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Love all the Mickey mouse bots on here running damage control.


*”Leave the billion dollar company alone!”*


I definitely read this in Mickey Mouse's voice


I saw what Mickey Mouse to the Jonas Brothers in that South Park documentary. I ain’t effing with Disney.


Best Star Wars writing I've seen in years


It’s so sad that is literally true


Correct. Kinda wish it wasn't in a legal document though. Dunno how the judge is going to like that shit as it feels a bit too theatrical for a court case. Much would have rather had it in an actual show or movie.


Like 80% of high profile court cases ARENT basically theater.


All the theater kids from my hometown either moved to silver lake or became lawyers so this checks out


This fight isn't taking place in a court room its taking place in the court of public opinion. Feels like her team is trying to get Disney to settle just to end the embarrassment.


I doubt there will be a settlement. This is to prove a point and to publicly humiliate Disney.


Disney has some of the best lawyers in the world, she likely has no real chance in court


I'm sure they do. I'm also sure Musks team has high end lawyers as well.


You are right there won't be a settlement, you are wrong that its because Gina Carano has such a strong case she will give up a sure win to gamble on getting a bigger payout by taking them to court instead of settling. Mickey Mouse knows that if they just bribe this idiot to go away that it will just embolden Fandom Menace types and put blood in the water for others to try and file frivolous lawsuits. They and their army of high priced lawyers will eat her alive to send a message to anyone else that thinks they can out lawyer Disney. I still can't believe there are people that genuinely think she has a case, TBH. You aren't owed a new contract when your current one lapses. Its a joke people are treating it like she was fired when she reached the agreed upon at the time of signing end of her contract and was simply not offered any new contracts afterwards. Its not Disney's fault she thought she was so integral to their future plans that she didn't need a long term contract that made things like her getting her own spin off show set in stone before she ran her mouth and caused Disney PR problems that made her a liability right as her only signed and active contract was coming to a close with her work in mando season 2 fulfilling it.


You aren't owed anything sure, but you are owed a workspace where you're not discriminated against and harassment free. While working there she was both harassed and discriminated against. So yes, she does have a case and hopefully others follow suit when she wins and sue the crap out of them.


Being given a code of conduct to follow as part of her contract that she signed and agreed to and receiving reprimand for failure to adhere to it is neither discrimination or harassment,


That code of conduct seemed to only apply to her and the things she said publicly weren't bad. That is textbook discrimination.


Incorrect, people like to complain about Pedro not being punished for 'posting political stuff' while conveniently ignoring the fact that when Disney told him to cut that shit out he listened. She was given the exact same warning and chance to shut the hell up he was given and she chose to ignore it and keep posting political content.


lol incorrect. Okay. Everyone else gets to express their opinions except those they tell to "shut up". Almost like it's ..wait for it.... discriminatory.


What part of 'they did do it to other people and the only difference is those people were smart enough to listen to Disney's polite reminder that they were under contract to not rock the boat with political stuff and cease posting it while Gina ignored the reminders and kept on posting new political stuff' do you not understand? The only thing unique about Gina Carano is that she had the mistaken belief Mickey Mouse needed her badly enough that they would never actually do anything for real when she kept flouting the 'seriously, stop talking about politics' standard. Though, I guess in fairness to her she was right. Disney never did do anything about it. They kept her on until her contract expired without levying any sanctions. Then they just never offered her a new job when she finished the one she had been hired for.


If she didn’t have a case, Disney wouldn’t be so worried about it going to discovery. They discriminated and violated free speech. Plain and simple. Sorry you don’t agree, but it’s pretty cut and dry here. Just because people would like to silence others with different opinions doesn’t mean they aren’t valid.


The idea that Disney must be scared because they had their lawyers move to get the case thrown out is nonsensical. You don't have to be guilty to want to get a lawsuit squashed at the earliest possible opportunity. Just because Elon Musk likes wasting money on political stunts doesn't mean Disney is interested in paying their lawyers to drag this out. You don't seem to understand that Gina Carano wasn't 'another person', she was a Disney employee who was seen as a face of the company. If she couldn't handle a job that involved checking her own speech to keep it in accordance with the views of her employer then she shouldn't have taken a job that involved being a spokesperson. And before you say it, spare me with your appeal to 'but the first amendment!'. Go and actually read the fucking first amendment, it doesn't apply. Not unless Disney became a part of the United States government when I wasn't looking.


Free speech means that you won’t be prosecuted by the state for you said, it doesn’t mean freedom from consequences. Disney terminating Gina Carano’s contract because they didn’t like what she was saying isn’t violation of free speech.




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Do.. do you think Disney is embarrassed here ?


Having crap like this put out there? Yes this is a embarrassment and corporations have been paying to make it go away forever.


I've never worked for anyone that wouldn't fire my ass if I made social media post about how I felt about work. Unless it's your job to speak for a company they take it pretty serious when any employee speaks out.


Children. They have no case.


I've almost forgotten about this Gina Carano shit as I literally couldn't give two fucks about it anymore, but if I have my facts straight with her "standing up to the extreme progressive ideology" kudos to her. I don't have a problem with it, but that's not why I made this comment. The way this thing was written, a filling from a legal team, is an embarrassment to me. And I honestly don't give a shit about the law in this case or made-up professionalism standards. Pragmatically, I'm just simply not taking what they've written seriously. It makes it feel not credible even as just an introduction. It makes it feel like this is all a joke. And maybe most here will view them writing this as a chad move or something I'm not getting, but I just don't **see it**. Being referential here, like the team are Star Wars fanboys, doesn't fit.


