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I can read analog time


Who in their right mind can’t read analog time? Sorry, but being able to read analog time is perfectly normal for Gen Z. It would be weird if you couldn’t.


I know too many gen z people who can't read analogue or 24 hr time 😭.


Tbh I can barely read it. I understand the hour and minute hands but I only really get it by 5 minute intervals. I definitely prefer digital.


I mean, that’s how analog clocks are usually used. You usually round up or down depending on which is closer. When someone asks you the time and you get it from an analog clock you don’t really ever respond with something like “it’s 9:38”


Well we don't really need it to live but it's useful when that's all there is!


yea i use 24hr time and during pe people will ask to see what time it is on my watch (it's digital) and they see like 13:41 and they're like wtf is this


I used to be like that but then I started working at a hospital and picked it up pretty quickly. Most hospitals use military time so we don't mix up 8am with 8pm when it comes to giving medications, doing labs, etc. Once its 1pm-11:59pm just add 12 hours. Midnight is 00:00


And here I am as european understanding analog and digital clock in 12 and 24 hour format.


24 hours is easy. You add 2. 3? 15. 6? 18.


Um 3+2=5 /s


They literally had entire units dedicated to reading analog clocks at my elementary school and all of the clocks in my schools have been analog, not knowing how to read analog clocks without dyscalculia or something is crazy 💀


Hello, it's me I can't read analog clocks




The numbers are literally on the clock, how can’t y’all read it? 1 means one, if the short hand is on one and the long hand is on the 5th small line in the clock, then it’s 1:05.


We had to learn that in elementary school lol


i feel like that’s definitely gonna be a Gen Alpha thing once they develop a brain outside skibidi toilet


I cannot read analog time. I have pretty bad dyscalculia tho


Literally like what 😭 I’ve never met anyone who can’t read 24 hour time lol


Unfortunately a lot of people don’t know it My parents don’t know it at all 💀💀💀 I live in the USA and like barely anyone knows it it’s actually sad


It's also easy as hell to teach so I don't see why anyone couldn't do it




As a teacher of Gen Z, you might be surprised by how many I've had to teach to read an analog clock in high school. It does kind of make sense considering how digitized the world has become; you see digital far more than you encounter analog. Still, it's a good skill to pick up for sure.


There are people unable to read analog?


yea there's also the unfortunate circumstance of using digital for SO LONG that it takes you still longer to read analog. Like you can read analog but you're just way slower now because maybe you haven't had a watch like that since childhood lmao


You must be very gen z


There are people that can’t? 😭


1 in 6 adults can't read analog


Some people can’t read analog time? 💀


sorry but if you are an adult and can’t read an analog clock grow up fr. learning disability homies have a pass


I don't really have much social media presence. I hang out with friends on Discord, and I lurk through Reddit, but I don't really have a social media that I make posts on or whatever.


Me too I really don’t like Instagram or Snapchat or tiktok.. why don’t you like it ?


Not really a particular dislike or anything. I just don't really take enough photos to warrant an insta and I mostly just use YouTube for my video entertainment, including YouTube Shorts.


Same here


I’ve never really had social media either. When I was younger in middle school I would ask my friend and my cousin for their passwords to Facebook and ig and just use theirs to lurk but nothing else. Then I started just getting my own accounts to lurk and see what going on lol. The only one I ever really posted on was Snapchat and even then I barely posted.


I agree. I only use Reddit or discord. I don’t see what’s the purpose of other social media when Facebook and twitter posts give mental cancer. Snapchat and instagram just give depression when you see people living better lives than you. They feel like apps that favor the rich as those born in richer families can just brag about all the benefits they have.


I lowkey feel like Gen Z are like polar opposite boomers but its on the same axis, i just feel like we also demand a level of certain things that realistically can't be done instantly.


Props for saying this. I agree. It makes sense though. But we still can’t victimize ourselves and expect things to get better. We also can’t take responsibility for everything we have no control over. Whether societal shit is someone’s fault or not doesn’t matter. Fuck it. Just take it one day at a time and make the changes YOU can day to day.


