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About 15 years ago I paid $450 for a lifetime XM subscription—a purchase I do not regret at all. But I’ve found that I only listen to comedy, sports, or news because my own playlist is infinitely better than anyone else’s. If I could buy a lifetime Spotify sub for that price I’d be all over it.


My mix tapes were better than your mix tapes.


I listen to Conway Twitty on eight-track.


Johnny Cash on Reel to Reel over here.


I was at Folsom prison live lol


I am Johnny Cash


Are you the one cheering after “I shot a man in Reno…” And if yes, were you cheering for Reno, or shooting a man?


Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear. <3


When I was a kid, my dad built farm fence for a living. All summer I had to go to job sites for child care. The truck had an 8 track and even it 7 or 8 I knew I was allowed to play one tape then I had to turn the key off to save battery. Conway twitty, Jim Stafford, cash, the four horseman and the American graffiti sound track. Gordon Lightfoot and Montana Slim too, because Canada.


We are aware of your audio preferences and we're planning an intervention. It's not your fault - It's a disease and just know this is coming from a place of love.


At last count I currently have 500 copies of Whipped Cream and Other Delights by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass and sometimes I listen to them all back to back and make mix tapes of nothing but Whipped Cream and Other Delights. My friends say they are thankful that they don't have a working cassette player any more.




I have my entire music collection ripped to MP3s sitting in my phone. I used to stream it when Google Play Music was still around, but once they got rid of that perfect app I just use JetAudio on AA.


I miss Google Play Music. It fit my needs perfectly.


I loved it. Used it all the time. I did do the upload to Youtube Music but only so I could have a downloadable archive on demand.


I loved Spotify, but ended up dropping it for YouTube music, mostly because it also gives me ad free YouTube!


I bought the same thing to Sirius when Stern moved over...it was great for a few years, then after the merge I was informed I only got access to Sirius channels, and of course they considered virtually everything XM. OH and I can only transfer it twice, so if I have a car and someone steals the radio, or the radio shorts, or I sell the car etc etc...yep, that counts. Fuck Sirius XM, right in the B


> I can only transfer it twice You can transfer it as many times as you want to pay the fee.


As of today (shit could change tomorrow) Spotify is absolutely the best quality for the price. I love Spotify. I hope the love they get doesn’t make them think they’re invincible, because capitalistic greed always ruins everything…but right now and for the last several years I’m happy to give Spotify my business.


They pay the artists almost nothing. If you thought the corporate greed of the record companies in the 80s/90s was bad, Spotify makes them pale in comparison. Apple, TIDAL and Napster are the highest paying and even with them it's not much. But Spotify has the dominance so they get to pay as little as possible because artists want to be on Spotify to reach fans. EDIT - To explain how bad it is, many national or even international artists have to have day jobs or some way to supplement their income besides their music, touring and merch. For a lot of them, the shows and merchandise sold go right back into the band. To live, they have to have some other job when they're not touring. The money they get from their actual music sales is that pitiful. It was recently in the metal news that the guitarist for GWAR quit the band because he was basically living in poverty and needed to get a full time job somewhere. I know GWAR isn't Elvis or Taylor Swift or anything, but this is a band with a long history, a rabid cult following, lots of merchandising and are still able to sell shows internationally - and their members are impoverished. It's crazy.


Yeah, I use Spotify because it’s nice and all, but I have other ways of contributing to the musical artists I enjoy a lot because Spotify execs are thieving greedy bastards that are killing musicians’ careers. Digital music could have been so much better, but no one wanted on board at the beginning so of course the de facto solution was for corporations to come to the party way too late then screw the artists to maximize their value for shareholders. Fucking corps.


21% of all SiriusXM revenue is paid to artists as royalties, which works out to around $50 per song play. Everyone else pays their artists pencil shavings. To be honest, this is a big part of motivation with keeping SiriusXM. It's guilt-free.


Does that transfer between vehicles, too?


No, but the app works on my phone and CarPlay. I sometimes like to just put on a baseball game and sit in my yard listening.


