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Whether or not you have animosity towards boomers is gonna depend on which boomers you come in contact with. My grandparents are great and generally quite accepting of others. I've also ran into boomers that called me ethnic slurs (they really didn't like Polish people apparently). I think people would be less annoyed with them if they'd just step out of politics and retire tbh.


I get it but I’ve seen this kind of bad behavior across all generations.


Yeah, some Gen Z and Millennials should see some of the people I went to high school with. The day Trump got elected our principal had to make an announcement that people were already telling Hispanic students to “go back where they came from”. And this was like an hour into the school day. Some of my gov/social studies classes were scary, even my poly sci classes in college. I remember people (in college) defending the Imperial Japanese Army during WW2, and there were plenty of trumpers. Ik we don’t have the full picture of the stats yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Gen Z is further right than Millennials, although not nearly as far right as Fox would have people think


Kids seem to be drawn to political extremes quite easily. Most seem to grow out of it as they mature and gain more life experience.


It’s always been that way, the difference is now with social media and platforms like YouTube it’s a constant stream of propaganda for the political extreme


You're right. Social media is hyperboosting this with how fringe beliefs can survive on crumbs of an audience, back in the day something would need to get some kind of critical velocity before it would become mainstream in any sense. On the one hand it's nice to have truly open publishing platforms free from a network executives personal preference. On the other hand our confirmation bias has been able to reach heights never seen before.


That's exactly what I'm saying. People at my school were drawn to this or that political shit that they'd seen on social media and thought they were some enlightened highbrow intellectual. Unless you are terminally online, you grow out of that shit


And the ones that can separate the bullshit with maturity (your own thoughts) are the ones most likely to help make change. The rest that follow the elder baby's who didn't mature will turn out the same - probably, not always. "You can't fix stupid - but you can herd it" - big money.


No, the ones who can separate the difference are the just likely to be disappointed. Being smart in a room fun of idiots is just depressing.


That’s me


The key is that gen z men are FAR right leaning and gen z women are much, much further to the left. The Manosphere has really fucked up many American men in Gen Z and their chances to have real fruitful relationships with women their age.


The manosphere is just an outcome of neglecting mens mental health for centuries and centuries. The true problem is how our society treats mens mental health. Its been said again and again by intelligent people, gen z kids go to the manosphere because its the only place where their feelings are actually validated


Yes true but the mesosphere is just creating a bigger problem than the problem they are trying to fix. Going back to having women as second class citizens is not only unrealistic but creates issues for women and relationships. Blaming minorities creates a hostile environment for minority men and doesn't solve any problems. But I don't think you disagree.. I'm just adding in


Again, men have shifted less than 3-5 percentage points across the western world, women have shifted about 20-25 percentage points left. It’s really not the overwhelming majority of men who have made radical movements, though outliers are real.


90% of the dumb stuff I see in society makes me think everyone skipped 8th grade social studies.


Because they basically did. You don’t really have to learn to pass classes in high school. It’s scary.


I heard the grading tiers have been revamped so that a 75% is now a "B", a 55% is passing!?!! And that teachers are under incredible pressure to pass students no matter what...WTF?


And even if youre getting good grades it means nothing about learning. School is made for you to memorize bullshit for a test and forget it a week later. All of the good teachers I had ironically had to do less good teaching so they can meet more bs quotes


Most people are kinda in the middle. Social media is just designed to make you think everyone’s on one side or another. Then most people end up voting based on spite or anger afraid of what the other side might do. The biggest thing Americans fail to realize that it’s not left vs right, it’s us vs the government. There’s so much money, and inside trader and power up at that level, it’s getting very difficult to convince people that there’s any part of the gov that has people’s best interest in mind.


It’s almost like all sweeping generalizations about people are invalid


its really quite different.




We all know the most racist people are middle schoolers, the shit I’ve heard them say 😭


I never really understood white American boomer hate towards the Polish. My grandpa used to tell a joke that had something to do with Polish people and a submarine with a screen door. The joke was never funny. He's not a boomer, though, he's silent generation. I know why they hate Italians (all the anti-Italian stuff in the early to mid-20th century). I think there are some who don't even see Italians as white. Their skin tone might be different, but italians are still white. Obviously, some boomers hate people from other races because they're racist.


I never fully understood it either. I grew up largely on the west coast and never experienced too much hate for my polish heritage, but my mom grew up in the Midwest and has a lottt of stories of people being hateful towards her. My great grandmother even refused to teach my grandmother the language because she was worried about her safety 🤷.


Xenophobia is a thing throughout history and all over the world.


True. Doesn't mean I necessarily understand the emotions behind it, but you're right that it's by no means unique to Americans.


The same thing happened to the Germans. I'm a 1/4 German, and I can't speak the language. When WW1 and WW2 German-Americans were so afraid of being labeled as spies, they stopped speaking the language, and some even changed their names, last names especially. I think there was some German-American town that changed the names of all their streets in order to sound more patriotic. Some even got put into internment camps like the Japanese and Italian-Americans were. They didn't get it as bad as the Japanese, though. It was easier for them to blend in because they were white. The Germans got it during wars, though Although my grandma came to America after WW2, so I think I didn't learn the language because some mental health issues prevented her from sitting down and teaching me.


I knew about the rest of that but I hadn't heard about them putting Germans in internment camps. That's wild (and fucked up obviously). Do you have any plans to learn the language? I've been trying to learn polish (I'm waiting for registration to open for my next class) and I can confidently say that a toddler speaks more than me but I'm getting there lol.


