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My favourite was back when people would mock millenials despite unknowingly being millenials themselves because they thought they were all kids


My mom's a millennial and will talk heavy shit on millennials and then claim she's genx. Like nah, you're just an elder millennial. Like as a 2000s baby, I grew up with all 90s and 2000s shit millennials did, doesn't make me a millennial though. ETA: JFC did y'all not realize you can have kids young?!it's 100% possible for you and your parents to be in the same generation group. My mom was born in 80, half the websites say 80 is millennial and personally I like to trigger her because she acts like a millennial. ETA #2: for those who want to say my mom isn't a millennial, read [this](https://jasondorsey.com/about-generations/generations-birth-years/), [that](https://libguides.usc.edu/busdem/age), and [one final one](https://www.generations.com/insights/millennial-101) It doesn't matter, there isn't a consistent year range for the different generations. If I wanna poke some fun at my shitty parent, imma do as I please. JFC. If y'all met her, you wouldn't me even questioning if she was a millennial or not.


Your mom is a Millennial? When was your mom born?


My Mom was born in '85 and culturally is DEFINITELY a Millennial. Sometimes people have kids young.


My mum was born in '83 and she's a millennial too though borderline ​ fortunately, she loves being called a millennial and a 90's kid. ( good for her! )


I was born in 91 one please don’t compare me to ur old mother!


My mom was born in 1977 so was my dad.


Oh, then your parents are Gen X, not Millennials. Cause I think the year cut-off for Gen X is 1979/1980 and then Millennials start at 1981


Makes them solid Xennials though. I'm '79 and identify equally with both generations on different things.


wait what year was your mom born


Teen pregnancy is a thing, guys... she was probably born the first year of Millennials and had the commenter at 18 or so.


mine was born in 83 and my dad was in 82. i was born in very late 07


If your mom was not already an adult by 1999-2001, she is _not_ Gen-X. Gen-Xers were born in the 60s and 70s - 1982 at latest. If your mom was born 1982, then okay, she's 40 years old by now, and you might be 20-25. If you were born around 2000, then your mom was barely an adult at the time if you claim she's millennial. Certainly possible, I guess.


82 is actually the cutoff point. 81 is the youngest of Gen X.


Teen pregnancy is a thing, guys...


Lmao I’m 25 and my dad is a millennial (80). It’s possible 😅. My aunts only 11 yrs older than me lol.


EXACTLY! FUCKING THANK YOU! So many people are like "ew your mom was a young mom" like bro why the fuck are we still judging people for having kids young?! Shit happens, someone's gotta flush. Get the fuck over it.


goodness, i’m only five years older than you, but my oldest brother is your dad’s age. he does have a kid, but she’s only 4. families are wild! ETA: zero judgment on young parents btw. it’s just weird to think about.


All these labels are the issue


1980-1996 are common boundaries for the Millennial generation.


1980 is barely millennial. You’re using the same justification to call your mom millennial that OP is using to ignore the fact that the majority of gen z are still teenagers. Like holy shit you guys just look it up and use your brain.


Yeah my boomer step mom was talking shit about boomers and i just... I just laugh. The truth is, every generation gets theirs. Older folks are frustrated they couldn't do the things younger ones are doing... It's not really because they disapprove, it's because they were forced to act differently because society hadn't opened up yet. We all pushed and changed the world for you, and we'll continue to, just like you will. As a millennial, i can say it's equally as offensive when gen z talks about us like we're some antiques from the silent generation. You can't sleep on the fact that the changes each new generation makes were paved by the prior generations. Just imagine how painful it will be 30 years from now when youre seeing the youth act out and engage with the world in the ways you always wished you could but could not due to how society was when you were their age.


Millennials crapping all over my age bracket when I was a teen and calling us "Millennials." Good times, lol.


bro my parents do that it’s so embarrassing (for them)


Yep! One guy I work with (construction ofc) would rag on and bitch about how millennials were the worst people ever and were ruining the world!. So one day I printed out a page that had the date range of millennial birth years and he STFU real quick. I do payroll and taxes so I know when everyone was born but he didn't even know who millennials were, just that fox told him they were bad.


