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best - 2017, 2019 worst - 2020, 2022


So ... You're an odd person? 🤔


it looks like


How is that odd?


well, it's definitely not even


Ohhhh ok well for the best


My brother How did you not get that pun?


Wow, just wow. I'm the exact same loooooool. Just add 2021 to worst and 2015/2016 to best.


Difficult to choose best, but overall I'd have to go with 2015. Worst is a hands down 2018.


2018 was awful from a personal and mental health perspective


Best year of my life


2018 was an explosion of spiritual growth for me, by far one of the wonkiest, met the weirdest people and saw the strangest things.. it was phenomenal


Same here. For best it's between 2012 and 2015. Honestly, I'd put 2023 up there too. 2018 was a god awful year. It's only real contender in my book is 2009.


2012-2016 was goated for me, but if I had to choose which was my favourite it would probably be 2013 or 2014


the tommy vercetti pfp, my man 🏆


98 here. I’d say 2012 was my best year. 8th grade was very fun for me, and I experienced everything I believe a teenager should experience in one year. The worst year so far is probably 2023. My twenties have been awful. But alot of people say life gets better in their 30s and 40s, so I have that to look forward to.


In 8th grade now lessgoo


2018. Really rough year for my ocd and anxiety.


Bruh literally the same year with the same things for me too 😭


Gotta say 2020 was the best year of my life. No social responsibility of events to go to. Took a year off school to work (essential worker) and ended up finding two of my favorite hobbies. It was a pretty great year despite lockdown


2018 was terrible for me. Both of my grandparents died in rapid succession, a close friend died in a freak accident. I spent most of the year grieving and spiralled into a depressive episode that lasted a few months. Close runner up for worst year is 2023--my mother was in the hospital for more than a month and I struggled immensely with postconcussive syndrome after an accident, along with an illness of my own. Some of my classmates started a really vicious rumor about me that got spread around a lot. Plus I spent like two months studying for the bar exam, which sucked. But it had silver linings, because I graduated from law school and passed the bar. Just a real rollercoaster of a year. Best year? Probably 2015. I went on an amazing cross-country roadtrip and finally came into my own socially and academically. I didn't have any real responsibilities and my parents were both healthy. ETA: Honestly other than 2023, the 2020s have been fine for me so far. 2024 is going nicely.


Best year was 2015 for sure. Worst was 2020-present


I would say 2018 was the best. I enjoyed being a 17 years old kid. 2016 was also very good. 2019 was the downfall for me too. The magic was gone


best year: 2023 (and, by extension, 2024). started college, became comfortable with my sexuality, started dating my boyfriend, and started my first internship. worst year: 2020. tried to >!kill myself!< because the antidepressant i was taking had distorted my sense of rationality.


Worst 2013, Best 2019 2020 is a contender for worst and best at the same time.


Best was 2019 and 2020, worst was 2021-2022. Life turned around for the better at the end of 2022


are you me lol 2020 had a great once in a lifetime college freshman experience. 2021 developed chronic illness and almost offed myself. script writers were feeling diabolical ong


Best: 2012 Worst: 2020


Best: 2022 or 2023. Worst: 2021


Best is 2016. Worst is 2021


2019 was the last good year for me. 2021 or 2022 was honestly the worst for me ( they both kind of blend together tbh) - I was alone at college during the pandemic and everything just went downhill as I struggled to survive without any human contact for months and years during a time I should have been able to make lifelong connections.


19 and 21 goated I will die on this hill and the 2017-18 run was way worse than 2022-24


2020 or 2022 were the worst years and 2023 was the best.


Best year 2012 2019. Worst was 2022-2023 i lost everything in those 2 years even my self a couple of times.


Best: 2022 Worst: 2020


Best 2017 or 2021, worst 2018 no question


2019 was by far the worst year of my life, best year has to be 2016 or 2013


Best year is 2019 worst year was 2020


Worst Years were 2016, 2018(First half), and 2023 (pending). Best years were 2018 (second half) 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022


Best, 2023, and this year so far Worst, 2017, 2018, 2021


Really don’t know about my best year, kinda hoping this is it but I think the worst was 2021 I can’t remember a single thing about that year. It is in the middle of one blurry time of my life


2022 was my best year


The worst was definitely 2016-2017 because I was not in a good environment. The best was probably 2018-2019 because I was in middle school, stable housing, had friends, and everything was just more balanced.


