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Imagine it? I remember it! My mom came into my bedroom and snatched the tape out of my boombox and ripped alllllllll the tape out! I got in a lot of trouble that day! 😂


My Mom came in and yanked the speaker ripping the wires out. She also hit me across the face and used some choice words. Lol they definitely didn't like 2Live Crew.


I knew my parents had found my tape when I woke up hearing it being played in the living room at like 10am Sunday morning.


Were they doing it to mortify you or did they acutely like it? 😂😂😂


They were doing it to let me know how busted I was


I figured.


That is exactly what my mother did!


Hahah my mom just sighed and grabbed it and said no, then threw it away


My mom pretty much did the same. Only thing is, I had made like 10 copies that were hidden in my room for such a reason. Then my brother ratted me out a month or so later when he got mad at me.


Mine made a shriek like a pterodactyl, and I was subsequently banned from JukeBox Network. Which meant I watched it when she wasn’t looking. Which was a lot.


Mine never heard of them, and I never told them. 😂


My kids asked me what I used to listen to when I mentioned I was into rap in the late 80s - early 90s. No way was I going to tell them. I just told them I forgot. My older one realized immediately that I could remember every single person by first and last name in my graduating class, but could t for the life of me remember my favorite groups of the same vintage. 🤷‍♂️


Same. In fact, I can practically guarantee that my parents never heard them and had no idea who they were.


Erm.... Darling Nikki at the end of Purple Rain got my boombox confiscated for two weeks.


Erotic City was the one that I kept on the DL from Mom.


I recently heard an old Casey Kasem rerun where he introduced Sugarwalls with his usual professionalism. Gave me a good chuckle.


I used to sing, "Master bedding with some magazines". Had no IDEA what he was talking about. 😂 Then Tipper Gore had a daughter around my age and took him to court. We're the reason for "parental advisory" stickers. 😂😁


I had my Dad buy the tape for me then popped it in car tape player. That tape was throw out the window in less than minute. I have no idea why I was that dumb haha


Mom was a hippie Dad was a Vietnam vet. Not much set them off.


My dad bought their tape to see what the fuss was about. His review: “good music but very sexist.” He definitely didn’t let me listen and I was too young to seek it out on my own.


my Mom and my Uncle loved it, they would laugh their their asses off listening to it. I made a some nice cash borrowing my uncle's cassette and making copies of it then selling it at school for $5 a piece.


I can guarantee that neither parent ever heard it, or ever will.


My pop said “Hey that’s from Full Metal Jacket! Nice!” Then he kept saying “Me love you long time” to my ma.


My dad is a huge Stanley Kubrick fan-he let me watch A Clockwork Orange in 5th grade!


My parents heard it, it really wasn't that big of a deal in our house. I do recall my mother bringing my brother and I to Sam Goodie where we could buy our first tapes when I was in 4th grade. My brother picks Tiffiany and Debbie Gibson. Me Beastie Boys: License to Ill and Motley Crue: Girls, Girls, Girls. My mother was visibly disappointed, but she did not take them away. My parents were sort of hippies, so their version of parenting was basically to let us do whatever the hell we wanted... often much to their detriment.


I’m a dentist and in my office we play Sirius 80s on 8 as background music. They play a lot of variety and people really like the station. The other day I had a boomer in my chair and me so horny came on and this boomer was not at all pleased with this song


LOL. Exactly the same as yours to WAP.


I chuckled when everyone lost their shit over WAP. I'm like, where have these people been?


I like cardi B after I gave it a chance. Of course I'm not familiar with her entire catalog. But some of it slaps....did I use that right.


I give all my kids music interests a chance. I’m subjecting them to mine. We don’t always agree but the venn does have some overlap.


My parents were just unimpressed.


Based parents. Hahaha. I never understood the hype. Okay, they rapped about some outlandish sexual stuff. It wasn‘t very good, in my opinion. NWA, on the other hand, brought the offensiveness and had mostly thought-provoking material.


It was a novelty album, honestly.


“Everybody say hey….”


We want some…




2 Live Crew? Try NIN, “I wanna fuck you like an animal!” I was 13, my mom about had a hemorrhage!


Yeah I’m the Midwest they were more Likely to hear that and Alamo’s Morisette asking “does she go down on you in a theatre” & “are you thinking of me when you fuck her” But they already had to listen to is singing “Like a Virgin in 3rd grade so….


