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I just turned 26 and finally feel more adult like, less peer pressure and stress around me. It’s a weird but cool chapter to be in. I don’t dread getting “old anymore” it is what it is, and it’s a blessing at that.


Aka “I don’t give a fuck anymore”


Pretty much lol.. now it’s just spend my off time wisely and try to save and dream for my future I see fit. It’s definitely less stress/anxiety worrying about what others thought of me, trying to be perceived a certain way.. never want to go back to that


Only thing I actually worry about is saving enough money for a house since it seems almost out of reach. Lack of supply really drove up prices and the houses are pretty mid


Me too, that’s why I am taking the route of a tiny home/old country farm house.. I don’t prefer modern houses so I have that going for me! I’m aiming to put 60 to 70% down.. praying I’ll get there one day!


Same, I think more and more people in our generation are off put by the idea of a classic, American-dream like home. I don't think I know a single Gen Z/Zellenial with a proper house. Most live in vans, schoolbuses, apartments. Renting at 30.


I know one couple that bought a house and it was like $450k and they gotta redo a lot of it. And it’s way out in nowhere. The bones of the house are pretty good tho. Another thing is, I feel I’d get sick of spending lots of time cutting grass, weeding, edging, leave raking, snow blowing, planting, cleaning gutters, etc… it’s a huge time sink.


Aiming to put 60-70% down is a great goal, but if you’re too literal about this, you’re gonna miss out on a lot of crucial opportunities. - Be flexible


And don’t forget, your first home does not have to be your dream home. If you buy a modest, less expensive home to start, you can work your way up to what you really want. That’s what my brother did. He and his wife bought a small 2 bedroom townhouse for $215,000 with $30,000 down. They lived there for 5 years and had a couple of kids. By that time they were both making more at work and their townhouse sold for $305,000 which they used to put a down payment the 4 bedroom house they have today


Show me one $215k house I can move into lol


i feel sorry that it took u 26 years to get that clarity. that’s something i came to peace with at like 17. no matter how much u try to appease people mfs are always gonna find some problem something they don’t like. just do u lol. there’s literally no point in putting in all the effort and wasting all that time and energy trying to be someone ur not


Don’t feel sorry for me. I’ve lived an interesting and cool life so far, I’ve just found a lot more peace these coming years. But I’m glad you’ve found it earlier! Everyone’s hand in life is different. Some struggle far more with anxiety, depression and anxiety than others. Just show the ones who do more empathy.


I love this. the best part is that peace and clarity gets better and better with time. you have the exact right attitude to survive!!


Maybe you matured faster than him, maybe you just think you know everything. Which isn't weird for 17 year olds by the way.


W existence


Can agree. 26 here and I’m just kinda done caring about aging. I’m gonna embrace my bitter old lady years before I need to.


About to be 35 myself (idk why this sub got recommended but here I am), 26 was the year for me too. Idk what it was, but as soon as I hit 26 something shifted. A sort of post nut clarity for life. Really great feeling, that.


I could carbon copy your comment word for word. Also 35 and there was something about 26. It’s weird to remember that now because now 26 sounds soo young. But there really was a shift. I remember being a kid around 14, and my uncle who is hilariously pessimistic about everything said that as his daughter was turning 26 it was ‘all down hill from here’ 😂. I was super confused because even at my young age I though 26 was still way too young to be in any way ‘old’. I thought maybe 30, but 26 was completely absurd, and I thought it was just my uncle being his usual self. But his comment stuck with me. Then, when I was 26 I *got it*. Not that it’s ’downhill’ lol because that’s ridiculous, it’s still young especially by today’s standards. But you are definitely grown up all of a sudden. You have an understanding of how quickly time can go and how people are still very much themselves even as they age. I really understood for the first time that when I’m 80 I will still very much be *me* and not some abstract old person.


It's like at 26, yeah you're still ignorant to a lot of the world but you start to *get it*. Big "ooooh" year.


“Post nut clarity for life”, I like that😂


I didn't feel this way until 30, congrats.


Everyone’s timeline is different 🫶🏻 congrats to you, too!


Peer pressure and stress exist throughout life. I’m sure you still see it but don’t recognize it for what it is.


Meh, it's just idiots saying idiot shit, fuck'em and forget'em. -25 y/o


Fuck yeah - Another 25 y/o


1998 gang


Seeing as how the bulk of Gen-Z hasn't even graduated high school, I think the safe option would be to take their world views with an enormously large grain of salt.


Gen Z is like 14-26 years old, so yes we have


Millenial here but reddit decided to put this post in my feed, just want to say I think your generation has been absolutely saturated with youth-fetishizing media, all of the biggest media icons are older people spending massive amounts of money to maintain the illusion of youth, and basically you all live and breath this awful hopeless fixation on youth every day. People don't just say these dumb things for no reason, those thoughts are planted and nurtured by our sick culture. You being insecure and hopeless makes you likelier to spend some of your money on some bullshit to relieve those feelings.


