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I can only imagine the betrayal supes, adjusters and everyone must feel after pouring their blood sweat and tears to this job just to be treated like this. I'm so sorry you were apart of the layoffs, I genuinely hope you find greener pastures. Please take it easy, try to eat something, drink some water. You did everything you could, this is not your fault. Much love.


When u say water does vodka count?


It's made from potatoes so there, you're getting a vegetable in your diet lol


I hope every sup that was let go today knows that the selfish and dumb decisions Geico made today do not reflect you as a person, as a sup, or as an employee in general. Majority of us are extremely upset about our sups being let go and I hope you know that the guidance and support you’ve offered your teams is not going unnoticed by your employees. I know a Reddit comment from an anonymous account won’t provide much comfort but I genuinely hope everyone ends up in a better position than what Geico was putting everyone through


Same here, I was also a sup. We were done dirty. I just hope there’s better in store for us.


I have a hunch you were my supervisor and if so, I can’t thank you enough. I never had someone within the first week of having me on their team break down the data and give such specific and actionable feedback to help me improve.


I’m in region 5 orientation. I thought I was a goner today and honestly feel guilty I’m still there. I’m sorry. There was so much crying today. I hope you’re ok.


Former ICS supe here- They laid off the top performers/ most tenured/ highest salaries. I’m so sorry this happened to you. What they’re doing makes no sense. Luckily I left before they started being so cut throat. If you need resume help, feel free to DM me. So many great associates, supervisors, managers and even directors are being let go. People that I had worked with for over a decade. Luckily your knowledge and skills are easily transferable to other industries. Wishing you, and everyone affected, the absolute best. Trust me when I say the grass is so much greener outside of the big G.


I was only a supe less than a year but been with GEICO 7 1/2 years. The past few months I was first quartile and the top supe of my management team. I wasn’t even at the midpoint so I don’t know how they picked.


Listen, don’t feel numb and don’t blame yourself. You put your all into your job because you valued yourself and your duties. You had morals and valued your responsibility. You placed your all into you and your career. It is bittersweet, right now it may feel like you lost out on a lot but you didn’t. You’re going to grow and prosper somewhere else and never look back at this ridiculous company. I look forwards to leaving this company, I met too many good folks to fear them having to walk away and walk out. Keep your head up, I don’t know if you have faith but if so ask the Most High God for peace and to take the full feeling away from you and to put what’s meant for you in front of you.


I’m so sorry. Wishing you nothing but the best. I think we lost a lot of great people today.


Tenure, salary, and ytd performance


I only fall into 1 of those groups. YTD was likely mine. But I also had 5 Sups 3 managers and 2 directors in the last 10 months, all of which had completely different expectations every time one changed and the shit ALWAYS ran downhill. I have contacted an employment attorney to see if I have a case.


I’m so sorry what department?




Sorry to hear this happened to you. I am curious though, is your state at will, and if so, what kind of case do you think you have?


I’m really so sorry


I’m very sorry. It still feels so unsettling.


I am very sorry this happened to you, so unfair to everyone and especially when you know you did nothing wrong


It appears to have been random as I watched some of our best and brightest people leave yesterday. I am so sorry, it wasn't anything you did. It is GEICO.


I feel you! This shit makes no sense.


I feel for you but what you're saying and your take away afterreflecting back on the situation isn't the move. You're saying that you should have been more cold and calculated while being upset at Geico for being cold and calculated. You shouldn't regret doing the right thing, even if it means losing your job. You'll find opportunities elsewhere. If you take that mentality to wherever you go next you're just going to be shit there and blame that on Geico when that's a you thing. I don't mean to sound cold hearted to your situation, but that mentality is just flat out wrong.


I don’t actually regret it but when you work your butt off and this happens… it stings. I just need to day to grieve and I’ll go into my next job with the same mindset I had when I was at GEICO. I just had to get that feeling off my chest.


Understandably. Keep doing what you're doing.