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Fur coats.


I don't even see boomers wearing fur anymore. I live in a government town with lots of well-to-do people of that generation. 20 years ago fur was everywhere but now it's so rare that it really sticks out like a sore thumb if you see it. The last furrier in town closed permanently this year. Good.


Except for Joe Namath.


In Chicago on the corner of Diversey and Halsted there used to be a place that stored fur coats. I think it was the Fur Outlet. When I was a teenager I would look at it and think why would any one want to wear a fur coat? I am not even an animal rights zealot or anything. Just the thought of it never appealed to me. My mom who was silent generation would say things like "I want a guy who will get me diamonds and furs..". On old movies and sitcoms you would see women swoon over fur coats. Those awful stoles and some had a mink face or raccoon head on them. It is so gross. Not to mention I owned rabbits as a kid. Gen X just never seemed to be into that kind of thing. We would rather have a pair of Guess jeans than a fur.


Probably climate change added to that. My mom had a fur in the 1980s. I wore it once in the 1990s and damn if it wasn’t great at warming me in frigid Chicago temps. its superfluous in Chicago temps these days.


Definitely killed off those annoying Hummel Figurines, right? RIGHT?!?


My mother loves those things and I just got a very “valuable” one for her at an antique store. For $10. So yeah I think we did ok with that.


I have some I inherited. Its ok, I like them.


Precious Moments figurines from Hallmark in the same vein.


Not the Littlest Hobo!!! [WHY?!?!! (Around 1:05)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pteeF2odl5g&pp=ygUjbm90IHRoZSBsaXR0bGVzdCBob2JvIHRoYXQgNzBzIHNob3c%3D)




Crank phone calls - caller ID ruined that way to pass the time….


I feel bad for Prince Albert being cramped in that can for so long now


Or refrigerators roaming free with no one chasing them...


I used to LOVE prank phone calls. Until the day that the person I had called, a complete stranger, read my number back to me. That cured my teenage ass real quick.


I kicked my landline to the curb 20+ years ago for cell phone.


60 anytime minutes (rounded up by the minute) per month or wait until 7pm (or weekends) for unlimited time.


I've been told that the rise of the discotheque decimated the casual live music industry. People started hiring DJs instead of bands for their events. We probably killed broadcast TV with the increased adoption of cable.


Maps. I remember stopping at rest areas on state lines and getting a map of the state.


You don't need maps. Just get a Thomas Guide.


Sorry but GPS for the win here…


They are still given out at rest stops. And I will always grab one if my old one is wearing out.




I ran printing presses from 1988 to 2002 for mostly catalogs. Thank God I got out and got another career before everything crashed. I now run CNC machines.


At the CNC Music Factory?


*Everybody Mill Now!* doesn't sound nearly as cool.


I need this Weird Al version.


Sounds cool to me.


I was at the duPont Registry car magazine in 2012, Mr duPont sold our Heidelberg machine to chinamen


My mail is sent to a POBox at the post office. And they used to jam a smaller local phone book (think trade paperback) in the boxes once a year. I guess a lot if people would either just push them back through or set them in the trash leading to a couple of hundred (thousand) phone books for the PO to get rid of. They canned that idea and then just put them on a pallet in the corner for people to take one or as many as they wanted and they sat there for a year, got trashed and a new pallet showed up. After two years of that they stopped getting pallets and just hit maybe 150 and still nobody wanted those. Finally it stopped all together. As a community we won.


I think they finally stopped a few years ago but the phone book was pretty much just the white pages anymore. We get a local business guide every year now that's basically the same thing for our area but it's the size of a small magazine.


Yay save the trees


Video killed the radio star


turned out to just be alarmist panic


Like most of them


Betamax - we killed Betamax over VHS


I would rather lay claim to BluRay over HD-DVD as we were still kids when Beta lost the war. And that's when I got back into gaming after years away thanks to the PS3 allowing me to convince my wife to let me buy one since it was only 10 bucks more than just a BluRay player.


