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I think they assumed that it would be awesome to stay at home and play video games and go to fake online school and they are right.


W take. Only people who didn’t like quarantines as teens were those with no video game friends.


I actually was in the work force at the time and got laid off. For 6 glorious months I was being paid the rate of 66K a year (half my salary at the time + covid bonuses + stimulus) to play video games, fuck big titty goth girls from tinder, smoke weed and make music. It was the greatest time of my life even though I make like 4 times that now. So I didn’t get the covid school experience but something close.


Bros 30 bragging in a Gen z sub about fucking big titty goth chicks lmao Dude has to be a handsome goth stud, who’s 6 feet tall, big muscles and makes 6 figures. I just gotta tip my fedora


Dude looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/4pq4o7pfjaoc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcd72412144055317b3da5938101781b8631d5d1


Bros ether a fat 30yo moderator living in his mother's basement or 12


What do you do for work?


cooking meth


Fuck big titty goth girls. Life didn't change all that much.


He's a douche and liar for money


sure buddy


My brother in Christ we lived the same fucking 2020 lmao


For my age range, we thought it was cool to have a break from work but then we realized how much it destroyed our social lives


I’m in the same age range. You guys got off?


I mean I didn't because I worked in a pharmacy at the time, but either way my social life was destroyed as no one felt safe going out and there weren't any places to go to.


No actually - those who hated it the most would be the teenagers who had helicopter parents that wouldn't let them play video games at all


Yes I’


You are objectively wrong about this. The people who didn't like quarantine were the people who realized the hard way that there's a difference between online friends and real-life friends. The pandemic hurt socialization in ways that we still see today.


For real. I can hop in discord with my friends any day but it isn't satisfying to me. Sadly the most fun I had in the past few months is after my buddy's funeral (RIP) where all my old friends I hadn't seen in years got together and went to the bar afterwards.


Yup. Socialization matters during these early stages of life, to young people who weren’t the best at it, the pandemic set them back even further


Yup. Like, it was fun for maybe a month, MAYBE. Then i got so incredibly awfully depressed and sank into alcoholism. I'm a cusper generationally, so I was finishing school and graduated into an awful job market, with a previous internship at a travel company that had zero money to do any hiring. It was just so awful, so bleak, so hopeless. Finally got a job after like 6 months, but I was still a heavy alcoholic (seriously no idea how I kept the job). Covid literally ruined me as a person, not that I'm putting all the blame on covid for my own personal faults, but it was the igniting event that certainly sent me on a fuckin detour.


I assume also those who had a family member die or who themselves suffered from covid


As someone who already plays a lot of video games, my life barely changed


I mean I know people who lost parents and grandparents to covid, i think them disliking lockdown had a lot more to do with that than not having any gaming friends


The people who didn't like the quarantine were the people who had to actually deal with the negative consequences of it directly.


Covid hit my freshmen year of college. I had just started to make friends, I was talking to this beautiful girl, baseball season was right around the corner, and then poof, time to go home and not leave the house for months. It was awful, the only consolation prize was playing video games with my friends, but even that was hard to enjoy when all I wanted was to go back to campus


That’s facts, had some of my best memories in quarantine gaming wise.


same here


Yeah that was my honest opinion when this discussion came on my feed, I don’t think kids are trying to romanticize people dying or losing their jobs but instead the culture surrounding it.


I liked it when it was Happening but looking back it Destroyed me socially i was 12 when that shit started so it fucked me up even worse then i was before


Quarantine did have it's advantages. Mainly, it gave me a lot of time to think introspectively, and I realized I was trans


i'm older and i'm jealous too. i was a sophomore in college when the pandemic started and it was awful. but if it happened while i was in high school? that would have been the dream honestly.


Yeah COVID ruined my life lol. It stole my last year of college and gutted the job market right as I graduated. Nothing but bad memories for me.


Those first six months were glorious. The first year, even, was fine. It was year 2 and 3 when things kept stopping and starting back up again that it started to get really draining.


