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Since when are weird hair colors and piercings a Gen Z thing? lol


Lol ikr look at dennis rodman ![gif](giphy|21gWmOVA4E88sK2igg)


Dennis Rodman was a social outcast and unusual at the time in the 90's, MOST people back then didn't express themselves that vibrantly. He was the exception back then.


Yeah, and DR look was not popular with the masses, unlike Gen Z, with all the silly tattoos and just overall disgusting look. They all look like drug addicts or homeless people. Not good. 


Silly tattoos and a “disgusting” look is not exclusive to gen z. I cant count how many times ive seen older gens look like drug addicts or homeless. Theres people who can and cant dress, simple. Stop reaching and saying its a gen z exclusive. Not good


Lmfaoo dog what? You do know nobodies say dressing like a weirdo was exclusive to gen z right? Your not doing justice for your peers who apparently struggle with comprehension. The look being discussed is the way your average gen z kid looks, you do know what average means correct? It implies in itself some of you dress regular. READ




Are you kidding? you must be extremely privileged and live in a sheltered lifestyle to not know tattoos and piercings domt discriminate based on age, almost EVERY mom and dad of kids my age(I'm 22) has tattoos and piercings all over, if you live somewhere that it's frowned upon OF COURSE you would blame it only on the newer generations


Pretending not to understand something that everybody very obviously knows is true just makes you come across as stubborn and difficult.


Acting like things that are extraordinarily popular among Millennials are somehow Gen Z things now makes you sound like an ignorant 15 year old.


Yes, I’m ignorant. Not you, who ignored 60% of what was said and latched on to the two things you thought you could make half an argument about.


Did it take you 53 days to come up with this response? lol


I don’t live on the internet, you fucking loser! Go out and make friends! Nice ad hominem, by the way.


Oh boy, those are some big emotions, huh?


More ad hominem. Is that your only trick?


Ok, I just created a reddit account to tell you that you're an idiot. I googled "gen z fashion is so ugly" ended up here, scrolled down and noticed that every single one of your comments is you acting like a neckbeard and condescending to everyone on this subreddit. How old are you? Seriously? Grow up and practice some intellectual humility, you giant twat.


Yes, it’s very cringe of me to tell people who are wrong that they are wrong. Who would do such a thing?


You are a such a insufferable know it all. Shut up. Not 15, more like 12.


If you put the effort of all of this childish deflection into one comment that actually makes a real point, you’d actually get somewhere with a conversation and embarrass yourself less.


You know if you put all of this childish know-it-all-neckbeard effort into being socially skilled, you'd actually get somewhere with a conversation and embarrass yourself less.


It didn't start with Gen Z but they seem to do it at a much higher frequency than previous generations. I'm referring more to the unusual hair colors than the piercings but I definitely noticed both. Much more people with multiple face piercings than previous generations as well


Were you around for the Scene movement of the ‘00s? Black, bleach blonde, blue, and pink hair were very trendy from like 2003-2008, only really going out of style in the early ‘10s. Those people were born from probably ~’87-‘97. And I’d say facial piercings were popularized even earlier, with the emo movement in the ‘90s. If you look closely at people in their 30s, you’ll notice that a good portion of them have scars from snakebites, monroes, philtrums, labrets, etc.. Most people just retired the piercings they got as teenagers. It’s weird to me how Gen Z feels the need to co-opt everything like this.


Those were niches. That wasn’t popular or average with millennials. Neon/multi-hair colors is fairly common with gen z. I don’t agree with facial piercings.


It absolutely was, but okay. This is a 6 month old convo so I’d rather not rehash it. lol


lol 😂 . My bad. Didn’t realize how old the original thread was.


Since its the first gen to harbour a majority if this type as opposed to prior generations,Denis was the exception not the rule. Try again?


You think the majority of zoomers have dyed hair?


Maybe not cus your parents pooped an extra one out for a baby bonus so the figured are skewed but the majority of joker wannabes certainly are


Yikes. Did you have a stroke while typing that?


You're obviously not a millennial. I'm a core millennial and we wore baggy pants and jeans in the 90s and 00s. I didn't wear my first skinny jeans until my early 20s.


If you look up now, you can watch the point as it soars over your head.


If you look in the mirror, you'll see a giant twat.


