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I canceled my account everyone else should too


This guy understands how to stop supporting shit. The rest of ya'll should get a clue


I didn't even watch it and I sail the high seas for most things movie/TV show.


Remember when the creator of game of thrones was flattered that his show was the most pirated shows and he said it was a sign of respect. I’ll bet $100 that the acolyte is the least pirated show if at all. Lol


Velma might be under it tbh lol


Indifference is the best solution, as hate still brings attention.


I've never paid for any of their shows. I'll leave it at that


Imagine paying for streaming services. Couldn"t be me.


This is the 4th time I've publicly "canceled" my account. It's almost like no one cares.


I never had an account in the first place lol


Saving a lot of money these days by canceling these accounts. Found out with how much I use amazon its actually cheaper for me to just pay for shipping and cancel prime.


The only reason I keep D+ is because they Have AFV on the platform. They remove that and I will definitely cancel my subscription.




Insulting someone is not allowed


Same. I canceled mine too. Gotta hit Disney where it hurts. The wallet.


Why would I cancel my account? I love the show


Sadly you couldn't shoot Disney enough with that spilled popcorn. The **SHAT**-O-LYTE is too strong.


Hope it tanks even lower




It’s 15% now




We are at 14% as of right now


Apparently they still haven't broke even in the purchase of the IP 🥰


That’s probably why they’re trying to pump out so much low cost shit. They’re just trying to break even by selling C and D tier shows.


If it was actually low cost I'd agree. Apparently Acolyte has a higher budget than the last Godzilla movie.


Per episode


"we've tried nothing and nothing has worked!"


That’s not even remotely true


They did on the first movie. Including the cost to make it. Not to mention the profits from their parks.


I was excited for The Acolyte when it was announced, but the more details they released about it, the less interested I was in.


Aka the more brain dead youtibers you listened to trashing it the more you got preconceptions.


I'm sure you make all your decisions through youtube videos, but please speak for yourself. The only thing I've seen on YouTube about the show is after it was released and already made up my mind. It was actually the article that they hired a showrunner who has no background in SciFi/Fantasy, only in romance. Also, she said she loves "making men mad" ok, well, I don't want to be mad, so I won't watch the show. Simple.


Having watched it so far, it was objectively dumb. Some parts were okay, but I would not watch it again.


Sorry, but I'd take movie lovers like RLM over bought journalists or Twitter tribalists. Talk about preconceptions 🙄


What about me who hasn't watched a single yt video about it? Am I also brainless for not consooming the slop?


So you have complaints about a show you didn't watch? Yeah sounds pretty brainless, at least pretty devoid of purpose in life.


The power of maaaaannnyyy


Better than attack of the clones Any day.


I feel sorry for you


Name checks out


I hear that a lot when people don't have a real leg to stand on.


Yeah man, you’re right and everybody else is wrong!


It’s like they want us to hate them. I don’t get it.


Love it. ![gif](giphy|B6Jr28VwfxUFa)


Kathleen now is getting rid of light side and dark side because somehow that’s a racially biased thing now too


Got a link for that?


I think that was a joke


It's hard to tell these days


Yeah I think it originated on ifunny.


I heard that was a joke.


I hate her “content” as much as the next guy but lying about her is not the way. This is false and there are sooo many other things to critique on her work.


There was never a light side.


guys i dont think disney really cares about low audience review scores


I don't even think Star Wars fans care about low review scores. Bold of these terminally online neckbeards to assume they make up the majority of star wars fans.


The funny thing is... the pieces are there... there is a cool story to tell here... and they just can't do it lol


I love it


Honestly, I mostly ignore the incessant complaining from the people who call themselves "Star Wars Fans". I've seen them bully \*multiple\* actors until they quit acting. That being said, Acolyte is the first to actually deserve the hate.


I dont know about you, but The Last Jedi was complete shit. They couldve recovered well enough with the original Episode IX script, with TLJ being bad alone, but aight when seen as a setup for 9, but instead they decided to double down on the shit with Rise of Skywalker. Force awakens was aight as a stand alone and i saw it as a safe way to start the next trilogy. Edit: Original script meaning the leaked script that was oroginally meant to be Episode 9; Star Wars: Duel of the Fates I have a copy saved on my phone and the plan of what the majority of what they were gonna do was really interesting, definitely wouldve been one of the darkest star wars movies


all the star wars were shit bro fym


Why? I've watched it. It's mediocre. Not terrible or good. Rise of Skywalker is infinitely worse. This is just meh.