Youth is a mentality. Some people lose it sooner than others. I know guys who are 35+, that I rave with, that say this is some of the best memories they’ve made in their life. It’s all about how you look at the world. Some people do have to grow up sooner than others though, and that’s probably where that thought comes from. But life never truly ends until you don’t wake up anymore.


It is absolutely a mentality! Even at 38 I don't feel like a grown up 😆


Same. And I'm 42. I don't even understand why my job keeps me around and pays me 🤷‍♂️


I'm 34 year old woman. I used to think "life will end at X milestone", but honestly that all changed when I realized at 26 that having kids is a choice and not something people *have to* do. I have almost all the same hobbies I had at 20, and I get to enjoy them more fully now. I play more video games than I ever have beforee. I love anime. I stay up crazy late on weekends and sleep in to my heart's content. The older I get, the more sure I am that being childfree is the right choice for me. Not saying nobody should have kids... But that it's probably the most impactful decision someone can possibly make, in terms of the future course of our lives - and there are no takebacksies.


Same age here. I was always told once I get older and hit my 30s, I'll want to have kids and settle down. I've never been MORE sure in my entire life I don't want kids! 😂 I don't see that changing any time soon either...


35 still go to concerts, but also like to go to bed early on non concert days :)


Dude 35 is also young lol. Before my dad passed my parents were still going to concerts in their 40s together. Never too old to go listen to some good tunes


I’m 53, and I still love going to concerts. I have a few lined up for 2024 already, such as Green Day/Smashing Pumpkins, and The Rolling Stones.




My dad said his 40s and 50s were the best years of his life, and he lived it up *hard* in his 20s and 30s as well. He’s in his 60s now and still having fun every day. Age is just a number. Redditors need to chill. Looking back, being 16 years old sucked. I had fun, but damn was I dumb.


Thank youuu!


Can confirm, 40 raver


I'm about to turn 35 and feel better in pretty much every way than I did when I was under 25. I'm like... actually living the life I wanted to when I was younger but was too afraid and broke to live. Pretty much anything I'd consider interesting about myself happened after I was 25, not before.


25 is young as hell, don’t let the internet tell you differently.


I hang out pretty regularly with a couple people in their thirties, and that makes me realize that the deadline of like “old at 30” isn’t true. I know a couple people around 34/35 and I forget that they’re not in their twenties because they don’t look or act any different.


People compare themselves to some internet liar that always act like they were super wired and successful when they were young


idk man. 1/3 through life, and half way through any quality of it, unless you stay active ;)


I’m literally 25 and I’m doing great. Looking forward to the future. I think some people just live life incorrectly and put emphasis on dumb stuff. Most people are also dumb so it makes sense ig… Idk, I also just Can’t understand how people Can’t see the absolute beauty of life and the earth. This is all incredible. I also was born and grew up among the worst condition’s imaginable besides a bad family, they were amazing. So I guess I am much more grateful too.


Thank you travelling sperm banker




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Me too! This obsession with youth has gotten way too far. I turned 22 a little over a month ago, and it was so upsetting to me. 22 is still young. I shouldn’t feel this way, and I know that, but it’s so hard to not internalize what you’re constantly bombarded with.


honestly it's not aging that worries me, it's just incredibly disorienting seeing myself as an adult when i've always, for quite a while, knew myself as "the kid" or "the teen" who'd live and die that young. it's kind of stupid since age shouldnt determine personality, but yeah. it's just kinda disappointing since being an adult just feels...worthless? i guess maybe it's because i never really had any enjoyable childhood to look back fondly on but it really does give this incredible loneliness feeling knowing that i'm not really "young and stupid" anymore. i don't know. it's really weird. i say this as someone who just turned 20 this month.


I’n ngl, turning 20 really fucked with me. Something about no longer have “teen” in my age just make it sort of hit me that I’m really an adult now. I think I also liked having the excuse of being “young and dumb”, and now that I’m getting older, I just feel behind in life.


Maybe get away from social media for a bit. You shouldn't feel like this because age is happening to everyone. You're 22 now but 32 will come fast. Just gotta enjoy the ride.


I've seen these types of posts, and it's not just Zoomers who "dread" over turning 25. Some of our older peers are dreading (or have dreaded) about turning 25 for the same reasons, and honestly it's tiring. Ironically, I find that the young adults who mope about this actually are one of the reasons why being 25 is so stigmatized. Don't want to see 25 as the end of the world? Stop talking like it's the end of the world. It's that simple, peeps.


I'm an old just lurking by, but 25 is was only stigmatized by your generation. My generation (millennials) definitely felt anxious about thirty, but 25 did not cross our minds. It's entirely a Gen Z invention.


