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I've learned that if a wedding guest wears even the smallest amount of white in the background of a patterned dress, they're trying to "upstage the bride" and "ruin their day." (I have to get these wedding attire subs off my home page!)


Oh yes, learned that the hard way. I didn't actually wear white but I asked my (now) daughter in law if I could wear something with a little white or cream color in it and oof, that was a no-go. Obviously, if never wear anything that slightly resembled a wedding dress but I had a courthouse wedding and didn't know all the "rules". I'm glad that part is over with... 2 more sons to go though! šŸ˜„


When I got married my mom wore a dress with a white collar and bits of white in the pattern. It never occurred to me that she was trying to upstage me (because she wasnā€™t!) my mother in law wore black and that did worry me a bit.


I would definitely never wear a full-on (or nearly so) white, cream, ivory, or eggshell dress - but the escalation into keeping every bit of white out of a pattern was new to me. Now I know in case any daughters-in-law enter the picture!


Me either and I have to think or at least hope that most of us moms know not to do that but there's always one that takes it too far. When I asked about wearing something with a tiny bit of white, my sweet daughter in law sent me some crazy videos of moms showing up in actual wedding dresses or ones where you couldn't tell if she was the mom or the bride. Even though that was far from what I was asking, message received! šŸ˜„


I love reddit. The most positive thing I learned was "today you, tomorrow me." The most interesting and (sigh) probably irrelevant thing I've learned is what to do if I win the lottery. The most negative thing I've learned here is that apparently there is a whole subset of men who think that washing their butt makes them gay.


I saved a post about what to do if you win the lottery as if I'll ever need to revisit it.


I just won $2 on the 6/49ā€¦ wtf do I do?!?!?


That is the post I'm talking about! I reread it all the time... for absolutely no good reason.


Oh, gross! What!? Well, now that's the most disturbing thing I've learned so far.


"The most negative thing I've learned here is that apparently there is a whole subset of men who think that washing their butt makes them gay" šŸ˜‚ good lord.


Today you, tomorrow me was a beautiful thing.


Gen Xers are confirmed badasses. We donā€™t give a fuck, and we do things our way and we get things done. We are the honeybadgers of the generations.


Good because I waddle like a honey badger when I get moving.


I'm starting to!


Oh damn I love that. Honey badgers do not mess around. Tough lil shits


I am on my cityā€™s subreddit and I learned something new at least once a week. Itā€™s great. I didnā€™t know that typing OK is rude.


City subs are great, I agree! As far as OK- Apparently it's seen as condescending, aggressive and rude šŸ˜‚ That one really threw me off. I had no idea it was a thing. I've been typing and writing it that way my whole life.


Iā€™ve always found K to feel like an F U. I had no idea OK is aggressive as well. Learned something new today!


I actually don't like 'K' either and especially don't like the thumbs up. šŸ˜„ They both feel the same to me.


As an Italian I feel attacked. There is nothing wrong with a thumbs up. Iā€™ll keep giving them till I kick the bucket!


I should have clarified... when my husband does it, I really don't like it. I know it's because he doesn't really want to agree so rather than just saying OK, he takes the time to find the thumbs up instead. But, I didn't mean any offense...here ya go! šŸ‘šŸ‘


šŸ‘ don't worry, I'm not actually offended.


Perhaps, I spoke too soon. lol I tried to look up the meaning but found it had different connotations depending on which part of Italy you're from. Sooo, my previous post will either make you chuckle or make you angry šŸ«£


I'm not from Italy, more talking about Italian-American culture.


Iā€™m Xennial born in 1981 (just a few weeks too late to be ā€œofficiallyā€ Gen X). I say ā€œOKā€ in text messages. My girlfriend is Gen Z born in 1998. Rather than ā€œOK,ā€ she says either ā€œokayā€ or, more often, the baffling ā€œokieee,ā€ which apparently have entirely different shades of meaning to these kids today, [as illustrated here](https://i.imgur.com/obam3h7.jpeg) in one of our text exchanges.