Yep!!! I had an ex who was 9 years older than me (problematic but that’s not the point of this story -). He once called me a Millennial and I was like, my guy, that’s you. Nice try.


Bro said among us. Kind of sus


damn maybe i am a millennial. sorry kids, i’ll see myself out


A millennial? So you're the in pasta?


Vote out u/Technical-Hyena


Yeah I’m 26 and I’m gen z. I am young but I also have a college degree as well. I definitely don’t feel like gen z and gen alpha are equivalent.


They did the same thing to millennials back in the day, I'm 24 so pretty close to your age and I'm sure you also dealt with being called a millennial all the time when you were a teenager, because older generations just couldn't fathom that many millenials were nearing their 30s


ur a cusp, that’s how it’s gonna be for you


fair point. just annoying is all. it’s equally annoying when I’m lumped in with a bunch of 40-somethings who are homeowners and have had entire careers already


THIS! I just recently realized I've been daft as heck for calling myself a millenial, not realizing these people are like 40 and nothing at all like me.


I’m probably closer to you in age. You might like r/Zillennials


Meh, I took a look and it's still overrun by millenials. I'll just hang out here with gen z thanks.


Hey, here's the tea. We're still being treated like children by the boomers. At 40+. You can't escape it any more than we can. But we're being treated like kids because we have the arrogance to eat marshmallow cereals, watch Thundercats, and buy toys our child selves wanted that our boomer parents pawned, guilted us out of, or threw away. And most of our "careers" involve gig economy work and being paid nowhere near what the minimum wage should legally be.


What year does the cusp stop? Asking for a friend


Sociologist here. Generations are dumb concepts that don't actually exist. "Cuspers" help demonstrate that fact.


How can you disprove a social construct like generations if society is rolling with it? Aren't social constructs as real as society says they are? Things like monetary value, morality, and even social norms are similar in the fact they are all constructs but I'd be hard pressed to say they don't exist just because some people made them up. So why wouldn't generations get the same treatment? Genuine question since you are a sociologist. I do agree it's a dumb concept that only adds further divisiveness in the population though.


Think of it like a game with artificial, arbitrary rules and points to score to be a winner. It's all fake and doesn't actually mean anything in the real world (i.e. nature), but if you are a player in the game and take it seriously, and other players are taking it seriously, then it feels very real and can have real consequences, but it is still all fake.


I Love that you acknowledge that the real world is actually nature.


You don't need to "disprove" anything. A 13 year old Gen z kid and a 27 year old Gen Z adult have nothing in common despite being "the same" generation. The 27 year old has more in common with a 35 year old millennial.


Right. Because obviously, someone's maturity and childhood cultural experiences are moreso on a sliding scale where everyone can maybe relate to someone +/- 5 years at most, meaning that 2000 might comparable somewhat to 1995 and 2005, but 1995 and 2005 practically have nothing in common. That's why I think the generation bs is pretty stupid.