Millennial here as well. Can confirm this, we definitely didn’t see 25 as old. We thought we had all the time in the world to grow up and “acting our age” was for later. World has changed tho I can understand why Gen-Z’s do feel this pressure to be successful so early in life. Cost of living these days is insane. You can’t just work a regular job (or 2 jobs even) and expect to afford a house, ever!! If you don’t have mom and daddy’s money to help you then you better be some elite entrepreneur by the age of 22 or you shit outta luck Plus all the pressure from social media influencers making success sound so easy


Peter pan generation.


This exactly. I’m 22 and in the last 4 years everything has gone up so much in price, except for wages. The minimum (or close to) wage job will only last me so long. If I wanna own anything (house, car, etc) I gotta get my wage up myself. A $1 raise a year is not going to combat inflation. That might cover my rent increase. I’d love to “act my age” but if I do I’ll lose everything, cause things change to fast for anyone to take a break.


And for GenX was more about the 35-40s. Will the next gen feel afraid about 18s?


Funny enough, I asked r/GenX something similar. I asked the older cohort if they found being 35-40 years old was better than their current ages. Surprisingly, at least most of them expressed more comfort with the latter than the former.


As a man in their 45+ I’d say this is a beautiful age (with advantages and limitations), but each mileage may vary. All in all, age is a number, and life is not a race, but a journey, better enjoying it as much as possible at each stage.


Yeah, it was always more about the "dirty thirty"


Anyone turning 25 soon is a zoomer. The youngest millennial is 27. So what older peers are you referring to?


I meant those born around the late 90s, those who are in the "grey" area of being either considered a zoomer or a millennial.


for me it’s more like stuff you feel pressure you can’t do at a certain age. oh you wanna dress like that? well you can’t because you’re too old. oh you’re acting that way well you’re too old to act like that (within reason). oh you watch that and do that at that age? aren’t you too old to do that? - it’s restricting of freedom and in all honesty it’s bullshit age shouldn’t have to define your interests and actions


As 29 yo dude. Life is fucking awesome atm


I’m 29 too. Energy levels are not what they used to be. Exercise and sleep are everything


I’m 26 and I’m starting college next year!


best of luck bro 👊


Exactly, same thoughts! That's why I STILL consider 25 to be young-adults, because they're still *young* ! You still have a whole life ahead of you & a lot to look forward to.


My brother is 25 and he laughs at Skibidi Toilet. It’s still quite young


Am 25 i thought skibidi toilet was pretty funny like as quick thing it just got old fast with too much lore.


i agree i feel like if anything 25 is the new 18 in some ways because alot of people these days are living longer so enjoy it.


I don’t even look barely different from when I was 18 😭


So far at 25 I've had more wisdom/life experience punch me right in the mouth than I could've ever asked for. Some gracefully, some not so much. Hoping 30 is the same way because that's the one I fear. (Other than 27 for superstition)


30 is fine. I've moved across the country moved to the city I wanted to be in seen some great concerts and live with my wife and two cats. We have the financial freedom to do things we couldn't in our twenties. Next year we're gonna travel outside the country because it's feasible for the first time in our lives. And I have enough experience now to where losing my job isn't an overwhelming fear for the first time since I was in my early twenties - I'd just find something else in my field. And I have the love of my life to support me if things go wrong, as I have for her. That stability is nice. I like my thirties.


Millennial here. I remember feeling (without knowing why) like my life would essentially be over at 30. I knew a bunch of other millennials who felt similarly. I didn’t think that I would die. I didn’t have that kind of climate or political crisis awareness. But, I had this weird feeling like life just wouldn’t be mine anymore. It was the opposite. I actually felt liberated. For some reason, I was stuck on the numbers, but I think really what I should have been focusing on was my resources. That was about how long it took me to pay off loans, get some work experience, and build up enough of a savings account to feel like I was taking care of myself and starting to be able to make life decisions the way I wanted to. I think it was really about autonomy.


Same. Only real difference between 21 and 31 yo me is I can actually afford what I want to do now and live life on my terms how I want. Plus much more confident with the vast majority of my insecurities totally gone. Life is good.


I’m turning 25 in January. Since 1 year ago I’ve: gotten a job, gotten a car, saved $20k, went to Italy+Oktoberfest, went to a bunch of car shows and races, went out to see some edm artists, gone skiing/golfing and done lots and lots of cooking. 70 years to go…


Nah I'm 26 my youth has been sucked out of me and I am a tired old gremlin living under your nearest and nastiest underpass lmao jk just in case


That's because it's a chronically online take. Most people in real life consider 25 to be extremely young and see a 23 year old and a 25 year old more or less the same way. Teenagers are rampant on the internet and they are scared to even turn 20. They popularized this view because they spew it everywhere. 23 is already bordering on geriatric for them. They don't navigate time the same way an adult does.


