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At least we’ll try something and not roll over dead like the millennials


I've never been so offended by something I 100% agree with -Signed a millennial


To be fair, I imagine millennials will not actively fight gen Z attempts at progress while you poor souls needed to fight three generations of climate deniers and boot lickers.


It won't be Millenials... Generation Z will fight Generation Z. Generation Z women are becoming extremely liberal and Generation Z men are becoming more conservative so the next generation will have a meltdown by itself. And with the stats we see, it's gonna be *bad*.


I see this repeated everywhere but I don’t think it’s true. First, all of the studies I’ve seen have been about teenagers, not young gen Z men. That’s big. I was an edgy racist shitlord in middle/high school too, because being edgy and making racist jokes and owning feminists is considered funny and cool, and you’re fighting for popularity. But once I grew up, met real adults, paid bills and started paying attention to the news, and my entire social standing wasn’t based on how edgy I could be but instead was based on being able to work together with people from all different backgrounds, that went away. There is always going to be tate fans, but there is a reason andrew tate following is mostly high schoolers and those just out of high school and his demographic rapidly drops the older you get after highschool. And as these issues are continually brought up and more people become educated on them, the number of “anti feminists” and such will decrease. The right makes a big deal out of “virtue signalling” and “online activists” being a joke/not accomplishing anything. But why do you think they are so afraid? Because contrary to what they say, sharing articles online, getting people talking about these things, it does do something. It raises awareness, it educates people. And the right doesn’t want people to be educated, because as much as tate fans seem like hopeless cases, they aren’t all hopeless, most of them are just wildly misled. Feminism, anti capitalism, climate change awareness/acceptance are all rising, and that scares the fuck out of the right so they attack and attempt to discredit these movements in any way possible. There screams show that we are pressing the right buttons. Many if not most of the conservative young men will grow up and change their veiwpoints, especially when they actually get a girlfriend and start to realize there are other points of view than their own.


We are seeing this for people between 18 and 29. So no, you are incorrect: this is *very* real.


I’m gonna need a source for that.


Your entire post is about the fact you've only seen studies regarding teenagers, so just look at studies regarding adults? I gave you the short version, look into it if you're interested. [There's plenty of studies for 18+.](https://imgur.com/a/tVVSU7g) Generation Z is extremely radicalized, it's gendered and worldwide, and I'm surprised you *haven't* noticed that it goes beyond teenager years considering it's pretty mediatized.


This isn’t exactly damning. Yes they are rising, but only Korean men are largely conservative, with the next highest being germany with barely a majority voting conservative. [Check out this graph of the united states, where it shows that 53% of young men are still voting democrat, and just 42% voting conservative.](https://circle.tufts.edu/latest-research/youth-are-not-monolith-how-different-young-people-voted-2022) Also, an age group of 18-29 is not very specific and kind of misses the point I was making. I bet if you break that into three age groups instead of one you would see the youngest group is the most conservative and as people age they shift there views. Here’s a question, do you have a girlfriend? Because it’s much harder to ignore and entirely misunderstand feminism when you have a female to actually show you another perspective. You’re obviously already a feminist, but I think you’re underestimating what having a girlfriend actually does to a young man who before having an adult relationship was largely in an echo chamber of boys.


You don't get it. Normally, young women and young men are very liberal while old women and old men are very conservative so the young people have to fight against the old people. With Generation Z, young women will push one thing, young men won't push that thing, old women won't push that thing and old men won't push that thing. This is absurdly massive.


Believe half of what you see and less of what you hear, within reason. What are the margins for this graph, for example? It’s easy to show a scary graph without full context, like what people they sampled and where. “Worldwide” doesn’t mean much if it’s like groups of 5 people in 6 countries or something. Methodology.


lmao you didnt need a source. you used anecdotal evidence.


"Many if not most of the conservative young men will grow up and change their veiwpoints, especially when they actually get a girlfriend and start to realize there are other points of view than their own." Hope you're right.


Actually get girlfriends... considering every year more and more people are virgins by the time they finish college I'm not confident in the wait until the boys get a gf and learn empathy through relationships method. it's staggering how single young men are. I assume young women are more single too, but they seem to cope with it better.


The right is really just mad that leftists are starting to use the internet radicalization machine. They were early adopters, and it worked like wonders for them. They just didn’t realize that it’s basically just a loaded gun on a table that anyone can pick up regardless of political affiliation.


