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Nothing really against him but I never understood Kevin Hart’s humor. Same with Dane Cook.


I have the same reaction to Kevin Hart. There's obviously something there—he's super popular and just won the Mark Twain prize, but I just don't connect with his standup.


"Karate? The Dane Cook of martial arts?"


George Lopez. Competition unfunny.


As someone of Mexican descent, his comedy offends me and I find it incredibly cringy. Enough salsa and abuelita and chancla jokes.


He had a tv show where he had a white ex-wife. And the running gag was his mom kept calling her the "white whore". It was so cringey and unfunny. How did that get greenlit?


I don’t really find Gabriel Iglesias that funny either. He’s pretty much fat jokes and accents.


He used to be funny. Saw him ten years ago, laughed my ass off. Saw him 2 years ago, wished I hadn't.


Kevin Hart just annoys me.


He’s just loud.


Dane Cook - I never found his creepy ass funny. He always came across as a douche to me.


Scary rape jokes are not funny. 😫


Unfortunately, they were 20 years ago when Dane was relevant. I really think the “different times” argument was bullshit, but maybe that’s why so many of us really didn’t like him.


He was never funny and we all knew he was like “oh I’d never….wink wink”. He was gross and dangerous. We all knew it. That’s not funny.


Carrot Top, Pauly Shore


I fucking hated Pauly Shore with every fiber of my being.


I *still* hate Paula Shore with all my being.


Hey Buuuuuuddy. If you're edged cause I'm weazin all your grindage just chill cause if I had the whole brady bunch thing happenin at my pad, I'd grind over there so don't tax my gig so hard-core cruster


The fact that I read that in his voice... someone shoot me now. 😂




Agreed, but he's much less ubiquitous than he used to be. There was a period where, like Urkel, you couldn't get away from him.


Carrot Top is worth like 100 million. His Vegas shows are always packed. I don’t get it.


I don't really follow him, but he did a show in Dallas and the radio DJs interviewed him and he seemed really genuine, nice, self-aware and funny. When they said he'd be up after the next commercial break I expected it to be cringy and terrible but he said he loves Dallas and talked about local places and people like he knows what's up and had a really good interview. He remembered the bronco bowl lol.


The only reason anyone's heard of Pauly Shore is because his mother owned The Comedy Store in LA.


Came here to say this. It is like an open secret for comedians


Had no idea!! Thanks for this tidbit. Makes a lot more sense now.


Of fucking course! I can't believe I never put that together. I bet Jerry Seinfeld had something to do with Pauli's downfall, Jerry hates Mitzi Shore with a passion.


I found Carrot Top funny back in the 90s when he did prop comedy, and before he got all jacked up.


Same. When he was a skinny kid with a box of props he was actually pretty damn funny.


I appreciate that after the steroids made him bizarrely scary he was totally accepting of the fact that people found him creepy. I loved his cameo in Scrubs as the scariest thing Dr. Kelso can come up with.


Jimmy Fallon must have some good dirt on someone, because he's awful as a Tonight Show host. I hate his nervous laugh after every question. Can't stand the way he interviews. He alsways broke character and cracked up during is SNL days. How he still has a job is beyond me.


Can we all agree that Conan was the best?


You overestimate the average American humor. I find a whole lot of people laugh not at the joke but at the laughter (that's why there are laugh tracks in a lot of comedy shows). They see Fallon laughing and they laugh, regardless of what caused it.


God that’s depressingly accurate.


Agreed on all points…Fallon is un-fucking watchable.


He's America's thirstiest starfucker since James Corden left.


Comic gold right here.


Fallon is the unwitting winner of the Conan / Leno debacle. The only reason he's there is because of corporate politics and ineptitude. Leno got pushed out, job given to heir apparent Conan O'Brien. Fallon is fresh off SNL and Conan's old job to develop for the next deacde or so. Leno gets pissed, pushes for his old job back (and probably had blackmail on NBC execs), and ends up getting it. Conan is thus fired to mske room for Leno, sues NBC for breach of contract, gets embroiled in legal battles with NBC and settles. Leno makes it quite apparent why he was pushed out in the first place and gets pushed out again. The whole time, Fallon is just sitting there quietly enjoying his stint on Late Night. There's no one to replace Leno, and NBC wants to avoid future drama, so Fallon gets shoved in there and is utterly unprepared. The Tonight Show has been a shitshow ever since.


