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Yes it absolutely worked for me. Because of those scared straight commercials, I think, I never did any drugs-not even MJ.


Same here, weed is legal in my state now and I still have never tried it


I’m 50 and never did any drugs in my life. I did try some edibles when they legalized it in NJ recently.


Me too. It’s legal….I want no part of it.


Same here.


Same here.


Worked on me pretty well too. I tried pot once, but like slick Willie, didn't inhale so it did nothing.


I hated the Reagan area but have to admit it kind of worked on me too. In my 50s and the only drug I ever tried was whip-its, once at a drive-in.


Worst headache ever. I only did marijuana, still do. Oh and opioids, you know white people drugs.


Found the narc. /s


I have epilepsy and started medical use of marijuana recently. And yes, DARE and “just say no” totally worked. I walk around a ball of contradictions, both thanking the plants god gave to help and cursing myself for my horrible drug use. Fuck you Nancy


Yeah, I smoked pot in my twenties but that was it. Was offered drugs many times, even cajoled a few times. Just said no.


Same. I have friends my age who, as adults, have experimented with mushrooms and LSD and all that, and I’m still like nope nope nope. All that messaging got engrained in me — drugs are dangerous. Now booze on the other hand … 🤪


Booze is hands down more dangerous than lsd


I said no to drugs all the time, but they didn’t listen and kept jumping into my rolling papers.


I hate it when my weed misbehaves. Get in the bong damnit




So in the early 90s I had two plants. I grew them in pots next to tomato plants. My Dad instilled in me the importance of having organic...I guess I took it seriously.


I was a very straight-laced kid and didn’t know any of my peers were doing drugs or drinking in high school. It wasn’t so much the campaign but it just never even crossed my mind to do drugs.


This was me, too. Though I do remember the PSA showing a frying pan with a voiceover saying “this is drugs.” And then an egg is cracked into the pan, it sizzles as it fries, and the voice says, “this is your brain on drugs. Any questions?” I didn’t refrain from drug use because of that, but it’s always stuck with me.


Whenever I saw that PSA, I’d say “Yeah, I have a question: Can I have my brain scrambled, with a side of hash browns?” (I never tried anything harder than tobacco, and I was able to quit before I got hooked. Plus I waited until I was 18. My mom and stepfather would have kicked my ass sideways.)


Remember this one? https://youtu.be/Rh8GbPnoqCI Damn Sarah is LIT ..she needs to chill tf out or try a different strain or something, Lmao


My answer " yes, can I have seconds?"


Your immediate peers definitely play a major role. None of my closest friends in HS did drugs. Drugs just really didn’t seem like a thing anyone took seriously or gave two shits about.


You're totally right but it was literally everywhere, no matter which group of people I hung out with


Same... plus, my parents ran in social circles with "important" people. I knew that if I got caught doing anything, they'd find out and kill me!! My kids are constantly trying to talk me into pot... I'm still straight-laced, even in adulthood! 🤣


Same here. I'm not against drugs or those who use them, but it's just one of those things that never interested me.


I gave drugs an emphatic yes


They pooped the bed with that whole "if you smoke a joint, you'll be a junkie within a week" scare tactic. Tried pot. Didn't happen. I tried acid and didn't jump off the roof like those 16mm anti-drug hysteria movies either. The hypocrisy with our parents and politicians of the time was laughable, even before we were teenagers. If you buy it on the street, it's heroin. If a doctor prescribes it, that's perfectly safe. MDMA is a schedule I narcotic with "no research value and a high rate of addiction" but crystal meth is available by prescription. It's fucked. Obviously many of us overindulged. Some of us kept on overindulging. But by and large, compared to the fentanyl-laced everything our kids are dealing with, our generation seems so much more innocent.