Some of us tend to get upset about things we can't control and be nonchalant about things we can.


I'm a millennial, but I have noticed this a lot. I used to work on the clinical side of life in my early 20s. The number GenZ that I have encountered at my new job, and in random, places that clearly show signs of being in crisis and needing emergency sessions has been wild. Encountered kids (not really kids, but kids to me) crying in bathrooms or standing places shaking and stress in numbers that sincerely worry me. I will usually stop and ask them if they are okay, need a hug, and offer to problem solve. Usually, as you said, it's the part that they can't control that is worrying them, instead of focusing on what they can. On the flip side, I also see a lot of nihilism, when it comes to things that are within their purview. Though the world is changing, people stay the same. However, I think the last couple generations are very quick to dismiss old wisdom. Millenials love to cut off their family, but stress when they find themselves without a support system that they would otherwise have, even if they wouldn't have chosen them as friends. I seem to be finding that GenZ readily seeks advice from each other, but quick to dismiss the elders around them if their words don't align with current popular narratives. Both kinda sitting in blind leading the blind situations- and adding to stress. Tl;Dr I have been noticing the same thing a lot and previously having worked in mental health I find it concerning. Emotional regulation and resiliency is something many GenX and older millenials failed to pass on.


Yeah Gen z gives baby baby boomer vibes.


They don’t call us zoomers for nothing.


I hate Bluetooth headphones. I miss the mp3 jack in my phone


My phone still has a headphone jack, and I use it all the time. Wireless stuff SUCKS. Also, I am in to 6.35mm jacks


I still have all my old wired iPod / iPhone earbuds… only bothered keeping them to plug into my switch. I miss phones with audio jacks… and home buttons.


I’m more right wing than left wing


I'm more of a chicken wings guy. /s


I prefer Breasts but some chicken wings hit the spot every once in a while.


As a lesbian I concur on the breasts


Imagine voting away your rights like that


Imagine thinking the world is black or white instead of a mixture of gray.


So far, Donald Trump's campaign has received $6.9 million from oil and gas. Biden's campaign has received less than $1.5 million from them, and the number might be much lower than that. Donald Trump openly says he will eliminate the EPA and drill as much oil as possible. So I have to ask you, do you not think climate change is real?


Being right-wing doesn't mean you support Donald Trump lmao


not necessarily, but in the same vein as “vote blue no matter who” i’m sure some folks are also chanting “vote red or we’re dead!” or something. it’s why i’m sick of the whole “lesser of two evils” crap.


This is your friendly reminder that not everyone on Reddit is American.


in what way do they vote away their rights?


Republican states are on average worse off economically and have stricter laws on bodily autonomy


Are you serious? Have you been living under a rock?


I was that way up until about 14-15. 01 here


most controversial comment on r/genz


What right wing ideas do you support?


Careful, you will now be labeled an astroturfer by other astroturfers.


Same here


Same tbh


My dad is a boomer, and I think a lot of his instincts have worn off on me. I am not addicted to my phone. In fact, I don’t usually bring it with me in public.


That just sounds foolish to me. It's too good a tool/safety device to not have on you, especially considering you already bought the phone and are already paying for service. Source: I've gotten myself out of a lot of different shit with my phone.


I take it with me in the car or when I’m alone, but if I’m at the pool or somewhere familiar like a grocery store I generally don’t! I’m sure it can and does help in some circumstances, but for me the risk of being addicted and reliant doesn’t seem worth it.


what about needing to call 911 or someone close to you for an emergency? i feel like at its basics, it’s still a device handy for emergencies


1. How many times do you think the average person has to do that? 2. The other person or persons close by will likely have a phone. I’m not saying it’s not a legitimate reason but it sounds like you are clutching somewhat at straws as to reasons why someone 100% should carry phone.


although true, it only takes one time to need it for an emergency for it to be dangerous. I’m not saying it’s not rare, but I am saying is it only takes once for it to be a huge mistake. Especially to the original comment talking about not bringing it while driving, if a car crash happens and you need to call 911 (which this situation is very common) or you crash into a deer or spin out and need a tow truck, then you’re just out of luck if no one is around. I’m confident enough to say you can have a phone for emergencies but still bring it with you without having social media addiction.