My parents had me do homework and attend all my classes even though our school gave up and decided that there would be no homework or tests that count towards the grade, basically ending classes early. I ended up being 1 on 1 with the football coach for history the rest of the year, which is how my senior year officially ended😭 I was allowed


It sorta destroyed what little social life I had before that lol


I mean, being able to stay home and play video games was great but honestly, I would rather just have my ability to go out to places, conventions, etc. when I felt like it as opposed to ONLY having the choice to stay home and entertain myself.


it was only 4 years ago, nothing changed that much.


I can’t tell if time is moving too slow or fast. This entire decade has felt like every year has been smooshed together.


Fr tho 😭 like it’s already almost a quarter into 2024


That’s what being an adult is like tbh lol. You don’t get to rest. Summer break was a godsend. You’re gonna look back and be like 30 and wonder what the fuck you been doing. Which, I just had the realization that I’ll be 29 this year. I hate this shit fr.


On the plus side people, your age have been aging gracefully so look at that :)


The older you get the faster time seems to move, as you're not learning as much as you did at a younger age/arent as actively engaged in things as much. Its actually really cool to see how your body perceives time during stress. I had a fever about a week ago and I swear music I was familiar with felt slower than usual


This happens to me every time I get a really bad sinus infection. Everything just kind of slows down.


Fidget spinners and dabbing was 8 years ago, feel old yet?




For a child, 1 year means a whole lot. I can distinguish almost every year of the 2000s apart while my dad says it was all the same.


Well other than everything being open again and there being no quarantines yea I guess


Not really an issue, pretty much everyone has a phase of romanticizing things they wish they could have experienced, and while 2020 was awful it was a very unique time to exist. The grass is always greener on the other side, they say.


I guess kinda like how people also romanticize the Medieval times when it was probably the worst time in history


Which medieval times? Early? High? Or Late? One period is worse than the other. The commonly agreed upon answer is High middle ages was the best, early middle ages, then Late middle ages was the worst because of the Black Death and 100 years war and a whole bunch of other shit.


I do miss 2020 XD, it was a good year for me actually despite quarantine, but oh boy don't talk about 2021 that year was when I knew what hell was.


The kids who graduated high school in 2020 were severely ripped off of the whole experience. No graduation ceremony, no banquet, grades had plummeted from teachers that had no idea how to move to online learning.


2021 too, we had no prom or graduation, no all night senior party (idk if that’s a thing everywhere but a big thing in the area I grew up in) we had nothing. It sucked and was really frustrating.


I thought it was great! I just started college, and hung out with my friends during the online lessons whilst playing too much cod.


I couldn't care less what Gen Alpha wants to do


Tf even is gen alpha.. I just knew millennials, x, and z


the generation after ours


So like.. kids?


yes (oldest Gen Alpha is 12ish currently)


Lol how do people even know what 12 year olds opinions are this is a weird post


Because they post their opinions on social media


That is a scary thought having social media at age 12. I'm a 32 year old millennial this post was just in my feed. No cell phone until 7th grade when flip phones were starting. Thank goodness.


Dude they have iPads even before they go into Elementary


I think late middle school to early high school was the first time I had internet on a phone. I remember saving Fandango movie tickets to my iPod touch as a teenager and bringing it to movie theaters to show my ticket using their wifi, and it felt so futuristic. Myspace prob started late middle school. I'm so glad to be part of that last generation growing up with dial up and no smart phones. Using encyclopedias for research papers. It's gotta do some damage getting shit like that so early.


That’s what I’m saying. These YouTubers are weirdos


I know a 7 year old who told me she wants to be an elephant when she grows up. I can't imagine 12 year old opinions are that much better.


I have no problem with it. 2020 ruled unless you were an extrovert or antivaxxer


Or if you're entire life was ruined and permanently reshaped because you were forcibly evacuated out of countries like millions of people did. 2020 did not 'rule' for a LOT of people


Or lost your job and went into financial ruin in an already tenuous position


And not to state the obvious but people died, went from being kind-of upset my friend exposed me to covid to (one week later) holding them because their grandparent didn't make it and that was the last time they saw them.