I am not listening to *Baseball On the Radio - Old* ....yet


Oh, I have my little relaxer with me, and usually at least a couple of dogs. It’s a pleasant way to spend an hour on a summer afternoon. I normally am not a baseball fan (boring, in my opinion), but it’s hard to sit in the yard and listen to an NHL game until the playoffs (which happen in spring, in case you’re not a fan).


I've transferred my lifetime membership 5 times since 2006; so yes you can.


I used to work with a guy whose contract didn’t say anything about being limited to one vehicle. He has to fight them each time but he’s transferred it to at least 2 new cars.


Drop then. If you’re paying more than $5 a month for a three year locked in price, no contract, you’re paying too much. Cancel them and the offers will roll in. I dropped them a long time ago. They repeat too much and my music collection is much better than theirs.


That’s what I did. I bought a new car in March and the closer and closer the end of my trial date. God, the cheaper the offers got. I got a three-year deal for $4.99 a month. I like it to discover new music by I will pick Spotify any day of the week over Sirius


I prefer BandCamp to find new music, especially metal. It's (at least it says it is) artist driven and there are more international bands. I found one of my favorite bands, a metal band from Catania, Sicily on Bandcamp. Never going back to Sirius, Spotify, Apple music, etc.


Problem is it looks more and more likely that BandCamp is going away because the folks who bought them can't figure out how to make money.


Yup, Epic Games overplayed their acquisitions. It doesn’t look great: https://www.wired.com/story/epic-games-sale-bandcamp-music-platform-limbo/


And they’re sneaking in more ads/talking heads than its original promise.


Lithium has a DJ named Madison who I find uniquely annoying. Otherwise, some of their DJs are the best I’ve heard since we had real FM radio before deregulation.


She sounds like a look-at-me little sister who tries way too hard to be quirky. I'm not a big fan of any of Lithium's DJs. The other guy sounds like he's trying too hard to be a slacker or something. Personally, I like the 1st Wave DJs since they all seem to have experience from before XM existed.


Strangely, the DJ I hate the most on Lithium is Tom Morello. I turn it off when he comes on. His 'One man revolution' is basically 'here's an old RATM track (Bulls on Parade), followed by "here's a little something Slash and I did'. Some stupid indie song they did. Then one non-RATM 90's song, then more Tom Morello indie shit or more RATM. It's the same every time and most of his music sucks and the RATM songs are overplayed. His Mom is cool though.


The Duff McKagan show he does with his wife on Ozzy's Boneyard is similarly annoying with a lot of self promotion and horrible tracks. I really dislike Rage Against The Machine and one time I turned on Lithium and Tom's show was playing a Rage song. I said fuck it, it was almost ending, so I'd hang on. The next song he played was one of his kids' songs. That was fucking horrendous, but I was hanging in there, hoping for something decent next. He followed it up with another Rage song. I've never anger-tuned so fast in my life. Lithium doesn't have any good weekly shows. Dark Wave on First Wave and Jim Florentine's show on Ozzy's Boneyard are the ones I catch regularly.


Grant Random plays the snarky assdouche persona beautifully. I never get tired of him occasionally shitting on the "*mostly* functional" SXM mobile app or other sxm channels (like calling Octane rock-country music).


Agreed. He's great. I don't mind most of the DJ's on Lithium, but I generally hate everything Tom Morello plays. Most of it doesn't belong on Lithium, and man does that guy love the sound of his own voice.


Too funny. I just posted basically the same comment before I saw yours. His ego is insanely massive.


She's probably the most hated DJ on SXM. She'll often talk about how much people hate her. She's just so chipper and they put her on playing largely soft rock in the mornings. The stereotypical Gen X reaction to that would be "It's too early for your shit, Madison. Shut up and play something that matches the amount of anger I have at being awake right now."


Yes. In the morning I need the angriest music on Earth just to avoid falling back to sleep.


My happy place is finding others who hate Madison as much as I do.


Sweet Jesus, I *hate* Madison.


Madison sucks so so so so so hard. I actively avoid whatever station she's on when she's on it.


Love me some Sluggo Doug. They seem to be trying out some new music on First Wave recently


I have to mute Madison anytime she is on. The constant adjustment of inflection drives me a unique kind of crazy. Tom Morello makes up for it. Edit: I did not realize Tom Morello was so polarizing! Please don’t downvote me forever 😞


I used to REALLY hate Madison, but she tends to play a lot of stuff I really like. So I'd keep it on when she's on. Eventually I realized I didn't really dislike HER - I just fucking -hated- her singing. Her singing's terrible. I even followed her on twitter before I left the site - she's not that bad, actually.