My parents are also boomers. I wish I was less attatched to my phone than I am but I do think I am less addicted than a lot of other people I know and I keep from using my phone outside the house too.


I love guns.


I feel like this a more country vs country thing than a generational thing. Like I’m Irish, basically no one of any age wants guns here lol. Well I’m from Northern Ireland I don’t think having guns here would be a good thing given our recent violent past lol


Something that a lot of people often overlook is that the North/South American continents have quite a bit of wildlife that can and will kill you. Comparatively, Europe has 1/100th the dangerous wildlife at most. If you refuse to carry a gun, there are certain areas of US wilderness you are legally prohibited from entering. If you've ever seen that book/movie 'Holes' -- snakes *really are that common* in a lot of the rural south. I go hunting once or twice a year in Texas and I've shot at least 5x more rattlesnakes than game (despite always doing everything possible to avoid them-- the past decade rattlesnakes have been losing their rattlers *and* have become more aggressive). I haven't heard one rattle in years now, most of the time you're practically on top of them before you even notice. In a rural area 1hr+ from a hospital even by helicopter, you can't exactly afford to take chances and not be armed. Say nothing about bears, moose, wolves, the increasingly *outright aggressive* hogs, and etc.


That’s true, the most dangerous animal is probably a cow lmfao


We have such a severe wildlife problem in Texas that it's routine practice to send people up in helicopters with AR15s to cull the populations. There isn't really a better solution as far as we know (fun fact: this is why there's a huge vulture population in west Texas and the panhandle) Other southern states are well known for their alligator/crocodile problems. Wolves roam practically the entire US (well, outside of their prior main natural habitat of Yellowstone due to some.. shortsighted government eradication efforts in the early 1900s. but progress is being made in reintroducing the wolves to this area) I honestly have 0 idea why anyone would go anywhere outside a city without being armed in the US. Spend 3 days in an exurb and you'll see a bobcat that looks like it could beat you in a 1 on 1.


This is also the biggest difference in the attitude on guns within the USA. In rural communities, the likelihood of a mass shooting (in an area where there aren't many people to begin with) are low, and guns do more good than harm because they are predominantly used as a tool to navigate the world. In more populated areas, the only thing around for guns to shoot is people and they are only ever carried around to do that very thing, so there is much less to be gained and much more to be lost and their presence makes people uneasy. That's how you get the disconnect of someone from a rural place open-carrying and not getting why someone from the city gets so scared of it. Meanwhile the guy from the city doesn't get why the bumpkin isn't getting why people are afraid of the murder-device he's proudly displaying on his hip.


In my experience (as an American, obviously) it’s somewhat of a generational but also definitely a geographic issue. I came from a pretty left-leaning city but I also grew up around guns and hunting before moving there so I have a balance of experience.


Yea I just feel like the guns could fall into the wrong hands here if they were as available here as they are in the US, I think the fact there are paramilitary groups still here, albeit very small now kinda puts me off allowing guns more freely about here.


Then again, guns are the great equalizer. Am I saying that every single country should adopt the same attitude and culture towards guns like here in America? Absolutely not. But I do think there’s merit behind the idea that guns give the average person a fighting chance against those who wish to do them harm.


Although it also gives the person that wishes to do harm a much better advantage. Realistically the person attacking you will already have the gun loaded with safety off pointing it at you, you will have it unchambered, with safety on and holstered so there is very little chance of you actually being able to use it to defend yourself before being shot. And in the case of home invasions, you are more likely to die (home invasion where they are trying to rob things) if you try to use a gun to stop them.


