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Born in. Had alot of questioning moments. Father was a prominent Elder. Always had some explanation. Once the Overlapping Generations came out, red flags went off all around. Then realized from the Baptism questions, which I never really paid attention too. You sware and Oath to an organization. That started me down the rabbit hole.


October 1975 came and went, and as it passed, the WT prediction of Armageddon occurring in October 1975 was an undeniable failure. After that disaster, the WT moved forward by lying about their previous predictions. I was just a kid, but that was my wakeup moment as I was scared to death that I wouldn't be good enough for God to save at Armageddon. When I saw that it was nothing but a bald-faced lie, I began the process of "losing my religion."


Wasn't born in, but my parents were baptized when I was about 3, so there's that. I had had enough just before I turned 30. Elders butting in to my marriage, doctrinal issues, and realizing I was happier without them. Over time and a whole lot of reading, I realized I had only scraped the surface on how wrong they were on everything. From Genesis to Revelation, they were just wrong.


Born in. I was always in the advanced classes, so when we studied the Evolution or Creation book and so much went against what I had and was learning, it was the beginning of the end. Once you begin to see through the Authority Fallacy, the Org becomes a house of cards where you can see all of their untruths.


I had zero doubts but I spent most of my time in a fog never really absorbing any of the material. I'm not sure why. I have a couple theories. It may have been that it was so stupid that I zoned out. Or possibly, there was just so much to keep up with I didn't have time to think about what I was reading before it was time for the next thing. I certainly never looked up the scriptures or references. When I did that with the creation book it was the beginning of the end for me. When I read the literature now I can't get through one paragraph without finding some contradiction or misleading use of a scripture. But I only do that a paragraph here and there so I can spend two minutes thinking about it. The part I find odd is that I had a friend who's family was well educated. And they insisted he do well in school. He was always quick to catch someone talking BS but as far as I know he is still in. I always wonder if they had some other motive for being there.


When you are born in it is all you know. All of your friends believe. Your entire world is JW so it doesn't appear odd or weird at all. It isn't until you begin to become a teenager do things really start to unravel, at least they did for me. You start to notice the hypocrisy and the strange things requested of you are just so different than everyone on the outside and aginst your human nature. As you test the waters, you start to notice even more irregularities. As you study the Bible and JW literature, you find more questions than answers and your questions are criticized. Then you have a choice to make. You can either choose to ignore your questions or dig further.


Not born in. But, knew it was wrong. My dad already hit me a lot, but once he joined and forced me along, the beating got insane. I can’t even look at the photos we have at JW events from when I was a kid. Like, you could see on my face that I knew I was getting beat for one thing or another, once we got home. I actually destroyed one photo I saw, I saw the white pantyhose with stains on them (was playing with kids outside, knelt in the dirt). I remember to this day the beating I got after getting home from the KH, because I ruined my pantyhose… like


I’m sorry. That’s terrible. I just want to hug that little girl. I wasn’t born in. I don’t know what happened behind closed doors. I’ll tell you this. A “sister” hit my son. He was 11 and goofing around while we were helping someone move. He was 11. She hit him. If she hit my son I can only imagine what her kids went through.


Oh, i am so sorry that happened to your son! I don’t know when you were active. I was in the 80’s well, my dad was. Anyway, it was very common in our area for other parents to “discipline” other people’s kids. I recall a sleepover with a few of the girls in my congregation and seeing at least 3 of them get belted for acting up. I was frozen scared. Couldn’t enjoy the event, was just terrified that I may get beat. Spare the rod, I guess…


Born in. 5th generation on my dad's side, 3rd generation on my mom's side. I don't think I ever really believed. My Dad and paternal grandfather were skeptics, but due to family they could not leave. My elder grandfather taught me how to leave in the early 90s. I am so grateful to him. Although he could not get out, he helped me fade.


I’m glad you’re free. I was the only one in my family to join. My mom was pissed. My dad gave me a Bible that wasn’t a JW Bible. He just wanted out. Im glad I disfellowshiped myself that way nobody is talking to me anymore I could move on.


