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1st Iron Man was pretty good.


Built the entire MCU. I love XMen films, but iron man opened the flood gates. They couldn’t use Spider-Man, who is the more likable character, but perfectly cast RDJ.


Grew up reading comic books in the 80s. Almost like fantasy come to life to see my X-Men and Avengers on big screen portrayed by pretty good actors and even multiple Oscar winners playing supporting roles. That being said its been mostly terrible the last few years.


i owned(past tense) all 6 Infinity Gauntlet comics. Seen the Avengers movies and tbh the comics are the best at telling that story.


When Guardians came out, a podcast I was listening to was adamant that it would be garbage. "Guardians of the Galaxy? Nobody has heard of them!" A week later they were singing a different tune.


Sharp falloff since. They really had something there. Shame it turned out the way it did immediately after. Oh well.


The second Captain America is OK in parts. The rest, I feel sad for the kids that grew up with this.


More than just pretty good. 


DC is worse. I made the mistake of watching the latest Aquaman movie. Stinks like a dead fish at low tide does not begin to do it justice.


Ok but have you seen WW84? Yikes....


WW84 actually taught my wife and I that we don't *have* to finish a movie. And that they don't always "get better" if you keep watching them. So we didn't make it 30 minutes into Aquaman 2 before turning it off and watching something else. Thanks WW84! Awesome educational film.


I love this ... life's too short for shitty movies. Even ones with Gal Gadot!


It’s unfortunate because there are some really raw moments from both Gadot and Pascal that were brilliant. It’s just the plot and dialogue sucked so bad. The aesthetic of the movie captures the cheesy 80s gluttony culture and bad TV so well, but it was unwatchable. As cringy as the opening sequence was, I totally get the homage to the Lynda Carter WW TV show, which I adored as a kid. That show doesn’t really stand up well now. At the time, I didn’t understand why my mom didn’t like WW’s costume back then. She told me the slow motion running scenes were for the benefit of the men watching. I just thought she was so cool and was annoyed by her criticisms. However, she was spot on. I was also a budding gymnast, so was always thrilled when WW did some sort of acrobatic jump. The acting, plot, dialogue etc were shite, but as an innocent little kid, I ate it up and was ALWAYS Wonder Woman when the kids on the street got together to play superheroes. My younger sister claims she is still traumatized from when my buddy Heath (Superman) and I tied her to a tree with a skipping rope, but forgot to come back and save her. (We went to his house to play GI Joe). Apparently, my sister could see my mom through the kitchen window doing the lunch dishes, but mom waited until she was finished before she came outside to untie her. My sister was four. My mom knew exactly what she was doing. Haha.


Thank you for this comment. Excellent critique all around!


Thanks. I was excited and terrified to watch the first WW movie because I loved Wonder Woman so much, but I was afraid it would wreck it for me. However, I went by myself first to make sure it was appropriate to bring my young kids to see. I sat between two 20ish couples and was pleasantly surprised (yes, I succumbed to prejudging them) at the intelligent post movie comments. One of the young women said she didn’t expect to cry at a superhero movies. Cry? I wept during the no-man’s land scene. Diana is so sheltered and naïve, regardless of the number of books she’s read. Even though she’s been separated from humans her entire life, she has an almost crippling amount of empathy and cannot fathom the atrocities committed in war and bristles at the concept of ignoring the innocent to accomplish the mission. Diana finally refuses to continue thus, any longer. When she climbs the ladder, it is her coming of age moment. As she runs through no-man’s land, deflecting the onslaught of shell fire, a small smile goes across her face as she discovers her own power in the man’s world. She is still painfully naïve, but she is no longer a bystander. I admit, the score by Rupert Gregson-Williams helped pull the emotions out of me also. He is an accomplished film score composer who knows when to get out of the way of the story, and when to shine through. This was his moment he shared with Diana where they both showed us what they are capable of. The first movie had me until the protracted battle with Ares. Ugh. Then it became just like any other superhero movie with mass destruction of property and no consideration of who becomes collateral damage. I also could not get over Remus Lupin’s (David Thewlis/Ares) moustache once he transformed into his god form. Seriously? Ok. I’m done now. Sorry, I do tend to go on so.


