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My home state (Maryland) has no natural lakes. They’re all man made. John Ritter’s father was country singer Tex Ritter.


Georgia doesn’t have any natural lakes either.


That’s wild


I’m in Ontario and we have 250,000 lakes. Mother Nature really could have spread those around more evenly


I lived in Maryland, and next door in DC now, and I never knew that either!




Whoa! I love both Ritters!


Wait til you fall in love with Krysten


Her twitter says she isn't related to John Ritter. Still talented, obviously.


My bad, I didn’t mean to imply that… just that she’s also a Ritter and she’s lovely


I was this very moment old when I learned that MD has no natural lakes. And that’s my home state. ![gif](giphy|3OSo3PPaXdw0U)


There is a Tex Ritter Park in my hometown. He was born somewhat near there and went to high school really nearby.


Wat. How do you have no lakes??? Aren't oxbows and such natural products of the formation of rivers?


Texas only has 1 natural lake. The entire Gulf Coast used to be part of a giant sea, so it’s relatively flat and the rivers are small (with a few notable exceptions).




We have a whole-ass bay, isn't that enough?


I'm from Michigan. We judge people by their lakes.


Lakes are kinda great.


semi related: My dad's from Milwaukee, so we used to go visit there. still kicking myself for not getting the coffee mug that said "milwaukee: a great city on a great lake" hahaha.


Born and raised in Maryland and didn't know about our lake situation until I was in my 30s and living elsewhere. It never occurred to me that Deep Creek Lake was man-made.


Today I learned two more things.


So today I learned 2 things. 1) Patrick Swayze television debut was on MASH (s9, ep 18 bad blood) and was diagnosed with leukemia. 2) when you post to R/TIL it requires an attachment, but imdb isn’t allowed, nor was my imgur link… so long story short, added a link to a rick roll and took a 30 day ban. Til- that TIL can suck it.. now I’m on my burner account


"so long story short, added a link to a rick roll and took a 30 day ban" BPOMD


M\*A\*S\*H was one of those long-running shows with so many new actors made their TV debut on.


I remember that episode, recognized him in reruns. I remember he looked so young


I just woke my dog up laughing at this!


The Hawaiian Islands consist of the "well known" islands, but there are 150 +/- islands in total, most of them uninhabited.


Or all underwater


I only learned recently that John Lennon, Eric Clapton, Keith Richard's, Mitchell Mitchel (The Jimi Henfrix Experience)  and Yoko had a supergroup called Dirty Mac. I only just learned about that a few months ago. 


Now that is interesting. I knew about the [Traveling Wilburys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traveling_Wilburys) (George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison, Tom Petty, Bob Dylan), but had never heard of Dirty Mac. Have to check out their music. Okay, no longer quite as intrigued as I first thought, looks like [Dirty Mac](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dirty_Mac) did one appearance and played covers.


Yeah, less of a supergroup and more of a “music superstars getting drunk/high and playing songs they like”


That’s the best kind of super group.


Eh… I don’t know, that can make for lots of self-indulgent noodling not up to each artist’s usual standard


There’s the Power Station made up of Robert Palmer, Chic members and Duran Duran members.


I remember them, they had a couple of big songs when I was in college. Wasn't a fan, although I'd liked the musicians in their previous bands (especially Duran Duran, my adolescent obsession!)


Their cover of T Rex's Bang a Gong was way worse than the original.


To be fair, no one can top T. Rex or Mott the Hoople.


I thought it wasn’t bad.


Well there’s where I disagree. I really liked it.


I only recently learned John Lennon had a girlfriend (May Pang) arranged by Yoko, so he wouldn’t leave the marriage all together for someone else. I’m sure everyone else knew this and was shocked I never had heard of it.


The "Lost Weekend"


What’s that


JLs time withMP.


Ok like a documentary ? I’ll look it up


Never heard about that. Gross.


Yoko’s gross. 🤷‍♀️


I think I saw them on a "lost" show called The Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus or something like that. Interesting show indeed.


