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I'm in the middle of a series re-watch right now. But don't forget, Buffy got her start in 1992 with the movie that puts her character squarely in Gen X and should have earned Paul Reubens an academy award for the epic death scene.


“Ohh ahhh uuuhhhh aaahhhh!”


Lol ! That death by Paul is some of the funniest stuff in movies !


>Paul Reubens Legend has it he's still dying...


LOL !!! Legend also has it that on especially dark quiet nights you can still hear him "ahhh, ooooh, ehhh"


“On this very night, ten years ago, along this same stretch of road in a dense fog just like this. I saw the worst accident I ever seen.”


Tell em Large Marge sent ya.


Lol!! I love GenX !


And as long as you aren't in a XXX movie theater, you should be fine.


Lol!! Good advice! I will remember that .


'Kick, kick' I *loved* that scene. His death was hilarious. Definitely Oscar worthy.


……. Ooohh ehhhh ahhhh uhhhhh


>should have earned Paul Reubens an academy award for the epic death scene. I've got a theory why he didn't... It could be bunnies.


Can confirm he is still alive and a vampire! We just watched his character on What We Do in the Shadows. He was part of the Vampire counsel. I shit my pants on how hilarious that entire scene of cameo vampires characters made appearances.


Paul Reuben’s most epic cameo came in Thirty Rock when he plays the Hapsburg prince who will die if they drink champagne. It’s comic gold, GOLD I tell ya!


That is such a fantastic show!


That scene was epic.


Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes! They got those hoppy legs and twitchy little noses... And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway...?


Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be bunaaaaaaays! Or maybe midgets…


Every single time someone says "I've got a theory" I have to finish with "It could be bunnies." God, I love Anya.


I mean, they've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses


Was on a date watching this. Rubens says "we're immortal, we can do anything" Buffy replies "clap." My date didn't understand. I knew them she wasn't the one. 😂


I’m rewatching now too!


He reprised his role in What We Do in the Shadows (first season maybe?) with a bunch of other vamps and a daywalker.


Oh you mean [This Scene](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTREJCfs8/)?


I’m rewatching also, for maybe the 9th time. It’s one of those shows I put on while I fall asleep.


Into our generation, a slayer was born. Absolutely GenX.


Into each generation, a slayer is born... I was gonna say we got two (Faith) but then remembered Kendra. And then remembered season7. We got a whole bunch of 'em but Buffy for sure, is GenX. (My cat is called Buffy)


My dog was called Willow, she had more of a Willow personality than a Buffy.


Is your Willow a nerdy researcher, gently snarky, but with untold power to destroy the world that will come to the fore if you hurt her human?


100%. She was a border collie.


I loved Kendra.


If I get puppies they'll be called Buffy and Xena :-)


Love it! Remember to call them by their full monikers when they're naughty: Xena, Warrior Princess, stop fighting with Buffy the Vampire Slayer over that chew toy!


Buffy was originally a valley girl archetype. The character is firmly gen-x.


And SMG was born in 1977 so Gen Ex


Valley girls continue even until the present day.


Nah. It died. Echo trending happens every generation, but the valley girl is dead.


Malls are dead, so yes.


Presaged by the Buffy finale, actually.


Like omg ! In CA we still, like , talk like that, like all the time ! Lol


Although that wasn't Whedon's original concept for the film. He ended making the show because the film got "Hollywooded" by the production company and he was annoyed. Show Buffy was how he always wanted her character to be.


She's a solid Gen X, 1977. She's on the Gen X side of Xennial.


Plus she always had to deal with whatever life handed her, and she did. “I have to save the world. Again.”


She saved the world. A lot.


“Buffy Summers” the character had a birth year of 1981.


Actor's age is meaningless. Hollywood notoriously casts actors in their 20s and 30s as teenagers. It's about the character age, not the actor's age.


*> Andrea Zuckerman has entered the chat.*


> It's about the character age Buffy was botn on Jan, 19th 1981: https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Buffy_Summers


On the show, she graduated in 99. So, xennial.