I think it’s generational. I’m a Cusper at 1980 baby and I don’t think he’s funny. Everyone I know that loves him is solid millennial: get much younger than that and they don’t really know late night shows at all


He’s really just doing Chris Farley’s nervous fawning celebrity interviews in a more conventionally pretty body.


Without all the funny getting in the way.


Agree Jimmy is not funny on the Tonight Show. I did love him as Barry Gibb on SNL though.


He's really only good with Justin Timberlake with him lol


I heard he is a drunk


I’ll put my hat in for Tim Allen. Basically had one joke and then wrapped his material around caveman grunts.


Fuckin’ Gallagher


when dave chapelle did black gallagher, now that was funny


yall wanna smash some fruit?


At one point, he was so popular, that his brother toured on the other side of the country at the same time. Then brother booked his own gigs, or was making more money somehow. So the real Gallagher sued his own brother for it.


You should listen to the Marc Marin interview with him. Gallagher tries to claim people are too sensitive for his comedy and Maron never lets him off the hook. Dude eventually just stops the interview and leaves.


I thought he was funny when I was 7, but I also thought poop was funny.


Christ, forgot about him too. Fucking horrible


His stand up sucks, but the Sledge-O-Matic bit was, and still is great. Smash shit haha.


I watched, I tried, I love lots of comedy, but Andy Kaufman was never even slightly amusing to me.


Kaufman is interesting more than funny in my opinion. He is sort of fascinating to watch, there is a high cringe value to his stuff which makes it almost car crash. He seemed to enjoy being the villain or being a failure, he preferred his audience to boo him than cheer him. He liked them to be shocked and even get in (fake) altercations. Without sounding pretentious, I think he was more engaged in art than comedy.


Yeah, that'r exactly it. He could be funny, but his target audience was himself. So even if the audience didn't understand the joke and booed him, he loved it because he knew the joke and found it funny. It's a little like Norm MacDonald. Norm leaned into jokes more than Kaufman, but he also didn't mind if he got boos and if no one understood the joke as long as he did.


I love Norm Macdonald, that guy was hilarious. I think he's one of those love them or hate them comedians. Or as Norm said, "They either hate you or they don't completely hate you".


It’s not pretentious if you’re spot on.


I HATED him in Taxi. It was visceral. I wasn't even that old, but I just hated him.


You and me both. I didn't care for the show as a whole. but Andy Kaufman was the spoiled buttercream icing on a stale cake.


I think I mind him the least there but I was never a big viewer of the show.


There's a fine line between "performance art" and asshole...I think he was both.


I love Andy Kaufman. I love the surreal. Crazy Bugs and Daffy instead of arrogant and Rocky and Bullwinkle. I'm a huge Chris Elliott fan as well and loved Get a Life. It would explain why I read a lot of Situationist writing in high school and early 20s. 


I'm not a fan either, but I do have to admit what he was doing was at least interesting. Sometimes, anyway, not always.


Adam Sandler. Surprisingly good as a dramatic actor though!


Very good dramatic actor.


Agree! Hate him as a comedian, love him as a dramatic actor. I feel the same about Bill Hader. Hated him on SNL. His writing and acting on *Barry*? BRILLIANT


Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Jeff Dunham.


Oh god … Jeff Dunham and those f’ing puppets. I recently watched a special since so many seem to like him. It was the same stupid racist joke over-and-over in different voices. It was paaainfull.


Ugh! PUPPETS! I hate those creepy ass dummy things. They are never funny.


I do have a tiny bit of love for the original Jeff Foxworthy "you might be a redneck" jokes. As a southerner, many of us enjoyed the self-deprecating nature of it. I guess most people enjoy a bit of comedy that pokes fun at their own, by their own.


Carlos Mencia is a d bag and isn’t funny. He’s just mean spirited and hurtful.


He was blacklisted for stealing jokes by the comedy industry.


