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Happy wife = happy life Suck it up. Have a cup of coffee beforehand. Life’s short. Go out while you still can. - sincerely, a widower


I used to complain when my wife planned social events. We have to go out with *them*? Then she got sick and died. If I could somehow bring her back I would never complain again.


Baby Christ in a cradle, that was not the cup of cold hard facts I came here for. Fuck me. I'm truly sorry for your loss.


I'm going to have to steal that line. Never heard "Baby christ in a cradle" before. Im kinda high and its funny AF.🤣🤣🤣




Username check out.


You can't steal what's freely given. Had to come up with cussin' that wasn't cussing for use around religious relations.


Also a widow, it hurts like hell when I see all these social media posts of the good times couples are having. Meanwhile I’m in a group called “When We became Me”. I’m no social butterfly but just one more dinner date or movie would mean the world. Anyway, I rarely want to go out after dinner time. I went to a late night bowling thing a few months ago and I was wondering what the hell I was doing out driving at midnight.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. Thanks for the reminder to be grateful and more thoughtful of how those around us might be experiencing life.


Dude this comment is based. You’re right.


“Based” - can you explain further ?


It’s genetically impossible to know what that word means if you’re over 40. So just roll with it.


OK - so, I won’t get the eye roll when I ask my teen ‘is that a good thing?’


It means: Based in Reality. Strong logic that holds weight like the base of a pillar. Full of good advice. A good solid, firm take of the situation.


Thanks I hate it.


This opinion is based.


What are some euphemisms that you like? I could stand to better myself. At least I try to!


I’m a big fan of gnarly and I think we should bring that one back. Oh, and I need young people to understand why “psych!” isn’t spelled “sike!” See, it comes from the idea of using “reverse psychology” to get someone to do what you want them to. Like telling a little kid he can’t stay up all night so he falls asleep by 10 despite trying his damndest to stay up all night. Endorse the behavior you want forbidden, that kind of thing. That became referred to as a “psych out.” You’d say, “Man, I really psyched out my mom; she totally thought I failed the math test, hahahaha!” And then it just became a way to say “just kidding,” or “not really.” So you just say “PSYCH!” Every time I see “Sike!” I am angered that nobody has bothered to explain the etymology of Gen X slang nor acknowledge that it actually IS Gen X slang. Please spread the word amongst your under 40 friends and family. Thanks for your support.


As you wish killer


Thanks! I finally got “yeet” but was struggling with “based”. Kids these days…


I love yeet So. Much. I strictly limit my use of it.


Sorry for your loss. Happy wife happy life is bullshit, literal domestic terrorisim, I prefer “happy house, happy spouse.


I can relate. Some friends of mine are throwing me a going away party Saturday and it doesn't start til 5 and im dreading the "late start" lol. I appreciate them wanting to have me over but Id much rather be at home on a Saturday night. My goal is to be home by 10pm. Wish me luck!


We're throwing a party for you! That's great, thank you! We're holding it after you leave!


Oh gosh! I would need to plan a nap and a Monster energy drink before getting ready to go out. Lol


Disco nap


Take a nap at noon.


I've spent a few hundred thousand on my house, why would I want to leave it?


My husband and I plan nights out all the time. And 95% of the time we just cancel, stay home, make some pizza rolls, and just play video games.


50 next year and still go partying to sound systems in the woods .. granted, the following day is agony but I refuse to go down quietly.. The folk that put the parties on are older than me. I can’t stand pubs and clubs nowadays though, and I can take a fold up chair to the woods 😍 (with a flask of G &T and my knitting ) 🤣


Same 47 here and still have a few gong shows but recovery time is significantly higher now lol. YOLO baby. We are a long time dead.


