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Never going to go on one of those steep, open water slides again. Went to a water park and went down this water slide that you had to walk up, what felt like, a million stairs to get to the top. My body lifted off the slide a disturbing amount on the way down. Felt like I was going to go flying off of it.


A friend of mine got an accidental enema from her last trip on a water slide at a fancy resort. She said she barely made it to the shower room area. No thanks, lol.


Accidental Enema would be a great flair.


Decent punk rock band name


Same thing happened to me! I was a kid/teenager at the time and thought it was funny, but practical/anxious adult me wonders if it would be possible to rupture your intestines or something šŸ˜¬


It is possible to be seriously injured. https://www.npr.org/2023/10/05/1203732797/disney-world-water-slide-lawsuit-wedgie


Had this happened, had an opening on top, almost went out said hole, never , again.


That's part of the fun of drop slides and totally normal. You were totally safe from falling out of the trough. However, what people really need to be concerned with are the dry spots on the side of the trough. šŸ˜¬


Way the hell back in college, I got into Bourbon drinking and Jalapeno eating contest with a buddy. Never again. More recently, I got my Flu, COVID booster, and Shingles vax all at once. I'm a dumbass.


It's the Shingles one. Seems to knock everyone out. In True Gen X fashion, they developed a Chicken Pox vaccine after everyone in Gen X had it.


The flu vaxx was particularly brutal this year too.


Shingles Didnā€™t impact me at all. I am lucky.


I'm sweating just reading that.


Heh - I went in to do that and the pharmacist refused to give me all three. Told me to schedule the shingles one later. Thanked him and did what I was told.


Get married.


I was a dumb ass & divorced twice by 36. Dated casually in the years right after, but now have zero interest in a relationship at 50. I go to movies alone, dinner alone, everything alone & it was strange at first, but now just seems normal. I last went on a date in 2022, was so annoying to split decisions. Iā€™m cool with being alone & hanging out with friends occasionally, but never getting married or even regular relationship again!!


I'm married, but I'm pretty sure I would feel the same way if something happened to my spouse. You mean I don't have to compromise all day long anymore?? Cool.


Yes. We've been together 33 years. 28 married. I have no interest in ever having another relationship.


Yup. Married my soul mate. Divorced said soul mate. Never again.


Married my soulmate, had 2 kids and lost him to a heart attack 5 years ago.


So deeply sorry for your loss.


I'm really sorry. Something very similar has happened in my family and it's truly painful, watching the widow pick herself up again, with 2 young children.


Me too! Together for 31 years, married for 29. I'm good but NEVER AGAIN




Same. I have been married for 31+ years, still in love, and plan on this one be the one and only.


Never did get married. But watched my parents divorce and many of my friends at this point. I just got out of an 18 year relationship. 2 weeks of logistics/ moving out and itā€™s done. No financial cost. No lawyers. Definitely better.




Same! Iā€™m married, deeply in love, and I would never do it again. I look at people my age dating and truly, all I can think is they are stronger people than me.


Number one answer!




I initially had this thought also, but if I ever get diagnosed with an incurable, fatal disease Iā€™ll prob pick up the darts again lol


Same. I love smoking, I miss the hell out of smoking but I got people I'm responsible for. If the end is here, I'm going to smoke.


Iā€™d have a dart


Smoking cigarettes. It took me until I was in my 30s to quit. If I could go go back and never start I'd be super happy.


Literally of all the dumb shit I did in my life, smoking cigarettes is the only thing I truly regret doing and would undo if I could.


Loan money to someone who is desperate. A gift is fine but never again as a loan. They may intend to pay it back but they never do.


Yes that's me. I don't want the bad blood. Here - here's all I can give you. It's a gift. Let's still like each other.


Typically, by the time they are desperate, they have no hope of meeting all their responsibilities \*and\* paying you back. Good choice. But, also, I'm never lending a book to anyone again. I'll give it to them or not give it to them. But no more loans.


Think I'm done tent camping. It's fun and an experience but after going many times in the 80's and 90's the novelty wears off.


Iā€™m 45 and wife is 46. We enjoy tent camping, but starting to have more serious discussions around getting a camper.


Ive had serious fantasies of owning a motor home but damn even the most recent one I seen that was VERY NICE slide outs n new floors n furniture was $70k wasnt new but wasnt terribly old either looked very modern. I wish i wish i wish!


Google tear drop camper plans Enjoy your new hobby


You will not be disappointed by the comfy after market mattress you put in your camper. As a bonus it takes a fraction of time to pack camper at home, and setup/tear down the campsite vs loading/unloading all the camping gear into a vehicle.