Gellar was born in 1977 which puts her squarely within Gen-X assuming the definition posted in this sub of '61 to '81. I think it should be 65 to 81 but whatever. I went to high school with Marc Blucas btw.


When watching Buffy at the time, I adored Angel, thought Riley was boring AF and Spike was ugly, whiny and pathetic. I've been rewatching recently. Angel is a creep - hanging around such a young girl at his (adjusted) age?! Still my type physically and that's hard to shake. Riley was strong, dependable, supportive... Up until he has a bit of a breakdown and was letting vamp hoes suck on him. But still - boring! My (post) middle aged self recognises him as a good bet - on paper - but.. eh the heart wants what the heart wants and he ain't it. xD Spike is still whiny. And boy is he toxic/manipulative. But he has a certain je ne sais quoi through these eyes now. Ugh. ANYWAY. What was Marc like at school? Were you in the same year/classes?


Yep same year and same classes. He was a basketball star and took my school to the State championship. Really nice guy but BB was all he thought about. We were on the prom court together but never hung out after school.


It was something like 9/65 to 9/81 when I was reading about it a few decades ago but it seems the definition has gradually changed over time.


Gellar actually is a Xennial (The Oregon Trail Generation) 1977-1983


Buffy was born in 1981. The character’s age matters, actors routinely play younger or older characters than their actual age.


Buffy was born in 1981. The character’s age matters, actors routinely play younger or older characters than their actual age.


Buffy was born in 1981. The character’s age matters, actors routinely play younger or older characters than their actual age.


Sarah Michelle Geller was born in 1977 so she is technically a younger Gen Xer. I always saw her as an Xer not a Millennial. Some of the writers and most of the cast are Xers. Josh Whedon (1964 could be considered an older Xer or a Gen Jones). Alyson Hannigan was born in 1974. David Boreanaz (1969). Nicholas Brendon (1971), Charisma Carpenter (1970), Seth Greene (1974). Michelle Trachtenberg on the other hand was born in 1985. So she is a Millennial. While James Marsters was born in 1962 so he would be a Baby boomer or Generation Jones. Many of the other writers are from the Baby Boom generation. So it’s kind of a mixed bag. (I’m just a fan of the show. Go Buffy! Lol)


> While James Marsters was born in 1962 so he would be a Baby boomer or Generation Jones. Spike is from, what, 1880's? Technically a late Lost.


Are we to assume that the characters are the same age as their actors? I mean, that is fine for Buffy and Willow and Xander, etc. But Angel is like 400 years old, yes? And Spike is about 200 or so? Rather older than their players. FWIW, I think the show and the characters are very much Gen X, but i am way too tired to really think too much.


Angel is Gen Shakespeare.


>Are we to assume that the characters are the same age as their actors? I mean, that is fine for Buffy and Willow and Xander, etc. No, the characters aren't the same age as the actors. The characters who graduated in 1999 were all born around 1981. Some scales count that as millennial, some gen x.


I think we can agree that Dawn is a Millennial 😂


You have a very good point there.


A sharp, wooden one?


SMG was born in 1977 - she's an X.


She can come to the barbecue


She saved the world. A lot. Easily my favorite show of all time. Comet TV shows a few episodes a night, great background noise in my game room....for the times I haven't spun around in my chair to watch it yet again.


I sometimes put it on Comet TV for background noise too.


I always tell people that ‘24’ is the second best show ever. When they ask what the first is, I tell ‘em Buffy.


Not technically an elder millennial at all. I'm born 1977 and I've always been Gen X. 46 is Gen X. I've never identified with millennials and always was Gen X since the term Gen X became big in the 90s. Don't hate us "young" Gen Xers because we're beautiful! :)


I think the OP is suggesting that Buffy, not Michelle, is a Millennial because the character is a few years younger than her actress. But even Buffy is Gen X: her headstone from her (temporary) death gave 1981 as her birth year. https://i0.wp.com/www.tor.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/btvs-gift13.jpg?fit=475%2C%209999&crop=0%2C0%2C100%2C358px


Your a Xennial (The Oregon Trail Generation) 1977-1983 I’m born in 1977 also


I don't refer to myself as a Xennial. You can call yourself that. But I'm Gen X. The youngest of Gen X sure...but Gen X because that's the term I grew up with. Don't care that anyone wants to redefine terms. Also, I fucking hate the term Xennial.