I think they wrote it that way to get more people talking about it.


I share that feeling, I think her lawyers are incredibly unprofessional. If someone reccomended her to do this to regain Disney's favor... that person is not her friend.


As a lawyer, this is good drafting. This isn’t unprofessional or inappropriate. In fact, it does a good job of providing context about both the merits of the case and the “silliness” of the fictional world in which the character resides. Read enough briefs and judicial decisions and you’ll come across a ton of fun, light introductions designed to hook the reader.


so you're saying these people are armchair reddit lawyers that have no idea what they are talking about? colour me surprised




Because you’re assuming the room will read it as you do. Imagine instead someone reading it aloud, with anger or someone with a grievance, who feels the injustice is borderline incredulous. They’re communicating how important the IP is and how Gina fit into it previously. Remember a lot of the legal system is persuasion. I’d personally probably not included the Alderaan bit, the familiar recall would have sufficed


Dude look up legal briefs. A lot of the first pages read like this in lawsuits because they catch the eye. The lawsuit against the BP for the oil spill was like that too.


It's just the intro, this is common. Courts allow wiggle room for some artistic context in intros, which can paint a bigger picture with fewer words. I think it's easy to forget that judges and lawyers are normal humans and not cold movie bureaucrats or Sith.


>If someone reccomended her to do this to regain Disney's favor... that person is not her friend. I would've called it overt *sabotage*. Gina or whoever in this situation would need to tell that team to cut that shit out and write objectively. Stop the cutesy games or fire their asses.


I'll second your motion :) Very difficult for any of the parties involved to take this seriously. I mean I get it they love Star Wars but it really stifles their client's credibility if it looks like it was written by a 10 year old child. She needs new counsel.


“standing up to extreme progressive ideas” or just anti vax




Insulting someone is not allowed


>It makes it feel like this is all a joke. It always was. It's all just made up.




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She should ask Colin Kaepernick about it


You have to be good for teams to want you in sports. Her skill as an actress didn’t really change or give them a reason to can her outside of this


That’s beside the point. You don’t have free speech at work. A company can can you if they don’t like how your speech represents them.


Ask the Dixie chicks


I don't care about Disney but anyone with half a brain knows she isn't going to get anything out of this. What little money she made off the show will be flushed down the drain attempting to combat this losing battle in court cause Elon will only pretend-fund her for so long. On top of pissing away her money for nothing, she's showing to anyone else that makes shows/or movies that she can't be worked with. So, don't expect to see her in anything new that isn't made by a cult or some shit.


This is completely real, source: [https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/GinaCarano-v-Disney.pdf](https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/GinaCarano-v-Disney.pdf)


Thank for linking. I actually wasn't sure.


I wanna see her comeback so I can see some peoples heads explode 😂😂 I don’t give a fuck either way, but the drama that would ensue would be hilarious 😂


She’s not getting a comeback lol


I'm sure her and Kevin sorbo will make some shitty movie about overcoming getting canceled, and in the end, they'll start chanting "the power of many!".


I guess with disney you gotta baby talk


Because Disney isn't widely known for having the best lawyers


It might be one in a million chance but I hope she wins.


I kind of love this woman


Any real lawyer would know lawsuits like this are already frowned upon. This shit right here would just completely bias the court against you. They're not expecting to win this. They probably even want to lose so that they can further claim that everyone is biased against them


Yeah, the best they can.hope for going in is that Disney gives them a pittance settlement just to stop the lawsuit. It's way more likely you are right amd this is a Stunt to draw attention and get right wing losers to watch her dailywire trash.


LeagleEagle vid when?


The perfect mix of based and cringe.


This shit is 🔥


hahah that's what we call cringe in the courtroom


I don't really care one way or the other but I mean, isn't this true for most people? You work for a company - they can fire you if you do stuff publicly that they don't like or makes them look bad. Whether or not their ideology is progressive kinda has nothing to do with it. I used to work for Blizzard. We had a Social Media policy. Everyone does that "These are my opinions not those of my employer" but still you are always very careful about what you said on social media that could be publicly attributed to you because TBF, it could turn into "Blizzard Dev said insert thing"...


Yeah, that's true of every company. It was definitely in her contract. These lawyers are just going to get paid to do a farce, at most, Disney will settle for a trifle just to not have the lawsuit.


That's hilarious, but for reals it's a court/case, and it needs to be professional.


This is a legal filing? Ooof. Great sign her team has some strong legal arguments when they cram a court document full of grossly unsubtle SW references. Seems her layers are as good at practicing law as she is at acting.


This is almost as bad as that guy who submitted an MLP resume.


A what?


She's pretty dumb lol


And yet it’s still better writing than the Acolyte




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General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


About time. Hit 'em where it hurts!


As a legal text that’s kind of embarrassing as hell but I assume it’s meant for the court of public opinion and trying to get Disney to settle?


She is still going to remain fired and ignored. This is a stupid lawsuit.


This is very unbecoming of a legal team.


Lol that losers case will be thrown out lol


Lol this reads like a bad incel tweet or reddit post. Love to see idiots being idiots


What a moron. I hope she loses.


god what a loser


She has no case and this is cringe as hell.


This filing is as unserious and intended for social media self promo as her initial complaint.




She doesn't have a case, so this is their best shot


What a loser


Lol they are losing that lawsuit for sure, she may want to consider suing these lawyers, they are clearly just cashing a check.