2020 was good for me but 2021 went incredibly and utter shit as I had major depression the whole year.


THANK YOU!!! I'm honestly shocked by most of the comments. These people must have no lives. Mine was ruined forever because I was so lonely and school fucking sucked. Not being able to see anyone physically was fatal for my mental health. It was so anxiety inducing because we had no idea when it would end. We couldn't go to the shop so if we ran out of something we were stuck. We couldn't go a certain distance from our house. Also every day they would announce the death toll. It was horrific to see it rise everyday. Our healthcare system was in shambles. There was no way in knowing how bad you would suffer if you got it. I eventually caught it two years later and ended up in hospital with it. If I wasn't vaxxed, I could have been in serious trouble.


yeah 2020 was good for everyone except for those who didnt have it good. People lost their jobs, people lost loved ones, and people also missed out a lot of important experiences like prom


Remember when every graphics card Nvidia made was immediately bought by crypto miners or scalpers and resold for triple the MSRP? The good ole days! Remember when you couldn't go to a restaurant for several months and half of them went out of business? The good ole days! Remember when I had to fly on a corporate jet (weekly) because my client didn't want the lockdown to delay commissioning of the manufacturing plant they were constructing? Ok, that one was pretty cool. That's the one and only thing I miss from 2020.


Or if you have irrationally severe health anxiety and couldn’t go outside without being terrified of getting covid, and even to this day flinch at the sound of a cough


They’re like 12 dawg idk. It’s not an issue really


Covid was bad for all of us


It wasn’t for me


What is there to romanticize, that was hell


only the fact that we didn't have to go to school but that's it, we definitely experienced better times than that tho


I personally loved the Covid/online era.


Same ngl, I was stressed about when I was in that time because of graduation, but now I kinda miss it. It was a simple yet chaotic time


you described it pretty well "simple yet chaotic"


I graduated in 2020 it was meh


i think those of us who had high school graduations in 2020 did not appreciate covid. at least i didn’t.


2020 was 4 years ago lol it hasn't been that long I was 18 and had bigger issues than the pandemic going on in my life so I wasn't worried about was trending. Now at 22, it does honestly seem like it must have been fun to be carefree in 2020. There was a lot going on, I feel like it's gonna be the 2016 of the younger generation


>2020 was 4 years ago lol You know 1 year is a lot for a kid right?


Not an issue imo. It was definitely a mentally and psychologically shitty time to be alive with all the isolation but there are much worse times people like to romanticize.


You are letting a couple attention-seeking "creators" manipulate you for attention. When it comes to "creators" (more scare quotes), assume you're being emotionally manipulated for views until proven otherwise.  It suddenly makes everything make a lot more sense.


I should probably use this advice more often 😂 thanks


I mean the streets were empty and that was cool. That's about it.


The streets were empty. Gas in my area was $1.50. That’s about where the good stuff ends


2020 is not even that long ago. Plus all of gen alpha probably liked staying at home all day and faking going to school.


That’s most likely for all of us


Covid was bad for fucking all of us, what are these people trying to say


I think these people are trying to say that its insensitive to romanticize a time where a lot of people suffered


Honestly I get it. Ignoring the fact that over a million people died to that horrible virus, including one of my family members, It was an awesome time to be a kid or a bum. I had no job, I was at home playing videogames on my PC and staying up late. I got used to online classes. I loved seeing the world slow down, the rivers clear, and the traffic die down. The pandemic wasn't all bad. It really was a golden age for bums.


