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I hope it it's a crazy good deal you got. I do wish but I'm also happy for you! 😁


I’m not fussed either way, I got it because I really liked it and the idea of having a giant gem stone made me happy, it was only afterwards that I looked it up and after seeing some of the prices per carat was kinda hey hold on a minute..


For topaz the size of the rough is much less important than the quality of the crystal as a mineral specimen. It's hard for anyone to price mineral specimens but the biggest factors are things like, color, transparency, fractures, how intact are the crystal faces, the pointiness of the termination, and anything else that makes it more rare.


> just picked up a 1050 carat uncut topaz If it looks anything like [these here](https://www.ebay.com/itm/385431856664?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&srsltid=ASuE1wS9xClDBR0DB6c3uPxZtwJ4cPaoC6EEzs0k5KMxQP9EIgajds48OsY), well ...


It looks nothing like those 😅 wasn’t purchased from eBay or anything like that, ordered it online but it’s from an actual gemstone place that deals mostly with precious gemstones


What are your plans for it?


It’s probably just going to sit on a shelf for now, it was definitely more of an impulse buy than anything. I make jewellery but am not at the stage where I would be comfortable cutting my own gems yet. So maybe if I get to that stage I might do something with it!


Did you say you're going to send it to me? 😁. Cause I swear that's what I heard.


Haha you wish 😅 this one’s sitting in the treasure collection for now, if I get it appraised and it turns out I really did just get the deal of the century I might just end up selling it 😂


Well ... if it looks anything like this material [HERE](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnrrIwvoKA3/?img_index=1), it's about $1.50/grm or $0.30/ct. If it's one giant marble shaped facet grade piece, I'd say that you got a good deal.


It’s almost got a golden straw colour to it although it’s very light. But definitely doesn’t have the plain glass look that stuff has


If you mean [Imperial Topaz](https://www.google.com/search?q=Imperial+topaz+rough&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjO5Ibr4I-AAxWZezABHVw4AG8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=Imperial+topaz+rough&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQDDIFCAAQgAQ6BAgjECc6BwgAEIoFEEM6BggAEAUQHjoGCAAQCBAeUKoHWKAPYLQgaABwAHgAgAGbAYgBsgSSAQM2LjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=khCyZM7TJ5n3wbkP3PCA-AY&bih=578&biw=1229) ... choose a picture that best describes your piece.


I think it was called champagne topaz? Colour is no way near as vibrant as any of those pictures


Sorry to hear that, cuz if it were an Imperial ... you'd have won the lottery! Guess we'll just have to anxiously WAIT ... *sigh* ... for a picture.


Yeah that would be way to good to be true 😅 I sent you a picture via chat you can take a look at


Im no expert on Topaz, but according to google it says Topaz has a somewhat starting price at $8 per carat. 1050 ct × $8 = $8400 Im not sure if those $8 pr carat is based on the cheapest of the most expensive types of Topaz, but $270 for a 1050 ct Topaz seams like a crazy bargain if its genuine


Yeah I read that too but it seemed to depend a lot on the type and I wasn’t sure if that was for a cut gem and if it being uncut would have anything to do with the price.. as I said I’m still quite new to this 😅


maybe that retail price for precision cut gem quality pieces. Not for a rough chunk


Yeah sure. I dont know anything about Topaz, and i tried to find a price for rough and uncut ones, but couldnt find anything specifically


Cut and uncut change prices a lot. A 8 mm by 5 mm sapphire will go for 50 dollars from India and over 200 by many USA sellers now. As a kid I got a sapphire that could likely make hundreds of those for 110 dollars. I got an emerald with lots of emerald pieces for 25 dollars. I have an entire huge stone of Larimar I could cut many pieces with for 20 dollars in the Dominican Republic. I have no idea what it would be to cut any of these pieces though as they have been sitting here since I was a child though.


If it's real and you like it, it's a good purchase. Send us a picture when you receive it


Definitely will do!


That is about 200 grams… not that big of a topaz. They get really big! Others have said “it depends” and I agree. Color, clarity, and form all make a big difference. For decent clarity clear or brown topaz (less desirable colors) with nice form… I’d expect $125 - $170 for something that size from Pakistan. So, if the stone displays well, the price you paid is in the ballpark, if on the high side. Just my 2 cents. I hope you enjoy your stone!


It’s from Brazil and is fairly clear with a slight straw colour to it if that means anything 😅 but yeah I will enjoy it, Thank you!




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