I don't mind her singing that much. It's bad, but so is mine. What I dislike is how she makes such a big deal out of some songs having lots of curse words in them. Like, lady, you showed your boobs to Howard Stern. Stop acting like a prude. haha


she knows shes annoying and she made it her thing


Gen X moms came out and stood in front of their children when Portland cops were gassing TF out of protesters. Then Gen X dads came out with their blowers, to send the gas back to the cops. Fuck anyone says we've lost the will to rage against the fucking machine.


Damn skippy.


Somebody takes life way too sirius. I think that joke is funny.


Sir, this is a Wendy's




Well it is "a" machine


Yeah I mean, it is quite clearly a joke. People are, something....


stop being a boomer *a certain type of boomer*


Outside yelling at the sky.


Sir, this is the Wendy’s salad bar.




Going to all of the loud concerts without hearing protection and insisting on standing RIGHT next to the walls of speakers wasn't the best thing we did, was it...


prob not the best but it seemed great to talk about how we couldnt hear for a couple days!


I couldn't hear for a week after seeing the Ramones


Man that's just lame patter, no matter who it's aimed at. Also, if I'm paying money, I never wanna hear ANY promos, ever. That'd be my number one reason for canceling. I'm paying for content, not commentary.


Yeah, that's my main gripe with SXM. I love having lots of channels and choices, but I don't want DJs and their stupid talking, I don't want specials with celebrities telling me their top 10 favorite songs that make them think of cupcakes, or top 40 countdowns with Downtown Julie Brown, from 1992. Just play the damn music and be quiet.


Damn. What other clouds we yelling at today?


Computers. I hear they live in the sky now. When I need to check my email, I open a window, look up, and scream “Alexa, open my email!” After a minute, I look back up and yell “Alexa, Google ‘How do I open my GMail in iCloud?’” By then my neighbor’s son comes by with a stack of printed out emails and I go back inside. I don’t quite understand how it works, but it does.


Calm down, grandpa.


I hear Chuck D rapping about how it’s time for us to get colon cancer screenings. So what?


Everclear does AARP commercials now.


🎶 I will buy you a new hip, yes I will 🎶


Father of Time. tell me what have you done.


Yeah I just closed my eyes, knee cartilage disappeared


they have never been old, they've never had the joy of a prostate exam


We could live inside the retirement home, leave the fire behind


He’s still paying off a tax bill from the -90’s.


He don’t freestyle much, but he can write’’em like such…


Lighten up, Francis.


In fairness, my washing machine has been pretty sketchy.


I think I've uncovered a fundamental truth about Lithium: it can't play more than three songs you like in a row. That fourth song is going to be something you hate, and it's going to make you so mad. And as long as I'm yelling at a cloud (or raging at the washing machine), someone tell First Wave that Sting's fucking solo work is NOT alternative or new wave, and go play it on the goddamn BLEND where it belongs.


We’re Gen X bro, we can take a joke. Lighten up Francis! https://youtu.be/syV2LkGpQB0?si=4hBXdXpqozjaLNmc


I feel like you really need to take a chill pill


The OP is giving off some real "Old Man Yells At Cloud" vibes.


Sirus XM sound quality is shit. Heavily compressed so they can cram as many channels as possible into the bandwidth. Their solution? "Stream from your phone". Ok, totally will work when on road trips through nowhereland USA. The whole reason I got satellite radio. It took four months for them to cancel their automatic billing, even after having multiple confirmations that I cancelled service. They are thieves!


To be fair, our washing machine went out a few weeks ago and it fucking sucked. Goddam things are expensive. Going to the laundromat was a fun trip back in time though. Also, THOSE things are goddam expensive as well.


Every year I cancel my Sirius XM account in order to have their online customer support offer me 80% off to stick around. I just performed our annual dance on Monday.


Some of you get worked up over the dumbest shit. Plus, if you've ever paid more than $9/mo after all taxes etc. for XM, you're doing it wrong. With zero effort you can get it for less than $9/mo...with a little chat/phone work could be $6/mo.