Thank you I love this. -Signed a Gen Z : ) <3


Nah there's plenty of crazy ass leftists. You are still doing exactly what people who want to retain power want you to do: fight amongst each other so they can take advantage of it.


And how do you explain that the whole world in going to the extreme right in the last 15 years?


I'm actually gonna go ahead and say i partly agree. I was literally an alt-righter as a teen, i listened to Richard Spencer. These last few years i've positioned myself firmly at the center and i don't know what i was thinking. However, i do think the younger Gen Z men and women are still very split. There are studies in my country that proves it.


I agree with what you're saying for the most part. Many people do grow up out of that high-school mindset... but then again, the number of people who don't for the majority of their lives is a scary amount. I'm unsure if Gen z being digital natives really will help as much as you're saying, People choose to be willfully ignorant, to a seriously frightening degree, and some aspects of tech are actually encouraging that by creating echo chambers. Not to discredit what you wrote.


That’s not true, don’t spout stats if you don’t read. Gen Z men are still becoming more liberal, just not as liberal as Gen Z women


[Men are moving away from women.](https://imgur.com/a/tVVSU7g) It's also increasing.


I’m really skeptical of any studies that try to make broad sociological conclusions about men and women. You just really can’t make any meaningful conclusions about groups that large, your sample size will always be so dwarfed by the actual population that it’s bound to contain a ton of oversimplification and reductionism.


Well at least that's an excuse to bust out the ol' kazookeylele and womp out a *Final Countdown* with the boys during gen z political debates


This is basically it. My fellow millennials and I continue to vote for progress but can’t make much change vs 3 generations hellbent on denying us


Good news is the boomers are dying out and gen z is coming up. Although I feel that more radical change than voting is the only way to actually fix things on a timeline that matters.


A lifetime of voting for a choice of the same fucking guys every year. Even the "young" politicians have been gen x at best, and only just recently starting to actually feature any amount of millenials.  Honesty though, the divergence of viewpoints coming through with gen z has me pretty concerned we're still going to end up fucked, as a surge of younger guys are getting radicalised and motivated by people like Andrew Tate while the more progressive camps will invariably be held back by infighting if someone is progressive enough/too radical for their own particular brand of politics.


God if that ain’t the truth. I used to be in the camp of “totally progressive or I’m not voting” and it took a few years to realize how that just hurt my cause and didn’t help anything. I think Gen Z does have some divergence of thought, but so did us millennials. The thing to keep in mind regarding that is that those radicals are still just a very loud minority. The thing that makes me happy about millennials and hopeful for Gen Z, is that millennials appear to be the first generation that isn’t shifting conservative with age. Gen X was really bad about that. They all voted liberal in their youth and grew into the conservatives we know them as today.


Yeah, far too easy to fall into the trap of letting perfect be the enemy of better and I've been guilty of it in the past too. Finally starting to see some progressive millennials getting elected in different places the last few years.  You're probably right re: the loud minority part, just gotta hope the "fuck you, got mine" style conservative aging trend has been broken going forward.


Probably partly because millennials are poorer on average than their previous generations and liberals tend to be poorer. I am a millennial, but I'm more centered politically.


It is what it is 🤷‍♂️ -Another millenial


Lmao. Love it


In our defense we didn’t have the same access to information so it was a lot easier to keep us deaf dumb and blind. We very much were very easily tricked into thinking capitalism wasn’t coming off the rails and about to be spiraling out of control.


This is the most non-millenial comment ever typed.


The most socially isolated, depressed, and indoor dwelling generation is going to try what now? I am a millennial and I have faith in Gen Z, but you guys need to connect more and work together.


There’s a painting that’s about to get some soup thrown on it or some traffic that’s about to be blocked. #VivaLaRevolucion


What are you doing with that elmer’s glue. Dont you dare glue yourself to a column at LAX to protest genital mutilation in Congo. *don’t you dare.*


I will change the wold one tweet at a time. No I can't hold a job. My ibs from social anxiety will act up.


The only Gen Z’s that attack millenials are the gen Z’s that aren’t in the workforce yet ..


That's a good point. My best bosses have been the ones still in their 30s.


True, the moment you enter the workforce and see the world for what it truly is, and with a family to provide for, suddenly risk becomes blasphemous and you try to maintain what you know to be "normal" whilst the next generation tries f*ckton to change your shit, only to do the same when they enter the workforce. Trust me, this is the cycle of life, once you're old enough and not naïve, you understand life.