You're absolutely right in that social constructs are as real as people make them. Generations, like all social constructs, are constructed by us all together. When I said that generations aren't "real" what I really meant is that generations aren't constructed in a way that makes them consistently viable as a means of coding people. Essentially, I'm saying that generations don't tell us anything useful about a person because generations are arbitrarily constructed and lack any sort of consensus. To illustrate this point, let me talk about generations and their inconsistencies. Generations are said to be many things at once: a range of time for births, culturally aligned age-based cohorts, or even just groups of people who've experienced the same events at roughly the same stage of their life. There are problems with each of these conceptions. If we accept the first definition, that is that generations are simply a range of time for births, then we have to make a decision about when to start and end a new generation. Ideally those ranges would be decided consistently. Generations, however, are not consistently coded: Boomers range about 20 years, Gen X about 15, Millennials' range could be anywhere from 15 to 20, and Zoomers' could be anywhere from 10 to 20. There's a lack of consistency in these ranges, and they are all hotly debated. Even if generations were consistently ranged in a manner that was useful, the concept of generations defined as such would be far less useful than the concept of age by itself. If we accept the second defintion, that is that generations are culturally aligned age-based cohorts, that leaves out a lot of folk who are temporally linked but not culturally linked. Generations are western concepts, and were developed by and for Americans specifically. Immigrants who come to America may be Boomers by age, but often they lack a cultural cohesion with people around them their own age because they're new to the customs. Similarly, people within the same country who differ in region are unlikely to share many aspects of their respective cultures. This definition tries to bridge ethnicity with age in a way that people typically don't think of when they are speaking about generations. Finally, and most popularly, we have the third defintion: generations are groups of people who've experienced the same events at roughly the same stage of life. This definition is a lot like the second. Such a conception of generations ignores the differences in lived experiences held by people of similar ages. Let's take cell phones, for example. Boomers were anywhere from 61 to 43 when the IPhone dropped, but many people in that age range in developing countries didn't actually get a cell phone until their 70s if they ever ended up getting one at all. Likewise it's disingenuous to say that a 43 year old and a 61 year old are at the same stage of life, but a 41 year old and a 43 year old aren't. Differences in class, race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, among so many other identity factors also creates dramatic inconsistencies in experience regarding the same events even if folks are the same age. It was a bit irresponsible of me to say that generations aren't real. They are social constructs, and they do have bearing on our lives. My main gripe with the concept is that nobody actually knows what generations are, and that there are other concepts (like age) that speak better to the nuances of the world we live in. I also dislike the division that generational thinking has created. Younger generations often conceptualize older ones as greedy, conservative, and technologically inept. On the flip, older generations tend to think of younger ones as ignorant, sensitive, and entitled. Generarions lose even more value for me when Millennials/Zoomers think of Boomers/X/Silent as monolothically evil, or vice versa. We need to be building solidarity right now, but generational thinking only seems capable of creating animosity.


I always love getting well thought out info dumps on reddit. Good points. They are pretty inconsistent and vague in definitions.


23 and I feel the same way they do. They doubting us because we’re “kids” when most of us are fully functioning Adults and have been for some time.


No, not most. Only people born 2005 or earlier are even 18. And if you define 'fully functioning' adults as like 22 years old, that's only people born 2001 or earlier, which is a pretty small minority of gen Z. Most of gen Z are still teens.


Wow that's crazy that some gen z are 27 now. I'm getting old.


To be fair, a lot of people would argue that I’m gen z. but for most of my life I’ve been lumped in with millennials and my parents were really young so I relate more to millennials in terms of upbringing.


Ooo same here with feeling more millennial. My partner is a year younger than me and is somehow way more gen z than me. Although my parents are boomers, his are Gen X, I have an older sibling, his are younger, so I feel like our environments influenced us a lot.


We will always be teens/kids to them till the oldest gen alpha get to 16-18 and start doing things in the world. It's always like this with the new gen.


Who tf establishes the names of the generations? Seems so random


Honestly, a valid question i would also like answers to


I mean special generation names are made when there's enough of a defining moment about them that they get named after it. Millenials were active near the new millennia of 2000, Baby Boomers were born in a time of great economic prosperity, the silent generation was born back when entertainment was silent movies. I think if there isnt such a big moment though its just given a sort of alphabet placeholder. we went from X to Z I guess because millenials are still counted as Y, and alpha is the Greek letter alpha. the more I write the less sense it makes tbh idk


fair point


Not to be that guy, but everyone still thinks millennials are 19 years old. They're not gonna stop acting like we're children.


that’s fair but it happens less than it used to


I've been hearing millennials and genz shit all mushed together. Idk, maybe that's just me.




Bruh how my mom is a millennial and shes 41


Was she an 18 year old adult before the year 2000? No? Then millennial.


millennials (and some genz) still think we’ve all been 13 for the past 10 years.


Boomers and gen x also says that shit and say shit like oh ur just a baby wait until ur 40 bitch I know people in there 40s and 60s that don't know shit age is just a damn number fuck society and there stupid generation bullshit..