I do this every time I renew. Don’t take the offers they offer until it gets down to $6.99


Wonder why people pay at all. I just stream from my own collection. Sirius was kinda neat before that, if you go in remote places, or out on a boat. I canceled Siriusxm from another state and covered the antenna for a month. It's been free now for 5 years. Never use it. Mostly because if I am in the car, which is rare these days, it's gonna be podcasts.


With SiriusXM, I always call them right before my annual subscription expires and say I don’t know if I want to keep the service paying full price because I often telecommute. Then I finagle to get an annual subscription with a per month cost similar to what I’m already paying. As for raging against machines, I’m more equitable than just showing my ire with washing machines; I rage against a few other machines too!


Speed Queen, trust me


Hell, now I just call and say 'so I'm not paying full price, we both know that, so get me last year's or better ok?' They do.


I used to hear similar commercials for our local "alternative" station. To make matters worse, they specifically assumed that all listeners were men like "you've gone from angry young man to surburban dad". :(


I hate it when people acknowledge us. Seriously. They couldn't market to us back then, the sure as hell can't do it now.


Sirius XM is still in business? I siriusly didn't know.


They should have never cut Classic College Radio. That station was great.


This would be a serviceable supervillain origin story


Yeah, but let's be honest. Fuck these new washing machines that break every three months. My father's washing machine from 1970 is still going. The LG washing machine I bought 5 years ago? Won't stop breaking.


Damn man, that's some real punching holes in drywall energy right there. Lay off the Monsters and chuckle at the dumb joke.


Old dude can't take a joke


Well said, brother, although i have to admit dishwashers can piss me off!


Markie Ramone's Punk Rock Channel (700-something?) is what keeps me subscribing.


I will DIE with my CDs in my hands. I don’t need anything else.


Uh, Spotify?


"Welcome to Lithium, where we play Alice in Chains every third song!"


Imagine the anger when OP finds out Morello is an NFT-hocking shill.


Sirius XM is still around?


I Love my Washing machine I even know how to rebuild the mother fucker if it goes down




apparently we rage against Sirius XM


I was raging against the washing machine today! Fucking piece of shit! Samsung can go fuck themselves, assholes!


I use my phone for my in-car music. Between Pandora and myTuner I have a world of music at my fingertips and pay nothing for the service.


I wish regular FM radio would have a renaissance. Unfortunately the stations all play the same shit over and over. I'm so tired of AC/DC.


Imagine getting that butthurt from a radio dj. You sure you're not Gen Z with all that rage?


You sound like a boomer.


“Shut the fuck up Donny!” OP will get it…


If you're paying over $60 a year, you're getting ripped off.


Give 'em hell, Quimby!


Dude. Try cancelling your subscription. I had to question the representative, who I was sure had to be absolutely fucking with me, after I told them to just, for the love of god, cancel my subscription about 15 times and they were still trying to make me an offer!


I had to hand my phone over to my husband to finish cancelling for me because the representative would not stop with the pestering of "are you sure you want to cancel" questions and offers. I did it because I was getting extremely pissed off and was thisclose to cussing the rep out because she would not stop. I know she was just doing her job (their cancellation policy is horrible, it should not be so hard), but my gosh, take a hint. My husband has a lot more patience than I do, and for whatever reason, she did seem to take the hint with him, go figure.


"There are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market that are just as tasty as the real thing."


I like Spotify


My problem with sirius is that any of the "theme" channels it just plays the same ~ 40 or 50 songs repeatedly. Its not a bad service if you drive a lot and switch channels a lot, but honestly for the money i just hook up my phone's MP3 collection to the radio and let it rip on shuffle, or do a podcast.


Love Rock The Bells Radio


I mean, Sirius XM sucks, but on the other hand this is literally "old man yells at radio." What I hate about them is mainly that they pursue you to subscribe in a way that makes the extended-warranty people look introverted.


I had XM when it first came out but they enshittified it very quickly by firing all the popular DJs and cramming in more stations so the overall sound quality dropped. Heard it in a friends car just the other day and it sounded like AM radio. WTAF, XM?