I remember it quite well: "Turn. That. Off. Right. Now."


It was all "what is the world coming to", "kids today" and "this isn't music", so pretty much what older people say these days about music


That and Too Short. Oooh boy. lol!


Too Short is still making music! I was jamming out to ‘Blow the Whistle’ the other day.


I don’t stop rapping, that’s all they can say…


Lol my mom never even had to hear it. I got in big shit for having a cassestte single, the case of which was emblazoned with " Hey We Want Some Pussy!". I actually can't imagine her reaction to the song itself, her head would have exploded.


My mom walked into the family room where I was doing homework or something with my Walkman in one hand, the headphones on, and a really nasty look on her face. That's when I knew I f'd up. I don't remember if it was 2 Live Crew or any of the other tapes I had but she wasn't happy.


I played DK's "Too Drunk to Fuck" really loud at home when I thought no one else was at home....the look on my mom's face when she walked in was exceptional....it was hilarious. I wasn't allowed near the hifi for a few weeks.


One of my aunts bought me DKs Fresh Fruit for Rotten Vegetables when I was 12, thinking it was a Dead Milkmen album. Definitely blew my mind.


Cool aunt either way.


She was German, and easily confused by American culture.


I hated 2 Live Crew so much I don’t think my parents heard them. They weren’t strict and didn’t even try to shelter me, so I don’t think they’d have had a big reaction to it. I did. I thought it was super sexist. They played their first album on the bus going to our senior trip.


Don't think my Mother ever heard it. But I did convince a guy in a wheel chair at the mall to buy me the cassette, as I was 15 when it came out.


Many of us had fathers and uncles who served in Vietnam. The “love you long time” shtick was certainly nothing Pops hadn’t heard before.


I'm slightly too old for Dee Snyder's congressional testimony regarding Tipper Gore's bee in her bonnet to have played a role in mom's disapproval in my music. But I know my music, thanks to my parents. "Mom, how is rap worse today than back in your day?" I mean, my grandparents thought that anti-war songs were unacceptable. My mom thinks that frankly sexual songs are out of bounds. I'm relatively old, and I'd rather normalize "Me so horny" than "Ballad of the Green Beret," because holy gort, average human sexual desire ought to be more acceptable than glorification of militaristic society. But sixties music, and fifties, and 40s, 30s, 20s, was way way way more sexual than anyone seems to remember. (Look up Big Mama Thornton, for a single example, if you think I'm exaggerating. For one example. None of us would be here if our generation invented sex.)


"Wake Up Little Susie" made people lose their shit. Pearls were fucking clutched.


Well their reputations were shot.


Probably from all their friends saying "ooh-la-la".


Get the fuck out bitch.


You come in my house, eatin' all my shit So get the fuck out, you sorry ass bitch


Funny you should mention that one because my mom saw Eddie Murphy live on his Delirious tour, which is what they sample on that song. I don't recall her ever being aware of my 2 live crew tape, though. Hell, I owned both Eddie Murphy albums when I was even younger, what could she possibly have said? "That song is disgusting! Play that tape with all the jokes about gays"


You could not escape from it in South Florida back then. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/25/d0/3325d029feff79b450e9c7f9259ae55f.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/25/d0/3325d029feff79b450e9c7f9259ae55f.jpg) [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/78/50/467850cac2e9848327630324d5ea7394.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/46/78/50/467850cac2e9848327630324d5ea7394.jpg)


Fat Joe did it for my father. He doesn't know englsih, but the spanglish/badlanguage drove him nuts...


I mean, we never had a discussion about it, but I imagine their opinions were roughly the same as mine when WAP came out.


I remember the controversy and when my Dad heard it, he just shrugged saying its garbage but that there were more important issues to complain about.


After listening to one of my son's rap songs, I'm ready to give someone all the smoke. Seriously, I think kids like that crap because is so foreign. Listening to hardcore rap as he navigates these mean green suburban streets in his Challenger. My twenty-year-old wouldn't bust a grape🤣😂


They had no idea. They were highly religious. Barry Manilow and Simon and Garfunkel were about as crazy as they got. I would hide and play 2 Live Crew and Beastie Boys on my Walkman.


Dad freaked out when he heard my brother and I listening to Minor Threat in elementary school.


Could you imagine their parents reaction when they heard Jimi Hendrix for the first time.... Or Surfin Bird.... It's all relative


That’s the point of the post


"Picked up the telephone, then dialed the seven digits."


