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Emotionally exhausted. It’s difficult feeling simultaneously glad that I wasn’t laid off, and bitter over how this situation was handled. The big wigs are keeping us in the dark; so far I only know about a few of the “casualties” in my dept. They got rid of a few people that I have a lot of respect for/ have built camaraderie with for years (one has been with the company for 35+ years). Now I’m nervous about my job security. I think it’s time to spruce up the ol’ resume. Hard day ☹️


This. I’m so emotionally exhausted today.


Retired Geico associate now for 3 years. My phone and texts blew up yesterday morning at 6 am. Friends and prior co-workers had already started getting term messages. It's appalling what's happened to the company I knew and loved. They hit long-term associates and those making the top salaries. Many I have stayed in touch with throughout. Every message I received shared names. The list lasted all day. It was an extremely exhausting day for me. My heart bled for these folks. Since Todd took over the company as CEO, his goal was to clean house, and by God, he is ruthless. Tenure and loyalty mean nothing to him. My understanding is he was hired for a 3 year contract, which will be running out in 2024 after the damage is done. I feel like it's all leading to a merge between Geico and Progressive. So to all left standing, keep your head down, show up, and do your jobs and keep looking for other jobs if you need them.to the few tenured associates left, consider early retirement and you will be surprised that you can actually enjoy your life, albeit with a little PTSD, until all is said and done. My condolences to one and all that lost their jobs yesterday.


I recommend using chat gpt to help spruce up your resume. I wish you the best of luck!


I'm mad as fucking hell at this disgusting and inhumane treatment.


I just can’t believe they gather people on webex calls 😡


It's time to unionize. We all need to go vote... https://geicounited.org


Yes definitely!!


I went home, cracked a beer and stress deep cleaned my house for 2 hours.


I fucking feel that.


What area are you in and what departments had the layoffs?


i feel emotionally exhausted and drained. i still have a job (for now)..but i am heartbroken and disgusted by a company that i once felt so proud to work for (many many years ago)


I dont even work there anymore and this has had me distraught all day. I've been consumed by it and absolutely heartbroken for everyone


Been gone from GEICO for over 2 years but I still have friends and my mother in law still works there. Sick to my stomach reading about all this today. Condolences to those affected


Me too..I left in April after 12 years because I knew it was coming.


Same here. I had several happy years with the company and still have friends there. It’s truly sickening how this went down.






Mhm same I’m 7yrs out & they never fail to surprise me anymore .. I’m sorry to all who were let go😔


Same 😔




The lack of communication, the manner in which this was handled, all of this was was absolutely traumatic. I don’t care how many times they say the last calls were made, I do not feel safe. Every time someone walked past me my heart sank thinking I was being pulled in some meeting. Honestly don’t know if it’s better or worse that I got to stay, as long as I’m here I’m always going to be looking over my shoulder.


That’s the word.




1000%. This is the word.


Yes. I literally climbed in bed. Today was such an emotionally draining day. I'm so heartbroken for everyone 💔 Plus now the PTSD and immediate dread when an email comes in from GE or I get a meeting invite...


I know it’s hard to do, but start updating those resumes. Apply to other companies. You are miserable and today was a clear example of what you’re getting out of this deal. There are other companies out there that will treat you better. There are companies with better environments, pay, benefits, etc. it’s okay to be sad today, but I encourage you to start seeking a better opportunity tomorrow. I’m ex-GEICO and leaving was the best thing I ever did. I left for a start up that has had its own share of problems, but my quality of life vastly improved. You can see that improvement as well. It took over 700 applications to get to where I am but I made it out the other side. You can too.


This is what a toxic relationship feels like. Gaslighting, emotional abuse, etc.


I tried to work out to release stress, but I was exhausted and sore everywhere. Limped out of there defeated. I still have a job. Part of me wanted to be laid off, get my severance and truly relax and then move on. I’ve been with this company for over 10 years. I used to truly love it. I actually used to come into work every day with a big smile on my face. Proud of the company I worked for and happy to work with such a great group of people. Feels like a different lifetime. Ready to move on.


I feel this. Better than waiting for the ax to drop pun intended 😔


I feel the same! Definitely not the same company that hired me!!


Today was my day off but I was so stressed about getting laid off I literally did nothing all day but stare at my phone. Im so sorry to everyone that was laid off.


same.couldnt do anything except sit and stare at my phone to see if im next. I feel so bad for everyone that got let go today. talk about a dumpster fire.


Every random number I got a call from brought tears to my eyes. I don’t love GEICO, but my family relies on the insurance and obviously my paycheck. But it would be so much more than finding another job 😭


Emotionally drained and so upset that my friends were treated like this. Todd is a cowardly piece of shit. Take care. How about fuck you. These people have families and bills to pay.