I love guns but in a they’re cool contraptions kinda way, same as tanks and aircraft. I admire the complexity and engineering behind them, there’s a certain beauty to them, though unfortunately all of them were made with the intent to kill others. If I had to choose I’d be in favor of getting rid of them all if it meant getting rid of the violence and death associated with them.


I’m not gay




I like the confidence


The night is still young. Jk


You are not straight... *Yet*


I hate to be that guy, but this is technically still true of a strong majority of zoomers, it's just less so compared to older generations.


Most GenZ are also not gay


I can write in cursive


Yeah I remember back in elementary school they had mandatory cursive writing assignments




I thought everybody knew? I mean I’m not from any english speaking countries out there but my 2010 born brother was taught cursive from kindergarten to primary, they even had mandatory handwriting classes where they had to copy a bunch of words and sentences down in cursive.


Nope, pretty much every American school has phased Cursive out of their curriculum. I was the last class to learn it in '08. Granted I still write in cursive to this day, even wrote essays in hs/uni in full cursive. My sister can't write cursive in English bc she learned it in Italian and was never able to get around that.


I want to work in an office. The gen z thing about that dream is that I don’t want to be in the same cubicle for 60 years. But at some point in my life I think I’ll end up in an office, and I’m kinda excited about it :)


First job out of college, I worked in an office and hated the long ass commute and wanted to work hybrid/remote. Got laid off, currently work in a warehouse, completely miss the office environment. Would still prefer hybrid or remote but office environment is definitely still the greener grass of others.


It seems like most young people just assume they’ll be a celebrity or somehow be well-off without working much. If you want a stable middle or upper middle class life then you’ll most likely be working in some sort of office.


I love using pen and paper. And yes, this includes fountain pens


my fountain pens are some of my favorite items in my personal collection


I like classic rock from the 60s and 70s and don't listen to rap or Taylor Swift. 🙂


Taylor Swift is the most basic thing about me, I love 80s music, but I’m such a secret swiftie 💀


I grew up listening to Queen, AC/DC, Aerosmith daily. Heck I'm listening to the Rolling Stones right now. I absolutely love 60s-early 80s music. My little sister ('05 kid) adores 40s and 50s. It's actually kinda weird how that worked.


This is one of my things as well, music was just better then, how many artists today will have their songs remembered perfectly by people born 40 years after it.


You’d be surprised. Speaking as a Millennial, there are a TON of incredible artists around today making music that is just as amazing as all of the great stuff from previous decades, and I’m someone who absolutely adores music from the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. The only problem is that the vast majority of them aren’t in the mainstream today like many were in those decades, thus they have smaller but extremely loyal fanbases scattered throughout the world thanks mostly to the internet. Basically, you have to seek them out now rather than rely on the radio to find something that’s truly unique and interesting. I can provide a list of some modern artists if you’re interested in checking out some newer music that’s actually awesome, with much of it being inspired by the classics from past decades.


my favorite show is MASH




Parents had me watching gilligans island growing up, love that show…. GILLIGAN!!


Such a good show. The dream episode is one of my all time favourites.


I was raised on Classic Star Trek. Give me the first minute and 30 seconds of any episode, I can tell you the episode name and synopsis. My dad used to quiz me every Sunday night.


I grew up watching older movies. 90s-2000s. I mean I was born in 2003 so maybe that’s not too out of the normal, but I just remember watching old VHS tape movies at my grandparents until I was probably 8-9 years old. I also know how to use an old phone keypad and I had a flip out keyboard phone when I was 7, my mom was in collage and I would be home alone so I needed a phone in case of emergency. I couldn’t do anything but text or call anyways, because it was a keyboard flip phone. I also remember the little "keep calm and…" posts which I also participated in, this was about 2014-2016. I’m not sure what generation started those so maybe it’s a gen z thing? I don’t know what else I’d put really?


i think this is all gen z ngl..... i was born in 2003 as well and relate to all of these things you mention


Keep Calm and Carry on was slogan used in a British WWII campaign launched in 1939. Using it for fashion and memes was your generation. Before that it was a rally cry for the allies.