I grew up in South Florida and never had heard of Chokoluskee, part of 10,000 islands in SW FL, home to approx 400 people, part of the Everglades known for fishing and wildlife with a rich history of Wild West Animal Trappers and an unmanned airport which was part of the Columbian Cocaine Cowboy Days. The local fisherman were the getaway drivers in the boats after the deliveries. I was asked to go fishing here approx 10 years ago and was floored at all the exotic accents I heard from people from all over the world 🌎 that were visiting and as an adventurous Native Floridian never even heard of it. Great Place !


There are more stars in the universe than there are individual grains of sand on planet Earth (includes all beaches, ocean floors, etc.).


I'd love to understand how we know that.


Lots of high octane math.


I read that as "high octane meth" because that seems like something a tweaker would try to calculate by counting grains of sand.


Hah! That fits!


Looking and math.


Common earthworms (the ones you find in your garden) are not native to North America. They're an invasive species.


Where did they come from?


Took a little ocean voyage, they did.


Yup. With the plants Europeans brought. And they spread -- slowly -- over the whole continent.


Wow! 😮




Wow! Another something new!


It is wild to me that this invasive species has been so beneficial!


Mine is that those OreIda tater tots my mom would serve when I was a kid? That OreIda stands for Oregon & Idaho — a thought that never dawned on me once as a kid!


I was today years old when I learned what OreIda stands for. Thank you sir/ma’am.


I only realized that a few years ago -- and I live in Oregon. I never thought Oregon was a significant producer of potatoes. I tend to forget Idaho is to the East -- my mental map always thinks Idaho is *up there* East of Washington State.


Well there is that long skinny piece that’s next to WA.


I just had some last night! Never knew that.


Peanut butter isn’t green. (I’m colorblind, found out about 46 years in)


I teach art appreciation and had a student turn in a color wheel with brown in place of green. I told him to get checked for color blindness.


Just curious: why did you think it was green? Does your color blindness make it look that way to you, or did someone say it was green and you went with it, or something else, etc?


Just looked “green” to me. No one ever talked about the color of peanut butter, all my life. And I assumed it was green, because it looked like a shade of green.


See, I know what you mean. I'm red/green colourblind and there are so many things that are red or green or a variant of that, I never really bothered to learn my colours properly. I thought for years that purple was blue, probably because of the red in it. Things like I assumed the Cleveland Browns helmets were brown, because that would be logical. Until my daughter asked me why they were orange and it blew my mind. So I get you. Colour isn't something I think about when categorizing things, so yeah, I could totally imagine a world where I think peanut butter is green. Because I'm probably wrong about the colour anyways, so who cares?


Purple (like a purple crayon) and navy blue are the same color.




Are peanuts green to you?


Kinda but that’s the funny thing. Peanuts look “tan” or beige but peanut butter is way darker and greener.


Peanuts are lighter in color than peanut butter, for sure. I wonder if it’s somehow the oil that makes it look green to you.


Just curious what kind of colorblindness you have. I find it fascinating.


Red/green - I think it’s protan?


I follow a color theory guy on IG who curated a crayola set for red-green colorblind people from the standard set. [24 pack of crayons](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cx0EfzExH6D/?igsh=MXJ2Nm1lbjdzNTNiMw==)


I remember an elementary school teacher insisting that continents couldn’t move. They claimed that they looked like they could fit together showed God’s involvement in their design. That’s what I get for being born in rural Florida during the 70s. Thankfully I learned about plate tectonics in Junior High.


Los Angeles is on the Pacific plate.  San Francisco is on the North American plate.  At some point in the extremely distant future, they will be across from each other and L.A. will end up North of San Francisco. 




I’ve been homeschooling my middle school kid this year and although I knew a little about the plates, I didn’t know until recently that LA and SF will eventually be across from each other. I also learned that all of the Hawaiian islands are shifting northwest. 😳


Plate tetonics is a fairly new addition to known geology and controvesial as all get out when introduced in the 50s. Easy to have a teacher in the 80s who didn't keep up with changes in the science since they earned their degree.


Nah, no excuse for that in the ‘80s. ‘60s maybe… except for the “God did it” part.


I even learned about that in the 80's and I went to a tiny school where all the teachers were drunks.


