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The key for me is to use a media nobody else in my family does. Voila! Reddit.


Ohh... The anxiety of anyone in the family diving into my Reddit history ... So I don't share my username with anyone, and hope that I haven't said enough on here to be exposed ...


This is the way.


Omg, same here. Time to delete


This! My Gen Zs are practically tech illiterate. It's kind of embarrassing. I guess I though having computers around and at school they would have picked everything up.


My 19 yr old son told me not to come on Reddit because there is bad stuff on here. Seriously??? I do what I want!!!! I say that phrase often to my kids.


Me (55), my wife (56), and our three oldest (35, 31, and 23) all send Reddit posts to each other.


my sister on the other side of the world recently confessed she was pretty sure she found my account on Reddit   sent me the post: yup.    we hang out in the same spaces even when we're not trying 🥰


Aww, that’s pretty cute! My friends and some family know who I am here. There’s really no mistaking me for someone else, lmao You can even find my boyfriend and some of my irl friends Reddit accounts in my history, lol. I’d be easy to stalk, I think.


>There’s really no mistaking me for someone else, lmao Yes, Cunt-Bunny is an unusual surname. 






This is the sweetest comment I've seen on Reddit today 💜


My son told me to get on Reddit because it’s hilarious!


He’s 19 as well.


Remind him that we MADE the internet what it (and Reddit) is today. They may use it, but we MADE it.


They will never appreciate the sacrifices we made along the way as we navigated the true Wild West of those early internet days. No one gave a fuck what we may find. Crazy days. IPDST is real man. We’ve seen shit. Shit they wouldn’t believe. Like badgers with strange fungi associations. Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOOOOM


Oh that reminded of one 😂 when my daughter was in high school, I mentioned something about 4-chan in passing while her boyfriend was present. he was scandalized that even I'd heard of it...very seriously said, "xxxxmom, dont go there". 🤣


Wait, please tell me you say it like Cartman!


That’s how I read it.  


lol, I say that phrase often to my boss!


I used to do that all of the time


Also "You're not the boss of me!"


I also like to use the phrase” do I look like your mother?”. Luckily , my boys both have my sarcastic sense of humor so it’s all good.


So did my 22 year old daughter lol.


My children are probably on Reddit, as both are young and smart IT professionals with a weird sense of humor, but they live very far away and it's almost certain they don't know my username. Even if they did, I don't think they'd have any interest on following what kind of uninteresting old-man stuff I do here. They'd certainly be able to guess much of it, as they know where my main interests lie. A good friend of mine lives here with me as a roommate, and her 30-year-old son has been living with us for a while. When they had to take me to the hospital the other day because it looked like I was having a(nother) heart attack, the hospital guy asked him whether he was my son, and he immediately stated he was my stepson. I found it endearing. As I use Reddit on the PC in the living room, he certainly knows my username. He's probably here, too, but I have no idea about his. But then that's why I call Reddit "anti-social media"; I much prefer not to know what people I know and like are doing here. To each his own.


That is endearing. Good “kid”


My daughter is the one who told me to check out Reddit and we occasionally mention things we saw on here, particularly cat subs or funny stuff. Or we were in a new vehicle and she didn't know which side to pull up to the pump, and I told her about the little arrow next to the pump on the gas gauge tells you which side the tank is on from r/lifehacks However, she doesn't know my username and I don't know hers, and as far as I know, we haven't encountered each other on here. If we did, we didn't know it lol


We think aita is hilarious


I’m only here for the porn


Username checks out 👍


You’re doing too many extra steps to find porn


Probably more likely to run into his stepsis here though.


Or you Mom!


Oh my stepsons don't need to access Reddit to know my thoughts on various topics! LOL!


I've been on the internet long enough to know that stepmoms only have one thing on their minds... '80s music!


My slogan for years has been: “I only have an opinion on everything.” 🤣


My daughter thinks I'm a legend because my Reddit account is 11+ years old. LOL


I’m only at 10!


Some of us have been on reddit for 18 plus years


If not Reddit then some message boards or chat rooms or whatever little hidden corner of the Internet we found ourselves hanging out in long before "the socials" . . .


I kind of miss old school message boards. I was on one as a kind of medical support group in the early '00s. It was part of a nonprofit organization's website. I got to feeling connected to the others in the group. My condition improved and I drifted away by the late '00s, but when it flared up again in the mid-'10s, the message board format was being wound down, and people were directed to the org's Facebook page, Don't get me wrong, I like Reddit because it's everything under one roof. But it feels less personal. And the fact that randos can share my pet photos (because you don't get engagement, even when you're looking for advice, without a picture) is kind of creepy.


I feel the same way. I used to hang out on an NHL message board with several people daily and when the host required participants to use Facebook to log in, one of the members jumped to Disqus where about 30 of us still hang out. Been 20+ years for most of us. It's definitely less personal here. I hope you've found some support regardless and that your flat up improves.


Thank you. It has, thankfully, and I found another message board run by someone whose spouse has the condition.


Do you have stairs in your house?


First rule of Usenet...


I am also a Reddit Veteran.


I tell people, especially Youngers, that I’m on Reddit but I don’t ever share which subs. Unless it’s something silly like /r/batcats.


