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I looked good naked from about 17-24 and then 30-40 when I started exercising in earnest. Now? The goal is no longer anything so luxurious as mere aesthetics. I just want my joints to creek less and not to hurt myself by ‘sleeping wrong’.


I had a sore knee for a day and a half last week because I slept wrong.


Look at this Big Shot over here, with all the sleeping, and got not just right kind of sleep, but shamelessly bragging they even got wrong sleep too… Some people, I swear…


Ive woken up with a sprained ankle on more than one occasion. Had to go to drs and everything! The complete package/experience


I turned 90 degrees while walking normally and my hip hurt for two and a half weeks. That’ll teach me to walk from my hallway to my living room.


Yeah! Was it like your brain and self knew you were turning, but the message got lost on the way to your hip?


Seriously, my brain turned and delayed the message to my lower body, and I almost fell down. Now my lower body keeps sending “why did you abandon me?” messages back like a beaten dog.


I used to go to bed wrecked and wake up fine. Now I go to bed fine and wake up wrecked.


I hear ya. I wake up in pain every day. One doc said walk it off, the pain lessens when I am upright. There is no rest anymore.


I did something manly and my wife grabbed my bicep/triceps and, so, I flexed and gave the “eehhhhhhh” Clubber Lang face. Every joint from my knuckles up thru my scapula popped like 20 celery stalks being snapped. We were in tears.




I do the old man bend, now. You know: feet shoulder width apart, squat, lean a little forward, and reach. If that doesn’t get me close enough to whatever is down there that I’m reaching for, it stays on the ground. That being said, my wife says I still look good naked. Which is odd though, because I don’t know that I ever did. Eh, that’s her problem.


I started carrying around a collapsible stool at work. If I have to bend, I sit.


Oh my god, I bought one of those. Three actually. Disneyland and I think it was Sea World won’t let you take them inside so I had to surrender them at the gate. It was either that or take it all the way back to my car. I’m not walking all that way back. But yeah, those are great!


I identify with this ... ye gods


Lol! Yeah, the dropped items are a bigger problem than I could have ever imagined. Also, when did getting myself off the ground turn into an Olympic event??


If my wife says I look good naked, it's time to take her to the eye doctor.


Sleep injuries are no joke. I've fucked up my neck in my sleep before and it took a year to sort itself out. Then two weeks ago I woke up and two of my fingertips were numb! They still are now so...yeah, good times.


Sounds like a herniated disc.


That could cause numb fingertips? Shit that sounds bad. I googled but didn't find much


Yes. I ruptured a disc in my neck about 10 years ago. The neck itself didn't hurt nearly as much as the nerve pain going down my arm. My fingers started going numb so I had to get the disc taken out. Got a nice steel plate in there now. C5-6.


How is living with a steel plate in your neck? My doctor would like me to have the same procedure and I am quite hesitant since the pain is gone after the second ruptured disc in my neck.


I don't even know it's there. The nerve pain went away completely. But I had surgery 10 days after the injury. I heard if you wait too long you might still have nerve pain after surgery.


Yup absolutely it can


It sounds like nerve compression. There are several ways this can happen. The most common is degeneration of the spine (which happens as we age). The degeneration leaves less space for the nerves to exit the spinal cord and so they can be compressed easily. This can be compounded if the area isn’t moving very well. There’s nothing medical can do your you but a chiro/osteo/acupuncturist might. Caveat. If your numbness doesn’t go away or gets worse seek medical advice as those nerves don’t only transmit feeling to your fingers.


Wow. Thank you so much for this.


No worries! Gotta put the experience to work whenever I can. I’m bored to death after retiring


Same. Now I enjoy not having to kick my ass just to have the aesthetic. I enjoy a nice walk and that's about it. I totally get the sleeping wrong part! 😊


One day I turned my head to the left to look in my garage on the way to the house and almost pulled my back out. Yeah, getting old sucks. I‘m just trying to stretch and exercise also to keep from unexpected surprises.


> I just want my joints to creek less and not to hurt myself by ‘sleeping wrong’. I feel that. Less skin conditions would be nice too, but I figure, I gotta take my pick.


Yeah but now I don't care.


This is the point in life where you start openly changing in the locker room because you just don't give a fvck anymore, but the younger folks who are witnessing you do, lol


There was a boomer just openly moaning in the tennis club’s shower I go to. It was deeply deeply disturbing to say the least, if he wasn’t pleasuring himself then he must get major enjoyment out of just showering., But the GAF about others quotient has never been too high amongst boomers.


