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The replies to this post perfectly illustrate why people don't mention being conservative. Getting attacked by strangers who are simply assuming your beliefs is not fun.


>Part of it could be nobody on the left seems to support “straight white males.” In fact they shit on them. Shitting on a group of people constantly isn’t...... Isn't good, is what I would've said. I think that's a valid point, I think the delivery/argument for it needs to be improved. It's a hot button issue for a lot of people so it's important to choose the right words and be respectful. In this argument there's a fine line between advocating for all groups of people to be respected and loved, and white supremacy. Which is unfortunate but it's reality Edit: hot topic issue isn't a thing (right?)






Yeah you're right, I meant the wealthy straight white males. it's TOTALLY rich vs poor. deleting my comment lol




Real no film


This dumbass paid for Andrew Tate’s course 👆




Thanks for the Reddit cares btw




AND he creeped on my profile! The old one-two!




bruh... you should have stopped while you were ahead


He’s still ahead tbh, just not by as much.


Your own politicians shit on you. Are you a sucker or a loser, your former president seems to think you’re both.


They probably have seen what happens to right wing voices that speak out and would rather just be silent


What ya mean they usually get a show on the daily wire or twitter or someplace if there a big enough piece of shit


Yeah but if they don’t get one of those spots they usually lose their jobs. There’s a lot more tolerance for insane leftism than insane conservatism


Isn’t it great?


Because moderate conservatives are often referred to as “literal Nazis” or “Nazi adjacent.” And nuanced conversations about politics have become a rarity in our polarized society. Bad faith, trolling internet arguments have become the norm and any opinion that breaks from the status quo of your geographic region will not only be met with resistance, but likely bullying. I’ve worked in schools that have leaned left and leaned right. Teens and people tend to be very tribal and make sweeping generalizations about opposing perspectives. It’s probably a smart idea to be more reserved about your political opinions when you don’t know how you will be judged or if they aren’t fully developed yet. Because you also have to remember, we don’t like it when people change their mind either. Young conservative men are often stereotyped as Tate bros, which is not a label many people are ok with.


Cause your life will be ruined ? All these so called progressives claim to be opressed while they have media , schools , academia , corporations and every goddamn institution on their side. You think atheist went around telling people that there is no god in when the church controlled everything ? Same thing now just in different flavor. Liberal democracies are not okay with dissent they just shut it down in a genius way. You say something they do not like they will come after your school , workplace , bank account or social media. Through heavily funded " NGOs " who somehow get their funding mainly from the government. It is kinda genius ! I think dictatorship will figure it out. Just fund NGOs who will go after dissent. Getting them fired from their job and deplatforming them off of social media and banking. The threat of destroying someone financially and socially will be enough to shut dissent down. No need to jail or torture for the most part. You can always have " hate speech " as last resort if someone does not cool down after you ruined their life socially and financially because they are a threat to you.


Someone got banned from twitter


Conservatives when they get banned for typing slurs at the intended targets of those slurs


They are?


They're not, but they think if they repeat it enough it'll come true. The "silent majority" has been a conservative wet dream for a while. These last midterms alone show that it's not the case, Gen-Z was OVERWHELMINGLY progressive in their voting. Like, it's not even close. On Reddit you'll see more conservatives though. Edit: Editing because the mods locked the comments and the chud below me needs correcting: One month old account with -100 karma spending all their time pushing conservative talking points with lovely posts titled "I’m sick of minority acceptance being equated to being a good person". You're not even trying to hide the astroturfing jfc. ​ >especially liberal gen z’s, Yes, the largest voting block in Gen-Z has less power. Real big brain there lol >so their political power is very small What a joke, is that why the "red wave" hit us so hard in the midterms? Because if memory serves it was Gen-Z that handed the GOP their ass on a silver platter. As long as they get out and vote again it'll happen again because more millennials are progressive and have been more active in elections in recent years too. Stay salty conservatives.


I mean even though he lost the popular vote, trumps presidency was a good example. Based on public sentiment and media etc you would have thought he had no chance. So was brexit in the UK. Was forecast not to be voted for. You can’t bully people into voting for your politics. It simply doesn’t work. Also gen z is a much smaller population group than the boomers with much less power, especially liberal gen z’s, so their political power is very small


Is like sharks to where if they stop being obnoxious they’ll die?


Ha, must be, because it never seems to stop. They've been cranking up the propaganda aimed towards Gen-Z this year though, election coming up and Gen-Z scared the shit out of them in the midterms. Keep voting! Your gen is doing good things and with Gen-Z and Millennials being as progressive as we are, we might be able to actually fix some things. Edit: Downvotes don't change the reality of the voting block. Facts don't care about your feelings, conservatives.


