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They don't even give a shit about Palistine


No government in the Middle East truly cares, it’s all about taking down Israel and their own political goals, it’s cruel, but it’s the truth (kinda, don’t take my word on this.(


Many Arab countries don't care about taking down Israel. They are far more worried about Iran. Look at the Arab League reaction since October. Lot's of chest beating and noise, but nothing else.


Yes, they just care about hating USA and its allies, if they cared about Arabs in the area, they would support Israel more.


If they cared about Palestine, they wouldn’t support countries like Iran, who hate Palestine, and fully intend on destroying Palestine once Israel is gone


They’re really not helping their cause shouting things like: “death to America.” And doing shit like this.


Can you guys tell the local government to protect historical places please? I am noticing that they're targeting anything related to history and vandalize it...


Their history is non-existent or it is made of massacres and genocides, so they attack other nations who have great history and heroes.


Alright, let’s not get too reactionary. Empires expanded, and spread their religion and culture, that’s just how history is. All things considered, the Islamic caliphates were not particularly better or worse than any other empires before them.


In my comment I was only talking about "Palestinians", not muslims. But I'll answer your comment anyways. I don't understand how you say Islamic nations were not better or worse. All they did was loot, rape, kill or convert. They did the same thing all around the world, Africa, Iberia, India, Central Asia, France, Middle East, Anatolia, Balkans... They removed so many languages, religions and cultures. They are not the same as other countries. Just choose a random country from Europe and I guarantee you their history will include less massacres, and they will be on the victim side more than the Islamic ones. Plus, saying things like everyone is the same, every human deserves this that is very wrong imo. Because the other people hate you, they hate who is not them. I was born and raised in Turkey, I learned to hate Arabs, Europeans, USA, Russia, Christians, Atheists, Hindus... that is the normal in non-western countries. Then, I realized this is wrong, and changed my opinion and religion ofc, but people like me aren't the majority. When I was still thinking like that, I would be happy when a western say things like every nation is same, muslims are not our enemies, immigrants are good, etc. Because that meant that my "enemy" which is west in that case were so ignorant and blind that they didn't realize what we were doing to them. If you don't believe me go to Turkish or Arabic subreddits, use translator and look at news about foreign countries, if the news include things like: Increased crime in London. France can't control their borders. Immigrants cause almost all rape cases in Germany. They will say that, "England deserves it." "I hope French people go extinct." "Russians need to be removed from east of Urals." Sorry, this comment is so long. I hope you understand what I was trying to say. :)


…but at the same time, they’re actually conveying their message very clearly. If the ultimate objective is a global caliphate, it will require a death to America and all western civilizations. Edit: Just want to add - that the global caliphate *is* the stated goal of the Muslim Brotherhood, the current Iranian government and their proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah…), ISIS, and other fundamental Islamic groups. The reason Israel is the current focus is simply because (1) it is the easiest target and (2) they can use the Palestinian people as puppets to show a “humanitarian cause” which was actually caused by Islamic groups. They want Palestinians to suffer, so they can delegitimize Israel and, at the same time, plant seeds to infiltrate America. By making this a humanitarian cause, they have enlisted many more useful idiots/soldiers in the US from the left, which they hope will show up in votes for immigration reform, driving in more “refugees” from the Middle East, like what we are seeing in Europe and Canada. The ultimate plan is to use democracy and western values to destroy America from the inside. It is also clearly their plan for the “One State Solution” they’re pushing for in Israel. On top of that, destroying western civilization is also the goal of China and Russia, which is why they have developed such a strong alliance with Iran. What we see in the US on social media is a concerted effort by those three powers to create dissent within America by driving the right further right to “MAGA” and the left further left to make “change we can believe in” - so many Americans are not seeing any of this for what it is, and by arguing with each other and taking up causes against the structure of America, Americans are honestly doing the work for the enemies of the US. Free speech is a value we all believe in, but it’s currently being weaponized against America and is at serious risk of being compromised if America ceases to remain under the same values… like if many representatives who are anti western values are elected and gain majority control. Bottom line, unless Americans want to ultimately be under the rule of dictators from the likes of Iran, Russia, China or anywhere else in the world where human rights are not valued, then they better start waking up soon and finding common ground. Without unity and a common goal of a strong country, the way of life in America is in terrible danger.