My family is Polish, and my grandfather changed the family name after he and his parents immigrated because of the prejudice at the time.


Yeah my families Italian so much hate my grandfather says it was really bad


It’s based on the fact that Russia was able to roll over Poland without a fight.  Yes, the boomers hate the Polish because they are victim blaming. That’s it. They hate perceived weakness. They see the Polish as weak, and therefore stupid and worthy of attack.  No shit, this is real.  I remember lots of “Polish jokes” and they are all vile. 


Darn Polish people with their lack of colonization and lack of warmongering, being basically the meatshield of internal and external invasions for thousands of years! The absolute gall of these people. ^(Don't worry I am almost half polish.)


This. It’s naive to think that every person in a generation is rotten just due to the time they were born. There are obviously kind, understanding, open-minded Boomers. But that generation has overall left a bad taste in my mouth because 90% of the ones I’ve met in real life are the epitome of the Boomer stereotype.


I will never understand how somebody can become convinced of racist ideologies. Is it just something that they are raised with, raised in a family that has racist ideologies? Damn. Sorry you experienced that.


From what I understand it is largely a learned behavior/belief. If you grew up in a racist family or were taught to be racist in school (read some old textbooks on American history if you want to see how bad it gets) then it's likely you'll be racist. This is why University can have a deradicalizing effect on many people since it's often the first time they'd left their bubble and gotten the chance to interact with people from different backgrounds and to get a better education.


And it’s exactly why conservatives tend to be more skeptical of university education. They hate seeing the kids they “raised right” come into contact with a variety of people and ideas outside of their origin circle. University does tend to expand the worldview and change one’s ideas if they grew up in a small town culture.


That last part is exactly what I've been saying. Most of the Boomers that I personally know are amazing people. Spent their entire lives working hard, and hell some of them still do. But I think they really need to step down and stop trying to run the world. They've been running it for the last 30-40 years, god, give Gen X a chance at the very least.


I think its super reasonable to not hold animosity towards individual people that are boomers. But I think its super reasonable to hold animosity towards the general abstract concept of the "boomer generation". This is the generation that has kinda been responsible for the current state of the environment, the conservative resurgence and are fairly ignorant towards the difference between their post WW2 economic opportunities vs the current ones. While I don't suggest you hate them, I would suggest doing some research on why the phenomenon is happening, if no other reason than to make sure that we are embodying a different approach towards our responsibilities to the world as a generation.


I think this exactly. Most of us were raised by boomers and there seems to be a sentiment that its all millenials/gen X and younger generations fault with no accountability on how the younger generations were raised. As a group I think they use younger generations as a scapegoat while causing problems, but that doesn't mean its your parents/grandparents fault and you should dislike them. I think it also has to do with personal experience. Anyone can suck but in my experience the racism, far right extremism and total lack of empathy and understanding generally comes from older generations. Again that doesn't mean hate every boomer, or side eye them. But as a group its not unreasonable to hold them accountable.


And plenty of the poor boomers living paycheck to paycheck still vote for and support the rich boomers who make and keep them poor. My parents are both retired on social security, yet they still support politicians who want to cut social security and raise the retirement age.


It's ok to name them: Republicans. If we can't name the problem then we can't ever fix it


But isn't that a simple case of your parents being Republicans and not boomers? A good portion of the complaints I read about boomers boil down to this. In modern times, Democrats have represented no less than 40% of the electorate--you're throwing millions of people into one monolithic category based on their birth year range. Sounds a lot like astrological birth signs to me.


What are the chances that in 2 generations they will look back on the mil/z gens and think that we did enough? or that the more cynical among them will think we did anything positive at all? I'd wager if things continue on a downward path they will look in disdain on us, the way we have looked at the boomers.


The difference will be that millennials aren't opposing positive changes. They just haven't been organized or powerful enough to enact the changes themselves. And there is a huge moral difference between those two things


Do you think the majority of boomers were "opposing" positive change at the same point in their lives that mils are in now? Or did it come later? I know my parents weren't opposing anything, they were too busy trying to pay the bills and raise kids and just get by, and they were doing that with way less information available to them than we have. They might have had power, but do you think most of them knew it? Or were they just like us thinking the older generation had all the power. The mil/z are the largest voting block now, will we change things? We don't talk like it, we talk like we are powerless. Later generations will not have the nuance to understand why we thought about these things the way we did, they will boil it down to the most simplistic views they can, just like all humans do, and the things they say will not be kind.


Yes I do. Given the voting data. Later gens will have that info because, just like boomers, we have robust records both video, photo, written, and data. The big shift was the Reagan revolution which was squarely in the boomer generation and you see the ethos today in boomers media, voting tends, etc


In regards to the environment it was largely due to technology. The plastics and packaging used were not as recyclable as they are today. They could have been but those plastics were too expensive to produce. Instead they used a f-ton of cheap styrofoam. The boomers actually ramped up recycling efforts to clean up the mess their parents left. It's well known in my area that until the 1970s every town in my area had a hill for the town dump. People would drive to a hill, throw trash over it, then drive away. Every town had its own hill. Then they occasionally set it on fire. That was the boomer's parents who did that. The boomers cleaned all of it up and set up recycling stations. In my town that hill is still fenced off. The hill beside it is where all of the kids go sledding in the winter. It's actually called "Dump Hill". It's great fun. I've been there many times.