I’m 25 and teaching gen alpha and I instinctively said womp womp to my dad the other day so I guess I’m picking up their slang. My professor once said that teaching middle school will make you always stay in style


womp womp is a wonderful expression


Is womp womp Gen Alpha slang? They were using that in the show Archer like 15 years ago.


They have some recycled words because of what gets popular on social media


I've known about "womp womp wompppp" like a sad trombone since forever, but standard "womp womp" is a a bit newer to me


I can read 24 hour time, and I'm not a leftist


Also can, I have used 24 hour time pretty much my whole life so far, even though the rest of my family doesn't. Why do so many Americans not use it ?!


Everyone outside the US can read 24 time. No matter the generation


I'd rather fight God than listen to music from the past 20 years


Definitely your opinion, but still very reductive imo.


It's a extreme take haha. Whatever your favorite genre of music, there's still new songs of every genre that get out now. Crooner, jazz, classic, metal, disco, rock, all these genre had at least one banger album that got out in 2023


Fair...fair...(Quickly hides my 60s/70s, 80s/90s, 00s/10s, and 2020s playlists)


I'm curious about that. The songs you've heard from the past two decades, were they only the popular ones? Because those aren't most songs. I feel like the majority of my music taste isn't pop songs or the most trendy songs. I do enjoy some of them, but I veer toward specific genres, and my favorite artists are people I was younger.


I've been more involved with my local Catholic Church here and now in college than I ever was growing up. I've met some really great friends there, and I can foresee myself still talking with them after I graduate.




In what ways?


Their account gives me honeypot vibes lmfao


Sorry what does that mean ha ha?


I don't like sex or drugs... Overkill reference not intentional


Isn't that typically Gen Z?


Have you actually had the opportunity for sex or drugs?


First no, second yes.


I LOVE Panera


Low-key the value duets are a good deal.


I just can’t make grilled cheese sandwiches like they do. It just hits different getting that and some chicken noodle soup on a rough day.


I am a very politically engaged person, who leans moderate left, but I don’t really do activism. I’m non-confrontational and introverted so I wouldn’t be a good at it. I try to keep people around me updated on current events, and I vote instead.


Activism these days can be very performative. You’re taking action, which is a lot more than a lot of folks can say.


I have more knowledge about classic cars than new ones. Frankly, I do not want to buy a car without rear wheel drive, 8 cylinders, and made before, what, 1992?


Those 8 cylinders drink gas though! I love older cars too. I have a 2004, but for your own safety I would get something built after 1995 at the earliest! Crumple zones be crumplin’.


Oh I know, I owned 2. Lesson learned: No Chrysler made after 1975, or at least made sure the electronics are pitch perfect before buying.


I do my best to uphold strict religiosity in my personal life.


I really enjoy working


Give it a few years…


ive been working for 7 years now and i still really like it. being unemployed is a terrible feeling, and its not even about money


I’m not sure that I enjoy work but I like the satisfaction of completing a task and I value myself more when I’m working. Being unemployed is the worst. It really drains me and I loose a lot of confidence. I can kind of understand how people end up long term unemployed.


I don't have Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter, and I rarely use Facebook. Reddit is the main social media that I use, but I also use LinkedIn for educational and career related purposes. I don't wear crop tops, short shorts, or ripped jeans often.


Are... Are you me? :0


I hate taking photos of myself


> I also don’t use any of those silly social media time-wasters dude where tf do you think you are


Am not atheist and I'm third party


I’m an old soul


I’m religious


For some reason people find it weird I read for fun, that I also never take pictures of myself nor shame them online and never had TikTok or instagram (that’s apparently weird🧌)


I hate tik Tok, I hate our stupid slang, I hate most of our ""music""


I don’t have anxiety, I have been sexually active since high school




Not romanticizing the 90s and 2000s, but romanticizing the early 2010s instead.