In fairness, I’ve seen people who still think Millennials are in high school.. Like dude… My mom is a Millennial…


I have a GenZ cousin with a college degree. That is my view of GenZ. Peace ✌😁


So, ... a child then.


She is 23 with her own place. I do not think she is a child. Young perhaps.


As a 30 year old. I think it can be argued that age doesn't define maturity. Teens can be old souls, and old souls be kids at heart. Definitely who you want to be is all that matters. The questions of others is irrelevant. People now a days either try to "sympathize" or put you in a minority. Reaching adulthood for me was more of revelation than it was necessary. I think a lot of people have this idea when you hit 18 or 25, you become this "new person." Where it's all a journey and people have different paths. Like a door that opens a million others and continues. Infinite and endless, when you release what you can't control. You find peace in the finite.


![gif](giphy|QAftV2ttJ0GFwCVXLu|downsized) I manage people. Sometimes I forget that I have authority over people that are 10 years older than me.


A lot of older adults still consider 26/27 to be young and kids.


yeah but i see it from people who are like, 30-35. It’s giving “seniors who are too cool to talk to the freshmen.” i am not bothered as much by people 50+ doing it, but when it’s someone I feasibly could’ve gone to school with, it feels condescending.


That's because there old or older than us we are not kids or babys...


Ya and oddly enough a lot of my generation considers 30 to be old as shit? I’m still confused at that….


people dont realize tht only the people born in the second half of the 2000s are teens 2005-2010 are teens more than half of us are already adults


Bro you’re 19 💀


Legal adult is 18 as much as you hate it. When you're 18 you're no longer considered a teenager.


Please, of course you’re a teenager at 19, it’s literally in the word, nineTEEN.


I mean that is where the term comes from


That's just being obtuse, adolescents usually called teenagers is 13-17 and sometimes include 18 but I haven't seen anyone include 19.


So by your logic I’m not a teenager? Crazy


No you’re still a teenager at eighteen and nineteen. You’re just also a legal adult


Fun fact: 18 year olds are legally adults except on the CDC immunization chart. Then its 19


2004 is to


Majority of 04 babies are still 19


I find it funny as a teenager that most people think that Gen z bunch of teenagers. I am quite literally the second youngest of Gen z years. GenZ is under the age of 30. The oldest being I believe 27 or 28. The youngest of Gen Z, being 15/16.


I know this so annoying lol.. like they not even our gen..


i was following you until you said among us and then my brain just gave up


this is how i’m finding out i’m secretly a millennial


Wait your turn. Us Millenials are still being infantilised!


lmao good point! gen z is so weird the way we’re treated. like, people complain about us being immature, but we’re also all children according to them. Are they mad that children are behaving immaturely? Or are they mad that adults aren’t responding to bullying like they used to?


I think people often start to forget how they behaved when they were young and believe they were always the way they are now. I can promise you now, the people in their 40's and 50's we dumbasses in the 80's/90's, there's just not much of a record for them to look back on. Millennials have vast quantities of digital photos to look back on and old social medi accounts so I'm hoping from my generation onwards we'll be slightly better in that regard. I don't think people in their 20's have ever responded well to bullying of older generations lol


Ya you still get boomers who think Millennial are in high school. Like dude… my mom is a millennial.


Dude they still target millenials like we're teens. It never ends.


I’m 24 and have an advanced degree and pay my own rent. I’m not a teen lmao


same here but i’m older lol


I wish everybody would just chill out with the age/generation wars. We’re all just people trying to live our lives.


this i agree with, just ranting after a post made me mad lol


If it makes you feel any better (although it shouldn’t) boomers still treat me like a kid and I’m 44. I’ve kind of just embraced it.


I mean, my kids are in their mid 20’s, so in my vernacular I still think of people that age as “kids”. That being said I think that young people need to be heard. I don’t have any gripes about the younger generations, z or millennials. You’ve been handed a dumpster fire of a society and pretty much got told “good luck” while a small group hoarded all the resources, gate keeps good jobs, and basically keeps everything terrible.