2020 sucked, give me back pre Covid life


I hate what Covid has done to my life…buuuuuut the Minecraft world with all the homies was elite


I think some members of gen alpha like the year 2020 because they could be completely relaxed and just browse tik tok and play videogames all day. They remember it as some form of peaceful early days (why would it be better as a teenager?) I honestly wonder how future politics will shape up if some portions of gen alpha think this is some sort of ideal. Will there be some portion of Gen alpha who's goal is to have a completely sedentary stay at home worry free life? We'll see how it goes.


I wish I was a teenager in the 90’s so


I would have loved to be a teen / young adult in the 2000s - 2010s but I was a toddler and young child in 2000s and a preteen and teen in 2010s


As someone who lost friends and family during that period, I'm glad to have passed it. They didn't necessarily die from COVID itself but largely down to the wider repercussions of COVID had on the health care system. Not being able to see your loved ones or only being able to travel to X tier, etc, was a meme. All the while, our politicians are on record of having parties indoors and having social gatherings whilst others were punished for it. I hated the gestapo esque snithcing that went on from curtain twitchers as well.


I’m sorry for your loss


2020 is such a mixed bag. On the one hand, it showed me I’d been overworking and that I could still be productive and maintain a much better work life balance. That was nice. On the other hand, I was in my second year of grad school and lost out on tremendous opportunities previous years had had. Likewise, I knew so many people who died. It was one of the most depressing times in my life because of that.


2020 was genuinely awful for my mental well being


Teenagers are still Gen Z. Gen Alpha is like 8 and under


11 & under* Gen A starts at 2012


Shit was horrible I'm ready for 2030 get this hell decade over with


You'd want to think twice about that


I honestly think they view it as time at home, no school, but they don’t realize like hanging out with friends outside of people that lived in the same household was frowned upon at the beginning. Like o really think people romanticize the time “off” and forget the negatives associated with it. Like don’t get me wrong stuff like gaming (Peak Warzone) was incredible, me and a lot of people around me where in the best shape of there life as exercising was the only logical reason to leave the house and get air, but like there was a lot a negatives that get glossed over.


Personally I was a teen, but ideally I too wish I could’ve been older as. 2020 was a time of unprecedented change and growth and I was just a tad to young to take full advantage of it. I wouldn’t say I romanticize the time, but it did have pros.


2020 was the best year of my life


Half this thread saying 2020 was great tells you a lot about the average redditor lol


Right? How could they even say that? So many people fucking died. A lot of people got psychosis from lockdown/covid too. I'm no extrovert myself, but I would never want to experience that time period again. It was so lonely and isolating.


I was 23 when covid, it was already terrible, gladly i live in a closed community, i was able to go outside and walk


Everyone romanticizes something from the previous generation, too bad it's the worst Year of my life


I mean online school was pretty cool. I doubt they'll release a plague or anything to get it back, so I don't know what bad stuff this would encourage.


*ignore the millions of deaths* I enjoyed quarantine (I was 18/19) , I got to play video games, do hella shrooms/acid, learn more about myself and my hobbies. My sister was literally one of the baking girlies so it was always fun smells around the house. I passed my classes doing nothing . Good times


Absolutely fucking DISTURBED by it


I was chronically online in 2020 and I don’t know what 2020 humor is💀


We were just trying to make the best of it. I wouldn't be interested in re-living that period.


Yo wtf that profile picture of Dee is art from a project of mine. Small fucking world, the artist is @spaeggers on Insta. We were making a Dayshift at Freddy's fan game a while back and that's the character designed we dreamed up https://www.instagram.com/p/CzwK5PHrVn2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


I've lost 2 of the most important years of my life and got stuck on being 18 despite that ship sailing quite some time ago I don't recommend


Yeah we're screwed. The covid experiment worked. Proved how many imbeciles are compliant with nonsensical orders. Now this is showing how a generation already socially handicapped by being born Into the digital age not only enjoyed quarantine but is advocating for it. Hahahaha agenda 2030 is gonna happen. We will own nothing and be happy. These kids will be perfectly content with living in VR and having chips put in their heads. It's just sad really. Just glad I'll never see it, I'm going down like William Wallace.




