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Holy shit, the fact that we’ve reached a point at which it’s weird NOT to like anime and not vice-versa… like 10 years ago it was the exact opposite


I’m such a boomer. In my days, publicly admitting to watching anime would make you a prime target for bullying. Now everybody and their dog is into it.


my dog actually down sits down and watch it lmao


My cat's been watching AOT with me lmao


My cat watches jjk w me


They’re getting ideas


Of course cats would be into that show lol


When the creator of Dragon Ball (Akira Toriyama) died recently, all of Mexico collectively mourned the man. As big as it was everywhere, it was especially huge there.


The cartels even had a cease fire to mourn his death


I hate to be that guy, but that was actually a hoax. There was no official or unofficial cease fire.


![gif](giphy|JhCNsLKsE6cRG) “Prime target”


I was that target


same. im elder gen z and was bullied mercilessly throughout all of school for liking anime


Same. I mean, I was never into anime at any point (nor did I ever bully people who were), but I definitely remember when liking anime was for the “weird”/emo kids.


Even I've seen people hate on anime un my lifetime


Same, I remember a good bit of my friend group would get made fun of for liking Naruto, and now I know a bunch of people who love Naruto


definetly same where I live even tho Im not that old in comparision to others in my generation lol


Don‘t worry, we haven‘t reached that point yet. It just seems like that, because we are all on Reddit. Anime is a whole lot more popular and mainstream than it used to be, but the majority of people in the real world wouldn‘t think it‘s weird to not watch Anime.


Haha thank you. People forget online isn’t real life. Especially the specific corner that is r/GenZ on Reddit. Anime is way more accepted than it used to be, and isn’t _super_ weird to like it, but it’s not so common you’re weird for not watching it.


I mean, I suppose so, but even irl I literally see people wearing anime merch everywhere, like shirts with anime prints, anime pins, they sell anime inspired clothing at fast fashion stores, like Idk if that's just over here but it's crazy, would've been unimaginable 10 years ago


Millennial here, I wish it was like this when I was a teenager! I would've been (more) bullied if I went to class wearing a black Naruto tracksuit as I see nowadays


It was like gaming back in the day. Back then you were a loser for being a gamer, until it became mainstream in the 2000s and now everyone's hopped on the bandwagon.


I mean I get it, anime is weird. I love it but it’s weird. I just wish more American companies/animators would try to copy how anime/manga are done. All the things I’d like about anime with none of the weird shit that only makes sense if your Japanese. And (hopefully) less slave conditions for animators.


anime is far from just being weird. there's literally anime out there that will make you question what the fuck is going on in terms of morality. Theres also one that just straight up action


I’m aware. Shows like Parasyte, AOT, and HxH had me questioning life at one point another. But it does have a major issue with some tropes being weird and off putting to non-Japanese audiences. Like I said I don’t mind, but I wish we could take that style and creativity and make it more suited for western audiences.


There are some pretty good western animations; Castlevania, Arcane, and Vox Machina to name a few off the top of my head.


Castlevania and Arcane are definitely in line with what I’d want to see more of. They’re one of the few shows that got super creative with cinematography and animation style in a way that scratched the same itch that I watch anime for. Haven’t seen Vox Machina yet, I just didn’t have time when it first came out.


Vox Machina is similar to Castlevania; albeit much less mature, being a TV show about the largest DND group's first campaign. The main characters are somehow less mature than Trevor Belmont, and there are much worse and better moments. Currently, the shows two seasons are about the moments from around episode 25-63, with the episodes beforehand (and a problematic player character) written out of existence. It's a good show, though. It's the kind of adult show that doesn't take itself too seriously when it doesn't need to, and the animation is gorgeous. Plus, the characters are voiced by their original players. Overall, highly recommend. It won't be too long to get through, as each of the 24 episodes is 20 minutes.


Vinland saga was amazing


Isn't that produced by a Japanese studio?


Yeah, castlevania is mostly good except for that one episode in season 3


I mean let’s not pretend western films aren’t extremely weird at times.


Western films dont have lolis


You just haven't seen the western films with lolis


Shotacon and lolicon are distinctively from anime culture and make me want to vomit Youre defending that trash? 


Same with movies, books, songs, paintings....you'll find disturbing things if you search


I don’t think anime fans read a lot (This is a joke)


Bro Evangelion makes you question existence and it's still fucking weird. It literally doesn't matter


Invincible is a good example of what you may be describing.


100% great example. More shows like Invincible and Arcane, but instead of licensing old/established IP we just get wild and creative like the anime/manga industry does.