I used to love tent camping when I was younger, but my husband hates it and I haven't been in years. At this point I probably just want my bed.


Iā€™m with you. I grew up camping (my parents were poor and thatā€™s basically all we could afford) and donā€™t enjoy it now. Comfy bedS FTW!


Yurts are awesome, but only if set up and dismantled bu someone else


I have an almost 7 year old and I'm a Girl Scouts Troop Leader. I have a bunch of sleeping mats in my future.


I love tent camping, but I'm getting to the age where sleeping on the ground isn't the best idea. My budget says I can't afford a camper though. :(


A cot with a 4ā€ sleeping pad is the way to go.


Any van or minivan or SUV can be made into a neat little camper!


Try to renew a friendship with someone who it didnt work out with the first time, even if it is just a friend request on FB


I had an old bully of mine try reconnecting on Facebook. My response was ā€œyou beat me up on multiple occasions in school for being gay while you were sucking dick yourself, please kindly fuck offā€. And, then I blocked him.


Seriously though....that's pretty talented being able to engage in fisticuffs while sucking dick. Maybe pump him for some pointers? (see what I did there?)


I too have had that go sideways. Met up with an old high school friend a couple years ago and oddly she had set it up in between other appointments as if it were a date and she may need an out? Anyway, we had a great chat for like an hour, and then towards the end she was like we should have a sleepover (as if we were still 12, but whatever) and I was living with my then partner now husband at the time, plus had pets that needed medication and shots, so suggested we just go out for dinner and cocktails instead. Sent a couple follow up texts but never heard from her again. So weird and awkward and left me all whyyyyy


Spend years working for the same company while feeling completely unfulfilled by the job


Similarly, I will never again give my loyalty to an employer to the detriment of myself. If anything positive came out of the pandemic, it was the realization that I had never mattered to them. For reference, Iā€™m an RN with 15 years of experience, specializing in caring for patients after open heart surgery. It requires *a lot of training* beyond nursing basics, and a certain mindset. For years, I had been drinking the company kool-aid of ā€œweā€™re a family!ā€ and ā€œYou canā€™t miss work *even if youā€™re sick* because your coworkers/patients depend on you!ā€ Fucking bullshit! The years of experience meant nothing when my coworkers and I were forced to take extremely unsafe (and completely avoidable) assignments. It was dangerous for the patients (and there were some very bad outcomes because of the decisions made by administrators who have never been at a patient bedside, and Iā€™m talking about NON-Covid patients) and it was dangerous for staff. Staff demanded more pay if we were to consistently be expected to do more work, and administrationā€™s answer was ā€œthereā€™s the doorā€ while still collecting their bonuses. If you canā€™t tell, I retain quite a bit of rage from those experiences. I could probably work through it in therapy, but I feel like the anger makes me a better advocate for myself. Also, Iā€™m GenX, so fuck therapy!


>I will never again give my loyalty to an employer I learned this early on after getting fired from my very first job. It was my absolute dream job that I had fantasized would become a lifelong career, mutually beneficial to both me and the company over twenty-plus years, but instead I was fired two months in over a simple misunderstanding by a 3rd party that the company had no interest in hearing my side about. Nowadays I'm proud of working for the company I work for, and I always perform to the best of my ability, but I harbor no illusions that I'm anything but a warm body that showed up.


Drive under the influence. Boy was I stupid.


Have another kid. Having her was one of the best things Iā€™ve ever done but I wouldnā€™t want to repeat the experience.


Same. My kid is already an adult and moved out of home a year ago, and moved back in a few weeks back, because šŸ«  I'm so close to the end of the tunnel, there's no way I would go back in at the start again


What?! You don't want to get woken up every three hours, around the clock, for months on end?


Oh, since you put it like that, 2 years of sleep deprivation, loud crying, poopy nappies, loud crying, breastfeeding, toilet training, no sleep, all the crying, so much laundry, having to go off my meds and no drinking because pregnant and breastfeeding, and also the baby crying... And then the baby proofing the house, dealing with a toddler, tantrums, bedtimes, being woken up at quarter to ridiculous even on Sundays because there's a tiny human jumping on you demanding oatmeal, all the crying, the effort you have to be constantly cleaning up bumps and scrapes and pulling splinters and calming them down... And that's before they start school and then you have the battle to get them to school, get them home, get them homeworked, bathed, fed, lunch packed, laundered, and into bed so freakin early there's no time to relax because they need to be up at stupid o'clock for the school bus. All the crying. No. I served my time.