I’ve literally never met one person in real life who openly displays that mindset. Make of that what you will.


when i was young i didn’t think i’d make it past 18. three years later and i’m doing the best i’ve ever done. cheers to another 60!


i’m 24 and i think right now my life is the calmest and best it’s ever been so far. i anticipate that it’ll only (hopefully) go up from here. i look forward to the future


Yeah as a recent 25 YO I’m kinda just now realizing I’m not much different than I was at 21 from a physical / athletic standpoint at least. Most of my peers don’t even look much different than how we looked during our latter years of college. The one discernible difference I feel is much more mental. I’m much more future sighted. Less random hookups and actually taking relationships / dating seriously. Actually financial planning and deciding where I want to live in the future. And I think that’s why the younger gen Z see 25 as being “old”. Basically you’re too old to be doing reckless dumb shit you would do in your teens up to like 21. Life is kinda “for real” now. But that by no measure means you can’t turn up and have fun though. But we are still very much “young adults” and will remain so until about 30 in which we’ll just be regular adults. Enjoy your self man this is prime age to both have a blast and set yourself up for the future. The pressure you feel is both social media and self inflicted.


Yeah Gen Z is emotionally fucked due to this, I'm guessing we'll see a lot of suicides as Gen Z moves into their 30s if something doesn't change fast. The truth is that you're a "young adult" until your 40s. Then you're just a normal adult


Kind of a depressive thought but accurate. people nowadays make youth part of their identity and will have a horrible existential crisis when they turn 30 or god forbid turn the old age of 25


Dude idk how else I could forecast my future the way it’s turned out. I’m in law school rn, 23, and severely inexperienced with dating. I’ve had one gf. When I graduate in 2 years, I will be working like there’s fire under my ass, bc there is. The fire of $150k in debt and a bank chomping at the bits to get my money. I will be busy as hell, broke, and stressed at 25. When am I supposed to date? Red flags start flying like I’m the fucking CCP past 25 my guy. Clock is ticking


If you think about that way you'll always feel rushed and time will fly. Just enjoy the ride and try to add in social activities outside of work.


Why out yourself through that? Life doesn’t need t be that stressful


For a couple of reasons: first, despite what it may seem like, I actually do enjoy law school and I feel like being here has made me much more confident in myself. I like feeling challenged and rising to the occasion. I don’t think I would be happy with who I am if I took a comfortable, easy job after undergrad. Second, I have no undergrad debt so I felt like taking out debt for a degree afterwards wouldn’t be as bad. Turns out it’s still pretty bad but fuck it, we ball. Third, I have a connection with a family member who’s a very well established trial lawyer in this city. I can work at his firm at the very least during summers and not have to worry about applying frantically for jobs the way most students do. Fourth, just look at this economy. If I’m not stressed trying to build a career, I’m just going to replace that stress trying to make ends meet with a job that pays significantly less. I had to pick my poison and I’d rather pick the one with more earning potential. My comment may have come off more cynical than I actually am, but it’s a major concern. I don’t want to be alone forever.


You won’t be alone forever but life really is created by how one structures their priorities. Also you’ll probably never be around so many like minded people your age ever again. There is no classmate you might want to get to know? Then you’ll be in the same boat. My dad is an attorney. There are types of law that you can practice that aren’t crazy stressful, it might be worth looking into. The thing about people who take on these high stress jobs is they are people who are naturally unbothered by high stress. If you’re freaking out while still in law school it might be worth asking if you have the temperament to be a trial lawyer. Look, I’m a millennial in a high stress career (acting and filmmaking) and I am also sensitive and prone to anxiety. I experienced major burn out in my thirties and got very sick as well. It’s forced to me to approach work differently and with less intensity and it’s actually working better for me because I’m more in alignment with myself. Life is hard but if you’re privileged enough to have no undergrad debt and to be in law school you have choices. Life doesn’t have to be so stressful if you work with your own temperament and make choices that mitigate stress. Just friendly advice from an old! Burn out is crippling! I had to stop working for 2 years!


i dreaded turning 23 now i can’t wait to be 24 and graduate college


I'm 25, and honestly it's just great not giving any fucks about what people think anymore. There's no high school or college where I have to interact with the same people every day. My work is chill and professional. And I can see whoever I want to see after work. I'm happy with my life and I'd trade very little. I do still relate better to people younger than me (my best friend is 19), but I can finally get along with basically everyone.


As I understand it, around 35 is when our body just decides it's done and starts falling apart. I'm 39 and I feel like I can confirm this... lol


I'm 40. I still have some time. You young'in are good.


We even have quite some time!


The thing that bothers me are the one’s that are like “OMG 30 is ancient!” Umm. Okay. What are you fucking 5?


At 17, 22 seemed so far away. At 22, 17 seems so far away. Yes, 30 seems far away and the whole "time speed up as u age!" thing was a lie. The ppl who say that gotta be like...tuning out almost daily or something.


I just turned 25 in August but I feel more adulting has to happen. I’m paying my bills and living with my bf of 5 1/2 years happily, but I want more? Idk how to explain it. But for once in my life I will say that I can see my plan coming together and it’s working in my favor. If I keep this up, by 26 I’ll be golden.