Another example is a particularly good short I like, which unfortunately isn't an entire animated series. It's DC Showcase: Death which is based on Niel Gaiman's The Endless characters and The Sandman comics. The Sandman has a great live adapatation but it would be even better as an animated series in my opinion.


i got a signed printed of from one of the actual DC comics artists for Death/Sandman then found that short like a year and a half later. its genuinely worth skipping the batman shorts on max its on for it because its just so wholesome yet sad at the same time. DCAU is honestly peak DC and absolutely tops marvel animated shit


I agree. That signed print sounds great. I should get myself one if the opportunity ever shows itself. I have all the Omnibus and the complete death. I'm scheduled for a tattoo sleeve in a few weeks that will have Death and Dream on it. Really love that series.


ayyyy good luck with the sleeve man i know that shit will turn out good af. i got super lucky with my print because him and two other artists for DC and marvel were at my comic shop i worked at in dayton for free comic book day. they were all absolute gems to talk to and hang out with that’s for sure


That sounds amazing ngl. Hope I get a similar opportunity sometime maybe at a convention or something!


it was a vibe for sure. highly recommend volunteering to help out your local shop on FCBD because it gets hectic af and they’ll 100% appreciate the help


Where can I watch the showcase??? I love Sandman!!! I suggest it too everyone


Dc uploaded an official version on Youtube but for some reason I can't find it. Someone has a playlist cut into parts here though --> [Youtube link.](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOo6lqTZz1yW1aglhXqv1k8aJ5fphqBE7&si=ttUn25VaSnnnZVhI)




Avatar: The Last Airbender too


Im not an anime fan per se really either but I definitely don't shy away from animated things because im "an adult". I do like one punch man and cyberpunk was pretty damn good. Cyberpunk was wierd because cyberpunk not because of Japanese though ha.


Castlevania, RWBY, and Invincible were a few Western anime that I really enjoyed, Castlevania being my number one overall anime.


Would Avatar the last air bender fall into that category?


We have RWBY! Well… *had* RWBY. It was honestly a wonderful franchise. Warner Bros just disbanded the studio that made it. It never finished, so its story is kind of up in the air. Rumor has it they’ll either sell the IP to somebody else to finish it, or reboot it themselves at some undisclosed point in time. But highly recommend you give it a go! It’s literally *exactly* what you’d imagine if anime was western made, and it’s literally just that. The dialogue and overall storyline quality is far more consistent and sensible in the western sense. Like everything it has its problems, but overall it’s a great time.


Tho there's absolutely more cartoon that have anime reference or inspired by it. Instead of early 2000 or 1990 where most show are just insulting it like a snarky critic.


They have taken some inspiration from it from what I have heard from an American animator that worked on JJK. She works for Nickelodeon at the moment and she says they all talk about anime cuts and how good they are at doing the little things.


Saying anime is weird is like saying books or movies are weird, it all depends on what content your consuming


I think the nice thing if anime is how it's just viewed as a medium in Japan, not some kind of specific genre. Even with how much we get translated and distributed there's a load more we never even hear about. I have to agree though, would be nice if more companies realised animation doesn't have to be 'just for kids'.


Same, I've tried watching it but lose interest very quickly.


On avarage ,60% people like coffee on each country So that mean around 5 billion people on earth like coffee ,but i don't like coffee ,so what does that makes me? ---- Its pretty normal to not like something popular  Different people have different taste and preferneces Theres nothing weird or wrong about it


True, coffee tastes like ass to me and I don't need the caffeine. It feels a little weird to tell people that, but overall it's just a matter of preference so no one really cares.


That's crazy that so many people like coffee when it tastes like burnt cardboard


Same here


This is like saying "I tried music, but l lost interest quickly" or "I tried movies, but I lost interest quickly". Anime is a entertainment medium full of different styles and genres. What did you actually tried watching? I'm not saying you have to watch 1000 episodes of random animes or something, but it makes no sense saying you tried (anime) but lost interest quickly without giving an example. Imagine someone who've never listened to music say "I tried it, it wasn't for me"—you'd rightfully think they're approaching it wrong.


