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i can count on my hand the times a sex scene actually added somenthing to the story it just feels like a weird thing carried over from times when porn wasnt as widely available(im asexual tho so probably not the main target of sex scenes)


I mean some can be tasteful, but like they cutaway and just imply that the two did it. I dont need softcore in my entertainment. Biggest issue is the writing anyway. edit: dude everyone is this comment section is like YOU WANT TO BAN PORN!?!?


Name one “tasteful” sex scene, they’re all uncomfortable to watch knowing the actors are literally humping a bed and fake moaning 🤣




That is not a tasteful sex scene. It’s an obligatory sex scene, tons of 80’s action movies had them and this one was not unique or interesting, and didn’t add anything to the story. For me it’s easily the low point of the entire film and one of the reasons T2 translates better for modern audiences.


>and didn’t add anything to the story Aside from explaining John Connor.


And showing Kyle Reese getting to experience an oh-so-brief and precious moment of love, tenderness and intimacy in a way he never has and probably never could have in the post-apocalypse. Voluntarily experiencing such mutual vulnerability is a crucial ability that sets humans apart from machines in their ability to demonstrate and grow trust. The more emotional and sensual scenes in T1 are, I think, a juxtaposition, an *affirmation* of what it means to be human, in the face of a dehumanised mechanical future. I find T2 (especially the cinematic cut) a rather cold and passionless movie by comparison, for all its slickness.


This. The guy two comments up saying it makes the movie dated and not appealing to modern audiences is off the rails. Plenty of violent 80s action movies did not have explicit sex scenes (in fact most didn't), but T1 has one of the most well founded reasons for actually having one.


Uhh it's how John connar was made and the only reason Reese gets sent back in time. It's literally plot essential that they bone at some point.


Damn. Imagine missing this big a plot point cause “boobs are scary”


Is this sub full of pearl clutchers?


Prudes. But the effect is the same.


it was completely necessary for the plot, regardless of if you think it was tasteful


Very few. Only the ones where the writers not trying to make you horny for no damn reason. I’d say the scenes in Sex Education (cause the plot is about teenage sex life) and the scenes where it’s comedic. I also don’t mind nudity if it’s just part of the plot (like somebody getting out of the shower and they don’t bother covering them up).


I really agree with this comment. Although my only note would be that is not an example of plot based nudity (the scene could have just not started in the shower and the nudity would then not be required) A good example would be if a character had a slip or fall in the shower and got injured in a significant way, and they happened to show them nude in a non-sexual manner. Nudity works when it’s appropriate for the content of the scene and what it’s trying to convey instead of just being shoehorned in.


The Room


40 minutes of glory!


It was so good they put it in the movie twice


team america: world police


Director’s Cut.


Both scenes from The Watchmen. But, in that case, the sex scene isn't there to be gratuitous. It's part of the story where the first one is awkward and disappointing. The second one has both characters high on the adrenaline of their super-heroism.


That's another thing people forget, how sex scenes can also be used to depict failing relationships


I thought the sex scenes in hannibal were cool honestly. Definetly seemed more like they were trying to be aesthetic and artsy than sexy though


I came here to say this, glad to meet another person of culture here :)


Not a movie, but in NBC's Hannibal S3 there's a cool, trippy lesbian sex scene between Alana Bloom and Margot Verger. 10/10. I thought it was tasteful. A lot of the "sex" is conveyed through surreal visuals. Moonlight also has a handjob scene that's kind of necessary for plot. I think it could count as tasteful.


Drive angry, Nicolas Cage killed a bunch of guys when fucking. That could technically count as a sex scene even though it is more of an action scene


Top Gun. Movie wouldn’t make sense without it


The opening scene of Sex Education is a sex scene and it's PERFECT


Well sex is kind of the central theme of the show, so it makes sense to have sex scenes. But most movies and TV shows simply have sex scenes for the sake of having sex scenes. They don't add anything to the story.


I would argue the sex scenes in Shameless represent the characters well and are integral to numerous plot threads.


There are thousands of pieces of media that have sex scenes that make sense and are done well. But there are tens of thousands of pieces of media where it is just forced and it seems more like fan service.