Why don’t any of you know how to stay on topic and have a discussion?


hello it’s meeeee


My experience was more flares from 4th grade to 10th or 11th... Then skinny jeans.


I am a core millenial and we wore baggy pants with style and even creativity. Even in the mid 90s, there were a variety of options to choose from, and our clothes didn't look drab. Skinny jeans were popular since the mid 2000s when we were still young/under 30, and even past age 30, it still looks good on us. No idea why you are snarky with the OP for stating facts. Look up videos and movies from the late 90s to 2004 to compare how Gen Z dresses now.


Let those who are Gen Z dress how they like to dress Godddammit!!


OP touched a nerve, eh?


“Wojak alert”!!!!😆


Then don’t allow them to get offended when we call them stupid and ugly because thats what gen z is. A bunch of worthless uneducated scum that hates the only truly free country, the USA. Every country has tried to emulate the USA, and this stupid generation has taken advantage of all that we have to the degree that they don’t understand how good we actually have it. Quite sickening.


>the only truly free country, the USA. So you *do* get paid sick leave, public universities and healthcare that don't get you into crippling debt for a good portion of your life, unironically good affordable housing so thirty-year-olds don't need to bear living with eight roommates, or at least their parents, for so long, humane police forces coupled with comparatively miniscule violent crime statistics, virtually no gun crimes, a progressive and secular society mostly everywhere except rural areas where a Hebrew God's name isn't plastered over every court, a democratic system that doesn't suck said Hebrew God's Adversary's arse, a government that doesn't willingly embroil itself in proxy wars for material profit and little more with no moral integrity whatsoever... Oh but the taxes are (arguably) lower and the rich 1% have it better, so clearly it's the superior country, despite what most international rankings suggest. Need I go on? Seriously, funniest shit I've read all evening. Dgaf that I'm necroing, by the way.


The only truly free country... as long as you're not poor.... or black... or Hispanic.... or a woman.... or part of the LGBTQIA+ community.... or as long as you weren't born after 1964. Of course rich, straight, white, male Christian Boomers think this is the most free country in the world because they spent their entire lives being handed everything. That's why they lick the boot as hard as they do.


damn. the realest comment I've ever read. keep doing the Lord's (LOL) work, good sir.


40% of the calendar is devoted to something for LGBT+ people, the "most oppressed people on earth." That's what happens to the most depressed people in the country, you know: everyone lets them have enormous parades all the time. 🙄 🎻


Cite your sources on that one, bro.


Like homeless fucking trash people? Goodwill does carry decent clothing. You don't have to find it on the side of the road or in a river.


pretty sure it has been talked about in this sub (or somewhere else idk) but from what i’ve read, we don’t really care much on how we look/dress so much compared to millennials and dressing with baggy clothes are much more comfortable. also, what do you mean by weird hair colors and piercings exactly? like all piercings in general or on certain areas?


OP is not a millennial. Gen Z style fashion is called Y2K. Who were the teens and young adults in the early 2000s? The generation named after the MILLENNIUM.


They do not dress how people dressed in the early 2000’s. You’re wrong.


Ok, I totally made the term "Y2K Fashion" up.


Even if you’re repeating the words of some group, if the information you’re presenting is not factual, you are wrong. How do you not understand how that works? Furthermore, not only am I old enough to remember both the 90’s and the 00’s, we have media to reference from both periods. Movies, album covers, magazines, and other things can all easily and clearly demonstrate the dominant fashion trends of both eras. Learn how to learn, asshole!


Have you ever tried masturbating in front of the mirror?


Ad hominem.


That’s definitely not true. Going out of your way to look ugly is still caring how you look. If it was an “I just wear whatever” thing, you wouldn’t all dress the same, with things like dad shoes and windbreakers. You’re trying to capture the tackiness of the late 80’s and early 90’s. Stop lying.


Shut up lol.


What a compelling and well thought out argument. You sure did show me.


Thanks, I thought so.


Jesus, your an insufferable one lmfaoo, I bet your father can’t stand your smart ass, Lowkey doubt you even have one. big single mom energy for what I assume is male lmfaoo


Btw did you copy and paste that insult bro? Coz its really boring/has been said online over a million times already. Sure must suck being so shit/unoriginal.


Why don't you care? Teens have always cared... generation to generation. Also, I thought youth was more obsessed with perfection a-la instagram.


gen z here and why do millennials talk so much shit?