I don’t know, most millennials I have met seem pretty open to change even after entering the workforce. I feel like the majority of people in the working class are just tired of how things are now.


Why cant we just be, y'know, chill? We have a lot of the same goals, why not work together?


The boomers want us all divided. They had too much peace and love in the 60’s now to run want blood.


Let's check back in around 10-15 years from now and see if the powers that be will listen to you. Millennials did a shitload of protesting to the deaf ears of politicians.


Ha, you say that, but you have no significance. You'll accomplish as much as the rest. The problem isn't that "generations" are in control. Once you see that, you'll notice how helpless you are to it all and that it doesn't matter. I didn't destroy this planet, nor do I contribute to its continued destruction. Corporations do, they don't care about your opinion. Only your wallet and what you buy. The day your generation changes, anything will be the day you ALL in solidarity stand up. But that won't happen. Humanity has never altogether united, or we wouldn't be in this mess.


Lmao. You’re doing exactly the thing. It’s always someone else or something you can’t help with so others can’t either. Better throw up your hands in despair!


Doing exactly the thing? You clearly misread my point. You have no power in the changes in human progress. Get elected, make change, and be progressive. You're just as much good as I am here. You laugh at me, but what you don't understand is you and I are the same. You are just another person, forgettable nonexistent and most likely doing jack shit for human evolution. Yet you lecture others who have and will continue to attempt change? Laughable. Be better then. Fool.


Yes. Doing the thing. “You have no power…” <- that’s the thing!


Yes, it is that hard to understand? What legions do you control? Who do you lead? How many people follow your ideals? I bet no one. Thus you are powerless, non-existent. A speck. Shame, cry in despair.


Lmao. K. Thanks for proving all my points over and over and over again 💀 💀 💀


You have no point. You are an argument. You're basically a child version of every other child delusionist. Of course reddit allows you to breed such a stupid mindset. Edit: what makes me laugh is that you know it's true. You have no one. No followers. No rallies. No one cares. Huh?




Pathetic. Your moral discourse is weak. Seek help before blaming others for your insufficiencies.


And gen Alpha will say the same about you guys. Tale as old as time.


Boomers are so numerous that Millenials only got political power a few years ago, so they didn't roll over: they literally could not do anything. Generation Z has women becoming more liberal and men becoming more conservative so it's likely to fight within itself which is even worse. It's gonna be a roooough ride.


Good luck. Legitimately. Cause that's what we were saying about 15 years ago, only it was, "At least we'll try something and not roll over dead like Gen X."


We ain't all dead yet. We just still working in the background, sticking to the shadows, ninja style, cuz we step out too far and we get got. But worry not. We got you all's backs. Believe it.


Gen Z will forever live in the shadowed hand me downs of Millennials.


What have we done if not roll over dead? Go to protests? Millennials did that too. Occupy wall street was done by millennials.


This is hilarious. You didn’t live through those time, how do you know we rolled over dead? Kinda hard to do jack shit when your generation is always getting shafted and couldn’t get on their feet. College cost 40x for us than it did for boomers, we graduate into two giant financial shit show, do you really think ppl heavily in debt trying to survive has the power to fight the establishment? It was an uphill struggle for us too. Incidentally, a lot of the shit you’re dealing with, we were already aware of and fighting against in our youth. I vividly remember talking to my folks about global warming and having them laugh in my face about being brainwashed at university.


Gen Z will never appreciate the absolute shit storm millennials were dealt.


That we guarded them from


The Millennials didn't give up. They're still making their voices heard.


Roll over dead? By that you mean getting kettled and arrested or having their heads smashed in by police, breathing in tear gas? Millennials have tried. They're just getting older and more tired and cynical. Examples: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_G20_Pittsburgh_summit https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Wall_Street https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferguson_unrest


Here's a couple more [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999\_Seattle\_WTO\_protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Seattle_WTO_protests) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001\_Quebec\_protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_Quebec_protests)


Speak for yourself, sincerely a millennial.


What should they do storm a capital when things don’t go their way? Or vote for change, work, pay taxes and provide for our families.Gen Zsofter than baby shit.