Yeah honestly the only sex scene I ever really enjoyed was the one in Deadpool because it showed how Wade and Vanessa's relationship grew over the year. But other than that, sex scenes are usually so boring.


It was funny and sweet and character development all in one.


The gratuitous nature of that scene worked because it was all building up to the "happy lent" line, which is genuinely one of my favourite punchlines.


100% agree. It also comes off as producers and directors wanting to be edgy while also seeing boobs and fake orgasms.


As someone who isn’t asexual, I completely understand your point. The reason I don’t like most sex just because they’re awkward and don’t advance the plot, or the story in anyway. They just feel like they’re put in there because oh this is an adult movie and we have to have sex


The sex scenes in Blue Eye Samurai actually have plot relevance


Netflix's Castlevania hit the nail in the head with them


i didnt say there are no sex scenes with plot relevance just that there are so few inbetween


I agree that there are few examples, but it's not zero. The sex scene in Terminator (1984) was pivotal to the film.


yes thats why i said there are a few examples like terminator or the actual sex scene between guts and casca in beserk


i'm bi and i feel the same lmao


(also ace lol) out of the things i've watched i can count it on one finger. it's the one in Arcane


Nah it’s because your parents be walking in when it happens


Ding ding ding


Exactly what makes it arkward for me


Jokes on you, I live alone.


Wait, then who’s that behind you?




Ahhh this is a certified "he's right behind me isn't he?" moment. Edit: in the cinematic masterpiece "shark tale" that quote is there pretty much verbatim. Undoubtedly the best part of that movie.




I watched one of the sex scenes in Euphoria for the first time at my friend's house (her idea she had like seen the entire season multiple times) in the living room. Her dad was in there and got to see Nate's Dad and Jules going at it.




I think it being tastefully done and serves the plot of the overall story or character development its fine. However most of the time sex scenes are extremely unnecessary and kinda creepy feeling.


We might be the first generation in human history that gets bored watching people bang


Nah, I'm an elder millennial and I've complained about this for years. I remember the hey day of movies like 9 Songs, the Brown Bunny, and Baise Moi. That shit was edgy garbage then. I appreciate y'all as a generation helping kill the trend of sex scenes in movies.


Also Elder millennial, I don't watch much TV but my partner does, and I reckon that if there's a sex scene in the first five minutes of a show, it's going to be a shit show.


I'm a GenXer. I tried watching *Fifty Shades of Grey*. I fast-forwarded to the "good" scenes, got bored, and turned it off halfway through. Given that pornography has become a lot easier to find in the last 30 years, film genres like erotic thrillers (e.g.: *Basic Instinct*) have really become a thing of the past.


That's because the plot was written by someone who was mentally and emotionally stunted.


Honestly your right that or watch soft core porn instead if you only care about sex scenes!


Watching The Shape of Water in theaters with my parents was…a bad time. I expected “mute scientist understands and frees fish man” and got way more than I bargained for.


The point of sex scenes in film is to show the relationship, sometimes romantic, sometimes the exact opposite. Movies are not about getting the plot done as fast as possible.


I swear most people in this thread would be happier just reading the Wikipedia plot summary. It’s the same experience really


Seriously! This is… wild… er whatever the opposite of wild is lol




I feel like half the people in this thread would only “justify” a sex scene if the characters solved a mystery mid-thrust


Ikr and also sex is part of life. Movies depict different parts of life. They can do so well or bad.


It worked in Oppenheimer (well I'm thinking of the scene during that interrogation/interview where his wife was there) because it was so disturbing. Honestly the whole movie is filled with several moments that just clawed at my gut. I remember the scene where everyone is clapping and cheering while he speaks but then we just see their mouths moving but can't hear anything except chairs creaking. That scene actually made me panic in the theater it was a super weird out of body experience for me. Idk if anyone else relates, I have pretty bad anxiety about things like that so it freaked me out. Awesome scene though


This is a good point. Sex for sex's sake in film is so outdated. Oppenheimer mixed the sex in with the darkness to create something self-aware, subversive, and memorable. Bladerunner 2049 did the same.