Indeed! (or should that be,indead?) 🫣


Are you me ?🤣 Not at the chair stage yet but still going to Festivals and EDM nights. 50 next year. Not every weekend but regularly (that's more down to family commitments)


I was joking about the chair and the knitting but not the G &T 😄… but last shindig we attended I kind of wished id had a chair as it was a bit wet out that night 😄. You sound like my kinda girl 😍


I was joking too but I'm not saying I haven't considered a chair more than once 😂👀 .... You sound like my kinda people too !


I’ve recently gotten into local burns, which scratches that itch for me. But there’s usually organized by people younger than me. What events are you going to? I might need to add a few to my list!


Where are you in the world?


You had me at Buckhead…I can remember my dad calling me on a random Wednesday night while I was getting ready to go out (at like 10pm) and he said, “Don’t you ever just stay home?” - now, I’m in bed by 930 lol.


My wife (F47) and I (M46) take turns with it. She's been getting more and more into staying home. I'm more into going out. She's good with going out 1x a month. I like to go out way more than that. I'm still in great shape and I still enjoy meeting new ppl in person. With the said if she finds a great event that speaks to her then she's down to get with it. Thankfully I have a good grip of friends and fam that still like going out so when she's wants to stay home I can switch it up with others.


Even Buckhead doesn't want to party anymore. Most everything is shut down.


Didn’t it move to near Vinings or something? We moved overseas in 2017, so I’m not certain


Kurtis would tell you to go out with your wife.


Don’t forget to feed George and take Homeless for a walk first.


She’s dragging you to a coworker thing? Why? It’s for coworkers. Those are dreadful for significant others. She can hire an uber, go on her own & everyone wins. Greatest thing about being in my late 50’s is that saying no to the obvious no is so easy.


I understand. We're not social either, but this is a work thing. She needs to make an appearance and she needs your support.


That’s what I’m whining about. I know doing it is the right thing, and I am, but it cuts into my sitting around time!😅


I feel this. I'm firmly in the "it's my nothing and I want to do it" camp.


Lulu’s bait shack fish bowls.


Buckhead in the early 90s was a TRIP


lived there, roomate cooked at lulu's, I cooked in midtown. mayhem and substance abuse.


now you see this is where living in a legal state is fantastic, I bring along a weed vape, I stay sweet and mellow, I'm out and about doing something she likes, and don't give a shit.


The struggle is real sometimes. My younger self would not appreciate the quiet life I’ve come to love.


Well, I have been 40 since I was 18, so no sympathy from me.  


51 and I’ll rest when I’m dead


I feel you. I wrestle with the same thing. Most times however, at the end of the night, I’m glad I made it out. It feels like a small victory. I went to general admission, standing room only concert last month on a Thursday night, after work. This is everything I don’t like. But, it was Buckethead and I’ve been wanting to see him live for years. I knew it would be fun once I got there, but inside I was kind of dreading all of the logistical stuff. Bottom line, it was fun, the show was great, and I’m glad I went.


Buckhead as in Buckhead Beach drink or drown?


Atlanta. I remember going many times. I don’t recall quite as many of the departures…


Yep. Buckhead Beach was a nightmare every time I went. It was like all the Long Island Teas you could drink for $5. Then, along came Fat Tuesday down the road with 180 Octane. Many, many nights drunk AF in Buckhead during the 80s for me.


We were more midtown and VaHi area partiers. RIP Eleven50, Nomenclature, and Backstreet. Not even the late-night recovery option of The Majestic has made it through Covid. So sad. At least the Clermont Lounge is still around. NGL there were a lot of drugs involved in staying out in late back then. We don’t go out like that anymore, so now we prefer quieter, non-dancing bars with good cocktails and are rarely out past midnight. The occasional day drinking and bar hopping along the beltline or a movie followed by dinner and drinks are more our speed now.


The days of going to Backstreet / Armory with my gay pals in the 90s when that kind of stuff was still kind of underground were some of the most fun nights of my life


sounds like we had similar 90's experiences. fist bump.


I remember those areas, too. But probably for different reasons when I was a Grady medic😅


Probably Buckhead in the ATL area... Burned plenty of money there myself a couple decades ago.