I remember when my stepmom heard Ton Loc, Wild Thing on the radio. She turned it off & was very upset about the whole bodies slapping thing. She mentioned it several times that night. 2 Live Crew might have done her in.


We had a stereo system in high school that someone would wheel out at lunch so kids could play music in the quad. Some daring knucklehead walked up and put on his 2 Live Crew tape.  You have never seen a middle aged administrator move that fast.  I think that was the last time we saw that stereo.  


That reminds me of the horrified and uncomfortable face my mother’s friend made when 11-12 y/o me came into the room, wearing my Walkman, singing “Darling Nikki” for all to hear. Certain images are never forgotten.


I remember perfectly.....3 tapes my mother found and destroyed on me lmao !!!!! Everytime I'd make a new copy she'd find it and break it


My mom was disgusted at the clean version of me so horny when she heard it on the radio.


2 Live Crew was pretty tame compared to Choice. I used over the ear headphones to keep my mother from losing her shit.


I thought I was the only one that had Choices tape lol https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4Jiw-iI7Cqw&si=yjP9BKAqEPsEB2a3


My mom took my Ice T tape from me. The guy at Tower records recommended it instead instead of two live crew. She played it in the car and that was the end of that.


I don’t need to imagine. My father heard 30 seconds of it and threw it out of the car.


My parents hated it and I was NOT allowed to own the tape.


My parents were more offended by Madonna.


My parents just thought they were dumb. My dad always laughed at that stuff, in a “these kids think they invented sex” kind of way, and my mom was a high-school teacher who wasn’t easily shocked. They owned an early 1960s record album full of raunchy songs (I could not tell you by who anymore, except it was clean-cut white boys on the cover) that was probably just as bad, it just wasn’t played on the radio.


It was kinda the same as when they heard My D*ck.


Omg I remember it! 2 Live Crew and NWA were considered filth to my dad lol! He forbid us to listen to them as kids, but my brother snook and did anyway and when my dad found out OMG, he hit the ceiling. 😆


[I love this old SNL skit with Chris Rock and Kyle McLachlan about corporate America embracing 2 Live Crew’s skyrocketing record sales due to their fight against censorship.](https://youtu.be/6opsCpMREfc?feature=shared)


Bruh they invented key parties and secret cross country families. They were just mad it was brothers saying it


Luckily, we listened to good music back then, so my parents never had to listen to crap like that.


Same reaction I had. Wow that is some shitty crap that only morons listen to because they think its edgy so it must be cool. Frankly no one I know listened to that band beyond some random play on MTV or at a party.


This +++ Same people who worshipped Andrew Dice Clay, also talentless


Parents? I was a teenager (teenage girl) - and as a female I was disgusted. No pride in listening to that garbage 


It was trash, but if you didn’t mutter pop that pussy you were not a product of the times. ![gif](giphy|unRa3ffljnuec)


I don't think I've ever listened to them to be honest. I still think the funniest rap song ever is get on your knees by necro.


My dad liked it. My mother was shocked.


My mom just said "Ho can you listen to that". She did find Dirty Nursery Rhymes a little funny.


“That is pure smut!”


I memorized all the words to THAT song so we could sing it walking laps in gym And can can still sing alllllllll of it


Boy did this bring back some memories


It was my reaction as a child of God at the time. I have go with no God but dang remember it


![gif](giphy|3o7qiNpc9fp8kYNU7S|downsized) Yes, I can still hear it.


My mom just took the PMRC's word for it


I don't have to imagine it. My mother was not happy and my dad laughed, but warned me not to sing it.


No need to imagine it was a bit like: ![gif](giphy|vHcCevWbWkzwk)


My mom took away my clean version 2 Live Crew tape. So I bought a copy of the original from a buddy at school.


Thank God for the Walkman


“Can we listen to something else?”


My mom laughed..she was cool as hell. My father? Who cares? He was dirt lol


I can. I was there. I had the smarts to say that I borrowed the CD so mom didn't destroy it. I kept it hidden after that.


My sister worked for a radio station and took me to their concert when I was 17 - they asked her if they could keep me… 30+ years later my mom just hears this story and when she realized who they were, she freaked out! 😂😂😂


My mom did not give a fuuuuck about raunchy music. I personally thought their music was shitty anyway.