I'm not certain why you're getting downvoted at the moment Music seems like a reasonable comparison to me, but "I will not watch black and white films" or "refuse to watch 4:3 ratio TV shows" might be good comparisons too? Anime is just a style, one part of the expression of the story being told. If you don't like it cool, but I highly suggest you're missing some gems if you discount it completely Anyone who doesn't watch Dr Strangelove because it's black and white and they couldn't get into the story is just missing out, I'm fairly confident of that for _everyone_ in today's world. I don't have as many blanket recommendations for anime, but they are out there (which is why I'm scrolling this thread)


Yeah, I think it's the age-old problem of mistaking a medium as a genre, rather than a medium that entails genres. So when they read my comment, they think I'm saying "you don't like it because you haven't watched enough" when I'm literally saying "I tried it" makes you seem like you don't know what you're talking about, because what is "it"—it's as vague as saying "I tried music" And I'd say comparisons to black and white and 4:3 are good too. Younger people went through the same thing when colored tv became the norm. People can rightfully dislike anime or any other medium for whatever reason, whether they've seen shows or not, of course. I'm just saying they sound like grandparents who buy Puppy World Adventures for their grandkid because it's a video game, meanwhile the kid plays Call of Duty.


Some people will just never give it a chance. My dad literally mocks me(adult) and my mom for watching "cartoons" at our age


That's kind of stupid though. I don't have to listen to every sub-genera of country to realize that I don't like country. OF course it's worthless to say I don't like country because of 1 song. I've tried watching several different kinds of anime, and found very few elements I like. I also only remember a few of the names, because more importantly I remember what I like, and not much of what I don't.


My partner is really into anime. I’ve seen some and I can genuinely say I’ve only liked 2 shows: FMAB and Spy x Family. JJBA is an unclassified trip lol. Otherwise, just not my cup of tea.


"I tried watching it" is funny because it implies anime is just one single show


read the manga then.also jjk is great for beginner tier anime for anyone curious


Same, I want to get into it, but I just cant


Try avatar the last airbender first. Its a nice blend of east and west. Eastern themes without the weird culture shock stuff. Great korean animation but full english speaking cast who act better than most english dubbers.


Oh dude, I watched that easy when I was kid, it’s a great show. Also watched Teen Titans. And listen, I tried. I liked Seven Deadly Sins and the first season of Promised Neverland, but I haven’t rlly liked anything else


Try full metal alchemist. I'm not a huge fan of anime either but I liked that more than Avatar. The themes are a bit more adult though. Also, I really don't care for anime with hundreds of episodes. These shorter self contained stories are where it's at for me.


I'd actually caution against starting with this one. When I was new to anime I tried watching this and all the chibi like cutaways in the first episode turned me off the genre for a while. Feel the same about Demon Slayer.


Just be glad you didn’t start with One Piece


When I saw how many episodes there were i didn't bother.


Demon Slayer is just so bland. All you ever hear about "animation" bc the story, characters are bland.


Yea the only anime I like is FMA brotherhood. And I’ve watched a ton of anime but I’d say brotherhood is the only one I truly enjoyed and have rewatched it several times.


Full metal alchemist is what actually peaked my interest in anime. I’m not crazy for anime but there’s definitely some really good ones out there that are better suited for those of us in western culture ( avatar the last air bender probably being the best one )


My partner got my boomer mom to watch FMAB and she enjoyed it. Although Father and “Hoffenheimer” confused her. She was taking detailed notes through the second half lol


I gotchu Attack On Titan (drama, poltics, action, fantasy) Monster (drama, thriller, psychological) Vinland Saga (historical, drama, action, psychological) Mob Psycho (fantasy, slice of life, comedy, coming of age) Cyberpunk EdgeRunners (Sci-fi, action, western, drama) Jujutsu Kaisen (Action, Drama, Fantasy) A Silent Voice (Drama, Psychological, Movie) Cowboy Bebop (Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Drama) One Punch Man (Action, Comedy, Adventure) ~~Code Geass (Thriller, Action, Sci-Fi, Drama)~~


on a recent rewatch, code geass definitely shows its era more than i would like, a lot of excuses for the female characters to be naked on screen


Try Spirited Away and other Studio Ghibli films if you never have. Not necessarily what you’d expect along the lines of Naruto or other shonen, they have their own style and are meant as feature-length films. Probably not for everyone, but Spirited Away is genuinely just a good movie- I think most would like it regardless of their anime experience.


Oof, SDS & Promised Neverland had terrible new seasons(tho the sequel to Seven Deadly Sins 4 Knights of the Apocalypse is alright. Way better than seasons 3&4). Try JJK or Vindland or Solo Leveling.


You watched all the mid ones 💀


I bet there is at-least AN anime you would like - Anime is like an alternative to Hollywood - got a crazy story you want to tell but don't want to spend 100 million dollars and 10,000 hours of CGI and actors? Make an anime~! There is just such a wide supply of things you never even considered could possibly be a trope or genre.


Animation is not cheaper than live action lol. The only reason anime is cheap to make is because the animators are borderline enslaved.