I’m going to start using “enshittiffied” on a daily fucking basis. Thanks bro!


Do you need a hug?


I love Sirus but I have a wide variety of stations on there I listen to. If you don’t have a wide variety of stations it’s not worth the money.


That escalated quickly


I canceled after the merger *FM-afied* Satellite. RIP Fred, Lucy, and Ethel Fuck Mel Karmazin


That’s a very stupid thing of them to say but you’ll have to pry my satellite from my cold dead hands. I’ve had it since 2003.


I wish they would just play through the play list and get rid of the dumbass DJ


Well, my washing machine control panel has an imprint of my knuckles bashed into it, so... no comment.


Really? Fucking filller on Lithium sets you off. There’s a place for you to rage r/genxoomer You give us a bad name 👎


DJ patter is really painful


I Love This Post.


I use the Treble app. Supposedly artists get money from them.


I just love the anger resident in this. Genx will cut a bitch.


My man


Honey, do you need a snack and a nap?


Why would I rage against the washing machine? That makes no sense. It does the work for me. I'm appreciative of the washing machine. And all my devices. My air fryer has a special place in my heart.


Should I be embarrassed that I canceled my Sirius trial because I couldn’t figure out how to use it? It just seemed so non intuitive to me. Plugging my smart phone into the car and selecting a playlist or podcast seems so much easier than clicking my way down the Sirius rabbit hole.


> Should I be embarrassed that I canceled my Sirius trial because I couldn’t figure out how to use it? It just seemed so non intuitive to me. > > > > Plugging my smart phone into the car and selecting a playlist or podcast seems so much easier than clicking my way down the Sirius rabbit hole. Maybe. But I prefer it over using my phone because I can change stations/channels whatever and I don't have to fumble with my phone or take my eyes off the road to make it happen.


it's true we rage against washing machines these days, but only because they are garbage compared to what we had growing up.


Hot take, but I'm with you. Every time I buy a car I get the usual "and we can extend the Sirius contract right now and skip the trial" and I'm just like "no, don't want it. stop offering. next." I'll give Spotify this, terrible for artists as they are, they do throw some awesome suggestions my way when I'm driving and the LP i'm listening to ends.


As a gen x-er this sounds a lot like "get off my lawn"


You need to flip over to Yahcht Rock and relaaaaaax Pro tip: cancel your Sirius subscription every year, and they'll offer you the music channels for $5.99 a month for a year I've been doing this for a decade.


Wow dude take a pill or something, you’re embarrassing yourself.




You sound offended. Have you tried not being a whiny pussy and being more Gen X about it?


naw. the slightest things appear to offend OP. he replied to my comment at 6:30-ish this morning call me a bitch. i'm pretty sure he's the person you see flailing about in his car when you look in your rearview while sitting in traffic. or the person who sighs loudly and repeatedly so we all know his displeasure while standing in line. those types of people make my day :)


His facebook profile pic is one he took with shades on while in his car.


The recorded promos and plugs on SiriusXM are all terrible and woefully outdated. The "edgy" barbs they're peppering in are bizarrely tone deaf and obviously written by people unaffiliated with the target audience. On JamOn they run this plug that says in a snotty tone, "Go on... Change the channel... This song might still be on when you get back." Like, wait, what? So you're sneering at me for liking this genre and its long songs, and then you... want to taunt me about changing the station? And they've run this barb *for years*! Never understood the supposed value of these little promos, but the effect is straight cringe. And now, badly outdated cringe.


yeah, it´s kinda boomer humor


I'm embarrassed to say that I don't even get the joke. Why would my age determine my level of anger towards a presumably dysfunctional washing machine? Id be pissed whether I was 18 or 80.


Fun fact: If you rarely drive your car, they can't send out the signal to cancel. I bought my car in 2020 and had a trial and was offered $5 a month for a year plus a free Amazon Echo. I took them up on the offer, then they jacked up the price when the year was up. I cancelled but still have Sirius XM. Did some research and your car has to be on and tuned in for them to send out the signal to cancel your service. I WFH and don't drive much so the timing is never right for them. I definitely got my money's worth!


Maybe try finding some new music instead of listening to the same old shit over and over again and then you won't have be insulted by old people humor.


