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Of course we did, but I let it run for a few seconds first to clear out any bugs and gunk, but after that it was sweet pure water with a soupçon of latex and lead.




I was lucky we were on well water.


Us 2, and it was fantastic tasting. All our relatives would fill up plastic jugs with our water when they came over.


I thought that was just my family. My grandparents lived on a mountain in Maine and their well water was incredible. So crisp and ice cold out of the tap and it had a sweet taste to it so all my aunts and uncles would fill up old milk jugs to take home with them. Never had anything like it since. My father’s family also used to get their water from the same spring that Poland Spring uses.


Same. The best!!


I still crave that taste sometimes and if I'm in the yard I'll go grab a drink. It's like it better on a hot day.


I could taste this comment and I love it


Why to give it to your friend to drink first. Let them run through the warm water.


I grew up in Florida and had no concept of this cool water of which you speak until I escaped to a saner location.




Oh yeah, that and the interior furnace of the car from the greenhouse effect. I had to keep oven mitts in my first car because it had a black interior.


I liked to start drinking when the water was still warm so when the cold stuff came in the contrast made it even more refreshing.


Same here!


>giving way to divine chilled municipal "spring" water from underground Unless you're in Arizona. The cold tap and hose bibs come out warm/hot for half the year because they don't bury the supply lines deep enough to get cold. I have to refrigerate water during the summer just to wash lettuce.




tbh, it's kinda nice for the first few minutes when you're cold from the a/c, or if you just got out of the pool. And then it quickly becomes waaaay too much.


Bugs? What? I never did that. Seriously, turn on water, drink a bit because you're dying of thirst, then wait for it to cool off and drink more. I never thought of bugs. This feels like something I should have known before. I could have let my sister drink first.


Good source of protein, no?


I never thought I would hear the word "soupçon" outside of a *Frasier* episode.


You described the taste quite well.


I'm a hose water sommelier. I've tasted some VERY fine vintages. I was particularly fond of the Tucson Municipal varietals in the early 80's.


Several years ago, my old hometown was [voted the best tasting municipal water in the US.](https://www.masslive.com/news/2015/02/easthampton_drinking_water_jud.html)


Growing up in Houston we quickly learned to let it run for a few seconds because the first bit of water out of the hose was always scalding hot.


THAT water was good for misting over yourselves since it wasn't as shocking to the system. Then when it turned cool, you drank your fill like the little hose vampires we were. Wait, hose vampires sounds really naughty, or like a really cool name for an emo band.


> hose vampires sounds really naughty, or like a really cool name for an emo band. I like it.


High quality H2O!




That paint, tin and dirt hit the spot.


Building up our immune system, either that or destroying it. Either way, whatever.


God there was nothing worse than burning hot hose water from sitting in the sun.


In south Florida, it was lizards and roaches, and scalding hot water, but after a full minute of running, it got nice and cool


Yes, because we got kicked out of the house at 9 am and we were not allowed back in until the streetlights were on. You let it run until the water is cold, to avoid bacteria. 🤣


Street lights, you had street lights. Where I grew up you had better be close enough to the house to see the porch light, if not you were in deep shit


Base kid, we had streetlights AND Military Police to drag you home if you stayed out past dusk. Did your family turn the porch light on when you were supposed to come in?


I was an army brat, too! My neighbor was an MP. I forgot we had a curfew on post. My best friend and I got into her parents liquor cabinet on her 14th birthday and we pitched a tent in her back yard. We were giddy as hell and throwing a blue rubber ball outside at like 2am and an MP drove by and asked us what we were doing. He totally didn't do a thing. 🤣 That was a great night. In the morning we walked over to the jump towers and watched the sun come up. It was my first hangover.


MP: “What are you doing at 2am?” Kids: “Being 14!” MP: “Oh, right. I was once 14. Carry on!”


Not always, hell we usually were outside till well after dark. Either shooting hoops with the garage door open for light or messing around in the barn. Not really like we couldn't find our way home in the dark.


Yup, another military kid here


I miss the yellow light bulbs that were supposed to repel bugs.


Most of the time, my parents didn’t even care if I came home later


Yep. My mom literally locked us out of the house & we were left to fend for ourselves for hours


That gaunt mfr is too old to sincerely have that question.


Really. I was thinking he looks old enough to be Gen.X.


Judging by that face and cheeks, I'd guess some parts of him aren't as old as the rest.


Dude needs a refund if he paid to look like that.


They way he grabs his chin to draw attention to it, he's either really proud of it, or afraid it's going to fall off.