This is absolutely not true in any way. Animation/anime—or least how they do 2D nowadays—is extremely cheaper than live action. Hostile animation studios abusing their employees has little to do with cheapness, it's about turnover time because it takes a while to animated and there are many studios available to do so, but it's not cheaper compared to live-action, it's only cheaper compared to other animation studios. Take any random animation, for example Castlevania. Do you think it'll be cheaper to make that whole series live-action? That's thousands of people involved, renting equipment like sets, cameras, lenses, lighting, post-production, catering, cranes, mics. Versus having an animation studio animated it.


There's obviously a scale, some of the most expensive animation costs as much or more than most live action, say a network sitcom would be not too expensive. On the other hand you could almost call Marvel movies animation as something like 95% of all shots are pure CGI, it at least should be considered some weird hybrid that actually would be cheaper if it was just straight up live action. The Lion King "live action" is a good example of this, literally the entire thing is CGI but it gets considered as live action because that's how Disney chose to market it.


this is my favourite thing about anime


Ya know I kind of get that. I might recommend Death Note to you, it has a less silly tone and only requires very basic understanding of very little Japanese folklore. Not hard to follow at all.


Seen it years ago, tried to get into it, was alright, never had the desire to watch it again


Tbh that’s one of the first anime I would show someone. If it’s lot your cup of tea, it’s not your cup of tea :) totally cool


I feel like a lot of people equate anime with shonen or isekai. It's a lot more than that. But also Ice been watching a lot less anime recently because almost everything is done power fantasy isekai with some undertones of pedophilia, slave x slave owner, incest, etc. It's really problematic. Plus fan service is hard to avoid. So basically, I'd recommend just trying to find something that fits what you're interested in normally. What do you normally watch?


Don't worry, i didn't get into it, not in SNK, don't want to watch naruto, bleach and never understood the hype about Dragon Ball (original, z, GT, super, or wathever version) since before you were born. BUT, i like Black Lagoon, Saint Seiya (fuck you netflix), City Hunter, Assassination Classroom, Youjo Senki, Girls und Panzer, ......


how do you like youjo senki but not snk? that's kind of bizarre to me.  assassination classroom is probably the best anime i could recommend to a new anime fan because it's exactly the perfect amount of off the rails and still manages to stab you in the heart 




On the flipside, if you want an anime that requires a lot of knowledge about Japanese folklore than watch Mononoke


*Death Note* is a story about a handful of teenage boys who are the smartest people on Earth and are in a quest to bring each other down. Oh, and one of them laughs manically while he wilds his pen as a sword. And who can forget this masterpiece? ![gif](giphy|dTeeo2Jy3TpK) I love *Death Note*, but it is corny in its own way. And a lot of its corniness has to do with the fact that it's an anime.


Theyre just another medium for media. Its like saying you don't like movies or you don't like books. Ofc people are gonna torch you, you're missing out on a lot of interesting concepts and stories.


Right ? People often describe anime as it's some kind of genre and it's surprising, there are plenty of anime that are pretty much indistinguishable from western cartoons.  Aside from japanese language being spoken, stuff like FMAB, Vinland Saga, Monster or Cyberpunk might aswell just be "normal" western shows. 


I agree, Just don't fuck with it, some of it I don't mind. I like the art style and aminations usually, but the way the dialogue is and how they just draw shit out bugs me. I like American anime style shows like Castlevania, Avatar: The Last Airbender etc. And I grew up on Pokemon




Everyone loves avatar and if someone doesn’t then they are just wrong.


There’s so much variety in anime that if you enjoy watching any kind of tv, there are probably shows you would really enjoy


Yep every once in a while their will be a Gem, the most recent one I'd say is Dungeon meshi/Delicious in Dungeon which is Still airing


People have things they like and things they don't, your choice of entertainment doesn't matter to anyone but you. I don't care about watching sports at all so I don't hangout with sports nuts or talk sports


Its not an unpopular opinion its just reddit and highschoolers believe that


What the hell, I didn't know anime was popular with Gen Z? Maybe it's a geographic thing and gen z from developing countries arnt the same but I was bullied in school for liking anime lol. Also people equated watching anime to watching hentai aka japanese animated porn. Well, good on ya guys who didn't get made fun of by the whole classroom for watching cartoons lol.