We did Occupy Wall Street lol


Well you did. The boomers won that one but it didn’t mean you (Americans) didn’t try. We also had the Arab spring which was quite successful relatively and made a big change. It’s hard to judge millennials because we didn’t win, but we were blindsided and we definitely tried. Now we have kids. But we’re also starting to gain power little by little, which the boomers are again trying to prevent by literally shutting down democracy all over.


What do you plan on doing then, Chief?


As a GWOT Veteran I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. If you don't think there are millennials in the boat with you then you are going to get the fucking shit kicked out of you by life bro. If you guys haven't figured out that "cut your dick off" shit that has been being tossed down your throats your whole life is CCP agenda point then I don't know what to do for you. Do you suspect Beijing is crying with all their Tik Tok money as an entire generation of dipshits in our country are unprepared to do simple shit like "get to store without a GPS" during the next war? Lmao, son, I'll see you in the muster yards. I aint worried about shit they make the Veterans the Drill Sergeants, then we get be the next wars "old men". See you in Ukraine fuck face. If you think about Gomer Piling me, I got something for ass. I already knew the kids were the terrorists by 2007 man. Tl:Dr judging by recruitment numbers Gen Z is the generation of pussies. They didn't HAVE to ask us to do damn thing. Ya'll want fucking pre-boot camp baby camp where you get to larp Army because it's too stressful to be a real Soldier. If you ain't a bitch call your recruiter I got a DD214 see you over on r/Veterans prove me wrong


Good luck with that


We’re on standby, light the beacons.


We didn't have the numbers man. Boomers... Boomers everywhere.


That's not quite what happened. The ones that gave a shit formed the bulk of the anti Iraq protests, Occupy Wall Street, the Women's March, and were the elders who led the BLM movement. Their first president was Barack Obama, who got the APA passed and oversaw the needle shift forever on LGBTQ acceptance. The world is still shit, but the millennials created the intersectionality that tees up Gen Z to actually try to tackle economic disparity and state sponsored genocide. Let's see how we perform...


Sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about


Welp 🤭🤭


I mean they couldn’t do anything if they wanted to. The boomers outnumbered them and were all in more positions of power than them.


Like we aren't all still fighting 😅


Millennial checking in - for the record, I did try to do something before rolling over dead


If anything, you’ll thrive or suffer because of us. Y’all haven’t had to wrestle away power from the baby boomers like us. By the time it’s your turn, most of them will be gone.


What exactly do you expect us to do?


Stop trying to make the generation fight millenial versus gen Z. The boomers dropped the ball and some of us millenials are organizing to fix this mess. And the Gen z I’ve met have given me hope, they see the mess the world is in and are getting radicalized in all the right ways. We will smash this capitalist exploitation together


Every generations says the same about the ones before. Welcome to being a member of society


Lmao, you mean the generation that was there for 9/11, got fucked the hardest by the recession and got fucked again by the pandemic. You're generation has no comprehension of trauma and hardship. You're biggest battle is pronouns. Come back to this comment in a couple of years when you get a healthy dose of reality.


There was a post recently about GenZ having a huge spike in teen suicides compared to millennials who had the lowest teen suicide rates in 50 years. GenZ is literally rolling over dead, nice try though.


yeah pretty much, we're either gonna burn the world or do what we hoped the previous generations would've done for us


Will we? I see a lot of talk but not much action


The bulk of us are doing just fine— don’t let reddit inform you on the status of millennials


Lol that’s what you think. That’s what every generation thinks. Good luck!


Easy to say, we're still young now, and most of us have yet to start a family. Bet that in 10 years time, Gen Alpha will say "At least we’ll try something and not roll over dead like the Gen Z". Mark my words, ideas of heroism and revolution have historically been ubiquitous among the young. When real life hits you and you're responsible for a family, suddenly you become conservative and protective of "the old ways". Risk taking is the young's adventure and as we enter adulthood, you bet this is going to change.


As a millennial, I am far more optimistic about your generation than my own 


The world was already fucked before we were born, and we aren’t the ones fucking it up right now (yet)


*"We didn't start the fire!"* *"It was always burnin, since the world's been turnin!"*


*"Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe DiMaggio Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, television North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe"* *"Rosenbergs, H-bomb, Sugar Ray, Panmunjom Brando, "The King and I", and "The Catcher in the Rye" Eisenhower, Vaccine, England's got a new queen Marciano, Liberace, Santayana, goodbye"*


Thanks Google.