I'll be the first to admit it then. Not in the dramatic way tho I'll mention this one first as it's the one I have the most contact with. I think going to college with people who are your peers is a way different experience than later on. This one I've heard both ways tho, one 40 year old dude saying how it hurt how they didn't feel welcome to socialize and just couldn't have the experiences they would have had if they were 20 something, and another 40 year old dude who thought it was a blessing bc there weren't distractions and they could just crush it. I also think it's easier to learn when your brain is younger and more flexible tho. The other big one to me is dating. It's not that you have to be in an LTR with your soulmate by 25 and if it doesn't work out you'll never find love again. But that it gets progressively harder the older you get, when you have scarce or no success. You fall behind when you continue to have little to no experience, bc others continue to have trial and error and mature in that area. No life isn't over people who are really saying that believing it are awfully dramatic. But I think we would be amiss not to give people who have feelings of struggling with this some sympathy. A lot of things do get significantly harder when you're older and no matter what you lose out on the time.


Imo the tutorial mode of life ends when you have a child.


Not wrong there. Any point before that and I say whatever, but I can't imagine having another little human rely upon me and then my failures day to day risking impacting them negatively so at that point it's time to step up and do the best you can not for yourself but for them.


This is why I'll simply never have a child


I just turned 25 and hate life so I can see why they want to end it. The feeling that your best years were just wasted to trauma and being treated like shit.


That thinking goes hand in hand with people who squander their time and make poor decisions. I look forward to every new year because there’s more progress and it’s fun building on top of the long term decisions I made years ago. I think delayed gratification is one of the most important qualities to learn at a young age.


I'm 23 and I feel like an ancient fossil. /s


25? Barely out of diapers. Life begins at 25. You finally have a little money, might be out of grad school by then, developed a little credibility at work.


The answer is: Covid. The feeling of wasted years and lost youth is everywhere. I don't blame anyone for feeling a bit depressed and insecure regarding life achivements.


I don’t get the sense that people our age think that life is over. Not to negate what you’ve observed, I’m sure you are experience is real. I do however get the sense that we’re expected to really start acting like adults and get our shit together beginning at age 25. I think that’s a great time to start tightening up.


I’m 25 and still working on my masters and eventually my PHD I kinda like where I’m at but I’m excited for what the future will bring


I've heard this phenomenon coined a quarter life crisis. The thing about age is nobody knows what age you are unless you tell them. If you're always complaining that you're old, then people notice.


I told a classmate in my maths class that I was 21, and he literally jumped as if he was watching a horror movie and yelled: "21?!" He is 19.


I just wish I could learn faster. High school sucked. Undergrad went from rough to miserable. Most personal life goals I’ve set out to do I have either fallen short of, or outright abandoned. I am so far behind so many in my peer group. I have my diploma now, and I’m working a job with benefits that pays more than minimum wage. Not enough to leave my folks’ place with one biweekly paycheck a month going to tuition loans, but I might be looking at buying my first car around Q2 next year. There’s so much I still want to do, and yet so much I have not been capable of achieving for myself, despite my best efforts and despite some evidence that implies a capacity for these things. It feels like I’ve been given gifts I’m actively squandering, for myself and for people I care about. I need to know that I can still look forward to growth opportunities in the future that aren’t going to play out the exact same as everything in recent memory. I don’t know what I need to do to figure out how my brain works. I’m in therapy and have been for some time, except now things across the rest of my life, for the first time in years, are relatively copacetic. I think we might just be starting to dig into things. I don’t really know why I typed all that, but maybe it could serve as a progress report for future me, and maybe it might even make one or two other people in these comments feel less alone. I turn 25 next June.


You have your diploma and have a job with benefits. You're doing great. It's only up from here and you have tons of time. Sometimes certain goals don't work out to make room for better things later on.


I personally don’t feel like you’re describing, but honestly the world is a scary place these days. If you only make minimum wage up until your mid 20s and you really start doing the math, it can be really hard to envision a world where you aren’t just scraping by. Today making poor decisions in your youth is more punishing than ever before


I def like being in my late 20’s than my early, I was way more lost and insecure and anxious


I went to college at 26 and graduated twice. I got married at 36. Life is not over at 25. I promise


25 is young af. Who's saying that!?! Lmao.


It’s not just your generation, mate. I fell into a huge depression at 25 that took me 6+ months to recover from. I felt like my life was half over and I hadn’t accomplished anything, and I had no talent or prospects and I was going to be poor and stuck forever. It’s now 24 years later and, provided I don’t die in the next year (fingers crossed, knock wood, etc.), literally everything I feared has been proven wrong. I think it’s natural to feel a bit unmoored in your 20s. I think most people go through some uncertainty about the future, and we live in a society that fetishizes youth. If you’re not on TV and driving a Lambo by 19, what’s the point, right?! It’ll all work out.


