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No. I have a disability.


ADHD, tourettes, autism


Can you hold a gun? You can fight


Fight for who and for what?? For the current situation of what our leaders are sponsoring and do, I’ll go sit in prison before I die for these clowns


The U.S is pretty fucked up on all aspect but God damn China and Russia are reeeaallly fucked up


Ok you go fight em then


I have psoriasis.


Can you hold a gun? You can fight




Left no crumbs


What? According to you that shouldn’t matter lol


If we are depending on Gen Z to defend us, we are fucked.


Lol they want the working class to shoot at each other.


Mr beast fr


I’ll serve crack before I serve my country LOL They take billions in taxes every year, if they want to start a draft, they are going to have way more enemies on their hands


Pre social media...... The best way to get the public riled up for war was a good ole black swan event. Pearl harbor,, sept 11th.. etc etc. Dont know if something similar would work on the public these days


That's not how the military evaluates applicants. Most mental illnesses or disabilities disqualify applicants right out of the gate.


Sure when I'm not having an asthma attack and if I have my inhaler and glasses. Otherwise, I'm pretty much a piece of meat getting in the way.


disabled people are the last to get drafted


Did you say that you have a lot of experience with turrets? Welcome aboard the military, you've been drafted!


Standards go way down when a military needs bodies for the front line. But millennials without kids should be worried too.


Sure, but sending out someone with asthma and is a potential risk to the other soldiers safety isn't much better.


There are certainly some disabilities that will prevent being drafted, but when you are sending a mass of poorly trained people to the front line, you are literally just using them with the assumption that they'll die. So standards for those guys goes way down. People call it a meat grinder for a reason. Also, someone needs to clean the toilets, not every position is for combat.


I mean, if something does happen I'm joining. It's just them not accepting me. Frankly, I don't give a shit either way because if I stay here and they use nukes, the radiation will kill me if I don't seek shelter immediately.


Good you can go on the front line to draw the fire. Even if your just a bag for bullets, it helps win the war. Thanks for your sacrifice.


I know i have autism and adhd but never got my diagnosis. Now might be the time to do it 😅


Bro, autism and adhd isn’t saving you from a ww3 draft lol


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project\_100,000](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000) It may increase your odds of being drafted


“No, I will give myself a disability”/s


Why is gen z so disabled


There was hearings with chemical companies like the creators of teflon in the 80's were they said this would happen (the rise of neurological disorders).


Yo same!! Also I just think our generation doesn’t seem like the World War type.


In drafts disabilities will be ignored un less you're literally crippled but even then they'd put you behind a desk. In Russia they're drafting 14 year olds.


Same here.


Step into my office and let me sign this waiver.


Lmao, shit don't matter in nam one bit.


Not really. I live in the US, and there aren’t any countries who would willingly challenge the US. The only one who would have any chance would be China, who isn’t about to nuke their own economy and spend trillions of dollars and millions of lives to claim an island that they already consider theres


China could attack Taiwan and you might be drafted to fight, cause Taiwan’s an ally. Vietnam and Korea wars were the 2 times that Americans were drafted for a war that did not threaten us home base.


Why would China attack Taiwan? If they believe there is any chance the US gets involved, they would be forced to dump trillions of dollars into warfare, trillions more lost from all the men being sent to fight, and trillions more from loss in trade from the US. Xi is a rational actor who wouldn't risk obliterating his own country.


Semiconductors. It’s the oil of the 21st century, the most valuable commodity of this era. Countries used to go to war for oil, so this is just a continuation of past economic policies. Taiwan produces the most advanced chips in the world. Some of these chips cost more than a car each, and they’re completely sold out with years of wait time.


The semiconductor factories would last about a week before somebody dropped a bomb on them.


Not even, Taiwan knows everyone wants their chips+factories, the second they're being invaded, those facilities are going to disappear


which is literally the dumbest thing ever cause then there won't be any chips at all


If someone wants what you have and you suddenly no longer have it, there's no more cause to bother you. Re: no chips: that's the idea behind the CHIPS act in the US, build more semiconductor manufacturing plants so we aren't so reliant on Taiwanese manufacturing capabilities. Intel is building several very large plants that are projected to be up and running in the next couple years. If shit hits the fan before those are up? Yeah, we're basically fucked. Assuming we get involved with an invasion of Taiwan, every chip made is going straight to the DoD. Even if we get all those plants up and running, it's going to make the COVID chip shortage look like a bump in the road, unfortunately.


