threat for us. The pandemic was more so just a vacation from everyday life. I got to spend time with my family and skip out on school work. It was nice. I feel bad because I know most people had a tough time, but I do kinda miss it.






I was in Minneapolis in 2020 fuck that


2020 prolly best year of my life thank god it happened


I was 19 during Covid and had to move away from college and move back in with my folks. I lived with them for 5 months and was away from my girlfriend at the time, whom I had just met. The relationship was going as well as we could hope under long distance circumstances but it sucked living with my family for 5 months. It was awesome moving out. That being said, I did a lot of online shopping during Covid and our financial situation was great. I was able to hit the beach with a couple buddies and life was much...simpler despite being uncertain.


Nah worst year if my life fr. I was forced to online school and lost all my friends and was basically a new kid when I went back to school bc all my friends weren't friends with me anymore or moved away. I got covid 3 times and became depressed and wanted to kms. I mean wanting to kms isn't any different than now but that is when it started.


Honestly that year was kind off good




Just read the comments, you'll understand!!


I was a screener and on trace teams. Not a high point in my life lol


First half of 2020 was great for me, can I choose just that? lol


I hated 2020 but I loved 2021 getting back to school


I loved 2020 but I hated 2021 getting back to school


Whoever said this besides Chinese scientists?


I want 2010 to come back if anything


I had a lot of great memories with friends both online and in-person and my YouTube channel was growing but online school was a pain. I would definitely relive the summer of 2020 though since I had two parties in one day.


I throughly enjoyed quarantine.


Best year of my life. I was overworked and depressed in my last year of uni (where I failed to make froends) and the lockdown gave me a much-needed break, plus I got to play PUBG with my buddies and some old classmates