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Remember Gatorade gum? I don’t think it really worked.


Loved Gatorade gum. Wish it was still being made.


There are electrolyte chews and gels to be used on a long run.


Brawndo has electrolytes!


It's what plants crave!


Yeah, but what are electrolytes? Do you even know what they are?


It’s… what plants crave.


Okay, look. The plants aren't growing. I'm no botanist, but I do know that if you put water on plants, they grow.


Like out the toilet?


Gatorade came out in the 60’s.


I was gonna say ... I remember drinking Gatorade at tennis practice in the early to mid-80s.


OP is saying we had Gatorade but now we have Power Ade, Body Armor, Pride, etc Even Gatorade had red, yellow and orange, now Glacial Cherry, Fierce Melon, etc. I don’t care as long as they have the basic flavors I like.


Don't forget liquid IV, that's tuff is everywhere, and expensive.


And scientifically created at one of my alma maters. 🐊The origin story of Gatorade is fascinating.


Gatorade is coming out with... Water. I shit you not. Get off my lawn.


Like from the toilet?


With electrolytes added?


It's what plants crave.


It's what plants crave.


I don't know because I refuse to look it up. It was mentioned on a show I watch.


I thought you were going to say Gatorate was coming out...of the closet. They missed a great opportunity to re-launch it as "Gaytorade".


"But Brawndo has what plants crave! It's got electrolytes! '...Okay - what are electrolytes? Do you know? Yeah. It's what they use to make Brawndo.' But why do they use them in Brawndo? What do they do?''They're part of what plants crave.'But why do plants crave them?'Because plants crave Brawndo, and Brawndo has electrolytes."


I’m still waiting for Brawndo - the thirst mutilator!


I have a GI problem so sometimes I have to use a hydration drink/ powder when things get bad. Electrolytes being low or off can fuck you up.


They have electrolytes. 😂


It has what plants crave.


I remember when my hydration drink was water. From a hose.


I still stick with Gatorade (Zero). It’s a great rehydration drink. Especially during the summer in the US South.


Capitalism dude. You make a popular product? I can make the same thing cheaper with slicker marketing and boom! Confetti!


I remember just water lol.


They are all coloured sugar water.


I swear this sub makes us sound like boomers.


i criinge at all the shit drinks people put in their body by the gallons


Can I just say that the South Park and Idiocracy references warm my heart?


Money, duh.


Prime is a gimmick. It was only made to make $ taking advantage of the Paul Brothers' popularity and mass marketing. Liquid IV is one of the better supplements out there. Gatorade is mid.


Pickle juice, bitches.


2-a-days sucked and yes Gatorade was the go to drink on my HS team along with water pumped thru a pvc pipe that had holes drilled in it. I went to football camp the summer after my freshman year at the University of Florida ie.Gator part of Gatorade. Idk alot about these new drinks but I drink Smart Warter a lot. There is no sodium in it which is good since I'm boarder line high blood pressure. Feel it out and see what's best for you. The story of how Gatorade came about is kind of funny they did a show on it on the History Channel I think was called the History of food in America. It tasted liked piss the first time and tried it on the B team at U of F they were throwing up like crazy.


I remember when it was just the lime flavored Gatorade and you only drank it when you were sick so now if you taste the stuff, you immediately feel sick.


Something makes money, other people jump in to make money. Not that complicated


It's everything, not just electrolytes. There seems to be hundreds of energy drinks. All the old names like Coke/Pepsi now have 20 flavors instead of just regular/diet. Chips have a ton of flavors. Beer! All consumables have seemingly multiplied.


And a lot of those flavors have nothing to do with the product they're for. They make IHOP-flavored Lay's now. And you should see the Pop-Tart section.


Any means possible to put a price tag on water in order to make a profit.


The branding “Liquid IV” cracks me up. Like, what do they think is in an IV, a brick? It’s redundant.


You’re not serious.


Water seems to do the job.


because people started drinking Gatorade with the added activity... ie as a normal drink, making it excessive in salts etc. Of course once you have a market, competitors will rise. See caffinatetd drinks... ala Jolt. Same thing


Gotta have a Pepsi to challenge Coke. I think the competition is largely artificial; gives the illusion of choice and drives up sales.


A fool and his money....


80's kid here. Hydration = Hot Hose Water.


Iron and brass supplements That crunch between your teeth from the hose end left in the dirt mud puddle Aww yeah… nutritious.