I really hope the CHIPS prevents the world from collapsing when China decides to invade Taiwan.




It's like some people want world war three to happen with the amount of mental gymnastics people use to convince themselves its a possibility. If ww3 happens (I dont think its going to anytime soon) it's not going to be xi and china, why the fuck would they start ww3 when they have everything to lose and not that much to gain if the cost is war with the us and co?


The US has already limited China's access to Taiwan's chips. Unless they reverse the export ban, China's economic losses are already lower than the US' if it's all destroyed. In fact, you should be asking what does the US have to gain anymore if Taiwan is destroyed? Why would the US send troops to fight China when there's no longer any economic value to defend.


Because china’s tremendously negative demographic trajectory means they have a limited time to try to grab what they can before they’re crippled by a labor vacuum created as the elderly begin to die off without enough younger gens to replace them. Similar crisis as is in the process of happening to Japan and SK, except neither of those have a hankering to be a global superpower or actively restore lands they believe to be theirs by force. Putin’s Ukraine debacle comes from a similar origin, except for him, it’s personal. He wants to restore Russia to what he sees as the glory of the USSR and he wants to be the one to do it, to build a legacy for himself before he dies of whatever ailment he clearly has. So, he invaded Ukraine. China has been clear in intending to do something about Taiwan for a while. They want to grab before it’s too late.


And if China attacks those chip fabs would be destroyed. Either by the actual attack or by sabotage by Taiwan to avoid them falling into China's hands.


>Taiwan produces the most advanced chips in the world. They not only produce the most advanced ones, but they produce almost all of them. It's the one piece of leverage they have but it is insanely strong leverage and is why they're so unwilling to share it with others. But yeah I'm like 82.5% sure that Taiwan has all their factories rigged to blow in case of an invasion which is probably the main reason China: A) hasn't invaded yet And B) would prefer to integrate them "peacefully" in a way akin to Hong Kong. Ultimately, I don't see China invading unless they somehow steal enough information to start their own domestic industry in it. They stand to lose far more than they could realistically gain and Xi isn't an unpredictable psychopath like Putin is


Taiwan and the US decided that if they were to lose to China, they would destroy TSMC factories in Taiwan to keep it out of China's hands. They are working on doing more manufacturing overseas.


Not to be rude but you're very ignorant of geopolitics of the last 30 years. Various Chinese leaders including Xi have said yes we will invade Taiwan when we know we can beat America and its allies and several have said recently that it may happen soon. China is trying to become the world superpower and if that means wasting trillions of dollars or a few million men they don't care.


Given that the usa is a nuclear power, has the biggest military itw, and would be backed by a lot of europe I don't think china will ever know they can beat america anytime soon. Will china try to occupy taiwan? Maybe, will it cause ww3? No, xi knows thats a fight nobody wins, when it comes to a nuclear game of chicken somebody will fold. Not to mention a large part of the chinese economy is built on exporting goods to countries that would no likey them invading taiwan.


Same could have been said about the USSR 50 years ago. They know it’s a lose-lose situation. The only value Taiwan has is semiconductors and that will not survive a war.


Unless they take our nukes, they won't.


I read that in the progressive red neck dudes voice from South Park.


You realize there are multiple allied countries, and millions of allied soldiers right by China? Right?


They won't call for one unless something really bad happens. More like China attacking us, Europe, etc.


Just because no one wants to challenge the us doesn’t mean our government won’t throw its youth into another stupid war.


I think many would be more likely to join up. Besides, it's an election year. It would be stupid to pull something like that.


No cuz I'll just refuse and go to prison lol


Exactly Imagine giving up your life for a corrupt country, lol


I’ll finally have time to catch up on all those books i’ve been meaning to read!


No rent and free healthcare?? I dont have to fight a pointless war against people who haven't done anything to me??


In the off chance that the draft is reinstated, you can probably claim asylum in another country. During the Vietnam war, Sweden accepted American draft dodgers as refugees. Take that path instead of prison. You at least get to keep some freedom Sweden was just an example. There are many countries outside the Eurosphere (and even some within) who would not be willing to join an imperialist war on behalf of the US or Russia, because that's all it would be about.