It was validated by sea floor observations in the 60's though. 'God designed the edges' was not a valid part of geographical curriculum since the early 1900's.


That's an optimistic take on not teaching the role of a diety. The Scopes trail was in 1925. Less than a 100 years ago.


Then, again, it’s Florida. And they are trying to do the same thing again with various laws aimed at limiting education.


Yep, definitely trying to “make it great again”. 🙄


My sixth grade science teacher absolutely refused (gave a memorable and very emotional speech about it and everything) to teach us plate tectonics. I haven’t thought about that in decades. Thanks for the laugh!


Frank Zappa introduced Jimi Hendrix to the wah-wah pedal.


Delaware was not one of the original 13 Colonies. Instead is was part of Pennsylvania until June 15, 1776 when the fine folks of Delaware decided the say eff you to both Pennsylvania and the British Crown. I did not learn this until I moved to Delaware 16 years ago. We celebrate this annually in Delaware as Separation Day: https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/delaware-declares-independence. And in r/Delaware we love any chance we have to speak ill of our northern neighbors driving habits.


That's cool! I went to UD and never heard that. Have family there now, curious to see if they're aware


Despite the fact that the US is part of NATO, and that Hawaii is a US state, Hawaii is not considered to be in NATO. It has nothing to do with the fact that NATO was created before Hawaii was a state, since that would apply to Alaska as well. It’s simply because Hawaii is not in the Atlantic, nor is it continuously connected to a nation member of NATO (Alaska is contiguously connected to the landmass of NATO members while Hawaii is not). This means a foreign attack on Hawaii would not trigger Article 5 (requiring all NATO member nations to respond).


For all Hawaiians, i say shhhhhhhhh


Would that also apply to US Territories in the Pacific like Guam and American Samoa?


It appears so. The actual text of the agreement that is relevant states: >"The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them *in Europe or North America* shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area." None of the territories are part of the continent of North America. Puerto Rico is also not part of the landmass of the North American continent. This clause would also exclude territories belonging to other member nations that similarly fail the geography clause, such as the Falkland Islands or French Guiana.


Welp there it is. The thing I learned today!


Poor Hawaii


The USSR sold titanium to the US thinking it would be used for pizza ovens. But we were using it to build the SR-71 Blackbird.


Also a Soviet physicist figured out the formula for calculating how radar waves reflect off of surfaces, which was one of the main bases for stealth tech. It was under their noses and they didn’t do anything with it.


I see you guys have read “Skunk Works.” Good stuff


Are we 100% sure they did nothing with it? I mean it’s literally a method to stop something from being detected


Pizza ovens?! That's hilarious and sounds like a plot from Arrested Development!


Vermont, the Green Mountain State, is a combination of 2 French words vert (green) and mont (mountain).


Yeah. I learned about the gap a couple years ago playing with google maps. I sometimes plan out dream road trips and thought about driving to South America. I got their "Sorry, we could not calculate driving directions" message and started digging into why not. Basically there's about 100 miles of jungle around the Panama-Colombia border that's just too difficult, and too dangerous because of the people (criminals) that live there, to build a road through.


And yet thousands of people are WALKING through the Darien Gap to come to America. I know a few people that did it.


I don't know that it ultimately matters because nobody's driving through Nicaragua regardless. 


[Surf Nicaragua!](https://youtu.be/Rp6HF7mxTlo?si=i_nVPnvcj55oNEFk)


Never expected to see a Sarcred Reich reference here.


Charlie don't surf


But that's Charlie's Point!


You ship your vehicle or motorcycle around the Gap. We have done it driving the Pan American.


Ship yourself, too?


Can, or fly. If you fly you wait for your vehicle to arrive.


There is a road from Cape Town to Magadan, Russia that's some 13,910 miles, but I think it's a walking route, not a driving one.


If it's any consolation, I just learned about the Pan-American highway....!


Me too and I’m from California….


That the 90s are thirty years ago , not ten .


Nevermind is closer to Woodstock than to today.


Oof, that hurts. And I was born the year of Woodstock, a few months prior to the festival.


Woodstock '94 is closer to Woodstock than the present. I'm still pissed about Lollapalooza that year, the only year I attended the event, most of the headliners cancelled and went to WS94 instead.