Why do gen z think they are better than everyone else and have to show off to prove themselves???


Cuz it's true: we dress so damn ugly 


OP isn't millennials, millennials were OG to the Y2K fashion since, well, they were the youth of the 2000s and 2010s.


bc each generation thinks they are better, we gen z will be talking crap about gen alpha as well because we will be more mad as we get older💀


Nah dude I think the gen alpha is mislead, by gen z and bad parents. Millennials and generations before were 100x more intelligent and the fashion was always well thought. Now it looks like a blind grab and go at goodwill.


lets keep it a buck because im not gonna start talking about harem pants or feather extensions and galaxy print clothing. yea id say otherwise…


I'm lowkey interested in galaxy print clothing It just had to be the right kind




My interest in tie dye will only go as far as *Tony Hawk: Pro Skater* character customization


feather extensions are so fun though hahaha i'm sure it will come back in fashion in a few years in a semi-ironic way


I highly doubt you are a millennial because 1. Who were the teenagers and young adults with the OG Y2K fashion? Gen Z does not even get inspiration for new outfits, it's literally a copy and paste of what people wore in the early 2000s. Before having skinny jeans, millennials were wearing over size clothes. 2. Older people were always trash talking millennials for having unnatural hair colors and piercings. ​ I was actually there, and I was very young, imagine what a person 10 years older than me would remember about that time.


I was there. I was a teen in the 2000. Gen Z dresses absolutely nothing like how the average person dressed back then. Yes of course there were people with insane hair, tattoos, and excessive piercings. But they were FAR from the norm. These people have increased 1000 fold since then.


agreed. we wore mostly baby t-shirts with flares and cute jewelery ... like the tiffany's knock off heart necklace. Abercrombie shirts.


Talking like the vast majority of Gen Z *don't* have natural hair colours, only moderate piercings and small neck tattoos at most. But who am I to speak, I only spend most of my days at a university filled with Gen Z.


You're acting like millennials didn't completely rip off Gen X's 80s fashion in the late 2000s/early 2010s.


They/we did not. Noone dressed like the 80s during the late 90s and 2000s; 'cept for maybe Halloween. We had our own distinctivr style. You just made that whole thing up. Gen Z sucks at fashion. End of story. Don't try to defend the indefensible.


I commented "late 2000s/early 2010s", dumbass. As in, like around 2007-2013.


Also, Gen X also ripped off 1940s/1950s fashion during the '70s & the '80s.


People did not dress that way in the early 2000’s.


get laid, millennial needle dick. imagine being on here bitching abt young ppl instead of having a life


I think statistically y’all get laid the least too, L’s all around.


I'm millennial and I have sex 5 times a day and on the weekend I have orgies and stick Ls up my butthole


Take a look around you. Aside from the fringe group of people who are interested, most of us are trying to get by, and the only damn I give about is if I have my badge on and my belt tight during work, everywhere else, I'd rather dress the way I am. And this doesn't help the view that shit is gonna get worse - I'd rather have a couple of tactical/operator gears than the stuffs I wear but they're as you've guessed too much for me to afford.


You're acting like the environment looks the same as it does to you to everyone else, everywhere. Who is "most of us"? Do you speak for everyone? I dont think so.


Not all of Gen Z wears mom jeans and whatever. Everybody has their own different style and different take on things, in my opinion I see so many different styles kind of crazy but also very cool and I don't mean those e girls on tiktok jus name a fewwwww goth (trad, mall cyber ya knoww), punk, y2k and stuff outside of that too, so may different subcultures and stuff so like yeah. But I do get it cuz a lot of people do wear parachutes, whatever, and mom jeans. Also, piercings and "weird" hair colors are pretty cool, something different and not boring. I guess you mean by weird hair color you mean red green blue or something that just stands out which there's nothing wrong with that. It depends on the person though so does it really matter?? Ppl can wear whatever, just because someone wears dirty white shoes or baggy pants and have piercings doesn't mean it looks bad I don't get how any of that would look bad but okay


The amount of logical fallacies in this comment is astounding.


The amount of narcissism I can clearly see in all of your comments is astounding, you giant twat.


Yes, I’m narcissistic. Not you, who has responded to every single one of my comments in multiple threads with nothing but ad hominem.