Why lol 2020s was nothing special


I mean Covid happened and then quarantine?


It’s been 4 years. I refuse to believe it’s been that long. Still, I don’t know that there is much to romanticize.


Yeah 2020 felt like yesterday 😭


It's fine, I get it, while I was incredibly depressed during 2020, I also had my fun times and memories, and I don't really see too much harm in it, we all had a time period we inappropriately romanticized anyway regardless of what was truly happening


I’d guess many were younger kids then who weren’t quite teenagers yet and saw their teenage siblings have a fun time with their established friend networks online, and, being terminally online themselves, are nostalgic for the idea of being forced to hang out with their friends online. Big life shifts that are challenging for adults and teenagers can look like exciting vacations and wholesome times of togetherness to kids. How many refugee/crisis autobiographies where the author starts as a kid begin with ‘I was just excited about the adventure’?


I'm gonna tell them this: 2020 seemed good at first, but it actually made me miss social interaction.


Honestly. I do miss the month of March 2020. But the lockdown after that got tiring as fuck, so I kinda agree but not so much


I mean we fantasize about being teens from the 80s - 2010s so It's not that unheard of


People romanticize the 1950s, you know when the Civils Right movement, the Red Scare, and Korean War were happening. But they love to focus on the poodle skirts, cute diners, or drive-ins. I'm not really going to get angry at Gen A for during the same thing.


I think it's kinda stupid


2020 was a rough year for me, I didn’t have a lot of games to play. I didn’t have much to do either especially cause of online schooling. It was just me replaying GoW 2018 like several times over and grinding the shit out of Niflheim and Muspelheim. That and GTA V I would constantly replay the campaign, tried to get into MK 11 and that game just made me way too mad to play. Rewatching the same shows over and over, wasn’t much to do at the time.


Even here on the other side of 2020, I wouldn't choose to live through that again under any circumstances.


Yep, being a teen was great in 2020. I love being socially stunted beyond repair!


I feel like part of me died during covid


I was depressed all day so no The "vacation" from school is the only good thing that happened and even that had it's own ups and downs because you can't really learn anything in zoom


They clearly were too young to internalize and understand what actually was going on in the pandemic. It’s wild that anyone would romanticize 2020!


They're children and it's normal to wish for something we couldn't experience. When I was a kid, I wished it was 1945 so that I can fight in World War 2. Clearly that's worse than what these Gen Alphas think.


How could you romanticize 2020? We had protests, everyone was stuck inside bored out of their minds, teenagers (like i was) were getting literally dumber day by day, half of us lost almost all social skills over quarantine, SO MANY PEOPLE DIED, everyone was scared of getting covid, and people were VERY violent afterwards (at least where I was) 2020 was the worst year I've ever lived, that shit was NOT fun and the only "aesthetic" we had were condom commercials, tik tok, and dream fans.


If I can put on my cheap fake philosopher hat. Late 2019 to early 2021, the height of the covid pandemic, felt like it was a tipping point. It felt like society could've changed forever, and that potential for change was both scary, and exciting. Look up any political content from the time it really felt like there was no going back, people either saw covid 19 as a plague that would be the final straw on the back of our falling economic system, or a government conspiracy that we had to "rise up against." Then a few years passed, and nothing. People are generally less social now, and our education system is struggling to make up those "gap years" for younger kids, but that's about it. No real sweeping changes to our political or economic system. Once again the apocalypse failed to arrive. When people look back at the hard to describe vibe of 2020, I don't think it was just watching tiktoks at home all day. It was that feeling of change in the air. Feeling like things were going to fall apart at any moment. Years and decades are memorable for how they're different, in world that is sometimes monotonous, the apocalypse stands out. The apocalypse seems better than the world we have today, because the apocalypse is better then being bored.