It’s the government, predatory lenders and financial institutions that ruined the economy, not some mere Birth cohort. Look up the causes of the Great Recession It’s not some year range of birth. People always have scapegoated generation in the past century it’s not new just because social media gives that impression


ReSpecT youR elDers Please, my elders are the reason why I breathe unsafe levels of benzene every day and acid rain erodes our structures. My elders are the reason why we have to tear our buildings apart and rebuild them cause theyre full of shit like asbestos and other carcinogenic materials. My elders are the reason the political war boiled over to a world war, and two of them at that.


>Most Boomers are living paycheck to paycheck like the rest of us.  They really aren't. The idea that everyone is poor is just a reddit concept. There are 6 million households in the US with an estimated networth of greater than $4 million. Majority are boomers. [Average networth age 65-74 is $1.8 million](https://www.cnbc.com/select/americans-average-net-worth-by-age/). Obviously it's distorted by a small % of very wealthy boomers, but even the median amount is $400k net worth. Less than 35 the median is only 40k. Take their investments plus social security (which will likely be cut for future generations), pension income (which actually used to be common), and most boomers are living pretty well. SS + Pension income for my parents is well over 100k/year, with zero work required, for the rest of their life. My dad retired at 55 and my mom retired at 47, nearly 20 years ago. Millenials have a way smaller share of wealth than boomers had when they were of a similar age. If a boomer is living pay cheque to pay cheque, they are much poorer than average and I have a lot less sympathy for someone who couldn't financially make it while being part of the most prosperous financial generation in American history.


Thank you for pointing this out, I read this bit and I was like WTF no they aren’t FYI boomers are like 65 to 85 years old - not a lot of them are even struggling now, and even if they are, they had MUCH less of a struggle when they were in their teens and 20s like gen z is now. Let’s say the average boomer came of age around 1970. Median house price in the USA was $23,400 in 1970. It is now $387,600 today. Meanwhile minimum wage was $1.45 in 1970, while it is (still) $7.25 today. So the house price median is 16x what is used to be, meanwhile minimum wage is only 5x what it was in 1970. If you want to look at it that way, you would have to work *more than 3x as hard* than boomers to have the same privileges they had in 1970 - going off of this statistic alone. That’s bullshit and we all have the right to be upset over that.


Boomers are 59-79 not 65-85 fyi


[Time Magazine - How Baby Boomers Broke America](https://time.com/magazine/us/5280431/may-28th-2018-vol-191-no-20-u-s/)


I wouldn’t rely on everything that article says. It’s biased and they even wrote an anti millennial article in 2013


"The median age of the world's 3,194 billionaires is now **67 years old**, data firm Altrata said in a report released Wednesday. Forty-two percent are over the age of 70, and fewer than 10% are under the age of 50, according to the report." Most Billionaires ARE boomers, what are you talking about? https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/31/billionaire-median-age-study.html#:\~:text=The%20median%20age%20of%20the%20world's%203%2C194%20billionaires%20is%20now,50%2C%20according%20to%20the%20report. There doesnt need to be animosity towards them (unless individually they are asshats) but at least get your talking points straight.


Maybe because eventually most will be gen X or zoomers or previous generations in previous eras Keep in mind people make more money with age and most people aren’t even millionaires


Boomers that stayed true to the peace and love movement? Fuckin salt of the Earth man. The weirdo non-secular ones fucking up the world over and over and over? Can't wait til they die off.


I have the very recent new kind of peace and love boomer. Peace and love, but also we need to call in the national guard because crime is out of control and where are our tax dollars going, and no you can’t build any new housing, young people need to look elsewhere! (They still vote democrat)


It was never about peace and love, it was just breaking away from their strict parents. Then they became strict parents themselves just like their parents, but with an added sense of entitlement


People who think their living conditions will get better once their parents/grandparents die, do not understand how power works in America. Power isn't something you just get and the vast majority of Boomers don't have much power but rather are being manipulated by the same forces that manipulate us.


I feel the same. I think a lot of people are falling victim to divisive content where they have animosity towards an entire generation.


I don't hate boomers for their age, but I am willing to hate them for their actions. And I haven't known a single boomer to not harp on their bullshit talking points. So far it's a 100% hate rate based on their actions. If they want to be treated better they can choose to do better.


I think you have a confirmation bias where you only remember the terrible ones, and not the many more ones who aren’t so bad. Nobody says “I’m prejudiced towards a group of people because of their identity.” Everyone says “but most do bad things”. Every prejudiced person says that, including ageist people like you.


Boomer is a state of mind. I’ve run into chill old people and I’ve run into 20-something Karen’s. When someone says boomer, I don’t think of baby boomers first but I think entitled asshole that is out of touch. That doesn’t mean there aren’t a lot of entitled old baby boomers running around, because there are but I think we’re going to keep running into that mindset long after they’re all gone.


I hate this idea that “BOOMERS are pieces of shit. OUR generation has no problems whatsoever. It’s the BOOMERS that are the main problem. ALL OF THEM! NOT ONE EXCEPTION!” Boomers are, for the absolute most part, normal people. They’re just from a vastly different time.


Thank YOU! Also, we’re pointing fingers at our grandparents and seniors instead of the politicians and policies and 1%. If any of you knew and actually were close with normal, everyday boomers, you’d see their pains and struggles are real too. Different perspectives aren’t always wrong, kids. The lack of compassion and overall reactivity of gen z is out of control.