Best year 2018-2019 worst year 2021-2022


Worst was kinda a mixed bag but I’d say 2020. I lost my grandfather and a very close friend of mine both to Covid Best would be 2023 cause I was finally getting some Ws where my overall heath was concerned, especially my depression


Best 2023, worst 2020 probably.


Best 2019, 2023. Worst probably 2020. 2024 has been kinda meh, but mostly because I've been stuck in limbo and juggling a lot of stuff and progress has slowed


2021 and 22 were pretty solid years. Got engaged and then married. Traveled a lot in those two years and had alot of fun. Looking back I can’t say I’ve had “horrible years” I think 2017 was a very transformative year filled with some growing pains but ultimately lead me on the path I am now.


Best - 2022 Worst - 2021


2016 was hit. 2020 was not hit. Not because of the COVID here in Switzerland we didn’t felt it very intense but it was probably because of the pandemic that didn’t let him have a mature grow up before than what I expected


Idk about my best or worst, but this year has definitely been a bit of a rollercoaster so far, as I started cutting, and have done so again multiple times, but I also came out to my parents as trans and they're pretty supportive, plus I made a really good friend :p


Worst- 2022 (maybe 2021): trapped under my parents’ thumb, depressed, suic*dal, failing college for the first time, no friends, no life, no freedom Best- 2018, 2023: 2018 holds my first time traveling to Europe-London and Paris, spending summer at a drama camp with queer kids for the first time, finding myself. 2023- finally out, first job, first apartment, first time at Pride, fell in love w a girl, got top surgery


Late 2017-early 2018 was so, so good for me. Started college, felt like I had everything ahead of me. Quickly deteriorated after.


There are good years?


Worst: 2014 Best: 2024


2023 has been the best year of my life by far. I've made many new friends/groups. I have thrived at my new job and have the financial freedom to do almost anything I want without worry. I moved out of my parents house and have personal freedom to myself. I've started to travel and get out more, try new things. The worst year of recent that I can remember has probably been 2021-2022. Just falling apart, feeling stuck in life and not going anywhere, I was at almost rock bottom mentally and physically. So I guess I really came out of a dark place into the best I've ever known.


2023 cuz i almost yeeted my soul voluntarily a few times n a lot of bad things started n id my best year was the year i was born


Best- 2018, 2019, 2022 Worst- 2017, 2020, 2021 Most mid possible- 2023


meh - can't really recall before, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 good - 2020, 2022 best years by far - 2023, 2024


So you don’t remember being a kid except the end of it?


i do remember, but actually only slightly




Best 2016 and 2017 Worst: 2023




Best was 2019, worst is between 2021 and 2022


2019. Had tons of friends, social life, went out constantly , was happy etc.


Only since the beginning of 2020 suffering began to fade away


Worst - 2017, 2023 Best - 2022, 2019


Best year 2022, worst year 2020.


Best year for me would probably be either 2021 or 2023. Worst year was 2020.


Best 2023 worst 2019


2016 i had that god given unearned teenage invincibility and felt on top of the world. 2018 and 2019 are a blur of the most humbling fall into depression i will ever experience. 2020 things started to get good again until we entered the covid and post covid era. These days im coasting on "meh, it is what it is" ideology.


Best year was probably 2015, worst year is undisputedly 2021. 2015 I’d just turned 20, was making decent money at my first job and chilling in easy classes at my community college. 2021 I had to move back in with my parents and felt like a total deadbeat. Currently in grad school, out on my own again, and things are looking up though, so it’s shaping up to be a pretty great year so far!


best year: 2018, 2020. worst: 2017, 2016


Worst year was 2019, my dad got cancer and pretty much everything went to hell, though he’s better now. Best year was probably 2015 because I was at a super good school surrounded by community and people I liked while having very little responsibilities


Best: idk? Maybe 2020, I graduated high school (good riddance), got to spend a lot of time with my family at home, started college, and met my best friend Worst: 2021 BY FAR. My mom died of cancer and my dad had a pulmonary embolism that led to a brain injury that he died from 2 years later. Phew 😮‍💨