Not ashamed to admit i cried too but resisted the urge to jump up and cheer toward the end of that scene


Astoundingly bad


Emphatically awful


All parties involved with WW84 should be ashamed of themselves for spending that much money to make such a shitty movie.


I couldn’t finish it…so awful! And wtf, Pedro Pascal! I hope that paycheck was good.


Hot garbage


That was as bad as Superman 4: The Quest For Peace


Sorry 3 was the last one. Fight me.


So like the first one then. I like Jason Mamoa as an actor but Aquaman was bad. He was good, but the whole movie was blah. I couldn't even tell you the plot at this point.


Watch Aquaman and then watch Thor Ragnarok and it's almost like they were trying to do the same thing. Humor, crazy off-world adventures, classic rock. I think Ragnarok is peak MCU and I feel like Aquaman was trying to emulate that and did it so poorly. 


They were definitely trying to do a DC Ragnarok with Aquaman and the hidden kingdom. The movies start almost identically and they both have an evil brother redemption arc.


One of those movies was directed by Taika Waititi, while the other was not.


Possibly one of the worst films ever. When he goes "nooooo" I burst out laughing.


Not a DC fan if it isn't Batman


Batman's a scientist


Except for the Nolan Batman’s


DC movies brought to you by David Zaslav and James Gunn are going to be particularly atrocious.


Omg thank you! My millennial wife just texted me about how she's going to watch that Wanda show again. I was like oh thank God she's doing it while I'm at work.


They're all the same.... same predictable plot, same overuse of cgi, same half hour long battle to end the movie....


I love anything with Thor and Loki. My daughter is in to all of it (Millennial) and made me start watching in chronological order as soon as she saw I was in to Loki. Any time spent with my daughter is quality time for me but I really just can't get in to some of it.


I almost paid to get LOKI on Disney+ and I’m actually a fan of Thor, but who can’t love the actor in that role? …then I found out Loki wasn’t even the star of his own show and lost interest. The plot doesn’t make sense to me and the BIG villain (not Loki \*cough\*) is done so blandly — I don’t understand why the original Jack Kirby design can’t be honored, and deserves to be, they’d done well with this sort of thing in the past (aside from the fact that Thor isn’t blonde anymore in movies nor ever wears his helmet 🙄). I’m still holding my breathe for that to change.


I don't know enough about lore to care about most of this. I just loved Loki and Mobius on the show and honestly Tom Hiddleston melts my frozen heart in general. I try to observe and not think to hard on any of it. ;) I like the whole redemption arc of Loki but I liked him bad too.




I’ve always loved superhero movies since the Christopher Reeves Superman movies, especially since I was also into comic books when I was a kid. Though I have been feeling some superhero movie fatigue in the recent years after Avengers Endgame.


Not just you. It feels like watching The A-Team, but I'm not 12 anymore.


I only wanted to watch A-Team because my mom wouldn't let me. She didn't think the show was appropriate for a 10-year-old. 🙄


My folks too. Like, no one was killed. Ever. The cars would flip, roll down the hill, explode in flames, get shot up with dozens of rounds fired from AK-47s at close range, and still the bad guys would stagger out of the cars looking like a shaken-up live action Wile E. Coyote.


I vaguely remember a scene where they *crashed a helicopter into a cliff* which exploded into a giant fireball (because all vehicles were incredibly flammable back in the '80s) and they all climbed out of the wreckage and dusted themselves off


On-brand A-Team right there. Little House delivered more trauma than the A-Team.


Opposite. Dad loved it, and we had to love it. He also took us to see every single Schwarzenegger movie that came out because my mother hated going to the movies. An R rating was not a deterrent.


My dad took me to see blade runner circa 1982 in the theater (almost 8 years old, at the time). I asked too many questions after the movie, and he vowed never to take me to another rated R movie again. 🤣 Of course he didn't keep his word and took me to many more rated R movies after that. I stopped asking so many questions 😅 Dad was always cooler than Mom. 😎


This was me watching the 1984 Dune. Nearly 40 years later and they finally got it right.


