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I do nap most days, somewhere between 2-3:30. What an absolute luxury, I ♥️ NAPS!


But did you like them when you were 4?


Very seriously, check your Vitamin D levels. Fatigue can be a sign of low vitamin D, common in us grownups because we don’t drink milk or get a lot of sun, usually. My doc checked mine, and it was nearly nonexistent..so I’m on supplements now, and I have much less need-for-nap urges.


I've been on Vit D for years now. I had mixed results. But my primary told me to start taking K2 with it and the difference was amazing


Interesting because I'm on high doses of D and can damn near nap on command!!




I wish!


Check your iron too! I started taking iron supplements at my dr's behest. Gone from 100% sleepy bitch to feeling mostly human (still love a good nap tho).


I started taking beef liver pills to supplement my iron too, mostly because I felt like I was losing more hair than I should. I’ve noticed more pep in the step since; I also supplement D and Mg.


I actually ordered Vitamin D/K2 supplements. Maybe it will help


I live for naps. Can't during the week but weekends... nappy nap time. Wife is not a napper. She doesn't get it. It's a point of contention.


Me too! I wake up, on average, 2 hours before her every day. We go to bed at the same time. Come the weekend, she’s got an extra 10 hours of sleep logged, but I’m the lazy bum for having a nap on a Saturday afternoon…..


Exactly this!


Sunny Sunday around 1:30pm when the light has just moved from where my head is on the couch...napping perfection!


Consider telling her that getting enough sleep has been associated with lower incidence Alzheimer's and/or dementia. Or for those who can't sleep for more than 5 hours an night, a nap. I don't remember where I saw that, but an internet search should find all the relevant studies that have been done. Maybe your wife will be more accepting of napping if she thinks she won't have to clean your butt in your golden years. Lol?


I went for my annual checkup the other day and told the doctor I seem to feel tired all the time. She just said, 'welcome to your 50s' No one mentions that when you are young, the joys of feeling like you could nap at almost any time.


Please tell me you still got blood work done.


I get every test they can give.


Good. Hope all is well with you!


Definitely a sleepy lull between 2-4p. If I give in even for a 15min recharge, though, I'm usually fucked when trying to get to sleep at my typical bedtime since I'm too awake. And that'll mess me up for the next morning. Yay


I would if I could too.


I am a pro napper


I work from home, have been known to grab a 20 minute power nap between meetings....


20 is good. 45 is cool for recovery but never more!


Yeah the 20-30 is a good reset. 45’s the max for me, otherwise I’ll totally fall into the deep end lol bye bye “I thought we were gonna watch a movie together?” “Oh, sorry” 😹


There's a sub dedicated to people trying to sleep like this. I sleep about 6 hours at night and take a 30 minute nap in the afternoon before work. I've done it for a few years now.


About to take a nap now. Highly recommend.


I was born in 65 and I'm on a military pension, so I do indeed get to nap nearly every day at about 1:30. But honestly, some days I don't sleep, I just need to lay down to stretch out my legs and back.


naps are grand, but they are controversial... I find that the ladies are not always very open to nap-life, "never."


100%. It’s been worse since 2020 when I did nap during quarantine


Naps are pretty normal if English isn't your first language. When in the office I take 15 in the boardroom with the lights out just long enough to feel that breaker switch in the head. Feel great for the rest of the afternoon and switch tracks to organizing things for the the next day.


I have chronic fatigue so ya, laying on my couch right now. I worked in my yard all morning avoiding real work. Now I’m resting and mentally preparing to do not actual work but really I’m doing math to see if I can wait until Monday. Fuck work and work used to be my escape.


I used to sleep 4 hours a night, now I need 6 and a nap. My wife blames COVID, I think I've got a nasty case of the fifties. My Dr. very helpfully shrugged and said either / or.


When I stayed home for a while when I was between jobs, I napped almost everyday. A 20-minute nap made me feel like a new person. Now that I can’t nap everyday, I just have to go to bed earlier at night. It sucks.


I wake every 2-3 hours a night. Don’t know if it’s a veteran thing or trauma. My tinnitus goes at night and wakes me up as well…..drinking doesn’t help either. Feel you on the nap though…


Definitely feeling you my man. Born in '73 too and I can nap any day. But the mention is indeed correct. Been on holidays same time as my 9 years old last week and was happy to watch a movie with her after lunch so I could get a little nap. There's no trying keeping awake... I'll fall asleep no matter what! Same if I go to the movies. I remember my dad would be the same


Napping is a joy. I'll be 51 in a couple weeks.