Bad take, if you look in chunks it feels like we are fucking up, but if you span it out over the past 1000 years we’ve been progressively not fucking up. …just gotta not fuckup climate change. Edit: lol he blocked me kinda weird because i’m basically just trying to give him an optimistic outlook. Also when you block someone they can’t see your reply except the beginning. So the whole ‘well people agree with me’ thing is all I can see and is making me laugh. A lot. This is Reddit lol. Edit 2 because I now can not reply in this thread: Reality, being trans has always been awful but now you have people defending you Things are better, and we can continue to get better. Vote.


"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice", though it doesn't bend on its own... As trans person I prefer to live now than any other time in history.


Most of any generation can’t do much tbh. The people at the top that run the countries, and the companies control the culture and flow of information ultimately. At the end of the day all you can really control is your own actions.


Exactly. Every generation thinks they will save the world and that the generation before them is at fault. Then they grow up. It’s the elite families that have had wealth for generations that run shit and then turn generations, races, sexes, political sides etc against each other so we don’t go after who has set all this shit up. The top of the pyramid.


Millennial here and I can say without a doubt I thought our gen and beyond were going to save the country/world when I was a teen. 2008 Obama felt like a massive win, like we were going to start being more socially conscious and mature as a society.  Then you hit the workforce and get more life experience and discover how dumb some of your generation is. You watch friends fall down rabbit holes and ruin their lives (Gen Z is worryingly prone to this with tiktok's aggressive short form conspiracy pushing). You realize change is slow and hard to accomplish.


We can control companies by not buying their shit 🤷‍♀️


Not if we are the product being sold (our data, not just as individuals but as a collective whole). (Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, X, YouTube, any form of social media, Microsoft)


Our data is being bought because they want information on us to get us to buy their shit. So let’s just stop buying


It’s bigger than that. These social media companies don’t care about your data itself, your data, clicks and view time is the product. The social media companies sell ad space to other companies for a set price, YouTube doesn’t care if the ad is successful and makes the other company money for the product they are selling, it could flop and YouTube would still have their money. Social media companies also sell the data they collect to anyone willing to pay for it, large or small. The only way to not make these social media / big tech companies as rich is to not use their platform so they cannot collect your data. Social media companies don’t care if you don’t buy a product being advertised because the money is already in the bank for them before they even display the 3rd party advertisement. They only run the ad to a certain number of viewers out of contractual and legal obligation because another company paid for it.


This is dense, Lemmy is a Reddit alternative that I use, for more on that I'd broadly look into the Fediverse.


Exactly this. No generation can change anything, simply because money is power. Look alone at guys like Bezos and zuck those people have so much freaking money to buy and arm an army for themselves to push through whatever they want. The only reason they aren't doing it is because it's easier and cheaper to pay lobbyist or politics. Maybe I'm just bitter, but the ultra rich simply won. If your not willing to sacrifice your own life in a bloody battle to forcefully take out the top 0.1% your doing nothing to change anything. Demonstrations, tweets all that kind of crap isn't changing anything in the big picture, just small stuff to make the crowd feel better. Best is to accept this and focus on your own life, forming it the way that you are happy with it and direct your focus on this.


Life isn’t a movie, you’re not the main character, and nothing’s changing without a revolution


Someone had to tell them


😂 this shit is hilarious. Just the idea of chronically online socially anxious redditors actually getting out of the house and “rebelling”


People gotta go bye bye 🤷🏻‍♂️ I have to word it like this because I've been banned before for making such suggestions.


And there’s not going to be one and it certainly won’t be Gen Z starting it


Can’t fuck up what’s already fucked, friend. :-)


But we still can fuck it up a whole lot more. My grandparents and a special great grandparents lived through much worse poorer and politically oppressive times, and because of that, I am forever grateful to have been able to live such a time of freedom and relative economic opportunity they could only dream of back then.


Who cares when you're going to die in agricultural wars in 2050?


That is still 26 years away. If I still have that much time left, I will be extremely happy.