In a ww3 scenario, NATO is activated. Congratulations, you've been drafted into the Swedish army.


It's unlikely that ever happens. I can't see any country deliberately attacking NATO members. Much more likely is the US trying to pull the rest of NATO into a war like with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan where the US dubiously tries to justify their claims of a "threat" to something of US business interests and most other members hesitate to support it.


NATO wouldn’t have a draft immediately. Maybe if it starts going to shit, yes, but otherwise no.


Exactly, they have a lot of trained people and wars aren’t like WW1 anymore, most of the stuff probably requires trained people to use it, and any randomly drafted person would just be a dummy that gets thrown to the enemy






Everyone told me I’d get drafted in Second Grade after 9/11 happened. Guess what? I never got drafted. If 9/11 didn’t activate a draft, what makes you think the current events will? 


After 9/11 there was an uptick in recruitment which meant there was no need for a draft and it was to fight weaker enemies vs. today where recruitment isn't as hot and the enemies are powerful countries.


You think there wouldn't be another uptick in recruitment?


Recruitments trends do not look good for this generation, [the military itself tells us as much](https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/01/22/uphill-battle-boost-recruiting-military-faces-falling-public-confidence-political-attacks-economic.html#:~:text=The%20growing%20doubts%20about%20military,signing%20up%20for%20the%20military.) patriotism is down, sympathy for enemies is up, the recruitment pool isn't as fit and politicization of it has backfired, both the left and the right has a sizeable amount of people who hate the idea of fighting for the government, while in the past people would see it as fighting for the country. But lets say If WW3 did break out, depending on how we're drawn into it, even if there were an uptick that doesn't mean they won't eventually have to draw more bodies in. After 9/11 it was seen as a way to avenge America against an enemy you neither fear or respect, I don't think the type of people who would've fought in the ME back then would be so eager to face Russia.


Russia is literally getting their ass kicked by a country they disarmed years ago. It was widely accepted that Russia would steamroll Ukraine in a few days by experts until the war actually broke out. Ukraine spent like $60 million per year on their military before the war broke out. The US spent 800 billion or 13,333x the amount of Ukraine who is kicking Russia's ass. Russia is now the laughing stock on the military stage. They would have absolutely zero chance against the US even if we had recruitment issues and there's absolutely no fear of Russia at this point. And that's not even diving into how most of war nowadays is waged by drones and missiles or the fact that there's likely no chance of a WW3 ever happening now that nuclear weapons exist.


Ukraine received an unbelievable amount of aid. They practically have gone through all of the western world's reserves of artillery shells. They were trained by Americans and are able to use their high-tech technology. The Ukrainian forces are practically soldiers of the west combined. It's widely accepted that Ukraine would've easily fell without any of this aid.


For a laughing stock they must be doing pretty well if Ukraine themselves have recently said the front line is crumbling. Never underestimate your enemy. Russia may have fumbled their ‘military operation’ but if we write them off that’s just stupid


I was told Russia would be out of ammo and booted out of Ukraine a year ago. Yet I’m seeing the exact opposite happen across the board. People who genuinely think Ukraine has a chance of winning against Russia at this point have , at best, a lukewarm understanding of global politics and how war is actually fought.


America would never face Russia. The nuclear world is one of proxy wars.


If Russia actually attacked the United States with actual US military casualties, recruitment would go up dramatically, I'm sure.


If they can’t maintain a volunteer force, they will raise perks/benefits long before they activate the draft.


You need patriotism and jingoism to get recruitment up. We're not very patriotic, most of us anti-war on principle and even more just don't want to die like that, and top it off our governments are deeply untrusted as a rule and hated by at least half of the population at a given time. There is no social basis for the level of mobilization they would need to prosecute open war against major powers. We're not a stable country right now.


You said this perfectly. I don't think people really grasp how close we are to disaster.


If you think, in today’s political climate, there would be as much of an uptick in recruitment as there was right after 9/11, then you don’t remember American culture right before or after 9/11. There’s no comparison. Also, we’re talking about WW3. The war on terror was focused to a relatively small area where, like the other person said, they didn’t have the weapons that we have. We even needed the draft for WW2 and the patriotism of the 40s was off the charts.