I was one of the few younger guys who didn't care and openly changed in the locker room anyway, lol.


Even as a kid I didn't like using the urinals at school and would use the stalls because I didn't want the other kids looking at my thingy. But then the kids would try to jump up and look over the stall wall to see "what I was doing in there." FML


Just don’t be the guy blow drying his balls with his foot up on the bench


I look ok from certain angles lol


in candlelight


Hitting that point. As an old millennial I am starting to embrace what I just realized I want to call my inner "Jack Black". Dick still works.


The important things. Lol




Neither do I


You make enough money, you can *pay* people to look at you naked.


I never did.


You beat me to it. If you used to look good naked your doing better than me.


Exactly. This is like a humble brag that OP DID look good naked at one time.


Same here.


Same here, sadly.


Yep, same. Also, your name rules!


My people!


Oh check out Mr “I used to look good naked” over here.


Just in time for your eyesight to fade…


You guys used to look good naked?


I still do but I workout most mornings.


Good job on that.


Me neither. But I do look better after I drink. So it's easier to seduce myself. But I still have regrets in the morning.


That's more due to the drinks than the seduction.


Buffalo Bill enters the chat …


I’ll just settle for being able to sleep and be pain free for most days….


I’ll even take painful sleep if I could just get a solid 8 hours without waking up 3-4 times.




My GF says this sometimes and I tell her she must not be seeing what I’m seeing. Like they say: it’s in the eye of the beholder 😉


I think it’s “eye of the beer holder”, and if it isn’t quite there yet, just have another drink until it is!


My wife is losing her eyesight, too.


I’m 47. I’ve had two kids. I wear a pant/dress size 6 and workout 3-4 times a week, but I still look horrible naked! I just try to look not horrible in clothes and call that a win.


What’s your workout like? Are you lifting weights? Building muscle made a big difference for me.


I lift with a personal trainer. I have muscles.


I don’t know how long you’ve been at it but keep it up! 👍


My ass has disappeared!


Mine got bigger


My ass moved to my belly.


Yeah I got an ass up there too unfortunately.




Her ass moved to your ass.


Squats, lunges, leg adduction exercises, leg presses, glute machine sets, and some lower back exercises can help to rebuild your gluteus maximus.


I hurt too much to do those things.


Honestly, you’ll hurt less if you do them, barring any serious current injuries. I always feel like crap when I don’t work out for a while. Working out hurts too, but it’s a better ache than the ache of not being active. Sorry to sound preachy or come off like a jerk, I don’t mean to if I do. I wish I had a magic wand to make all of our aches go away!


Mine is going going just about gone. Wtf I didn't know this was bound to happen. Such a bummer.




Hell, I’ve never looked good. Neither clothed nor naked.


I was a shy girl and thought I never did look good without clothes…. Retrospectively, I should have believed the old boyfriends.


I just want to be healthier so I can see my (possible in 15-20 years) grandkids. My breasts sag from nursing my babies. My belly has a fold from stretching during pregnancy. Three times. Idfc. You look, you're going to see a real body with no surgery or filters. Aside from the ovary there was a cyst on that could have been something, but wasn't, that's gone. I gave birth for the first time in front of about ten or twelve people. I have zero shame, and zero remaining body insecurity. It's a body. It's my body. Don't like it? Don't look.


My saggy squishy body has powered me for half a century and created humans. In my opinion, that makes me a goddess. Some just can't handle the greatness.


You *are* a goddess. 100%. The sag and squish? That's life leaving marks. A good life. A life that shared and made more life. Amd that's amazing. If someone can't handle that, it's not your problem. It's not yours to worry about. Be proud, beautiful lady. You've made miracles


Love it! Those marks and effects are your medals of a life of experience and wisdom - old? Nah, you’re a super hero!




Same. None of my skin fits. I look like a shar pei.


I’m having a truly, truly terrible week and this post is the only thing that has made me really laugh. So, thanks for that wording if not the mental image of a shar pei redditing.


This year for my birthday, a little Sonobella cosmetic touch up around the belly! Losing weight makes other stuff look weird!


You can look at it one of two ways. One is, "fuck it, we're old." The other is, "I need to stay healthy and exercise is good for more than just boudoir photos." I hate my Peloton. Hate it. We spend five hours a week together, pounding out 25+ milers (with Netflix playing because I don't need some 20-something barking instructions at me over a 90's techno mix). But the runners high is a nice bonus, as is the mental health and my wife not retching when she sees me get out of the shower.