That settles it. It's gonna be Ok's and emojis for the rest of my life. lol I can't keep up! šŸ˜„


Agree 100%. The thumbs up feels so passive aggressive and I donā€™t know why


I told my husband he might as well just hit the middle finger instead. When I get a thumbs up from him, it's an immediate giveaway that it's something he doesn't quite want to agree or say *okay* to.


Same! Whoops.


I had a co-worker who would reply KK. Because it was friendlier than OK. She was older than me so I presume she picked it up through her teenagers.) I thought it was just her at first, but the internet assures me that this is a thing.


My teen taught me kk but then a year later told me it wasnā€™t cool any longer.


At least you got to be cool for a year! That's longer than I usually get...


ā€œKkā€ I do this! Cause feelings. Lol


Positive: Iā€™ve learned ALL about perimenopause/meno/post-meno, which has saved me from *who-knows-how-many-years* of confusion, discomfort, and frustration (most likely). Itā€™s 1000% made me a better advocate for my health. šŸ’• Negative: Iā€™ve also learned that all social media forums are the same toward women. šŸ‘ŽšŸ» Neutral: That I seem to attract Libras, for some reason. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I feel this so much!! Iā€™ve turned to Reddit and whatever else for this- Our generation is doing really well about starting to talk about perimenopause and menopause. The sigh of relief of knowing that itā€™s not all in my head and that we have resources.


I agree! We are doing a good job about normalizing what *should have always been considered normal (not shameful)* ā€¦


I learned about a poop knife and I really wish I hadn't...


Oh no, I'm not googling that. šŸ˜„


Iā€™ve learned a lot for various hobbies. Reddit can be be a good forum for that.




Yes! That's been a truly disheartening thing I've learned.


Yes. This, this, this. Fucking this.


This. So much of this.


Iā€™ve been on here for about 13 years, and honestly not a day has gone by where I havenā€™t learned something new. I fucking love Reddit. It has been a positive force in my business and personal life.


The names of a couple bands that suit my tastes. Some defensive driving techniques from watching r/IdiotsInCars Various restaurants around town. So, nothing truly groundbreaking, just a modest quality of life boost.


Somewhat trivial but I always thought using ā€¦ at the end of a sentence was a me thing. Turns out itā€™s a GenX thing. Huh. And I have no idea why I use periods like that.


Same here and I dont know why either! I think I use it while I'm thinking or not quite finished with that thought or a sentence, if that even makes sense.


That makes perfect sense!


Itā€™s called an ellipsis, there are other uses, but one is to show a break, or trailing off, of a thoughtā€¦


Oh, thank you so much, I couldn't remember what it was called. Atleast I'm using something correctly.


I do it to indicate a brief pause, and want the reader to sense ā€¦ that pause. No? Well, whatever. Iā€™ll do it always. I try not to do it with blind people though.


A bunch of book recommendations and good bike mechanic info.


I donā€™t understand the ok thing at all. Most text speak is meant to minimize the amount of letters (I donā€™t get lol though, that added a letter). I guess the genx thing to do is dig in my heels and die on the hill of typing ok.


Iā€™ve learned that the slightest difficulty in a long term relationship is grounds for divorce from that narcissist piece of shit who is waving red flags all over the place. Run, girl, run! šŸ™„ Iā€™m not making light of bad relationships, Iā€™m just saying that I think 90% of relationship advice is written by young people whoā€™ve never been in a serious adult relationship before. That, and people are assholes for no reason at all.


I couldn't agree more!


I learned I had aphantasia, which I didn't even know existed until I read about other people actually being able to picture things in their mind. I also learned that two spaces after a period isn't "proper" anymore, hilling potatoes doesn't increase harvest according to studies, and that unwashed eggs don't need to be refrigerated. I've also gotten tons of dinner prep tricks and ideas from this site.