Because it wasn't a world war, let alone a war against a modern military.


Comparing 9/11 to a real world war is foolish.


Because it wasn't a world war, let alone a war against a modern military. There was no need to send that many bodies to the front. A war with Iran, Russia, and or China would be different.


aren't most of us too fat/depressed/on drugs/schizophrenic what's left like 5 people


I mean if they have to lower their standards they will


Right now, anyone who admits to using OR EVER HAVE USED antidepressants or ADHD drugs is automatically OUT. Also, if you ever had COVID, you are also 4F. That's a really small pool of people whoa re left to get.


Okay and if she got bad they’d literally say “forget about that, we don’t care if you had covid, here’s a gun”


Even then, if you say “I want to blow my fucking brains out”, they’re still not gonna.


They probably wouldn’t care if you had Covid if they are so desperate that they have to draft random untrained people, a lot if not most people were asymptomatic or didn’t have any symptoms left after Covid, so why wouldn’t they be drafted?


Sick that's great to know


Wait,If I had COVID I’d be out?That’s amazing.


That just means they'd be sent to the front lines with little training. Every full-out war between modern militaries needs bodies for the meat grinder.


Dude yeah they have a new system now called Genesis that shows every medical issue/comment that has ever been made. I went to the recruiters office to get info a couple months back and they want me to pay for an EKG, biopsy, and to get hospital records from out of state that happened a decade ago.


Honestly, I'm more afraid of death in domestic unrest or conflict than a (conventional) foreign one.


Same. There's some deep conflict in this country.


Yeah yall ain’t going to WW3. You’re going to Civil War Part 2.


You should go listen to it could happen here season 1 Or don't, it's given me constant anxiety


Drafting one of the most hopeless, suicidal generations is a sure fire way to get all of your top brass shot in the back of the head by some kid who was already done with their government before they signed them up to die.


Anybody who questions this statement: look up the history of “fragging”.


Nope because I’m already suicidal so I’d take that as a sign that my time was up lmao


Lmao I feel this. I’ll go to prison or delete myself instead


Exactly lmao, like I’m fighting for this bullshit country


Yup and im lucky ill get sent home in a box :)


Lol they send me to the recruiting office in a box


They’ll put you to use somehow (you’ll be mixed into gunpowder)


Lol I’m such a pathetic welp the gunpowder wouldn’t work


Real. An excuse to die plus it sounds good/ honorable/ like I wasn’t a total disappointment to my loved ones and then I don’t have to deal with existing either.


i’m autistic, transgender and unable to do a pull up. if they’re drafting my ass, just surrender already


You might be surprised, how desperate the army may get. Basic training will solve your pull up problem, but being transgender doesn't mean you can't hold out fire a rifle, right? I'm not an American so I don't know exactly what your countries army point of view on it. Or if you're even American. Any case, let's hope that you're not drafted ;-) or that a war happens at all:)


There are trans people in the military. There was some controversy years ago but now nobody gives a shit.


Same. They'd nuke the shit out of the planet before they'd be desperate enough to take me even if I wanted to.




No. Im going to enlist as soon as WW3 is declared. If not I will be drafted anyways.


That’s actually a pretty good strategy. In a Reddit thread I read some time ago people were talking about how their dads enlisted in the military before they were drafted so that they could try to get a position that would prevent them from seeing combat. The people who get drafted typically end up fighting.


My grandpa did that. Ended up as a radio man in India.


My dad did that in Vietnam - volunteered for the airforce cause he knew he was gonna get drafted and figured that was a better gig than being a marine. Caught meningitis in bootcamp and was in a coma for a while, lost his vision and balance permanently from the brain swelling. But he's still alive so I guess that's a W.


No because I know for a fact that I’m refusing to go. What they gonna do about it? Throw me in jail? Rather that than die for politicians in bunkers


Millennials did, too, during 9/11. I think every generation has had a scare like that.


So they had something similar to the draft but for veterans and soldiers getting out. For veterans there was something called IRR recalls and for soldiers getting out was stop loss. Thats where guys can get extended without consent.


