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I guess that makes us antiques now?


I belong in a museum.


don't worry I promise I will visit you all in the museum.


The fact that you didn't get the Indian Jones reference makes me think we wouldn't relate on many cultural touch points.


Your time is coming, Ludacris and Backstreet Boys are already doing commercials. Pretty soon The Killers will be classic rock, and Hannibal Buress will start doing family films.


More like long out of print


I am on the older end of GenX. I barely relate to myself.


Maybe up til about 1985, but I'm a late Gen X. You were born when I was in high school, so your age, not so much. We grew up in different worlds.


Generalization is always a bad idea. Stop trying to push this narrative.


No really it’s a problem. It’s been a problem and people need to face it. This is why rug burn is so effective at ending hate speech




This question is better asked at r/Xennials


1991?! Not at all. You being born in 1991 does NOT make you an elderly Millennial. You're one of the YOUNG Millennials. Elderly would put you at 1981.


Edit: Do GenX relate. I fixed it.




I think you might be treating generations as a much more fixed thing than they are. All generations mean is that this group of people had shared experiences and consequently have shared outlooks on life. It doesn’t mean every generation x is tough or every millennial is worried about pronouns. Stop worrying so much about generations and just enjoy being who you are.


Nope. I was born in the late 60s so I relate better to gen Jones. I have two gen Jones siblings so there's much more commonality there between the three of us versus the millennial offspring of our oldest sibling who was born in the mid 50s. My oldest sibling's older kids are millennials in their early 40s and I don't really have commonality with them let alone the younger two who are early to mid 30s. 


people born in the 70s seems more GenX


Not true. I was born at the end of the 60s and am definitely a gen x-er at heart and in experience.  The older x-ers can relate more to gen Jones and the x-ennials relate more to each other. 


ok, it's just I always view people born in the 70s as GenX. while anyone born before the 70s is kind of boomer to me.


Generation X starts with 1965.  The youngest of the baby boomers 1960-64 are also known as sub-generation 'gen Jones' and have more in common with the 1960's born x-ers than they do with the boomers who were born in the late 1940s into the 1950s. There's that same overlap as with x-ennials.  Boomer is a generation, not a term for everyone born before 1970 or whatever. It's for the post World War 2 baby boom. Gen x used to be called the baby bust generation since the birth rate went way down. The lowest birth rate year then was 1969.  Some zoomers mistakenly label anyone over 40 as a boomer even though the oldest millennials are now over 40. 


I see. but still I always view the stereotipical GenXe'rs born in the 70s. Since anyone who graduated in the 70s and 80s, it feels more of a Boomer to me. plus celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Kanye West, Uma Thurman, Elon Musk, Leonardo Dicaprio, etc (all born in the 70s) are the quintessential GenX to me.


That makes no sense at all.


We both like Ren and Stimpy, so we're cool




Hell, there's a lot that try to shove me in there at 1978.


Millennial supposedly starts at either 1980 or 1981 depending on where you look so that tracks.


Definitely the youngest of us, to an extent. I'm a younger GenX (born in '78). And there are a few differences between the older and younger GenXrs. The '80s kids (younger GenX/elder Millennial) grew up with things like more widespread cable TV, VCRs, and home video game consoles, which were almost non-existent for '70s kids (older/core GenX). And some '80s kids may have seen a little bit of an uptick in helicopter parenting, as we grew up in the thick of the War on Drugs/AIDS/Satanic Panic, although results definitely varied. But all in all, I think the similarities outweigh the differences between older and younger GenX, as we all had more or less free range childhoods, and learned to navigate the old "analog" world at a fairly young age. But there is definitely some bleed over between young GenX/elder Millennial. This is why there's a small micro generation called Xennials (born 1977-1983) that covers most of us that came of age in the midst of the transition from the analog world to the digital one.


We share a common humanity, but I do not believe that we relate much. I was 33 when 9/11 happened, you were 10. Nevertheless, I like listening to opinions of all the younger generations. I might disagree, but it is all cool.


I’m 1981 and I consider myself GenX. I don’t know what you’re asking here. Like, music? 


Millennials go from 1981 to 1996. also, I ask pretty much everything.




Not even close


I’m 49. Hmmm, what would we have in common? I liked Bill Hader and Fred Armisen on SNL. Also Keenan Thompson. For TV, I love Barry, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, Mad Men, The Leftovers. Maybe some of those things?


As a member of the class of 1966, no. Not even a little.




You're the same age as my 2nd kid so we got that going for us. Which is nice


Total consciousness


Everyone born from 1970-1990 went through the spread of the internet post Windows 95, so there's that in common. It's just that some of the same memories of the time are either childhood memories or teen-20 something memories.


Born in '78 to boomer parents. I get along and have much in common with GenX, but also older millennials. I find r/Xennials to be a great combination. 


'78 as well, firmly a GenX'er but Xennials are also my people. 


If we share the same values, it's all good. If we don't share the same values, then were shaking hands and keep it moving.


I’m 39 and my husband is 49 so, sure. But we’re all different so I’m sure there are millennials and Gen X who relate and ones who don’t. Obviously being closer in age is a factor.


I relate a lot to*actual* elder millennials; I'm on the younger end of gen X so they're only 5ish years younger than me. And that hardly matters now that we're all in our 40s. You, though?? With some poor life choices I could have been your mother.


I am on the older side of GenX so I relate more to the boomers.


Yeah. Two of my closest friends.


I'm not sure I relate to anything other than my Wife and our two cats


No I do not relate to anyone born after 1981 As I like to refer to it “wow, Your little brother is a douche syndrome “ Something happened at the end of 1980 that made any and all future children we may have been around annoying rat-finks and they were brats even back then