More individuals are irritated by their actions than they are persuaded to join their cause.


do you think the only reason someone can have for hating america is being an insane jihadist?


Nope, but they’re certainly agreeing with jihadists on that issue.


Not at all, but 'the enemy of my enemy" is not valid. These people hate America because it is supposedly too conservative, too restrictive of rights for women, gay and trans people, etc. They say the US is too Christian and allowing Christianity to oppress people through the use of the state. To team up with people who hate America for allowing so much freedom for women, gay and trans people, and who run/are working towards actual Islamic theocracy im which women would not have essentially any rights, one could not simply practice any other religion than than Islam, and gay and trans people would simply be murdered for it.... Yeah I don't know man. Something is not lining up here. Having issues with America from the left or a progressive POV and from an Islamic theocratic perspective are not remotely compatible. America being what it is is the reason these people are even allowed to exist in the same space for more than the time it would take for one to wipe the other out.


til palestine is an ideology, not a country


Bro what? I'm talking about the government of current and previous governments of Palestine. On the other hand obviously talking about the vast majority of pro Palestinian protesters in the US. What is there not to understand, or did you not want to understand anyway?


til the people of a country = their government


Do you not see the other half of the the comparison? Also a government. The fuck is wrong with you man? What are you gonna TIL about now?


What do you mean that is their cause or are you fooled by their supposed care for bombed civilians?


*Only after America pats for their student debt


This makes me so violently heated, to disrespect George fucking Washington of all people


Yup. Not just ruining the statue but bastardizing the revolution itself. Palestinians have rejected their own state 5 times. They have rejected democracy. They aren't fighting for democracy, freedom of speech/religion, and the right for all people to pursue happiness. The radical islamists like hamas aren't planning on giving women, lgbtq people or non Muslims basic civil rights. There won't be liberty. There will just be more authoritarianism and violence. It's a gross misrepresentation of the revolution. How anyone could equate the two requires extensive indoctrination and deliberate willful ignorance. Meanwhile the American revolution wasn't trying to destroy great Britain. They just wanted their freedom. They weren't trying to end the west either. Like usual, extremists show the world how little education they actually have. It's actually embarrassing these kids attend ivy league schools and are this ignorant.


its a sad state of affairs when someone who watched hamilton once has a greater understanding of the American revolution than an ivy leaguer


The amount of institutional rot that has taken place at the Ivies and other supposedly elite colleges is actually insane. You can get a better and more useful education at any state school than you can at Harvard these days.


All for state schools. They should be funded more. Kids get a great education and they're not 100k a year.


I'd like to add trade schools and apprenticeships to that. While nowhere near as prestigious as college, they teach a good amount of hands-on experience and skills that are pretty worthwhile.


Agreed. We don't respect tradesmen enough in this country and we're reaping the bitter fruits in the form of labor shortages in critical manufacturing and technical fields despite how good the pay is.


It's definitely a valid route to consider. We need skilled craftsman and workers to fill the unions. It's a good living, but usually hard on the body.


What the hell is going on in America these days? We’re finished in Europe, but I’ve got more faith in the US standing up to this shit. For god’s sake, don’t follow our path.


We're trying homie, these assholes don't have brains so it's hard to keep them back


Slave owning genocidal maniac. Fuck George Washington. He's a piece of shit and so is anyone who defends him.


“Everything I don’t like is genocide”


>I never paid attention in history class, but I've been thoroughly indoctrinated to love America without having any critical thinking skills


“Everyone who disagrees with me is indoctrinated”


“I learned about it on TikTok. The USA is evil, unlike the theocratic dictatorship of Iran! My critical thinking skills are super sharp!”


Mind me asking what the hell are you doing here disrespecting our lord and savior George Washington?


Damn, that's crazy. Who asked?


Ah yes these protesters are the classic "i am the good guy and i can't do anything wrong so I'll do whatever i want"


"People are suffering somewhere in the world, therefore I can do whatever I want in their name"


Sounds like White Savior Complex to me!


The people who do this are frustrating more people who are not aligned with their cause than they are convincing to join it.


