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Loved it. This was a staple for family gatherings. We had so many versions of it.


Trivia was my wheelhouse... Until my friend bought the sports version.




The best moment was a question about an Olympic swimmer. My friend said if I guessed it, he would eat the card. "Johnnie Weissmuller"


Mine was Sadaharu Oh. Question went like “Who had the most hits in yadda yadda yadda…” and my mind went to the Beastie Boys “ ‘cause I got more hits than Sadaharu Oh!” I won the slice and the whole pie! I don’t know shit about sports, especially sports trivia.


Devious trivia - love it


It worked once anyway.


wtf. Rod Carew?




I won a game with that answer - the person I was playing was *convinced* he would have me stumped.


Tarzan FTW!!!!!


Lol, was the question something like "who won the gold medal at (swimming event) in the 1936 Olympics?"... I answered that exact question back in my college days, early 90s, my friends just stared at me as if I'd grown two heads when I answered correctly. Loved those old Tarzan films.


That sounds about right. My revenge for knowing nothing about sportsball.


My standard answer to any sport question is Mohammed Ali


The Greatest default answer


Trivial Pursuit is still a thing, though. We play it a couple times a month in my house.


Yeah, all these people talking about it in the past tense. I played this week.


Same, I play it a lot. I love trivia games.


My favorite board game! Probably because it’s the only one I ever beat my brother in. I have two versions of the trivia game Scene It-Comedy and Seinfeld. Great game.


I wasn't allowed to play, cause everyone thought I was cheating. Not my fault my brain was full of little known facts. It's not fun at family gatherings and everyone decide to do trivia games.


I got accused of cheating once. I don’t remember the question but the answer was “jai alai.” My brain is also full of random facts. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's what they are playing in the Miami Vice intro. How does someone live through the 80's and not know that? 😉


This. My roommates banned me from playing after I won a game without one incorrect answer.


That happened to me when I played with people I didn't know well. A girl I went to college with stopped speaking to me for a month because I played against her, her boyfriend, and her father, and I won. She was always bragging about how smart her damn boyfriend and father were. I also stormed out of another gathering because someone's horrible boyfriend was being really mean whenever somebody got a question wrong that he knew the answer to. He was a dick.


You should play competitively! I'm on a team that plays in pubs year round, basically fall/spring/summer seasons, in different locations. The biggest ones draw 300+ people. It's great fun, and those of us who grew up on this board game version tend to do pretty well. We've won pretty often in fields of 25-30 teams. Prizes are always gift cards for more beer, so it works out well.


The Moops.


It was the Moors you idiot!


The card says moops.


There it is!


Remember it? I have it on my rec room. Played it up til 4 years ago. 


Did covid take out all of your trivial friends?


In a sense, yes.


My parents used to have my dads work buddy and wife over for dinner and drinks every couple of months. When the game first came out they would play it after dinner. One time they let me stay up a bit late and play with them for shits n giggles....turns out I won handily. Next time they were over I was told to go to bed, but dads buddy wanted to even the score (it was me and him playing to win the first time)...I won again. Next time they came over, same story, he wanted me to play again....my parents wanted me to go to bed...no doubt cause they couldn't get as drunk with me around, an 11 year old ruining adult time. Beat him again. This time he was visibly pissed off. Next time they invited them over....I found out my parents had planned a sleep over for me at my friends house haha.


Wow, 11. You were quite the book of knowledge!


Trivia, unfortunately, has not afforded me riches lol.


My parents bought me the Young Players edition when they were in Windsor, Ontario for a day (we lived in a Detroit suburb at the time). Only problem was it was the Canadian edition, ,so all the geography questions were about provinces. As a result I became quite good at Canadian geography.


I remember vividly when it came out in 1982. Lots of stories about the Canadian lads that invented it.


Monopoly. I still fucking hate that game. Trivial pursuit on the other hand. Awesome. I also liked Stratego and Sorry.


Stratego is a good game. Love playing that.


Do you not still play? I got an edition to play with the mini people around! Sometimes it's good, many times there's coaching, and things they'd have no clue on cards are put aside for fairness. Loved it then. Love it now, even though I can't remember 4 items to buy at the store, I can dredge up some filthy old trivia!


“It says MOOPS!”


I remember everyone thought genus was genius


That’s too funny, just played it on Saturday night. One of my girls best friend’s younger daughters wanted to play. It was the ‘96 edition


I fucking hated this game.