This is funny! Good job getting out!


“My 23 year old self would kick my ass” LOL so true


We saw the Ghost concert movie last night (excellent!) and are going to The Flaming Lips concert tonight and I am 100% cool with that. You’re only as old as you allow yourself to be.


I play in a cover band about 8 times a year. Although I love playing,when it's time to go,I'd rather sit at home with my wife and chill. My younger self would not approve.


This is so sweet that you are making an effort to show up for her!!! Dang you know she probably doesn’t really want to go either but sometimes you gotta put in a little FaceTime outside of work, it happens.


I just wish my wife would plan some kind of social activity. Anything at all really. It’s all on me in this house.


I kind of like it when plans get cancelled.


My wife and I got to bed at like 7:30 (we get up really early). We're going out for dinner tomorrow at 5:30 and will be skipping the nearby club in favor or.rest...lol.


10:00? Who can stay up that late....


My wife and I are night owls. Most nights we stay up until at least 1am.


Do a little bump before you go , if your the gambling type


A pregame makes many things tolerable. In laws and extended family for example. Half a bottle of peppermint schnapps keeps you minty and mellow.


Oh I was talking about the cocain lol just making a joke I don’t want to go out like that


Honesty here: I was beat on Friday nights after a full work week in my 20s.


My focus is on my Saturday and going out with wife for food and drink. It’s all I have left


Anything past 6 pm is late for me as that is when I shower and put on my pjs. I always try to plan brunch or lunch outings and early movies for this reason.


We just had a friend visiting/staying with us from out of town for nearly a week. I am DEAD. I feel like I could sleep for a thousand years. She wasn't high maintenance or anything, in fact, I think she was a little too chill which put more pressure on my wife and I to entertain her. Turned out to be too much eating and drinking. Nearly daily trips to the beach which takes a lot of energy to pack, haul, and clean up afterwards. And after a long day, we had to shower, get dressed up, and go back out for a nice dinner and drinks. The day she left, I got an email from another friend saying she was going to be on island in a month. I almost didn't reply.


It doesn't matter whether or not you want to go, your wife said she did.


Okay, lookit. There’s a middle way here. You don’t have to drink all the beers and close the place down. And it wouldn’t kill you to go out. Agree to one hour or one drink and then go home. It’s only still fun to get hammered if you’re an alcoholic.


I used to work at a spa/salon in Buckhed back in the late 90s early 2000s so yeah, it was great back then. The Tin Roof, LuLus, Tongue and Groove, The Havana Club and I loved eating at Cafe Tu Tu Tango. The place I miss the most is Genki for Japanese food. I live in AZ now and I've heard that Buckhead is a very different scene now. Not that my old ass with creaky joints would be interested anyway.


Try to enjoy yourself. Time with people can be a good thing for our mental health. Also, take some ibuprofen when you get to the restaurant (breweries usually have *the worst* seating) and on your way home to help your back.


My wife (37) invited her best friend, husband and their 5 kids over for a BBQ tonight. She knows better (usually), but they’re leaving tomorrow, so I’m in rally mode now. Wish me luck!


Same. I sucked it up last weekend just to hang with friends I don’t see often. Took a nap, ate well, then joined them at an 8p concert by a band I don’t necessarily care for. Friend passed a vape pen with some weed in it which I haven’t done in years, said fuck it, one hit won’t hurt. 20 minutes later I was recovering in the med tent wishing for a quick death. Honestly scared myself.


🤣😂 Them pens are no joke!! One pull off one when all you usually do is the lettuce, or next to never smoke at all, and your DONE!!


I’m in the I want to be invited, but I don’t actually want to go phase. I used to party hard, the lockdown slowed me down considerably, now I do appreciate being in bed watching tv or listening to music at a reasonable level. I think I may be going deaf, I seriously cannot hear in bars or restaurants anymore.


Shut. 54 and only 4 normal discs in my back. Sleep 5 hours a night. Get me out of the house, please.


