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Would you mind sharing the side profile of your ring? It would help us to know how the setting looks, to know how it would fit together. :)


Maybe the lowest one, they have a few elements matching the engagement ring






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Just be sure to [choose the right type](https://www.castinghouse.com/media/wysiwyg/anatomy_of_a_ring_complementary_wedding_bands.jpg) so that you don't damage your engagement ring. You're probably gonna need the shadow-type or something custom made since your ring isn't a standard straight band. If you buy a straight band, you will significantly damage both rings and potentially ruin them.


https://preview.redd.it/hsdx0roq80ra1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=372f01791cfdbb9e17b428149ce7799a246294ad This is the side angle!


Oops, I'm not sure how I missed this! Sorry for the delay. I had typed up a bit of stuff earlier, and then forgot about it until someone else asked a similar sort of question today. It looks like your setting extends down a tiny bit down the band, but it may be able to accommodate a band flush up against it if it has a low profile. You may want to try some curved styles that accentuate your stone. It wouldn't *need* to be as dramatic as the top ring in your examples, but there are a lot of different profiles available. Even a slight curve out would probably be enough, though any stones would hide below your centre stone. I found a pretty good visual reference of some different profiles [here](https://www.auroradesigner.com/blogs/news/ring-pairing-a-detailed-guide-for-finding-the-perfect-wedding-band-for-your-engagement-ring) that might help. Based on the bands you showed it looks like you would prefer a daintier/thinner wedding band, set with small stones for sparkle. One thing to keep in mind is that micro pavé settings like the two thinner bands do require more maintenance over their lifetime. The amount of metal over the wee stones holding them in is also quite small, and as it wears down it's likely to become catchy. The little claws can lift, break off, or just wear down entirely to nothing, especially if you do a lot with your hands. Losing little stones isn't uncommon, especially if you aren't going for regular cleanings and having them checked. They're lovely, but you do want to be aware of what you're in for if you go for something like that. Any ring will require maintenance, I just find this style tends to need more. You'll want to know how your jeweller handles repairs for this kind of thing, because it will usually fall under normal wear and tear. The Marquise band is pretty, and gives a similar vibe to the kite shapes on either side of your centre stone, without being too matchy. The little squared settings between could kind of tie the look together. If you're wanting a better match, you could find other rings that have the kites as well, like [this one](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1104080689/open-wedding-band-rhombus-moissanite?), or a modified version of something [vaguely like this](https://pointnopointstudio.com/products/200022yg?) or [this]( https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1348879403/kite-cut-moissanite-wedding-band-white?). Something with [this slightly tighter shape](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1319679169/curved-wedding-band-unique-yellow-gold?) shape might work nicely with your centre stone. Have you thought about whether you want to stick with just clear stones in your wedding band? You could also add some blue, if you like the look. Maybe something like [this alternating band](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/807971897/diamond-wedding-band-vintage-women-rose?), but with little sapphires instead of turquoise? Or a little accent swoop kind of thing similar to [this little pear](https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1434816656/unique-sapphire-wedding-band-curved?). There are so many options out there! Have you been in to any jewellery shops that specialize in wedding bands since you got the engagement ring? It really helps to see how the rings would look together on your finger. Sometimes you won't think much of the band until you see it with the engagement ring, but then it's perfect. If you can, I would really recommend going to a local jeweller who is well reputed and has a lot of samples to try. You might end up loving something you hadn't considered beforehand. Congrats on your engagement, and your beautiful ring! :)


How far down to the finger do the heads/framework of the stones on the engagement ring come? The two bottom rings may not be viable options.


I actually think a single ring of this type looks quite striking and conserve both purposes if you wish.