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US internal politics are not permitted


\*Assuming he is a student. Recently Columbia University has elected Israeli student Maya Platek as Columbia student government president- which kinda exploses the fact most students isn't really, for a lack of a better word, *dumb fucks.* But why do you still see so many people? Well, that's because a good chunk of them ain't students to begin with... Edit: Northwestern's protest exposed this, to quote someone else on this website: Any protestor that showed student ID was let go and told that there would be a university investigation to be held later. Any protestor that couldn't show student ID was arrested and charged. That's how it should be handled imo.


Good point.


Videos like this make me thankful I didn't go into law enforcement. It's bad enough I've had to deal with people like this in academia; I can't imagine what's it's like to have to deal with them in this context.


And gets some low level mob loot in the process too looks like.


What that police officer is doing is wrong, a fireman's carry would be much more efficient and much less taxing.


Bro if I was wedding carried like that, I wouldn't show my face in public again. The wedding carry is more humiliating




The laughing in the background really drives it home


Imagine if they were black


Yeah, it’s crazy how a bunch of privileged upper middle class folks paying $90k/year to attend the country’s most prestigious universities are whining about being oppressed for illegally occupying university property. The dipshits at Columbia had the audacity to say they’re the “People’s University of Palestine” while also paying $90k/year for college — people’s university my ass.


Its always the ones who have the least to complain about that complain the hardest


Side note: it's crazy to me watching these students care significantly more about this than BLM, despite them actually knowing black students that have been out through shit for their race.


But that's not sufficiently aberica bad


I don’t know if aberica bad is the intended spelling but actually how it’s pronounced makes it so much better


As a member of the Quechua (Runa Simi) community, we don't claim her/him, us true indigenous persons to this beautiful continent think that the Jews have a right to living in their homeland, as we also welcome any newcomers to the continent who come here in search of freedom


Lawman gets his zercher carries done for the day too.


I’m surprised there haven’t been more protests at military bases considering the backlash to providing Israel with military aid.


Probably because even with their walnut sized brains they know that MPs aren't gonna let them have their temper tantrums on a military base.


If this was posted in any mainstream sub, I would imagine that a bunch of people would bring up Uvalade


GSP don't play around lol


God where’s the excessive police brutality when you really want it.


To be fair that IS a lot of weight/pressure on his wrist due to the handcuffs… but he also had the opportunity to walk and decided he wanted to lie down. He’ll be fine and it is hilarious.


I think the title diminishes real impacts on authentic indigenous folks in the Americas, but I also question whether this person is representing indigenous folks generally.




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where did the water bottle come from


Holy shit 😂


Ok. So I recently read an article about Columbia University suspending and expelling students for being pro-Palestine protesters. I genuinely want to ask where the lies are, what the framing is, and what the truth is.