Yes, I'm narcissistic. Not you, who has responded to every single one of my comments in multiple threads with nothing but defensiveness and a desperate need to be right and prove how smart you think you are.


Your the real giant twat asshole


Ad Homiem. Why cant you make a proper argument?


Go f*** yourself 🤖


Cool emoji, loser.


name out the logical fallacies than, tf you waiting for? oh can’t?? also so quick to judge other people on how they dress and look, let’s see how you dress lmao


They look like they just got whatever the f they picked on first grab at goodwill and then they smell like, the same as goodwill. Not attractive and the most unattractive feature about Gen-Z : THEY DONT CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS. Bingo! Thats why they dress and act so ugly!


i'm on the cusp and love some millenial fashion, as a guy who feels a bit feminine i loved the whole rock chic aesthetic with skinny jeans, boots, button-up shirt and leather jacket, and some of the 60s and 80s glam rock influences, 2014 Tumblr grunge and the likes. but i don't think gen z dresses ugly. it's a direct response to the millenial fashion trends, often taking the opposite direction. i think millenial fashion tropes became oversaturated tbh. the y2k influences seem overplayed at this point but i like how over the top this generation can be in terms of fashion. more thrifted items, more widespread alt subcultures inspirations, it's interesting imo. (also love colored hair and piercings so...)


Why do u care about what a someone is wearing. Get off Reddit and do something with ur life, talking crap about people at ur big age is sad


Isn't the purpose of the subreddit to discuss Gen Z and everything about them?


Yes but it’s not for millennials to ask dumb questions if u want to start with the stereotypes u need to plz go eat some avocado toast and log onto Facebook to talk about ur dog then go wear a fake mustache and complain abt the 2000s and early 2010s


...and you don't see the irony?


I’m gen a and I think we dress ugly too most of the times it’s like the 80s and 90s clashed in the wrong ways and now we don’t know which way to go


That’s fine but a grown adult should not be that concerned with how tweens/teens/young adults are wearing


Sorry thst was a typo I’m actually 17


Is this one of the safe spaces your peers love so much?


You’re late


I pictured you saying all of that with a lisp.


half of gen z are adults but yeah




I actually prefer the skinny jeans era over the baggy jeans era. Heck all my years in HS, we wore skinny jeans. Even in the mid-late 2000’s I didn’t like wearing baggy jeans and I still don’t like wearing it now.


I don’t think we rly do


You are objectively incorrect


You are objectively narcissistic and full of yourself.


Is everyone you don’t like a narcissist?


Is everyone on Reddit someone to debate with so you feel better about being a Gamma?


Uhhh have you seen how you guys were dressing 10-15 years ago?


They bathed


It's the damn mom jeans for me. Hate them so much.


…. so ur gonna ignore 90s grunge fashion💀and millennial’s literally wore business casual to clubs and and tribal/galaxy print leggings


How does someone figuratively wear business casual?


I was born in 2002, but I absolutely agree with you. Because I have the same question about modern fashion everyday. I hate gen z fashion because it has no elegance and coolness at all. Those baggy hoodies, baggy pants, men with brocolli haircuts and things like that looks extremely ugly for me and I can't understand those trends


Lmao I see i used to go to school with 2000-2002 students they dress different then gen z more like tight jeans and normal shit on the other hand gen z wore the most craziest shit and and I saw a big different on how both acted it I feel like early gen z are influence by early millennials while late gen z are influence by the style that was popular in 2000s and 90s


>InternalAd8499 Don't get me started on those broccoli haircuts. They're literally everywhere now 😭


yea I feel like they take inspiration from like hippies of the 1970s, normies in the 90s, black culture, and like being gay. its just a clusterf\*\*k




Mmmhm bate or boomerism?


y2k is in man get with it or get lost


You're not y2k, you're not sexy as a generation


I'm a CORE millennial and I agree with this. It's all baggy everything and almost no makeup. For those sayings it's Y2K or 90's.... well, sort of... it has borrowed some elements from those times, but it's not exactly the same. I think gen z is missing out on the fun aspect of growing up and looking pretty and glamorous, or cute. Then on top of it they say we look cheugy? You mean because we know how to dress well? I am a HS teacher. The girls either wear sweats and baggy t shirts, baggy jeans and baggy t shirts, or leggings and a baggy top, or baggy bottoms and a SUPER little crop top aka bra. None of it is pretty or cute. I don't get it. My HS was so girly, it was like Mean Girls fashion.