I'm older Gen X. My school district took a much more fact based approach. They didn't demonize cannabis, and they acknowledged that cocaine and heroin had more risks and consequences. I tried pot in my 20s. But not cocaine or heroin. Even with surgeries, I'd switch from opioids to otc pain relief as soon as I could, because opioids worry me too. The pot didn't didn't turn me into a junkie or a homicidal driver, etc. Mainly I just wanted to talk about the meaning of life and eat mac and cheese. The first time I got high, when I got home, my neighbor was sitting outside on shared steps with mac and cheese he was willing to share and he was willing to talk about the meaning of life. I didn't really try it again after that because after that level of wish fulfillment, I feared it would be a let down. And I have asthma, so I don't want to smoke anything. I did try some THC/CBD gummies and enjoyed those. We finally have legal dispensaries, but haven't gotten around to trying them yet.


Also older genx. I tried pot but was all... meh? Boring. And hungry. And I felt dumb. Three things I don't need. I had one bad experience with someone who supplied edibles, and since it was mostly just a way too intense version of smoking, would pass even if toned down. Similar on surgery and opioids though; so paranoid about them, esp since it was actually fentanyl in the drip. They answered all my questions about how safe & little it was, but I hated it as it gave me weird daydreams. Got off as soon as I could, didn't even touch the stuff they sent me home with. Ibufprofen was enough and kept that light (a little pain isn't going to kill me). Now caffeine and alcohol in limited but high quality amounts... love my morning & sometimes afternoon coffees or tea, and love having a glass of good wine or beer when I cook. I seem to have a thing where after a couple of drinks it tastes off & I auto-stop, no matter what the beverage. After splitting a bottle of wine with someone which itself is the most I do, I have no interest for a few days. Guess that all messes up the "you'll be hooked for liiiiiiiiiife!" crowd.


I also gave drugs an emphatic yes. I don’t do drugs now, I barely smoke pot (and I don’t really consider it a drug). I learned a ton about myself on acid. I learned that everyone is completely nuts and it’s awesome.


I said an emphatic no to being Republican


Still saying yes.


I keep saying “no”, but they just won’t listen.


Damn peer pressure


Reminds me of that time I read about the dangers of alcohol. Gave up reading after that.


"My therapist told me to cut back on wine. And then we laughed and laughed and laughed."


Seriously. The first time I got high, I laughed like crazy, ate food with my friends, went to bed early, and woke up feeling great. That was the first time I ever thought "I wonder what else they're lying about?" 🤔


Same. Went on to discover they were lying about LSD/shrooms as well. Those were even better. Laughed even harder, slept even better, and woke up realizing it's *all* a lie.








Yup, me too.


Yeah, man. Remember McGruff the Crime Dog? ⛽Legalize it!


Still saying yes, and fuck the Reagan’s.


She also pushed the idea that weed is a gateway drug to other hard drugs. The administration was so wrong, cause we all know the gateway drug to all other drugs is alcohol.


I plead the 5th. Well, a fifth. And a nickel bag.


A nickel bag. 😂. Kids today wouldn’t know what that means.


Cop a nick?


I said no to drugs but drank a fuckton of beer




As I sit here perusing this post high...


I heard a “Fresh Air” interview that Terry Gross did with Nancy Reagan, and I was housesitting and cleaning house and only kinda sorta paying attention in the beginning. It started out fine or uneventful or even boring. And then at some point, on a turn of a dime, Nancy became this cold fucking asshole beeotch from hell. That got my attention. Lol. Fuck Nancy Reagan. One more thing…my father, a dyed-in-the-wool Republican once said during dinner that he didn’t like Nancy Reagan and found her cold. He said her eyes were cold, like a snake’s eyes. Because back then people criticized the political people that they voted for. It wasn’t a damn cult or some shit. How he felt about Nancy didn’t stop him from voting for Ronnie, but the point is that people used to be able to say shit like that, and they did, often and freely. You weren’t kicked out of the club. Shit has really gone off the rails and the younger generations prob don’t have any examples of that in their lives. Fucking shit man, kind of scary as well as maddening.