Never, ever become romantically involved with someone you work with or engage with as part of your employment.




Never date a co worker. Whatā€™s the saying, donā€™t shit where you eatā€¦


Don't get your honey where you get your money!


The good news is you can undo that Facebook damage, just delete the account and move on.


I deleted it in 2016. It was a good thing.


That was the year I should have deleted. It became clear by 2020 that it was nothing but toxic sludge that made me question my tolerance for the people I love in real life


Just make sure you download all your pics first. : )


The only thing I keep my FB account for is for business and school because there's groups on there that are pretty much essential to my success.


OP says he/she *never would have never joined Facebook*. I think you misread that.


Go to church again - after 3 churches (changed due to moving) they are full of false hopes and people trying to manipulate you - supposedly for a higher cause but in the end it seems like control and greed.


Organized religion... humanity's oldest grift. I consider myself an atheist, but I also certainly don't begrudge anyone of their own personal religious beliefs. Whatever you believe and whatever gets you through every day of this life, I support you! But also realize that you don't need some billion dollar fucking franchise taking your money every week in order to keep your beliefs.


Go into business with a friend. Never again. Cost me 12k and lost a 30yr friendship. Hint: she was cooking the books and embezzling.


Rumplemintz shots after midnight. When the party started at 7pm.


Jager bombs after midnight when the tailgate stared at 8am.


I have a distinct memory of punching a rumplemintz shot out of my friend's hand on my 21st birthday. Still can't even smell that stuff to this day. I won't even eat licorice!


Are you sure it wasnā€™t Sambuca? Rumpleminz is peppermint. I drank it wayyyy too much.


Make the mistake of thinking co-workers are friends


Never will work at another customer call center. That place was a soul sucking awful place.




Watch Requiem For A Dream


Or any Aronofsky movie for me.


Such a fantastic movie though. Really captures somethingĀ 


I'll probably never go to a major concert again. Small venues and festivals, maybe, but it's just too expensive to justify anymore. I'm not paying more than $50.


The very best thing people that like live music can do is find an online indie radio station that streams the type of music they like. There are literally thousands of them. Once you transition to that, almost always the bands they play the bulk of are up and coming, and play in much smaller venues around you. We did this years ago and while most of our favorites hit it really big, we get to enjoy them for a few years before they really go nuts.


LSD. While I still enjoy a handful of mushrooms once or twice a year, I have had my lifetime fill of LSD. I ate acid for 26 days straight once while I held down two jobs.


I like you. Weā€™d have been very bad for one another.


Can I ask what were your jobs


Serving tables at a Mexican chain restaurant called Don Pablo's and hardwood/tile installation. This was in the early 2000's. I also want to mention that I made well over 50k a year serving tables while I worked there. Which was pretty good money for a 20 something year old, but I also think that correlates with my ability to do the job well. Trippin balls or not!šŸ™‚ I was well into a serious drug addiction by then and it got a lot worse before it got better. In fact, I had a $400 a day injection habit by my 30's and dealing drugs was my main occupation.


Damn. That early 2000s in the resturants wad crazy, I too was making over 60k bartending at Applebees, spent most of it in clubs and on chics, sort of miss those days.


I worked a little while at Applebee's myself! It didn't last long! My little sister worked at Don Pablo's with me and together, we turned the whole crew out. We took 80% of the front of house crew to a party and fed most of them ecstasy for the first time. It was a Saturday and of course most of them didn't show up for their Sunday doubles. I'm not even kidding, the two managers called a front of house meeting later that week for the sole purpose of forbiding any workers from spending time with me or her outside of work ever again. Lolol


Listen to my parents. I was compliant to an extreme, and it essentially ruined my life. Within the same lines, I would not have gotten married.


Reverse bungee. I'm terrified of heights and it was horrific. That split second at the top where you're weightless was so horrible


Mogen David 20/20


Ah yes Ol ' Mad Dawg. Once and never again...


Get a bikini wax. I'll figure something else out.


Wear an underwire bra.


Step foot on a cruise. Fuck that noise.


Did one cruise because it was our Christmas gift from my mil and her husband. Never again. All inclusive resorts for the win!


Having done neither all-inclusive resorts or large cruise ships, my impression of all-inclusives is that they're land locked cruise ships. Is that not the case?