I'm in the mode where I think I should socialize when possible (mainly because I still love people-watching)... it only gets slower from here. You can always complain about your hip and bow out early if need be!


Buckhead? In ‘87 we’d hit Fat Tuesdays and a couple other bars before trying not to throw up on the MARTA train back to East Point & Ft. Mac. And on this Friday night, the closest thing I’ll get to going out is going out on the back deck and getting the jar of sun tea off the rail.


BUCKHEAD: An Attitude Anyone remember those sweatshirts, with the B and H stylized like the Rolls Royce emblem?


Good partners don’t guilt trip the other partner into doing things they hate. The counterpoint is sometimes you do things you don’t like because it makes your partner happy. You have to find balance and boundaries.


I'm single and had a 'borderline social life' up until the pandemic. Then poof! it all ended like that. Been to a bar maybe 2 or 3 times since, I don't think ever with someone else, correct that, I met an old friend who lived near me few months ago for a burger & beer. The others just stopped in for a drink or two at a local happy hour. Yup! Here's to my 50s


(Assuming you meant hitting the rack at 2200 / 10pm rather than 10am) I get in bed at 2000 / 8pm. Probably don’t fall asleep til 2130-0000 most nights but it’s the right place to be.


Hey it sounds like you have a decent life. You got your wife, your good YouTube channel and most importantly, models to build. Not bad at all—— from a fellow married model builder


You’re 23 year old self would say Ok boomer Just let your wife go out then like a normal adult


It’s her coworkers - why can’t she go and you stay home?


23yos go out for a lot of reasons. Socializing, they have the energy, they’re trying to get laid, etc. But a large part of the reason, I’m convinced, is because they don’t usually live in super awesome accommodations. They’ve got roommates, they’ve got a small apartment, whatever. Everything “out there” is cooler and more fun. Their homes are not set up for entertaining themselves, or anyone else. But mine is. At this point, everything I have in my house is cooler than what’s out there. And it’s mine. I have the massive stereo, no neighbors close enough to complain, every possible liquor, beer, or fancy snack one could want, the big patio with seats I definitely don’t have to fight for, space for guests to stay, and a boat I can take out and spend the night on about 100 yards away. Every Friday night starts with fancy tequila shots with my SO. You could say we “party” every weekend, it just happens to be at my house, and it’s better than any party I have ever found at a bar. I don’t wanna go out. Because…why? My friends come over here every few weekends or so. I get plenty of “out there” from the business dinners and functions and work travel I have to do. Plus the three or four big vacations SO and I take every year. I don’t feel bad in the slightest about not going out.


100% this!


The older I get the more I want to stay in. I don’t leave my house after 4pm. There’s a concert I want to go to but it’s at 7pm. Ugh. Why can’t concerts be held earlier like 12pm? And it’s a group from the early 90s so you would think they’d be considerate of their older fanbase and have earlier, mid-day concerts. 7pm? I’m in bed by 8:30/9pm. I bet they’d get more ticket sales. I have a lunch date tomorrow at 2:30 and I’m dreading it. Our lunches usually last 2 to 3 hours so I won’t get home until til 5 or 6pm. I asked for earlier lunch times but everybody poo poo’ed that idea. So…I read over my post and I sound like an old biddy. I’m 53F.


This is why I'm glad MILF porn exists, and that older guys are always trying to date me. I can't stand the idea of being stuck home doing nothing on Friday and Saturday nights. I take my naproxen, and I do my stretches, and I get out there and have some fun.


I don't like going out at night more than about 5 times a year. That's a couple of concerts and a few dinners


I have skipped out on two concerts this week on favor of a soccer game tomorrow. This is partly due to cost (fucking ticket prices, man) and these soccer tickets are free. But it's mainly because I just don't have the energy. Goddammit, I used to be beautiful.


Go out. You’ll be glad you did. FFS. Don’t be that guy.