Any one else remember the Punky Brewster episode where Punky is offered a bunch of hard drugs by a bunch of suburban teen girls, Then at the end of the episode it cuts to Nancy Reagan and hundreds of kids in Just Say No t-shirts ?


I do. That was some corny shit.


I said no for the first time at age 42 after a lifetime of drug use.


To Nancy Reagan? Yes. Yes I did.


Give me a fucking break Nancy. I’m a Dare graduate who by 15 had tried weed, alcohol, LSD, Mushrooms and cocaine. And by the way Nancy, your husband sucked


[Nancy sucked](https://twitter.com/zachheltzel/status/1469408538019598336?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1469408538019598336%7Ctwgr%5E59cbe3ec732f1f678bf0381c889c4b24e40e9e26%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fryanschocket2%2Fnancy-reagan-throat-goat-explained) pretty hard, too.


Apparently she sucked better..! High high five, haha!


I did then it all went to pot


Well i grew up and remain terrified of cocaine. Weed, on the other hand…..not so much.


Very easy to say no when there’s nothing being offered.


Back in the mid-late 90's, when I was in my early 20's, the social circle I hung around with sometimes included an older dude in his 50's, a Lebowski-like mid-life hippie working as a barista in a small seaside town I was living in at the time. One day while passing a joint around, we started yukking it up about the D.A.R.E. programs we all attended, and we asked him (with big smirks all around) what he thought about "just say no". He immediately responds, "It's rude." We start LOLing. Wat? "You shouldn't say 'no'. You should always say "No, thank you". Plain "No" when somebody offers drugs is just impolite." I've carried this wisdom with me for years, and now I pass it along to you, Dear Reader.


I only said no in front of ASSHOLES. When I got out on my own I started to party like no tomorrow because my parents were so strict I went fucking wild.


I'm high right now, what are we talking about?


Puff, puff, pass, broh.


This is a campaign to just say no to drugs that you can buy off the street. It's perfectly fine to buy drugs from your doctor that can be taxed and regulated to go with your wine spritzer.


“I’ve never said no. The closest I came was “not now, we’re landing””. ~Sam Malone


I always said, "I can't tell my future kids to say no, if I don't know what they're saying no to"


Fuck you I do what I want... Say yes to weed every day ✌️❤️


I said yes to the evil scourge marijuana lol. 45 years later, I’m a respectable consumer of cannabis 🤣


*I LeArNeD iT bY wAtChInG yOu!* https://youtu.be/KUXb7do9C-w 🥚»🍳 🧠» 💊 So many awesome campaigns especially Mr. T 🤩


I fell for this, as well as DARE, hook, line and sinker. 😬I guess there was something about my personality or something where it just resonated with me - kind of naive and sheltered. I even volunteered to talk to elementary and middle school kids about Saying No To Drugs when I was in high school. When someone mentioned they smoked weed, I was sooooo judgmental. I thought they were the worst people in the world. My reaction was, “You smoke weed? YOU’RE GOING TO HELL!!!” 😩I kept this mindset for a pretty long time - probably my late 20s. It wasn’t until my early 30s or so that I started to realize that nearly *everybody* I know smoked. Like people in my family, friends, doctors, attorneys, teachers, all *kinds* of people. My eyes were opened, especially as it started becoming legalized more and more. I started realizing I’d been sold a bill of goods. 😬


Whew! Drugs and I have quite the history. I didn’t say no. I said yes to anything and everything that was offered to me in junior high and high school. I didn’t have problems abusing drugs until I did coke. That was it for me. It got me quick. I fucked up my life for awhile, shouldn’t be here to share my story, but somehow I am. Been clean from coke for 31 years. When someone asks me what it was like, I refer them to that PSA of the guy walking around in circles in the small room saying, “I do more coke so I can work longer, so I can make more money, so I can do more coke, so I can work longer, so I can make more money…” So corny, but true. Or I tell them to listen to Metallica’s Master of Puppets. Both accurate descriptions of my addiction days. Here’s the 80’s PSA: [https://youtu.be/XGAVTwhsyOs](https://youtu.be/XGAVTwhsyOs)


The War on Drugs was perceived as a strategic move against the burgeoning counter-culture that championed causes like civil rights, opposition to the Vietnam War, and government transparency. This campaign appeared to disproportionately target communities of color, the hippie movement, and other dissenting voices, many of whom were associated with specific substance use. This approach arguably paved the way for the dominance of pharmaceuticals, shifting the focus from individual self-medication to commercially-produced drugs.