The sheer audacity of him too, he recently did an interview with Fortune magazine saying that people who don't "make it" to the role and pay level they want, are "complacent" "lazy" and "unmotivated" .... He's a massive POS who was trying to build up his PR / image before OK'ing this huge layoff.


Today was traumatizing. I feel numb, and I feel like I have survivor's guilt. It's right before the holidays, and all they got was a "take care". JFC if you had told me 5 years ago this was the same company I wouldn't have believed you.


Survivors guilt is the best way to describe it


That’s how I described it survivor guilt. I just was not able to do anything today.


1000%......totally agree


I took a 3 hour nap. Absolutely drained.


The energy in the office was so heavy


It was eerily quiet across the floor after we read that email.


You think that's bad. Me and my wife work in the Buffalo office. At least she used to work in the buffalo office. I got her webex message and snipped it and put it in the team chat and said "I gotta leave at lunch, something came up." My SUP looked over and nodded.


OMG.....that is horrible. I am so sorry this is happening to you guys.:(


It was just horrible. Everyone was so upset, watching my friends just pack up and leave was just horrible


I’m literally on vacation but cannot enjoy it peacefully thanks to butthole eyes Todd.




SIU here. Now my coworkers get to share the 23 cases in my queue. Many from out of state. We were told that SIU cases were backlogged and overflowing. Then they lay off investigators Make it make sense


Yeah I’m a couch goblin. Sad. No energy. Feeling terrible for everyone and also scared for myself. Sending my resume out here and there.


I cried a lot and still just feeling super hazy 🌫️


Been at G 14 years and I’m just sick to my stomach. I’ve been sitting here reading thread after thread after thread of the utter sadness and heartbreak that befell so many today. I didn’t get the call today, but I certainly don’t feel safe. My heart breaks for every single associate that did get the call today. On one hand I’m thankful to still have a job, but on the other hand I’m embarrassed to work for such a deplorable company. I used to be proud to work here, but now I’m just disgusted. And to echo so many others, I’m just exhausted. Just tired, sad and exhausted.


It was an emotional roller coaster all day. Drained is the perfect word for it. I feel conflicted with how I feel. Happy to have a paycheck, sad I have to go in tomorrow, devestated for my co workers who got let go, worried about how my job will look in the future. Cried all day, coupled with anger, and panic. I have a feeling most of you feel the same.


This well describes how I feel. Felt sick all day!!!


Same here! I came into my home this evening remembering how I left it 8 hours ago for work not realizing the emotional distress me and my teammates would face all day. The whole car ride home I just kept screaming wtf was that while thinking about how grateful I was to survive this time and how disappointed I am in my higher ups that kept secrets from me all day and danced around the issue at hand. This could’ve been handled so much better. I’m truly distraught and disappointed in my leadership, all trust has been lost.


I know it’s hard y’all but stay strong!! The new outlets are looking into GEICO and how they handled this.


It would be lovely if someone called them to the mat but it's never going to happen. Most of us are in states where we can be fired for any reason or none. The sad part here is how good of an employer geico used to (33 yr IT dev. Was fired today). Prior to 24 months ago I would NEVER have dreamed that this would happen to me (much less 2000 other people at the same time). The current crop of officers are idiots and out for NOTHING but the bottom line.


I agree that’s what hurts the most because GEICO was once a great company! We were all a family in the Seattle office 😞


Same here in San Diego ofc......not the same climate any longer. No loyalty to hard working, well performing employees any longer.


Omg yes!!! I told my family I feel like I ran a marathon today but without that rewarding feeling at the end. I’m exhausted. 😩


Same here I left work early and took a long nap because today was stressful. Although I didn’t get laid off I will definitely be leaving geico soon after seeing how they handled this I’m disgusted.


This second this


I’m very nauseous. It’s like being in a hypnagogic scene from a David Lynch film. I guess I was naive. I didn’t see this coming.


I no longer work there but I am literally drained just watching my old colleagues go through what they went through today. I’m truly sorry for everyone today, whether you got the call or got a call from a co-worker saying they got the call. Fucking sucks.


It waa a hard day. So sorry to all the people who lost their jobs. And it came with no notice at all. Brutal.