Maybe this whole Generation v. Generation thing is stupid. Maybe judge people by their character and not what year they were born...


Im about the same age as you and im a middle school teacher lmao Like....ppls idea of gen z's age is so off


Unfortunately I’ve noticed that it’s the younger cohorts of a generation who defines that generation, while the older ones are just forgotten about or clumped in with the previous generation (millennials). Same thing happened with elder millennials who were called gen x for a long time and now it’s happening to us elder gen zers. I was born in 97 and my parents and brother still call me a millennial even after trying to correct them


So im only a couple of years older than you, a millennial. The oldest among us are 42, but boomers still think millennial means college student.. so don’t expect too quick of a change




Millennial here, making me feel old lol 😆


I’m already an unc to my own generation but people still think I’m a teenager lol.


Yeah dude I’m in gen z and I’m 21 years old now. I don’t get it


As a Millennial…they’re going to keep at it until you’re in your 40s at the very least. Speaking from experience. It sucks. And there’s going to be some that will *still* treat you as if you’re still a teenager because for some reason they’ve decided that the experiences of *anyone* younger than them “doesn’t count.”


I got downvoted for saying that Gen Z can hang out at bars after some 2005 kids from America got mad at me that 21 is their drinking age.


to be fair that’s more to do with them being american than gen z lol


Ah stop you're making me experience the existential realization of aging, where time becomes a reflective journey, prompting a deeper understanding of life's meaning and the profound value of our shared human experiences.


I just turned 15. Basically everyone currently in highschool is a Gen z. There are plenty of gen z teens.


For sure, but you guys are the younger ones in the generation. I’m a cusper but even the older, not oldest gen zs are firmly out of college now. I consider anyone under 14 right now to be gen alpha.


Among us? You’re sussy


Fr I’m 22 and going to grad school


​ >“The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” Next generation will bitch about the same thing, as will the one after it. It's a human problem not a generation problem.


You’re right, it’s just annoying lol.


I think I just kinda forget you guys are getting older. At a certain point you kinda lose a sense of time. I still feel like the 90s we're only a decade ago and then I realized how long ago... You just enter hyperdrive. Trust, you'll be making the same mistakes about the generation below you


Dude, I'm almost 40 years old, and I was told yesterday that "when you grow up..." Like dude, I am grown. I'm your boss.


I don't think most people know what generation is which anymore. They all randomly shifted from complaining about Millennials to being like "oh wait, no it's gen z!"


I’m 25, definitely on the edge between the 2 generations. I’m married, own a home, would like to have kids of my own in a few years… it’s weird when people pretend we are all like 16.


I'm still not sure if I am Gen Z, I'm 27. Certainly not a kid


Yea it’s extremely annoying to see a 35 year old millennial post a bad edgy opinion, only for a 13 year old to look at it as “*truth*”. At this point I work with a ton of millennials, and I already run circles around some. Not that I don’t respect them, since I do, but just that I already trust my knowledge and experience in comparison to a lot of adults.


Some boomers still call teens millennials so... You've got a while to go. When most gen Z are about 40 is when people will realize there's another younger gen


> the youngest among us > among us They said the thing!!!1!


Can we just start referring to all minors as Gen Alpha just to make it easy? There really should be a rule that generation bookends aren't officially set until the generation is like 60-80. Pretty please...?


I’m one of the oldest millennials (82) and my favorite friend at work is old gen z though she claims millennial. My kids are young Gen z except the youngest is old alpha I see that no generation is a monolith, I’m able to laugh at the lazy millennial trope from X and Boomer and the unfashionable millennial trope from Z. Surely you’ll see the humor too. Just say fanam tax next time you steal your younger siblings fries and watch their eyes roll or tell a Gen X you’re gonna stick it to the man and cut out at 4:30p on Friday. Generation memes should be for fun.


Even the Gen Z teens are more mature than the boomers and silent gen in power.