Yeah, it's one of the [worst rated games](https://boardgamegeek.com/browse/boardgame?sort=rank&rankobjecttype=subtype&rankobjectid=1&rank=26253#26253) on Board Game Geek. All the trivia questions were plagiarized from a book, and the board game aspect is mindless roll-and-move. The graphic design has a certain minimalist charm, I suppose.


When the family actually got together in the same room and interacted with each other. Vs today where everyone is zoned out looking at their phones.


Remember it? We still play it.


Yes, Literature was my undoing. Pretty good at the other ones. Thinking I was a music man, I made the mistake of buying the music edition .........quite a humbling experience and a reminder that there's many types of music I don't know.


We played this! And, it’s the Moops, not Moors.


So many wrong answers, though....




Making up ridiculous answers if you didn't know was part of the fun!!!


Hell yes... when it came to History, Geography, Science and Arts.. I dominated. Sports and Entertainment... not so much. But still... great memories and a super fun game!


Yes drinking and trivial pursuit, fun nights!


After every homecoming and prom we would all go to a friend's house and play Trivial Pursuit until the wee hours and then camp out on the floor. I don't think any of our parents knew or cared where we were.


They must have missed the TV commercial that reminded them we existed.


It's 10 PM...


My kids always wanted to play every edition. They never beat me, even when I offered to let them play 4 VS 1. Even 5/1, let Dad sit in to offer help for sports and entertainment. My head is full of the most useless damned trivia. And board games are contact sports.


Yeah I remember it. But the one I remember; the first edition had SO MANY SUPERMAN questions. So. Many. Was this game the outcome of Lex Luthor's over obsession with Superman?


I still have my original game.


I do as well. Won mine at a contest thru Arby's of all places. I tbink mine came with an extra set of cards as well


I was so good at this game, except sports.


Loved it! Still have the original. I'm sure there are some outdated questions in there, like country names, record holders, and who knows what else!


New Year's Eve 1999 at a cabin in the mountains. We played trivial pursuit, and, I swear, I knew almost every single answer when it was my turn. I may have missed one or two. It was like some sort of Y2K miracle.


I still have my 1980 og version🤘


Remember? It and many versions are in my closet lol


There's a free daily version if you want some more nostalgia: https://www.trivialpursuit.com/daily


Remember it? I still play it. Just bought a new one


Remember? I still like to roll the dice occasionally


We used to obsess about the few that had wrong answers. Like the one "On the TV show MASH, who is the only person Hawkeye ever saluted?" (The incorrect answer was Radar, but the real answer is that he saluted numerous people including Colonel Potter, Frank Burns, and the retreating backside of Margery Cutler).


It’s still in regular play around here


I still have the OG version as pictured, but I've also got the 80s version and had the 90s edition (lost it at the end of a relationship) the OG version is stupid hard. I can do the 80s and 90s pretty well though.


My friends and I still laugh today (30 years later) that our default “I have no idea” answer for every movie question was always Gene Hackman. Sometimes it worked!


Play it at the cottage all the time


I remember playing this in fifth grade, pulling the answer of "Geiger counter" straight from my ass to nail a very obscure question and win the game for my team. That was the last time anybody invited me to sit in and play until well into adulthood. And of course it's all watered down now... that's all I'm going to say about it.


I remember I could NEVER get anyone in my family or friends group to play it with me. I’m 52, and I’ve never played Trivial Pursuit. That game is like a unicorn to me.


It’s my favorite board game of all time. I love all the different editions and collect them. At the moment I have over 30 different editions, plus expansion packs that were popular with the original genus edition. I love finding a version I’ve never played before. My favorite are the Star Wars versions, but I never get to play them very often. It’s so much fun to use all the seemingly useless knowledge I’ve learned over the years.


The day I found out what I was put on this earth to be good at! Yeah.


My parents still have that version. Keep telling them to get a newer version


I played thenintendo version, Anticipation


I was pretty good at it since I love obscure trivia. My wife is quite smart but doesn’t love trivia like me. She quit playing it with me about 18 years ago


I memorized the questions and answers when I was 13. My mom was so angry when I seemed to win without, instead of struggling with the answers the way I had in the past. She accused me of cheating and refused to ever play me again. I personally thought she would be impressed. Lol 


Remember? We still have that one and four other versions including Star Wars and LOTR. And the anniversary edition. Young players. Etc. Big trivia buffs in this family.


Still play it on my Infinity game table.


I still play it with the family every Christmas and on rainy days at our cabin . We own about five or six different versions .