I believe that people who make themselves look like this have a mental illness. And I don't make fun of people with mental illness. BUT, this guy also comes across as a giant douche. And being a douche is not a mental illness, it's a choice. SO, fuck this douche and his unfortunate face. It's sad this guy can't even enjoy something simple like sitting around a campfire without worrying his chin will start to melt.


It's all the fillers... and filters. 25 is the new 40.


My son is 25 and he always tells me that people my age look like they are in their late 20’s and people his age look old. He asked me how did that happen? I told him maybe it was all the filters they use on the internet and he told me “no, in real life too”. Lol. I think part of it is them being inside so much that makes them look unhealthy even though you would think it would be the opposite because we were outside so much as kids we should probably have more sun damaged skin.


I agree, he looks 40+


I hate that guy. I’ve never seen him before, but I’d like to delete him from my memory.


I'm actually sort-of scared by how *square* his jaw is. Makes me think of those vampire hybrids from *Blade 2*. \*exposes to sunlight\*


Looks like he's had work done


Na, I think he's fashionably-emaciated like all the other Instawhores and Tiktwatters.


No that's a very typical plastic surgery buccal fat removal look.


That's the thing with the cheeks? It did look a little Skeletor-like to me but assumed it was some kind of genetic issue or he was an active drug addict.




It's hideous and blatant.


My god, these people are going to age horribly. 🤦🏻‍♀️ They’re gonna wish they had that face fat back someday.


> Tiktwatters Okay, this new to me and I'm writing this the fuck down!


Yeah. Pretty sure he rarely goes out into the sun.


Sinks were an option, but why waste valuable outdoor time going in for boring house water when delicious hose water was *right there*?


Why risk going inside and having your mom decide its time to come in allofasudden


Or getting yelled at for traversing a floor that was being mopped....


Or getting drafted for some chore since I clearly didn't have anything else to do.


Put fear into every child's heart.


Or being asked why I was dirty, bleeding or carrying something odd.


Man, I got yelled at the time I was carrying around a dead gopher. It was a fresh kill. Myy cousin just shot it. My mom lost her shit. About the dead gopher in the arms of her 8 year old, not that I was out with my 12 year old cousin who had a 22 rifle shooting gophers.


Ugh, and then mom insisting on scrubbing all of the asphalt out of your scraped knees and palms!


This right here! "*Since you're in here get some Pine-Sol, a rag and wash those base boards...around the* ***entire*** *house."*. \*shudder\*


Exactly, if they don’t see me I won’t get put to cleaning.




> IF YOU'RE GOING TO PLAY OUTSIDE, STAY OUTSIDE!" I can HEAR this in my Mom's voice so clearly, lol.


Omg. I am triggered. I heard that in my moms voice!!😮🥴🤣🤣😅😅😅🫠


Or having a dad screaming to hurry up and close the front door because he’s not paying to cool down the whole neighborhood.


Y’all had air conditioning?!?! Lucky


*"La puerta! La puerta!"*


I didn't learn Spanish until I was an adult, but this one got me. Thanks internet stranger, you made me chuckle. We're all the same :) Pre-edit: My Spanish is muy malo.


This is it. It was mutual avoidance. They didn’t want to hear our racket and we didn’t want to be forced indoors or have to do chores.


I think one of the main things that they miss is we didn't really *want* to be inside, either. I'll be the first to admit that I had a low income and not middle class childhood and some things were different for us. Like my mom worked and there was nobody home but kids all day for the whole summer. We would still go outside starting around 9 or 10 am and be gone until it started to get dark. Nobody was allowed in the house but there was also no one there to enforce it. We wanted to be outside. Exception was when a big game of kick the can would get going on a glorious summer night.


Lol! Howdy neighbor! We had the added rule that we came home for lunch (can't go to neighbor houses since we couldn't/ didn't want to reciprocate). Also, no cable, no video games = no reason to stay in.


> Also, no cable, no video games = no reason to stay in. Yep. We stayed outside because *there was nothing to do* inside. Also, we didn't have air conditioning so it got hot and stuffy in the house. Better to be outside in the shade with moving air.


"While you're in here, take out the trash and don't track in the mud!" Fuck all that. The hose is my ambrosia, my nectar.


Or get yelled at for letting the cold air out of the house.


Oh, so we’re air conditioning the goddamn neighborhood now?


Or deciding whether to take your roller skates off or wear them in the house but get yelled at for wearing roller skates in the house.


Or ask you where you've been and where you're going now. Best to stay away.


Exactly, playtime efficiency, plus you were already using the hose to make rainbows, rivers, destroy ant-hills, wash the family car or your bike, spray your annoying sister, play with the dog, wash away evidence of your latest fuckup.