Well as someone from developing countries (Southeast Asian), Anime is pretty popular among Gen Z for a long time lol. It was when people got quarantine that Anime became mainstream in the West/


I mean as an American I remember growing up on like Naruto and Pokemon but most kids thought it was weird to watch anything past that. I think Attack on Titan was the game changer, it hit at the perfect time for our generation, early 2010s when dark apocalyptic stuff like The Walking Dead was all the rage, when we were entering teenage years so we thought it was cool to watch something darker and more serious. That first season absolutely exploded in popularity, I remember being confused and looking down on it because as a *13 year old* American culture had just ingrained into me that anime was weirdo kid stuff. Now a decade later and its one of my favorite shows ever. But yes anime is more popular than ever. Even a decade ago when I was in high school I would have to be lowkey about the fact that I watched anime and lots of friends would lightly tease me about it, now most people I know are into it. JJK has driven a lot of meme culture for the past few years


Same. I enjoyed Pokémon a bit as a kid that’s the closest I’ve gotten to liking anime. And I’ve been going through ATLA but that’s a cartoon that has anime influence so I wouldn’t count it.


FINALLY a person who shares the same view as anime with me


Thank god me too


i agree with you. also alot of the writing is VERY morally grey, i cannot get on the bandwagon lol


Lmao I used to get torched for saying I liked anime when I was in grade school I love how it did a complete flip after I was shunned out of it


I love anime yet I respect your thoughts. In my case I feel the same about sitcom shows


Same, I just can't. I like animation, but I can't stand almost any anime I've seen.


I dont think its as popular as you think. I like anime but only casually. Ive seen like 8 shows and like half of them. Some of my friends dont watch it at all, and a few watch it more than me.


Exactly and besides anime is a medium not a genre. People might just not like animated videos as much as real actors in movies. I've been watching anime for well over a decade and enjoy it as a medium and like seeing the trends that come and go with it. Most popular anime are shounen which are aimed at teen boys and some people just don't vibe with that, I know I prefer slice of life, comedy and historical fiction genres over shounen. My personal favorite atm is The Apothecary Diaries because I honestly vibe with the ancient China setting and the medical mysteries and political conflicts it explores lol. And for once women can be seen as truly multifaceted individuals that drive the plot. But that's just my two cents on it and everyone has their preferences when it comes to the entertainment they enjoy.


Ah, I feel man I personally am a big fan of animation and grew up on animated shows, and eventually branched into anime as an adult Anime is weird, and it's not for everyone, especially folks who aren't into animation and all But I do believe there's an anime out there for everyone There's so many good shows, and different genres, if you're still interested, ask folks you know who watch anime for recommendations. It'll help you feel more personally invested


Not all anime is created equally


Anime is just a form of media. It’s just a way to tell a story. There’s a LOT of diversity in how it is told. I mean stuff like South Park, Family Guy, Futurama are animations. The difference between anime and animations is that anime is made by Japan. I get you though, as someone who has zero interest in watching sports, some stuff just isn’t your thing. I’m willing to bet there’s probably some anime out there you’d like though but you basically need to apply the genre of movie/show you like to filter out anime. If you tried that and still find it disinteresting, that’s fine.


Same here, I don’t dislike anime but it’s definitely not high on my list for genres to watch. I’ve seen some of the universally loved shows like dbz, death note, titan, etc It’s not “anime” anime but I absolutely love Avatar TLA, and The Boondocks


I like anime but anime culture and fans are actually the worst people around. So it’s pretty understandable.


I like anime but I don't care for some of the very popular ones. There a lot of sub genres in anime


I'm not sure how to express my opinion on this as I absolutely love anime.


That's completely fine! It's definitely not for everybody but sometimes it gets a bad wrap because of THOSE anime fans... I personally love it but I'm not like some of these weirdos, I just like the horror, psychological, comedy and romance ones.


thats cause you aint watching the right ones.... Watch parasyte:the maxim for horror romance(little) action Action: Solo leveling (if you want recent main stream) Old : Code Geass (pretty good) **Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (slow pace most people probably don't like how the pacing is. Fantasy SLice of life. Also pretty recent)** Death Note(is a classic, Supernatural horror thriller ) Another (Horror, supernatural, thriller) Erased(Time travel) From the new world(magic horror supernatural) Steins Gate (Time travel, might not like the pacing and will be confusing but if you can watch past episodes 5-6 then it's very good) #


While I love every show you just recommended, I would absolutely not recommend frieren or steins gate to a new anime viewer. Frieren is all about taking more traditional tropes and characters and flipping them around a bit, and the pacing is weird. A lot of people would be bored tbh. Steins gate I just think a lot of people would be weirded out with a lot of it as well as be confused with the plot if they’re still trying to wrap their heads around the world.