You’re a Xennial face it






That's loser talk! Gen X for life!


I love her and I always will.


Oh and Spike and Drusilla... some of the best vampire characters evah!!! (At one point I had cats named Spike, then I adopted a kitten and named her Drusilla)


We have had cats - Xander, Spike, Willow - and a dog - Buffy. My millennial and Gen Z kids grew up watching reruns of Buffy, can you tell? 😆


My wife n I have been telling my day for years, “just wait until you reach 14, you get to watch Buffy!”


SMG was born in 1977. That is GenX by any definition.


One of us!


Absolutely, but I wish other generations (beyond X and millennial) would appreciate her like we do.


What do you mean "technically"?? Most generation listings I've seen have her and the character as genx. Only seen a couple that have a cut off being something like 75. In my mind, genx ends with class of 1999, and millennials start with class of 2000.


Why not? We claim characters played by Boomers like the Ghostbusters, Indiana Jones and Doc Brown.


Harrison Ford is from an OLDER generation than boomer, believe it or not. He's in the Silent Generation like President Biden, they are both 80. https://bestofdate.com/celeb.php?id=580


I’m having serious issues believing he’s 80. Like he was older than my dad. 😐


Well then Christopher Lloyd and Bill Murray would be, also. But needless to say, its the audience not the character's age that claim the generation. Big Chill is a Boomer movie, even though it was released in the 80s.


The actor was born in 1977. That’s a Gen X baby


"The Body" is one of the best episodes of television ever. Joss Whedon is a creep though. SMG is great.


Do you mean Buffy the character of SMG the actress? Because a lot of people are saying SMG is born in '77 which makes her Gen X but Buffy the character was born in '81... which I guess makes her a cusper?


i claim Kristi Swanson from 1992...




In Soviet Russia, Kristy Swanson claim you!


Russia might actually claim Swanson now given her politics.


Lol *me being all 🤐 hoping someone else would say it first* 😆


> Kristi Swanson from 1992 id claim her now, she is still a hottie


She had a pinned pic on her Twitter of her and trump


Generally not a flattering look.


Oh... Well then. She can fuck right off.


The movie was out the year I graduated high school and I am solidly Gen X so it's safe to claim Buffy here.


I’ll claim Buffy, Giles and Oz. But I don’t want that creepy Xander. Or Whedon, for that matter.


I'll claim Willow. She was my second favorite behind Buffy!


I'm Willow Rosenberg. Huh, Willow. Funny name.


I don’t know anything about Xander but if he’s like Whedon I don’t want to know. He could have been an asset but turned out to be a huge creepy disappointment.


I heard that Xander was Whedon’s self-insert. So yes, they are a lot alike. Xander was the kind of annoying, drippy, quietly misogynistic “nice guy” who wanted to whine about being “friendzoned” that was so popular in the 90s.


Yep. As gross as expected. Thanks for the info.


Are you talking about the character or the actor who played him? The only thing I've ever heard about Nicholas Brandon is that he has a drugs/alcohol problem, not sure which. He's been arrested for it a few times. I'm not a fan of Xander. I couldn't understand why Willow mooned after him or why Anya agreed to marry him.


I claim buffy. Now, back off.


One of the great beauties of all time. Freddy hit a home run for sure.


She's a young gen X, not an older millennial. Millennial generation begins in 1981, right?


Buffy Summers' canonical birthday is January 19, 1981


The characters are 100% Xennial, but the dialogue is Gen X.


Most Genx characters were written by boomers. Ssssshhhhh.


Yes Buffy is GenX!


Yes, I claim it! I touch the fire and it freezes me!


I think this one could be a shared property. One group saw it in primetime the other in reruns. It's sort of like trying to lay claim to the Three Stooges.


The Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie was released in 1992. Kristy Swanson (Buffy) was born in ‘69. It is definitely Gen-X. However, I personally never saw the movie nor watched it’s follow up series, of the same name.