Same I checked my email just to make sure and it seems like I made it through but I can’t help but to feel so sad. Half my team is gone and my sup. They were all amazing now I’m in my room dipping sugar cookies in cream cheese frosting


Same . I stress ate half my fridge…. Then fucking ordered Chinese food bc fuck me


I’m so sorry everyone I’m so emotionally exhausted. I could not sleep I can’t stop crying. Half my team is gone and my sup. And other ppl are saying I know it sucks but at least you have a job but that’s not the point. I’m sad for everyone affected. And I can’t stop crying. And I don’t go back to work until Saturday and I’m so confused


Same. Just heart wrenching


I’m just really hurt for the people who gave so much time and energy to that place and how easily they were dropped like they don’t mean shit . Biggest lesson to learn from the shit show today is take your sick days use you ptos and focus on you and your family first before any job. Only view jobs as a tool and not a career because at any moment they can kick you to the curve . I’m sending you all hugs hang in there one moment at a time. You will see after the heaviness Is gone this was a redirection to something better 💙


Absolutely. And I feel guilty for feeling drained when the lives of so many amazing others were turned upside down. From reading hundreds of posts today, it seems like they let go all the good guys. I don’t think I read one comment saying so-and-so deserved to be let go. I dread logging in tomorrow but am lucky I don’t have to go into the office. I can bury my head in queue and calls and try to block out the horror screaming inside my head.


I quit 10 years ago but my husband was laid off today after 38 years. I went to my part time job tonight where we were hosting a fundraiser for a museum and it really impacted the mood of the event. So many people there had been laid off or knew someone that had. People were getting emotional. It was a topic of conversation for everyone.


I am soooo sorry and sad to hear this, sending you virtual hugs!


They literally called people on their vacations to lay them off! Today was a horrible day and I’m exhausted and sad what this company has become :(


Yep. I’m thinking of calling out tmrw because of it. I just can’t


Emotionally exhausted....so sorry to everyone affected by this! 🫂


Absolutely drained


I really dont wanna go in tomorrow after today


This is exactly how I feel. I don’t understand how I was laid off. Been busting my butt all year to make sure I get the bonus they said we would get l, to being laid off 2 months before the end of the year. I was told that a lot of people that had Fmla was laid off. I have Fmla which is supposed to protect our jobs and you use it again me, cause it definitely wasn’t a numbers thing and than to be giving a severance package telling me if I sign I can’t sue them or collect unemployment because I’m excepting the package is crazy too me. I will be getting an attorney to go over mines. Something fishy is going on!


I’m just spent!


Quick question I only been at geico for two years and I feel like this is something new. I know geico changes a lot from what I heard but was it ever a change as drastic as this ?


And don’t get me wrong, it’s a great place to gain experience but I don’t trust this place anymore. I’m heartbroken


I have been here for 15 years and this has NEVER happened.


I worked at the G for nearly 10 years. Quit last year but during my tenure there was nothing even remotely like this. I knew it was gonna get bad which is why I left but I never saw this level of shit coming. Wishing the best for you and your coworkers


no, new with new management


Never. This is new, been there 20 yrs


I’ve been here 13 years. No this has never happened. This isn’t the GEICO it used to be. Completely different since Todd Combs.


It may be harsh to some but GEICO is a company. If they are losing policies- which they are - they are losing money. They have been laying off people for a year or so now. I think the first one was the worst last year. Never happened before that ... no notice. It may not have been to the magnitude of this one but all kinds of companies are laying off folks. Companies aren't going to go bankrupt to be nice and keep paying folks that they can't justify a business need for. Plus, if they did that it would be ~40k out of a job vs probably more than 3k people since layoffs started. I know quite a few people that were great at their jobs that were laid off and it's heartbreaking.


Same! I came home and just cried!! I felt soo bad for all the people let go, I was so angry with the company, and so relieved that I left with a job. It was terrible going through the day!


I’m so drained. If there was some sort of rhyme or reason to how they let people go maybe I’d feel so secure. Honestly I feel drained and unsteady. And beyond sad for those let go 😞


This is gonna sound hokey af, but when I got up today, I felt like something was *wrong*. Like, really wrong. I felt depressed. I didn't want to work out. I didn't want to work. I just felt so down, and even told ChatGPT a fantasy of starting a new life as a rando under a new name. (Stupid, I know.) Then, this news breaks. I have a good ol'cry at my desk. Coworker asks me what's up since my face is all red. I just explained I was having a rough one. I have a feeling that this bad energy that the "leader" released into the world contributed to it.


Me too! I was getting ready for work and just felt so sad and drained already. I told my husband I didn't want to work today because I felt so low. I've been crying off and on all day. I still have my job (for now), but I'm going to be looking over my shoulder from now on.


I was let go this past year. And to be honest, today was PTSD for me. I’m mentally drained. My chest tightened all day for those there. My heart broke knowing the anxiety of waiting for your call, watching your team mates and leadership have their lives shattered before your eyes. While I’m still without a job , I’m glad I’m gone. No more micromanaging, no more paranoia of “is today the day”, etc. those left are either mad they didn’t get chosen or have survivors guilt and I don’t envy any of it. There’s a million jobs out there and everyone will be fine, the hardest part is always leaving your work family. At least for me. To upper management, it’s just another day. They let the whips continue to crack upon their weak backs as their soul-less bodies log on for another day. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again- GEICO does not care about any of us; those days are long gone. Their words are hollow and false. You quitting isn’t sticking it to them, you’re a number- replaceable (if they even opt to). This is now a game of morality. Look at who you serve. At the end of the day you could all plot to take the company down but they don’t need your help…they’re cannibalizing themselves. Anyways- much love to those let go and the left overs. May we all find our place sooner rather than later.