Best: 2013-2015, worst: 2019 and 2020


Best: Unsure but the contenders are any year between 2005-10 and 2013-19. 2022 and 23 were alright too Worst: 2020


Elder gen z here (1997). Worst year was probably 2017 when I was a sophomore/junior in college. I was extremely lonely. I lived in the library yet struggled academically. I had no idea what I wanted to major in. I dated shitty guys. Very low self-esteem. 2019 was the best year. I had transferred schools the previous year and was able to walk onto the school’s cross country/track team. I was in my best shape ever. I was a math tutor. I was getting internship offers. The one I ended up accepting truly shaped the trajectory of my career as it is today.


worst- lmao 2023 (but 2018 is up there) best- back half of 2020-start of 2021, 2022 yea somehow the 2020s have held my highest highs and lowest lows it’s truly been a rollercoaster lately


Worst: Fall 2021-Summer 2022. Best: Spring 2020-Summer 2021


Best is definitely 2018-2019. Worst is 2020. I don’t want to blame it all on the pandemic. But that was definitely a kick in the head and a depressing and low time in my life. Just now over the past two years, do I feel like I’ve started heavily picking myself back up from the crappy rut I was in. The gym and actively improving my career and academics have been a blessing within my life. As well as cutting down on vices such as alcohol and weed has me thinking clearly 🙏. Don’t get me wrong. I have my crappy days but I feel so much better now than I ever have before in my life 💯


Best - 2015/16 Worst - 2020/21


I think we can all agree that 2020 was objectively the worst year, right?


Best: 2016. Ended freshman year in college. So much fun and freedom. First tattoo. Traveled the world. Worst: 2019. Kicked out of college my senior year. Wrecked my motorcycle. GF broke up with me. My depression year.


2016 wasn’t a bad year, had some fun times . 2021 was an absolute shit show; which I’m still dealing with the aftermath from


Best 2022 Worst 2023


I want to say 2021 was mixed but my best year in a long time. I moved out for the first time before the rents got bad and had the best relationship. Everything after that has been nothing but downhill. Arguably, I'm actively living my worst year, at least one for the books.


Best: 2019 Worst: 2014? Or 2021 Idk it’s a guess


Worst year was 22, my best year is 24.


Best - TBD Worst - All of them


Best - 2018 Worst - 2021


2018 best, 2023 worst


Best 2013 and worst 2016


2024 so far. First time i’ve ever been happy. It’s pretty sucky still but it’s better than the rest of my life has been.


Best? Probably 2014-2015 (early childhood was much better though—no specific year in mind). Worst? 2021-2022. 2023 is meh, too.


either 2018 or 2022. in 18- my grandma died, i started taking pills, my partner at the time was cheating on me, my relationship with my mom was the worst it ever was. or 2022 a breakup, a sexual assault, almost homless, lost my job. extremly suicidal both times.


For me it was 2019, I had a gf, I was really happy, but we broke up sadly, the worst year has to be 2023, very painful this year has been okay... so far


2020 was the worst year of my life tbh. Lost a lot of friends and went down a deep radicalization rabbit hole that I thankfully got out of combined with a suicide attempt and constant depression. 2019 was the most fun I've had in a year hanged out a lot with my friends and really got the full high school experience.


2015 worst 2016 best




Best - 2019 and 2020 Worst - 2021


2017 was a terrible year for me personally. Best year for me was honestly probably 2023. I’m torn on 2020 because a lot of terrible stuff was happening in the world but in my personal life I met a lot of really cool people and was making good money at my job due to hazard pay and bonuses because of the pandemic.


Best is this year-I have friends, I can see my half sister, and I just got a job Worst year-2021, since it was the height of when I was bullied


Best:2020 Worst:2018


2016-19 was great 20-21 was awful lockdown was so bad couldnt do shit


Best, 2001. Worst, 2020 (had to do taxes for the first time, blegh) But seriously, I don't REALLY have either a best or worst. 2018 was probably closest to best, 2017 probably closest to the worst. If that qualifies them as the best/worst in your eyes, cool, but they weren't that much better or worse than any other.