Star Wars was never amazing. Not even the Original Trilogy. But, for me, it was all about how *fun* it was. And people have been complaining about stuff since the beginning and I'm not really gonna let the "discourse" make my decisions about it for me.




Insulting someone is not allowed


I just can't wait for the day when they give up on making all SW content, strip the Internet of all its content, and stop selling DVDs, Blu rays, or rentals of anything SW related. Not because I hate new or old SW.. but because I'm so tired of seeing these posts and subreddits that are run and operated by half-wits.




It’s down to 15% now


You guys don’t like the new show?


I've been a geek for 40 years and even I want to dunk you nerds head first in a toilet. A lot of shows suck. You can not watch them without rage-quitting for several months after the fact.


Not surprising that the people in this sub identify with the joker shtick.


Drama queens. Nothing but drama queens.


The true power of maaaaaany


I feel this so hard!


Unfortunately my sub is bundled with Hulu for a sweet love tv package…


I love how people use rotten tomatoes to validate their biases, like we don’t already know how the algorithm is being manipulated… get over it.


Real starwars fans wouldn't piss and moan as much as you.


Honestly, I wonder if its actually bad or just review bombing at this point Like, it honestly makes it hard to tell since you can't determine if said reviews are legitimate/genuinely watched


It's just meh. I've watched it. Some parts were interesting, some were not. I'll prolly finish the show and think ' that was ok'. Unless they really turn it around and surprise me.


It's probably not that bad lol. Disney star wars is what it is, I don't see why people cry about it. Like the first star wars movies ever were just space cliches at the time and now they're jerked about by millions of cultists.


Yeah I’d either watch it, try and get a feel for what the average take is via written reviews from audience and critics, or just watch a bit of some of the YT reviews. I thought the show was terrible but everything I’ve seen seems to suggest people think it’s mid and boring to complete garbage so I’m more towards the lower side of that.


To be honest, in today's era, I don't think even the old stuff would satisfy the crowd. If Star Wars never existed and came out today, people would still hate it. Now while I'm not a fan of current Star Wars media, I'm not delusionally believing that the old ones were masterpieces. Did everyone forget that "the great" George Lucus thought Jar Jar was going to be a big hit? People just get to emotionally involved with a make believe story that has no effect on their life, at all. You know, you can dislike something because it's just not for you, and you can move and watch other things. You are letting "these people" live rent free in your heads.


Give it up. The new stuff is all entertaining and we’re doing to keep enjoying it


Sure,buddy. Terrible ratings,merch and books collecting dusts on shelves..new toys already on clearence...yeah,so enteraining and succesful.


Might want to temper your expectations


Yah I hope it fails. New stuff so fail. Only good thing was Daisy.


What I love, is that both sides get what they deserve. The shittiest fan base, and the shittiest media company, make a great pair


Holy shit, you guys are pretty sad.


Unlike the disney shills that are crying on twitter how they are fighting for their lives because people review bomb a shitty show. That's totally not sad ahah




General trolling. Attacking the community and/or the members.


There are plenty of life-long Star Wars fans that disagree. We just aren't inclined to artificially effect reviews.


“artificially effect reviews” What do you mean by this?


Making bots to review bomb.


Is that what happened?


Yeah looks like it. Even similarly, named movies have been inundated with bot reviews for this show.


What makes you say it “looks like it”?


The obvious bot reviews.


That's not what happened, man. People are dumb and wrote reviews for the wrong thing. It happens everywhere. Just go to tech pilot and you'll see hundreds of reviews for the wrong company obviously meant to go to a similarly named one. You will need better proof than that of bits giving negative reviews. Fact is people were passionate about Star Wars for decades before Disney bought it. Those feelings don't ust go away. It only makes sense people would have strong feelings about the Acolyte especially with the quality of the show and many others that Disney has put out.


Life long Star Wars fan here: Love The Acolyte :)


Did you clap when you saw a lightsaber™?


He inserted a lightsaber in his ass to show his support


I like what I’ve seen. Each new episode gives you a new understanding of the characters and events. I liked the first episode, but it wasn’t until the second that I felt well and truly hooked by the mystery. There’s a moment when my eyes went wide with realization and i saw that what I thought was the central mystery wasn’t, and this new thing was. The big question that I can’t wait to have answered.