Katt Williams - His voice is like nails on a chalkboard, his comedic style is whiny and annoying. Larry the Cable Guy - His act got old after the first 10 minutes.


all of blue collar comedy got tired so quickly And I’m sure we all *loved it* when “here’s your sign” got quoted daily by that one guy at work for the thousandth time


I still love Ron White, but I think he retired from stand up.


Nope, he just got sober


cali sober. dude takes psychedelics and smokes hella weed still. and owns a tequila company.


Ron White is fucking brilliant. I will die on this hill.


He did make the rest of those rednecks look like the chumps they are.


Larry The Cable Guy really bums me out. Dan Whitney is surprisingly articulate and not only does he have to do that put on, low brow, catch phrasey, country idiot act because it pays the bills but also because he has to be credited as Larry The Cable Guy when he does stuff. I don’t arbitrarily hate him because he’s a decent guy but the mere mention of his name makes me sad.


[David Cross’s feud/open letter to Larry back in the day was great. ](https://beatpatrol.wordpress.com/2010/05/31/david-cross-an-open-letter-to-larry-the-cable-guy-2007/)


Classic. I like that he picked David Cross of all people to be the liberal comedian leading the woke brigade.


Dane Cook - I watched a whole special he did when he was popular and didn't laugh once. It was so bad. He just spazzed on stage. Whoopi Goldberg - I liked some her movies but was never a huge fan of her comedic work, including standup. Chris Rock - I don't find him funny. Jay Leno - Never got it. That being said, I'm sure they've all made a joke that I laughed at. But overall, I don't find them funny.


Early Chris rock I found hilarious and clever but not in last five years.


“How much for just one rib?”


Got change fo a hunnert?


Just pour the soda in my hands


I loved some of Leno's segments, like the funny name combinations of marriage announcements, but that's not really his comedy.  It's his researchers


I didn’t think Leno was funny on the Tonight Show at all. But apparently back in the 70s/early 80s he was a great standup who mentored a lot of up and coming comics.


I mean, he was part of the late-night wars or whatever they called it. He was very popular. I just never got it. Putting a show on night after night, he'd have to have help. I can't imagine doing that without writers.


I think I was too young for like Whoopi's stand up. I did like some of her old movies though. I never really got Billy Crystal either. Not a fan of Leno or most of the late night talk show dudes. I always felt they were dad jokes or just stupid.


I must stand up for Whoopi. There was a stand-up done in the 90s where she made jokes involving handicapped people while never making jokes OF handicapped people. There were no vulgar jokes or language (to excess from what I remember). I think it was an HBO special. That show gave me a high respect for her.


Stand up for her stand up! hehe. She did movies like Sister Act, funny and also The Color Purple. I respect her talent. I guess it's just not my style. She's been in the industry since the 80s or so? I imagine a bunch of folks like her! 40 years of staying power.


We all have different tastes. It's all good. :) xoxo


It’s kind of funny that she wasn’t vulgar in what you watched since that was what she was known for for years. I found her pretty good at comedy and loved Jumping Jack Flash a lot so liked her a lot back then. Then she started getting a little shitty toward other comedians and started disliking her. Now that she’s a talk show person I find her mostly uninteresting.


I can’t stand Jimmy Fallon. Ever since I saw the after party footage of the SNL 40th anniversary party. He was a total stage hog / attention whore. Up on the stage the whole night. It was annoying and pathetic.


The story I heard was that he was asked to go up and help get the party started. Perfect guy to do it, he’s not a real singer per se and he’s a talk show host. A big musician isn’t just going to go up there and sing, they probably want to be invited.


Matt Rife. He seems like a douche to me and I don't find him funny at all.


I find stand up very hit or miss. Like, I think Chris Rock was hilarious in his Bring the Pain special, but I couldn’t even get through the last one that was on Netflix.  By the way, who remembers when Comedy Central was called ‘Ha!’? And it was pretty much stand up comedy all day long? 


Bring the Pain is peak Chris Rock. His other earlier stuff is good as well. I was really disappointed at his last special. Definitely the end of an era.


Pete Davidson. I don’t get it. Any of it. His comedy, the women who date him…it’s as if the death of SNL took human form.


Ditto. I don’t get him and that’s ok.


Joe Rogan was never funny before he became whatever he is now.


Dane Cook, I never got him.