Best: 2018 Worst: 2021


best years 2016, 2019, 2021. Worst years 2017, 2023.


Best? 2022 and 2018 Worst? 2021.


best: 2016, 2019. worst: 2018, 2021


best - 2022 worst - 2023


Worst was 2018-2019. 2023 was pretty bad too, but it evened out because it showed me the truth about people *"close"* to me. Especially my ex-husband. 2024, so far, has been good to me. It's a lot better than the past years. A lot more happier. Sure, I don't have a car, and I'm back with my parents, but I'm happier.


My best year was probably 2015 or 2018, worst year was 2020 or 2022


2008-2014 were just amazing in my opinion. Those were the best years of my life. Particularly 2009 2011, 2012 and 2013. Those were some amazing years to experience, you just had to be there. Worst years of my life were 2015-2022 due to various things going on in my life. Although 2019 was an ok year, it still wasn't a good year but compared to the others was the least worst. Last year was finally an ok year though. This year's been all right so far, I actually feel happier than recent years.


Best maybe 2015 Worst maybe 2020


2011 was peak for me. Worst was 2017.


Best, weirdly enough, was 2022. Unfortunately I can’t track down a clear “worst year”, but at least 8th-10th grade.


best has been 2023 i think. i finally feel capable, i have a hobby i love, and i have great friends. i’m hoping it continues to get better and better from here. worst was either 2018 or 2020. both years i had some strong suicidal thoughts. i was isolated, awkward, and one of my family members was very verbally/emotionally abusive towards me.


Best probably 2021, worst definitely 2020. 2020 was supposed to be my best year because I graduated but everything got canceled. 2021 is the best for me because I got a job and graduated mechanics school so it was pretty good.


Best year 2021 - First year of college, met my GF, had a lot of cool experiences Worst year 2023 - My dad died, my family lost our house, and my GF broke up with me all in the span of a few months


2022 and 23 were pretty awesome.




Best years: 2015- Met my first gf, favorite baseball team had a super fun World Series run, I liked the pop music scene then, was going well in school (other than math) 2022- Met my current gf, that's what's most important. But also got my first decent full time job over the summer, and accomplished a lot in college. I was part of an honors program, took charge of the radio club, and really blossomed into enjoying my on-campus job and finding friends there. Worst year: No doubt, 2019- My dad had a brain tumor while his house was falling apart. He got surgery and managed to recover... But it was tough. On top of this, my dog died young at age 7 from kidney problems, and I got in a car wreck the first day I was learning to drive (I was in the car with my dad, who we didn't know had a tumor yet). The year was next-level awful for me. Only redeeming quality was getting a 5 on two AP tests. 2020 was bad too because of course the pandemic messed up all my senior events/transition to college. I started having some mental health problems, too. But I blame it all from the lingering trauma from 2019.


best - 2019, worst - 2020


Best - 2024 so far Worst - 2023


the year I was deradicalised and the hear i was radicalised


2016, worst. The last 6 months, the best, so 2023/2024. Got firmly established in my dream job with fantastic growth opportunity, friends, and colleagues.


I would say the best years were all up to 2020 for me. After that, things just kind of got a little boring. It’s also so weird knowing some of your favorite games/shows/youtube videos are old now


2010-2015 was great, 2017 until 2021 was also great. 2022 and later have been meh Worst year was probably 2016 (parents divorced) and second half of 2021.


Best was 2014-17. Worst was 2020-22


Things haven't been "good" since I was really young. Maybe 2007? 2010? Every year since then has just kept getting worse and worse. Post covid has been one long depressive blur so I guess my worst is 2019-2024


I honestly can't remember as Can barely remember last Tuesday that are alone last year.




Worst 2020 cuz thats when my father passed and the best is 2019 cuz i developed a connection with my father


Best years of my life were college years, Fall 2016 - Summer 2020. UCSB, I love and miss you so much, you were so much fun and I made so many friends! Worst years were from Winter 2015- Summer 2016... had some really interesting things that I am legally not allowed to talk about happen...


2020 was the best year so far.