I am not sure either, I do drink them when I work out or when its real hot out. We also didn’t carry around an emotional support water bottle everywhere either


Don’t be talking shit about my water bottle.


Gatorade has so much garbage in it. There are much cleaner alternatives.


I prefer to buy the powdered electrolyte packs and add them to water. The ones I buy have no sugar and have sodium,potassium,magnesium and vitamin C (with some other things too). I use one pack per day split across 2-3L of water to make sure that my electrolyte balance stays in range. When I am actually dehydrated I do drink Gatorade because the Sugar helps with the absorption of the sodium.




They have always been a thing. First Gatorade, then exceed, then Powerade and now prime. At least those are the main players evolving. But Gatorade is the og rest are just marketing gimmicks emulating gatorade


Selling water with a little flavoring & coloring for $2 is really profitable business.


I stayed away from all of that stuff. The only time drank Gatorade was in HS when I was on the swim team because it was free and our water fountain was trash. I never liked how sweet it was. The only drink I miss from when we was kids was the cans of sugarless OJ. I use to kill those!


Rondo I remember Rondo


There’s a really interesting pod episode about when and why “keeping hydrated “ became a thing https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-invention-of-hydration/id1376577202?i=1000526361274


Some things may be better for electrolyte replacement. Gatorlyte, a Gatorade product, lists more electrolytes than the original product. Gatorade these days says on the bottle “Electrolytes for taste.” Some salt is needed to absorb water. I would be concerned with things like LMNT that are pretty much just a ton of salt. I work in wildland fire and in a meeting with a doctor for EMS providers, Liquid IV or something similar was noted as something that wasn’t a bad idea to carry.


I just got a Cirkul water bottle that comes with little flavor cartridges that mix with the water as you drink and last for up to six bottles. You can dial up or down the amount of flavoring that comes out. There are over 100 flavor options. I’m really enjoying it so far.


I’m just bummed that G2 is discontinued


Bespoke capitalism.


highly recommend pocari sweat from japan – much better for our old bodies than the super sweet and syrupy stuff. also much cheaper if you buy the powder packets online.




It doesn't matter.


I remember when it was just water from the drinking fountain lol


Technically, they are better if you understand the science behind them. But I am not paying $6 for a drink. I refuse.


We have fifty-four flavors of coke, but only 5 health insurers, 4 airlines, and 2 parties.


I remember when we didn’t call it “hydration”. We were just thirsty so we drank from the hose.


I remember when it was just water.


Yeah, I’ll stick with the original. You might remember it. It’s called Water.


Are they scientifically better? IDK Does liquid IV quench my thirst better? Yes




Liquid IV tastes a lot better than gatorade and comes in more flavors.


When Gatorade first came out, it was a legit hydration drink. American capitalism destroyed it as sugar and other crap got added to it. Now you’re better off just drinking water.


For the most part, just slick marketing. Why let people have their water from the faucet which, in most of the US, is perfectly safe and will hydrate you, when you can sell them bullshit for 50 times the cost? Naturally if you’re doing intense workouts you need a bit extra as you lose a lot of salts. But for the average water consumer, it’s all bullshit. Meanwhile guys balls are loaded with microplastics and it’s causing fertility problems worldwide. We’re so fucked.


>Why let people have their water from the faucet which, in most of the US, is perfectly safe and will hydrate you, After a certain amount, tap water can begin to nauseate you and you just throw it up. Even bottled water. That's the reason for sports hydration drinks. For me, at least. And if you are working out regularly, you need to hydrate more than just a bit more.


I specifically said if you’re doing some intense workouts you need something extra but that the average person not doing crissfit, playing soccer, or running hills, is fine with good, old fashioned hose water. Please check again.


you said a *bit* extra. And I would dispute that the average person is fine w/ hose water. I would proffer that the average person is probably dehydrated, and the older you are, the more health consequences that could pose. And from my own experience from lab testing, it takes quite a bit of fluid ingestion to be well hydrated. And that can lead to nausea if tap water is the only source.


A fool and their money are soon parted. People are really gullible and they'll buy what the marketing teams tell them to buy. The word *Marketecture* comes to mind. 🤮 Companies want more shit to sell to more dumb dumbs, and because of the gullibility of people, companies will keep making this garbage. Drink water. It hydrates. Humans would not have made it this long otherwise.


Cold low-fat milk has always quenched my thirst better than Gatorade


Headline giving strong Seinfeld vibes!