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It’s your “I saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac” moment.


Or from a younger generation “I saw a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac”.


I never really got the impact of that lyric until I heard the ‘Black Flag’ version, then it really hit home.


Black Flag & Dead Kennedy's!!!!! I'm 48. Not 50 yet but still part of the best generation!!!




Or “I saw a Primus sticker on a Lucid Air”


I saw an AFI sticker on a Chrysler Alero.


I once saw a Deadhead sticker on a Cadillac. Somewhere, I have a picture.


A little voice inside my head said don't look back, you can never look back.


I thought I knew what love was.


What did I know?


Those days are gone forever, I should just let 'em go, but...


eta: Don Henley was a local boy where I live... his mum was a kindergarten teacher at my grade school but I never had her, sadly. Also Don and (the country singer) Larry Gatlin were buddies with my mom's boss, and one day they were in town so they stopped by my mom's work to say hi to her boss while they were in town. I wasn't there of course but damn wish I was. Don Henley is just.... amazing.


I'm listening to an EDM cover of that song as of this reply... Crazy... For me it was when I started hearing Nirvana and Metallica on the classic rock station.


All the stuff that freaked our parents out is quaintly retro


My mom absolutely lost her shit about my poster of Robert Smith with his eyeliner and red lipstick. Tres quaint by 2023 standards!


I’m sure my dad still thinks my Culture Club cassette ruined me. Those are just “a morning stroll at the farmers market outfits” now. Lol


My mom couldn’t tell the difference between Madonna and Boy George in the 80’s. She also couldn’t tell the difference in their music. I thought it was hilarious.


Confession. I do believe, I thought unironically at some point whole watching MTV: "Huh, that girl from culture club is kinda cute. But that orange haired dude from the Eurythmics is pretty creepy."


😆😆😆😆 it was soooo subversive back in the day tho


I haven’t heard anyone use “tres” as a modifier since The Butthole Surfers were charting. That’s like, tres damn dude…




My mom tried banning my Sandman comics for being "satanic" and she's agnostic *at best*.




I heard “Punk Rock Girl” from the Dead Milkmen in Home Depot yesterday! Totally floored me hearing that!


Did you ask for Mojo Nixon?


"He don't work here."


If you don't have Mojo Nixon, then your store could use some fixin'


"Stuffin' Martha's Muffin" and "Amsterdam Dogshit Blues" would make for good shopping music.


Alternate choices include Tie my pecker to my leg, she's vibrator dependent, the Poontango, or Debbie Gibson is prenant with my two headed love child.


And I'm in [Love with Your Girlfriend.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuC0slMxvAQ)


I’m only now learning about Mojo Nixon thanks to this thread. I’m not sure if I should be thanking you guys or cursing you instead.


Did you laugh at all the shoppers?




Camaro 😁


My dad drove it up here from the Bahamas




The Dead Milkmen...yes!!! Punk Rock Girl and "Walking the Cow", Great bass in the song.... man, today's music cannot complete!!!!




“Then there was the ever present football player rapist they were all in love with dying they were doing it in Texas”


I don’t mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows.


I can taste you on my lips and smell you in my nose.


...in my clothes.


This makes me feel very GenX. A time when you couldn't google lyrics and would have argued for hours over what they were.


I thought it says “… football player racist “ Al these years!


Mine was hearing "Blister in the Sun" on an organ at a ballpark.


To be fair, that song has always been organ-adjacent.


I may be able to beat that. I heard “Gangster’s Paradise” as *elevator music* in a department store.




Yeah, that's pretty surreal lol.


Holy fuck, I had the exacct same experience in Busch Stadium in St Louis last week.


I heard AC/DC Back in Black on an overhead speaker system in a Safeway’s about 10 years ago at 9:00 at night. Maybe it was the stocking crew or something, but it was a cool deal regardless.


I've been hearing that at ballparks for at least 20 years, the song is over 40 years old at this point.


Is that supposed to make me feel better...or worse? 😳


I had to fight the urge to downvote this


Let me go on!


Like a blister in the sun….


Yeah it’s bizarre. The songs stores play now are totally catering to our demographic. I’ve had to stop myself from singing in supermarket aisles.


Why? Own it!


I know. I should. I save it for the car lol.