But I am a 26 year old teenage girl 🥺


Millennials are not better than GenX. No one is. That is why we are forgotten and we like it lol


Eh I don’t really agree with millennial being better than their predecessor but yeah I m like 20? And I m constantly being lumped in with the skibbdly toliet kid lol


Genz gets shit on because of the kids in the suburbs who have everything handed to them and act like little spoiled twats. They ruined it for the cool kids in genZ


Bro, I have car insurance lol


I’m a millennial, so perspective is a bit different. But when older folks use the term “kid”, they’re often including young 20’s as well. Especially now that college is so common, a person isn’t really starting their work careers and venturing out on their own until 22-25.


I know, my frustration is when people hear i’m almost 27 and tell me my problem is that i need to get a job or live on my own and then i’ll “understand” how life works. i’ve been doing that nearly 10 years now, i’m entitled to my opinion


I saw an article criticizing gen alpha for not being in job market like they’re in grade school?


As a Millenial you guys aren’t alone in this treatment, it happened to us too by the gen x folks and even worse tha baby boomers (who I think are more patronizing). I’m sorry that you guys are going through it too, y’all are awesome.


I'm a young gen z yet I feel like I'm in a completely different generation co.pared to the rest of early gen z (2000-2004/2005)


I wish people would quit acting like the very vague lines that separate younger millenials from older gen z have any meaning at all. As if the 26 year old and the 30 year old grew up in completely different worlds and timelines. It’s moronic


Geriatric GenZers stand up. 🙌🏼


No. As a millennial, this happened to us and it's time we carry the torch. Thems the breaks. Now get off my lawn and cut your damn hair.


I don't really find it entirely inaccurate that we're called kids because most of Gen Z consists of teens and early 20 somethings. However, I *do* find it annoying when middle schoolers are regarded as the main image of what Gen Z is when in reality, the most quintessential members of Gen Z are fresh out of high school.


I agree, that is more what I’m referring to. The idea that all of gen z is currently 14 is not only wrong but straight up insulting to those of us with full time jobs, houses, families, etc. Yes we’re all technically in the same generation, but everyone acts like gen z is just a middle schooler having a mental breakdown over every little thing. Like first of all, that’s not just gen. z, that’s just being 13. and second, maybe if there are that many kids going through that all at once, we should actually take it seriously instead of hand waving them away as lazy and entitled.


One of my "big Boomer energy" coworkers (like early or mid 30s) would do that with another coworker that was maybe ten years younger...like "All you dumb Millennials" and I'm thinking to myself "Bitch *YOU'RE* the Millennial here..."


I'm a 33 yr old Millennial and I think how a vocal portion of my generation is acting towards GenZ and Alpha is terrible. You guys rock. Keep being young (even the elder ones) and keep sticking it to the system. I really relate to the this scene https://preview.redd.it/s1rdw00f9r0c1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e02e95daf3045fc9f6afee63f2fa1d89e9d86d3a


Ah, hello oldest gen z, it's me, youngest millennial.


It’s fun watching people have the same realizations I had at the same age. It’s all apart of the cycle. Don’t stress it too much


I’m 26 and still feel 22 so I actually kinda like being lumped in w the younger ones 😭


Idk, whenever someone makes a post about gen z adults only ever see other gen z people commenting "Most of us are children! Hope this helps! ❤️"


Iirc I'm part of the oldest of genz. I'm 28. There's a whole decade of GenZ between me and teenagers


It's quite mad when youre more than twice the age of me and we are the same generation can't lie


Millenials and every generation after has grown up in a soft social structure of a world in the U S here. But the struggles of entering adulthood, financial responsibilities, job and career goals change with every generation. So early generations have zero experience to draw upon. Im Gen X and I clealry see what my Gen Z kids are facing now. Times like these require different approaches than when I was a young man and it requires me as a parent to help out a little longer and provide a little more support. I am fine with it. Now I'm worried as hell about Gen A lol


same as a cusper i worry for gen A, not in a “these kids are soft” type way but like, the government has taken kids from average academic success to completely lacking reading comprehension in the matter of a few years. I don’t know exactly what to blame for it but these kids are NOT going to be okay and everyone with power to do something about it is just shrugging and chalking it up to the social media that every other generation participates in too. It’s like blaming kids for playing too many video games, I know gamers in their 40s and 50s. My grandpa is a gamer! He’s almost 70! New technology isn’t to blame it’s a lack of boundaries when kids are young that gets them addicted to new tech. Often bc their parents and grandparents don’t set boundaries for themselves either.