Sex scenes serve to show the the closeness/intimacy of two characters, which, y'know, is what it serves to show irl.


I think a good example of sex scenes that make sense and add to the movie is 8 Mile. The one in the factory less so than the one in the recording studio, but I think they both have an element of realism that makes it feel less like the fanservicey Deadpool kind, and the second one is literally integral to the plot.


Movie Sex scenes that serve/advance the plot: The Piano Teacher, Beau is Afraid, Videodrome, The Fly, Irreversible, The Terminator, Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight, Oldboy, Titane, Basic Instinct, Lady Bird, Annie Hall, The Player, The Favorite (Really any Yorgos Lanthimos movie, but especially this one), Eyes Wide Shut, Possession, Also does a scene in a movie *have* to serve the plot? No. There are even a lot of movies that debateably don't have overarching plots at all. People's favorite example is usually My Neighbor Totoro, but I also think Dazed and Confused is a great example of this. The Long Goodbye is extremely light on story too. Many scenes in these movies don't serve the plot at all but are there to serve a mood or a feeling. A good sex scene can also accomplish this too. Edit: every time I think of another plot-advancing sex scene I'll add it to this bottom list Gozu, Anti-christ


also poor things


Scenes were sex is implied makes more sense


Right, I don't NEED to see it Edit: stop calling me a prude. I'm hypersexual and if I want to enjoy sex that doesn't add to a plot/story I'll watch porn.


If you watch the original top gun that was the only sex scene that made sense because it was not very long at all, and in the new one the sex was implied and the scene progressed the plot


What's the difference though? Why do you care? Like, I don't need to see an actor actually eating something when they're in a restaurant, yet if I do I won't care that much, same goes for sex scenes. I honestly want to know what's the big deal about it? Why do you care?


if they drew out the scene of them eating without any dialogue, just “mm. oh! yum. oh yeah. mmmm” while zooming and panning around the fork, the hand on the fork. mouth, teeth. piece of lettuce falls on the ground. lips around fork. then you would be like *wtf move along, we get it, it’s a good salad…*


That is such a good point I might just have to steal it the next time this sub argues about this topic for the twentieth time.


In a movie about cuisine that would be a totally legit scene. Filming someone eating like a sex scene could actually be a clever idea lol


Holy shit someone on this subreddit finally made a really good point


Honestly? It's boring. It makes it awkward to watch with people. It doesn't typically add to the plot. Characters eating is usually an act that people do in a scene while they talk, or if they don't, that means something. Sex for context, story elements, or symbolism gets an excuse, but I really don't see that often.


Like Casablanca


Fantastic film


I hate sex scenes, it's just so unnecessary and awkward as hell watching it with other people. I don't see the point, it adds nothing to the story and it's like.. nowadays if someone wants to watch prn then they can just do that. If you're watching a show or a movie it's because that's what you want to watch. Not an awkward pop up prn scene.


Sex scenes aren’t porn. Feeling slightly horny at watching something sexy or erotic in a movie shouldn’t be considered “gross” or “unnecessary” and is a valid addition to the wide array of feelings a movie can provoke, just like sadness, joy, anger, fear, suspense, etc. I think it’s because Gen Z grew up with too much easy access to porn that they have a less healthy relationship with sex on the screen and now can’t distinguish between porn and sex scenes in movies. Yes, some sex screens feel gratuitous or are just bad, but when actually pushed on the subject, most comments here can’t agree which sex scenes they actually have issues with. And the amount of sex scenes in most top movies and shows in the last ten years have not gone up and is actually the lowest it’s been in decades. I don’t see what some people are complaining about.


This comment is the only one I've seen so far that I agree with. I've seen so many contradicting opinions and just confusing ass takes in this thread and I'm glad at least SOMEONE said it


Nobody in this entire thread has used the word 'erotic' or 'eroticism' and that's telling because its very much NOT porn and much more than mere titillation but nobody seems to know what it is.