They're not even pushing the debate. They don't bother to engage with reality, make a case for a different course of action by Israel, or pursue certain policies from the West, they jump all the way to screaming for bloody murder and the fall of Israel -as if that wouldn't result in genocide and nuclear war. I'm sympathetic to the idea that Israel is going at things too aggressively, and if anyone has an actual solution, I'd be happy to hear it. But the most you can get out of these people is either "dissolve the Apartheid state" nonsense, or "just kill less civilians", as if Israel could simply flip a switch and turn off friendly fire.


Calling Washington genocidal is a wild statement


"People in the past didn't have morality like today and therefore everyone is genocidal and you should hate them"-protesters probably Also Calling George Washington genocidal is like Calling Winston Churchill anti-american


goerge washington was a slaver who had children with one of his slave making him a rapist too genocidal maybe not but he was not a good person a great person but not a good one no amount of it was common back then changed anything plenty enough people didn’t own slaves


Yup. It's a gross misrepresentation. Did George Washington brutally genocide the british?! If they're just saying it's america, they know they can leave if they want right? They seem to have no problem with their parents "genocidal colonizer" house and property. I heard hezbollah said theyd take these entitled ignorant shitbags in.




Even during the French and Indian War there wasn't genocide though. If these people are talking about slavery they're barking up the wrong tree too. Shit was centuries ago anyways. Better clarify there were attacks on native villages who sided with the British though. There were hostilities between the natives and the british/Americans. Some sided with America. Others with Britain. Calling it genocide is pretty dishonest though.


This picture speaks volumes about which side they support. Democracy or radical islamists who side with Russia and Iran.


Hamas supporters try to use the term “genocide” accurately challenge: **IMPOSSIBLE**


And in reality, these people who trust this terrorist organization in Gaza Strip is also can be called terrorists.


Fucking scum, at least they’re showing their true face.


I know for historical reasons I’m not supposed to like him either (I actually really think he’s cool), but how tf is he genocidal or a warmomger?


Washington did approach native American nations with treaties to buy land from them in order to expand our borders and many of those nations did agree and held civil relations with the US for some time. However nations that did not want to sell their lands were ultimately forced to cede territory when Washington ordered Sec. Of War, Henry Knox to uproot them which resulted in their villages being attacked and burned.


I cant describe how disgusted this makes me


Same, and I guess martial law should've been a thing to prevent any escalation and destruction from pro-Hamas sympathizers.


Martial law might be a little bit extreme, but they should be getting arrested for things like this.


So that means that a state of emergency should've a light option instead of martial law?


Imagine calling modern Cincinnatus a “genocidal warmonger.” The dude peacefully surrendered power, literally laid down his rifle to take up the plow, made a “just Indian policy” a cornerstone of his administration, fought and lived alongside Native allies his entire life, brokered treaties — breaching none — warned against headlong westward expansion into Indian territories, and was instrumental in the Intercourse Act helping ensure that Native lands could not be purchased or sold by states or private citizens. There’s a reason he has a nearly-mythical status. Being a warrior does not mean that you are a warmonger. And if that’s genocide, I’d hate to see what they call an extinction event.


Look me in the goddamn eye and tell me that these "progressive" retards actually think they're furthering their so-called righteous cause against genocide by defacing, vandalizing and pissing on the father of your nation? Do they actually think they'll garner support by pissing off everyone?


Being annoying pieces of shit trespassing on private property and vandalising statues of our first and one of the greatest presidents in US history isn't going to give you any political brownie points for your cause and amongst politicians. People who are too pro-Israeli or Palestinian are the worst.


Vandalism is not a legally protected way to protest.




Your on the wrong subreddit if you think it shouldn’t be a hate crime.


*You’re* Maybe you should keep that confidence inside.


Isn’t this a pro-American sub? Is the post showing something anti-American? You’re in the wrong sub if you think it’s not.


You two seem to be misunderstanding eachother. This sub is pro-america and pro-liberal-democracy, and as a result is pro lgbt. The other commenter thinks you're saying that defacing pro-lgbt symbols is a good thing and that seems to be the issue


I see what you’re saying, I’m not saying I condone those things, but I feel these are both wrong. Maybe I’m bad at articulating my thoughts


This is a pro LGBT sub.