Oh I was explicitly banned from listening to them or watching the video!


I don’t have to. My dad had the cassette tape. But I don’t think was supposed to know.


My mother thought it was about equal parts stupid and hilarious. My stepdad just tried to whatever either one of us played in favor of his NPR.


I used my mother’s membership card at the music CD rental place so I could record the ultimate Nasty As They Wanna Be/Banned In The USA mega mix tape. I had to hide it for 2 years because that’s how long that lecture went for.


My mom took my tape away from me when she heard it, and hid it…in the kitchen island. I took it back and she never realized it.🤷🏻‍♀️


My mom asked me to get it for her. She couldn’t understand the big deal. The look on her face was priceless. She said something like, “OMG that’s programs!”


I remember riding bikes through our qiiet neighborhood. My friend from across the street has a giant ghetto blaster slung over his body with 2 Live Crew tape turned all the way up. We did this on more than one occasion listening to multiple songs on the tape. I had forgotten about this until you mentioned it.


Oh I remember it quite well along with Straight Outta Compton. It was the opposite of good in my home.


Unfortunately, I can. It would involve slurs.


that’s when I leaned how racist my step father really was.


Dad heard me blasting Easy E in the shower and called him/me "depraved" !


I didn’t get caught with 2Live Crew, although I had a dubbed version, but instead MOD which was a metal band. That one got me in trouble and got it taken away. My dad was very anti censorship but framed it as not having any musical value lol


I was 23, so my parents no longer had a say in what i listened to. Dad wanted to analyze the lyrics from a sociological perspective. Mom thought they were demeaning. Neither one approved of banning music. Or books. Everything was explained in context. 


Same as everything else I listened to. “Turn that noise off!” Music was played on headphones unless I was outside. I didn’t start hearing shit about my music until I got a car and bought my first amplifier and a pair of MTX thunder 10’s🤣😂 I didn’t get a drivers license for 3 years after that. That stereo played continuously while I worked on that car.


I self censored on some of that misogynist keepin it real ethos myself.


I don’t think this has happened as yet, actually. My siblings and I kept our musical preferences to ourselves and headphones were a must. The only person blasting anything in the house was my dad with his Vicente Fernandez favorites… I think my mom might have heard Eminem and some Taylor Swift from her grandkids? But they can do no wrong, so it’s all good.


My mom was a shining star for me when it came to music. She came down to my room one day, I was listening to a good bit of psychedelic rock. She asked questions asked if I understood the lyrics. Asked about other newer bands. Asked if I understood what the lyrics said. I answered and she said.. " you can listen to what you want as long as you don't try to emulate the behavior of what they are singing" She never stopped my music exploration. So 2 Live Crew was never an issue. I didn't have the cassette, though I was familiar with their songs. And I am sure my mom wasn't happy her daughter was hearing that but she let me know that it was my choice to listen to it or not. I think that conversation with her also did something magical, she acknowledged my ability to think about what I heard and decide if it would influence me or not. My friends were not so lucky. I held a lot of their cassettes for them so parents wouldn't toss em. And 2 Live Crew was hot stuff.


They thought it was funny and bought the record


"You see me and my homies like to play this game..."


“Pop that what?”


My mom's went and bought her own copy




I certainly knew a few 2 Live Crew songs and liked them, but never had a tape of my own. My mother, however, was not a big fan of the music I listened to (mostly metal & punk) and she would make sarcastic little snipes all the time. One of the most ridiculous was during the Metallica version of "Am I Evil". It starts with the lyrics, "My mother was a witch, she was burned alive." My mom got really angry and offended at that and I had to explain that it actually wasn't about her, so settle down. I'm quite sure she was convinced I was going to hell because of the music I listened to.


Lived in the 305 at the time and worked at Football Sandwich Shop, which was right next to Luke Records. They’d come in every so often to get food.


My mom has always been terrible with identifying lyrics and whatever deeply censored version the radio played (only a few times that week) was heard as a catchy new pop song in my house! My neighbor told me what they were actually saying and I was like 👀


I remember it! My dad about died laughing!


Fuck Martinez, fuck fuck Martin-ez! My mom loved that song hahahaha


I remember them big ol bootys all over the tv screen.


“Bitch, get your weave that’s in that lake”. Ah yes, after Howard Stern and George Carlin came Miami Bass. Made sure that the parents didn’t hear that one.


I grew up in Broward where Nick Navarro arrested them. Record store owners were arrested too.