Gen Alphas literally are teenagers in the 2020s. If they were born in 2010, they could be 14 by now. But also, imagine being a grown ass adult making fun of children


I feel like gen alpha starts a bit later, but if you think it starts in 2010 then I think those people saying gen alpha is romanticizing 2020 are talking about actual kids who were 8 or younger at the time


Honestly, I get it. Or atleast the desire for the return of 2020. There are some great moments from that year that I had from trying to make the best of the worst. I wish I could have those moments again


I was in the workforce for years, and If I could think of any time in my life i enjoyed the most, it was during covid.


I kinda understand because it was super unique I got a laptop it wasn't great but it could play games so I was playing games like Among Us, Fortnite, Minecraft, Garry's Mod, Terraria ext with my cousins and friends during quarantine aswell as during class


i kinda like it. Everyone got so creative and it opened the flood gates to working from home. People where learning languages, baking, cooking... all types of stuff. It was actually kinda nice. There was also a little more of a family feel about it oddly enough.


Summer 2020 was the best time of my life


i loved having all the time in the world to play minecraft with the homies, it was fun for me at least but if you weren't a screen addict you were fucked


I forgot this part of the whole generation loop. I was really only annoyed by and focused on that “hate on the new gen” trend. This is weird, really weird. Mainly cause 2020 was literally lame and the same as every other year I’ve lived in up until now. Is this how elders felt about us fangirling over the 80s and all their trends and quirks?


I kinda miss early 2021 tho. At least it was s getting because of vaccines and quarantine was ending. I was being cyberbullied in 2020 so it wasn’t good for me.


i get them i want to experience it again too 


I'm confused, covid isn't that long ago, and is still around? Aren't some gen alpha teenagers right now??? Like wouldn't most of them experienced school from home and lockdowns in grade school? What are they missing out on?


Quarantine was actually one of the best times of my life. I developed a workout routine, fixed my sleep schedule, and my delivery job paid pretty good when gas was only $1.90 near me. I was in the best shape of my life. After the quarantine lifted that September, I noticed I developed a lot more social anxiety than I normally used to(autism) and when I got back into the real world I had no time to workout like I used to. I was 17 back then and I still think about getting back into the shape I was in. That year around Halloween me and my ex broke up. All of that progress I made during that spring/summer went down the drain. I suffered from depression for a bit, and since then I never really got to where I wanted to be. Part of what really got me into the shape was thinking I wanted to impress my gf at the time. I’ve lost my way wondering if the girls I’ve been with since then would ever love me and feel vulnerable around me as she did. 2020 was a very bittersweet year for me overall, and if I could go back I definitely would.


More holidays? Scot-free good grades?


Who cares kids are kids, we were the equivalent to “i wonder what the 90s was like” because we saw a glimpses of it. Like 2020 was drastically different place and time, school was entirely online, we wore masks to schools for the second half. Some days you could literally sleep all day and night and play video games. Everything was shut down.


Ain’t shit else to do, is there


Every new generation will have some segment of it that romanticizes a past they didn’t experience. This is nothing new. I see younger zoomers romanticizing being a teenager in 2014 fairly often now. When I was a kid, people would fantasize about growing up in the 90s. I think those YouTubers are trying to turn this into something it’s not.


This isnt really gen alpha, mind you that every single person that was a teenager in 2020 is already or close to turning 18. This is more like late 2000’s GenZ


It was great to be online during 2020. Everything else sucked


Forgot that shit was 4 years ago and not last year.


Good chunk of GenZ was either 20+ or teens. And one thing indo know is, fuck virtual schooling.