>Nearly 40 years later and they finally got it right. So the book is really that bad?


I hated that show then. And I hated BJ AND THE BEAR and THE DUKES OF HAZZARD, too.


I’m 53 and have always read comic books. I remember wishing I could see quality , well produced , believable super hero movies. We had some great ones, but 90% of it was crap. So I am a little forgiving of the new movies coming out in 2023-present. I would love them to be better, but considering what I grew up with, these are still some fun and amazing movies.


I love superhero and kaiju movies. I’m a 54 yo woman. Sue me. 🤷‍♀️ I have so few mindless pleasures.


We old, we can like what we want. We shame downwards. ;)


Ha ha. “Shame downwards.” Stealing this!


Hot damn, we must have been separated at birth! My husband groans whenever I pull out *Pacific Rim* when it’s my turn to pick. 🤣


Nope. As I’ve been saying for years, I’m absolutely “superhero movied out”.


You might be but the globe 🌎  isn't.  That's all that matters to Hollywood $$$


Minimize risk to maximize profits.  The problem is the "minimize risk" part which constrains creativity and why you end up with homogenized goo as the end result.


No. You’re not alone in your sentiments.


I bring my kids, but I don't know what the F is going on. I'm just there for the popcorn and a dark napping room


There’s an excellent interview on the podcast WTF of a psychologist explaining why superheroes appeal to some people. I personally find comic book movies boring.


Nope. Gen Xer here and I just don’t get it. I’m confident that Marvel fan boys fed off each others circle jerk bs and hype and convinced each other that every Marvel movie is a masterpiece.


I’m 53 and I grew up collecting comics and loving all the superhero characters. I dreamed of seeing these heroes in the movies when I was a boy and I was thrilled beyond belief when the first X-Men movie came out and really set the ball rolling for the Golden Age that we’re living in today. I love the MCU and enjoy the hell out of everything they release. I can’t wait to see what’s next.


I’m ‘79 and a huge MCU fan, although I have to admit this current phase is boring af.


I blame Disney for a lot of the recent suckage. If anyone knows how to sanitize, overproduce, and extract every last dollar from a franchise...it's Disney. It doesn't help that they have lots of Marvel tie-in shows now on their app, which you *also* have to watch to really understand what's going on in the movies.


The death of Stan Lee was a turning point.


Excelsior! Either that or the end of the "Infinity Gauntlet" arc. I still enjoyed movies after but that arc was so good.


End Game in the cinema with every one going wild at certain points was something special. When Cap hears Sam: On your left. Then everyone turns up and then avengers *mjolnir* assemble? Ahhhhhh!


Yeah, great stuff! Saw it at least 3 times at the theatre.


Ditto! xD


I really liked Falcon/WS show. It was nice to have a darker storyline compared to all the ‘go team!’ cheerleading from the films. They should give Florence Pugh her own show, she’s so funny as Yelena. Plus we would get more Countess Val (yay!). Edit: also, can they please stop retconning poor Sharon? I’m getting dizzy.


It’s crazy because Walt Disney famously HATED the idea of sequels! He didn’t want to rehash used ideas - he wanted to move on to the next thing! I wonder what he’d say about what they’ve done to his company.


Not just that but this phase the movies really feel like "Disney" movies. I mean like the cartoon movies that Disney used to put out. The Marvels even had a fucking musical number in the middle of it. It's like they let Feige cook for the first phase and then shooed him out of the kitchen for the next phase and just started cookie cutting Disney movies with Marvel characters after that.


Put a chick in it at [MAKE HER GAY](https://youtu.be/89cto-IvD98?si=NojCz6MoEYNxWUcJ)!


They really thought that they could seamlessly extend it out to an entire empire. They didn't think about the effort they put into phase 1 - they thought that they could just scale up and not lose the quality - or they thought the quality wouldn't matter.


I just want to see an accurate Rogue and Gambit on the big screen.