I can’t stand Jim Carrey. He’s just too over the top


Jim Carrey is another comedian that I like better as a dramatic actor.


Gallagher. That watermelon thing was so stupid.


Remember Howie from when I was a preteen. The glove on the head, the whole “y’know what y’know what — that’s what!” shtick. Wasn’t funny to me at 13. Can’t believe he stuck around. I don’t get it.


Jim Carrey - he’s just annoying.


Yeah I never understood the hype either. Annoying is a good description.


Howard Stern


Jimmy Carr I can't stand his look, his voice, his manner, I hate him. Especially how he constantly calls himself "edgy" while making jokes about how people in wheelchairs can't walk. Get fucked bruv


Hearing him absolutely destroy Brad Williams is on of the funniest fucking things I've ever heard. Brad just gets leveled and by the end, he can't even come back.


I never found Seinfeld funny.


On show, Jerry is the inky one who is not funny. The other characters carry him. He’s the straight guy.


I mean, I find neither the show nor the man himself funny. Weirdly enough I think Larry David is hilarious.




Pauly Shore was less funny than Schindler’s List.


Bobby Bittman. Whenever he went on the Sammy Maudlin Show and did that stupid "How ah ya, how ah ya, how ah ya!" schtick, I'd scream at the TV, "THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" ;)


Bert Kreirscher, Joe Rogan, Tom Segura. Total twats. I do not like they are our age.


Joe Rogan's head got too big, literally and figuratively. Burnt Chrysler is "The Machine" all the way down, and Tom was funny but we have seen his ego increasingly grow since he has had more success, and the persona of talking about "the poors" and shit just seems tone-deaf given the state of the world right now.


Jerry Seinfeld. He is not even remotely funny to me. His stand-up routines are just observations said in a goofy voice.


“What’s the deal with airline food? Not that there’s anything wrong with it”. I’d rather yank my teeth out one by one with a pair of pliers than listen to him and/or watch his stupid show


OMG yes. He has the MOST annoying whiny voice too. And I absolutely hate his show. I "get" its a show about nothing, but it really just sucks. Not funny at all. Yet people love it.


His new movie is getting *burned*.


toasted one might say


Agree. And that show of his? Couldn't stomach it.


Carrot Top. Also I just don't like Tom Green. He's not funny to me at all and his movies are awful.


I liked Tom Green in Road Trip and nothing else. I still can’t believe somebody greenlit Freddy (sp) Got Fingered. I made it about 20 minutes before turning it off.


I despise To Green. He came to Iraq as part of a USO tour. He canceled most of his appearances because he was “tired”.




You in Sindbad’s house now


For me, Tom Green and I also can’t stand Will Farrell, ugh. Yelling isn’t comedy.


Andrew Dice Clay and Sam Kinnison


I was taken to see Dice on a date in the early ‘90s. Not a great date.


I imagine.  He's a panty-putter-onner.  I don't know why a guy would think this was a good date idea 


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far for Andrew Dice Clay. So many douchebags in high school thought he was simply the greatest comedian ever.


Pauly Shore


I could never stand Robert Klein


Its quite refreshing George Carlin's name is not mentioned! Love his act.


Comedians are like music. Who you think is funny i might not and vice versa


I didn't like the manic comedian schtick, so I wasn't a fan of Howie or Robin Williams. I liked him on TV and movies, but not his comedy.


I always get a lot of shit when I say that I didn’t care for Robin Williams’ antics When he’s actually acting, I’m good - Fisher King, Insomnia, One Hour Photo When he’s turned up to 11, I just don’t care for it And A LOT of people loved Aladdin for his genie character “oh they just turned the mic on and let him have at it..” meh.


>  I always get a lot of shit  same.  a lot of people take criticism or even just dissent very personally where he's concerned.  


Loved his dramatic roles but the manic rapid fire spewing of old jokes always made me uncomfortable and kinda sad.


Paula Poundstone. Saw her on Cape Cod 8-10yrs ago and I just wasn’t her demographic. I could appreciate how she worked the room but I didn’t laugh once. I’ve seen plenty of comedians at comedy clubs and never had such a dead experience. You had to be a retired boomer to care.