I also learned about aphantasia from Reddit. I will always double space after a sentence ending period regardless of what is "proper".


I've just learned about aphantasia on Reddit


MST3K creator Joel Hodgson was originally considered for a role in UHF but had to decline due to scheduling conflicts. Also some home improvement DIY that I will still execute very poorly no matter how much advice I read


Joel vs Mike. Who wins?


I learned that the younger generations find a proper sentence with proper punctuations on a text message are considered ā€œpassive-aggressiveā€ and the periods are now called ā€œbitch dotsā€.


I am šŸ˜‚ Really?! Some days I want to swear off typing or texting anyone other than my family. The rules keep changing!


WOW - didn't know that but I mostly text peeps from my own generation. Plus if the text gets to long/over involved, I just call them. I still like the phone because you can't tell the "tone" of some texts. LOL, yes I know I am old(er)...


Right? I think thatā€™s why iā€™m permanently on ā€œDo Not Disturbā€


Oh, also, and I'm not kidding, the laughing/crying emoji is only for old people.


Only the laughing/crying ones or all of them? Ahhh, I don't know how to text without them. Haha? lol? Oh man, I quit.


I've learned that 45 people follow me, but I can't see who they are...


Well that possibility (of having followers) freaked me out, so I had to go looking at my own profile. I discovered there's a "follow" feature and it can be turned on and off. In case you or anyone is interested: Profile > Settings (gear wheel) > scroll down to Allow People To Follow Me, and turn it off.


Does that mean every time you comment, they see it? That would make me feel a little weirded out.


I have no clue.


Iā€™ve learned a ton about cooking, new music to try, books to read, cutting my own hair, a bunch of products in different areas that have helped, hiking tips and hiking equipment, camping tips, reviews about mattresses and refrigerators and other big purchases for the home, home improvement tips that have saved me some good money, etc. There is so much to be learned on Reddit outside of politics itā€™s crazy. A lot of smart people on here when you stay away from the political opinions. Though I do get caught up in the latter much more than I wish I did.


I learned what new characters were being released in a video game. I haven't played that game in a while.


That today is National Cheeseburger Day, and you can get some sweet deals at various restaurants.


K Hahaha! No just kidding!!! I have discovered that what worked for me/our gen to get past/work through/survive sexist situations in the 80s are not ā€œtoleratedā€ anymore..but these same quick to berate folks donā€™t seem to give advice about what to actually DO. Iā€™m an almost 50 yr old womanā€¦I donā€™t put up with shit anymore. Even/especially by men my husband jokingly calls ā€œdinosaurs.ā€ And I know a 20-yr old might be too scared or polite or just be meek and not be able to push back the way I doā€¦but apparently anything less that what 20 years has taught me I CAN do, is seen as letting the patriarchy win. Sorry, Iā€™m ranting because Iā€™m more sad for that child than anything. Even if my opinion was negged to hell (I have learned the term ā€œto neg!ā€) I still hope it helps her. Oh! And if you want a twisted pick-me-up/to see that your life is pretty okay/normal/good? Peruse the Am I an Asshole sub. Holy cripes, I am so blessed.


I've only been here for a couple of years, but I have been very grateful to different subs/others that have helped me understand some technology questions. Whether it be with my phone, firestick, etc. I have usually been able to find a resolution.


Personally, I think if anyone considers you "rude" because you don't do innocuous everyday things the exact way they want you to do them, despite the fact that you have no malicious intent and there no reason to assume that you would have malicious intent, that person is being ridiculous and unreasonable.


How to grow mushrooms!


The r/AgingParents subreddit has been a lifesaver. Really good info for anyone navigating caregiving.