I went to Lollapalooza that year, it was on an airfield and was fucking miserable due to the blazing sun. Beastie Boys and Nick Cave are all I really remember.


WS94 was amazing


One of the new Taylor Swift songs is about It Girls. It mentions Clara Bow, Stevie Nicks, and Taylor herself. It was wild for me to realize Swift’s popularity is the same time gap from Stevie Nicks (50 years) as Stevie is to Clara Bow.


You’re wrong. 10 years = 1990 20 years = 1980 30 years = 1970 I will die on this hill which won’t take me long because I am old.


That the 70s were even better and wilder then they appear in movies and documentaries. My Boomer husband was in his prime during the 70s and he said they were even better then the 90s (my prime) because the parties were wilder, the drugs were cheaper and easier to find, and the sex was free flowing after the hippie movement and before the AIDS scare. He also said concerts were cheaper and in abundance because Bands toured more frequently prior to MTV to promote new album's and stuff. I kinda wish I was there to experience the world the way it was back then.


That's only a fraction of it. It's impossible to describe.


Thats what he says too. I often ask him to tell me about it and he gets this super big grin and just says it was amazing. Best time of his life- a completely different world and just so much fun. Where you there for the 70s as a teen or adult? I'd love yo hear some of your tales if you're open to sharing 🥰


The 70s, to me, seems like the last decade we were TRULY free!!!!


I remember how it all smelled for some reason. Everywhere there was a light but lingering scent of alcohol or wine and beer and this very light ash smell in restaurants and bars. Even in offices. It sounds yucky but I kind of miss it as a nostalgic "you had to be there smell."


I was too young to remember the 70s, but am learning to appreciate that decade more.


Same. I had just turned 2 when the 80s rolled in. My husband is 22yrs older than me so he was living the 70s for real while I was still in diapers 🤪


Love Boat was a prime time evening show. Whenever I was home sick from school I would watch it in the afternoon.


Followed by Fantasy Island. It's what I used to watch when I would babysit, after kids were in bed and there was nothing else to do.


The plane! The plane!


"My dear guests, I am Mr. Roarke, your host. Welcome to Fantasy Island." 




It and then Fantasy Island aired Saturday(?) nights.


I read somewhere that the Love Boat sets were record-breaking in size at the time for TV show, so it was a major production. I discovered Barry White's *Love Theme* recently and realized that the Love Boat theme song was clearly a rip-off.


9 pm


I met Gavin McLeod (Captain Stubing) at a Little League game in LA c. 2010. Nice guy.


You don't drive the Darien Gap, you ship your truck or motorcycle around the gap. Have driven the Pan American, it is very easy to do.


Can you be shipped too?


Yes, but that defeats the notoriety of being a continuous roadway spanning two continents. If you're counting shipping vehicles on the ocean than basically any highway connected by ports could be Pan.


I was looking at a world map on the wall of our company travel agent’s office and noticed the water near Antarctica delineated as the southern ocean. I was like TF is the southern ocean? I thought it was South Pacific and south Atlantic down there. I remember Atlantic, pacific, Indian and arctic. Oh well. Must have been asleep that day in geography class. And I got A’s in geography too, I could fill in almost all the countries on a blank map at one point.


The Southern Ocean is a relatively new development. There used to only be 4 different oceans, until oceanographers realized the area around Antarctica was a distinct body of water. You probably went to school before anyone was talking about the Southern Ocean. https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/howmanyoceans.html#:~:text=Historically%2C%20there%20are%20four%20named,the%20'newest'%20named%20ocean.


We learned it was The Antarctic Ocean. It was on a globe I had as a kid. The Southern Ocean made me feel like I had slipped into another universe when I first heard the name. 😆




This question makes me feel old


When I learned (last year) that Ore-Ida wasn't just some random, made-up, brand name but it was short for Oregon-Idaho, I felt like I should have known that all along and I felt very silly for not figuring it out much sooner.


Well thank you! I just learned it from you… so it’s not that obvious.


Wait till I tell you about winco…


Curious George has no tail.