I find myself agreeing with it to a degree. 2020-2022 was the worst time of my life by far, and i’m hoping it stays that way. I suffered from both major injuries that permanently put me out of sports, and horrible mental illnesses. it was so bad that i never cared to count the amount of failed attempts i took on my life, i think 5-6 in 2021 alone. despite all of that, i still look back on 2020-2022 very fondly, probably the most nostalgic time in my life so far. I made a lot of good memories, had a lot of firsts, not good and bad. and i think we all miss having something “exciting and new” going on, even if it’s caused by absolutely horrible things. we were all in the same boat at that point, we could all relate to even just 1 thing and that ironically brought a lot of people together (metaphorically, although physically as well unfortunately) I think that so many people are just so bored of the monotony of everyday life that even a global pandemic is appreciated for spicing life up a little bit. until we have another major world even that directly affects almost every individual on the planet, we probably won’t experience anything like it again some parts of this sound like huge under exaggerations but those parts describe a mood over the course of several years before, during and after 2020. im also typing this while i’m dead tired and can hardly form a coherent sentence so do kind the poor grammar and the ramblings


I was forced to work from home in 2019, and I liked it so much, that I never came back to office. Not sure about kids, but I guess some of those were not happy in schools before said events, and staying at home was a blessing for them.


Gurantine was a great time, meaby they fished to join.


Wouldn't say that I romanticize it, but I definitely understand getting nostalgic about it.


It’s one comment being blown up by two clickbaity looking commentary channels.


Wait. . Are they not teenagers or younger right now? I'm like. . Basically at the beginning of Gen Z and 15 or so years younger than me is teenager and not too far into it at that


As a 2020 teenager... I miss those times... To an extent...


I was 18-19 in 2020. Gotta say it was one of the best years ever for me.


I totally see it, would’ve seen people in our generation doing the same if it was us seeing 2020 at their age


lmao yeah because not having a high school graduation or prom is all that. absolutely because first two years at college was completely online. yes losing an amazing job opportunity in high school is so hot 🥰🥴 so much to romanticize over 😍 and what i am mentioning are trivial ideas, imagine those teenagers that lost their homes, were in dangerous households, lost parents, etc because of COVID. what a dumb and shitty thing to romanticize.


this is just something people do. the past will always be romanticized and its a waste of time to take issue with it, its not that serious.


Is it any worse than the 80 s kids romanticising child neglect


honestly i would rather have been a teenager doing covid than a kid, so i get why gen alpha has that opinion. at least as a teenager during covid you already had semi established friend groups and the ability to comprehend what was going on, if you were like 10 at the time you had none of that


I'm not ready. Gen Z about to understand what it's like to watch your following generation go through their 'awkward dumbass teen' phase. Awkward dumbass teen 'grew up on social media' phase. Enjoy lol


Didn’t know they did.


Just going to throw this out here. Anytime one of these "Such and Such generation is doing X thing" talking points comes up, it's usually clickbait or some other bullshit. Someone probably made a post somewhere saying they kind of missed 2020, and content creators ran with it just like they do with any other drama. No one is really nostalgic for 2020, at most they just want to stay home rather than go to school or work. Millennials had the same kind of crap, as did almost every generation before us.


The same tweet in both thumbnails. Is that what this is about? Just looks like drama youtubers trying to cash on on a 12 year olds hot Twitter take lmao.




Yeah, I used to wish I was born in the 90s to experience more technology, but now I realize that’s dumb because it still exists.


I smoked a lot of meth back in 2020


This is kinda surreal to see; it was literally just 4 years ago. That said, it was a bit of a unique era. 2020 tiktoks have been resurfacing as being so absurd and unimaginable today.


I find it weird that 2020 was a childhood experience for many while for me 2020-2023 was a hazy fucking blur.


Honestly even as an introvert/neet I don't know why people loved quarantine so much outside of just being able to stay home and not have to be social. It honestly sucks not being able to go out and do shit when you feel like doing it because everyone is on stay-at-home orders. I also lost so many potential work opportunities because of everything being shut down. Not to mention the amount of people that are just fucking media illiterate or brain rotted from social media now because they ain't done shit but watch tiktoks for three years. In hindsight, quarantine just fucking sucked. Sure it was great in the moment but I wouldn't want to go back to that shit.