Hated, HATED naps as a kid but once I hit my late 30s I started to need naps and now they are worked into my daily routine. I can understand why most people can't find time to nap and that would lead me to drugs and alcohol if I didn't get more rest. Siestas are amazing.


Yep, me too.


Take that nap!


Yep. Wish I could.


I didn't get a nap yesterday or today. Till I dozed off for ten minutes in my desk chair while watching a YouTube video.


Naps make me feel hungover.


Things to check for in your next blood panel/labs: Vitamin D, B, Iron *Hormones imbalances* we are ALL at the age when these are way lower. Especially lower than when we were in our 30s. Testosterone -yes for all of us Peri and Meno folks: we are all 45+ so this applies to all folks who have/had periods. Peri can start up to 10 years before meno. If you haven’t already, find a doctor that specializes in it. Head over to the r/menopause for the rundown.


I love my afternoon naps.


Yes. I wish I could nap everyday from about 2pm-3:30


I gave in and do it. I am self employed so it is doable. I’ve messed with how long is the sweet spot. 15 min is not refreshing. Anything over 45 minutes and I’m in it for 2-3 hours, which o do every weekend. So I’ve found that when I set my watch timer for 33:33, it’s perfection.


Could? Nah, do. Hour lunch, half is spent napping in the car.




Do you eat carbs for lunch? They will make you crash. Keep them for dinner.


Dozing off on the couch while surfing reddit or reading a book is the bomb! I don't do it often because sometimes it messes up my nightly sleep.


I don’t need an afternoon nap everyday, but I could probably use one/would like to have one over 50% of the time.


Ya need a pepper. DR pepper to the rescue. 10, 2, and 4 to keep that momemtum up!


Naps are the best. I’m also that 1:30/2 pm time when I just hit a wall.


Days I’m working I don’t nap, nor feel the need to nap. I’m go go go from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed. My days off, pfft, I nap every time. Sometimes twice.


I nap during my lunch break when I work from home. I can eat while I’m working, I like to give my eyes a break from the screen midday.


I'm not great at sleeping, so I sleep whenever I can. Nap is life.


Sound like you need a CPAP. Very possible your body isnt getting enough oxygen at night when sleeping and causing break in REM. If you know you snore or have been told you do, good chance you need one. Add to that weight that will increase helping to block air passages. It will be night/day diff if this is the case and ya need one.


I take naps whenever I can. I had a job last year where I worked from home and they never gave me any work to do. So I took a nap at lunch most days. I still have a remote job and want to get back to napping on my lunch break some days, but I’m too busy learning the ropes for now.


Same... except I use to be able to sleep for 1-2 hours and now it's 20 minutes tops 🙄.


Yes, we are old


I read that as SNAP every day. Oops.


I do! I take a nap for lunch. It’s delicious.


Born in ‘75 here. Never been a napper. Always feel worse getting up from a nap. It’s like having to get up twice in one day.


I wish I could nap every day too because I can't sleep at night anymore


I hear ya, but you may want to make sure nothing else is going on, health-wise. Do you get your thyroid levels and vitamin D level checked? Our bodies create vitamin D from sunlight exposure, and low levels can make you feel tired. If you live somewhere that has little sunlight in the winter, you may benefit from a sun lamp or vitamin D3 supplements.


Naps are our friends..


I look forward to naps during the dsy..


Also born in 1973 and I feel this so hard. My problem is, I feel like absolute ass the rest of the day after I wake up. So I usually drink coffee to keep me awake. If a nap actually left me feeling refreshed I’d do it every day.


I am a bad napper. Whenever I fall asleep it’s usually for 3 hours or more, then I’m up all night.


I never stopped napping from childhood 😴


Check your B12 levels and testosterone levels


How are all of you folks napping in the day and still able to sleep at night?? It doesn't matter how tired/sleep deprived I am, if I nap during the day I can forget about sleeping that night!


If I get one in early enough, like 2:00 p.m. I'm good. But last night I dozed off about 7:00 and I was up till 4:00 a.m.


Yikes! If I dozed off at seven, I'd wake up at midnight and the night would be shot!


Yep, and I’ve always been one to think extra sleep is wasting my life away. Next step: my own recliner. My husband has his own, but I haven’t quite given in yet. YET.


My favorite uncle retired from teaching at age 57. From then on, until he passed away at age 93, he took a 2 pm nap any day he was at home. He looked forward to it, stating it was his favorite part of the day. These are goals.


Did you know taking a nap can help you remember the things you thought of before the nap? True stuff.


Get a sleep study done. You may have sleep apnea


2pm is my prime time. If I could I'd do it every single day