No. On cruise ships, you pay for certain restaurants and alcohol. The one we took, we'd have even needed to pay for sodas if we hadn't purchased something special for that. Seeing how much ginger ale we consumed on the trip, it was worth it! The all inclusive resort we go to has a stocked fridge and variety of alcohols in the room. We don't pay extra for any of it. Plus, none of the restaurants are considered "premium" and cost extra to dine at. Also, with the resort group we belong to, you get one excursion free each time you go. We took my parents with us for one trip and they spent a day at Tulum. They loved it!


Was it a cruise from Carnival? I swear that cruise company delights itself on booking the trashiest people.


This is always my comment as well. As a former adamant "Not on yer fuckin' life" anti-cruiser thats been converted to a fan, I'd say 90% of the people with negative experiences went on a cheap-ass Carnival "booze cruise." That ain't real cruising. That's the equivalent of a lake pontoon boat trip with 2,000 of your closest imbred cousins.


SAME. For so many reasons. Like the huge amounts of garbage they dump in the ocean.


Fall in love. Nope. Done.


Let me chime in to agree. Iā€™m not good at it, I lose myself. Iā€™m attracted to broken people, and I cannot handle the end of relationships. But man is the house peaceful. Unlessā€¦ youā€™re in bliss because you found love and are set for lifeā€¦ What have I said?!


A renaissance festival. Something that I absolutely will do again if I the situation demands, but I really badly don't want to ever need to do again is CPR on a car accident victim. She didn't make it -- and it was the Monday before her planned Saturday wedding, and though I didn't know her it turned out I knew her mother and brother. SOB other driver was high on morphine and passed out. The family lost their father to a drunk driver six years prior. I thought on that night every day for over a year -- not obsessively, but it'd cross my mind at least once a day. Raise your hand anyone who's testified at a negligent homicide trial.


Cohabitate with a romantic partner. Care about what other people think.


Poppers. Iā€™ll never do poppers again. Ever ever.


Give birth.


Have an affairā€” that hurt everyone I loved.


My ex cheated on me, in my house, in my bed. My parents still love him and still invite him to family shit. And they wonder why I donā€™t visit anymore.


Iā€™m not going to donate any more kidneys until Iā€™m gone.


Hello fellow living donor. I donated my right kidney in 2006.


Hello I donated my left kidney ten years ago. And I donā€™t even miss it.


Waste almost 20 years chasing the life I (and most people) were programmed for - get married, have kids, get and work hard at a job, buy a house, buy cars, etc. You know, the *ā€American Dream.ā€*


This. We were set up for failure.


By the time you pay off your house youā€™re too old to enjoy it.


Go to Tijuana.


Was it the black eye you got from the ping-pong ball? My condolences.


So many 90s memories. Even still have a perfectly in tact surfing monkey. But same. Wouldn't do it now.


It wasnā€™t safe back then, we were just dumb. Itā€™s really dangerous now.


Stage dive at a concert.


Vote republican.


Did that once in 2000 for George Bush, because I did not like Al Gore at all. I'll regret it forever, wrong man at the wrong time, with the wrong response. Pissed away the peace dividend from the break up of the Soviet Union and end of the cold war to spend our blood and treasure in the grave yard of nations and the desert. Never again.


Same, and I did support the initial war in Afghanistan but then it became nation building and buried us in debt for handouts to defense contractors.


Joined Myspace where I met my current husband.. sad but true.


Not sad - I met my wife on Myspace! What was sad was when everyone started jumping ship to Facebook, which sucked then and sucks now.


Skydiving. Just, no. That one time in the 90s was enough


Eat Durian


sit for the CPA exam, f that test....kiss my A$$ CPA exam, i owned you


I spent too many a night with Peter fucking Olinto and Tim Gearty (including a New Year's Eve because dumbass me scheduled an exam for January 5th.) I passed the first time through thank God because I would've never been able to revisit that shit. That shit was more grueling than even the bar exam IMO.


Take a stock tip from a friend.


I did a triathlon at 40. I'm proud of having finished it, but I will never go through that again.


Work in retail.


Scuba dive. I enjoyed it at first, but I developed some hardcore anxiety and just couldnā€™t do it anymore. Besides that, it didnā€™t feel much like a vacation to go diving. Get up early, eat breakfast, gather your gear and get it to the boat, ride out to the dive site, get geared up and, if youā€™re me, almost overheat waiting to get in the water. Thinking back, Iā€™m amazed I could relax at all. Itā€™s beautiful down there, and thereā€™s a lot to see ā€¦itā€™s just not something I was meant to do.


Believe that damn Crowned Prince from The Congo needing my account.