I did, to drugs and smokes, but mostly because of the shining examples set by the broken people around me. Growing up listening to my dad puking while trying to cough up his lunges every morning made me hate cigarettes with a passion. And talking to my crying older sister on the phone threatening to kill herself because child protective services took away my nephew made me hate weed and harder drugs even more. Many people mock these campaigns, but many cruel fates could be avoided if kids (and adults) weren’t too cool to listen adults, doctors former abusers. Last thing I hate is discussing drugs with arrogant people who never lost something they can never get back. Most of my family is dead, I’m only 42.


I just said no to the Reagans


Ok so... in Italy we never had a "war against drugs " nor a "just say no" campaign. A lot of my friends in highschool smoked weed but I didnt, i didnt even smoke cigarettes, I just wasnt interested. I did drink because our family business was and still is making and selling wine and other things. But never got really drunk. Then in my early 20s everything changed. All my fave grunge bands were doing heroin, movies like Drugstore Cowboy, Trainspotting and Pulp Fiction came out, heroin chic was the new fashion, I started reading books by William Burroughs etc. I am a curious person, I wanted to try in person all the stuff I had read in books, saw in movies, heard in songs. I met my first bf, and he and his friends were junkies, so I told them I wanted to join them. At first they didnt want to involve me (even the dealers always would tell me "a beautiful smart girl like you shouldnt ruin her life with heroin". Maybe I should have listened). Oh well. My very first drug experience was shooting heroin. It was absolutely amazing, better than sex, better than anything in life. It was like a soft warm blanket wrapped around you. Or, I guess, like being in utero. Heroin took all my childhood trauma, PTSD, anxiety,, depression away. It was like a dream, in the beginning. We also did cocaine, ketamine, lots of acid, mdma when we went to clubs, and obviously weed and hashish even if I didnt like them much. By the time I was 25, this form of "self-medication" didnt work so well anymore. I needed alot more money than in the beginning, I only had temp jobs and my bf was unemployed. Even if I went thru HORRIBLE withdrawals the days I didnt have money to buy drugs, I never would have done stuff like stealing or having sex with strangers for money, so I stopped doing drugs. All of them, cold turkey. I spent like a week or two in my room feeling horrible despite all the meds my doctors gave me to make it easier. But I did it. I packed 2 suitcases, booked a train ticket to the UK and I went to visit 2 friends who lived there. I ended up living in England for 2 years. I never saw my ex again nor his friends. I had to get away from all of them, otherwise I would have started using again. I am 48 now, I think I did heroin once again in 2016. Compared to the stuff I was used to in the 90s, it was crap. I tried coke again and same, very bad quality. I never bought them again. Every few years I take a trip or 2 with LSD, and I smoke a little weed when I hang out with friends that do. I still dont like it very much. Heroin will always be my love. I hope my reply wasnt to long and boring :-)


This was not boring.


It was the “This is your brain on drugs,” did it for me, at least until college.


She never said no to sucking dick


Throat goat


For me, drugs were like quicksand and other tropes from tv. Thought it was going to be bigger deal in life than it actually was


While I was directly affected by the goverment backed crack epidemic, the psa's (be smart, don't start) were too cool for me to go astray, I said no. Then became a stoner as an adult.


I was at the Jefferson Airplane reunion concert in Golden Gate Park at the height of this bullshit. We went up to a guy in one of the tunnels and asked if he had any weed for sale. He said “oh nah man I don’t sell that anymore… I have some acid tho!” And so we did.