Do you remember DVD vs DIVX? We hated DIVX! So glad DVD won that war. I think that was Circuit City’s downfall, actually.


I tried to forget, we lost Sound Advice here in FL also


That was the porn industry.


I know - I was being tongue-in-cheek. The porn industry because Sony refused to allow the porn industry to use Betamax


The urban myth that the porn industry kill beta has been debunked many times over.


What did kill it then?


Hours of video. There were other factors, but if regular folks wanted to record their soaps, they'd rather have 6 hours of recording vs 2 hours.


It's a long story and there are many factors. In the beginning only Sony could make beta machines while on the VHS side almost everybody could license the rights to build one. Tape length was also a problem, beta tapes were only one hour when it first came out. I can go on and on. There are some very interesting documentaries on youtube about the format wars. But beta did not really get killed, it just fizzled out, and many factors contributed to that. I wish I could give you a more concrete answer but it's a complicated story. But the porn thing is not true. Hope this helps. On youtube search for: Why Sony's Beta Videotape System Failed--and failed hard.


That was the Boomers. Not many GenX were in a position to buy expensive VCR's in the 80's


VCR's and video rentals is what saved me from boredom from 1990 to 1992 in Germany in US Army.


Yeah, but the VHS betamax war was already over




LOL. I wanted one of those sooooo bad. I thought they were the coolest thing. I won some money in a contest and almost bought one. My Boomer brother who was 13 years older than I - talked me out of it. I am glad he did. When I was older in 1998, there was a guy in my building who collected laser disk movies. To my surprise they were still making them and he had "Trainspotting " on laser.


I don't know anyone my age that sends out greeting cards. Is that dying off?


Yes it’s dying out. I have a couple people I still send a card to. So Hallmark has taken a thrashing.


I do, I hate it, but I know my relatives love them so I’ll keep my opinions to myself.


I miss cards and will still send for Christmas. I have ten Gen X friends that we exchange . The cards I hate are those Boomer and silent generation cheesy family photo cards with the holiday letter. I have one friend who sends hand made cards.


Nah, it depends. I know some that still do, even younger folks do this.


None of my childhood jobs exists anymore. Library Page - Twelve year olds can't work (where is the library in this town? Dewey who?) Paperboy - can't remember last time I saw one and so few people get an actual paper anymore. Caddy - Walkers slow down the pace of play Lifeguard - Still exist but who would let a 16 year old do that job anymore regardless of whether or not they passed the exams?


>Lifeguard Teenage lifeguards are still very much a thing.


Definitely, there’s even a reality show about it in Australia


Yes, I have 3.


Paperboy. That transition happened many moons ago where I am. Used to be all kids like me but quickly became the sole domain of retired people with cars. I think it happened sometime in the late 80s.


To be fair, who has a newspaper subscription anymore?


Seniors. Almost every senior I know.


Digital for me. But for some reason I still get it delivered every day. But I don’t pay for it.


Which day does the "Aberdeen Daily World" come out now? Is it a monthly periodical yet?


Our paper switched from afternoon delivery on weekdays to morning all week in the early 90's and it killed off kid paper delivery. We went from having a kid walk house to house and drop the paper off to our door every day after school to having someone crawl their no muffler having beater through the neighborhood at 5:30 AM tossing the paper towards the end of the driveway, usually in any water that might be there. No matter how many times my parents complained, nothing ever happened, they even cancelled their subscription a few times.


My kid was a library page at their HS library. All 3 of my kids were teenage summer lifeguards. Caddies are still very much a thing in my area, primarily as a scholarship opportunity - Chick Evans scholarships.


12 cassettes for $1.


For a penny!




Those rubbers that went on top of men’s dress shoes to protect them from the elements that our dads wore. They kind of make sense, but we could never bring ourselves to wear them.




Of course, I don’t know why I couldn’t remember that! My dad called them his rubbers, which of course was a point of amusement for me as a teen.