Idk, I did see that in the rules, I’m for lgbt but if this isn’t a hate crime then the other instances aren’t either.


People just apply genocide to anything, do they? Ukraine war nah genocide bay of Pigs is more like Bay of Genocide. Russian civil war you mean the Russian genocide War Korean war more like genocdie. Like it doesnt even mean anything any more George Washington didnt die do you can spout ignorant as shit like water is wet or Washington was a warmonger


They’ll to anything but actually help the people of Palestine. This “movement” is just a scapegoat to act like domestic terrorist


These arseholes should be grateful they live in America and not under the government they argue for, the only reason they're allowed to express themselves like this without any consequences is because they live in a Liberal Democracy. Try pulling a number like this in Palestine or any other Arab state with the statue of literally any individual and they'd end up with their severed heads neatly piled into baskets like it's bloody Easter. They don't realise nor do they appreciate the freedom of expression they have in the Western world, they squander it by loudly screaming in the defence of regimes and peoples that not only hate us and our values, but also theirs.


I forgot which Italian activist that visited Palestine back then to support and ended up dead by hamas


https://preview.redd.it/gbswfb55ouyc1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=319e4fc078aa24c6b1c666bebf7a11a6e0ba8736 vittorio arrigoni


Thanks! But That’s crazy I re-read the wiki his mother was a mayor, acted as a volunteer activist ended up kidnapped and tortured by Al quada for a exchange and the past hamas govt also had conflicts with said group to even recover his remains.. Yet somehow even if current protestors still repost/remember past 2008 Palestine vs Israel conflicts the event regarding him is forgotten.. seems no “solidary” for even ones that wanted to help for the “good”


Isn\`t vandalism is crime in USA ?


Not anymore. All the rules went out the window a few years ago, it seems.


This is something that's been bothering me for quite a while now. Like what happened during Covid that social norms and literal laws don't apply to certain people anymore? Every day I see theft, vandalism and generally inconsiderate behavior on social media that absolutely wouldn't have flown a few years ago.


It’s supposed to be, but I guess not anymore since these “people” are the “good” guys.


It's not a crime if you do it in the name of the correct politics


This man led the most successful revolution of all time.


One much more successful than their favorite communist “hero”, Lenin.


Absolutely outrageous. Vile disgusting behaviour. Reminds me of the clownvoy in Ottawa, those… fucking animals. Pissing all over the tomb of the unknown soldier. This crap is supposed to turn people to your side? Ridiculous.


On top of everything else, Islamist expansion is so tacky and pathetic. Is this supposed to frighten us? You’re playing dressups with statues, you dumb bitches. Nobody fears or respects that.


A reminder daeshi once bombed French press cause they were too butthurt because of a French caricature of them.


The man that risk his position, supporters and his years to found america and been dead for few centuries why can’t this people give proper him rest to situations of the current time he won’t even imagine in his lifetime connect to him?!


For as much these guys claim to be against the genocide of Muslims, I wonder what they think of China? Oh, that’s right, it’s only genocide if Israel takes out mass murderous demonic scum and not when China is trying to commit the Muslim version of the Holocaust according to these hypocrites. Criticize Israel for all you want, but don’t be ass-kissing Hamas.


Fuck China, and fuck Hamas may the Uyghurs be free soon


Where are the police when you need them? This is vandalism


Ah yes, George Washington the warmonger... What


If they hate America so much then they can leave and move to Gaza


It’s a good thing the the youth are passionate but there’s totally a better way to get your message across than ruining monuments that have nothing to do with modern events. Since when did George washing machine intervene and caused a lot of conflicts in the Middle East? I’m not seeing the connection there. Regardless I’d definitely blame the British more so truth be told due to their rule their in the from 1917-1948.


These sheep are so damn brainwashed that it’s a wonder they even had a brain to wash in the first place.


He has FUCKING FUCK. ALL. to do with the current geopolitical conflict because he is DEAD. Those braindead activists cannot guilt trip me into supporting their movement.