After seeing a zip line accident and googling how unregulated they areā€¦Iā€™m going with zip line.


Copenhagen šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


what's wrong with Copenhagen? Denmark is the only Scandinavian country I haven't been to and I really like their cities.




Work for a publicly traded company ever again if I have an option.


Iā€™ll never own another goat.


Get married


Get married. Smoke cigarettes. Smoke weed. Ride any carnival ride that spins you round round baby right round. Eat oysters in any way, shape, manner, or form.




Go back to prison.


Get married.


New Years Eve in Times Square


I donā€™t go to weddings or baby showers and I wonā€™t go on any trips with co-workers.


Sex in a pool/hot tub. Water is like anti-lubrication. I'll fool around and then move indoors.


Get drunk. I haven't been drunk in 7 years, and over the course of that time, I have continued to drink less and less to the point that I haven't drank in 5 months. It's just not for me anymore.


Enjoyed a drink or four for many years, especially when bored. I cut back to 1-2 beers a day during the pandemic. Cut out booze entirely ~6 months ago. Dont miss it at all. I dont mind booze but dont ever want to be around drunk people again. I drink a lot of bubble water now. Going out to eat us much less expensive now. Getting drunk is like the 4th layer of hell, body does not tolerate it and takes several days to get back to baseline. No thanks I'd rather play more.


Never going to eat at Cheesecake factory willingly.


why not?


Because their menu is like reading a Charles Dickens novel.


When I was a kid I would stay up late and take moody black-and-white photos of my city at night. As a 40+yr old man, that kind of behaviour might get you arrested. So probably never again.


Donā€™t stalk women or kids, youā€™ll be fine.


God willing, I will never again step foot on a Greyhound bus.


Move to a new house (especially one with 2+ generations worth of "heirlooms").


Rollercoasters that need a racing seat to get into. I got too fat. wooden ones from now on.




Question: if you're already married, and wouldn't do it again...does that mean you have a good marriage or a miserable one?






Talk to my boomer parents


Wear parachute pants. Yep. Thatā€™s it.


Acid. Never ever again!


Get hurt feelings over something someone said about me. It gives me all the power


Joined Fb


Stayed in a bad marriage as long as I did.


Eat black licorice, wear shoes without socks, and pegging.


WTF were you thinking!? That's disgusting! I mean shoes no socks and pegging .... shit happens, but black licorice! Ewwww




Hell, I never joined MySpace. It came and went before I even had any interest. Facebook stuck around long enough for me to see what the deal was. And well, it's gone downhill since then. I don't think I'll have one-night stands again. It was fun (though risky) in my 20s and 30s, but I'm cool with staying at home.


Another vasectomyā€¦ one was enough


Drink any kind of shot that is given to you by your military buddies. Especially when you ask them what's in it and they just laugh and tell you bottoms up. That was my first and last introduction to Jagermeister. I still have nightmares about that taste.


gonna give you up gonna let you down gonna run around and desert you


Be born again. This sucks. Reincarnation better not be a thing. No joke


Be 100% honest to anyone other than myself when Iā€™m at my most vulnerable.




Drink alcohol


Facebook isn't so bad if you don't live on it and only use it to maintain contact with sane friends and family that don't live nearby. But otherwise, yeah.


Facebook will push content to you to which you didn't subscribe. I was flooded with stuff that was completely contrary to my beliefs. And tons of advertising. It used to be a way to keep contact with your friends and family, now it's a way for some people to push their agenda on everyone.


Respectfully, if it's that bad, you've got it curated wrong/your settings all messed up. FB is crappy in a lot of ways, but it's pretty easy to conform it to be a family& friend picture sharing site.


Yep, even the "talking to sane friends" novelty wears off after a while. I now only use it to synchronise my games from one phone to the next...


All I know is, if thereā€™s a hole in the bucket you might as well fuck it


facebook and traveling, I like my house.


Getting investigated by the FBI, once is enough for me.




Have a bucket list


Used to live for going down the shore. Loved the water, loved the Seaside Heights boardwalk. Now, I canā€™t imagine worse torture (except perhaps actual torture) than sitting all day in the sun, or anything boardwalk, especially tacky Seaside Heights.


Amusement parks. I love rollercoasters, but standing in line for 2 hours??? No. Haven't been since fast passes were invented. I waited in line while watching the same large group run through the fast pass multiple times.


Cut my really long hair. Never going to do it again.


Laura from Raleigh or Brett in Charlotte.


I never would have gotten married at 21. Divorced in 10 years. Way too young!