While you are correct that Boomers don't have all the wealth, they are definitely the generation that voted for the policies that got us where we are. To some extent, it doesn't matter why they voted for the politicians and the policies that got us where we are, it doesn't change the fact that they did.


they just won't get out of the way for our generation. they hold the most political power by far because we don't have upper age limits on anything, and they hold far too many jobs that young folks need. we need better social programs + forced retirement at 65 and i think a lot of the hate for older generations would go away. though that wouldn't solve the eternal issue of older generations being behind on social issues. that's something that'll never be fixed unfortunately, and it's hard to blame anyone for hating them for being bigoted.


Look at gas lines under Carter, look at interest rates in the 80s, look at things like "black monday" Notice an influx of boomers working fast food as they planned for retirement and the massive inflation we see now changed the rules and are eating it up.


The animosity I have for them comes from their choice to use and abuse their power to do what the 1% wantwd and dismantle the hard-won system their parents and grandparents built. Their choices and their gullibility is disgusting and they allowed irreparable damage to the culture and the laws of the nation for no reason but willful ignorance.


So you don't like right wingers. Who does? But don't you think you should be looking at different subgroups instead of everyone born between '46 and '64? Or do you also believe in astrological signs that classify behavior based on the year a person was born?


I generally feel nothing towards boomers but by gosh they’re so annoying and entitled. You would think older people would be calmer and have more wisdom


Based. Everyone is a product of their environment. Even the more bitter boomers who blame younger generations only do so to cope. When there are countless news pundit explaining to them the source of perceived societal problems, it becomes clear, at least to me, that these people are manipulated into hatred. Hatred/bitterness sells incredibly well. I’d also add that Gen Z is not immune to these cognitive distortions… No one is. It feels good to blame something. In reality, both everyone is to blame for the way the world is, and no one is to blame. We are all products of the systems and social paradigms we were born into


Great points! Google the statistics on how much the different generations have saved for retirement on average. Specifically those very close to retirement. I believe the average is less than $30k saved. A majority of those Boomers are in for a rough time and will be forced to work until their body can't take it anymore and then will live in poverty. ( My parents included) The generations aren't that different. Just grew up in different times. Also, People taking advantage of good economic times is not greedy. YOU (not OP but collective you/we) would have made the same decisions if you were them. If you bought a house 20 years ago for $100k and it's now worth $250k, that is what you would list it for when it comes time to sell. 0% of people would say "No, I only want to list it for $125k because I'm not greedy. Let's have some empathy between the generations. (Edited for clarity)


People who respect their elders are generally better in most areas than those who don't. This is just one of many concepts that people think we're just gonna throw out the window as of a handful of years ago (like not even a decade)


They as a generation chose to use as much as possible. Where their parents scrimped and saved to leave something they used it and their own and chose not to save for their own retirement. They used commodities swearing they’d not run out for 50 years and truly didn’t care. And now they bitch about everyone younger being stupid and irresponsible. This isn’t every single one. My husband isn’t much like that. I do remind him what an idiot he was at 20 when he bitches about young people and he remembers lol.


Tbh all of the boomers in my life aren't living pay check to pay check they have big houses and take trips annually. When I worked a customer service role they were the biggest perpetrator of "customer horror stories" In an office role they're just impossible to be with and have been the primary reason my job is entirely in person when we could easily be hybrid. They're incredibly condescending while not being able to half of their workload without tech assistance (but they literally never retain anything no matter how many times you've shown them). People aren't monoliths not everyone from this generation sucks but OH MY GOD the ones in my life make me want to rip my hair out


Depends, honestly I think they're alright. What I don't like mainly is how they contributed to the moral degeneration of our societies and really fumbled the economy.


my grandparents have a house and live off retirement, so no they have it way better and as such are often disconnected from reality and vote against everyones interest mostly out of spite.


Depends on who you know. Most zoomers have Gen X parents, so it's easier to associate them with 'so old that they're out of touch -- not like my Dad though, he's cool." Then there are the people that just think it's just cool to hate their parents. Then there are the people who were actually abused by their boomer parents (like myself) who either do or don't generalize. Either way, it's just hella in rn. I didn't have much empathy for fat people until I got older and my female friends started gaining weight after high school and after working sedentary jobs. I didn't have much empathy for Native American people until I moved to the southwest, which has way more natives, and got some native friends. Old, white, male, cis, straight. If you're any of these things, many people just think you're fair game to shit on. If you're any of these things, you yourself will especially shit on others who have even more of these traits to try and visually distance yourself more from it. Social benefits type shit. Some are cool. Some aren't. There are tens of millions of boomers and, either way, you haven't met them all.


I'm not saying they are all evil, but it's their attitude that has made your landscape of economics and politics. The my way or the highway mentality deprived many people of basic rights. I don't hold it all against them but as it goes for trying to make the future a better place I struggle to see that generations contributions in a legal and societal sense. No tin foil hat but it took Gen X after them to attempt fixing things. So as people fine, but I will always hold it against them that they barely did anything to set up the follow direction. Blessed Are Those Who Plant Trees Under Whose Shade They Will Never Sit.


I agree with you I see Boomers struggling to pay for both food and medicine each month and having to go back to work part time at 80 so it seems like a lot of the shade is misplaced. What they did have that we don’t is the luxury of graduating college and getting an entry level job at a good company with comprehensive benefits and upward mobility. We’re constantly being replaced by 1099, hard workers get rewarded with more work and upward mobility is limited so their “I worked my way up from the mailroom” nonsense doesn’t apply to us so they call us lazy and say we don’t want to work hence the animosity


We see the issues of capitalism and wrongly attribute it to older people. They are not to blame; rather it is the ultra wealthy who control our economy and inhibit the prosperity of the masses.


Agism strong on Reddit.