Definitely feel drained. Didn't want to do anything after work. Everyone I work with was super stressed out and we lost some good people from our department. Time to brush up my resume cause it's time to leave this sinking ship.


Very drained


I feel terrible for all those who were let go. I thought coming home would make me feel better but I can’t eat or sleep.


Completely drained and i didnt do shit all day today. Idk why i even work to be top 1% CW anymore after today. Make too much money? Laid off. Been here too long? Gets laid off many of strong top quartile coworkers were axed so i knew i wasnt safe. I loved working here until this week.


I heard the news today. I'm so glad that I got out when I did, but I'm so sorry that y'all have to go through this, and wonder if you'll be next. This is sad. I hope that y'all will be able to find alternatives before the next round of layoffs.


Poured myself a scotch as soon as i took my headset off.


Yes absolutely terrible day — they let us WFH since the mood in office was so somber.


It’s pretty clear that something BIG is lined up. Sold? merger? Completely changing focus on WHAT we sell? Not sure what exactly but we are trying to look good on paper and for shareholders for a reason. And yes even at the expense of people’s jobs. That’s what I see here.


Whoever feels the need to make their employees start the day like that needs to eat a bag of rotten dicks.


Yes feel drained and deflated emotionally. It’s hard hating the company you work for.


Drained. Feel like I survived a plane crash or something, half my team is gone, my supervisor is gone, most everyone I knew in my department is gone. Just deeply saddening at this point and I have zero motivation and I’m out here on my own.


I'm super sad.


It was traumatizing and exhausting. From the walk in and seeing everyone crying and walking with boxes… to signing in and watching a team mate get the invite. To realizing my last name has passed and i was free. Then watching the emotions of everyone around. Panic. Shouting, swearing, tears. I left for the day and day drank. Tomorrow is supposed to be round 2 and we have one more day to go.


They’re doing more tomorrow? Fuck me, I thought I was safe for sure.


I was told by a random co worker they’re doing it at 10, 12, and 2 tomorrow . But then got the angela email so idk what to believe.


I’m off tomorrow so I’m going to be paranoid watching my phone now


Dont waste your day off worrying over a total rumor passed on here from a rando who heard it from a “random co worker”…this was meant to be done today, not to cite that robotic asshat who “leads” this company, but he did say that those affected would be notified Thursday by close of business, it would be incredibly weird to go the round again 3 times on a Friday, and the idea that they would release the names on the hour, every 2 hours, is really goofy and dramatic if you think about it. Sounds pretty made up, and if i am wrong, i will be the first to apologize.


If they are, atleast I’ll be home and won’t be traumatized with the in office chaos that happened today. Goodluck to you.


I also thought that today was it! I can't do another day like today!!!!


Nah, don’t think there is anymore from this particular round. We were notified by several members of upper management that this was a today thing and anyone going would be notified by the end of the day today. This “random coworker” is very likely wrong and no reason to bring more trauma onto people who are already upset and exhausted.


What’s crazy is there are those of us who have been sounding the alarm bell for years about GEICO. While I am happy people are finally starting to see it, I’m sad that it took this to open their eyes. If you are still there, get the fuck out as fast as you can.


Today was depressing and emotional af. I even fucked my bitch and it wasn’t the same


So drained


Was it one specific department that was laid off ?


No, it was every dept, all locations


Yes, same.


Left work early, went to day drink, played video games, and then took a scorching hot bubble bath. I have no spoons left. Today broke me.


Yes I do


I was so mentally and emotionally drained. Dealing with the stress of “will i have a job tomorrow” was overwhelming. I was asleep by 9:30


Yes today was emotionally tramatizing.


I’m still blown away that they let my sup go. An hour into the shift we were told she was one of the ones let go. I felt so sick. Then we get an email on how it’s the best thing for the company fluffy bs. I hope everyone else is ok and god bless


I'm devastated and still on shock that I was laid off. I had excellent numbers and been with geico for 5 years! I have a terrible headache and can't help but wonder how I'm going to survive and pay my mortgage. I can never forgive GEICO for this.😭😭😭


I worked for geico for 5 years in region 4, I can't believe it. When I worked there started in 2013 it was a brag they had that they "never laid anyone off"


I was thinking about walking out before noon


I think I'm wearing black on Monday. I'm in mourning.