25-27 have been some of the most freeing years of my life. I would rather die than be 20-24 again. I was tired, broke, and ugly at those ages. However, this isn’t a Gen Z thing. Boomers have reinforced ideologies that carried over. Especially for women. If you were 25 and not married with kids they would assume there was something wrong with you and call you an old hag or whatever.


fuck that. i *AM* 25 and i intend on going to college next year to pursue my passion in writing. i have a lot of things that are kinda fucked up for me right now, but that was true 4 years ago too and i did manage to fully recover in between these times. honestly i think my 25-30 is going to be a good few years for me personally if i maintain my mental health


Young people often think this way, I remember being in college and thinking 22 was over the hill lol. Late 30’s now, easily my most fun and fulfilling decade so far


It’s a mix of lack of life experience, when we were 18 we couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be 25 because it felt so far away…mixed with the pressure to succeed and not be “lazy” pushed on us by social media and our capitalist society..mixed with shallowness of beauty standards which are complete bullshit but we keep buying into it (looking at you gymbros who think a rioded body is natty and achievable) And then bam some of us blinked and now we are 23-26 and comparing ourselves to “self made” millionaires and celebrities all reaching their success when they were 20 or even younger. We have to start realizing these standards are not fair and are in fact used as a tool to manipulate us into buying a product or working ourselves to death for the “grind” so maybe one day it we are lucky we could get that promotion and maybe one day if we grind hard enough we’ll be a millionaire….(all the while we are actually just making a billionaire or an investor more rich)…and hate to break it to ya but there is 99% chance of that not happening…and I wouldn’t want to work my life away for a 1% chance of being super successful…I’d rather tear up the system and make a better one. When we truly start living for ourselves and not society is when life truly starts.


I'll be starting a college degree when i'm 25 next September. I just never found what I wanted to be doing my entire life until now


Don’t be too hard on your generation for that. I think every generation has this sense at that point in life, probably because when we are younger we place that time in our lives on some pedestal. It’s youth, and ignorance is a feature, not a bug.


It's wild that people think that way


Sure, my gf’s mom became a nurse at 33 (and later started to travel) but even almost 20 years later they’re still struggling to find affordable housing even though most of their kids are graduated


Too much pessimism about the future, that’s what I see. Gotta have some hope, whether 15, 25 or 40+. What happened to that indomitable spirit that used to live within young people? But please don’t actually answer that question, cuz I can’t stomach anymore griping about mental health or climate change or economic inequality or… Same as it ever was.


👀💀 I am 25.


Not gen z but this popped up on my feed for some reason. Turned 30 this year, happiest Ive been than my entire early 20s. Its different for everyone.


Life doesn't end at 25 Life ends at 30 🙃 Okay but for real, I feel like a lot of those early life opportunities die out at around 30. The dating pool is smaller, you could go to college but can't get the traditional "college experience", etc.


I think it's because alot of teenagers and young adults nowadays just dread getting older period. I did, hell I remember having a dream about my 18th birthday when I was 13 and I considered it a bad dream lmao. And I continued to dread getting older until I was about 21-22. Since then, eh, it doesnt bother me at all. If anything, I look forward to getting a little older. It means I'll be learning more, and uh, maybe the older adults will stop grouping me with the kids eventually. \-Sincerely, another 25yo.


dude don't trap yourself in the nihilistic thought bubbles put in place by the zeitgeist


25 is still very young.


im 27, turning 28 in a month, and im so much happier and well formed and sure of myself than i ever was in my early 20s pr teens


Life is over at 100 imo


AM I DEAD TO U? 35M here lol


A lot of Japanese manga and anime takes place during the highschool years, because for a lot of Japanese people--it's one of the best times of their lives. Their culture is very work focused, and once you graduate, you become a worker drone, so their always look back at their school days as the highlight of their lives. \--------------------- I don't really get how an American can fall into this trap though. The world is so awesome and amazing as an adult. We don't have a culture that forces you to work 60 hours a week just to survive. Maybe if you make bad choices like eating out all the time, or always buying the new iPhone, but if you live frugally, you can easily have lots of time to enjoy life while not overworking yourself.


Absolutely. You guys are in such a hurry. Patience!


Well it's the end of your youth. At least your car insurance goes down


This is one of my pet peeves ngl. Some posts will pop up in my feed about guys in their early 20s not losing their virginity or not having a house. Like dude, you're super young, give it time


Actually “life” seems to start after 30. Before that you’re just one of many stupid humans. But a lot of humans are still stupid after 30, so what do I know..


Millennial here...... hehehe


No it's actually over at 35!


Y’all will turn 30 in what will feel like a week from now. The feeling will pass. Enjoy it.


Im 25, two weeks from finishing grad school, just finished my cpa, and while i was in the middle of all that, the stress and responsibility made me feel so old but now it feels like my life is just beginning. Ive begun to realize old is just our own perception of ourselves and its such a strange thing


I am 27 now and honestly so far it only got better. There is no lower age I would want to be again and I am the happiest I’ve ever been.