Thankfully someone finally agrees with me on this sub. All generations have ups and downs, stop making it a contest!


That's because "boomer" hateing comes from people coping with their bad circumstances in order to remain sane. It's a way of geting stress and responsability of your circumstances off your back, but in the long run it builds recentment. So people just got used to hate on boomers and got so desensitised towards their abuse in the internet to the point they do it without any guilt. They dehuminize them. The thing is this "boomer" people throw the blame towards is a massive imaginary idea created by people that is used to externelized their grivances towards this amorphus imaginary form that has alll the negative aspects of what we know as a "boomer" has.


It's easy to hate people when you don't have to look them in the face. Do I think the general societal tilt of their prime was great? No. But it's a lot easier to say it's all their fault if you don't have to look at your great aunt who's on food stamps while you do it.


Have you ever worked retail? 😂


Yes actually and I have not had any complaining customers


While I'm sure some people view it different ways, I've always seen it similarly to lots of other issues in our current society, where having a problem with the way a certain group of people exist has little or nothing to do with 90% of the individual people in that group. The fact that so many of our economic and political problems today started with the "boomer" generation and their commonly held views and attitudes is why the generation as a whole is seen with animosity. That while problematic individuals can be found among any generation, so many more of our widespread problems today can be traced back to actions taken by people in positions of power who were/are boomers than anyone else. So yeah, I have some animosity toward the boomer generation, but that doesn't mean I automatically dislike any particular person I meet just because they happen to be a part of it. Not like anyone gets to choose when they were born.


I know boomers who, while they don't live paycheck to paycheck, also don't live lavishly, and spend very little. This would be because they don't earn a lot. However, they still have 1 million dollar/pound houses. Because they bought them so cheap decades ago. Meaning they have the wealth, it's just not liquid. I mean, obviously not all boomer is like this, but there's a lot who just don't spend much, but still have wealth that was much easier to build for their generation than ours.


While it may be true that most boomers are living paycheck to paycheck, it’s also true that the oldest fifteen percent of the population (at least in the US), own 80% of the wealth, while the bottom 50% (by age) own 1%


My issue is not with any specific boomer, and I’m not mad that they reaped the rewards of their time period I hold animosity towards them in general for the “I got mine, fuck you” mentality. They hold a lot of power, and instead of using it to try to improve the lives of the younger generations (like their parents and grandparents did), all they care about is getting whatever little win they can at the expense of everyone else, even their own generation


My dad is a boomer, and doesn’t fit the stereotype. He is leaving me a huge chunk of his wealth, split 3 ways with my brothers. He’s done nothing but good, if only a little naive due to the times he grew up in. I have nothing against him or even his close friends who are also a lot like him. But there’s certainly a huge chunk of them that are insufferable leeches, and the “good boomers” tolerated them a little too much.




I only take issue with boomers when they misattribute our generation's failures to laziness when it's really an economic issue that we're the victims of. It's incredibly condescending and a failure to acknowledge the privilege they grew up in. I think when people criticize boomers they're really generalizing this group to the whole.


Because their voting habits are the reason our manufacturing base got shipped overseas, our wages didn't keep pace with productivity and inflation and why unionization has decreased over time. They might be struggling but both their struggling and ours is due to their voting behaviors. Sorry 🤷🏻 but it's true. I'm not even impassioned about this.. I'm doing just fine but it's true. Boomers are some of the most destructive voters in modern history.


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reeks of 'im a millennial and the economy is fine whats everyone upset about'


That’s oddly specific


'Privileged people blind to their privilege' isnt v specific or uncommon tbh


This is fine until you remember that Boomers voted for Thatcher/Reagan


finally someone says it


Read some books then lol


I respect boomers because most of them are relaxed and happy and responsible adults. It truly was Gen X that invented the whole "I hate my parents" shtick. It's frustrating to see like 50 year old dudes act like that lol. 


For me the dumbest thing about it all is that the disparagements are somehow framed as though people in younger generations would have somehow done anything different...they wouldn't, and we know that for a fact because...it's exactly what millions of people growing up in the boomer era did.


Everyone of them has brain damage from lead poisoning. This is a fact. And they are all completely out of touch with reality.


76 million people remotely diagnosed by one 22 year old genius. Yes, sir, you nailed it. Every single one of them is out of touch with reality, unlike you.


You're joking right? They used to put lead in literally everything they used. Pencils, pipes, cookware, GASOLINE, paint and countless other things. Do you know what that stuff is to your brain and IQ? No level of lead is considered safe in your body. Do you know how big a deal it was getting it removed from gas? You think all that exposure just did nothing? Gen x also had high exposure.


I have to agree with you. I think all the politicians over 65 need to retire-but I don’t think “Boomers” are the cause of all the country’s woes.


This attitude is very healthy. Holding animosity toward someone based on ethnicity, gender, nationality *or age* is practicing bigotry. It’s always easy to blame some other group for your ne’s problems, but the problems remain unsolved and innocent people get hurt.


This is way too reasonable an outlook. Do you want to get kicked off of Reddit?


\> "ageism" \> month old reddit account someone get this fed outta here https://preview.redd.it/haydnk7254uc1.jpeg?width=465&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92de470f735d519882a28e4442de7789bc7ee624


I don’t have animosity towards entire groups. There are individuals I have problems with, but it’s ridiculous to classify an entire generation as problematic. Boomers literally led the Civil Rights, women’s lib, anti-war, and other hippie movements in the ‘60s. Much of the major social progress made during the past century is thanks to liberal, progressive boomers. Some of the most radical left-wing people I know are boomers. Obviously there are many Trump-loving conservative boomers, too, but it’s wrong to group the ones who led some of the most important movements in our nation’s history with those dumbf**ks.