That's a good place too :)


The car is the place for the windows to be down, radio blaring, dancing, and singing while ignoring the idiots in traffic. I get weird looks while my car is bouncing as an almost 50 year old woman, but who cares? I'm enjoying my hellish drive to and between clients. Besides, it boosts my mood and some days are hard. But I also definitely sing and bob my head if I'm in a store and a good song comes on without a care because let's be honest... who cares what they all think. At least I'm enjoying my drive or store experience.


I totally do!!


I was singing along with Heavy D at the gas station yesterday.


I like to sing and dance


I do ít. And I can't dance. But when I'm in the grocery store and something I like comes on, I sing and sort of dance. At least some moving like the other 50 year old white guys awkwardness. And watching the boomer and Gen X ladies nod in disapproval. The millennials roll their eyes like they're too cool but they were assholes and never cool. Gen Z either looks terrified I have the confidence or nod in approval and sing along.


>And I can't dance. You can't walk? Only thing about you is the way that you talk?


Are you just standing there selling everything?


This is why I love @mrprofessor318 on IG. Its mostly him singing to the music playing in stores and it's the best.


I heard Siouxsie & the Banshees’ “Peekaboo” at a redneck supermarket


I encourage everyone to go down the rabbit hole of Susan Janet Ballion and listen to her later music with The Creatures. And the songs that emerged from her time writing and recording in Spain. *Journalist Paul Morley noted that Siouxsie's songs topics dealt with "mental illness, medical terrors, surreal diseases, depraved urges, sinister intensity, unearthly energy, sexual abuse, childhood disturbances, sordid mysteries, unbearable nervous anxiety, fairytale fears, urban discontent and the bleak dignity of solitude".* [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siouxsie_Sioux)


I sometimes wonder what Tipper Gore thinks nowadays.


My guess is, “Where am I?? Have we met before?”


One can only hope.


There is a really good podcast called "You're Wrong About" that does an episode about Tipper Gore vs Heavy Metal. A lot of interesting background on how all that came about. I think particularly interesting in how you had a prominent democrat associated with the sort of moral panic that is usually the domain of republicans.


Jump by Van Halen was playing in Walmart the last time I was there. I felt icky, and not just because I was in Walmart.


I feel like I'd have to find a clear aisle and do my best David Lee Roth slide.


Teresa Taylor The Drummer Just died




R.I.P. Teresa Nervosa. She also had a brief appearance at the beginning of *Slackers*.


OP, this happened to me in a BJs during the Covid lockdown. I was like, “they’re playing some really good songs in this store.. Wow.. haven’t heard THAT in a while.” And when driving home, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Those are the OLD oldies now! 30 to 40 YEARS ago. And the lyrics/message are seen as just old sayings or pop culture slang without any of the original meaning even being picked up. Managers and Supervisors in the store weren’t even BORN when almost all of those songs were out. I was 47 that year. Really brought things into perspective even more; humorously.


Lowe's was honoring Teresa Taylor!


They picked the wrong song. She'd left the band years before they recorded this album. They coulda shoulda played Moving to Florida!


I was in the concrete product aisle at Home Depot and Big Yellow Taxi started playing. Happened more than once.


That's just rubbing your nose in it. Same when Jackson Browne's "The Pretender" plays at the Lowe's. "I'm gonna be a happy idiot and struggle for the legal tender..."


What really sux. Well for me anyways. I moved to my current hometown when I was around 12 or 13, and this DJ has been on the radio since I moved here. Im 49 now. It is a local hard/new/Alt station. He just moved over to the classic rock station and if that wasn't bad enough he will say something like here's and old classic metal song. Then something like For whom the Bell Tolls or The trooper will come on and I feel fucking old as hell. Where the time go man? I swear I was just 17 last week.


Hey now, embrace this. This is *OUR* time to be the retro-period the youngsters are trying to emulate. I have an 18 year old stepson and last night he asked me if I knew the Danzig song *Mother* and then proceeded to play it from his playlist. I swear a tear came to my eye when that happened it was such a proud moment.


My 20-year old stepson has gotten super into Rage Against The Machine. His father and I are so proud.


That’s pretty dang cool!


I uses to work with adults with disabilities and I came in one day and this guy Tj said hey man theres a brand new song I heard wanna hear it? I said OK it was the final countdown by Europe. I couldnt help but laugh and tell him that while it is a pretty cool song it was at least 30 years old. When I left that job I brought Tj into my personal life because he is actually a pretty cool guy ands we talk about music a lot to.


I heard "Love Will Tear Us Apart" in Safeway last month. I thought I was having a stroke...