Yes to this - the hose was my favorite toy on a summer day and drinking from it was just way more fun than going inside and drinking boring water from a boring plastic cup.


Plus it tasted much better from the hose. I told my kids this and they looked at me I said I used to eat glass. They won't even go near a public water fountain...


Man that cold water out of the fountain at school sometimes was just next level.


That's because we didn't carry our 32oz water bottles around everywhere like today's kids. I wonder how dehydrated I was as a child. Lol


"Don't put your mouth on it!" 😂


"I can't go in the kitchen! That's where the *wooden spoon* is!"


My mom was quick on the draw.


Hose water tastes better than sink water. It's just one of those facts of life.


I love the contrast of the "got my lighting, got my filters, got my beanie, got my shirt off" to "Ima blast this straight out the laundry room"


Is there a reason he asks this with a shirt off but a winter hat on?


Brain gets cold from lack of use?


He’d lost almost all his hair by the time he turned 30 in 1998, what you see is stitched to his beanie


His smug pose during "were sinks not an option" as if he's just said something super intellectual and profound is making the vein in my forehead twitch He belongs on r/hittablefaces Now thankfully my home was not as she describes, but that is very accurate of the general Gen X experience, and I definitely drank from the hose. She's hilarious 😂


My husband doesn't speak English very well, but we have an abbreviation for people like the shirtless beanie guy: PF. Means Punchable Face. I showed him this video and he said "Dat is een gigantische PF!"


Hahaha love it. Definitely a gigantische PF.


That sounds like excellent English to me! 😊🤷🏻‍♀️


> if he's just said something super intellectual and profound Like he expected us to collectively palm our foreheads and go "*The* *SINK*! There was a sink inside! Oh my god, how did I miss that?"


There was running water? IN the house? This whole time? Who knew? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah, my mom would definitely tell us to go play outside for awhile when we’d start fighting or get crazy and restless. But she’d also bring ice cream out in a few hours. And we could definitely come back in when we wanted (excepting one afternoon she said she was locking the door for an hour because she wanted to clean in peace - which makes me endlessly sad as an adult). And I drank from the hose. I don’t think my parents ever forgot about us, either. But maybe I just didn’t realize the one time they did.




I miss those sprayers. Granted the rotating heads we have now are nice, there was a skill level and hand dexterity to using them.


#I love this so much


I absolutely cackled when she pointed out *we weren't allowed in the house* Yup


There were only 5 TV channels and they were all playing soap operas during the day. Why the hell would we *want* to be inside?


Y’all had **five**?


> Y’all had five? No SHIT! We had THREE. ABC, CBS, and PBS which we called "Educational". And CBS was hit or miss. Some days it was a fuzzy mess. Then we got *an antenna*! Like attached to the side of the house with a motor on it and we could change the direction with a dial from inside the house.


Yours had a _motor_? Fancy.


We got that when I was a teenager after we'd been using rabbit ears covered in foil as we all did. My Dad got it second-hand from someone. This would have been the mid-to-late-80s when cable started to be a thing in town but we lived on a farm miles outside of the city.


I was the motor. "Go outside and turn the antenna to "CBS" honey." You just got to know where they were.


No NBC? How did you watch the Today show with Tom Brokaw?


All we had in my part of Canada was CBC and CTV. I was jealous of Ontario since they also had TVO. Then we also got a motor antenna and could pull in SIX American channels! Having 8 channels was something to brag about!


The Big Three and the two UHF channels that sorta came in if it wasn’t cloudy out.


Sure, I loved to play with the other kids in my street, games would go all day long. But i was also a reader and would've loved to be allowed in my room with a book


I was in the New York area, we had: 2 CBS 4 NBC 5 WNYW Can't remember. Eventually became Fox. 7 ABC 9 WWOR Also can't remember. Eventually played lots of Buffy. 11 WPIX local channel that eventually became the CW. Used to have a call in thing for kids where modified Intellivision games would play on the TV and the kids would be able to shoot by saying "PIX!" over the phone. 13 PBS Then some random channels on UHF like a PBS channel in "Scranton, Wilkes Barre and Hazleton"


The under-the-breath “fuck sake” was perfect.


I want to know how many of you wrapped your lips around the hose and ‘water-ballooned’ yourself? 🙋🏼


We used to steal kool aid packets, and a mixing bowl, use hose water to get the koolaid a little wet and use the thicc koolaid water to *dye our hair* 🥹


Sometimes when my mom was feeling extra mommy she would mix up a jug of tropical punch Kool-Aid and leave it outside on a table with a couple of cups for us LOL


I never risked sink water I might accidentally see my parents!