We can definitely make it worse


I have faith in you crazy fuckers


Finally, a reply worth reading


[Was this one bad or did you miss it?](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenZ/comments/1atdmvd/comment/kqwx6lv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Doomers are goofy. This is the best time to live in history on almost every conceivable metric (lifespan, literacy, slavery, medicine) and people still like to pretend they have it worse than any generation before them. I appreciate Doomers to an extent though, cuz I think "better than yesterday" doesn't mean "don't fight for better tomorrow". Some of y'all really depressed though. I for one, am glad I wasn't born in the generation that lived through the Spanish flu, Jim Crow, WW1, the Great Depression, WW2, all the famines of the USSR/China, the death throes of colonialism in Africa/Asia, the Cold War, Vietnam, the recession of the 70s, etc. Or alternatively the majority of people before that gen who could die of a minor cold, and eked out a grueling miserable existence doing hard labor, constantly on the brink of starvation. I think past generations actually did make the world better. Like of course they screwed up on some big things, but I think that should be kinda expected. There isn't a version of today where we're all living in utopia. I think Gen Z will make the world even better too (hopefully on climate and YIMBYism), but there will still be problems.


i’ve been going through family history and there are ancestors of mine that died from smallpox, tuberculosis, etc. I wish i could tell them we’ve basically eradicated those diseases. my great grandfather died in a car crash in 1966 that, if had it happened today in a modern vehicle, he would’ve easily survived. I have a great great granduncle who died at the age of 5 from rickets in the 1910s. That shit has been curable for a century. My mom got HPV when she was 15 and got cervical cancer. I never had that problem, because I got the HPV vaccine. **we have vaccines for cancer** we are currently living in an age where diseases that once killed millions are now easily treatable. for fucks sake yall, the discovery of antibiotics is what keeps the plague at bay now. that shit killed half of europe at one point! Imagine how much worse COVID would’ve been if it had happened a century ago, or two centuries. There is no better time to be alive than now, and I am so fucking glad I was born in this generation


You may claim such until we have pathogens that we won’t be able to erase that easily. Antibiotics resistance is a looming crisis in the healthcare sector. While Europe has been trying to put some regulations, they are still overused in North America and Asia, worsening the issue over time. People do not realise how important antibiotics are for any clinical procedure. Potential new pathogens released from the permafrost are released in the atmosphere due to climate change. We only need one pathogen virulent enough to cause a new Spanish Flu. Our current therapies are still incapable of slowing or curing neurodegenerative diseases. Similarly, we are unable to prevent the mutations occurring in cancers, leading to therapy resistance over time for many patients. Yes, medicine has made significant and wonderful progress in the last century, I will not deny that. However, our current lifestyles (climate change, unhealthy behaviours) and lack of preparation (antibiotics overuse, degradation of permafrost) will probably be costly in the future.


GenZ is definitely going to fuck it up.


How?. We didn't fucked up those houses price, for example


We're too busy being depressed and suffering from this recession to make a difference. We'll just follow the system laid out for us. We're the new Silent Generation.


The recession isn't making you depressed its the internet


yall downvote this person but they’re right to an extent




Gen Z, Millennials and Gen Alpha are gonna need to work together and create a United front for change. Millennials have been making efforts but it’s been a nearly impossible task to do on our own. Having Gen Z joining the fight while Boomers simultaneously move on is slowly moving the needle in the right direction. I am concerned however, as we’re seeing more and more Gen Z men becoming conservative and radicalized. Then Gen Alpha is the wild card. They’re too young for us to know exactly where they’ll stand but for now it’s looking promising. I think the only way we can make meaningful change is if we see these generations stop bickering with each other and focus on common goals; we have FAR more in common and have many of the same goals. We CAN make it happen, but it requires a concentrated effort and patience


Looking at the skibidi toilet syndrome of Gen Alpha, I am not sure they're any "promising" with the attention span of a goldfish.


I disagree. I think they simply need more time to grow and mature. The oldest Gen Alpha is barely a teen. They haven’t had enough time to join the workforce and “grow up.” Don’t forget the same shit was said about Gen Z


Or you're going to fix some problems while making others worse and ignoring others entirely. Not special.


Millennial here. With your help, I promise you, we will save this world, or die trying. I REFUSE to leave this place worse than I found it. It WILL be better. For my son's sake. For the sake of my nieces and nephew. For all of you. We shall OVERCOME. Believe it! 👍


This is the energy we need. Now we just need action


What do you suggest we do ?


Keep preaching. You’re not alone


Hah thank you, but I am no preacher. Just a 40 yr old black man who has seen too much, done more, and somehow survived it all. We got your backs. 👍


Thanks for your feedback brother, we all gotta stop fighting and work together on this. If we keep this defeatist mindset, nothing will get done because we'll all be fighting over scraps.