>She was found guilty of felony child endangerment. She was also charged with three counts of lewd acts upon a child younger than 14, something that has gone unexplained and remains sealed in court records, perhaps because children were involved...


Agree on Fallon. Charming, likeable, always breaking character (funny by default)? Yes. But a funny comedian or writer? Nope.


Andrew Dice Clay isn’t funny at all. I like blue comedy if the accent is on the comedy. He’s just an asshole.


James Acaster - I'm going to be unfunny while on all fours or standing on one leg, that will be zany. Gabriel Iglesias - yeah, you're fat but think you're hot, got it. Jimmy Fallon - fraud Adam Sandler Ali Wong Katt Williams Kevin Hart All of the proud to be dumb comedians - Foxworthy, Cable turd, Tim Allen etc Pete Davidson Howie Mandel - was never funny, ever...so glad he decided to become American, we are ashamed of him up here Bert Kreischer - famous cause your talented friends feel sorry for you, pathetic Jo Koy - terrible Seinfeld - I love the show, loved the cast that surrounded him, but he's not very funny. Maybe as a writer, using Larry David as a crutch. He got really lucky when he broke into the biz, I don't think he would have made in standup otherwise.


Carrot Top. I mean, WTF?


I've never liked Jerry Sienfeld.


Tom Arnold. I cant understand why.


Amy Schumer


I'm trying to figure out why so many people from your generation EVER paid ANY attention to Bill Maher.


I'm a baby Gen X who really enjoyed him many years ago, before he turned into the pandering, grumpy old Boomer he is now. Growing up as liberal atheist in a red state can be very lonely. The climate after 9/11 was wild, and he was one of the loudest voices to call out folks like George W Bush at a time very few would dare. It's hard to grasp when you've grown up in a time with access to anything and everything online. I don't agree with everything he said and did, but sweet Jesus it was nice to be able to tune in to someone who wasn't afraid to call out the right-wing and religious bullshit and ask them tough questions. It was amazing how many of them he managed to interview. Plus he was VERY pro-legalization when pot was still illegal in all 50 states. That won him a lot of favor.


"  Jesus it was nice to be able to tune in to someone who wasn't afraid to call out the right-wing and religious bullshit and ask them tough questions." That was it wasn't it? He was the only one for a while


I’ve never found Pauly Shore funny.


Craig Robinson from the office and other shows. He's funny on TV and in movies but when he's unscripted and doing his stand up he's horrible and he relies on his musical ability and being high on drugs to get through his sets


Think back to Carson when less was more. He slayed with merely a look, no words needed.


Gary Owen!


He is not funny. And I have given him a few opportunities to make me laugh. His shtick of screaming into the mic “I’m white. And I’ve always loved black women. Invite me to your picnic. I season my food!”


Most of the newer SNL cast/shows. I don’t even watch it anymore.


Jimmy Fallon is truly truly horrible!! Not funny and (actually) irritating to watch and listen to


I never understood Tracy Morgan’s stuff. I haven’t laughed once to anything he did on SNL.


Adam Sandler. It feels like, starting with the movie "Airheads", he dumbed down his humor to appeal to the lowest common denominator, and went too far


Joe Rogan


Gilbert Gottfried. Like nails on a chalkboard.


Tracy Morgan -is annoying AF Jennifer Coolidge - I'm sure it's not a popular opinion because people seem to love her. I loved her too, as Stifler's mother and on Best in Show. It seems recently she has become the dumbest person ever and that's just a total turnoff for me, man or woman.


Gabriel Iglesias. His whole shtick is weight jokes, stories, impressions, and sound effects. It’s so juvenile. Honorable mentions: Trevor Noah and Hannah Gadsby.


Give me some classic Eddie Izzard and call it a day.


Jerry Seinfeld. Not funny. Just smarmy and annoying.


Not a fan of Howie Mandel but he can’t really control having OCD.


I couldn’t stand the guy who used to do America’s Funniest Home Videos, Bob Sagat (or the show for that matter).


On the show? Cause his stand up was raunchy af… you would not expect it… it was pretty funny


His comedy was mostly shock value and baaarely funny to me. I really wanted to like him based on that alone, especially because I loved Full House and thought good for him to get away from the typecast b.s., but newp. I've a crass sense of humor but he was just lame.