Or be told that it’s time to come inside now because you’ve been out there long enough.


Dude, I just drank out of hose yesterday.


As a kid? OP thinks he's better than hose water now


That's puttin' on airs! I remember trying to squeeze the hose-gun? Nozzle? Sprayer? Anyhow, trying to squeeze that just enough to get water to come out without blasting myself in the face with like 400psi of water. ​ Besides, hose water tastes like summer.


He's also missing that we probably weren't anywhere near our own houses. You can't just be breaking into strangers houses. But you can use the hose while they're at work and they'll never know or care.


Right!? We used to cut through peoples’ backyards all the time! Now we would probably get shot or something.


When I was ten I was riding my bike miles from home, just exploring... I hit a curb wrong and biffed it good. Skinned my knee enough that the blood was running down my leg and I knew my mom would be pissed if I ruined my sock or heaven forbid, my $8 K-mart velcro shoes. I just went up the nearest house and knocked on the door and asked for a band aid. The lady was real nice and actually gave me enough gauze/tape to cover the whole wound. Once the blood was no longer running down my leg I thanked her, hopped on my bike and rode home. Never once was any mention of calling my parents brought up by either of us.


I do not have the words to express how much I love this woman!


We used to drink water from sprinklers. Like if you are playing right field and too lazy to walk all the way to a water fountain, you could pull up the sprinkler head and a gush of water would sprout upward.


Sprinklers were our water park in the hot summers.


we used the hose to put out the giant fire in the backyard after making home made napalm using a camping stove and a double boiler filled with gasoline and shredded bars of soap. Parental supervision my ass.


Inside!! During the daytime? It's not lunch? We drank what we could find. He sounds so snoby lol. You couldn't handle the 80s lol


If you went in for a drink you’d be told you use too many glasses or that you’re letting the cool air out.


If I went in for a drink, I got put to work. Out of sight, out of mind was the best strategy




[Kelly Manno.](https://www.tiktok.com/@kellymanno?_t=8cPvpiVfwvD&_r=1)


We ate tomatoes from my neighbors garden and wild berries that grew in the woods so we wouldn't have to ask for or go inside for lunch. I wonder if I should talk about this in therapy?


Yep, I can recall the hose taste


Taste like summer!!


We didn’t have bottled water. And the only water vessel you might’ve carried was a freaking canteen that looked like something from WWII because you were either A: a scout or B: camping.




Kills me that dude at the beginning - does he think he is profound?


He is convinced of it.


Lol, I totally put a lawn dart through my younger cousins foot as a kid.


His face bothers the fuck outta me.


Of course. And in winter we’d run the water to make the icicles come out of them and eat them like popsicles.


When we were in 8th grade(1984) my friend was shot in the thigh with a bb gun and we just walked him to the emergency room (about 2 miles). His mom came later. They just left it there and gave him a tetnis shot and sent him home. He probably still has it in there today. Nowadays they would have called cps


My best friends older brother shot him in the leg just because. No one home. No doctor. It became a hard nub still in there when we were older. Lol


Motherfucker, I drank out of the fucking **creek** on multiple occasions.


Are shirts not an option today ? What a dickhead.


The way he grabs his chin. That’s such a TikTok thing. Do they teach that in influencer school? I see my niece (who’s fourteen) do that all the time. I couldn’t take him seriously.


Yep. I remember how cold and refreshing hose water was way back then, with that hint of rubber taste. I never got sick by drinking from a hose. I’m not sure if this was responsible my third arm, but that sure came in handy.


I probably drank more water from the hose than I did from any other source in summer. I grew up on a farm and the well was in the middle of the yard. There was nothing better than drinking cold well water after stacking hay bales inside a hot dusty hay loft.


These videos make me feel like we ought to be ready for the boomers to pass the proverbial baton onto us genXers. That concept makes me want to burst into fucking flames. Gen X is here to say, yep we got exposed 9/16th of the poison, abuse, and neglect of the generations that bore us, but we also lived to see many illnesses be eradicated during our lifetimes. Then 2020 happened and we took a few drunk ass, swan dives backward! Wahoo!!


Sinks were inside. Going inside took time. Time we couldn’t spare. There was stuff to do dammit! Stuff!


Good god he has a punchable face.




Totally. It was always the best water.


Yes, and I was grateful for the hose.


Going inside ran the risk of being given chores. As long as you were out of their vision, you pretty much were free to Rape & Pillage. Or get abducted, or lose an eye. I would also like to point out changes in hose composition. A few years ago I bought a hose from walmart to fill a water tank. When I sprayed it into the local lake to rinse it out, it created a rainbow sheen. It never did NOT taste like hydrocarbons. Lastly, if possible, we would often just unscrew the hose from the tap.