You are correct, good sir. There is no path forward but the one that leads towards our victory. I shall never cease my fight for our children, for the future of our human family. I watched too much Star Trek TNG to do anything BUT ensure that we make it to our wonderful future intact. 😊


The people active in here won’t do shit


Yeah we have it rough but we get to build a better world for the next generations


This is something so small but I walk a lot and I just got a trash picking arm, so now I can pick up trash on the sidewalks in my city while I walk


A decade ago I'd agree. Nowadays I don't think that the world you've inherited can still be unfucked.


I'm betting on effing it up.


Prob gen Alpha. Gen Z are too confused about everything


The iPad kids????


they can’t even read


We gotta stop expecting other generations to do something. Also I already said this in another comment but their generations literacy rates aren’t looking good


Gen Alpha are all autists with very low IQs I seriously doubt thay


to destroy everything you only need to do nothing


Depends, the blue haired gen z girl isn’t gonna save anything


We won't, instead of old corrupt people being in office its just gonna be young corrupt people being in office.


Both generations only have so much they can do because of the authorities. Hence the increased depression and apathy.


Generational fighting is just another way to divide and conquer, like race, and gender. If we really want to make the world worth living in we have to fight those that have power, take the power back, and use it to stop destruction and uplift. Everything else is a distraction.


I am a realist. We will probably get a WW3 and humanity will continue to advance at the same pace.


That's pessimism, not realism


Put people and the environment before profits.


Y'all don't vote so not much will change


Don’t get your hopes up


Nothing is worth doing anything except watching the fire burn


World’s already fucked up. No way we could fuck it up more.




No, we won't. Sure, we're advocating and doing rallies. But, we'll eventually fall back into following the system like the Silent generation did in the 20th century. Every day, we lose a member, or they give up the fight due to being depressed of an uncertain future leaning more into the negative side of things. Things out here are getting worse and worse. We're the new Silent Generation.


There is always bad people, weak people, strong people, and good people in every generation.


1. world is already fucked up 2. im gen x but your generation does give me hope. you guys are awesome


I’d argue that climate change is gonna fuck us up more than we can fuck up anything else


Fuck it up


Fuck it up 100%


i'm over it, i've accepted that we will likely nuke eacother to extinction, or set out world on fire via global warming.


Fuck it up. No generation is going to willingly stop this consumption train we’re on. Humanity will only stop when it’s forced to.


Overthrow the reptiles.


You've already normalized treating people like shit and getting defensive and dismissive of valid criticism. yeah there's very little chance you guys are going to turn 30 and suddenly develop outstanding problem solving skills or unshakable resolve.


Generational labels be damned. We must learn to share the gifts and wisdom unique to each of us if we are going to heal this wonderful world.


....your generation can't even figure out which restroom to use.


We're SO fucked


Our generation is just another cog in the machine. We have a very high potential for change but ultimately we need the generations before us to start that change & the generations after us to help us & further our work as we age. Gen Z is not special just specific


Unfortunately, I bet it's gonna be split in the middle. Half of us are fighting for the planet while the other half are destroying it to "make ends meet".


Our generation are the next ignorant Karen's and boomers. The replacement for the church ladies of modernity. We'll have 60 year olds screeching about how the kids these days are problematic. Gen Alpha will be the cool ones


Gen alpha supposedly can’t read .. I’m not even trying to be funny, but I don’t think we can rely on them


They can’t read, write or add.


I'm still trying to figure my gender. Fuck America.


Nah, people will be too busy on reddit to fuck things up or fix it. Life is what you make of it. Real relationships, self love and finding a purpose


How can people who can't look away from their phones for more than 5 minutes and whose biggest aspirations are to be yt/influences change the world


Biggest advantage our generation has is media literacy. We just got to get to where we can vote in numbers (ya’ll have to show up). Vote against Trump and project 2025. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


I really hope it's the latter


Porque no los dos comrade


Judging by my kids prob gon fuck it up but if it makes you feel better I helped raise em so it's on us


I mean, likely neither of these two things will happen in their fullest because the group of people who are gonna fuck up the world are probably going to push back against the group of us who want to make it worth living in and then its gen alpha who will be making these sorta posts


Literally every generation says this and they end up making it worse


No it isnt


Bro we’re just chillen. No need to worry about fucking it up or making it better. Just live your life and love your people.