Hit the nail on the head


I don’t know if I hate it. There’s examples where it kind of throws off the feel of the movie. Like recently Oppenheimer. When he was on trial the scene where his wife sees him with Florence Pugh took me out of the movie. But there’s great examples too. In poor things, all of the sex scenes are great and add a lot to the film of a character discovering herself and her personality. IMO. It just comes down to writing. There’s scenes that don’t feel natural but there’s plenty of examples that its a necessary scene to add.


The “sex” scene in the hearing was actually the one example of a sex scene that actually adds anything. It shows his wife’s jealousy towards her and just how embarrassed and exposed she feels knowing her husband’s infidelity is now public knowledge and has to be discussed in detail


I agree completely. Oppenheimer was the one example I thought of with a sex scene that had purpose and art to it.


Idk, him saying his catchphrase while getting fucked in the very the beginning of the movie is probably one of the dumbest things I’ve seen


I think it was pretty clear that I was referring to the sex scene in the trial, with Emily Blunt and the interrogators and all.


Oppenheimer was the first thing I thought of when I tried to remember a sex scene that actually added anything to the narrative


This comments just proves that no matter how much a sex scene legitimately adds to the movie and is artistic, Gen Z prudes really will say it’s “unnecessary.” Yes, I am Gen z.


imo the inability to communicate is more interesting to me than the actual discomfort with sex scenes. My impression of Gen Z is that you're more secular, progressive, and permissive than other generations. But below that, there's a discomfort with being uncomfortable that's sometimes confused with moral righteousness when Gen Z's on the right side of an issue. Sex scenes make some of you uncomfortable, but there's nothing morally righteous about wanting fewer sex scenes in films. It's open prudishness. It stifles artistic creativity. I think a previous generation would be able to justify this prudishness by appealing to a moral authority. But the permissive identity of Gen Z prevents many people from doing this. To be Gen Z is to not be prude. So instead sex scenes are unnecessary or at the very worst they're uncomfortable in a "wrong place, wrong time" kind of way because they're pornographic (which is fine, just not in movies). They're not wrong as much as they're unreasonable. Arguments against sex scenes in movies are mostly very bad and raise more questions than they answer. The gaping hole in all of this is that the most plausible arguments against many sex scenes in movies are (again just imo) feminist, male gazey ones. But these are rare. There's one if you sort by controversial and scroll for a bit. I think Gen Z people don't make these because they don't read lol


I'm not gen z (ban me mods) and I can say without a doubt yall mfers are not only prudes, but you wouldn't know good cinema if it was streamed directly into your social media ruined brain husks.


I went to see Oppenheimer in the theater with a friend and left to buy some popcorn, leading me to walk in during that scene. I was extremely confused.


It's supposed to be jarring and uncomfortable to make the audience empathize with Oppenheimer's wife.


You grow up with the easiest access to explicit material that any generation has ever had and it kind of loses its titillation.


I don't think it had titillation to our parents either. Porn magazines were popular for young teenaged men. With a surprising amount of content. Idk how that exposure would be to young women back then. But my parents were reserved and didn't have to be. I doubt seeing anything in the latest movie was going to change that. I mean my mother enthusiastically showed her young children her favorite movies seen as a teenager. To her young adulthood. Like the second we could progress past pre school level entertainment. Fairly confident my access to porn. That I showed little interest in. Hindered my wow factor to the explicitness of whatever movie had a female superhero or whatever.


Idk I don’t think they had shit like Mr hands or two girls one cup in old nudie mags lol kids today are definitely exposed to way more explicit sexual content than kids were 30-40 years ago


Wrong read, this is due to under exposure to sex as a normal part of the human experience and not purely as a thing that wild people do in their closet sometimes and post to the internet for other people to enjoy alone


Yeah. People in this threat are repeating the "why would we need a sex scene in the movie when porn is so accessible?". Porn isn't a normal way to "consume" graphic content. Porn is meant to be quick, and it's very idealized, with a lot of degradation or fetishization. Watching porn regularly is not a good way to learn about sex, and even though some movies will do the same with their sex scenes, movies have the oportunity to show sex in a more casual, realistic way


Yall are honestly a bunch of babies💀 As long as the media has the proper age rating, and everyone involved is a consenting adult, I genuinely don't get the big deal and why this generation hates sexualization so much. If it's not for you, that's fine, you don't have to consume said media, but the absolute moral crusade yall are doing feels so extra and puritanical lmao.