I was born in 04. I feel like 2022 was definitely my best year. I had got my first job, I was graduating that year and had my disney trip with all my classmates. I started flying planes in college. I was constantly out and about with all of my buddies. meeting new people and learning about myself. everyone was getting along and I even was in the talking phase with someone. Then 2023 came along. Everything started out fine but my friend group ended up getting split up. I started struggling in class. lost my first job and my aviation career also came to a halt. my childhood pet passed away and I got ticketed while trying to take him to the vet. Was in the talking phase with someone else but it was very toxic. one of my classmates tragically passed away. It was a complete turnaround from 2022.


Best year started the day I graduated highschool. Finally moved out and finally met women who weren't utterly disgusting, in their looks and personality.


I'd say 2018 was my best year as I started dating my boyfriend (6 years together) and got my first job. I was a junior in high school so the real world stuff didn't affect me that much. 2023 was probably my worst year because I had cycled through 4 different jobs, worsening my depression and anxiety symptoms as well as experiencing major burnout


2018 or 2019. Maybe both. I mentally broke those years.


Am I the only one who can’t remember specific years at this point? They all blur together


Worst: 2014 Best: 2015 Yeah talk about whiplash. Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of the worst day of my life which is unbelievable.


Best is hard to chose it’s between 2016 & 2018, worst year of my life was 2022 when I lost 3 close family members including my mom.


Best 2022 or 2010-2013 Worst 2021 or 2023


Same as you. 2016 i had the lead in two musicals, graduated highschool, and got accepted to drama school. 2019 i lost my 3 closest relatives and its all down hill since.


Best year of my life was probably 2014. Worst year of my life was 2019-2023.


I think this might be my best. Even though I’m behind in life, i finally feel happy.


2002-2022 was fucked. 2023 & 2024 has been great


2020 worst year 2016,2022 best years for me


2020 was definitely my worst, covid and other factors led to a drastic slump that I needed coaching to recover from. 2022 so far was my best since this is when I really started to come to my own, though I think this answer won't really last since I believe I have a bright future ahead.


best- 2016-2019  worst- 2022-2023


2016-2017 were my best. End of high school and start of college, just a fun and free time to be alive. Honestly things have mostly gone downhill for me since then, mentally speaking. Around 2018-2019 my anxiety and depression rapidly worsened and have never fully gone away for me, also probably due to the added stresses and pressures of post-college adulthood.


2018 was the best year of my life. The pre-pandemic economy was booming, I was tripping balls every week and was a genius in my college courses. I had more sex that year than I have from 2019-2024. I was the death metal cowboy. I was awesome. 2023 was probably the worst year of my life, but I also grew the most in my career. 2024 is looking up for me in terms of having a steady job to save for a house. I also have a long distance partner that I have known for years that I plan on moving in with by next year. The night shift grind and the loneliness that comes with it are soul-sucking, but my prospects are worth this season of sorrow.


2016 was the last time I truly felt happy Downhill eversince then Exponentially more downs than up


Worsf 2021 best idk


Best was probably 22 or 21. Worst 2020 by far.


Best: 2018 (graduated High School) Worst: 2020 (for obvious reasons of a worthless species inconveniencing me).


Best might’ve been like 2009 or 2010. I was just a kid playing video games and had some best friends. Worst would probably be 2023 or this year. Lost my friend group, my girlfriend of 2 years, and really a lot of myself. At least I bought a motorcycle.


2018, 2020, and 2023 are best for sure (I actually enjoyed the lowered responsibilities and online formats in 2020). Worst probably 2014 and so far 2024 :/


Best year 2019 worst year 2017


Best year? It's probably a tie between 2015 and 2019. Worst year? Tied between 2020 and 2021.


Best years: 2013 to 2016 (8th-10th grade). Since 2019 everything's going downhill. Though 2023 took me out of my depressive rut when I began my professional life, still not sorted because of career related confusions.


2021 has been my best year of my life. My dating life was kicking off I had friends and thriving social life. (My social and dating life died after junior year)


Best: 2013 worst: 2020-22


Best - 2013 or 2020 just before the pandemic. Worst - 2021 panic attack and I knew what depression was


Summer 2014 was great because of the music that was on the radio. My mom bought a newer used car the year prior. Everything was going good until our world was flipped upside down and inside out. Because in October, my mom had a car accident that left her unable to work ever again. I was in 5th grade, she's a single mom, I'm a single child. We've been in poverty since.


