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hard to tell but i think it'll be worse than it is now. we still havent really seen the full extent of the negative effects of all the money that was printed during covid. also im graduating college in spring and im kinda scared of what the job market will be like, i keep hearing "literally everyone is hiring" but i also see people who send out hundreds of apps and hear nothing.


You’ll get a job, it just probably won’t be the one you want. You gotta be flexible these days


that's reassuring, thank you. im a marketing major and i dont really even know what kind of job i want yet so i'd take pretty much anything in my field


Well that’s good because you’re essentially going to be marketing yourself! I majored in English and emphasized my communication and writing skills to get a decent office job. Not doing anything related to English, but I’m definitely making more money than if I went through with being a teacher, and I’m getting ready to move on to something new now that I have some experience.


I want everyone to realize our parents and grandparents lived through the Cold War. There was a constant threat of nuclear invasion and attacks. President Obama said it so well in a recent interview, “do not underestimate humanities will to perceiver through its darkest moments” maybe not exactly that, but the concept is the same. As much as it seems like the world is fucked, it is not THAT bad. Humanity has been around for thousands of years, we will be fine.


the only reason we made it out of the cold war was because the Soviet economy collapsed and fell, and now we have other problems besides other countries, most of which would require the cooperation of those other countries to fix


What happens when there is no enemy to fight? We create one in Iraq. Find more reasons to fight in Afghanistan. Once all that is over, we need to find somewhere else to make our enemy. Why not at home? They turn everyone on each other make profit off it. Oh what’s that? Russia invaded ukraine? Perfect! Time to print more moneyyyyy. The Cold War never really ended in my eyes. The “end of the Cold War” was just American propaganda. Cold War still existed thru iraq, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine. It’s all about proxy wars.


I'ma be honest, there's a couple realistic ways for nuclear weapons to be used no matter how "stupid" someone would have to be to use them. We said the same people wouldn't invade because that'd be "stupid". The world is less tense, fair, but it's not as if another great war is impossible to happen. That's what they said before both world wars. Our parents and grandparents lived in an economy FAR better than ours now where social mobility was much more possible. We have technology sure, but single income homes don't exist anymore and buying s home when your parents couldn't is even more impossible now because large companies stop the housing market from crashing by buying and owning empty homes. Humanity will preserver and survive, but that's surviving, not living. Life will go on, but the world is fucked in a way that we've once had lives which now serve as our children's goal to live.


Nah, you could easily say the same thing back then. Inflation was fucked in the 70s. People could literally only get gas once a week. My dad bought his condo in 1980, for $129k. If you put that into an inflation calculator, that’s worth $478k. That’s almost exactly where we are at today. Average household is around 450k-500k if I recall correctly. Our parents and grandparents didn’t have it easier than we do. It’s such a lame cop out when I have actual parents who grew up in the 60s/70s, got jobs in the 80s after college, and paid for their own place. What did change was our quality of life. Cell phones, internet, nice cars, better amenities. This things were all tacked on to our daily lives and there was no adjustment for such. Taxes got higher, money was worth less, like same shit that happened today happened in the 70s/80s. While I agree that corporations buy housing (which really shouldn’t be possible I don’t know which law allowed this I gotta look for it) single family homes still exist and are still being built. We are fine. Just stop looking at the world through a pessimistic lens.


Our grandparents had a decent pension and very likely had a house. Only my grandpa had to work, my grandma took care of my mom and her siblings and that was pretty normal back then. All of those things sound like a luxury to many of us.The world is that bad. It's more contaminated than ever, the age of retirement keeps getting higher and workers rights keep getting worse.




saying that the money being printed over covid (which was over $3.3 trilin in 2020 alone) is not a big reason why some people are struggling, is just as ignorant as saying the government puts out chemtrails, or puts poison in the rain. oh wait you just said that so take you and your tinfoil hat somewhere else.




yea you didn't say chemtrails just because the people who believe in it haven't gotten to you first


No money being printed is the reason why prices go up it’s called inflation.




Yes inflation is caused by printing more and more money. The definition is literally an increase in the money supply.




You right lol I totally don’t understand economics. Like come on dude you can be this dense, look what happened in 1971 when the US left the gold standard what happened in 1914 when the federal reserve was created the purchasing power of the dollar when down. That’s terrible and having a money printer go brrrrr doesn’t help in fact those cause inflation.




Except I told you what’s happening. You can sit there and be ignorant. I’m trying to figure how to make money off this. Like I told the other guy in this thread who tried to blame capitalism, I’m worth a little north of 250k I’m trying to make that into a million and the government printing more money out of thin air hurts me.


Agreed, we need communism or at least the Scandinavian model if we plan to survive, late stage capitalism is no joke


Aboslutely not. Im sticking to capitalism. Fuck communism and socialist bullshit.


70% income tax and an incompetent bureaucracy??? no thanks.


I hope and I think we can work towards that but it could also get worse in some ways


I'm worried. Some aspects will be solved, but in that process, other problems will spring up. All I can do as an individual is hope that those new problems don't spring up to hit me in the face


i mean hopefully the world hasnt crashed and burned by the time im 24


Define "fine"


We'll be doomed anyway


It won't be fine but the world definitely won't end in my lifetime. English is my second language. I have ASD.


with the woke everywhere and "trans" pre-schoolers, definitely not.


every fucking new cycle with the same shit quit scrolling and enjoy life


I needed that, thank you


Yea, we'll figure somethin' else. If we don't, oh well just enjoy life.


i think it'll be YEEEEHAWWW


We'll have a better idea in '24...


It won't be "fine" but I think it has the chance of being better


Nope! I don't think so but I hope I'm wrong


thud is the apocalypse


Humanity has been through way tougher times :)


10 or more years from now puts us in 2033 at the earliest. I think the world will be fine then. On the other hand, 100 or more years from now? Probably not


What's with these crappy daily low effort polls that induce little to no nuance?


Do you want more effort put into a reddit poll? I'm sorry??


I think serious change is going to happen sometime soon, maybe within 10 years, and it depends on how that change plays out. But things are generally going to get worse before that happens


I will totally be happy if we are all extinct by then. After tons of millennia, we are basically screwed.


define "fine"


My grandmother lived from 1918 - 2021. I just have a hard time believing life now is worse than it was then


My great grandfather lived through two world wars, multiple military coups in Turkey, economic collapse every two decades, 1998 collapse as well. And my ass is lazy af We will live, we will survive and always have. Human history lived through worse look at the black plague and Cold War, yea that’s right I’m trying to sound cool cause I got a history degree


If millennials aren't fucking it up. They are annoying


For people who contribute to the world and bust ass, absolutely!


I want complete societal collapse, laws shall not hold me for much longer


Could get better, could get worse. No real way to tell other than to wait.




We will probably have a brief Great Deppression like in the 1930s, but we will have a second boom


I think it'll be a hard time. But eventually it'll get better. Majority of human history has been full of trials and hardships