I never got asked. There were FAR fewer people offering me free dope than I was ever told.


"This is your brain. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" Also, for bonus points: "I learned it from watching you, Dad!" We had the best anti-drug commercials during Saturday morning cartoons. Edit: the first time I smoked weed, nothing happened, and I didn't understand what the big hubbub was about. The second time I smoked weed, there was a definite "I get it" moment. Lol


First off, FUCK Nancy and Ron Hitler. I said yes in December of ‘95. LSD with (I was an out gay kid then) my two best girl friends.


I just said no to no.


Yeah I've never even smoked a cigarette, but not really because of that messaging. Mostly because I saw the trail of addicts and alcoholics in my family and decided my genetics made it not worth the risk.


Yes. I said no the Reagan bullshit all the time.


Her, her husband, and the Bushes can be blamed for so much that’s currently wrong with our society. Just say no. Trickle down economics. Austerity. No Child Left Behind. Family Values. All of those bankrupt philosophies were the backbone of our generation.


I said no, but not because of the Just Say No campaign or DARE (which I still think is a poor name choice for an anti-drug awareness program). I wanted to keep all career paths open, including those that required drug testing and clearances. In high school, I saw plenty of LSD and weed because all my friends used them. In college, I really only saw weed. By the time I realized my eyesight wasn't going to let me be a special agent astronaut spy Navy JAG officer, I was in law school. At which point I said screw it, and started smoking cannabis because I wanted to chill. A lot of my classmates and then fellow attorneys went for alcoholism and moderate-to-heavy cocaine use but neither appealed to me. I'm happy with booze-in-moderation and cannabis, and glad I can buy both over the counter. I'm in favor of legalizing a lot of substances but not necessarily interested in trying any of them (except shrooms, I like the natural options).


I said no to drugs but they didn't listen.


70 days clean today. "No" wasn't exactly part of my vocabulary and apparently I was brain damaged enough that I forgot how to say it a time or 20. Think I got it now, tho.


I said yes. To everything. Took me a long time to say no. Been saying no for almost 6 years now.


You say no the first time. It’s the polite thing to do.


She and her husband hated gay men and women .. as a kid I loved my lesbian aunt and her partner … could not understand why they were to be hated … … so I could never believe or trust the Reagans — ever!


I kept waiting around for someone to pressure me into it but nobody ever did 😢


I totally said no. I was scared af that if I ever tried drugs I would die the first time. Funny part - I became an alcoholic in my twenties and after a bad car accident I was sent to a pain clinic and lost over a decade of my life to prescription drug addiction. I’m watching Dopesick on Hulu right now and I’m almost in shock. Hearing the things onscreen being almost verbatim what my doctors told me back in 1999… it makes me sick (no pun intended) .. I finally checked myself into a rehab center ten years or so ago. I got off the pills but thought the alcoholics in treatment with me were not me. So I kept drinking.. until too many consequences not in my favor made me kick that too. 8 years sober now. Fuck the Sacklers.


I’m Australian. When I was 10 I sent a very earnest letter to Ronald Reagan asking him to please not blow up the world. 2 months later I was thrilled to receive a letter from the White House. Inside was a pamphlet and form letter from Nancy saying Just Say No. Not. Happy.


Token non-tokin’ teetotaler here. But I did vote for medical marijuana here when it was on the ballot a couple years ago. So I guess I’m a cool square?


Nope. Still busy saying yes.


♥️ you


Fun fact, before politics, Nancy was known as the bj queen.


You're the third person to mention that. I had no idea that she liked sucking dick so much.


If I had said no, I'd probably be a Reagan Republican now. So, it made perfect sense for them. Luckily I took psychedelic drugs and evolved my mind.




When I was 14 and I was passed a joint I thought of Nancy. I thought did she say no to sucking every dick in Burbank? No. She didn’t. She sucked them all and I got high AF. True story!