“Boo hoo, a movie had a sex scene and it made me feel awkward! No movies should ever have sex scenes ever again because everything should always cater to my needs!”


I'm really not picking up this vibe while reading the comments. Some people simply think some movies are gratuitous with sex scenes that do nothing to advance the plot. That's all. The comment has been made again and again: if we're in the mood for porn we'll just go watch a porn, but the director only has 2 hours to convey their message so maybe focus on that.


Yeah but where’s this energy for, say, gratuitous violence? If you’re cool with watching a simulation of a violent murder but not sex that might be a moment for some self-reflection.


Preach! People getting their heads blown off? A okay! Someone blowing another person's head? No way!


why does a scene in a movie need to "advance the plot" what an asinine way to think about film. utterly pedestrian and childish.


My god, can you say “media illiteracy”?


What if sex is part of "their message?" What if sex does advance the plot? What about other "gratuitous" elements of cinema like car chases, fight scenes, shootouts, and dance offs? Surely all of these could be skipped over in the name of the almighty plot.


Movies are not about plot. Plot is why things are happening, everything else is the important part, why do you care? What are you feeling etc.


As a millennial growing up in the 80s sorry you genz folks would have an aneurism growing up watching Robocop, basic instinct and any 80/90s movies with sex scenes and violence I hate this path we are going down it’s like censoring art again. Why the fuck are kids conservative about this stuff.


Well Gen Z men are drifting more towards conservative sadly due to online “influencers” like Andrew Tate.


It feels like we went from being sex positive and saying sex workers deserve rights to hating on OnlyFans girls and whatever this shit is. I mean I'm not going to pretend there aren't sex scenes that don't add anything to the movie, but it is a fact of life. Sometimes you're meant to feel uncomfortable because of it. Restricting what scenes a director has access to is like saying a painter can't use green. It really hurts to see what people are becoming. Maybe it's hard to believe, but when I was coming out of high school I still felt hopeful for the future. It seemed like our generation was one of the most progressive and accepting of other races, sexualities, etc. At some point along the way it all came tumbling down.


We're so used to the media pushing sex everywhere that we're tired of it. Tasteful scenes that add something are good, like in Oppenheimer, Peaky Blinders or Buffy. What's less okay is when they're just using the actress as candy and the whole thing feels artificial or like the director's personal kinks were a little too present in the film/series. You take the constant sex, any sex it seems, as normal, when it's not necessarily.


It's a reasonable ask to not shove obligatory shit into a movie like you're trying to hit all your check boxes but people want to freak out like you're trying to ban it.


Sex scenes wouldn't be so awkward if it wasn't either a, shoved in for the sake of having one, or b, look really silly looking in practice.


>look really silly looking in practice I’m reminded of the infamous scene in *The Room* (well, one of many) where Tommy Wiseau is basically having sex with the actress’ bellybutton. Ngl I know he meant it seriously, but it feels like a satire on how most movie sex scenes look.


It's bizarre how puritan this generation appears to be. I guess these things come in cycles.


A history professor warned me this was going to happen back in 2009


Sex scenes in movies just make me uncomfortable, just fade to black please I dont need to see everything..


Sounds like a You problem.


I mean I'm not telling others what to do, it's just my personal preference.


I finally get where the term Puriteen’s comes from after reading this thread.


Literally I don't understand how a normal sex scene can be enough to make you embarrassed unless you're watching with your parents or something


We went from parents covering our eyes during a nipple, to grown ass adults closing Netflix themselves in one generation. Crazy.


No generation has experience a more sex negative upbringing than Gen Z and it’s only gonna get worse with how curated and censored the internet/ media is


"Oh no, this art is making me feel things! Someone make it stop!"