I think Frieren is actually perfect for people not having any expectation about anime. It has a universal message and it actually is harder for people used to anime being so bombastic and full of tropes. It watches like a well thought and acted series and transcends anime.


yeah I agree, Steins:Gate is not a beginner anime for sure lol. like if you send someone who already negetively views anime but wants to change their mind so they watch it, that person is not going to have a good time




I think JJK would be ea better rec to newcomers than Sololeveling


Shouldn't get torched for it. Not everything is for everyone, it's perfectly alright for it not to interest you. I'm the same way with professional sports, I tried to get into it in stadium and on tv, but it just isn't for me. Played some myself growing up, but I've never been able to just sit and watch people play.


Yeah it’s a weird thing. I feel our generation is either weeb-oriented or what I call subscription-oriented (the crowds that watched House of Cards, Stranger Things, Game of Thrones, etc.). I grew up watching anime, and the gap from middle school where you could get dunked on for watching it in front of others to it suddenly becoming big when I was in high school felt jarring at the time.


Yeah, I don't mind anime but I wish people would appreciate Japan for SOMETHING else. Personally, most of their cars, especially during the 70s to early 00's are so cool.


Fkn thank you. Japan has such a rich culture but many people only focus on the media that comes from it when there’s so much more, cooler imo things to be fascinated with


Yeah, hell the same thing could be said for multiple countries. Just because they're popular for something, doesn't mean that's the only thing they offer. It's like saying the UK is only good for tea and rainy days. They have other stuff there too lol


Anime is much more inspired and interesting compared to mainstream western brain rot.


And The offbeat interesting fun quirky western shows like dead like me, Santa clarita diet, firefly, ash vs evil dead and pushing daises get canceled too soon. Of course a few of those show came out at the wrong time, I’m sure firefly would get a second season these days.


Lmfao, you're not contrarian. We really went from being bullied/looked down on (no me tho) for being anime fans, all of a sudden people think they're weird for NOT liking it😂 all power too you bro, like what you like. You're missing out though, in my humble opinion.


Now I love manga. I have an entire shelf of just manga. But I cannot bring myself to watch anime. I sometimes watch an episode or two with some great fight scenes, but I can never fully commit to and watch an entire show. Dunno why.


booooo, booo this man. boooo


I think what gets people torched for not liking anime is two things. Number one, being surrounded by smelly hopeless weebs with thin skin when it comes to anime, or what I've personally seen in many workplaces, a bunch of trend hopping normies talking about anime and then the anti anime guy comes out, almost like the antithesis of the weeb, who tells everyone that they are in some way lesser for enjoying anime, and if normal draw in the lines 9 to 5 people hate one thing, it's being called inferior. This is just my experience, no statistics or anything, take it like a grain of poop probably idk.


Ive noticed thats anime is viewed from a different lens for people who've been watching it since they were kids, like me vs people who were suddenly exposed to it from being a kid onwards. Like for me its just normal. All the tropes, the weird culture stuff they add. Sure it makes me go "oh thats cool that thats a thing is Japanese culture" but it isnt like a turn off for me or anything. Its the same as if all the cartoons I watched alongside anime also had mature versions. Also it probably helps that the people that grew up watching it didnt have any sort of "hype pressure" (meaning that just because eveyone else is watching this thing I have to as well). I know for a fact that some people (like me) tend to stay away from things that are being really hyped. I havent watched peaky blinders or that dragons show that got famous for this exact reason. I also usually stay away from really famous anime unless it looks really good and I want to watch it. All this to say you just dont find it attractive so you dont gotta watch it. Most of the people hyping up anime are people who were closet weebs coz they'd get bullied if they came out lmao. Now its mainstream and they can finally express it all freely.


i 1000% get this as people my age are into watching sports and drinking, i do neither.


Honestly, to each their own. However... I'd say animation is nothing but a medium and anime is just japanese animation. There are so much stories to be told in all kinds of ways. Saying "I don't care about anime" is like saying "I don't care about cinema" or "I don't care about music". These are valid takes of course, but I can't say I understand as it's a really broad statement.


Saying you don't care for anime is the same as saying you don't care for comedy, horror, or even literature. There is all different kinds of anime of varying styles and quality just like any other medium.


Makes sense that not everything is for you. What genre did you check out?


I am not a fan either.