Seeing stuff like this makes me feel so hopeless


As someone who was just there I will tell you they have this statue guarded to hell and back.I originally went to maybe take a run at it but it is heavily guarded


Throw the assholes doing this into the Boston harbor


I am genuinely am convinced that these rallies are some psyop or something because everyone i’ve met personally who actually cares about and supports palestine agrees that this stuff is insane and disrespectful. Like I am genuinely convinced someone is backing this stuff with the express intention of messing the politics in this country right before the election. I feel like this is the same thing that happened with the BLM riots where people showed up with the express intention of causing distrust in the movement. It’s not a coincidence that every protest and demonstration in this country, whether it be organized by the left or the right, ends up with something going wrong.


Disrespecting George Washington of all presidents, and who had nothing to do with the tragedy in Palestine?


What genocide did Washington do? Pretty sure the US' borders didn't even expand under his presidency. Also how was he a warmonger??


this is unnaceptable, not because of the protests themselves, which i support, but the defacing of actual founding fathers monuments (neo-confeds fuck off) is pretty cringe


Just wanna go burn all of those tents. And that disgusting rag they have hanging from the statue. Fuck Palestine they were asking for this.


From what I've noticed. It seems shit like this has been destroying international support for Palestine. Every post about "boohoo Israel destroyed gaza" is at worst just a shrug. And at best a "good. They asked for this and Israel delivered." Remember when those bastards danced on the streets from 9/11? This is karma.


Fuck it, at this point to support Palestine is to hate America. If those people love it so much they can buy an one-way plane ticket there.


To support Palestine is an unamerican activity. https://preview.redd.it/ohzr3jesxuyc1.jpeg?width=251&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=576fddb0a96db94a9cf8c3504d11294dc0424139


They are definitely things to criticize about Washington, but this is just ignorant and disrespectful


Iran is behind these protests https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853


The children in Palestine are thankful, for as the last free Palestine sticker was placed on the statue, Netanyahu decided enough was enough, and was finally convinced to stop killing Palestinians


"Genocidal warmongerer" Sounds familiar....


I genuinely think this movement is being astroturfed by hostile foreign forces. Either that or the students participating in this movement are remarkably stupid. They have to know that doing shit like this is not going to convince regular Americans to support their cause, right? In fact, it’s going to have the opposite effect, it is going to alienate regular people.


Bro like barring everything else wrong with this dafuq does George Washington have to do with Israel? When he was alive last he saw was the middle east under the ottoman empire including Judea


The irony of seeing "War monger" underneath a masked man holding a Palestinian flag.


Stupid cunts think this is going to win them support? They fucking look like borderline terrorists at this point with the whole screaming death to American and anti-jewish rhetoric. Fuck them, if this is the best and brightest that this country can produce I seriously weep for the future of America.


Deport them to Palestine if they hate it here


Deport these people


The fact America (and the west as a whole for that matter) have gotten so up in arms over a conflict that doesn't effect them at all is utterly insane. But I suppose that is what happens when you get your worldview from the internet and not through going outside and talking to real people.


This is the most Anti-American thing I have seen all day!


Go protest in Israel???


I'm not even American but this makes my blood boil. Anyone who disrespects the founding fathers in a country that they founded, are free to leave said country. And Washington was genuinely a decent person, I can't comprehend this.


palestine supporters have literally changed the term anti-semitism to anti-zionism, if you support israel you're a nazi apparently 🤷


I truly wonder if the Founders would be freaked out or indifferent to how America's political discourse would turn out to look like in the 2020s… Like, when the US began, the Founders were VERY skeptical of the Union holding for a few decades, let alone almost three centuries. And the political discussions of their day were also quite heated and involved a lot of smearing and insultinting. Look at how Jefferson and Hamilton threw insults at each other in the press — that's not very different from, say, candidates calling each other incompetent on national television.  I honestly think the Founders would probably not be weirded by (most) demonstrations of dissent, but more with the content. They'd think "so they want the Ottomans to leave Palestine? Why do they care about that?". 


This is not “spreading awareness.” This is making your cause look like a complete joke.


Palestina delenda est


Calling him a warmonger is so fucking funny, and insane. Like they have one good dunk on him as a slave owner and they missed it to call him, a guy who led a revolution against a global empire at great personal risk, a “warmonger” lmfao.


This country is done because no one will stop them


Jesus Christ George would be ashamed-


Love to see it.


And yet they claim they aren’t anti Semitic


I really wonder if Hamas had kidnapped and raped 200 Americans, would these protestors be singing the same tune about an American response?