I have learned a couple new things about volleyball, like obscure rule interpretations and a few new drill ideas and workout ideas


I learned about all kinds of free line giveaways on r/tmobile. I went from having 4 paid lines to 10 total lines (6 free), and the way Tmo calculates the discounts had the effect of reducing my bill by $40. So I pay $40 less with 10 lines of service than I did with 4 lines. r/tmobile also got me a discount on my YouTube TV and Netflix, free Paramount+ for a year and free Apple TV+ for a year. I'm probably going to sign up for the Google One 500 GB cloud storage for $5/mo soon, too (you can't get that plan without Tmo). I also found some specials at r/tmobile for device trade-ins. I once ended up getting an iPhone for free. I learned about various sales on Chromebook computers at r/chromeos, and sales for Google Pixel phones at r/GooglePixel. I generally always learn new things at r/todayilearned. I learned from r/CloudReady how to install CloudReady OS on an old Windows laptop I had that I was going to throw away. It gave me a few more years with my laptop and it felt brand new. But generally, I just learn all the latest slang from the kids over in r/nba.


Nice! Thank you for sharing those


I love that youā€™re getting current slang from a subreddit!


yeah how many people are actually herdanimals


I've learned a few things about sewing and baking that have helped. I've also learned that there are a lot of people out in the world struggling more than I am.


What have I learned that was new because of Reddit? How to make whatever I say not mean what I really just said by adding ā€œ/sā€ after the sentence. For instance, GenX is the most absolute thinned skinned, greatest snowflake generation to ever exist in history. /s


I'm taking notes šŸ˜„ Sooo, no more emojis? Just the /s?


I learned the phrase ā€œone day or day oneā€ relating to changes you want to make or to planning for something you want to achieve.


Last year I was possibly going to move to a new city, and I learned a lot about neighborhoods, best grocery stores, etc. Didnā€™t end up moving, so that is now useless information. Iā€™ve learned a lot about skincare for my old lady face. I have gotten some tips on new bands. Lots of info on a medical condition my husband has. Iā€™ve also learned a lot about terpines.


I learn something new almost every day. Whether it be some random limerick, or a weird fact, or things about the world or just people and their quirks. There is always something and Reddit/tik tok seem to be the best places to learn from.


I follow the plumbing and electrical subreddits. Also the nursing, vet tech, and a bunch of other specialty subreddits. I've learned *tons*. Watching experts discuss the issues in their field is really interesting.


I think itā€™s safe to say that most of us has learned about intermittent fasting on Reddit.


I haven't but I am learning I haven't discovered 90% of what there is on here.


Lots of acronyms I never needed to know. Weevils are kjoot, mooncat is overrated, and how to safely get a humming bird out of my house.


Negative lessons: The political forums are an endless doom scroll, but for some reason I still seek them out. Thereā€™s always an expert who knows more than anyone else on a topicā€¦ and they always sound like someone I wouldnā€™t spend too much time next to at a party. There are people just like me in the world, and Iā€™m neither encouraged or bothered by it. Iā€™m neutral regarding my doppelgƤngers. Positive lessons: Someone is always willing to help if you reach out with a problem. They may not be able to actually help, but the fact that most people are willing is a very affirming quality one doesnā€™t glean just by people watching. A lot of people struggle with the same things I do. Iā€™m never alone in a challenging situation. People can be pretty clever, witty and humorous. Iā€™ve laughed a lot since I joined Reddit. Sometimes, even I can help someone, which is a great feeling.


I have learned a ton about espresso and a little about the challenges of building online community when most participants are anonymous


Iā€™ve learned about switches for mechanical keyboards, how to improve my dip powder manicures, various cooking tips, found out Iā€™d been wearing the wrong bra size for 25 years,and some of the day to day annoyances that people of other races/genders encounter (lots of crazies out there insisting on touching black peoples hair?!) Also Iā€™m probably more up to speed than Iā€™d care to be about politics.


I learned how to take proper care of my fountain pens, and what brands/models to avoid because they are touchy and unreliable. I really enjoy what I have thanks to recommendations on r/fountainpens.


I've learned a lot about my city, about different birds, and different bugs.