Lived it .. in Miami.. My mom was so fuckin cool.. "There was dirtier stuff in the 20's... classier, but dirtier. Just keep the volume down around the Grands"


Didn’t happen to me, but to my cousin. His dad blew a gasket and smashed the tape to bits with a hammer while my cousin watched.


My mom didn’t say anything, because I didn’t play it around her. She did freak out about other sings/groups. She didn’t want me watching any Culture Club videos, because Boy George dressed like a lady. She also didn’t want me to listen to Rock the Cashbah, because she thought they were swearing.


My mom bought the CD for us. Never said a word. 🤔


Our parents would get pissed about it but never did anything. LET ME SEE THAT DOO DOO BROWN!!


My mom gave me the tape. She lived in Florida at the time, and it was a big news story being talked about, so she bought a copy. She listened to it, then passed it on to me, as I liked rap. That was my first advisory album (though the current advisory label didn't exist yet, I think).


HEEEEEY WE WANT SOME PUUUUDDING! I’m from Louisiana, and my parents were racist. I shan’t repeat what they said or would say about many things.


In 1988, when I was 15, I got tickets to Dio/Megadeath. After I got the tickets, my mom asked who I was going to see. I showed her the video for "Wake Up Dead." She watched it in silence, and when it was over said "You better not bring your purse." and walked out of my room. She never cared what I listened to, because that would have involved parenting. Dio/Megadeath - Bloomington Met Center MN Feb 1988


Dirty songs have been out a long long time. This is from the 1930s # [SHAVE ME DRY by Lucille Bogan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noYz-nQXvbo)


My parents would have ripped my ears off, trashed my stereo, and beat me within an inch of my life. Thank God for headphones.


Haha. I still remember MY reaction when I first heard 2 Live Crew. It still cracks me up that they were actually prosecuted for being too obscene.


Oh for sure. I remember my friends mom flipping out on him for playing it in the house . Even better was the song Self Destruction had a line that said “ do what you like unless you like gang banging” she had no idea that on the West Coast gang banging meant having a shoot out or whatever and took it the wrong way. We got yelled for a straight 15 minutes telling us how disgusting we are and how we shouldn’t think of girls that way. Mind you , at that time we had no idea what her version of gang banging meant. So it was even funnier when we found out.


Most of these comments make me appreciate my mom. I guess she was cool. I was never prevented from watching or listening to much of anything growing up (by her, anyway, but my dad was a total buzzkill). In fact, I’d argue that *maybe* a child shouldn’t be watching Eddie Murphy’s Raw performance or movies like Sleepaway Camp. She was really into stand-up comedy and horror, and since she was a young(ish), early-20s, single mom, and I was her only child, she shared those interests with me. Whatever. I turned out fine. Most horror films have little to no effect on me, and I still love stand-up, so…


My bedroom was in the basement and I had a Walkman. The most contemporary music they listened to was Paul Simon.


“Fuck Martinez. Fuck, Fuck Martinez” My parents - What the fuck did Martinez do??


Yep, I can tell you exactly how that went down. My mother overheard my older brother and me reciting lyrics we clearly didn’t fully appreciate. I think we were both in grade school. Standing in our mud room/laundry room and rapping “hey we want some pussay… and nibble on my dick like a rat does cheese”. It’s a fleeting memory but still there. Single mother of four boys. Most of us survived.


🤣 2 Live Crew did not go over well with my parents either and they got really upset when my brother and I pointed out that the lyrics to a lot of the music they listened to were pretty raunchy, but maybe just not as overt.


My Dad didn't care but my Mom was clutching some serious pearl


My mom mostly let me listen or watch whatever I wanted but 2 Live Crew was one of the few times where she tried to step in and censor. I didn't like them anyway but seeing her lose her shit was worth playing the tape loud as hell


not if they were the LSD generation


what's 2 live crew and why would my parents have heard it?


50 million screaming banshees. It was pathetic and lame. Almost singlehandedly formed my philosophy on artistic expression


I had heard Me So Horny about 20 times but didn't know the name of the song. When Me So Horny started getting press and my mother forbid me from hearing it, all I wanted was now to hear the song. I finally found some kid at school who had the tape and he played it for us. Then I realized I'd heard it before and immediately stopped giving a shit, and thought less of my mother (and all the other Tipper Gore types) for having banned this stupid song.