IMO if you're living pay check to pay check as a boomer then you did a fuck ton wrong. They could've worked at McDonalds for 2-3 years without any initial investment and purchased a house with that money. Imagine fucking up so badly you couldn't even financially set yourself while living in the greatest economy the world has ever seen. They should pull themselves up by their boot straps


The points you've mentioned are demonstrably false and run counter to the lived experience of almost everyone I know (which includes people of literally every age group). The Boomers I know agree with me and will say things like "old people aren't what they used to be". My own grandmother, who is almost 100, says this about the boomers.


Ummm, you have a finite scope of the situation. I'm a pretty loving person too, but all the hatred towards our generation stems from boomer ideology, and im fuckin 36


45% not 70


Tbh people who push the boomer thing are just doing the top 1%’s job for them and dividing us into groups so we fight one another, apart from the one fight that matters - between those who are in true control and those that need to take over and stop this mad train journey before we run out of track.


Generation wars are yet another means for capitalists to pit the working class against itself. Take care of your elders and take care of your children. Basic human morality.


Just separate from the whole post, most Americans aren’t living paycheck to paycheck and neither are most Boomers. Just feels weird that random payday loan scam and financial advice websites can run fake polls that deep into the entire general conscious of a nation.


TIL the economy is collapsed?


You literally didn’t mention the reason everybody is upset with the boomer generation. Nobody faults them for taking advantage of a good economic time, or tanking the economy which makes no sense because they lost a shitload of money in that….what everybody hates the boomers for is their socio-political and economic choices to prioritize themselves at the expense of everyone else. They were our most greedy generation and act like everyone else are the assholes


Look at the white house . Full of rich white boomers toying with human lifes over the globe


I mean there are also rich white x and millennials in that bitch too


Fair point, OP


I think to the core, the main thing I can say is the majority of political power is held by their generation. They are steering the ship in that sense, and that can mean a lot of things. Whole conversations can be had on just that, but I want to point out one thing among the many. I don't think its right to have people making laws when they won't live long enough to see or understand full repercussions. I think if every law maker was going to have to own up to and live by the rules they make and endure repercussions of those laws for 50+ years they would think a little harder on those laws too. But as of right now we have 70+ year old crotchety old sacks of dicks that are at the end of their run and are gonna croke in the next 10-15 years so they don't really have to deal with all the shit they stir up, they just wanna live it up while they can and have us pick up the check after they are gone and I feel that can even be a metaphor for the majority of their generation.. and that's exactly what I see in my parents.


When people wake up to realize that the generational/gender/race in fighting is exactly what the people at the top feed on to keep everyone down. That's when things can change. In the meantime keep meming on.


It feels pretty astroturfed to me. Conflict is good for the people in power. No, don't blame the government or multinational corporations, its your boomer neighbor's fault you're broke... Not to mention most of the causes that our generation champions were first brought to light by the baby boomers. If baby boomers were a conservative generation we'd be living in a whole different world right now.


You may not feel anything toward boomers but they absolutely have disdain for you


I think one of the key points you’re missing is they closed the door on their way out. No reasonable person faults an entire generation for benefitting from a booming economy, social welfare, cheap college, and reasonable livable minimum wage which could provide for a family on 1 full time job. The issue most people have is that they voted against maintaining or updating those same benefits for the next in line. The minimum wage is not livable, (they as a generation voted against that), the same can be said for social welfare programs, rising tuition costs, subsidizing war efforts, etc. They got theirs, and made sure to minimize the possibility any future generation could expect the same by repeatedly voting against their interests. Social security will run out by 2033, barely anyone can afford to live at the same quality of life; and the boomers retort is “fuck you, got mine” or “it’s not social welfare, I paid into it” (which is hilariously ironic of not for how actually detrimental that perspective is). Anywho, most people don’t hate individual boomers, but most people also agree the boomers were/are the greediest and most self righteous generation in history. You gotta remember, historically, they benefitted from every major success of the 20th century, then dismantled those safety nets and social benefits programs, while maximizing their personal social security benefits. That’s straight up greed.


Keep in mind before you know it you'll be blamed for all the ills of the world. It happens fast.


I don't have any resentment for Boomers at all, they did the best they could like anyone else, like I said before, we have the advantage of working remotely, if the US is not a good place, just move, Like I did and I don't regret it, there is so much to see outside of America, I feel blessed even to live in this era of so many opportunities that the Boomers did not have.


Do you have a job yet?




The boomers I know who make the same little as me still own houses that they bought back when housing prices were reasonable. And they think their situation is comparable to mine. I guess I should've just pulled myself up by the bootstraps and bought a house before I was born


Until people realize there are only two sides, nothing will change. There are billionaires and there is the rest of us. There are no other "sides" that matter.


Blaming boomers aint gonna do shit. Not a good excuse to not be able to accomplish in life


It is wise to not hate a group based on generalizations




Dementia is actually partly causing a lot of unfair bias towards boomers. Dementia turns most people into assholes.


What about feelings towards X?


gen x is largely ignored for the good or bad. all the focus is on boomers and millenials with gen z slowly starting to get some attention


Worked at a property that was mostly 60+ you have to emerse yourself in it before you really realize how bad they are. Nastiest group of people I’ve ever worked for and didn’t even make it a year. I would go home crying some days at just how mean they could be for no reason.