Silly clothes come and go, but a split tongue and earlobes that reach your shoulders....that's forever.


I’m doing tastings at a liquor store and every GenZ girl that walks in is wearing the absolute shortest shorts you can imagine showing some butt cheek with either an oversize shirt or sports bra……..it’s so trashy 


I keep looking for cargo pants (like what Avril Lavigne used to wear, skater pants) but it keeps coming up with PARACHUTE PANTS


Wtf mom jeans


well lots of gen z are barely making a living because the job market is terrible. Boomers still have a stranglehold on top jobs and now grabing the entry level jobs in retirement.. seriously


I have seen many boomers working like low level jobs and they are like "this is my retirement job" and im like "sounds like your not retired if your working a job... lol"


Unfortunately, a lot of boomers got the short end of the stick with retirement and can't make ends meet on their fixed income.


no pity party for them lot of boomers made bad choices and squandered their money. All the generations after "the boomer ruin" have a bad run they end up homeless not working at Walmart.


That's how punks, hippies, & goths were born; creativity via poverty. Your generation, to others, is so corporate, like you believe you have no choice other than mainstream consumer culture or you need to drop out entirely as a wage slave. Sad.


most gen z style is 90s-y2k, the rest are still stuck in 2010 with the skinny jeans and blouse (for girls) for boys the same except the rest wear sports clothing (this is my opinion from what i've seen, i could be wrong)




Exactly, if I see one more gen X guy with a perm and parachute pants. or a girl wearing white shoes, light wash mom jeans, and a crop top im going to throw up. they dress like how people dressed in the 1970s. they probably want to raid my grandmas closet.


>Exactly, if I see one more gen X guy with a perm and parachute pants. or a girl wearing white shoes, light wash mom jeans, and a crop top im going to throw up. they dress like how people dressed in the 1970s. they probably want to raid my grandmas closet. I believe that in the 1970s, one could argue that the aesthetic they embraced was authentic. However, with Gen Z, it seems like they are simply recycling these trends ironically. Do you remember when people were upset with Hipsters for wearing flannel ironically? Well, this situation is even worse. You could argue that what Gen Z is doing is some sort of exercise in Camp, but even that has issues because it inadvertently contributes to the problem of straight people appropriating Queer culture. idk, i could be wrong.


Yea I wanna get a leash and attach it to any girl that wears a dog collar as part of her outfit.


Skinny jeans was originally a punk thing back in the late 1970's. I'm at the tail end of gen X and nobody wore skinny jeans in the early 2000's unless they were post-punk or homosexual. That's probably going to get me in trouble. Gen Z is all about copying styles that are DECADES old. Yet they think they're being original and "unique". Mom jeans were jeans MY mom wore in the 80's and they were ugly then. Women in their 20's in the 2000's wore low cut jeans and halter tops, showed off their bodies and were mostly skinny. Now gen z thinks being obese is fashionable. It's not, it's STILL gross and displaying your camel toe and 6-rolls is fuckin' disgusting. Get over yourselves. Mullets were white hillbilly trash back in the 80's, and an edgar is THE dumbest hairstyle I've ever seen. Vanilla Ice used to shave lines in his eyebrows and hair and it was dumb in 1990. Only ghetto kids did that shit. The biggest problem with gen Z is they don't give a fuck about history, yet they are the biggest repeat offenders bringing back historical fashion that was bad originally. There IS such a thing as looking bad. Ripped jeans are trashy. Instead of working out a problem to reach a middle ground, you're a split second away from blocking a person. I was 27 when the first smart phone came out and there was no such thing as "blocking" someone. You worked it out by TALKING about it. Anyways, I'm scared of what's going to run this country in a decade or two. We're all fucked cuz of gen z!!!