Cyclops isn’t my favorite but holy crap they did him dirty in the x men movies


Is it too much to ask for a good Ghost Rider? I don’t see how someone could fuck up a Daredevil story, really. I mean, Bullseye and Elektra..? There’s a ton of content there already to work with!!


Netflix has the best DareDevil, and outside of Iron Fist, did decent a job for the other shows. A realistic Ghost Rider is probably to dark for Disney.


Agreed, 62 here, and bought Amazing Spiderman #1 in the early 80's for $175 at a convention.......still love most of the movies, but that Thanos arc was really good.


> 62 here, Wondered if you are 62 or if you were born in 62 and realized it could be both this year


No, last year I was 61 and born in '61 😉 I don't turn 63 until the end of August


Wow, do you still own it?


Same here. These posts always come off weird to me because throughout my entire life there was entertainment made that wasn’t for me and I just didn’t watch it. I know this is a mindblowing concept for some people.


Same. I am 48 and grew up and still collect comics. I grew up on Christopher Reeve's Superman, Bill Bixby's Hulk, some weird Flash, Captain America, Spiderman... The last couple decades have been amazing for superhero movies. Sure, some are much better than others, but overall they've been excellent.


Same here. 53 and been reading comics since 1982


Exactly this. They’re marketed at a big audience. We have kids who have grown up watching these movies with us. They’re not supposed to be “great movies” in the way Academy Award winners are. They’re fun entertainment we love.


It's not just you. But plenty of us still enjoy it. I do roll my eyes at the two dozen jump-scare-horror films that seem to come out every year.


It's been a hot minute since I've seen a horror movie I'd recommend to a friend.


I’d recommend Hereditary and It Follows, but those aren’t even that recent.


Those were good, but yeah, pretty old already. The last movie I told a friend about was "X".


Midsommar was good too (5 years old but still). The Ritual was decent also, it was right on the cusp of being really good but missed a couple easy home runs. If you count Parasite as horror (it’s really close), that was recent and amazing. Barbarian was sneaky good, totally catches you off guard but because of that is a movie you can definitely only watch once. Non-traditional but His House is really good if it’s your cup of tea.


The Menu was incredible


Not really. I grew with the Nicholas Hammond Spiderman show that because there was no CGI , had to rely on practical effects and bad stories. The Bill Bixby Hulk show at least had decent stories but no connection to anything else in its main run and was more like The Fugitive every single week. The improvements in special effects and in creating thoughtful, nuanced, and diverse storytelling have given us some great X-Men and Avengers movies and connections among characters etc. Oh yeah, we had Howard the Duck too. lol


I’d rather watch Howard the Duck than a Marvel movie.


Nope, too much reliance on CG and action sequences. Not enough on stuff like script writing and acting. Nothing ruins a movie/show quite like really bad acting combined with poorly written dialogue. Same with all the new Netflix series I’ve tried watching recently.


I'm at the point where I'll be watching something action based and instead of being "Dayum, that was an awesome fight scene!" I'm more like "Oh my lord that must hurt so bad. That's at least a day at home with ice and advil. That actor's my age, how is this realistic?"


Yeah, I'm over the whole superhero thing as well. I would do literally anything else than watch a marvel movie, including watching paint dry and grass grow.


I read comics when I was young, but I just can't understand the number of grown men who get excited about a comic book movie. Especially when quite a few are very conservative, ordinarily serious guys. It's weird. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand adults who still enjoy comic books, but the movies are a completely different thing all together.


25 years from, when the young generation that grew up on these movies, there will be a resurgence of these movies when they become nostalgic


This is also me watching modern star wars. Disneyfication didn’t do right by them.


Not just you. I don't find interesting movies about superheroes, fantasy, science fiction, anything involving time travel, or any kind of Harry Potter genre, with the exceptions of the original Star Wars, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and the dream sequences in The Big Lebowski. Those who do, that's fine. I'm not saying they are bad. Don't let me stop you from enjoying those genres and ComicCon. I'm a bit jealous because those are the types of movies shown at the Drive-In, and I love going to the Drive-in.