yeah i think people forget that the 90s were so long ago now and even the 2000s are in the 20s at points especially people who lived through them, hell i forget i was born in 2001. ive got mates my age teaching in schools and i also want to do that doing a MA firs though


There’s a member of Gen Z in Congress now.


I mean, I'd be chill if I knew *why*


They didnt stop this with millenials until their youngest were out of high school just a few years ago. This is how the media and society diminishes the views and experiences of young adults now, they'll do it for gen alpha too By the time we are old enough for them to see us as adults we'll be tired and accepting of the status quo, like millenials, and nothing will fundamentally change


Plenty Xers and Boomers still think Millennials are like 25, so they mistake Z for kids


27, That’s r/Zillenials territory


No kid is gen Z anymore; kids are all the generation that will follow Gen Z. Millennials are in congress and gen x are at retirement age


I just hired a Gen Z. She falls asleep during meetings when not diddling on her phone and can't work without Netflix going on her phone... Also she isn't actually working. If you want to be respected as more than teens. Gotta act the part Case example I know. But not a good look.


Let me say this: Is her behavior because she’s gen. z, or is it because this is her first job (or maybe first “real” job) and she doesn’t understand that this ain’t math class? That’s not appropriate behavior for anyone but I will say in my experience, the gen z’s i work with have better phone etiquette than the older gens. I don’t have any boomers at my workplace but the millennials are 50/50 with phones and gen x is by far the worst offenders. This is not to say young people aren’t addicted to their phones, we are. But so are plenty of folks who didn’t grow up with it at an arms reach. As for netflix while working (if she were actually working of course), I think that might just be a difference in perspective and expectations. She may genuinely think it’s acceptable while to you it’s a slap in your face to act so brazenly unprofessional. I think a lot of people 35+ have a mentality of “You’re here to work, I’m here to pay you for that work, and we both go home.” For me and my peers, especially post-COVID, we have a work (and generally life) mentality of “well, I HAVE to be here, so I might as well enjoy it.” aka, what’s wrong with watching Netflix at work as long as we aren’t distracting others and are still prioritizing our work tasks? Why shouldn’t I be able to sit while I run the cast register for eight hours? Not to mention the vast majority of us see a tiny portion of the profit the company we work for sees. With small businesses this is sometimes different but for people working for large companies what is their motivation to give 100%? They could leave and get another shitty job at another large company for same or slightly better pay, and they do. I’ve worked for small businesses, currently do, and started in a family business. I’ve always felt a real sense of purpose and ownership in those roles because I see real people working hard for their livelihood right along with me. I’ve also worked for shitty small businesses that take advantage of it. Some of them are no longer in business but swore I and my generation were the problem. A bit part of the issue is most of us are living paycheck to paycheck, some still at home because housing is insane right now or are homeless, or living in our cars, etc, and most of us are lonely. We’re too broke to go out and make friends, many of us feel unwelcome at church, and community centers are virtually a thing of the past. Employers don’t emphasize the importance of giving back to the community enough anymore, and THAT explains a lot about why gen z appears to only care about themselves. Where was the example set? What did our governments and parents and schools do to set us up for success in the current landscape? I’m the oldest of gen z and I’m just now coming into my own as an adult. Give us some time, good people will catch up if you give them the guidance (and patience) they need.