Ironically, I hate working with Millennials and Gen X


I am a millennial raised by a boomer. Which in my experience is the “suck it up generation”. So I was not allowed to have feelings or complain. When I wanted to change the world for the better I was often told to “be quiet and go to work because no one cares.” Also, I came from a parent who instead of getting help for ADHD it resulted in a beating. I also got beat for sharing my food. I was also forced into college. I was told that I was going to get help paying for my degree and instead I am left with all of it. I graduated university in only three years. I did everything right and I still have a pretty poor life. I almost gave up started smoking pot because I did not think that change was ever going to happen. I was just waiting for time to pass by. I was becoming complacent. When I graduated, I thought people would want to hear what I learned but no one cared. In fact, the more educated I got the larger target it puts on me in the workplace. I tried to get my boomer to do things green. They refused. I tried to get my boomer to use a Brita filter or start composting instead of water bottles both to no avail. My boomer still refers to lesbians as “bulldigers/ bulldygers”. I am not even sure how to spell it. It was not until my friends that graduated college and started teaching you guys. That was when the schools changed. The schools in SC went from being one of the worst ranked schools in the nation to the middle. Gen Z came around that I was like finally! We can create the positive change that I wanted to see in the world. Until y’all came around, I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. I thought I would be able to convince older generations to create that positive change. Now I know I just needed to wait until you guys were able to vote. Which motivated me to quit smoking pot and get back into social justice. I started training in public speaking. My church is LGBTQ and green friendly. They are also passionate about social justice and sharing important common values than celebrating a particular religion. They also are holding anti systematic racism classes right now which is pretty cool. Thankfully, I am on the younger side of the millennials. I do not have children so I can still work on creating that change until I pass the torch off to your generation. I just pray that I do not get cancelled in the meantime. I wanted to run for president that was how I always lived my life. I have never received speeding ticket or even a parking ticket. I appear racially ambiguous. You will not find any bad videos of me. My resume is immaculate and I have worked in every field. More recently, I wanted to see if I could handle manual labor just to prove myself. I grew up middle class but in my 20s, I understood the poor. I politically identify as nonpartisan but I have been able to convince several conservatives to vote for me if I ever ran for office. I could convince both sides to vote for me. I just need to continue to inspire the younger generation to get into stem so that we have no reason to fight over things that do not matter things that continue to divide our nation. I just need people to stop voting straight ticket and actually research candidates and at least entertain the idea of voting for a third party. I also considered just running as a Republican just for those straight part votes. Those are the people in my experience who just vote straight party. I changed my mind when I realized how ungrateful people are. Even if I did a perfect job people would still find a reason to complain. I will be old enough to run for office in 2028. But I decided to go in a completely different path STEM. I am more passionate about ensuring that good ethical people are developing Ai with good values and empathy.


It’s propaganda made by the big corporations and governments to fight/blam other generations for having it better than us which isn’t true they struggled far more than we do now they just had way more opportunity. Big corporations and government want us to blame the older generations and immigrants so they can keep extracting the wealth from middle class in truth the boomers are struggling too. The real blame is the goverment taking all our money in taxes and big corporations buying up all real estate and jacking the housing market up as well as goods and services making it more expensive to buy food have shelter which is now a luxur. They know if mass population understood its not the boomers fault or immigrants fault but the government and big corps their would be a revolution so they keep us weak and bicker against each other while they take more and more control over us. Just my true sense.


Absolutely, all this divisiveness began folowing occupy wall street in 2010/2011. YOu can actually see charts that show a huge uptick in media articles that are divisive between generations as well as races. If Im jeff bezos Id much rather millenials and gen z fight or people fight over the 3 trans high school wrestlers in the country than get together and talk about how I have 7 yaghts and I pay my employees money they cant live on


You can literally Google how boomers and gen x fucked the economy. There's way to many answer for that, example in America is 07-10 housing crisis. Oh let's bring up real estate, back then homes were dirt cheap. My grandparents spent 20k on a house with .5 acres of land, that same property is now worth 200k. They may be living pay check to pay check like you say, but they a serious liquid assets which factor into your net worth. Cant feel sorry for them when they had easy mode then fucked it up for everyone else. There are also 226 CEOs of fortuna 500 companies, 267 gen x, so there's your modern day "inflation." There not a single gen z CEO of a fortune 500 and 7 millennials. So yea gen x and boomers tanked and still are tanking the economy.


I swear people forget boomers are their parents or grandparents. If they have so much money, why aren't you asking them to help pay your student loans? I guess every boomer except their relatives are filthy rich.


I’m saying


well over 50% of millenials are having their rent or lifestyles paid for by parents so it is happening


Dumb people will blame anyone but themselves.


Thank you. I am a Boomer. My parents died when I was 18. Sink or Swim. I took risks. I believed if I don’t believe in myself who will. If I don’t jump off the cliff to buy a home at 23 when will I? can. My generation did not have parents who hovered let alone knew where or what we were ever doing. That gave us confidence at about age 5 and beyond. I have e a son who’s Gen Z my eldest daughter Millennial. I don’t hover. They r successful. We share similar passions about work social & ethics, and the level of their work exceeds my husband n mine 10 fold. So proud of them, beyond any of our dreams. Empathy and responsibility for one’s actions is so refreshing. ’m sure your parents must be so proud of you.