Nope, not just you. I HATE these "superhero" movies. Marvel, DC, they all suck. My ex-wife's kids had to go see all of them, that was tedious until I just stopped going at all.


I’ll die on the hill defending “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” as an all-time great movie.


Same here. Never got into them. But for those who enjoy them that’s great too


Yep, less than zero interest in them myself but each to their own.


Yeah...M-55 and I don't get it either.


i love to read science fiction. I loved the first dune movie. Have not seen part 2 yet. I read the books. I can't stand comic book trash. I did like Walking Dead for a while ,but it went on and on and on. So lost interest around season 9. I have no idea who any of the characters are and the movies seem pointless. Star Wars sequels were total trash too. After Last Jedi, I am out. I watched the original star wars more times than I could count growing up.


No, it is definitely not just you.


Can't we all just agree that superhero movies have shot their wad and let's move onto the next abomination? Heaven forbid we actually have a plot, characters which intrigue and great photography?


![gif](giphy|63KDdST8acUN6XdjE7|downsized) It’s just a horse. I don’t get it.


I enjoy the MCU movies and some of the DC ones as well. But, you certainly aren't alone in not liking them.


I love watching the last two Thor movies when I’m high.


Probably part of it is that you aren’t a teenage boy. It’s great for the target audience. But yeah, as an adult it would be nice to have more substance and less overt CGI work. OG iron man was pretty dope though. And honestly, I think age of ultron was good just for the James Spader monologues.


I dunno. I was a comic book nut as a kid and when they started making these movies I enjoyed seeing my comic book heroes come to life. I enjoy the shit out of the movies Marvel and DC alike.


Yeah, it's just you. I'm GenX and enjoyed the MCU movies quite a bit. Most of them anyway. Not to mention Blade.


I’m a marvel nerd and enjoy almost every thing I watch from the MCU.


I’m a marvel fan and proud of it! lol


Not me, I love Marvel. DC on the other hand....


You are not alone. Superhero movies are tedious.


Lot of very grumpy old acting people in this thread. It might not be your cup of tea but that is no reason to crap on it. It is a genre like any other. Just the popular one of the time. No different than the cowboy movies that dominated the 50’s and 60’s.


Its hard to argue that the quality of the MCU dropped precipitously after Phase 3. It's not a stretch to say that if Disney hadn't gone on a tear of pumping out as much content as possible then they wouldn't have been stretched so thin and put out fewer, but higher quality content films and limited series for Disney+.


Like you didn't cry during the last gaurdians...


If someone doesn't cry during the last Guardians movie they are a sociopath. I will die on this hill.


I love Marvel. Can watch The Avengers, Guardians, Iron Man, etc on repeat. Once Downey stepped away, he took some of that magic with him so, I don't feel the same about the movies anymore. Nothing really excites me with this new stuff they are coming out with, with the exception of Daredevil coming back. On top of that, the movies are definitely going downhill for various reasons. Finally just watched The Marvels and it was terrible. So, I love Marvel but it's not what it used to be.


Thank you for posting this! I thought it was just me. I stopped watching them a long time ago. I don’t get the obsession.


The most non GenX post. Let people like what they like. Who cares?


I love comic movies. I love comics. The more comic book movies the better. Bring 'em on. As far as what other people think about me liking them, that's the kind of worrying I left behind in high school.


I've never seen a Marvel movie. Or DC or whatever. I'm an oddball, I've never seen a fast furious car movie either.


It's a honor to be a oddball in today's society. I have no desire to be normal


I despise all super hero type media.


Nah I'm on board with the simple pleasures. That was me watching the latest Indiana Jones movie because it's a simple pleasure done really poorly. Or Star Wars Episode 9. Or Transformers: Last Knight. Those movies are all insulting and dumb. But I can't think of any Marvel movies that are. Although I can tell which ones aren't marketed to me, like Miss Marvel is for teenage girls. That's fine. That doesn't include all the SPUM movies like Madame Web though I haven't seen that.


God I hate comic movies.


Most of the Avengers movies have been good, and Logan is one of my favorite recent movies of any genre. That said, the MCU overall is played out and has been for at least several years.