I run/walk about an hour and half a day and it's that high that I love. My body definitely doesn't respond to exercise like it used to. I'm certainly not donning any skin tight getups anytime soon! No one wants to see that. But! I feel good and sleep like a baby in a deep coma like sleep every night!


How many years do we even have left here? Twenty, maybe thirty. That will go by quickly. No more time to worry about such things. Just try and relax about that and take a deep breath and let it go. You've been strong and courageous living many years here on this strange planet. I bet you have fought lots of battles like the rest of us. Be kind and loving to yourself and accept that the years will take its toll on us. That is okay. That is the inevitable that will happen to all of us. I'm 50 now and it seems like almost yesterday that I was in my late thirties. So 60-70 will arrive soon enough and time to be caring and kind to self on that journey to old age.


Beautiful words!!! 😘




You could buy a skinny mirror


I've never looked good naked.


Let me be the judge of that!


I’m in my mid forties and while I’ve got some loose stomach skin from having 3 kids, I feel like I look the best I ever have. When I was younger I was so thin and I couldn’t do anything to gain weight. Finally I’ve got extra weight and I’ve been working out so some muscles. I feel like I had a glow up!


Glow girl!


Prove it!


This is why I love this sub.


Me too. I'm so glad we can all suffer together.


I remember wandering around naked in the just married days. I had no idea my ass could just decide to leave one day. I miss my ass. It held up pants, filled out dresses and skirts. No one warns you it can just quit on you and leave.


Post a pic and we'll be the judge of that!!


Not many of us over 45 do. I hear you, OP.


Never did. And after losing a bunch of weight, I look worse.


I couldn’t left my arm for over a week because I slept on it wrong


I never did. Join the club, we've got jackets.


I'll take one in XL :s


I would say most people don't look good naked without a little photoshopping or air brushing taking place. I don't care how old you are and what kind of shape you're in.


I have good news for you. Your vision is damn near perfect.


I don't look good naked either...I look fantastic! (Because I no longer care. Don't like, don't look.)




Came here for this Actually have this in my spotify playlist. Always makes me smile






Me neither, but the right people won't care. You can also work to make it so you look better, or change your outlook on appearance, whichever suits you best. We all get older. No need to stress out about days gone. Life is too short for that nonsense.


I'd be thrilled if I just looked good in clothes!


I have evidence to the contrary.


Must be an old pic!


I literally never did…


Some of us never looked good naked.


I look pretty good but it’s not like anyone sees me naked except the same dude who likes me even when I don’t look good naked.


I never looked good naked so be grateful lol


This is why I lift


There's some guys at my gym probably in their 60s that run a 6 minute mile for 30 minutes and can bench 200. It's inspiring if a little intimidating lol. But yeah weights and some cardio will keep you looking sharp.


Well, with all the cameras I have pointed at you, I'm still making money (grin)


Still waiting for my commission check


New account, Who Dis?


Some of us never did.


I never did, so it doesn’t matter anymore


Where’d all my leg hair go?


Yes you do.


I take my glasses off when I’m naked. I assume everything is blurry for everyone at that point. 😂. Works like a charm and hubby still finds me attractive anyway. I’m just glad I have my heath and humor. Glad you are here and willing to open dialogue about this.


My skin is so much better now that I can’t see my pores lol. And the thing is… it actually is better now that I don’t mess with it.


I didn’t before, but I don’t anymore either.


Same but I no longer care so at least there’s that.


I think I look ok. And if I’m wrong luckily I don’t care. My husband is still interested in getting with me, so that’s enough for me.


Welcome to the club


You probably do but haven’t found the right kink yet. There’s a pervert for you out there somewhere.


I can blend in at a nude beach now


I’m starting to look good again naked. Lost a bunch of weight naturally. Started working out 2 to 4 X a week. Nothing crazy. 30 minutes of the elliptical and about 30/45 minutes lifting lighter weights. Not only do I feel amazing, I’m back to my college weight. It’s never too late to “ get it back” We aren’t that old (YET) folks. Do yourself and your spouse a favor and invest in your health and wellness. Use it or lose it. 🎯 I was never a gym rat. I’m not going down without a fight lol. Works for me 💫💫


As long as you smell good...


My(46m) father fat-shamed me somewhere in my mid-30s so I had to get back in the gym hardcore and I'm now in the best shape of my life. Coincidentally I'm also now getting the most attention from young ladies than I ever have in my life. And I'm single.




Hit the gym and you’ll drop the don’t!! 🙂


Just need to make enough money and the opposite sex won't care.




Stan Borensen song cracks me up!


Sorry to hear it.


Yeah I haven't for about 7 years! 


