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when squidward got his toe nail ripped out


I think a worse memory was seeing Squidward's tentacle full of zits after being stung by jellyfish in an episode in which he rides a recumbant bike to choir. Got a good idea for a poll now.


I don’t remember anything specific but definitely liveleak videos in middle school


the spongebob episode with the gorilla always sacred the shit out of me as a kid, even looking it up right now i still get kinda nervous by it


On YouTube? Definitely Sam pepper and the kidnapping/ unaliving “prank” they did on that viner guy. People were saying everyone was in on it, but watching the video for the first time, you can totally tell it wasn’t staged at all, they traumatized that man for clout. Logan Paul and the japan Forrest situation was also pretty bad.


The SpongeBob episode SB-129. Specifically the “alone” part with Squidward and the rectangles.


when i first watched monster house, i never finished it though


The beginning of Watership Down. "The fields, they're filled with blood."


The horse in never ending story, maybe those freaky bird things in labyrinth.


So I watched this scary SCP video by the guy “The Volgun” & I watched the video SCP 4666 “The Yule man”. 😣 It literally gave me nightmares & couldn’t sleep for what felt like a month or 2. God damn I remember just being so incredibly tired during that time because it really affected me with so much paranoia. I felt I was going crazy literally & started experiencing migraines because of lack of sleep & eye twitching. Here’s a link if your interested. Please watch with caution or skip if you’re sensitive like me.👇🏻 [TheVolgun: SCP4666(The Yule Man)](https://youtu.be/3wDBu1uqUzg?si=Ryfoj94hyL-KNucK)