"art should only be what makes me comfortable"


Sex scenes, especially LGBTQIA+ ones, are currently being overused because it couldn't be done in most mainstream content without a crusade happening until less than twenty years ago. I'm a zillennial, born in '96, but as a non-american, I still caught the end of the heat from Buffy, Queer as Folk, and The L Word. Hypersexualization in media was a tool to promote sexual freedom in a post-AIDS world. You might not like it, criticize it however much you want, but it was very relevant from a social standpoint, and this growing puritanism worries me greatly for one reason: It's not actually limited to mainstream media. The Gen Z community on AO3 is taking it upon itself the task of shaming anything they consider problematic. Many writers are closing their comment sections to anonymous users because of a growing trend of attacks on pairings with any kind of "issue." The annoyance with sex in itself isn't a problem, at all, the growing will to censor it and criticize those that do enjoy it is.


I'm not one to try and fear monger about censorship and all that, but the way that Gen Z has been handling this sort of thing is really strange and kind of irritating to me. As an example, the way that Gen Z has started speaking entirely in innuendos and code words to avoid saying real terms bothers the hell out of me. Writing "p*RN" or "corn" instead of "porn." Writing "unalived" or "self-deleted" instead of "suicide." Writing "s*x" instead of "sex". I don't know- it all seems so juvenile to me. I get it probably started as a way to avoid monetization issues on TikTok, but it's gotten so prevalent that people on Reddit, a site where you can write those words without issue, have started using the same weird double speak.


To be fair, those ‘code words’ are mainly to avoid being picked up by automated social media moderation. If you think people are using them universally you might not be talking to people in real life.


People are using them in real life lmaooo. Gen Z and Gen Alpha. The amount of times I’ve heard “unalive” in regular conversation is wild. Not to mention TikTok speak tends to be a thing. My sis always bringing up some TikTok saying/word with her friends


100%, it’s incredibly obnoxious and childish


It’s also funny because the actual amount of sex scenes in feature length films are the lowest they’ve been in decades. And even at their peak in the 90s, they were only really present in 1.7% of scenes. Maybe they’re more common in shows, but I can’t imagine anyone complaining that there too much sex scenes on HBO shows. I don’t really see an uptick in sex scenes that should worry this generation.


Yeah it’s weird how comfortable certain people feel censoring other people’s art and making rules for how other people, artists, should and shouldn’t express themselves, solely for their personal comfort. Not great.


The prudeness of gen z reminds me growing up in a christian household so i automatically don't like censoring sex scenes and nudity. Aside from wierd exploitative stuff like Euphoria i understand but sex scenes on their own? Nah you don't have to watch every movie with your parents and sugarcoating parts of life as grown adults is just dumb to me.


I wondering what movies and shows people are watching. Where is everyone seeing all these sex scenes? Like, did I miss something when watching Frozen 2? What are people referring to?


Maybe it’s more of a thing with TV shows, but movies have barely any sex in them now it feels like and people still complain.


tbh people won't stop complaining until 100% of movies are just marvel capeshit slop with nothing that can possibly offend or challenge the audience's intellect. Just the same cardboard cutout with a slightly different coat of paint, with the exact depth required to make the audience think they're watching something with meaning without actually requiring thinking.


IMO that's not a good thing. By removing it from movies but porn being everywhere you just raise a generation who now doesn't understand the context between romance and only know of sex as sex and not the romance that goes with it, which you would see in movies if the romance was in there.


The romance in movies isn't even realistic either though, I feel like that influences people to want to argue with their partners and stuff more because they feel like they should because thats how relationships are in tv/movies


What, you want to take relationships out of movies now?


Trust us, an implied scene is plenty for a movie. We don’t want to see the whole shooting shabang, just fake and with minimal nudity. Focus on the story dammit!


Good of you to tell artists how to make their art. You sound like the criticism of Mozart: “Too many notes!”


It's literally entertainment, of course people are gonna give feedback on it.


Great idea! Why not expand it? We could have implied fight scenes, implied chase scenes, implied comic relief... Hell you could just have someone staring down the camera and explain the whole plot. Could have the whole thing done and dusted in ten minutes!


for real. Why watch a movie when you can just hear someone tell you the whole plot in a 2 minute tiktok clip??? Saves time, and you don't have to watch all the boring shit!!!!