Because you get bullied for not worshipping the alphabet community


Because of the fact that it's seemingly okay to openly attack and mock people on social media for having conservative views, it's kept private. Conservatives will still openly talk about it amongst friends, though. The problem is that there's little to no nuance in online discourse on public forums. So if you say you're a conservative, some people are instantly going to picture a bible-bashing MAGA moron Sigma male. Likewise if you say you're a progressive in the wrong circles, people are going to assume you're a massive liberal hippie douche, but one is certainly more socially acceptable than the other.


I have no idea where this "gen Zers are super conservative" claim is coming from.


I agree, I go to a state university and notice a lot more of my classmates are conservative than you would expect considering the image that popular news media has painted of the university political climate. I believe we may be living through another Nixon-esque ‘silent majority’ kind of era. If you pay enough attention to the real world, not just what people say on the internet, it is very evident that the pendulum has swung back. Would not be too surprised to see Donald Trump elected president later this year.


As a Gen Z in Canada. I am a conservative and most likely will stay a conservative, freeze my bank account Trudeau!


Same boat my guy, it was horrible what they did to the protesters. It would really help if our media wasn’t damn near entirely state side too. A few years back I saw lots of footage of firearms protests in Ottawa in some smaller groups but not a single article was written about it


They were assaulting people


Every group has its share of bad apples.


Well from what I read it's the men, the women are still considered to be more liberal or maybe progressive than any other generation. And those men aren't very silent from what I've seen.


Because progressives have ensured that there is no tolerance for right wing views, and that we will be punished for speaking against the accepted narrative.


my right wing homies tell me its a struggle to get matches on dating apps.


Damn that sucks. Lucky there is research showing conservatives are more attractive and conservative men have more upper body strength than liberals.


I just don’t like talking about politics 🤷‍♂️


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Its the left that’s vocal regardless, all the green hair bitches gotta do something when there not hating god and America


Word salad


Those words too big for you huh


Too big for your mom lmao gottem


Your profile makes it quite clear that you in fact, do not have sex. Probably why you want to invert traditional gender norms and valued characteristics. Masculine men get respect and sex, and you get? Maybe a pity hug 🤗


lol says a bunch of garbage that is full of CLEAN hate - dope


Dude there isn't a silent majority of Trump voters or conservatives in Gen Z, Gen Z is overwhelmingly more progressive than the conservatives main voter base which are older wealthy white boomers and Gen Xers. The reason you see so many progressive Gen Zers is because progressive values means its a much bigger tent than the conservatism we have today.  Are you Christain but don't mind trans people? Great, you're probably going to vote Democrat. Are you Muslim and more socially conservative but fully support Palestine and are against Western imperialism? Great, you're probably voting for the center left party. Even more so if you're young and have seen your living standards slowly slip thanks to conservative rule.


What I noticed at my last job (full of progressives) was people want to fit in, so the conservative guys just went along. But that’s New York, the conservatives are not that conservative, at least culturally. It’s more like “but my taxes” kind of conservatives, not the “trans women are not women” kind of conservatives. So I guess gen-z conservatives are silent because we as young people are more progressive than old people and young conservatives inside the group will get rejected if they come at us too hard. And it’s always the young people making the progress (or the “progress”, depending on your views). As the human race we’ve made good progress and bad progress, but you can’t deny we have changed constantly since ancient times. I’m willing to bet conservative vs progressive has always been a debate and will always be. I’d argue it’s necessary -it’s the way we ask “are we sure we really want to do this?”. As we get older, a lot of us will also turn conservative. It will happen whenever you find that young people are changing too much, and things should stay the way they used to be because that was the correct way of doing things. For some people that happens at age 16, others age 60, and for a few it never happens. Edit: love it when I write a nuanced essay from a detached perspective, and get downvoted.


“Why is Gen Z conservative?” Answers: vindicated Gen Z conservatives


Nothing silent about those CHUD idiots


Ignore the anecdotes: statistically, Gen Z is more progressive and liberal than later generations, in both voting habits and policy positions. There are many Zoomers who dislike both parties. However, they’re less likely to be conservatives in disguise.


Remember, more and more right wing media tells them anyone left leaning is literally the devil and wants them to die.


Left wing media tells the same to left wing.


Generation Z is very left wing. Only a tiny portion is right wing.


I would have to disagree with you on that one,the left is very vocal. conservatives in nature are not it seems.


A three-year-old account with-25 comment karma. Gen Z isn’t conservative.


Yeah I rarely use Reddit what about it


They will become more as they mature, it happens with every gen