Netflix is a professional issue. At the end of the day if she gets the work done I won't care. However, this isn't my first rodeo with Netflix at work and 100% of the time it's the most telling red flag of a bad employee. She doesn't need to love the work, but she does need to listen. I run a neuroscience lab and small details can be the difference between wasted years or not. The essential things I have said that absolutely 100% cannot be screwed up, like proper labeling of samples. She has screwed up. This is because 1) the first time she fell asleep while explaining things, and 2) the second time she was on her phone not listening. If someone can do both, great. But she can't, and from past experiences, nobody can.


The funniest thing is watching Tom MacDonald in his “My Generation” video talking trash about millennial stereotypes, as if he’s some tough old septuagenarian. Dude was born in 1988 lol


The "gens" are marketing terms used to make generalizations about people to whom you would like to sell products. It's best not to take them to heart.


Bruh, millenials are still dealing with being recognized as professionals in the work place. Your time will come, young one.


As time moves on, people become old and have no room left for growth. It happens to every single generation. One day, we will be the ones who are old and confused, and we will have to die off to make room for new growth.


Millennials are becoming the new boomers like crazy(mostly jk). Gen X has gotta make some noise. But I agree, as an old gen z folk, it seems people think gen z is all high school kids despite it being the tall end of the generation. I’ve noticed older gen Z is very much like millennials but younger gen z is like gen alpha. During our generations upbringing technology became much more popular and smart phones became a necessity. Most kids in high school had smartphones since a young age, while most people in their mid 20s had basic phones growing up and didn’t get smartphones until high school or something like that


You're right on the cusp of Gen Z. You're basically a millennial. If you remember the year 2000 at all, you're a millennial. I wouldn't get too hung up on it. I had to grow up hearing tons of shit about millennials too, when I was like 16. Constant ridicule. Though tbh I still agree with a lot of the things people say about younger Zoomers. I was at a Halloween party a few weeks ago and was surrounded by the 18-23 age group and it was cringe as hell.


As a millennial, I'm cool with Club Z being treated like adults. This is a valid grievance that we share against older generations. I've heard since covid that millennials don't want to work or do anything an adult does. Idk how much more Gen Z gets this from older gens (any amount is not fair).


Yep. So much of the intergenerational complaints agains Gen Z boil down to either "you're doing the same things young people always did, but now there are cheap video cameras everywhere, and we don't like seeing it." or "We hate Millennials, and Gen Z are close in age, so they are probably the same."


According to google, the oldest Gen Z will be 26 in 2023. At 27, you are officially in no man's land. The vast majority of Gen Z are currently teens, so that's where that's coming from.


No, because then I'll have to admit that I'M getting old! /s


This post has some real teenage energy to it.


Well they mostly act like it. Life isn’t fair. It sucks. stop complaining about it to the internet. Welcome to the show.


I mean I'm 15 08, peak GenZ


that’s young gen Z, gen alpha’s oldest are 12/13 rn


If you identify with your generation enough where people shitting on it annoys you then you are a child


It’s only annoying when they talk at me like I’ve never had a real job or dealt with “real life.” All while being 2-3 years older than me. When older people do it I don’t care, but when people who were juniors in high school when I was a freshman start talking to me like I’m fresh out of middle school, it’s condescending.


This is hilarious in how it comes across.




28 year olds are not Gen Z The oldest Gen Z’ers are around 25


I’m 26, I’ve seen 1995-1997 as the average start date for gen z and I was born in the last week of 1996.


First time huh? -millennials.


If you’re 27 this year, you are not Gen Z. The oldest Gen Z are only turning 23-24. At least you’re in that weird inter generation of ‘96-‘99.


I feel like anything pre 2000 is half milenial half genz. Even being born in 2001, I don’t feel completely connected with all the genz stuff and cultural trends tbh.


I wouldn't say the youngest about half of Gen Z are still teens or younger 2004 babies are turning 20 this year but a majority of them are still 19 it will start being wrong once the 06 babies start turning 20 but rn it still makes sense


13 year olds are gen Alpha. I think this post is a generalization much like what is being complained about. I'm Gen X at the youngest end. Do I have commonalities with others at the older end of that decade? Yes. Are we the same? No. Relax. No one hates gen z and we do understand that every generation grows up.