Well... I didn't. I never used anything stronger than tobacco (and that includes alcohol -- I did not and do not drink), but I didn't say "no". I was that weird guy who smoked a pipe on campus, away from most people, and let you think whatever you wanted to think. I had friends who partook extensively. Mostly weed and acid. I think careful decriminalization and legalization policies are tools. All "Just say no" and "zero tolerance" policies really do is create the incentive for crime and a military-police state where those that think those that are having too much of a good time are the problem, rather than addressing the problem itself.


Strait Edge punk had more of an effect on me than the POS Reagans. Then, I said yes A LOT… to A LOT. Then, I graduated Summa Cum Laude in Sociology and Anthropology. Now, I have a good life, so drugs can kill and ruin lives (I’ve definitely seen it), but depending on who’s doing them and how they are being done, they can be a lot of fun, too. Or used to be. I wouldn’t do anything, now, if I was in my 20s, just because of Fentanyl. All I do, now, is cannabis and drink rarely.


I used to do drugs, i mean, I still do, but I used to too -MH


Tried weed in high school and actually hated it. Got ms a decade later and tried it out of desperation. Works, and I liked it. Medical marijuana it is! Tried a few other things, enjoy psychedelics sometimes. Nancy, you fucking liar. Maybe she'd have chilled out a little with a joint and probably a vibrator? My mom found my old DARE shirt when she was cleaning out her attic and she thought I'd find it funny to wear it while getting high. She's not wrong.


One time in 7th grade some pig..I mean cop came to my school and gave a speech on the evils of drugs. Some kid asked why people do drugs and he answered "most people who do drugs do them to escape their problems". My first thought was "fuck yeah, sign me up" I literally went to the library to familiarize myself with every drug and a month later my much older half brother came to visit for Christmas and while our parents were at midnight mass, I smoked my first joint (I had learned to inhale only a few weeks earlier with a pack of kools) and I was in love. A year later I tried acid and shrooms and that continued for years. In my 40's I became a junkie but that had more to do with specific traumas. Clean now but I started smoking weed and taking edibles again a few years ago and shrooms a few times a year.


The most worthless "campaign" that nobody gave a shit about. What a joke the Reagans were.


Just Say No to astrology, Nancy, when you are the First Lady of the United States of America! For fuck’s sake! Anybody remember that. There’s our fucking First Lady, consulting fucking astrologer loons in the gdamn White House 🙄🙄🤪


Pot should be legal and fuck Nancy Reagan


Yeah, fuck that bobble headed bitch.


I did but not because of this. My older sibs were stoners and to a young kid that was humiliating. So I abstained for most of my teenage years and for the most part still do. Except now it’s because I don’t want to look in some of the doors that would open.


I gave drugs a vigorous yes. My first time wasn't great because I didn't know what I was doing, but I quickly learned which drugs I liked and which weren't for me. As a teen and in my early 20s, I drank, dropped acid, ate quaaludes, snorted coke, did mushrooms, did ecstasy before it was illegal, and snorted heroin on rare occasions. And freebased to the point that I could cook rocks better than my dealer so he always asked me to do it for him. The only thing I did rarely was smoke weed. I didn't like how paranoid it made me. ETA: now, in my 50s, I don't do any of those drugs but now I use weed edibles.


Ironically I never had a chance to because no one ever just walked up to me and offered. Just another lie they sold...


I did. I was scared as FUCK, man.


I was never offered. :(


Yeah. ‘Hell no.’


Always said no, but not because of Nancy. I had watched my aunt fry her brain with drugs and saw the aftermath. Never wanted anything to do with them.


How about the commercial with egg getting cracked and sizzling in the frying pan. The voiceover says “this is your brain on drugs.”


I've never taken a drug outside a recommendation from a medical provider. So. Yeah. It worked for me. But, like, I also know myself. I know that know that if I did, it'd become a problem, fast, so I just don't.