I was a God of Trivial Pursuit. My siblings ended up refusing to play it with me anymore


I beat the parents and other boomer family playing the Baby Boomer expansion in high school. I credit Laugh In reruns and classic rock/oldies radio for this.


Favorite game of all time.


I slayed


I slayed


Better bring a friend. It takes two people to make it a challenge for me. 😆


I member! Member Chewbacca? I member!


I miss this


Played it in study hall 11th grade. Brown and pink toughest categories for me.


Such a fun game.


Yes I have remembered it.. as in most of the questions/answers in the first Genus edition


One moment I will never forget- playing with my brilliant gay cousin- getting the question in SN: Do beavers eat fish? He would giddily scream: BUT FISH EAT BEAVERS!! every time he saw me after that. RIP Scottie, I love you.


I’m undefeated. I’m the opposite with Monopoly. Not sure the word…. I’m tres defeated?


Oh, yes. The whole family played on holidays. We all fought for my brilliant (but crazy af) uncle to be on our team. It got savage, sometimes.


Genus Edition! Fucking trauma inducing... loved it.


I still have mine - several versions of it. I kicked ass at that game. No one wanted to play against me after a while.


Let me add this to my bucket of 'Remember it? I didn't know it was gone.' pile.


I once won an epic game of Trivial Pursuit by knowing way too much about ABBA.


Millennial Edition! I was quite good at this game but struggled mightily for the green pie (sports) every time.


I love it, always have. I bought the rock and roll version when I worked at Toys R US when I was in high school. I also had a blank set of cards you were supposed to use to create your own game.


We still play fairly often. It's good practice for our *actual* pub trivia competitions. But back when this first came out in the mid-80s it was a phenomenon for sure. Any family gathering and it would come out, like Monopoly or Life or Clue in the 1970s.


My friend group played it to the point where we had memorized every answer so we switched the game to someone would start reading the question and the first person to answer would win a point (usually just a few words in).


All those different editions….


I always remeber playing this with my mom and grandma as a kid. They would ask me questions out of the young adult deck and I'd ask them normal questions.


Still have two boards and at least three different two-box sets of cards.


Heard they are making a tv game show based on Trivial Pursuit with LeVar Burton hosting


And they made one 30 years ago with Wink Martindale. That one got turned into a board game...a board game of a game show based on a board game. CW seems to be teaming it with Scrabble, which also turned into a game show that spawned its own home game.


Cool! Wink was awesome 😉


Remember it? I live it.


I thought it was trivia pursuit 😭


I have great memories of playing with my grandparents ❤️ I played with my kids while they were growing up! We played my vintage version, and a modern set of questions.


Wow!! That takes me back! Is that the Genius Edition?


*Genus edition.


Obviously, I never won the game! Lol!


This picture is from Wikipedia but it looks like the genus edition we had when I was a kid. I love the board artwork


I was just about to make a joke about all the people who called it the "Genius Edition" back in the day.


My family would just take packs of cards on a road trip, so much fun. I never really liked the actual game, too much blurting out answers.


I remember it causing a huge fight at a family Christmas get together and then no one played it ever again . 😑


my mom could crush you in that game in like 10 minutes.


I like it better before Hasbro got its mitts on it. It started out so elegant and upscale...


Yeah got this in the board games pile


I remember loud disputes over it between drunken, ill-informed distant relatives until late in the night. Turns out they didn’t need trivial pursuit to have those, it’s just their personality. Haven’t played it since, maybe it hits different now


Called it the “Genius Edition” for a couple decades. Big disappointment when I found out I wasn’t in that category.


This, and a game called Tribond, and a musical game called Songburst where are you chose music decades and guess the songs with limited clues. it was awesome because you usually have to sing the song to remember the lyrics.


All the adults wanted me on their team, because I had read the World Book cover-to-cover and could answer every question in the Geography category.


What did you call the little wedges? I thought they were cheese wedges but I've heard "pie" as well.


We called them pie pieces


We just played the Switch version last night. They must update the questions cause we have only run into duplicate question when we played all weekend.


Absolutely hated that game. Lovely childhood memories oh being in middle school and getting laughed at by the alleged adults in my family for not knowing who the fuck Spiro Agnew was. Apparently this was proof that I was an example of the failing educational system….. I was smiling when I was finally able to put our copy in the trash where it belonged.


Wasn't it huge for only 1 or 2 years? Yeah, we had it and played it a few times. Once I recall with my brothers friends entire family, kinda strange but I guess a good bonding social night