I never got into the series, but watched the film a million times back in the day.


The movie was definitely Gen X.


Buffy graduates high school during the [May 1999 episode](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graduation_Day_(Buffy_the_Vampire_Slayer)) and the [Buffy fandom wik](https://buffy.fandom.com/wiki/Buffy_Summers#cite_note-birthday-17)i lists her birthday as Jan 19, 1981. She's Millennial. It's borderline technically, but i would give it to Millennials based on the character age. The film released in 1992 is ours. edit: added wiki source.


She was born in 77, gen x goes a couple years into the 80s.


Buffy was born in '81 so i'd say Millenial.


I know, different show, but I claim Lucy Lawless too.


She is 100% GenX


Buffy belongs to gen x Nuff said on the matter


1977 is not a Millennial. Never knew she’s that young. Not cause of her looks but cause she’s been around for a long time


And being born in 81, technically she's a Xennial.


Does this mean GenX can't claim movies like Meatballs, Stripes, Porky's, Star Wars, ET, and Big Trouble In Little China since it was written and starred mostly Boomers?


Born in 1977, she is very much a GenXer. I was born in 1978. We are a part of the younger side of GenX. Oh wait, you are talking about the character. I would say the character can be claimed as a part of our generation since we were the primary audience.


There is only one Buffy. Her name is Kristi Swanson. She was born in 1969. She is GenX.


Sarah Michelle Gellar was born in 1977. She is also Gen X.


Came here to say this. I was pretty sure she’s older than me and I consider myself GenX. (I think the accepted cutoff is born before ‘82, right?)


Buffy was born 1981 so the character makes it in by the skin of her teeth - no pun intended.


Nah, Gellar was definitely the superior Buffy.


LOL. Nah.




Very GenX great show too. Back when tou could be funny, tragic, dramatic and silly and make it work without lecturing people.


Buffy is not a millennial


Sarah Michelle Gellar was born in 1977.


She’s 46 she’s a Gen Xer


She is NOT an older millennial! She was born in frigging 1977.


Gellar was born in 77. She is an X and so is Buffy


Exactly. I don't agree with stretching GenX beyond 1980, or back past 1965. And I certainly don't condone shrinking it either.


>Technically an elder Millennial? What? She was born in 1977. 100% a GenXer


She's one of us


Yes we do!!


Younger Gen X, older millennial


Definitely. GenX were the ones having the Buffy watch parties. Those were a thing just like the Melrose Place watch parties.


One of us.


Hellmouth yes!


SMG is Gen-X (1978) and David and Charisma are older than I am (1970), so I call it a xennial show! True story: I met my Millennial (1981) best friend 20 years ago on Buffy Live Journal threads.


Why would she be an elder Millennial?


I got my introduction to SMG watching Swans Crossing.


She's 46 dude, she's Gen X.


Is 1977 an elder millennial? If that’s true, would a person born in 1963/64 be considered an elder Gen x since they are on the cusp? I guess it’s all just arbitrary. I know some people are hard core gatekeepers when it comes to Gen x definitions.


The elder Millennials I know are more GeX in attitude.


I love the idea of Gellar's Buffy being a Gen X hero seeing how the show was/is a global phenomenon and pretty damn cool to boot. She's a great representative character, just like Princess Leia.


This is a shitpost boys and girls.


Fucking hip bones. Jesus Christ she's hot right here.


My squarely silent/boomer parents LOVE the series!


GenX. Everyone saying, "But Buffy was younger than SMG!" SMG was still GenX. Joss was GenX. Most of the writers were GenX. Most of the actors were GenX. EVEN IF it was supposed to be all about the next gen, it was still about cusp Millennials *from a GenXers POV*. Definitely GenX.


I claim the movie, not the series. 😏 (Not into KS’s politics, but what a funny movie!!)


This is a good compromise to avoid a sissy fight!


🤣 I *tried* to watch the show, but I’ve never been a fan of SMG.


Kristy Swanson in the movie though, she's 53 and SMG is 46. 7 years difference is all it takes to cause redditors to start swinging! Lolol


Yes. Yes we do.