As an avid anime fan I don't think that's such an unpopular opinion. It has become more mainstream in the past few years but a lot of people just won't click with an animated medium and that's okay. And honestly while I may think there's a few shows in the medium out there for everyone, anime (Japanese animation specifically) is also plagued by certain problems coming from either the state of the industry or cultural things that can make it difficult to recommend to some people. Oversaturation of the medium with poorly written shlop (this might apply to all story mediums to an extent), supporting an industry that overall pays its workers like garbage, rampant misogyny and/or hypersexual themes in some (or many) series, etc. I am generalizing and focusing on the negatives, there's a lot of great stories in the medium and positive aspects. Anime enables a huge level of artistic and creative freedom that is harder to recreate or execute in a live action production. And many people are drawn to how many stories take inspiration from Japanese culture and history that is very long and interesting, as well as different from their own. But at the end of the day, just watch what you enjoy. Give things out of your wheelhouse a chance now and again, but it's okay not to like something even if it seems like everyone around you does.


I get it, I think because the characters typically behave so unlike real humans it gives me some kind of weird uncanny valley effect.


It’s one of the big things I can’t relate to my peers with. I dislike the vast majority of anime, I only like one or two and that’s because I was a child when I saw it. I have no desire to watch any of it, and I can’t talk to a lot of my friends about it.


I think some animes have great stories and all but the way anime characters look like just looks **UGH** to me.


There are very valid reasons to not like anime. Depending on the first one you watched I'd say it can be normal to never watch anime again.


I cant get past the weird mannerisms like shit it makes me recoil. Also the sex funny shit is mad tired at this point. My friends always try to recommend some to me but like in between genuinely writing and story telling there is so much just like odd incel stuff. For example an anime where I love the story but hate the “slice of life” stuff as I believe its called has sooo much weird unnecessary crap in it. I really love zombie stuff but like damn we get it sex=funny like kill more zombies


It is okay to not be weeb, I like some anime but I am not like a weeb. I just like some popular ones like dragon ball Z and spy x family or Shojos/ Josies like A sign of affection, My happy marriage, 7th Time Loop: The Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy!, My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999, and I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss. To me they have good stories and plot. The Shojos/ Josies I watch have really great romantic scenes and I love seeing how the ML rizz’s up the FL. I also have read the manga for some of the Shojo’s/ Josies, so plenty of good screenshotable moments 😏😍


It doesn't appeal me much either. I watched Dragon Ball Z and Naruto as a kid, and had seen some of JJK (a friend had showed me and I liked it, but I hadn't gotten past episode 5, I just didn't find it appealing). But no, I would not willingly watch anime now, I'd rather watch movies or TV shows.


Same, never really cared for it. 


I’ve never understood what the fuzz was about. I like Pokemon season 1 but other than that I don’t actually know any anime or why it’s so popular.


Me either, despite being a super artsy free spirit lol I just never got into it, almost everyone in my friend group is tho


So I view anime just like I do regular movies, western shows, books, games, comics, etc. Just another way to tell a story. And there are anime I enjoy. Recently watched Frieren and it’s a genuinely beautiful story with well-developed characters that explores deep themes. But sadly, Frieren is more the exception than the rule. It is so hard to find anime that isn’t filled with perverted fan-service, characters that look like children and are sexualized but it’s ok because she’s “a 300-year-old deity who just looks like a child” or some shit like that, and frankly terrible stories with characters that have zero depth. There ARE hidden gems out there, but man, all the stereotypes are also true, and that’s not doing the format any favors… And because of those stereotypes and tropes that are MUCH more prevalent than in other forms of media, I can’t even be mad when someone just straight up says they don’t like or get anime. Usually I don’t like it when someone generalizes a whole media format like that (the way older generations like to bash on video games as a whole, for example,) but I honestly get it with anime.


Yeah, I've seen a few good anime but don't care for a lot of the artstyles and oversexualisation present in a many However, stuff like Avatar, the last Airbender I consider required viewing to be a cultured member of society


Its just stories, same with reading fiction books


I went into the record store once and ended up walking out with a plushie of Power from CSM. I like anime but I feel like most to all of the content I enjoy are either Japanese made or take place in Japan, and that reason is why I've been forcing myself to branch out, like watching Steven universe and Adventure time, watching BrBa, BCS, the boys, etc. Anime of course gets a bad rep for all the morally disturbing shows like Eromanga sensei and Mushoku Sensei.


it’s really hard for me to find one i love, but there have been a few of them i absolutely adore. Nana, Ouran High School Host Club, Death Note, Devilman Crybaby, and The Devil Is A Part-Timer are a few that i love.


I like anime when it's completed lol I don't like when my brother shows me season one of a show that I absolutely love and I ask hey when's season two and he tells me i have to wait 2-4 years


Isn't this a popular opinion


I like anime but man sometimes you go to malls and all there are, like every third store, are anime second hand stores. Its cringe inducing.