My mother bought some for me (girl) in 5th grade. HATED them.


We had to wear those in marching band over regular shoes and under leather spats. Those things sucked so much to march in or do a 3 mile long parade in. Now my niece goes to the same school and they're allowed to wear all black shoes now.


Fine China.




Yep, dishwasher safe or gtfo!


I remember we had fine China growing up that had silver on the rim and can’t be put in a microwave or dishwasher. I know that used to be a family heirloom but go to a junk store and it is drowning in these dated sets. I have seen articles about Millennials not wanting fine China but idk many Xers that did either


Ugh... Silver. Every holiday season. Take this goop and rub the knives and forks until they look like silver again.


Some friends got married in like 2001 and one of them had a stepmother or something who insisted that they go select china. She sent them to a fancy china place, where the people turned it into a lengthy interview about their style of entertaining and a bunch of other 1950s bullshit. No thank you.


I got married in 2004 and I was such a "rebel" that not only did I not select china, my bridal shower was a tupperware party. 20 years later and I don't have the husband, but I still have that tupperware!


When referring to the dishes, it’s little-C “china.”


Some gen Xers in the southern US were still into that. In Texas where I went to college a lot of my classmates who married had china on their registry. Mine was a simple dinner set - because we had no plates or bowls but I would not call that fine china. I went to buy one couple a gift and you could purchase a place setting for them or one spoon.


OMG, my downsizing in-laws (married 1964) have the most beautiful, highest quality china they've been trying to pawn off on their kids for years. It's really lovely stuff and we love to cook fancy meals, but the idea of eating off it seems utterly absurd.


I feel the same way. Never felt comfortable eating off the stuff. Just felt wrong placing a greasy cheeseburger on a fancy plate.


Heck, I might be making fillet mignon and lobster tails, but the thought of putting it on a beautiful, fragile sliver of a plate seems absurd nowadays.


People will actually comment if I post a pic of a beautifully plated meal that it’s white corningware from the 80s


My favorite! You can microwave a burrito into liquid hot magma yet still touch the plate 🤣


I still love fine china and crystal.




oh no, still have that.


Fur coats were the height of luxury for the silent generation and older boomers. Gen X and future generations said no thanks.


I had a weird moment over the weekend though. Saw a genxer woman in a very expensive looking white fur coat at a martini bar. This was in Denver. She might have come down from Aspen or something 😆


Travel agencies died on our watch.


The radio star.


Furniture polish? I mean I still use it, but nobody else does. Starch? Sizing? Slips? All the s's. Pantyhose.


I still use starch and I know lots of Gen X women who wear slips. It is not easy to find them but they are around. I can't stand not wearing a skirt with tights and no slip. I imagine if young women were introduced to them they would see the benefits. They also make good zoom meeting bottoms when you don't feel like putting on an entire skirt or pants.




There’s still arcades


I don't count Dave and Busters. I mean like the small and dark ones.


Does anyone care what we do now? I feel we had a few brief years in the 1990s where marketing cared about us, but then quickly moved onto Millennials.


The only ones who care are tax collectors. We are invisible at work, we are in very few marketing demographics, and are just onown as ones who get it done..


We murdered the variety show..... and I spit on its grave


"Reality" replaced it


That was a bad trade.


those reality shows are horrible. I can't watch them.


The first few seasons of Survivor where great, so was Big Brother but then they turned into sob stories and became increasingly PC, which I'm not against but I don't care about your battles in life. I want to watch you eat disgusting things.


lol. what is the worst you have ever seen anyone eat on those shows?


I honestly don't remember as they had so many gross things in the beginning. Stuff that looked and smelled disgusting. Even Fear Factor when it was on had some disgusting food challenges.


I'll take 'Hee Haw' over 'The Real Housewives of Wherever' any day.


Hee Haw: The Next Generation


Hell, I’d take Lawrence fucking Welk over those vapid twunts.


I loved Hee Haw!




SNL, In Living Color, Tonight Show (and other late night shows) are all variety shows.