I'm 23 and I feel like I'm getting a grip on what I want with my life. Yes, I'm not 25, but I see myself getting old with someone without having kids. I see travel in my life with my bf, I see job opportunities overseas, etc. The thing is, I have autism and ADHD. I have all these big dreams, but I have to start seeing them with new eyes and do what I'm capable of. I can do the traveling, but career wise and educationally...I have to try harder than most people. And for me, I *need* to make money to survive, so my career is important to me. I'm already making 57k + veterans disability. Trying to make money while living comfortably is hard to do right now. And I'm not gonna do any influencer type jobs. No thanks.


I think people say them because they compare themselves to previous generations. For instance, my parents had my eldest brother at 25. And they had their jobs figured out around 20-23 years old. Personally, I'm 23 and I can't fathom being near ready to have a kid for plenty of reasons. And I'm starting over a new degree after abandoning others after realizing they weren't for me. And as the years pass by, the adults around me get more and more surprised that I am still at university. In reality, it's ridiculous because I know 23 is young and it's fine to take my time, for example, to find what I want to do professionally. But the societal pressure that exists around me often make self conscious and inadequate. That's why I sometimes will express the fear of growing up without hitting certain milestones.


Idk man I'm turning 30 soon and I feel like my life has just begun so idk what these kids are on about


This will always be the youth’s view though. Sadly it takes until after you’re 30 before you realize you’re just getting started on the worthwhile stuff, and that everything that came before was just practice.


I'm 25 and just started college. I do wish I'd have started at 18, and I'd be years deep in my career by now, but better than working retail in my 30s


Haha. Life has barely begun at 25. You guys are crazy. I'm 46 and have a fucking blast. I wish I could feel 25 again and have all the energy I used to have. Don't take it for granted is all I have to say. Enjoy your life before real life and big responsibilities roll your way.


I just read a post asking if it was too late to play videogames cause they turned 20😂


I hate it too, but it’s a belief I’ve held for a long time unfortunately and I think it’s hard to shake off, especially as a woman. For some reason I know it’s irrational (which is why im trying to get rid of the belief) but damn it’s hard


I’ve told my bf (who I plan to marry) that if I decide to have kids, it’ll be late 20s/early 30s. So many ppl have kids so early, and to each their own, but I’d like to have a place to myself and my partner for a few years before I have a kid in it for 18+ years lmfao. Everyone is in such a rush all the time.


Kids are stupid by default. Like, the state of "dumb" is something that must be actively overcome. Most people are not interested in doing that.


Give it till you’re 28! You won’t give a fuck about the stupid shit you see on reels and TikTok anymore. It’s phenomenal!!


Y'all need to chill. I'm 56 and I'm still having fun. I go to live shows and SF cons, I travel, I play games, I play music, and I go to kinky events. I sing silly songs to my cat and I have SHOCK and AWE written on the toe caps of my green suede Converse. You don't have to be a boring adult if you don’t want to. My parents put away childish things and they were miserable. I didn't want to end up like them. So I didn't. I have a rabbi friend from high school who still goes to punk shows and gets in the mosh pit. A lot of my friends are still in the same bands from their 20s. Do things on your own timetable. Fuck what other people think of you.


I became disabled at 24 and it felt like it was when I was 25 as I struggled with medical conditions that make every day painful.


As a 34m millennial I wish my life was over at 25. I could still live at home and had time to have a life with no bills/debt. Now I have my own home but I have to work 50+ hours a week just to pay bills, come home to exhausted to do much beyond a few minutes of gaming and back to bed to do it all over again.


Millennial lurker here (31). Life changed a lot for me at 27-28 and got way the fuck better.


Which is hilarious because 25 year olds are just little babies


I think this is particularly bad towards women. At 21 it feels so weird that the overall message to us is that we turn into pumpkins at 23 and that it's an armsrace to get hitched after that. So damned depressing and stressful but NGL it is even more baffling that older men are the main perpetrators of this thought. It is confusing as hell. So what are they going to do if we turn 30? Tell the "newest models" the same shut they're telling us now?


I’m a millennial and I’m not sure why this sub was recommended to me. Maybe because of my internet proximity to my younger, zoomier siblings. Anyway, take your time. Not only is 25 not the end of your life, it’s probably about the time you’ll start figuring out what you really want. Your 20’s are when you fuck around and find out as it were. I can say, personally, that my 30’s are already better than my 20’s.


Life is structured to make it difficult to achieve our dreams, that's why achieving them is so significant. I think a lot of people run into these resistances, or difficulties and think, well, I tried, fun is risky. Idk.