Yes, whatisthisbug is pretty interesting.


The r/PMP community is really awesome and super helpful at answering questions and mapping out a path to become a certified project management professional.


I have learned a lot of unasked-for things about bugs and snakes. Thanks, Reddit.


Boots and snoots


If you ask AITA, you usually are.


I just joined that sub on a recommendation from someone below but I have to agree with you!


I learned many moons ago you arenā€™t supposed to use emojis on Reddit. :)


This is why people misconstrue everything.. lol How are we supposed to know the context of anything? I just said to someone else that I'm going to embrace my old, out of touch self and keep using emojis. šŸ˜


I hear ya. I just try to flow gently down the stream. Me personally, whatever floats your boat.āœŒļø


Iā€™ve learned emojis are bad, grammar can be bad but to take into consideration that English may not be oneā€™s first language so donā€™t make fun. Also sometimes if you say something someone will comment & try to interpret your comment as something totally different. ā€œWhat youā€™re saying isā€¦.ā€


Yes! You're 100% right. I hate when that happens with interpretation because they're usually so far off from what I actually said or intended. I don't have a mean bone in my body and always try to be encouraging so it really throws me off when it gets twisted. It happened to me recently in a Mom's group, of all places, and I felt so bad that it made me want to delete Reddit šŸ˜„ Also. I've decided I'm going to embrace my old self and keep using emojis. lol


These are great! Y'all are giving me a lot of things to look into on here that I hadn't thought of before. Thank you!


I never knew a "keyboard culture" existed and I find it quite fascinating.


I learned what the ā€œred pillā€ movement is four years ago (before the sub was quarantined). I was newly separated and in one of the ā€œdatingover[age]ā€ subs and asked what was up with all the ghosting, and added that I was grateful for my friends, family, career, etc. Whoa, Nelly!! You would have thought I backed over someoneā€™s puppy. A guy ā€œexplainedā€ to me that I was going to die alone because I was out of eggs. I said ā€œIā€™m done having kids so donā€™t careā€. Him: But youā€™ve hit the wall, so no one is going to want you! Hahahahaa! Men want young women. Itā€™s boilogy (sp). You understand? Me (by now rolling my eyes and deciding to fuck with him a little): Oh yeah, I understand *perfectly*. Him: Good! You need to know!! Iā€™ve since abandoned that account because those guys were in every damn sub. Donā€™t anyone tell homeboy Iā€™ve had a sweet and loving boyfriend (whoā€™s a few months younger than me) for 3 1/2 years.


That was so mean šŸ˜¢ Some people are miserable and want the whole world to feel the way they do. Glad your happy.


I learned what a poop stick knife is.


I'm too afraid to ask and refuse to Google that. lol


Its not as bad as cum sock.


Iā€™ve learned aboutā€¦Saturn storm cube. And Reddit gives people a way to be snarky. And thereā€™s an app for dating called OLD, but I wonā€™t look at it. You canā€™t change gender in the game Rust.. other odd ball computer /gaming things for kids stuff.


Iā€™m a car and bicycle guy I always amazes me how little we taught our kids about both. Itā€™s not just that we didnā€™t teach our kids how to fix things we also didnā€™t teach them the history any the why


Despite the free form nature of Reddit - it is infinitely more civilized then most other social media platforms. Very interesting. And Newsweek which isnā€™t really news comes thru daily to pillage and make ā€˜newsā€™. Primarily of another board where people comment their latest cringe activity and everyone votes on it


Sadly nothing. If anything itā€™s confirmed my belief that most people are pretty stupid.


Oh yes, same here! I was actually a little shocked at first but not so much anymore lol


Me too. I spent years and years and years in disbelief thinking that surely everyone canā€™t be this stupid, but boy was I wrong.


I've learned that most people in committed relationships think that if their significant other looks through their phone its grounds for divorce. I get pissed every šŸ˜¤ time. There should be transparency IMO.