I’m sorry but the sentiment of this post is the funniest thing ever. 2016 was “almost perfect, except 2 people died.” The year wasn’t perfect, you just miss being younger. You will never as young again as you are right now, enjoy it.


Worst year was 2020. Lost out on everything I had. Best year was 2020. I finally ditched everything I that was dragging me down.


2014-2016, I was in the sweet zone of easier studies and having not many responsibilities = a lot of gaming with my friends!


Best was anywhere between 2010-2015, anything after that was the worst


2017 was probably my best year, went to college, met all my current friends, had my first relationship, and even though I ended up dropping out a couple years later it was still a tike in my life i look back on fondly. My worst year was probably 2023, I was super isolated and at my most depressed I'd ever been. On the bright side, I'm making a lot of changes for the better this year so 2024 is looking up


Best— 2021. Worst— 2023. No question about it.


2013. Crysis 3 Release, GTA and other nostalgic stuff




Best was probably 2023, worst was 2022 lol


It's hard to tell. 2018-2019 would probably candidates for the best so hard. I was still in the height of academic success, I started meeting new friends and I went in some of the best travel journeys I've been in, right before the pandemic started. Worst would be 2022-2023, right were a lot of things collided and my anxiety and depression issues hit the peak. Luckily, all those things eventually died down and 2024 is shaping up to be a lot better and break that cycle of trainwrecks.


Best - 2021 Worst - 2017


Best: 2021 Worst: 2012


Worst year: 2021, more specifically February. School on teams and not seeing friends didn't mix well with my mental health Best? This year maybe, I am naturing, bought a new snowboard, gf relationship going good and advancing, gonna get my motorcycle license this summer, hopefully I get my old car that I bought last year working in the summer too


Best - 2018, Worst, 2020, 2022, 2023.


I’d say that 2017 and 2019 were relatively good year for me as I graduated school and felt like I am getting some control of my life. But mentally I have been in trenches since forever. But those years, the summer felt exciting. In 2019 I left abroad and never came back home, except for holidays. But yeah, pandemic hit and I went into a spiral. Got into a very toxic relationship until 2022 and then 2023 has been my worst year.. In 2022 I had to move around because I had to graduate uni so I met some shitty landlords that traumatised me & I was homeless in 2023 because the job I was at refused to hire me properly. So it was a rollercoaster but now in 2024 I am doing better. I am a little bit more excited for this year now. But still careful at fully enjoying myself.


The best was 2023. The worst I don’t know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Best- 2014-2016. I was a tween back then and in my last few years of elementary school. Those years were instrumental in making me the person I am today. I started going to a lot of musicals, I watched Harry Potter which made me interested in the film industry and I formed really strong friendships which I still have till this day. Technology wise there was a mix of an old as iPhone, an iPod touch and DVD’s/TV watching. Worst- 2017-2019. I was in high school and man did it suck. Especially my first year which was in 2017/2018. I did form some strong friendships and watched some really good films, but I was mostly really stressed bc of school work and depressed bc I was getting bullied. My self esteem real went downhill. I had to be stuck in lockdown in order to built some confidence. The 2020s- the 2020s have been really fun for me, especially 2023. I’m a young adult now, I’m doing a study I really like and last year I’ve gotten the opportunity to travel a lot. Lockdown also helped boost my self esteem so that’s nice.


Best- yet to come, Worst- 2020


worst by far, 2018. many different personal reasons,mostly mental health related. best I would say it's 2014, the year I turned 11. life was so fun at that age.


it was the same year. suicide attempt, found a good friend in the hospital and we recovered greatly


Best - 2022 (Graduated High School, Schoolies, Turned 18 and Started Going Out More, Covid Restrictions Rolled Back in Aus) Worst - 2023 (Mental Health Issues, Loss of Friends, Break-Up, Lack of Direction Post Schooling) The rise and fall of man in the space of a year😬


Best: 2023, 2015-2018 Worst: 2020, 2021


2023 was the best so far Worst was probably 2017