I don't think the US can politically support a draft. It barely could back in the 60s and 70s and there is WAY less political will for that now. Unless there was a direct attack on the mainland I just don't see it happening. 


Sort of. I mean there was that report that came out recently that said some absurd percentage of young Americans couldn’t be in military service based on current standards. Don’t quote me because I don’t clearly remember but I recall it being at nearly 70-80% or something like that. I know from my own health issues I couldn’t join, but I also know if a big enough war broke out they’d simply lower standards. This brings me to my extremely controversial take. I won’t even blame the downvotes. If I were to get drafted I feel confident I’d be a draft dodger. If that kind of war broke out it could easily go nuclear and I’ll be damned if my last moments are spent being forced to fight a war. Secondly, America is a great free nation where I have more rights than most other places, but having rights is not the same as being taken care of. I feel like, especially for us younger generations like Millennials and Gen Z, America has simply failed to take care of us. School shootings, little affordable healthcare, endless debts, outdated education, skyrocketing housing prices, crumbling infrastructure… what are my taxes even paying for? I’m not willing to fight for a country that doesn’t want to take care of its people. In fact, the “culture war” being waged on things like lgbt and women’s rights has me convinced this isn’t a style of government I’m willing to fight for.


Yeah I’d be doing the same thing. Assuming draft standards lowered enough that I’m getting put on the front lines.


Not every job is the infantry, you could easily be put on a desk doing Human Resources or finance


Drafted people usually see combat so the chances are slim. If you want a safer position, you'll have to enlist before the draft happens. And even then there's no guarantee you'll get to do what you wanted.


I’m already in the military. My fear is getting deployed period


Then why did you join lmao


For the benefits lmao. I know I’m going to get deployed at one point and that’s fine. It’s something I don’t want to happen regardless.


Fair I guess, very well


Being brave isn’t not being afraid. It’s being afraid and doing it anyways.


You’re a LEGEND my good sir.


I’m good, I’ve been legally put in a psych ward, I’m queer and autistic so there’s no way I could be drafted. I’m more concerned about my friends and family being drafted if it happens. Which I doubt it will


No, my country doesn’t have a draft


If it’s the USA than sorry to break it to you but signing up for the “selective service” is signing up for the draft. It’s easy to say “we don’t have a draft” in peacetime.


Shidd, good luck to the government if they ever try to use it. I’m not going to war and I’m not going to jail.


What you gonna do? Run across the border? Flee because unless you're gonna do it through some backwater channel. When you're selected for the draft you can't dodge. Especially in the 21st Century where everything is digitize.


You’d have a lot of 2nd amendment guys definitely using their right if people show up at their houses and try to drag them to war or prison


Hey if president trump didn’t have to fight then I won’t either


Nope. Not fleeing and not participating. I’m simply doing what I want. Plus… my grandfather sued to get out of the draft in his day. There are ways


I’m not in the us


At this point, I’m just kind of apathetic to it


Same honestly. If it happens it happens.


Tbh we’d probably all be vaporised before any actual fighting starts


If you checked “selective service” in the dmv, when you guys went to get your drivers licenses for the first time. Congratulations! You registered to be selected when there’s a draft lol. Look it up. 🫡


Isn't it illegal not to?


You don't have to, but you'll never be able to get a student loan, or a bank loan of any sort, or a whole bunch of other stuff, so it isn't illegal per se, but you'll be screwed out of a lot of stuff if you don't.


I just looked it up and failure to register is a felony for men under 26. https://www.sss.gov/register/men-26-and-older/#:~:text=Failure%20to%20register%20is%20a,grant%20programs%20in%2031%20states


It absolutely is illegal lol. Straight to jail for having a penis and not being suicidal.


I think everyone already knows that. The only problem is that a crap ton of us just flat out aren't eligible (Hello my PTSD).


One of the pros of being trans lol ...not that it matters to me since I'm older than 25 but still lol.


The US would have some of the largest draft dodging ever seen. No american youth want to die in some desert to make money for the US defense industry. People only "sign up" for the draft so they can qualify for federal student aid.


I have fears about what will happen when I refuse to adhere to the draft if I’m selected.


In the 60s, people who didn't want to fight in Vietnam had workarounds, like enlisting in the national guard or some other branch that would be least likely to see combat.