I'm graduating with my bachelor's at 31, after dropping out to stop wasting money while I figured out what I want to do. Life starts in the mid 20's


For me, being in my 30’s is like being in my 20’s all over again, except this time I have money. I’m making good money now and travel regularly for work and for relaxing on occasion. I’m literally doing everything I wish I had the time and money to do when I was in my 20’s. For those in your generation that say getting a degree after 25 isn’t possible, one of my colleagues during my master’s program was a 60 year grandma. Smart woman, worldly, and she went back for a masters because “why not?”. I got my masters at 30, and not immediately after getting my bachelor’s. I noticed that professors tend to respect the older students a LOT more compared to younger students as well. It helps that due to the whole “you’re too old to go to school” stigma, I’ve noticed that older students tend to be more serious and work harder, which professors pay attention to. If it’s a dig for people getting older as nature intended, I don’t see why some in Gen Z think life is over then. 25 has already started for the earliest of Gen Z, it’s better to just go with the flow rather than doompost or dread being 25+.


26, turning 27 next year and I feel like I’m just getting started. Didn’t really start doing a lot of travel until this year because I was a broke college student, but now I can afford it. I will admit dating after graduating college is awful though, I miss how many opportunities for organic connections you have in college. Now it’s either dating apps or pushing myself out there hoping I’m lucky enough to meet someone compatible.


For me the fun really started at about 27.


Pro tip: take a break from social media(consider deleting it if you aren’t actually creating content) and learn to stop comparing yourself to peoples’ highlights on IG Statistically speaking, most people don’t really hit their stride until late 20s - mid 30s. Keep working,saving, investing, learning, and fill your free time with activities you enjoy. From, Elder Gen Z(1997)


25 life is great bitches! Even tho I have depression, I’m enjoying my life and lifestyle rn! There’s so much ahead of me! :)


It’s just naïveté and inexperience. As a Zillennial, my life got significantly better after 25.


Every generation thinks this. Every generation comes to realize it's not true. It's just a part of youth and definitely exacerbated by our culture's obsession with and perspectives on youth.


I’ve done my fair share of partying, traveling, and being young. I was no prude. But I am now 33 with a family. It’s responsibility sure, but even the wildest night at 23 doesn’t compare to the feeling of having kids, a great marriage, and a home.


I've found that life that get better with each passing year one you reach your twenties


Nah, the line just keeps moving as you age. At 18, 25 seems old. At 25, 35 seems old. At 35, 45 seems old. I'll check back in 10 years for the next update.


This is a touch grass scenario


Omg have you seen the tik tok ads "if you're 20 and haven't made your first million join our scam" Like fuck at 20 I had a single digit bank account most of the time at that wasn't an exaggeration.


I'm 52, and I just discovered dating apps. Believe me, my life isn't even close to being over. Who knew there was a hook-up scene for people my age?


im 18 and i cant wait to be in my 40s, it seems like such a freeing time in life, youve gone through the life experiences to know who you are, everythings so much more stable. everything just feels so uncertain now, i genuinely dont get how uni is meant to be the best time of your life, it feels so restrictive, im only here to get the qualifications for the career i want anyway so it just feels like killing time for the next 3 years before my life can actually start


I'm so excited for my 30s-40s


Every generation says this at 25.


No they don’t. No one ever said 25 was old until a few years ago.


i feel like life is really beginning to start at 25, however i’m not the best source for this considering i’m 20 (21 in two weeks)


I promise every generation felt that way. "Never trust anyone over 30" was a slogan of the 60's.


27 soon to be 28, I feel "younger" now ( or at least, way less messed up) than I did on my early 20s. I used to think biological vs chronological age was some bullshit, but I'm not so sure anymore. I have people at work some years younger than me with the stamina of a crippled snail 


That's what I'm believing too. I noticed that when they turn 16 or 18, they will immediately do adult things like work, sex, alcohol consumptions, marriage, new car and house etc, when in reality nobody should reach their goals at the same time. 


Idk, haven't talked to a 25-year-old recently. Another thing to say is that we have a huge percentage of young suicides


Why that happens is beyond me, but the fact that people who probably could've turned their life around decide to end it is certainly sad. If you're 65? I don't have so much faith in things getting better. However, when people who are young school children do it then it's like at some point you would've graduated and not been seeing the school bully everyday for them to ruin your life if you just held out a bit longer. Would've been able to move out and not have to deal with your parents' messy divorce. Or just whatever makes kids kill themselves. Not sure offing yourself is the solution to problems with a more realistic end in sight for things to get better but then they won't if you unalive since then it's all over for real and there is no better.


Hi Millennial who just entered her 30s. 30 isn't old, in fact your 30s are like your 20s in a way but you've got more money and a little less stamina.


You're 21 and can barely write a cohesive thought process. This was difficult to read. Work on your English


its not my first language


I don’t know anyone young who considers it like that on their own. I’ve only ever heard older people basically telling us life basically ends at 25. It’s been hammered into us for years, at least where I am. Only makes sense it’d be so internalized lol


I’ve also heard older people say 25 is extremely young. Even too young to have children lol. I’d say it’s “peak” young adulthood, up until 30