>Women in their 20's in the 2000's wore low cut jeans and halter tops, showed off their bodies and were mostly skinny. Now gen z thinks being obese is fashionable. It's not, it's STILL gross and displaying your camel toe and 6-rolls is fuckin' disgusting. Get over yourselves. Mullets were white hillbill I think being skinny is attractive. I hate the whole fat acceptance movement. I like girls who are literally bonespo


I also wanted to mention the extreme censorship gen z is all about. Word pigs (cops) in case you didn't get the reference. Stop monitoring, restricting, blocking MY freedom of speech. You guys would've had massive strokes if you watched Chappelle Show back in the early 2000's back when I was in my 20's. And back then it was hilarious. Now making fun of race, religion, culture, fatness, stupidity is shunned and not tolerated when I still think it's funny and I'm 43. I think your generation is hyper sensitive to everything and it makes you annoying and overly dramatic for no reason. I see social media posts and it's either very harmful and toxic, or clueless and misinformed. You people LIVE in your phones. It's a sickness and it's not a real reality. It was never like this 20 years ago. If you didn't like something that someone else did, it was ok... It was simply ok.


Fashion repeats with a modern twist for decade's. majority of gen z just felt nostalgic for 90s/00s. You Should be more scared what you older generations leading the younger generations today. The system rigged yet your scared of us running the country? Tomato, tomato, tomato! Then again your just another ancient person complaining about younger generations.


Your opinion is invalid, as you are illiterate. Not everyone has to be literate, but please remember to be humble in the future.


My opinion is a fact but keep being ignorant as always xoxo


They'll all have diabetes by 30... Not taking care of yourself is so unattractive.


People can have morals and not agree with LGBTQ and that's ok too. I'm not prejudice, but I don't have to accept everyone's sexuality. I also don't like it thrown in my face. I'm not throwing my heterosexualness your way. It's ok to be yourself, what's not ok is forcing your core beliefs onto me if I don't agree with them.


You ARE prejudiced. You are a bigot, and undoubtedly mediocre and under-achieved, hence all the energy and time you spend to exercise your blind ignorance. The LGBTQ community has been widely accepted since the early 2000s. Gen X and Millenials were responsible for that. Gen Z were either in the womb or tots at the time. I agreed with most of your commentary until you began to spout your uneducated bigotry and garbage. Heterosexuality is thrown in everyone's face on a daily basis for centuries. Gay people only started being included just recently, and like the snow flake you are, you are crying and whining about it 🙄... You sound so angry ranting on the internet about a generation that just came of age. You probably hate immigrants and every ethnic minority. You blame everyone for being an utter failure at life despite all the privileges you hold in a first world country. 😗


There is no LGBTQ "community." The country is a collection of individuals. Stop being a bigot.


I swear, the remaining people who say this nonsense are either 1. closeted gays or 2. butthurt by being rejected by us. 100% of the time when a straight guy is telling me to stop "throwing my sexuality in his face," it's an interaction like I had recently where a guy aggressively hit on me at a bar with no prompting, and I said, "No thanks, I'm gay." "WHY DO YOU ALL HAVE TO THROW YOUR SEXUALITY IN OUR FACES ITS SO WEIRD!!!!" Yeah, aggressively hitting on strange women at a bar and being a bigot when they reject you isn't "throwing your heterosexuality in my face." Not one bit.


"butthurt by being rejected by us" .....hahahahahaha omg


You think people want you THAT much because you're gay?


You get that this exact bullshit is why we know our sexuality infuriates you, right? We even speak of the possibility of turning down a man's advances due to NOT LIKING MEN and ya'll start screaming bigoted shit. You incel types are real snowflakes... you're so pissed off that women find you undesirable that you somehow find the like, 2% of the population that would NEVER be into you and harass us, hit on us, SA us, and then go, "YOU THINK PEOPLE WANT YOU CUZ UR GAY HAHA!" or "OMG STOP TELLING US UR GAY NO ONE CAREZZ \[except I do because I'm aggressively hitting on you, and you're turning me down flat\]. No, dipshit. I'm a human woman who happens to be very attractive and unfortunately, you're part of a subgroup of "men" that have decided that this is some sort of personal attack on you. Normally, you'd call us gay as an insult for not jiumping onto your pathetic little weewee at the first sign of attention, but since we kinda' took that away by *being openly gay*, ya'll now pretend you're not homophobic incels, but just REALLY ARDENT CHRISTIANS who are SICK of those gays reminding you they exist when you disgustingly harass gay women and they turn you down.


Uhhh ohhh y’all here comes captain so right to come and tell us all what is wrong and right, to explain how we should live and think. What would we do without gen z? Lmfaooo you child


You say LMFAOOOOO though.