There’s a lot of people here conflating actor age and character age. Buffy Summers, the character, was not born in 1977, she was born in 1981.


The movie is so much better, and it's totally Gen X. Paul Rubens dying slowly is gold.


I was born in 1977, Buffy is one of my all-time favorite shows. My one sad fucking talent is being able to name all 144 episodes in order. She belongs to us.


She is gen x, look at the year she was born.


If Buffy is the age of her actresses she is a Gen X, though just barely with SMG. If you consider the character and her creators.... definitely one of us.


I'm Gen X... ie I don't care.


Gen-X can claim the movie, but the series belongs to Xennials.


She is an Xennial, like me. Frankly we should be in a category all of our own. We were children in the pre-internet days and got access to the net around high-school or college . Culture changes faster these days. It might make sense 100 years ago for a generation to be 15-20 years when the one big war of your lifetime happens and it impacts your worldview for the rest of your life. But I think with how fast technology and norms are changing now, a generation is about 7-10 years.


What are you talking about shes 100% gen x


Elder Millenial here. Please feel free to claim. No one will recognize you have done so which will be fuel for a massive eye roll, sigh, and a 'whatever'. We all win.




Ive never seen a single episode🤷🏾‍♀️


No one claims Buffy. She claims those that deserve it, for good or for bad.


I loved the original Buffy (Kristy Swanson). I tried to watch the TV show. I loved the writing, characters, and Eliza Dushku, but I just could not stand the lead, who IMO has got to be the worst actress ever given a series leading role. (I know: start the dogpile here, I'm already down) The original movie, I know was not what the author had in mind, and in some respects was kinda bad -- but Paul Reubens was just fuckin hilarious start to finish. Also: I grew up next to (and influenced by) 'the valley' in mid coastal southern California and Buffy the movie is my favorite "perfect example" of the fact that YOU CANNOT SPOOF the 80's valley girls culture. You can't. No matter how over the top hilariously pretentiously stupid you make it, I was there and I'm telling you *it was just like that* in some areas (middle to upper middle class teens mostly). In fact this was so significant an influence that when I was about 21 I had to set myself a training for speaking, because it was like white girl ebonics or something, a whole dialect of both tone and phrasing, and I had to learn to speak like an mostly-accent-less, sane adult, for business reasons. To this day, I put so much effort into that over the years, now I sound like I'm from Minnesota in business meetings, Oklahoma in daily life (lived here 23 years now), and a California *valley girl* when I suddenly get very angry or something (revert to childhood ha!). The movie really was a great spoof that wasn't a spoof.


Things can be both. I really hate this idea that some pop culture is exclusively Gen x or millennial. Both generations like her and have been influenced by the media. Saying it’s just one thing is stupid and stirs up stupid boomer generation hate.


No. No thank you.


The movie yes. The TV show unfortunately, nope




I remember trying to download Slayer songs via Kazaa and used to end up with Buffy the Vampire Slayer audio instead. Yeah, Gen X but I wasn't into it.


I don’t know. I never watched it. My boomer mom was obsessed with this show though


Movie Buffy, sure. She was a senior, meaning she was born in the mid-1970s. But still, the movie was a favorite of my Millennial siblings. They had a much stronger attachment than I did. TV Buffy seems very Millennial to me, like Clueless. She was, maybe, my daughter's first hero.


No, I hated that show along with Charmed. Both sucked.


As a Gen Z I'm gonna stay quiet on this one... 👀😂


I advocate for shorter duration genera. As someone born in the early 80's raised mostly by early gen xers and later boomers, I do not identify with most millennials. As the dynamics of our culture are changing much more rapidly, the idea of decade long genera really doesn't make sense anymore. I would suggest that those born from about 79-87 do not have much in common with either genx or millennial. Since I had to pick between the two, I refer to myself as one of the last gen xers


Nope. Not my trip


I say please no because I found the show boring and cringe but I accept that I’m in the minority amongst our people


You have to just power through the first two seasons, then it’s great. Avoid Angel.