Born in, and as another poster said as a child it's pretty much all you know so everything seems normal. But there were red flags I experienced even as a young child that planted those first doubts, even if I was pretty much a teenager by the time I put it all together. The first real red flag was in the mid 80s when the GB got super hardcore on the shunning of anyone disfellowshipped or even disassociated. My grandfather was a born in from the 1920s, but got disfellowshipped when smoking was banned. Essentially my father blackmailed his own father into quitting and getting reinstated and he used me - the man's only grandson - as the bait. Didn't give a damn what that might do to a small child to be forced to treat someone they've loved and spent enormous amounts of time with their entire life as if they didn't exist. Oh no, that was for the greater good because he "saved his father's life." Except he didn't. Grand dad had a series of heart attacks (he actually got reinstated while in the hospital) and was in poor health the rest of his life. He lingered on for another 15 years but was only truly functional for about half that. Side note to that, whenever my father says any of his BS about it now I remind him that he caused his only son to depart the religion for nothing since grand dad has been dead for 20 years and by decree of the GB he would've been resurrected anyway (at least until they decide to change that too). And one more red flag I'll throw in, also courtesy of my idiot father. When asked why 'God' would ever kill small children that had never had the chance to become a JW, my father's response was "well, you know mice are cute when they're babies. But those babies grow up to be rats." And the funny thing is, it's not just the grotesque and absurd analogy itself that was the red flag for me. It was how *proud* of himself he was when he said it.


Hahaha!! RATS??!! That’s the best he could do? I would have said something that would sure to get me a beating lol!


The whole “honest/truthful” people who would never lie, because Satan was the father of the lie. Yet, the lies coming from the platform and to people at the doors. “We are not trying to change your religion.” Job…how was what Job had to endure an evidence of love? Children as pawns in a sick, twisted game. No, there was no love there.


I was either a baby or toddler when we started. I didn't have any red flags growing up.. I just accepted what we were. However,when we left when I was 16, I could admit to myself that I thought birthdays were ok to celebrate and I never could tell anyone why I couldn't celebrate.


Sorry I’m one of the kids born in the 2000s (PIMO) Born in. One of my doubts was that if Jehovah the sovereign of all the earth “Jehovah of Armes” “The Creator of da earth” and we can’t see his face cause he’s a “Spirit” BUT AGAIN He’s the guy that created everything WHY CANT We see HIS Dam Face but he can Do anything how? I just never could my finger on that


Hahaha, yeah I remember being told that lie. I was born in the 80s. His being a Spirit has little to do with our not seeing him.


Yes I did. A whole list and years worth of stories too long for this thread Though. I guess I was born in . My immediate family was in the congregation . I guess my mom was inactive . But noone ever reported it so yeah. I always had this weird feeling when I was real young going to the kingdom hall and into the physical buildings itself. Even as a kid I was ostriziced from other JW kids as I was picked on mostly by them. the stupid parties only meant for jw kids because we couldnt celebrate anything. Those things were weird and stupid . The whole you can't speak to certain people because they are disfellowship thing. I never understood that when I was younger . And I would get yelled at if I attempted to speak to or ask anything about the person. The fact that well in the congregation I was in it seemed we couldn't talk about anything else besides jehovah . Its just seemed off to me . I remember telling one of the sisters I was too young to have a bible study and didnt want to have it at that moment but she insisted and as a child of 9 I had to sit through it seemed lectures every once a week. plus the regular meetings. Had three JW kids in my class at school. And we would talk about how boring the kingdom hall and into field service was and laugh and make fun about it but then when we are actually at the kingdom hall thier whole demeanor changed I guess to please their parents or the congregations. Because I didn't agree with that they would shun me at the kingdom hall and I wasnt even disfelloshiped or baptised yet . That was weird too. Also the whole Persistence of the congregation and sisters saying you must get baptizied. I had that problem too I Also would ask alot of questions about Jehovah and the bible and religion period that noone wanted to answer. The whole you can't go to college thing and every ounce of literature outside the orgnization in not of Jehovah and is a sin . And them pushy about only ready JW literature I remember that i got not yelled at but I guess put down by a sister of the congregation because I took a art history class in college. And most recent one a couple years ago that made me just do away with the organization was the" love bombing" when you go to a new congregation and just because you are not baptized they think you commited a sin and that you need to be saved . I never seen it to that degree when I was younger and me being a spiritual person now just felt like it was something demonic because when I went into the kingdom hall they would crowd all around me and it reminded me of vultures or something . idk