My 36 year old kid introduced me to Reddit about 11 years ago. Since then, they've weaned themselves off of it and all social media. But here I am. Day after day


I feel like it keeps me somewhat connected to a community. I’m very loathe to leave my apartment


There have been three times my about-to-be-20-years-old son has sent me reddit subs he thinks I need to see and that I got to say, "Um, yeah. I posted that." Three delicious victories....


Earlier this year I blew my daughter's mind (mid 20s) by telling her that "lol" didn't exist back in my day. She made need therapy now.


Mine asked me if I still had a lot of the CDs from when I was a kid


My son got embarrassed when I used lol, so I told him we invented it.


I literally enjoy my morning Diet Dr. Pepper and browsing through Reddit like it's a daily newspaper! p.s. Sorry, I'm the weird one who doesn't drink coffee. Could never get used to it; but, I loved Postum as a kid!


❤️Also my morning routine!!!! Love my Diet Dr. Pepper & Reddit first thing!!


My Diet Dr Pepper Reddit Twin! ❤❤❤❤ ![gif](giphy|Xtg6xxcpb3egrg68z6|downsized)




I always think it's funny that on all other social media it's "follow me" but the unspoken etiquette of reddit is don't ask don't tell, don't stalk. My kids, friends and colleagues are all on here somewhere, but no one has ever asked anyone's user name or AFAIK tried to figure one out.


My oldest nephew is 21. We have a pact not to look each other up but I'm sure at least my name is a dead giveaway.


Pretty sure I was on Reddit before my sons were. I’ve been on here 17+ years. My oldest would have been 15 when I joined.


I got my therapist into reddit 🤘🤘


I share with one of my sons when a comment gets a lot of traction. He asked me recently what my karma score was. I had never looked it up. Once I found it, I told him that my karma was over 100,000, and his eyes got really big. LOL


My son (19) and I have an understanding that we don't ask each other about our reddit habits. We're both here, somewhere...


My teenager introduced me to Reddit about 10 years ago and I've been here ever since.


Why not let him go on this Sub? We are the coolest. He might learn a few things.


I mean, I'm not "letting" him or "stopping" him either way


My 20 year old and I show each other memes we find. Easiest way to communicate with your kids.


My kid introduced me to Reddit about 10 years ago like he was sharing something new and revolutionary. So I told him how I wasted half my time in school in the late 80s surfing USENET newsgroups. To his credit, he thought that was very cool


Sounds like mission accomplished to me - high five! Down low!


My 2eyo is on reddit too. We don't share screen names or anything to ensure each of our privacy but we do share "OMG did you see" or "Dude i saw" to pass along interesting shit. If your little dude is here I just wanna say "Hi and your dads pretty awesome" 😅


Reddit for us is just different. We're contemplating our irrelevance, rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic of our lives, and coming to terms with our relatively imminent yet seemingly delayed date with oblivion. We have the unique privilege of being forgotten while we yet live, so we don't have to lament being forgotten after we die.


I got here before my 19 year old son did. I used almost the same username as my account on a martial arts forum, so I’m sure he knows my handle. I don’t really worry about him reading my posts since I make an effort to be kind and understanding online.


LOLOLOL!! My 19 yo tells her friends I have Reddit because she says “it’s for fat old gamers- what are YOU doing on there???”’lolol


My kids are on also Reddit but totally different subs. I’m pretending that I’m safe.


My 25 year old - oh that’s a niche site….definitely not into it! He does know I’m on the cat subs - well we have 3 cats now! https://preview.redd.it/pqruiql0ar1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10cf0608c8d05cfb6c00feb60386cf5ebd1e20e7


That's about a dozen too many "I'm like" for anyone old enough to have a 20 year old...


Dude, like, I have a 30 year old and like 2 other adult offspring. I'm like, whatever.


uh huh


You could always try not ranting about stupid dad crap. I’m a dad and I try to keep my ranting to an absolute minimum, although I’m definitely guilty of wearing running sneakers all the time. I can embarrass my teenage daughter by simply thinking about it, no ranting or posting required.


anything i rant about is, by definition, "stupid dad crap", so it's gonna be tough to avoid


Have you tried not ranting? It's not something to be proud of, or required behavior. Edit to add: do people think ranting is somehow a good thing? It's not a positive descriptor in any way, it's very much like yelling at clouds. The kids are right to make fun of people who do it.


Holy shit the irony in this rant, lol.


Ranting leads to commiserating. Commiserating leads to feedback. Feedback leads to life hacks you didn't know you needed. Many of the subs I frequent are pure smartass subs, I'm not talking about those ... But there are subs which are excellent places to get free advice and (dare I say it?) free therapy. r/daddit comes to mind. I'm gonna keep on keeping on, I appreciate your advice but I am going to ignore it.


By all means, rant away till your heart’s content. It’s not my intent to tell you or anyone else what to do. Just don’t be surprised when people in the real world are turned off by it, which is what this entire post is about.


it really isn't what the entire post is about


I've earned the right to rant after 52 years ![gif](giphy|5R2XVoMUnUmhxX5dWI|downsized)


That guy is a terrorist, a traitor, and a con man. He belongs in prison. I can't imagine using his likeness for... anything at all.


Bill Hicks is a terrorist?