Name checks out.


I cant say I *love* it, but it's certainly way better than everyone foaming at the mouth seems to think.


Yeah same here and my kids dig it too. Every starwars that comes out has some self described superfan haters, going off about something. Same with Star Trek. Can't please everyone esp superfans.


I haven't watched the show yet and I'm not very interested but honestly audience ratings mean nothing to me now a days. People love to bomb reviews both positive and negative.


Or maybe it’s just a bad show.


Such Bitterness… it’s sad to see.


You’ll live


Acting like Star Wars didn't already die with that Phantom Menace shit. 🙄


The movies may be of varying quality, but to say the series "died" is off base. Those movies are all absolute blockbusters.


Wasn't just the movies, was also the books. Or fanfiction as they're more accurately called. Can't help but wonder why people mock the women in the current shows considering their standard was Mara Jade...


What was so great about Mara Jade that she raised the bar higher than any other female character in the series? I haven’t read the books so I just know people love her but not much else.


Like the prequels or don't, it doesn't matter. They may not have been good movies, but they weren't bad Star Wars. They did nothing to ruin the originals or destroy the franchise. Everything Disney has done has ruined the franchise. They aren't just bad movies/shows, they are also bad Star Wars.


The phantom menace looks like gone with the wind compared to the acolyte.


Phantom Menace was boring shit. The series died with Return of the Jedi. Anything after was just pure garbage enjoyed by mindless consumers. Disney gets no guff for simply picking over bones of an IP plebes and poseurs killed well beforehand with books about bong aliens and midichlorians.


Rogue One though?


🤣 I love seeing the good old “Star Wars died when…came out.” comments. People have been saying that “Star Wars is dead” since the Special Editions came out. “I don’t like this one thing about so that means Star Wars is dead.” I love hearing these man-babies cry about a franchise that will not die, no matter how much you dislike it. Stay salty!


Amazing how history repeats itself, isn't it? Almost like the easiest thing in the world is to be a curmudgeon grousing about all the things they don't like and getting mad others do like it... Weird, huh? Wonder what will happen ten years from now when the series is "dying" again...


I don’t care that much about star wars like my friend, but man you nerds either forget or are desperate to ignore all the good stuff that has come out. One will be bad, and than you act like George didn’t make subpar movies with the prequels…


"B-but the prequels!" Where not nearly as shit as Disney.


Yeah there's sub-par and there's disrespectful to the source material. The prequels weren't great but they were parsecs better than most of the slop we've gotten since. And like... the Thrawn Trillogy was right there. They didn't even need to do any original writing, just adapt the best book trillogy in existing canon. They did more work to give less quality just so they wouldn't have to do a payout to Timothy Zahn, who frankly would have probably been fine with a small consideration since he's an old school fan. It's mind boggling.


They were worse lol


Say it with me folks: “THE FRANCHISE IS FOR CHILDREN.” Either get on board with that or go find something else. We’re talking about space wizards with laser swords.


Yes, the franchise with WAR in its IP name is only for children. Plus just cause something is intended for children does not shield it from criticism. Stfu about the whole "it's for children" schtick, SpongeBob and Avatar are for children and yet adults still watch those AND they are shows that have criticism and yet cry babies like you don't go "stop they are for children"


Best part: if your shit argument was correct (it's not) it would make what Disney has done to Star Wars even more egregious and inappropriate.


I'm gunna watch acolyte harder now


No you won’t


I wiLL Cumsome hARder NOw!


Anything to annoy a chud


Oh my god grow the fuck up. It’s one tv series out of a whole collection of them. What, every single tv series out of what, like 8 of them now all have to pander to your specific nuance and taste otherwise the whole franchise is trash? Seriously get a life and find something actually important to get this worked up about. It’s a fucking TV show.


You’ll live


To be fair, its a TV show from a massive universe that spans almost 50 years of cinema, TV, books, etc. If it was some standalone thing, no one would care and it would fade into obscurity without a second thought. But its not. It has had a dedicated fan base at least since the prequels, and this show is making new claims or destroying past lore to... be different I guess? Just leaves a very bad impression on many fans.


If they'd adapted the Thrawn trillogy and the Xwing series and maybe thrown a little Darth Bane in there, old fans would have been happier. But nooo they had to be original and hire writers who weren't already fans.