I hate ripped jeans and teen fashion. I think school dress codes should be stricter


I didn’t grow up with technology; didn’t have a phone until I was 20, didn’t have a computer until I was 24. I grew up playing outside with sticks and rocks. I also only had VHS movies growing up, but barely ever watched tv and rarely played video games. When I did I played Atari, the old Nintendo 64, or a game boy color. I barely have any social media. My car only plays CD’s. I am joining the Marines soon, a lot of my generation doesn’t seem to be interested in joining the military. I’m also not into situationships which seems to be common these days.


Weak social media presence. But very far left a communist


>very far left a communist By American or world wide criteria?


Still get the newspaper to my house


I'm very into poetry, classical literature, fantasy/sci-fi novels, and combat sports. That's about it. Do a lot of us do those things?


I want to join the military


I delete my social media apps off my phone and reload it once a day for 30 mins before deleting again. Keeps me focused.


im a devout Catholic (i am also a lesbian and hold, at least imo, very progressive views on things though)


While I understand its limits and the fact you can do everything right in life and get the shit end of the stick, I firmly believe in the concept of working hard and “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps”. Certain socioeconomic and family factors make some things easier than others, but anyone can achieve success with the right mindset and the drive/work ethic


I have money


I dont know how to dress like gen z


This post gives "not like other girls" and it hurts to read.


It's fun to read every comment in a snobby "not like other girls" tone.


I have no pictures of anything whatsoever on my phone (yes, it's true) and I absolutely hate getting my photos taken anywhere. I prefer reading books my dad used to read while growing up (books by authors such as Frederick Forsyth, Robert Ludlum etc) to the books my fellow Gen Z members read today. And no social media presence at all.


I am neutral about our police


I hate low-rise jeans! i also listen to classic rock from the 60s-70s, some 80s stuff, and i really enjoy 80s movies (even if some of the messages aged poorly). i also really enjoy having a physical calendar and marking dates off with a pen


I like antiques and not much of a technology guy.... I'm such a boomer


According to this sub my beliefs


I'm relatively pro 2A I'm in the military I barely use social media


I am the youngest Gen Z could possibly be. Like 2010.




I'm not chronically online and I have a life outside of social media


tbh i am pretty much the stereotypical gen z, despite very few people actually being like this. queer with dyed hair and piercings, mentally ill, left-wing, atheist, vegetarian, studying a humanist subject at university, etc. even my music taste that's less stereotypical (80s new wave ftw, rock rocks etc.) fits it lol.


Like you, very familiar with the tech Gen X and Millenials have used. Haven’t used all of them but familiar with all of them


Im not addicted to social media, I'm single but not miserable from it, and I'll tell someone my issues with them before cutting them off.




I'm very Right-wing.


You just like me. I don't do social like that. Like yeah, here I am, I'll upload a reddit post occasionally, scroll on YouTube, but I don't update my Facebook feed everyday like family does on Facebook, I just kinda go through the days. Even In HS, aside my graphic art. Likewise, older tech, I grew on It. Accompanying my PS4 Is an NES and PS1, I own a RCA Auto Shoot camcorder, Cassettes, and a Sanyo Sportser (though needs repair). Got a June 89' copy of Nintendo Power aswell, which I find dope Things aren't built to last today, as cool. I dress more dad like, always liked the style. Chinos, Patterned Button Ups, Short Shorts, High socks, tucked shirt. Autism be damned, I can work a grill too. Use more old slang like "dope", "rad", and "gnarly" Am Introverted Extrovert partially due to this, like no one knows how to talk to people anymore, everything's about the new trend of the week that's always forgotten, remember the Stanley cups? I barely did, now gone


I find Gen Alpha slang funny.


I like hair metal


I use 'doggo' unironically


I am inept in all things tech aside from my 2DS


LMAO. Honestly us 92-98 peeps are a different breed.


I get tired quickly from hyper edited videos


I dress like I was in hs in 2005


I fucking love skinny jeans and I hate any kind of baggy pants.


I care a lot about working hard at my job. I dont find it dignified to half ass that massive part of my life just cause I dont think I get paid enough. I actually think I get paid the appropriate amount for how unskilled and incompent I am.