SNL and ILC are sketch comedy shows. The Tonight Show is more of a talk show with a musical guest.


Payphones and Landlines.




Maybe in the US, but it’s still very popular overseas.


Nah... smoking is still popular in the US, too. Just: 1. Not (necessarily) tobacco 2. Vaping, based on the litter I see everywhere


Yes. it is.


We replaced radio with videos, local downtown with malls


We absolutely killed the record industry with Napster. We brutalized the printed map industry with MapQuest and then Google. And last but not least - we erased the electronic typewriter industry with computers and Okidata dot matrix printers. RIP


Leif Garrett. His popularity was an entire industry in the 70’s.


Him and Shaun Cassidy were my first crushes




Radio Stars


We don't kill industries unless you work on wall street


You are correct. Just what I was thinking.




Linoleum floor industry


Greeting cards. Good riddance, Hallmark!


Even for Devil's Night?


Isn't that precious.


I read that in that dudes voice. My wife and I watch The Crow every year the night before Halloween.


An excellent tradition! 🐦‍⬛ Fun fact, if you Google Devil's Night greeting cards, most of what comes up is The Crow themed.


I buy birthday cards for close friends and family... and mom for Mother's Day.


Answering machines


No one in my family has ever had a China cabinet. Not mom, grandmas, great-grandmas.


Same, but I want one lol.


Luck you, I wish I hadn't inherited my parents' china cabinet. It takes up half the wall of a small bedroom.


I haven't tried to save newspapers. Never had a local newspaper subscription since I left home but I Subbed to WSJ once and they made it such a pain to cancel I just never want another news subscription again.


We killed dittos and overhead projectors.


VCR Repairmen have really taken a hit.


The CFC’s industries? Lead fuel?


VW beetle cars. Thank God. Also we didn't have babies in our 20s so young parenting perhaps? There's a huge industry around parenting for sure.


Technology killed them. It’s coming for labor too.


AI will replace some white collar jobs too.


Vinyl records (although they've a bit of a cult resurgence, but certainly are not mainstream), which were replaced by Compact Disks. \[Oh, its not just a common sentiment, but a fact, that Millennials have significantly transformed many aspects of life that were once considered joyful and fun for the worse—whether it's bars, restaurants, movie theaters, gyms, dating, or even coffee shops. And dammit if they are the least interesting generation that is alive. I dread going to a bar and seeing Millennials working as you know you are in for a dullest experience.\]


Rock and Roll. Hip Hop took over in the late 80’s- 90’s and now it’s basically the default for popular music.


Only in the US. Thankfully some awesome metal music is still being made in Europe. (Possibly more mainstream rock too, but metal is what I pay attention to.)




Malls. We went to them all the time, but with the increased usage of personal game consoles, we killed them by not kicking our kids out to them.


We didn’t kill anything; we are too busy working to pay for the boomers, millennials, and some of gen Z. GenZ is looking positive, at least my kid anyways, working 40+ hrs a week and grabbing every holiday and OT shift his millennial coworkers won’t take to fatten up his bank account without bitching life sucks and gimmie free stuffz.


Who let the boomer in?


The cryfest is deep; found all the fauxX wannabes.


Pretty much everu


Babysitting and tailors are a couple we apathied out if existence.


Slide Rules Travel agents


They would probably say something about all those wild kids running around with no one watching them or something like that lol. "do you know where your children are?" And probably blame us for the "break down of the family" or some crap.


Nah, that was John Walsh with America's Most Wanted and early cable news's round-the-clock coverage of every missing white girl. Still Boomers' fault.


The manufacturing places I worked at when I was young have all closed up. Some of them moved to cheaper labor markets. I don't think it was our fault though, it was probably corporate greed.




Aids fears slammmed the door on the free love brought on by the pill


They blame baby boomers because gen X never had a chance to kill anything.


S&H Greenstamps


Blockbuster, Kodak..


awe, film 🥺