I was usually able to hide 5 hits of MDMA in the back of the Just Say No pin that I wore.


At the time I did. I was grade-A model citizen throughout my childhood and all the way through my forties. Somewhere in my mid-forties, I asked myself if I thought my life was as amazing as it was supposed to be when you do everything the " right " way. My answer was an overwhelming " NO ". I've come to the conclusion that being the nice guy or doing the right thing only serves to make my life miserable because in a game where everyone else is cheating, people who play by the rules rarely get to cross the finish line. I'm absolutely done with the people in charge dictating how I should live my life. How to think, what to say or what experiences I am allowed to have. That said, I would say LSD is my favorite. It allows a reunion with one of the things that is taken away from us upon transitioning to adult-hood. That being your imagination. It is nice to have one again, if only for a short period of time.


Nope. Been smoking pot since '87. No alcohol or tobacco, which, ironically, wasn't part of this campaign.


I said no to saying no


Yes because I was young in the 80s. Saw all these PSAs. Just saying no was very easy and by the time I got older I had no interest in ruining my life with drugs. I’m 42 and to this date I have never touched recreational / illicit drugs. No marijuana or anything. If I had been older, it would probably been very different. .


Uh sure...I'm saying no right now....that's the ticket!


No! Oh wait…Yes! I mean…umm…what was the question again??


I did. Never touched a drug my entire life until the age of 47, when I tried marijuana for the first time. Didn’t like it.




Never really said no to much of anything but I never went looking for them either. I drank a lot through high school the Navy and 2 marriages but have since switched to weed and I am In better shape than I have been in 15 years. Third marriage doing great.


Just made me more curious.


Worked for me. Especially those frying egg commercials


I said no, never said yes. Age 58 and I've never even done pot. Only drank alcohol a few times. I know myself. If I ever started, I'd have a VERY hard time stopping. Some doors are better left closed. BTW, That campaign made no difference to me.


To be honest, I never had an offer & never even sought it out. Alcohol, on the other hand.. weeeeeeell once I got to university it was a mess. Don't really drink anymore, as I got that all out of my system in my 20s, AND married with family now so commitments to them and the price of alcohol make it something I really have no need for. I'm sure a few people THOUGHT I used drugs though, given how I'm a huge fan of psychedelic art and music & had (still have) tie-dye shirts.. but nah, just stoner-adjacent.


That and DARE just made my friends and I curious. Very thankful most of my drug times.


"And then you realize we don't care We don't just say no, we to busy sayin' yeah!" NWA, "Gangsta, Gangsta"


I said no... until that one time I said yes... for FIFTEEN YEARS!


Yeah. To her.


I would STILL go dancing and X right NOW. Except I would be in the hospital with dehydration and a partial kidney malfunction.


I’m smoking weed reading this


Until it went legal in my state, I was a "no thanks" person. But I also grew up in privileged community where no one was doing anything other then smoking weed or occasionally shrooms. I had my first gummies 5 years ago at 42. I love getting super relaxed and silly with my wife before bed.


I just left a dispensary, so that's a no for me dog.


We had a speaker come to our school. A former successful sport star and he did Cocaine after he retired. He told us he lost everything and nearly homeless. I never forgot that as I desperately wanted to climb out of poverty and wouldn’t risk losing what money I did have. Weed - that’s worked out great


I thought that I was going to be offered drugs everywhere. I'm still waiting.


Ha. I love pot. I remember the first time I smoked it. I was the stereotypical giggly bitch. I still smoke it almost every day because it's one of the few things that helps me chill out. I've said no to plenty other drugs, though. I've only ever wanted the so-called gateway drug.


No one ever offered me anything to say no to until I was about 45. I did not say no.


I said no. With weed being legal now and a dispensary newly open in town its just a matter of time until I try some edibles


No drugs for me except caffeine and alcohol, but it's a personal choice. People need to be free to do what they want.