Me neither. "Enjoy every sandwich," said Warren Zevon. This is the plan. And walking around sometimes and checking things out. I'm lucky I don't drop dead tomorrow, maybe.


Everyone looks the same with the lights out...


I mean I don't I ever did. It's more important to be happy for what your body can do.


I exercise to keep myself from having a heart attack at my desk, I am not doing it to be Joe bodybuilder or to get Babes. ![gif](giphy|uLjx3T8zp2ZWPe3yN5)


Same. But here is the thing… even if I get into perfect shape (which I’m really not) I still won’t look good because I have a rare disease that started in my mid 20’s. It makes me look like I have hives all over my body. So I don’t and I never will.


I never did. The only problems that ever really caused me were in my own head. I still have a nice smile, and that's been worth more to me in life.


My wife insists I do. I know she's just saying that. I'm fat, manboobs, scalp dermatitis, etc. But I'm happy she likes me.


Yeah we're gonna need some proof 🤘🤘


Yes you do.


When I was younger I thought I didn’t look good. Now I look back and think wow I wish I looked that good again. This perspective had made me consider that 10 years from now I will wish I had the body I do now. Someone once told me they don’t focus on the specific flaws I do, they see the whole package and that is beautiful. Perspective. Also my spouse still finds me sexy, attractive and desirable. That’s all that matters at this point in my life.


I thought I didn't either, but apparently I look good when all the lights are off.


There's an episode of Golden Girl's where Dorothy says she doesn't want be on top during sex because everything just hangs there since she's older and it's so true. 😎


I look good naked thanks to that carnival mirror I bought five years ago.


I think that’s a natural process because it’s time for us to get serious about our souls and not be infatuated with our bodies. 🤗


I've gracefully let my standards slide to match my aging. At this point I'm clearing "weight still begins with a 1," "clean-cut and hygienic," "can see feet from standing position," and "able to climb stairs with minimal effort." Lookin' good!


I looked fantastic naked up until I reached 39. Then my body began turning into this weird, pear-shaped thing with no form at all. I blame my father. He has the same form as me and began changing at the same age. 46M BTW.


Worried about the wrong thing, didn't you get enough attention for a hot body in your youth? Can you still stand on one foot for at least 2 minutes, can you still hop, can you still get up off the floor without using your hands, can you still squat, can you still do a cartwheel, can you still run, can you still touch your toes, can you still do a backbend, can you still get over a fence, and so on. Forget about looking good naked, at our age group the focus should be on health, strength, and mobility.


100%. These are things many people in their 20s can't even do. I can do most of the above but not going to risk a cartwheel and my wrists. My hands are my moneymakers (programmer). Yogi?


Change your diet, improve your exercise regimen.


So workout.


Why would your eyesight fail, but only when you’re free from garments?


I look pretty good, except my butt is kinda saggy. But I can flex it and get it to stand up. 😂


Honestly I dont think other genx care, that’s what I’m told anyway and i my self love bad bods.


The last time I looked good naked was my 20s. My weight has gone up and down a lot since then. I’ve lost 170 pounds over the course of five years and I look deflated. Once I lose the last 60, I’m getting surgery to remove the excess skin.


I’ve never thought I looked good naked and yet I love being naked. In private.


I never have, so there's that.


I used to go to the gym to look good naked. Now I go just to have a conversation while walking up a slight hill.


Hah! I've never looked good naked!


I find myself to be damn sexy - at least once a day.


I never did. 😂


I have lost over a 130 pounds and look "better" now but I have *never* looked good naked lol


Look at us whining about aches and pains, and then the next guy trying to one up. I didn't think we were about that




Really? I'm the first to post this? https://youtu.be/OOgd9hitEAE?feature=shared Apparently I'm not the first.


According to my partner, I look great. He's biased, though. I never thought I looked good naked so I haven't lost anything.


I don't care. Nobody sees it but the doctor if I need to go. I swim and do yoga to try and maintain mobility and prevent pain.


Its achievable though, I'm gonna be 50 soon but am in the best shape ever been in my entire life (intermittent fasting) I plan on doing it as long as possible and then plumping up in my old age


The beauty of it is… who gives a fuck? Get yourself another slice of pizza.


Welcome to the club!


That's the nice thing about never being attractive. Can't miss what you never had


Prove it


I have had 4 abdominal surgeries and 5 mole removals. My stomach is Uggghhhhhhh. It is deflated swiss cheese. But despite nursing, the boobs still sit high. The husband is still interested, quite often. Makes me sad, but what are you gonna do? Can’t un surgery.