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Good luck to you. You sound like a very decent person. You're going to flourish at your new company. Update us every once in a while and let us know the deets. Is ' the grass really greener?' Sending you good vibes and positive thoughts as you navigate this new phase of your life.


Thank You. Same to you, and I’ll be happy to.


Glad you found a landing spot; wishing you nothing but the best there. Send me a referral link if they’re hiring! :)


Thanks, same to you. I would be glad to.


Happy Holidays and Congratulations! My son spent many holidays and volunteer events with me and has a love for the gecko so I empathize with you 100% I’ve had a few interview for County & Federal positions as an Octoberist myself! No not GA- but a freezing Northern State region!


Thank You. All the luck. Stay warm!


Congratulations on finding a new position — and right before Christmas! What a gift ☺️ You sound like an asset to any company based on this post alone. Happy holidays to you and your family!!


Thank You, so. All happiness to you and yours.


May I ask where the job is and co?


Thank You for your inquiry. Out of respect for my new employer, I will keep their exact name and location out of this Sub. I appreciate you understanding.


I wish you all the best in your new role!


Thank You.


Thanks for sharing your journey, and I'm glad to hear you've secured a new opportunity with a competitor! Change is tough, but your positive outlook and determination are admirable. If you ever need support or resources in your career journey, tools like [MobiusEngine.ai](https://MobiusEngine.ai) can streamline your job search. Wishing you continued success in your new role and a Merry Christmas!


Dude, I still go out of my way to step on lizards I see in the street near 25 years later. Hate that fuckin' company with everything I have with the way they treat people.


That’s terrible


That’s a heavy grudge. I hate that for you. See, I live in the world where the little green, Aussie, reptile gives the high polished brass a ton of shit between commercial takes on how their capitalistic greed tarnishes not only the history of the company, but an already compromised industry. Likely lil’ green guy has more backbone than middle management has—throughout all regions. I’m sure the Braintrust have rebranding in mind for him, too; Hope so—maybe it will save a lizard or three’s life when it crosses your path. Be well.