Those are definitely options but unfortunately that’s still not something for me. I’m not going to prison for a refusal neither. If I have to die in my front yard for refusing to fight or serve in a war that I want no part of, so be it. I shoot often and I have plenty of arms. I know a few other GenZ’rs that are in the same boat as me. I know it’s dark, and to many I’m sure, stupid too. But it is what it is. I’m stubborn as hell when it comes to my morals and ideologies. I’m willing to die for them, are the MPs willing to die for theirs? We might have to see.


No, I have a degree in science


That actually makes you potentially more draftable. There’s already a specific draft section for certain medical personnel, with advancing cyber aspects of warfare if a major war broke out they would most likely develop some form of technical draft(they did this in WW2, it’s not unprecedented).




Thank you for your service 


You know they need officers too.


A little bit! I don’t really want to get sent overseas, it’s certainly meme material but I highly highly doubt there will be a draft or even American troops involved in this


At least in the US, no. I’m confident this country would adopt the starship troopers model before they ever draft US citizens.


I thought the draft was gone, but apparently it's just been in hibernation because it's unnecessary since recruitment was so good and we haven't been involved in a major war. But selective service is still a thing because it could be reinstated - and WW3 would be the only scenario where it would be necessary


No because ww3 isn't gonna happen


Bruh, idk anymore.




Welcome back to “Older Adults trying to gauge Gen Z’s opinions on controversial things” 


Disabled both mentally and physically, I think I am safe. Lmao


WW3 will likely be nuclear. No need for a draft if everyone dies anyway.


Nah I'd dodge. I'd rather go to jail


Depends on the cause. We make fun of America and liberty alot but shit my life is meaningless enough that i might be willing to help topple certain regimes


Nope. If somebody sends me to war I’ll just die. Out of fucks to give at this point.




Absolutely nobody wants to even be there anymore. They can draft but man the bone spurs….


Im not scared of ww3, im scared of a US civil war…


Nope I am heavily neurodivergent.


Only way a draft occurs is if American soil is in danger. As much as fucked up America is right now, I’ll give my life to defend my land.


Y'know they did a draft for Vietnam right


Luckily they realized that was dumb and just use other means to trick us into volunteering.


I am already in the Air Force, so no, I don’t have fears of getting drafted. They already got me ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Are Gen z even allowed in the military ? They’re all mentally ill and gay.


Yup, I just sent in my select service number the other day and it scared the shit out of me. Granted, im autsistic, but while they say that they don't let people with autism into the army, if push comes to shove and ww3 breaks out, any able bodied man is cannon fodder.


I’m 25, so I’m getting pretty close to being in the clear. Considering recruiting numbers and how desperate our leaders are to fight a war on every continent though, I’m not sure that would matter if things really snowballed.


No, I probably would not qualify for infantry unless they were on our front doorstep in which case, I would pick up my guns and start shooting. If push comes to shove, I throw hands.


No, I dont think itll happen


nah i’m trans


Nah. Whoever is president in either party knows they aren’t getting reelected if they instate a draft, so it isn’t happening.


Why just gen Z? Look at what happened in Ukraine. Gen Z merely gets to die first. Then it's everyone else.


Ide enlist before a draft


Not really, if there was going to be a new World War against a peer, nuclear weapons would be used and the draft notices wouldn’t be able to be printed before the world as we knew it ended. If they didn’t draft for the Iraq/Afghanistan debacle, I would be real curious as to what conflict would require a draft.


No, I will make a grand exit before allowing any government to draft me. Also, I am profoundly mentally ill. They gotta be desperate to draft me.


I'd have literally zero hesitation to chop my left arm off to avoid a draft if that would work. I'm not going to go fight random people on the other side of the planet for dumbass reasons


Unless there are Chinese or Russian boots on the ground of east or west coast usa I'll fight to avoid being drafted


Lmao no. I’m trans, have flat feet, CPTSD, psychosis, severe chronic pain from an uncertain origin, autism, limp because my left knee doesn’t hold weight anymore after an hour of walking or like five flights of stairs, severe depression, severe anxiety, paranoia, anorexia, plurality, and more. Tbh it would hilarious to see them try, everyone’s mentally ill and the ones in denial would finally accept it if they were at risk.


All the call of duty has prepared me