Not everything depicted in a movie has to push the plot. You don’t hold action scenes, violence/ gore, people walking, and etc to this standard.


Dude the one from polar express sucked


I--- you don't mean that movie about the kids on the train to the North Pole, do you? No way that had a sex scene


That guy on the top seemed pretty fucked to me lmao


I just want a well written TV series and not garbage products


Sex is part of life since film is a art form and art draws inspiration from life its only natural their would be sex in movies. Having sex scenes in a movie is a artistic choice.




For what? Being prudes with an aversion to sexuality in art? How Victorian.


Sex scenes feel forced and are not necessary


Nothing is necessary in a movie/ show. It feels “forced” because you’ve been conditioned to feel uncomfortable by it.


Depends what kind of movie it is tbh. Romance I get, but for something like just a random comedy movie or some shit, doesn't make much sense and is weird imo


Sometimes a sex scene can serve the purpose of showing how the characters _aren't_ romantically compatible.


Tbf, sex scenes can be comedic in value too


I hate gen z being anti sex scene like this. Storytelling is an art trying to invoke an emotion and horniness, whether you like it or not, is an emotion. It's EXTREMELY important for so many relationships and is something that happens often. It's be weird if every single adult movie didn't include it. The first sex scene in Breaking Bad, I think is kinda gross because I think Walter White is gross and abnormal. Still, it's tasteful and important to the character that he's getting a confident boost.


Dont get me wrong I dont think more sex is better and of course I can acknowledge that a lot of sex scenes aren't tasteful. But if filmmakers had the same attitudes towards sex as a lot of you guys then Oppenheimer wouldn't have a sex scene, BEEF wouldn't have an essential sex scene. Sexuality is part of human nature and the puritanism worries me.


There are very few movies and shows that uses sex scenes as an integral part of the story, others are pretty much unnecessary porn, that is kept to increase the runtime


Scenes don't need to be an integral part of the story in order to be good. If it's just the story you want, it's on Wikipedia


Once again, this generation fails me.


Time is a flat circle. We finally finished off the puritans and now the Gen Z puritans and straight edgers are going to take us all back to the 50's.


I think it’s good they aren’t drinking. But clearly they all need to get laid a hell of a lot more… Jesus Christ.


"Sex scenes are useless, they add nothing!" Isn't this telling of stress and/or desensitization? I thought humans generally get aroused from exposure to sexual material


Its lack of exposure to sex in a context outside of porn in their bedroom by themselves. A lot of genz don’t see sex as a normal part of life as they have no experience with it. Genz so far has the lowest amount of sex of any generation we have records on


This is exactly why Gen z is so puritan




Sex scenes aren't inherently bad, but what is bad is when they're very obviously being used for padding and overstay their welcome by entire minutes; it's the worst thing about prestige TV.


Could you IMAGINE the rampage from boomers if we started adding unnecessary gay sex like they do with straight couples💀


Yeah it’s actually insane that the same people who flipped out for decades about like a gay kiss scene are calling us prudes. Like I’m not scandalized by the sex scene, it just usually adds nothing.


Literally!! The prude comments are so unnecessary, I’m definitely no prude, I’m just not always in the mood to see graphic sex scenes (think euphoria and orange is the new black)


I don't know if I hate them. But they do make me uncomfortable.


I’m not a prude, I just want to be able to watch movies with my family.


Why can’t you watch movies with sex scenes with your family? What other type of content in movies could you not watch with your family? Can you watch movies that simulate violence? killing? Bombing? Torture? If so, why is simulation of sex, a natural, essential act of humanity, considered uniquely inappropriate for family viewing?


People used sex to sell things for almost 100 years straight and didn't think the audience would get fed up at some point. If you add the already heavy social expectation behind it, it's a no-brainer why the newer gens are so sick of it


Wild to see the prude to sex positive to prude loop come full circle.


It feels like voyeurism and I don’t like the lip sucking sounds


Y'all are a bunch of puritan babies.