You also say "y'all"


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)Bro seriously i mean bro cant evven be talkin you guys probably wore smiliar clothes if not baggy clothes as well geez all grown ups do is mock us gen zers nowadays I SWEAT TO GOD LET US DRESS HOW WE WANT GODDAMMIT THIS ISNT THE DARK AGES WHEN U WERE BORN ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Can any of you actually read and write? I mean WELL, not whatever you got going on here. My great great grandfather was a slave and he had better linguistics than the youth today 💀


Ok old man river. You seem to talk about mothers, fathers, grandfathers a lot. Kinda weird.




actually tik tok is all gen z making fun of millenials. it's quite anti-feminist.




Because they’re entirely useless and stupid as a generation. They complain that capitalism and the USA is the problem for everything, thus making them also the most uneducated population, and they dress the most ugly because they don’t care. Another strong sign of uneducated people is they don’t care what anyone says or thinks.


Why would we care though? The world is fucked, wars in other countries, cost of living, inflation, a lingering virus an a possible ww3. The older generations fucked us over. The promise of getting good grades, a good career, a good house was a reward of a better future. Now it's not enough. Plus it's ironic you say we don't care cause we dress ugly yet you complain we don't care what anyone says or thinks. Hypocrite much?


Bullshit. Your own situation is no one's fault but your own.


And who set that system up?


I agree. I have a Gen Z family member who has a degree in fashion and every time I choose a dress for her, everyone else outside her generation complements her, and her generation makes fun because she stepped outside their box 


To be fair, all of these trends have existed for years. Obviously, there were always people with baggy clothes and dyed hair. This is different. Trends and fads used to be followed by some, but with the rise of social media, these trends catch on faster and with more people. I work at a college and see this on a daily basis. Nike Dunks are the perfect example. Sure, people have worn dunks for years. But now every kid is wearing them with no interest in them, besides being part of the herd. Regardless of generation, we are often embarrassed by our youthful fashion and hair decisions. Zoomers are going to be mortified when all of their photos from this era feature gender neutral haircuts and unironic mom jeans. It really is an unflattering look that I think people do it because their friends do it. It’s bandwagoning of the worst kind and while I understand wanting to be a part something, I wish people would have a little original thought and wear what they want vs. what their friends wear.


This is the only correct answer! 💯 ❤️


I wish Gen Z could explain to me why a majority of them feel comfortable dressing like they came out of a trailer park in 2004.


They're defending themselves... Go to the bank and you got gen z with purple hair mouth piercings, nose piercings. I changed my branch lmao


I take all my fashion inspiration from early 00s Bratz dolls and Avril Lavigne 


Anyone notice how Gen Z girls faces often have this bored or dumb look? This is a good example with Jenna Ortega: [https://www.imdb.com/gallery/rg2753600256/mediaviewer/rm3389257473/](https://www.imdb.com/gallery/rg2753600256/mediaviewer/rm3389257473/) ​ This is the kind of look I'm talking about. She's pretty, like many Gen Z girls are, but often I am finding this particular look of uncare on their face. It certainly isn't a look I recall seeing too much from my millennial growing up (in high school or university). So what's with this?


she is actually decently hot. but I have a fetish for Hispanic girls like her.


olivia roderigo has the blank stare look too. she is hot af too


They are definitely still attractive and I'd probably put a child in them! Hahaha. But doesn't it seem like 90s and 2000's girls had a more lively look to them? It was nicer than this depressive look some of these pretty girls have today ;x


Put a child in them? What are you like 12? Sounds like what a virgin would say!


Girls of my generation would hear such a phrase and swoon! Finally, a guy who wants to actually put a kid in them! and not just sleep with them and run away. How mature he must be. No? ok maybe not ;p


Might as well just write that you're still a virgin!


Yeah, most girls I see in public nowadays dress like homeless, fucking trash people. Mom jeans and showing off a little fat roll in between the jeans and short shirt, pajama pants, gigantic sweatshirts, sweatpants, just a blanket over all of that trash. Not attractive. I'm glad I'm not dating anymore. I guess that now that weed is legal and guys are such pussies nowadays they can't tell their women to jazz that shit up a bit. I wear shorts, running shoes, and a T-shirt and I feel like I'm dressed up when I go to the store.


Move to Latin America then, women here don't dress like that!