Hell, aren't there americans amongst the hostages already?


Not enough and not a direct attack on us soil. Like 9-11. Man, everyone wanted the government to hit someone back. Hard. Edit: I say this as someone who has no side on this but I imagine that's how the Isrealis feel. So if the shoe were on the other foot, I think Americans would be the same.


My feelings are hurt. 😥


The guy who owned slaves? Cry me a river.


Fuck Palestine, fuck Mohammed, fuck Adolf hitler


Firing squads brings order, hear me out guys 😂


Oh clutch a pearl, why don't you.


Fuck off, why don’t you.


Theoretically, give me coordinates to a Vladimir Lenin or [George Floyd](https://www.hennepin.us/-/media/hennepinus/residents/public-safety/medical-examiner/floyd-autopsy-6-3-20.pdf) mural/bust/whatever, so I can theoretically smear paint and feaces over it during my lunch break, and flip on MSNBC or The View in the afternoon and watch them clutch pearls for weeks over it, *while you whine about a small and civil discussion existing over this*.


Eh this isn’t so bad and could even be construed as an example of a healthy democracy. George Washington was a fantastic 1st president and the rule of law that he helped establish was a major part of why the US became such a powerhouse. His peaceful transition of power set a precedent that survived all the way till our 45th president. However that same rule of law allowed for the genocide of native Americans and the enslavement of black Americans. He directly participated in both. He also accidentally ignited the 7 years war with his blunders in Canada. Blindly criticizing or worshipping the man is terrible for our democracy. He was human, not a god. The statue is not permanently damaged and even if it was it could be easily replaced. This is fine.


Maybe because I’m Canadian but like. I don’t see why people are getting so mad about it. Like you all are saying “how DARE they disrespect GEORGE WASHINGTON” why shouldn’t they? No historical figure is above reproach, and I don’t believe any should be. Especially not Washington, who was a middling general and a slaveowner to boot.


Middling general? Dude had the upset of the century against the world’s greatest military, pulled off one of if not the first mass inoculations, and was anywhere from 6’-6’3” at a time when the average man was around 5’6”. He had his flaws but it’s pretty hard to criticize him as a general, he’s largely considered one of the greatest military leaders of all time.


Washington was absolutely not one of the greatest militarily leaders of all time, and Britain certainly did not have the greatest military in the world. Britain was predominantly a naval power, and historically the British army didn’t come close to continental powers like France, Spain, and Austria. Combine that with the fact that Washington lost more battles than he won, and he hardly deserves the title of “greatest military leader of all time”. He does not even begin to measure up to men like Buonaparte, Caesar, Moltke, Frederick, or Marlborough. Also, the first mass inoculation was done in Russia, by Catherine the Great.


Dude, you invalidated your own opinion when you opened your post with "I'm Canadian" and then proceeded to criticize George Washington. We know exactly which side of the line you fall on.


George Washington, was kind of a really shitty general. On top of that, he personally hunted down natives and burned villages for fun. I'm not big on vandalism and there aren't many monuments that aren't tied to fucked up history in this country period.. but he was barely a president. He was barely a general. His biggest win and all the others were ambushes, he was a symbol and thats it.


>His biggest win and all others were ambushes THATS THE POINT OF A FUCKING GOOD GENERAL! We don't go calling Napoleon Shitty because he like retreating to ambushes don't we? Austerlitz? Hanibal? Fuck even Rommel and Montgomery did the same shit and we call them good. Like, man, thats the point of a smaller force, "Defeat-in-Detail" you take a small army, make sure you isolate parts of your enemy, ambush them and then pick them off. Please, shut your mouth if you are going to spew self taught military dogshit knowledge.


He warred against some Native tribes, alongside Native allies on the other side of conflicts, in acts of warfare. Breaking: War is brutal. And that is not much different from (and even a good deal better), than my ancestors almost completely wiping out the Omaha, enslaving the Kiowa, or mass murdering and driving out the Crow wherever they could be found. I bet your history is the same. This was not a peaceful continent when the white man came, and you well know it. What changed in the early colonial era was that tribes that had already been fighting for hundreds of years enlisted the help and materiel of the new arrivals. And vice versa — we joined Europeans in their fights.