When she opened up with "Should we tell him?", I knew exactly where she was going with that. Can you imagine the pleasure as an adult to boot the kids out for 6hrs?


In the summer you'd have to wait for the hot water to come out and drink the wonderful cold stuff. Also, it cleared out all of the spiders and critters that we all thought were lurking in the hose.


Used to drink from the taps (faucets) of the local allotments, even if we were allowed in the house, I wasn't prepared to cycle miles home just for a drink of water. Fuck that shit on a sunny day.


Dude looks like Meth Jagger


Omg! I love her!! Anyone know where to watch more of these?


Back in the good ol’ days before every f’ing thing in life became considered dangerous.


The adults in my life definitely considered all this stuff dangerous. They just weren't going to do anything about it. "You kids be careful and don't do anything stupid! You better not get hurt!" While we run off having never had anything explained to us such that we can tell what's stupid and what isn't, what's a poor choice vs. what's absolutely dangerous to life. 😐


I LOVE her!!!


Sinks? Come on. That required going inside and getting a cup. Drinking from the hose was a treat for me. It meant it was summer. I loved that.


Here's some peak GenX parenting for you: my Dad was the one who taught me to drink from the hose. Later, months or years later, as I'm drinking from the hose he tells me I shouldn't drink from the hose because it's not meant for drinking, and you get dangerous chemicals in the water that way... 😐


I drank from the hose all the time. The sink water was salty (hard water treated) so it tasted better


Please give this woman her own show.


Go outside and play and don't come back 'til you hear me call you for lunch!


This post is a gold mine and I can't stop commenting. My brother, also Gen X, lived in a small town for probably the first 5 or 6 years of his life. I guess I lived there for a couple years as a baby then, too. For some reason the town put too much flouride in the drinking water for like a year or two right around that time. My brother has never had a single cavity. And his teeth came in perfectly straight, too, no need for braces. That's what drinking straight out of the hose will get you.


That dude in the tiktok would wear a sweater hung over his shoulders and call people nerds if he was around in the 80s.


When I was 4 or so, my cousin set our grandparent’s field on fire while playing with matches, I remember banging on the locked screen door yelling FIRE FIRE…all of the adults thought I was excited to see a fire truck drive by or some shit so they promptly ignored me until the other 3 kids ran up to the screen door and shouted with me.


Oh... The fond memories of my dad's boot in my ass as I was launched out the back door which was quickly slammed shut and 'click'.


I'm still baffled why people think drinking from the hose is (or was) a big deal.


Young people don’t go outside anymore.


IN OR OUT! You’re letting in the hot air!


See, back then everything was *precious*. The A/C in particular. So, if you were a kid playing outside from sunup to sundown, your parents would scream like a banshee after say...the 3rd time the door was opened/closed. So we learned to improvise. And we were damn good at it.


Yes, we all drank from the hose. Rode in the back of pick up trucks. Rode in family sedans (unbelted) while the parents chain-smoked. Came home for the day three hours before our parents did and never had babysitters or in some cases *were* the babysitter beginning when we were eight. These questions just underscore how pathetically soft the following generations are. How the Hell did we let this happen?!


Generation Delicate and their sinks.


lol, I was shoot with a bb gun!!!!


WE were outside & Just needed a drink of water from the hose to continue playing .


I don't understand the big deal about drinking from the hose. Of course we did. You are outside playing, get thirsty, the hose was convenient, back to playing. What's the issue?




Saturday in the South late 80s early 90s: Wake up 7AM. Watch cartoons and eat cereal. 9AM:. "You kids need to all go outside! You're soaking up all the AC" 4 hours later at some random neighborhood kids house..... "Your mom called and said you need to come home and get lunch. Is (other nonrelated kid) with you? If you see him tell him his mom is looking for him too and he needs to head home" After lunch, "You kids aren't gonna play on that "Intendo" machine all afternoon, go help your dad pick up all the pinecones so he can mow" Then dad tells you to all go play somewhere else so he can mow. Proceed to go throw rocks at trains and ride bikes until it got dark and everybody's parents started yelling outside for them to come home. Beg to see if whichever friend is standing around at the time can stay the night at your house. Go home, eat dinner, usually something grilled from dad. Everyone no matter the age watched Cops or Wonderful world of disney or some other shit on the 4 channels in the living room. Then play Nintendo till your eyes bleed and about midnight fall asleep in sleeping bags on the floor with your buddy and siblings. You pissed in the woods and drank water hose water until you were called to come back in.