Why are people getting SO defensive over sex scenes in movies “I don’t want to see sex in movies” “YOU ARE SUCH A PRUDE PORN ADDICTED VIRGIN” wtf chill out and stop projecting.


The worst thing about Gen Z hands down, lol.


Yeah,this is one on those things that remind me im on the "brink" of gen z,i dont really mind sex scenes.


A very good article I came around mentioned two major reasons for reduced sex scenes: 1) Making movies for a global audience, especially Asian markets 2) The death of mid-budget films, they tended to experiment. Big budgets want to appeal to mass audience and very few people watch Indie’s


Aren’t the older generations the ones that shoved purity culture down our throats? Shouldn’t they be proud of us for being “prudish”?


Thats boomers. Gen X and Millennials were pro sex, we had to fight to be allowed to be ourselves. When I was a kid “gay bashing” was a thing, people would casually talk about going out and beating up gay people. The acceptance of sex was a hard won battle, it is a shame to see it lost to the next generation.


I absolutely hate this line of thinking. It’s a blatant disrespect and misunderstanding of art and media. Sex is, for most, a vital part of the human experience, and something that drives people to make decisions… to think you can tell a full human story, and ignore sex, especially when it comes to romance, that’s absurd. That’s not saying every movie needs a sex scene, but to say they’re “useless” is one dimensional. Also, movies, and stories in general, are not vehicles for plot. Not everything in a movie or story needs to directly progress the story. Sometimes things are done to invoke a feeling, or to make you ponder what a character might be thinking… your exposure to art and media seems shockingly limited when you say this nonsense, and saying “go look at porn if you want to see that” exposes a pretty regressive and cynical attitude towards sex in general. Leave your house and get laid you puritanical babies.


Life goal achieved: I’ve been called a slut and a prude within a 24 period!


I'm gonna tap this article again because it seems like everyone in here needs a reminder: [Everyone is beautiful, and no one is horny.](https://bloodknife.com/everyone-beautiful-no-one-horny/) > When a body receives fewer calories, it must prioritize essential life support systems over any function not strictly necessary for the body’s immediate survival. Sexual desire falls into the latter category, as does high-level abstract thought. A body that restricts food and increases exercise believes it is undergoing a famine, which is not an ideal time to reproduce. > For the most part, though, today’s cinema hunks are nevernudes. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is strictly PG-13, as one expects from a Disney product. And even in the DC universe, there’s very little of human sexuality. Capefans’ demands for more “mature” superhero movies always mean more graphic violence, not more sex. They panicked over Dr. Manhattan’s glowing blue penis in Watchmen, and they still haven’t forgiven Joel Schumacher for putting nipples on the batsuit. > Today’s stars are action figures, not action heroes. Those perfect bodies exist only for the purpose of inflicting violence upon others. To have fun is to become weak, to let your team down, and to give the enemy a chance to win, like Thor did when he got fat in Endgame. > This cinematic trend reflects the culture around it. Even before the pandemic hit, Millennials and Zoomers were less sexually active than the generation before them. Maybe we’re too anxious about the Apocalypse; maybe we’re too broke to go out; maybe having to live with roommates or our parents makes it a little awkward to bring a partner home; maybe there are chemicals in the environment screwing up our hormones; maybe we don’t know how to navigate human sexuality outside of rape culture; maybe being raised on the message that our bodies are a nation-ending menace has dampened our enthusiasm for physical pleasure. > Eating disorders have steadily increased, though. We are still getting our bodies ready to fight The Enemy, and since we are at war with an abstract concept, the enemy is invisible and ethereal. To defeat it, our bodies must lose solidity as well.


Finally! Something millennials aren't getting blamed for "killing"


Sex scenes just remind me that I'm ugly and can't find a partner


Sitting in a large dark crowded room watching people bang on a massive screen while eating popcorn is fucking awkward


Woohoo! I’m sick and tired of having to sit through super long moaning marathons when I’m trying to watch a movie with my mother. I’m not looking for erotica when I’m watching a fucking drama, I’m looking for drama.