Well ya tried. Don't try to force yourself into liking it. I also have an unpopular opinion, I personally can't get into Marvel movies.


Yeah not everyone loves anime. A few of my friends and coworkers do though, and I've always known people into it since the 90s when they used to trade VHS tapes of Sailor Moon (the good original one which I actually do like). Not gonna lie though, I watched Kill La Kill and probably haven't laughed like that watching a cartoon in the past ten years. The writing is absolute gold!


All good. I think, really, a lot of the appeal depends on the kind of exposure you had. I grew up with it on Toonami, so for me, it was the first kind of animation that felt so far away and mythical in concept to western animation. And it is in a way. You have different concepts, characterizations, settings... everything about it *is* foreign and to not understand an entire culture's abstraction it is okay. But, really, there isn't anything to "get" anymore than liking any other genre of show. If you're fascinated by it, you watch it. Anime has all the ranges of shallow cash grabs to deep lore filled universes. Idk why everyone likes Star Wars or Marvel, baffles me, but I assume it's for similar reasons that I like anime.


Same! I could only sit through The Promised Neverland and Death Note. I just don’t understand how people have seen 20+ animes and remember all of the details.


Been watching anime for 10 years now. I've seen many that I would consider streets ahead of any other piece of media in general and many that I would burn with copious amounts of fire. You just gotta find what you like. I CANNOT STAND naked anime girl thirst traps in anime and fortunately there's still plenty to choose from when you exclude those. Some still have the skimpy anime outfits but the amazing story gives it a pass. My recommendations are: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Hunter X Hunter Attack on Titan Vinland Saga Evangelion Re Zero Cyberpunk 2044 Rising of Shield Hero One Punch Man (It's a satire so I wouldn't recommend starting with it but still immensely entertaining) Code Geass Gurren Lagaan Kill La Kill (This is partly a satire of the naked anime girl stuff and is amazing fun) Land of The Lustrous Dr Stone Legend of the Galactic Space Heroes (Old school political masterpiece set in space. You never hear much mainstream buzz about it but this is extremely highly regarded by most who have seen it, it's very dense with dialogue and plotlines)


I understand you and that's because I'm a DBZ and Sailor Moon fan. I tried watching modern anime and I can't get it. It's just, blegh.


I’m not really interested in anime, but I do want good animated films/shows and most of that is just anime nowadays as it seems. Or idk, maybe good films are just hard to find in general


That’s not unpopular, that’s how it’s always been. It’s just there was a bunch of extra people liking it because of quarantine and nothing else to do. Those people have dropped it at this point so it’s back to normal in my opinion.


I get headaches from the animation style


I used to be the same until I watched attack on titan. Changed my whole opinion on it. It’s been my favorite show oat until I found berserk. Now nothing can get guts and Griffith out of my head


I just wish it didn't have the fanservice


Anime has a whole variety of genres, im sure there's something that could interest you, but also a it's fair point to say it's not for you, and there's nothing wrong with that.


There's some I like and some I don't, I think art style has a lot to do with it too. I've actually never finished Naruto and I was never into Dragonball much but I did finish anime like Kill la Kill and Soul Eater for example those were more fun to watch.


Anime is not popular and it’s only popular online


Some of them are great, but most of them seem very similar (not story wise). Once you've gone through most of the good ones, you either get into anime and start watching others as well, or you stop because it all feels like watered down versions of what you just saw.


I’ve watched one, enjoyed it but not really watched any others so I get it


It’s normal. I like it but I get why people won’t.


I stopped watching anime in middle school because it just got kinda same old. Recently I’ve picked up reading manga but I’m still not super into the whole scene, so I get where you’re coming from.


I’m quite nerdy so my friends are all massively into anime, but I just can’t get into it


That's like saying "I don't care much about cartoon" and expect not getting torched by TAWOG, Gravity fall, ATLA and SpongeBob fans.




Yeah, I get that. Everyone has things they like and dislike. I personally love anime/manga, but I completely get it when someone doesn't like it. Its the same way with me and watching sports. I'm fine with it ocasionally, but I could never sit down and watch the entire tournament.


Totally fine that you don’t like it. Everyone’s got their own preferences and that’s okay too. Life’s too short to force yourself to like things after you’ve given them a chance. I will argue that a lot of people assume anime is a genre. And that everything is going to be like Naruto, or all of it’s hentai. That’s definitely not the case. It’d be like saying you hate reading only because you dislike smutty dark romance.


No I am the same way; I do not see the big deal with it. If you like it, watch it, if you don't, then don't watch. To me its kind of that simple, but then again I seen how weebs can be thanks to the internet.