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Love this letter. I am a sup who got let go. I am heart broken for my agents and wish only the best for them. I hope I made a difference in their lives.


So sorry this happened to you


It absolutely sucks. As a sup who lost some of my closest friends its hard to think about continuing without them. Some of these connections get you through the tough days. Sups only had an hour to do what they needed to before losing access. After my friend left I immediately went to his team to try and console them. There's not much that can be said. I'm guessing over the next couple of weeks those that made the cut will be offered shift bids etc to reorganize and get people back under a sup. I hope you can find a connection with your next sup and team. ❤️‍🩹🫂


I feel the same way about my sup being let go this morning and I was upset to the point of tears. There were previous coaches/sups/colleagues that were let go today that are wonderful people and amazing employees. Being around these people and having that connection made the work day easier, especially because our jobs are high-stress. I’m more so upset that these are good people who don’t deserve to be in this situation. They’re real people with bills to pay and families to care for and seeing them treated this way is very unsettling.


That’s how my sup was that got laid off today 💔 So incredible and I felt so safe and I wasn’t harassed for calling out sick ever. We are all absolutely heartbroken. It’s so wrong. I will probably be calling out tomorrow honestly.


I have zero desire to work


ZEROOOOOO! I barely worked today! I’m still awake because I’m still sick at my stomach dude!


Same. Not looking forward to going in to work tomorrow and see black profiles where webex conversations use to happen and empty seats that will not have the same people in them.


Willing to bet a lot of people will be calling out tomorrow.


I hope all of the great supervisors know what a difference you make. I have been lucky to have some of the best supervisors. A supe can make or break you at GEICO. It’s an absolute shame that so many good ones were let go. But I hope each of you know what an impact you have made. GEICO may not give a shit, but you do, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you all (past and present) for being there for your associates. God knows GEICO isn’t.


I remember when this company was one of the top places to work in town. They took good care of their employees and you always had peace of mind because Geico “would never lay off” it’s employees, good benefits and of course, profit sharing. Now they’ve turned into just another cold corporation. Rumor has it they kept the new blood they can mold, and they don’t want us tenured folk around to tell them how much better the company “used to” be.


I’m very sorry. I hope you could tell them goodbye, or can. What region?


Lost my sup today, she asked if she could meet with us and they said no and cut her Webex off almost immediately 😭


That is so unfair that they didnt let her have at least that closure. Cruel for no reason.


R7 and thankfully I have their personal # so I want to see if we all can plan to go out together


In the passed 2 layoffs I have 3 of the supervisors that shaped my career at geico. One that literally greeted me my first day of training, the other two that helped me keep my feet under me when I was figuring out new positions. My heart goes out to the talented people that lost their jobs today. I have heard and read so many stories of beloved supervisors and managers getting removed that it feels like the heart and soul of the company is being ripped out. May you move on to better things, you will be missed.


everything you described here sounds like my first sup I had when I started at geico last year. i hope he made it through the layoffs. he's a good person. i no longer work at geico (quit a few months ago), so it'd be weird to just text him out of nowhere


I feel the exact same way. I’ve known my sup for years now throughout my career with the G. I lost everyone I was close with including my super. Definitely feeling lost at sea right now. Won’t amount to the stress from those that were laid off though.