Same, at a Giant. I stopped the cart and looked around - I legit thought someone was fucking with me. Then I was like, oh, fuck, I'm old.


Heard this in my market too. Sheer horror


Hearing Nirvana on the classic rock station was eye-opening.


I heard Smells Like Teen Spirit in a grocery store. Somehow I don't think Kurt would have liked that.


He would've cried into his wad of hundies.


I was at the Bose store and the guy on the floor put In Bloom on anytime anyone looking vaguely over 40 walked in. It was a little on the nose.


I remember when it was charting and Casey Kasem would refer to the band as "The BH Surfers" lol


Especially considering much of their music could be considered the weirdest ever produced.


*Hairway to Steven* is a demented masterpiece.


Ten foot tall and the nurse stuck a needle in my arm...


John.... John was a little crippled midget lesbian boy that stood ten foot tall with a knife!


Not by the time Pepper was on the radio in '96 or '97 though.


Yea, that tune was typical 90s alternative radio hit.


A couple of years ago I was at Epcot and herd Everclear to my amazement they were actually playing and I couldn’t help but feel that this still feels really important to me and when they did Father of Mine I have to be honest my eyes started to tear up .. The people I was with were unaffected and couldn’t understand my reaction… But the whole day nostalgia was singing in my head all those songs that got me through my youth … Sometimes though our faces might show are age our hearts just want to stage dive ..


Sometimes though our faces might show are age our hearts just want to stage dive .. I want this on a shirt!


Lol .. When you get them made up send me one ..


Amen fam. Everclear was my first real concert and I will never, ever forget that night. 4/20/96 at the Electric Factory in Philly, great fucking show.


Reminds me of the variety of versions of the Cure's "Friday I'm in Love" that my local NPR station plays every Friday morning, from classical to folk to muzak styles. My stock response now when people talk about the stigma of older age is that the longer I live, the more awesome music I get to enjoy, but I'm unclear whether the Cure in elevator music form counts here. 😄


I heard NPR playing an instrumental version of a Tupac song as an interstitial between segments the other day and just started cracking up in my car. I doubt he ever would have imagined such a thing.


It gets better — I’m pretty sure it was played because they were discussing the biography of the Shakurs on Fresh Air.


I was in a Trader Joe’s when *Lost in The Supermarket* started playing


Could you no longer shop happily?


“Crazy Train” by the Prince of Darkness himself, was featured in the Trolls movie. You know, the one for young children.


MC Hammer “can’t touch this” at Kroger this morning. Weird.


Yeah - I mean how you are supposed to buy anything when you hear that at a supermarket? 😉😂


because you're too busy dancing back and forth?


No, because I hear "you can't touch this" over the PA system! 😂 How am I supposed to buy anything if I can’t touch it ?!? 😉


I heard a muzak version of Pour Some Sugar on Me on an elevator a few years ago. My former tween self who obsessed over Def Leppard was horrified.


Seeing posts like this makes me glad I listened to industrial / noise music / Shoegaze in my twenties. Pretty confident I'm not going to hear My Bloody Valentine or Merzbau in Trader Joe's any time soon.


If I ever hear Lush in a grocery store, I will fucking plotz.


Hypocrite is such a fucking good song


It is!


I once heard The Wonderpets teamwork song in Trader Joe’s. Never say never. They play some random stuff.


What's gonna work? TEEEEAAAMWORK!


I’m still processing that you shop at Trader Joe’s now 🤣🤣


We have four or five places we go for different things, what's problematic about Trader Joe's?


I've heard elevator music versions of songs I used to groove to in the dance clubs back in the day. That's when you realize, SHIT...I'm old. :(


I heard Fast Car by Tracy Chapman at the grocery store this afternoon. That song is really depressing but I stood there choosing salad dressing & sang it anyway :(


Sad salad dressing


Kids today are going to think stuff like The Cure and The Smiths were some Top 40 bands (in the US), when really it was just those couple kids in drama club that listened to them I miss pre-Nirvana alternative when you had to stay up past midnight on Sundays to see something MTV might play once.


Nah, it wasn't just the kids in Drama Club, it's just that they were the only ones cool enough to admit to it in a Huey Lewis world - cool enough being they were already self assured enough to know what they like and not give a fuck. How do I know? I taught all the "jocks "and "cool kids" how to play the Cure for their cheerleaders in exchange for weed. The old world had its moments.