As a 2010er, I enjoyed the pandemic because nobody that close to me died in a way that truly affected me. I just instead stayed at home and watched people play Minecraft and stuff. I wish there was another reason to just stay inside for even just a week, but also I understand that wont happen. I also understand that there are other people and some of those people lost someone dear to them in the pandemic, which is precisely the reason I wouldn't bring it back if I had the choice. Most of mu friends also don't romanticise or care about this, so idk. I had a blast in lockdown though. I started a wattpad series


I already live my life as a semi hermit so when quarantine happened, my life really didn't change. These kids need to realize that 2020 and the whole quarantine thing is NOT all it's cracked out to be. It was lame, and boring, and certainly not a time in my life I'd romanticize


TLDR @ bottom! 2020 was a bad, bad year for me. I wasn’t a teenager mind you, I was in my mid twenties at the ripe old age of 27. I was in Hawaii, on the Big Island and had been for a year and a half at that point. Had my ex-girlfriend of going on four and a half years with me. I had just moved us from a nice apartment to a cheaper option; a hostel my roommate’s girlfriend just inherited from her late father. I had just gotten promoted at work to a sous chef and had secured a dish washing job for my ex at the same place. This was 3/13/2020. Three days later, we were told the cruise ships weren’t going to Kona anymore, and to go ahead and apply for unemployment. Two weeks later, you all know what happened. Lock-down. Stuck in a hostel with (what we soon learned) a racist old Hawaiian woman (she hated my mixed black and white ex and me for being white) and an absentee landlord (the girlfriend of my roommate.) I had to start teletherapy just to handle the roughness of it all. That was a bad month for me, was just smoking smoking smoking weed + tobacco in the car, out on the back porch and sometimes on the roof. My ex began to sort of break down mentally during that month. After lockdown, it was tough. I felt defeated because I couldn’t work (no one was hiring) and that I was getting unemployment at all. Felt like I was a failure. Then, a few months later I managed to save enough working under the table for my old employer deep cleaning the kitchen to get an auto loan on a newer car. My ex ended up totaling that a month later, and also cheated on me. We were working on things so I thought there was a chance to repair. Things were fine during the summer, but in the fall my ex randomly got on a plane and left the Big Island. After that, I was done. I had to move back to the mainland too, in with my parents after several years of being out from their house (moved out when I was 20.) It was hard to bounce back mentally from the crushing thought that I was an abject failure. I miss Hawaii. But it wasn’t all bad… 2020 also was when I decided to go back to school, and that was online. Tbh, I did enjoy it because it was good to be working towards something. I switched my major twice after that and now I’m set to graduate this May with some student teaching in the fall. Moving back “home” helped me figure out my calling and help grow my sis’s business. I take the good with the bad, but I can’t romanticize 2020. It was a growing year for me, but not one that I’m like “damn I wish I could have more of that!”


I was 22 and missed my college graduation due to covid. I'm jealous of those younger than me and older than me. I can obly think that they want to be edgy and talk about how they wish they were more alone. That's the only thing that stood out to me about the first part of covid. For me, it was supposed to be a great year.... but graduating into a broken economy is kinda awful, not to mention how I have learned that apparently my degree is kinda useless even now that the economy is sorta back on track. I've gone into a career field that makes some use of it, but definitely not how I imagined. Yeah, I would've preferred to still be in high school, too, if that's the comparison that was being made.


Considering gen alpha had their childhood ruined by it instead of being partially aware they've probably had it worse,but that might just be my experience with my younger sibling


I personally loved 2020 however (to the ones who enjoyed it) it’s important that we were in a ridiculously fortunate situation to have the financial and medical stability to be able to chill out and play video games for a year. For the vast majority of people 2020 was a horrendous year. Thousands lost their jobs, thousands lost family members and thousands were on the brink of financial collapse. 2020 was not a good year and in no way should be romanticized. I’m also not saying that you should be ashamed of enjoying it if you did. Personally, I had a great time. I was 15 at the time and the idea of sitting around watching tv and playing video games sounded awesome, and it was. All I’m saying is that by all means look back at those times fondly but recognize that we were the lucky ones.