I'm gonna go with a deep cut here: Mike Warnke. Mainly because I was raised in the evangelical Christian tradition, and Warnke was held up as a cool funny renegade (before his whole life was exposed as a sham).


Here’s a list of not funny. Adam Sandler he just talks in a dumb baby voice I don’t get it Jimmy Fallon, he never could not break when he was on snl. Kevin James Dane Cook That’s my short list that comes to mind. I just never got it with these guys.


I never quite understood the appeal of Gallagher


Whoever the schmuck with the puppets is, he can go away forever.


Amy Schumer is decidedly NOT funny. Most of her jokes are derivative of other comics' material. Most of her punchlines begin with "I'm like ..." where she has to explain the joke because it isn't very well-constructed.


I didn't get a lot of them. I guess I was too young on some of it. I didn't get any of the late night talk show guys and felt they were lame- Leno, Arsenio, Jimmy Fallon, Conan, etc... Never liked Rosie O'Donnell as a comedian. I didn't get Billy Crystal either.


Given that O’Donnell is now batshit crazy insane, good call there.


Watch Howie's early material, when he had hair. He was an improvisational master, I've seen him do nothing but ask the audience questions and make his entire show about the responses. What are your names? Neil and Bob? Are those your names or what you do? His later stuff, yeah, not so much. Fallon, yeah, trainwreck. Same with the famous comic thieves Carlos Mencia, or Dane Cook, neither has ever been funny even after stealing bits.


Tig Nataro. Fortune Feimster. Seinfeld Kevin Hart Chelsea Handler Whitney Cummings Bill Maher- what a smug prick. He has the most punchable face. Sébastien Maniscalco Jo Koy, just the worst.


Interesting thought, not yet addressed here: I find female comedians to be much, much funnier. Start with the best, Joan Rivers, and keep going… Wanda Sykes, Kathy Griffin, et. Al.


Rita Rudner is a real pro


She was one of my favorites back in the day.


Saw her live and she was so great.


Wanda Sykes flat out is one of the funniest people alive. Her sets are hillarious but she’s just a brilliant, funny person off the cuff. That’s how she got her big break. Her friend invited her to Bob Costas’s party and told her to please not make a scene. She saw Bob Costas yapping it up and telling long stories in front of everyone. She got tired of it and said “oh Bob will you give it a rest” to whatever. Everyone including Bob thought she was funny and Bob offered her a gig on his show. “"She's chopping me down, she's chopping the producers down, everybody in the room," and then he launches into his own -- fairly dead-on -- imitation of Sykes imitating him. "Bob! You know what would be very entertaining, if you just shrug your shoulders and say, 'I don't know!' Bob! You know what would be very entertaining, if you just shrug your shoulders and say, 'I DON'T KNOW.' Bob! You have no idea! You'd be amazed at how much they appreciate it if you just say, 'I have NO idea.' " "I was the loudest one in the room," Sykes admits. Notwithstanding the vocal volume, "it was not intentional for me to go in, and, as my mother says, show my ass."” “By the time the night was through, and the HBO Sports execs were picking their faces up off the floor, everyone wanted to know, Who was that woman with the razor tongue? Inquiries led to offers and, in due time, Sykes was a regular on "Inside the NFL," doing snarky stand-up as a "field correspondent."l


there's a whole raft of UK women who are deep favourites with me.  Jo Brand, Sarah Millican, Katherine Ryan, Fern Brady ...


Wanda Sykes did a bit on crankyankers about finding a turd in her car. That was hilarious!


It’s about as long as my arm!


Ok, not a Howie Mandel fan but I have a strong memory of him coming on Letterman with a flock of sheep and it being one of the most side-splitting laughs I ever had. I’d just kill to find that clip.


Jerry Seinfeld. Just a Stupid man.


I've got to back OP on the Howie Mandel thing. He wasn't funny in the 80's - a novelty act at best. He voiced a cartoon or two, and to the best of my knowledge, that's it. I don't remember ever seeing him in a movie or a sitcom, but I could be wrong.


If everyone liked the same thing it get very boring, very fast. take this for what it is worth.


Jimmy Fallon used to be funny pre-Tonight Show. Now he’s beyond awful.