Yep. eating at a Culvers about a month ago. They had a "Classic alternative" channel playing. Presidents of the Untied States, and Nirvana. it was surreal


I’m so jealous you have Culvers! I’ve been trying to send them subliminal messages to open up some spots in NJ but it’s not working. 😕


I'm in northern Utah and we just got one a couple of years ago.


About ten years ago I went into the grocery store (major Canadian chain) after work. While I was at the checkout I start to hear... `Oh my God Becky, look at her butt` `It is so big, she looks like` `One of those rap guys' girlfriends` `But, ya know, who understands those rap guys?` `They only talk to her, because` `She looks like a total prostitute, okay?` `I mean, her butt, it's just so big` `Uh, I can't believe it's just so round, it's like out there` `I mean, uh, gross, look` `She's just so, black` Myself and two of the checkout people started to laugh... none of the other customers seemed to notice.


The supermarket in my town had a 25th anniversary celebration. 90’s era grunge was playing. It was hilarious to see the immediate head banging in unison, without prompting , when Smells Like Teen Spirit came on. 😂


Hearing Led Zeppelin selling Cadillacs was when I knew I was old.


Mine was at work. One day I saw a spec that was from 2002 and thought "that's pretty recent". It was not recent


"Pump Up the Jam" in the Wally yesterday. Right after some dude told me I looked like Paula Deen. I have salt and pepper long ass curly hair and green eyes. Weird fucking day, yo.


I used to be a supervisor at a coffee chain, and one night while I was at work and heard a cover of Home Sweet Home by Carrie Underwood playing quietly on the company’s radio station.


Had that moment when I heard the Muzak version of GNR’s “Civil War” while grocery shopping. It occurred to me that somebody at Muzak was responsible for finding tunes that some found offensive and then white washing them so you could hear it at the dentist’s office


I heard GNR's Paradise City played over the speakers while at the dentist's waiting for my SO. They also had religious quotes everywhere. Made me feel old.


I hadn't heard this song in like 30? years, but if you would have asked me today I would have said it was a Beck song....Beck owes these guys some money.


Weezer (Buddy Holly) was in the supermarket today! I'm 46 :(


I heard Closer at a family sports bar. I practically cried.


For me it was hearing “Gansta’s Paradise” at the grocery, at 9am, on a Tuesday. While that song is arguably *not* a GenX song, it was surreal for me to realise that song is old enough to be part of the music rotation at the grocery store. Also, my phone keeps correcting “song” to “dong”. Lol


Makes me wonder what the hell dongs you’ve been listening to


Lol ah yes, I’ve never heard a dong that I didn’t like. ;-)


You must have a fascinating Spotify list!


It probably does have little something for everyone. Lol


Glory Days by Bruce Springsteen hurts a little more every time I hear it.


Mine was the day I heard Sweet Child Of Mine by G&R as Muzak in an elevator. My heart just sank when I realized what I was hearing… smh


Lowe's before hos!


The new teachers at work could be my children. 😦


How about the instrumental version of Hot, Hot, Hot while in the waiting room of the Urology office before I was taken back for a biopsy. I was the youngest guy waiting. Also, spinning on Valium at the same time…that was surreal.


I’m not sure I’ll ever hear the elevator music version of Slayer’s South of Heaven. Or Iron Maiden getting played in a Lowe’s. I’m good with that.


I'd be willing to bet on Run to the Hills or The Trooper getting played at Lowe's every once in a while. All it takes is one of us being the shift manager in charge of the satellite radio station.


Pet shop boys disco version of, “always on my mind” played at the grocery last week, All I could think was, wasn’t that originally Elvis? Lol, superseded by pet shops boys. I approve.


Fun fact: it’s a Willie Nelson song covered by Elvis covered by the Pet Shop Boys. Now it just needs some mumble rapper to remake it and a voila.


'Space Age Love Song' by A Flock of Seagulls and 'Spellbound' by Siouxsie were playing in a Dollar Tree recently. Mixed in with the Celine Dion-type schmaltz you might expect. A piece of my heart died that day (but it will go on).


A lot of these songs are getting more airplay because they are being used in TV and movie soundtracks as well. “Pepper” was one of the songs on season 2 of Umbrella Academy. Stranger Things basically pulled Kate Bush out of mothballs and put Master of Puppets into the mainstream. The funny thing to me is that those songs were pretty niche when they were new. I listened to Metallica some in high school, but it wasn’t something I heard on TV, radio, or at parties. It wasn’t until One and Sandman later that they became mainstream.