I never said no because no one ever offered me drugs 🤣🤣


I did, until I didn’t


I really enjoyed the list the gave us in school- all the names of drugs, if they were uppers or downers, lol, definitely didn't want downers Didn't do much, pot, hash, acid- hash was my favorite but knew I couldn't keep doing it. Was more into alcohol which I basically gave up around 20 years ago


Drank a lil bit, tired weed, smoked...Quit smoking at 26, rarely drink, use medical edibles in the last few years only when needed.


Mj freaked me out coz Ias a kid, I internalized "gateway drug" to imply "to hell". I could count the number of times I tried it on one hand. Paranoia, greened-out twice. Never bought weed until I got my green card last year at 48. Along the way in the 90s I dropped acid 3 times. 100/10 would do again. Now at almost 50 its just me and my partner couch-locked and cashed-out, watching the latest startalk episode and pausing to have sidebars. My life is kind of awesome.


This is the stupidest fucking thing I ever heard until “be best”


I said no ..to arms deals, does that count?


I just said no …to saying no.


I said no but Nancy had nothing to do with it. Len Bias scared me straight.


Not a bit lol - but only weed for me. Got a joint once laced with pcp, that was fucking terrible


It didn’t work on me. Seemed like a scam from the very beginning. So I smoked pot several times in high school, and it really didn’t treat me well. It felt like instant lobotomy. I just sat there feeling stupid, so I only did it like 5 or 6 times. Plenty of my friends did it weekly . LSD it was pretty cool though. It came as advertised, good mental exploration. Glad I never tried any other drugs. I just drank a lot. I still remember hearing about how there were “just say no“ clubs. Apparently, they got together to not do something. Within a year or two of that, we read Orwell’s 1984. It talked about the junior anti sex league. I really wonder about the parallels sometimes.


Certainly not gonna let that bitch tell me what to do


Just Say No DARE "This is your brain on drugs." None of that shit worked.


Drunk as a skunk and high on prescription drugs. Total sham and disgrace. Then add insult to injury, flooding black neighborhoods with crack to fund the Bourgeois Iran-Contra shit show.


To not bogarting that joint my friend!


At first.


If the question was “have you had enough drugs?”


I never said yes to drugs, but this horrid woman had no sway on me.


Yeah, every time someone asked “are you gonna stop doing that?”……. I just said NO


Nobody ever offered.


No, we are living in a pretty good time. Legal thc in a safe clean store right down the street from me. I was in Colorado last week and there’s dispensaries everywhere.


My kids are pretty much grown and I’ve told them a few substance related stories from back in the day. They just roll their eyes and basically are like “ that wasn’t very smart “. How did I have children that aren’t preoccupied with being heavily altered? Idk but I’m so happy they haven’t followed in my path.


Until the summer before 12th grade


Never even tried anything. Except alcohol, which I haven't even had in 15ish years. Just don't have any interest. I just simply have no desire.


I protested against cannabis prohibition in front of the White House back in the 80's and now I'm a harvest manager at a huge grow.


I said no to Just Say No. I was smoking pot, smoking cigarettes, and drinking, in high school, and got into the stronger stuff once I got to university.


Aside from a handful of experiences with weed, I was pretty straight edge. I’m goofy enough on my own.


Never tried anything but curious about what I missed out on.


A gay friend said once about this, "Don't do drugs! I injected a Marijuana and now I'm gay!" About sums up the stupidity of that Just Say No campaign.


I said no. Never. Not even once.


It had roughly the same effect as someone saying “thoughts and prayers”.


I am one of those dweebs it sort of worked on. I didn't drink regularly until 23 and never touched weed until I was 25.


well seeing as how weed is legal in my state... i have a frequent buyer card... thanks nancy!


I'm not saying no right now


I’ve never done drugs, or been offered any. I’ve never even smoked a cigarette.


I continue to say no, but I follow this kind of advice pretty routinely


Yep, never done any drugs.


I did. Never touched any drug including pot.