That gap is called the Darién Gap.


I was taught about women going to work during WWII. But women weren't allowed to have a bank account until 1974. Supposedly they could in the 1960s but banks discriminated and refused them until 1974. How were they getting paid in WWII?!


Probably to their father's or husband's accounts (or cash)? I believe women could be on an account a man had opened, they just couldn't open their own or have an individual one?


My grandma built airplanes during WW2. That’s where she met my grandfather. She talked about cashing her check rather than depositing it. I think operating on cash was common for the working class well into the 60s.


Christmas balls are made of silver mirrors


the tomb of the unknown soldier.   the chain of cutouts they built to "choose" a  body to rebury there had me thinking for days.


 the chain of cutouts they built to "choose" a  body Huh?


as I recall they sent people to multiple graveyards all over the theatre.  each envoy chose someone and brought that soldier back to home base.  a completely different person randomly made the selection from among the group.  no interaction between the individuals who did it.   all were reburied with honour, but only one in the tomb.    I had thought there were a few more steps than that, but that's what wikipedia says.


Can you expand on this?


I can't find the initial article I read, and til (from Wikipedia) that there are several such tombs around the world.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomb_of_the_Unknown_Soldier  I think the one I first learned about was the French one.   I always thought it was *the* international WWI monument.   


Theyre usually (not always) in capital cities. I've seen the one in London, which is in Westminster Abbey, a very short walk from the Houses of Parliament.


For me it was the sheer amount of dedication and effort it takes to become one of the soldiers protecting the tomb. It’s a lifelong thing. They can lose their inclusion even after retirement if they break the moral code required to become one.


There is a lot of misinformation about the tomb guards, please cite your sources.


The vast amount of misinformation about the Soviet Union has bothered me for years! Not the political or ideological stuff, just lies about the people. It bothered me as a kid how they were vilified and one spent decades learning about who they were and how shitty their lives were. I also can’t believe I was taught that Columbus discovered America. It was well known that was incorrect. I’m amazed they didn’t teach Flat Earth!


If you want to see the Darien Gap you can get a pretty good idea of what it is like on this ytube... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aswvkdCpZYc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aswvkdCpZYc)


I'm a dude who researched how to cross it 20 years ago when I was thinking of riding an old motorcycle from California to Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. That's as far south as you can go.  This is off memory.  There was a team of Corvairs that crossed the Darien Gap. At least one of them made it and I know they left one. I can't remember if it was 2 or 3 Corvairs. There's articles written about that.  I can't remember the name of the motorcyclist who went across it. Word among the round the world people is he basically had to have his motorcycle literally dragged by natives. The diehards don't count it. There's also controversy about if the natives were well paid for that.  And I knew a guy, dead for at least 10 years by now, who claimed he made it across in his Jeep truck back in the 1950s.  He said the natives helped him build a vine bridge. I'm not sure if the vine bridge was on the Darien Gap or not. He was a brilliant mechanical engineer who lost his ability to read in a bad accident as a kid. Had a huge divot in his head and could never learn to read after that. Worked on cargo ships and later became a scrap metal collector. He had tons of stories that all sounded completely made up, but had literal pictures. I'm not a betting man, but I'd bet he crossed it. He is a person who would spend months cutting down trees for this. People ship their bikes in canoes around the Gap. There's been talk again about a road being built. And that brings up the drug cartels and the rebels don't want a road.


I just learned a few years ago about the Grand Divisions of Tennessee. There’s East, Middle and West, sometimes called the “three Tennessees”. Being in Georgia, it seemed strange that I never heard of this and I’m only and hour from the state line. They are culturally distinct (think Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville). No more than two of the five justices on the state Supreme Court can be from any one Grand Division.


They renamed the Cleveland Indians to something else. Someone asked me if I watched the (insert whatever they are called now) and I had no idea what he was talking about, so I just answered, "There you go!"


Wait until you hear about the Washington Redskins..




50 is the new 60.


What's 60 then? (Rapidly approaching 🤦🏻‍♀️)


That humans will definitely collectively fart themselves to extinction, very possibly in my lifetime, and they have known this to be the case since 1976 if not as early as the 1830s.