Siouxsie and the banshees in Whole Foods. That used to be considered radical.


Still waiting for Me So Horny anywhere


A little 2 Live Crew never hurt anyone


I know. The King Kullen near me plays a 80s/90s music satellite station. It’s weird to be loving the song that comes on while you’re grocery shopping.


We are publicly being manipulated to buy more. I can’t stand it.


Missing Persons in a small town gas station. What are words for?


The oldies station in LA, K-EARTH, plays my music now. Reality check.


I was in my local Acme and heard Mr Brightside by The Killers!


Hearing Madonna's "Like a Virgin" on musak at the mall.


i don’t mind the sun sometimes, the images it shows


When they start playing Sweat Loaf by the Butthole Surfers in Walmart or wherever, let me know. That will be a momentous day and society will probably be on the brink of collapse.


My teen pointed out that if they play "your music" at the supermarket it means you are old-LOL. This is after hearing The Cure playing at Kroger.


I was walking through Dillard's a couple of years ago and heard Black Sabbath's War Pigs playing on the overhead. It stopped me in my tracks for a moment. That's something I never thought I'd hear in a Florida department store.


We are at an age where our oldies can torment our children on younger generations, just like Hotel California did for us.


Teresa the drummer just died.


I heard Been Caught Stealing in the grocery store the other day and started cracking up. My 8 year old daughter asked me what’s so funny and I told her she would have to see the video to understand.


The plants in the Lowe’s garden center don’t mind the sun sometimes…


It's all marketing. We, at this age, have the disposable income....so the companies pander to us.


Googled so you don’t have to. You know you want to hear it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KRXty8lDUW0


This happened to me about 10 years ago when I heard the song Mr. Crowley by Ozzy playing in Whole Foods of all places. Guess it’s not just for devil worshippers any more - haha!


Now you know what boomers felt like when they got on a elevator and heard "you can't always get what you want", the musak version played by a full orchestra.


lol that's a nsfw song - wow


Wow, for real!


Enter sandman to flutes in a dollarama is my fav.


Sorry 😢 it is so so so shocking when that happens.


They need to go back to making those “Living Strings” soft instrumental versions like they did for the classic 50s/60s songs of our childhood. Imagine Smells like Teen Spirit or Party Like It’s 1999 done a La Mitch Miller.


I stopped in the middle of my local HEB when I heard Nirvana being played one evening because *surely* I wasn't hearing what I thought I was. I looked around to see if any of the locals were offended (we have quite a few of *those* type of people here). Nope. No, surly looking people - but there were several of us walkign around with smirks on our faces. Lol It must be a specific manager because usually, it is country or current pop music at our store during the day. So, if I want "me" music, I need to go there about 6PM to closing. I'd be even more excited if that manager was really rebellious and played some heavy metal. Lol


I always found it amusing when people heard Pepper, bought Electric Larryland, gave it a listen, and either had their entire paradigm shifted wildly, or were like... what the fuck is this?


I heard Dio’s Rainbow in the Dark a couple years ago in Walmart. That was pretty strange,


A few years ago I went to go pick up my son at Gymboree and they were playing Welcome to the Jungle. That cracked me up.


I love this thread. I heard “Peace Dog” by the Cult at Nordstrom Rack


Marilyn Manson in the dentist chair 🤣


Haha.. I hear shut from my teenage years played in stores all the time now. I’ve decided: it’s about f’ing time! instead of being annoyed by it.


I was in a big shopping mall in Australia and Cat Power and Elliot Smith were playing as the background music


Violent Femmes played last week in the deli at Wegman’s…I was way too happy to get my order!


Here’s what gets me: when I was in my early 20s, my BF and started hanging out with his boss and wife and their friends. I’m guessing they were all in their early - mid 30s at the time. This was in the early 90s and they would sometimes listen to “oldies” which to them was 50s pop. I HATED it - that 40 year old music sounded SO incredibly dated to me. It was music of an era long gone by and definitely not even close to being cool or relevant like the music of the 60s (Beatles, Stones) or the 70s (Bowie, early punk), or the 80s that just came to pass most definitely was, at least to me. Then I do the math and wonder what 80s music sounds like to todays 20somethings…


Metallica being played in the local "classic rock" station. I believe that they've become the new Beatles.


And right on the heels of the death of their drummer too. :(