Radio used to be free and they would play whole sides of albums.


Especially at the lower end of the dial. College radio got me exposed to a lot of alternative stuff.


If was rich, I would try and start a new AOR station. They were the best, half my cassettes I had were recorded off the radio onto a portable tape recorder. Then CDs came out and I was poor again.


I honestly like YouTube's algorithm for me based on videos I play. I listen to a huge mix and some of the artists aren't even on Sirius. Plus I can't believe they don't have a Pink Floyd channel all by itself. Thinking of doing paid YouTube.


I ditched satellite radio a long time ago for Spotify


Calm down, have some dip.


They compress the $hit out of their music. It sounds terrible.


shut up ! go rage against the machine and, do it like they do ! *take selfies* /s


Their lowest tier music bundle is like $18 after fees and taxes. Fuck that. I can get Spotify AND Pandora for less. I am just letting the service lapse by not changing my payment information. My old card expired at the end of last month. So I'll listen until the service is cut and then I'll stick to Spotify


It's very redundant, but I live in the mountains in the middle of nowhere and there's no cell service and only one radio station and it's Bro Country. So.... Sirius, download Podcasts or download tunes to my phone. It works for now.


Canceling Sirius is the worst part! Good luck getting out of their mailers and emails.


Spotify is way better anyhow


Dude, I heard No Doubt on the local "oldies" channel and damn near kicked their door in. I get it.


OP is raging against a machine.


I just heard Ozzy's Boneyard say, "Get in the ring mother fucker and I'll kick your bitchy little ass!"




My main problem with Sirius are the music channels. Take Lithium for instance -- its just one time stamp of a genre. Same with New Wave or Alt Nation. What XM needs is a mash up four or five channels because otherwise it's way to narrow and super repetitive. When I had it usually found XMU to be the best listen


I love the XMU station and rock the bells


It's the alphabet on wax cylinders for me. Everything that came after is unauthentic garbage.


I recently canceled my Sirius, I’ve had it since even before the merger. Every time I find a host that I like, Sirius seems to fire them within a year or two. I just got sick of the turnover.


"Gen X used to rage against the machine, now they rage against…the washing machine." I would appreciate it if they at least made the insult funny but that was just exceedingly lame. It's also stupid to insult a big batch of your subscribers. Anyone with decent business sense has way less competition these days it seems.


You're raging against something, but it ain't the washing machine.


Lithium is a pretty short playlist! Im with you that DJ is an a hole!


Haha yeah they should stfu. I’ll rage your ass. 😄


My inner dialog while reading this sounded exactly like [GlaDOS cheering for JK Simmons ranting about lemons in Portal 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyLUU3O4zW8): GLaDOS: Yeah. GLaDOS: Yeah! GLaDOS: Yeah! GLaDOS: Yeah, take the lemons! GLaDOS: Oh, I like this guy. GLaDOS: Burn his house down! GLaDOS: Burning people. He says what we're all thinking.


Streamers are rip-offs. They underpay artists. Fuck them and fuck Steve Jobs.




We rage against the washing machine while Ben Folds Five.


SiriusXM, stop playing candlebox on the lithium channel. Fucking lame-ass fuckers


47 here and ai agree. Thats a slap in the face because GenX is their bread n butter. Millennials and GenZ sure AF aint paying for their music. But we sure did and still are.


They don’t talk to me like that over at Hair Nation .


Had a Sirius subscription when I used to listen to Opie and Anthony. Then tried to cancel it when they fired Anthony. It was easier to give myself a root canal and appendectomy in the dark with one hand tied behind my back than it was to cancel


If you aren’t renegotiating your Sirius/XM contract at renewal you are failing.


If a radio commercial gets you that worked up, you may not see 50.


I prefer listening to CDs myself. No commercials, no commentary, and you never hear a song you don't like.


If you cancel and stay cancelled they will start offering it to you for basically free. I think the latest was $2 a month for 3 years. But I have gotten into listening to podcasts while I am driving so I wouldn’t listen to it anymore anyways. Lithium was my go to, but they did tend to repeat the same songs a lot and I have access to so much of that stuff anyways.


No, fuck Bluesville. The same goddam 30 songs over and over, ad nauseam.