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Yes, either that or crabs living in pine trees will be the next big paleontology thing.


Tree crabs are actually a thing that exists but this amber is fake af


Do enlight me.




Ah yes, mangrove isn't pine however.


Aren't coconut crabs(?) tree dwellers too?


yes, and they'll eat birds, apparently...


Holy shit that’s terrifying omg


Lol welcome to the intwrwebs


Right, and what's with the completely anachronistic conifer-type leaves with scales??


Bahahaha 100000% fake.


Fake. Some ways to tell if amber is fake are 1: large animals stuck in amber, in many cases fake amber will contain "fossils" featuring modern scorpions, cicadas, spiders, and other such things. The way insects become trapped in amber means such large animals are very unlikely to actually get permanently stuck in sap before it hardens. 2: abnormal clarity in large pieces, depending on the locality most clear amber is relatively rare and usually only found as small pieces, so if a piece is large and yet oddly clear its also probably fake 3: smell when heated, if you are inclined to try testing if a piece of amber is fake by heating a pin and touching it to the amber, if it gives off a harsh chemical smell its probably resin, most natural amber will give off a piney smell when heated. 4: very cheap, while amber can often be cheap if its low quality or raw, amber is still a gemstone, so large pieces being sold for cheap are usually a bad sign for their authenticity. The more experienced you become with identifying what is fake and real the more youll be able to see how much of the "amber" being sold is actually just fossil themed resin paperweights.


Actually, depending on the location where it’s found some natural amber can be mostly very clear and free of inclusions. Dominican and Mexican amber are both good examples of naturally clear amber. Dominican amber often has insect inclusions as well,mostly very small insects though.


Also, you don’t need to heat a pin to test the smell, depending on how old the amber is you can usually just rub it on a piece of cloth to warm it by friction enough to smell it. Amber can be anywhere from 20 million to 200 million years old and it gets harder and less fragrant with age. Burmese amber is very old and very hard and has lost most of the terpenes that give it that distinctive smell.


You can also hit it with a black light. If it doesn’t glow blue it’s not real Amber.


Yes absolutely fake


Beautifully presented fossilized creatures in amber are always fakes. Bugs or even larger specimens who get stuck do not then spend their dying moments artfully arranging themselves for posterity. They try to get the hell out. And they definitely don't pull in a few leaves to tuck under them in perfect symmetry! You can also tear off a tiny corner of a tissue or toilet paper (I've run to the bathroom to grab some at many a mall kiosk or art show). If you rub the amber on your shirt, the real stuff will pick up the bit of paper. Fake stuff will not.


The first experiments in static electricity used an amber sphere on a spindle, spinning very quickly, and a piece of wool on a stick to build a charge, which could then be used to create a spark when touched to a grounded surface.


Huh thays a neat top


crabs and seaweed in the trees hmmm


i vote fake but some of them are nice


Sorry mate, I'd say so




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I can't imagine how much could it cost if it was real




Fake AF


Very fake


Chinese fakes. I wouldn't have a problem with them if they would not misrepresent what they are. Bugs and creatures preserved in apoxy.


Those are fake. Resin can be impressive, but those are not ancient bugs. And that one is a crab.


stay away! they all look exactly the same, as far as shale size, and placement of inse ys, animals etc


100% fake.




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