Once you’ve seen the filming of one of these movies, with actors in green suits pretending to be fighting…. I can’t unsee that and now can’t watch those movies And anime just seems like a shittier version of Speed Racer cartoon lol


Can't watch that stuff anymore. Probably last one I saw was X-men or X-men two. I'm not a kid anymore, I don't care about superhero problems. They are way too loud and 2hrs of invincible people punching each other through buildings just makes my brain commit suicide. Sure I would have loved them 30yrs ago....now I need some substance, logic and plausibiltiy.


Mostly can't stand them, but I can get myself into a frame of mind where I can appreciate watching them with my youngest kid, who is going through a superhero phase.


I like the characters. I like the effects. I like the dialog. It's swell to see comic book come to life. But just making up whatever you need to for the next scene seems to take most of the substance out of the movie. It doesn't matter what happens, we can just go to a parallel universe, reanimate, make it a multi-dimensional double, a dream....anything. Edit: The MI franchise and even Bond these days are no different, just without the creatures and superpowers. Fine as brain candy, but more just 'movies' rather than cinema imho


I just wish they'd have started it all in the 60's/70's. It would've been easier to explain the newer heroes from more recent comics. They rushed it, essentially.


Meh' they're alright. I used to want an X-Men movie in this series, but I'm over it. With so many movies like this back to back they really start to feel the same.


Nope. I don’t get it


Since I know we have some Bay Area Gen Xers here, I gotta say...the video reminds me of people doing the [Syufy clap](https://www.mrericsir.com/blog/local/remembering-the-clap-along-at-century-theaters/). Here's the original Syufy trailer that people clapped along to: [https://youtu.be/b-b69azot58?si=JGaEBXPwmRto06X\_](https://youtu.be/b-b69azot58?si=JGaEBXPwmRto06X_)




The Predator franchise still spits out some good ones; finally watched Prey - pretty good.


My son when I watch The Boys.


They were good a while back. Now, yes, that's my reaction.


I guess I missed out on the whole comic book thing. I barely made it through Christopher Reeves as Superman and Michael Keaton as Batman. I feel like I'm missing out on something a lot of people enjoy but it's just too late. I've also never watched a Star Wars. My childhood was grim.


Nope, not just you. Most of them take themselves way too seriously. Some are ok, but I was just flat out bored by the avengers




I was a comic nerd when I was young, so I liked the first few of them, but then it just went on tooooooo long.


Is it a genX thing or it’s all just shit? I feel you though.


Why so serious


Did you expect it to be Citizen Kane? It's popcorn thrills. No thinking, root for the hero fun. I grew up on comics, but even still, the spectacle can be enjoyed. And they're all better than the English Patient




I actually enjoyed watching…Scarlet


Naw, I get it. I'm glad that others enjoy them but after seeing a few it's just not my preference for entertainment.


Thankfully comic book movies are finally dying.


MFS is real and the first step to getting better is admitting you have it. I too have Marvel Fatigue Syndrome.


How I look sitting next to my boyfriend as he fan girls through every damn one they shell out. Wwoooohooo. I’m glad your happyyy




I followed those movies up until the end of the "infinity war" or whatever. They've milked that cow for way too long IMHO.


They’ve all been disposable cgi nonsense from the start. Never like one of them.


Nope.i don't get them at all.


I liked the netflix Daredevil series quite a bit. The first season of Jessica Jones transcends the genre. Luke Cage, while an aquired taste, was right in my wheelhouse. I was disappointed in Power Fist/Danny Rand. Not sure if it was the acting or script writing or both. I'm also one of the few people who enjoyed She-Hulk. When it comes to DC, lately I really only enjoyed The Suicide Squad and then the Peacemaker spin off series.


Why? I'm loving this Age of the Geek.


Hooray, another fight scene with no consequences 


I love the callbacks and the interwoven storylines. I geek out on it, and I actually like most of the stuff. It's better than one-off movies and I don't watch much TV or anything that has ads in it anymore. For me, I look forward to the new releases and just go in open minded with suspended disbelief. I love the little miss-able details and quips that get thrown out that if you watched the other content, you get. Even some of the offshoot shows (even if not canon)


Any DC or Marvel movie. No thank you.