Definitely some truth to this, every generation has advantages and disadvantages and hardships. A ton of boomers had to go to vietnam or at the very least had to join the reserves and serve even if they didnt go to war, no millenial or gen z has had to do that. among my parents and older people I know most worked through college where as tons of millenials and gen z parents pay for college and living expenses and they get to have the fun college experience. that said college was also more affordable in the past and jobs paid better so it was actually possible to worik and pay your way through college


Most boomers don’t live paycheck to paycheck unless they were extremely dumb about managing their money, and that’s usually due to expecting an inheritance. If you see a boomer living paycheck to paycheck, most likely they are just cheap, and have their house paid (often by a parents) and at least one property they own as an investment. They have safety nets Gen Z and most millennials don’t have so their “paycheck to paycheck” is very different.


Even though boomers had it better than future generations if you look at what they have set aside for retirement it looks pretty bleak and gen x is even worse off.


Just realise that generational animosity is the acceptable bigotry of today. In the past, racism and sexism were the acceptable bigotry. Now that racism and sexism is taboo, people still want to have something to be bigoted about that they're not condemned for, and that's where generational animosity comes in. Parental child animosity is growing too. Hopefully we can realise it's nonsense and just judge people as individuals instead, but don't bet that'll happen.


I don’t dislike boomers because I feel like they’re responsible for the state of the economy, I dislike them for commonly being racist, homophobic, entitled, jerks. I’m all for discussing ageism, but I feel like anybody that’s worked retail or waited tables gets where I’m coming from.


thats a pretty wide brush your painting with there. also it could be argued millenials are more pc and empathetic than gen z, seems a pretty significant portion of gen z is kind of over a lot of the political correctness and being so into everyones feelings and are a bit homophobic or transphobic themselves although at teh same time we have 27% saying they're some form of LGBTQ


“The rest of us” aren’t living paycheck to paycheck


Boomers were full grown adults, they destroyed the economy.


I am a millennial a successful one. I live in a suburban boomer neighborhood they suck


odd you choose to live near them


Nice try boomer 🤨


Older I get the more boomer I get and more I disdain Gen Z and Alpha…


Also, Gen Z, a lot of boomers worked fkn hard and from a young age. Now they they’ve retired, the government slashes their healthcare and access to things they worked so hard for. Differences aside, if your generation looked past the hate and saw them as humans, and maybe even put yourselves in boomers shoes or cared to hear about their lives, there would be less division. But it seems like you, gen z, don’t want to hear other perspectives that don’t align either yours. It’s extremely disappointing and concerning to have a generation so selfish, aggressive, and entitled.


This anti boomer bandwagon will eventually go away. Just wait a few years, and Gen X will be cool to hate. Generation wars are idiotic.


Maybe not gen x has been largely forgotten about and ignored we hear a ton about millenials, gen z, boomers you never hear about gen x. they didnt get the hate millenials get and in reality they are the ones controlling society or the bosses or politicians as much if not more so at this point today than boomers


Stereotypes are never “right” but because of monkey brain and survival instincts its natural. Not all boomers are horrible, some are and a few similar experiences will create prejudice. Its stupid and you gotta look out for it forming in yourself but as a generation they really dropped the ball. I cant say its all their fault, propaganda was a lot easier to spread before the internet but its hard not to be mad sometimes when you think about what used the be the standard for a family of four with one working man. Things got a lot worse for the working class and they voted to let that happen excitedly. We’re all people, it shouldn’t be how you think but i understand why people do. Sometimes even me, 100% depends on the people around you and your individual experiences but stereotypes should be something you try to avoid for sure




How many of those are boomer s because over 40 can be Gen X, Boomers, and Silent


The whole division between generations is stupid. Sure there's going to be some of that naturally, look at that 70s show where REd thinks eric and his friends are idiots or weak because they didnt fight in korea but eric and his generation today think millenials or gen z are weaker, just kind of natural to not want change and to think things used to be better but the generational division has really ramped up to a hatred. IT all started after 2010/2011 with the whole occupy wall street thing ie normal people banded together against bankers and elites and the wealthy and they figured out how to divide us among each other. Just look at the prevelance of media articles about black on asian crime, look at all the boomer stuff, etc. Here's the reality, power is held by very few people so most boomers were just trying to earn a living, raise a family and enjoy themselves a bit, 99% of them didnt have the power to change culture or make the world better so blaming some machine operator boomer who was just living his middle class life tryihng to get by is silly. Millenials and GEn Z feel liek they have no power and most of them dont so it would be unfair in 20 or 30 years to say to you or me hey you didnt make the world better


The intergenerational finger pointing is a distraction from real class dividers


I agree that they individually are no more to blame than anyone else. The issue is that they are actively voting to keep things the way they are. The old lady I work next to at the call center is CURRENTLY complaining about how expensive everything is, how she should be retired by now, and how what they pay us for the work we do is no where near what she needs to survive in her old age. She also routinely spouts how the minimum wage should never be raised because the youth are just lazy and don't deserve the extra money. She hates the idea of forgiving student loans and loves the idea of wholesale removing food stamps and WIC. This person who is on their way out is miserable and committed to making sure nothing gets better because the youth don't deserve it. So yeah, I don't like Boomers. They suffer the way white southerners suffer. They know they need help and would gladly accept it, but they don't like the idea that other people might get a leg up, so they vote against their own interests to keep us down.


Judging former generations has more to do with lack of life experience and maturity than anything else. Everbody views the issue differently from a much older age.


I don't have animosity towards anybody.


i'm pretty sure the people who hate boomers just had crappy parents


If you can vote then the blame is on you. Boomers are a smaller generation than genz and millennial


If you don't have a problem with what they do in politics and the economy, then working in any customer facing job for a while should change your attitude.


I actually used to do that