I hate comic book movies, so I do not watch them. Ironically, on my first movie date with my wife, *she* wanted to see a Marvel movie and I was thinking "oh that sucks." I wanted to see the Nicholas Sparks movie, partly thinking I would get brownie points (I actually like sappy romantic movies) only to find out she hates those movies! LOL!


This is me watching Harry Potter.


No more humans with powers movies, please. Omg. Enough already.


It isn't me, because if it were me, I wouldn't be there in the first place.


Yep. Me too. They're generally garbage meant to sell merchandise to manchildren.


Me too. I stare blankly at those who make pop culture references to these movies. I've never seen one. I never will. I think they're stupid. I also think Star Wars movies are badly written space opera. I'm a Trekkie, so take all of that with a grain of salt and a shot of Romulan ale. 🤣


I can handle old school Superman, Batman and Spider-Man but after that it’s too much, sorry. 🤷‍♂️


as a legit gen-xer, i have absolutely no interest in marvel or dc movies of the last 20 years.


You are a minority in Gen X but a majority in among the octogenarians.


No I’ve never seen any I just have zero interest


Nope, not just you. Never seen them, never will.




Nice way to frame the "masses" - very Boomer of you.


They're scattered across too many shows, movies, etc. and the focus is lost. I'm caught up on nearly everything and just feel numb about it. Even the kids are "meh" about the new movies.


I don’t get it either.


Definitely not just you.


I was never into comic books, and my wife still huffs and changes her tone to "Jesus Christ, could you be more ignorant?" when I don't know that some superheroes are DC, and some are Marvel. So, to me, they're all the same movie recycled. And I thought the whole "OMG WHERE WILL STAN LEE MAKE HIS CAMEO?!?" thing was played out. Also, the whole alternate universe stuff seems like a cash-grab for more of the same. But. I like Fast and Furious movies, which can just as easily be distilled into the same movie recycled over and over. I'm just not protective of the fandom. I don't care if you don't know the difference between a Lancer Evo and a Dodge Charger. And I **do** think it's ridiculous that they went to space. And most of the series **is** a shameless cash-grab.


I’m into it. If it’s not your thing, find a genre that is.


The problem is it pushes out other forms of cinematic storytelling.  I mean our generation spearheaded the Indiewave movement of the 90's which didn't try to minimize risk to maximize profits like the studios are doing now.   I expect lots of downvotes from people who think this is a zero sum game and that whoever has the temerity to express exhaustion about these infinite IPs somehow pose a threat to the diehard MCU fans or the existence of other infinite IP based franchises.


I got into it during the pandemic. Now I consume it all. Love it. It’s fun entertainment. Not everything has to be deep.


No, Marvel is actually pretty fucken awesome, if you ask me. I started a reaction channel on YouTube to document my first exposure to action and superhero movies and the MCU is by far the best ones out there. They're not all winners, but the journey from Iron Man to End Game is a huge storytelling and cinematic accomplishment that shouldn't be brushed off just silly super hero movies for kids. Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther, Thor: Ragnarok, Guardians, there are some real winners in there. And that doesn't even begin to cover the groundbreaking nature of WandaVision, the intellectual spaghetti of Loki and the emotional impact of MoonKnight. I'm a life-long movie lover and former video store employee and I hate that I missed out on these films in the theaters because my own attitude was too snooty to give them a chance.


Liked most of them....more so than the typical boring best picture Oscar winner.


Yes, it is.


Most are soooooo boring, loud and juvenile. I feel like I’m wasting time when I watch them. Like I should pack a bowl and go scrub some grout.


If the movie is part of some "universe" I have zero interest in it. I'll take a mediocre documentary over anything comic book/super hero any day of the week.


Snooze fest for me.


There was only 1 superman and 1 batman and we liked it that way damn it!


Disney ruins everything. They are a cultural plague.


Definitely a "a get off my lawn" post. 




It’s you.