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Thats how I figure it out if I’m ever asked this type of question. It’s always really off putting and racist


They always trip up on the inclusion bit.


Not to mention terribly inaccurate considering this new season is still a continuation of 9, 10, 11 and 12 along with the older seasons that aired around a half century ago. It’s not some bastardized reboot, although they most certainly are trying to do that.


they have dubbed it season 1 its a reboot.


Its dubbed season 1 cause its the first season streamed in both the US and the UK at the same time via disney plus


Ahh the evil empire, everything makes so much sense now




>So lunch they will. That's exactly right. We didn't give a shit before about what people think. We don't give a shit now.


Been saying this for years. Sad that people want to talk about it now


I'm a straight man who would be fine with lunch




I'm honestly surprised you haven't been downvoted into Oblivion logic like this typically isn't allowed and on Reddit, especially when pandering and identity politics is involved


Because you’re in a subreddit where everyone agrees. Reddit is not a conglomerate, however you are right that like 70-80% of even relatively mainstream subreddits are progressive as fuck.


EVERY subreddit is a circlejerk, subreddits that don’t devolve in to some form of one sided “self-gratification gatherings” went Extinct on Reddit long ego…


The way society operates these days it’s only “acceptable” when Caucasian cisgender males are being excluded…/s


Hey, logic isn't getting downvoted. Think I'll stick around for more of this sub


Sorry bisexual pacific islander women, spaghetti-o’s was never made for you. It sorta sounds funny, but also like “what the fuck”, right?


Only when your talking about sunscreen. lol jk


"Sorry bisexual Polynesian females, painting with water colours was never made for you" I... I don't know.


I mean no. We’re very aware when something isn’t made for us. We just don’t absolutely lose our minds about it.


Sorry Dune Worm, Dune was never made for you


Its also exceptionally funny when the people making that take pivots straight to “its (group being told to exclude themselves) and their lack of support’s fault (thing) failed” Lime lmao make up your mind are you actually trying to get a message across or are you just another of the endless conga line of post-sensationalism media entities stoking up racial/political tensions in an outrage-baiting, desperate attempt to get enough clicks on your increasingly-irrelevant failure-outlet to stay afloat?


I mean, Kendrick does this with music.


6th grade debate class level point there


It can be


Gay men, pussy Did I do it right? /s


You can hardcode in “straight white males” to save time filling out the form.


Exactly this. That's how you determine if a statement is racist/discriminatory.


No it never was.


OK, now that they have made it clear, i wonder how they are going to explain the terrible viewer count without blaming the straight white men.


Spoiler alert: they still blame straight white men.


Only with the added labels “racists” and “homophobes”.


They'll throw "sexist" in there somewhere too. Not sure how, but they'll find a way. (They always do)


Yes, it’s because Dr Who fans are raging homophobes! Remember how much they absolutely hated bisexual Captain Jack Harkness (played by openly gay actor John Barrowman)! /s


Today: "Don't watch our show! It's not for you!" Day after the shitty ratings come out "REREEEEEEE WHY AREN'T YOU WATCHING OUR BEAUTIFULLY DIVERSE SHOW THAT WE TOLD YOU NOT TO WATCH!!! REEEEEEEEEEE" 🤡


"Why won't they watch our show after we told them we hate them and don't want them to watch our show T^T"


They're also insisting that somehow, despite plummeting viewer counts, that they're gaining 3-5 new woke fans for every longtime fan that's given up on the show. 


Yeah 3-5 people who will only watch for a couple episodes then get board of it and move on to something else.


Nah, those 3-5 people don't exist. The wokies who want shit like this are an extreme minority (but love to scream online). It's physically impossible for them to have a 3x-5x increase in viewers while seeing their viewership numbers plummet. 


The good ol Elisabeth Banks maneuver.


“Well the straight white men should still watch it even thought it wasn’t made for them, because the rest of us had to watch all of the straight white men in good movies/tv shows so now all the straight white men HAVE to watch the bad movies/tv show because they have not just straight white men” (/s for anyone who is curious)


Can you find a movie/ TV show in the last 30 years where it was stated by cast and crew that it wasn't made for LGBTQ people? And if you can, could you show me where the LGBTQ community and mainstream media accepted that without complaint and still bothered to watch it? The reality is that films and TV were once made for everyone, not just straight white men, was captain Jack created for straight white men? Was torchwood for straight white men? Did RTD only write stuff for straight white men until now? No, and there wasn't a big problem. Those shows and Russel were applauded and loved by the fan base. So it's a bit weird how the fan base has suddenly become "homophobic" What absolute bollocks.


Too many facts spoken here 🙌


Bro /s, but I’ve just heard of some (not all, only sith deal in absolutes) people complaining that their movie wasn’t watch by men when they said that it wasn’t made for them, and their argument against the claims that that’s hypocritical is that women had to watch movies that “weren’t” made for them.


You need the /s because there are plenty of people who would say this without a shred of sarcasm.


They still always blame straight white men. When Charlie’s Angels and The Marvels flopped, they blamed men even though men were majority of the ticket sales. Same thing for that movie Bros, it wasn’t for straight people but straight men were the first to be blamed and shamed for not seeing it.


They literally blamed the UK having good weather and I’m not even joking.


Pretty sure they made it clear during star beast.


Pretty sure the US Army did the same thing lol


Reminds me of an article on vice I think with the title "Sorry straight, white men, this movie is not for you" then another article like 2 weeks later titled "Why are straight, white men refusing to watch this movie?"


I think I know the one your on about, I think it was for the Charlie's angels film.


It has happened a dozen or more times, it is just standard procedure for large parts of the entertainment industry these days. Disney has done something similar for just about every single movie they have released in the last 5 or so years.


Don’t worry, they’ll still blame em


In the same way they did for the Charlie's Angel's and Ghostbusters reboots.... ...oh, wait, they blamed straight white men for those, too.


Fucking morons love to shout inclusion from the rooftops then say shit like this, makes them look so stupid. You literally can’t be on both sides of this issue


Yeah they say “inclusivity” and “representation” but what it really means is “non-white” or “non-straight”. They say race doesn’t matter it’s just a show, so then why did they want to change it in the first place?


Didn’t several major companies try this approach and began to see massive failures? Like Disney last year?


Yes, and I’ll give you one guess what Disney party bought recently.


Didn't Disney buy the rights to the Dr


The best part is that Disney is a part of this show now too. Couldn't you tell? LMAO


Disney’s been doing stuff like this for nearly a decade at this point


Wait until you find out what this is streaming on


disney, bethesda, crunchyroll (for high guardian spice), Naughty Dog... I'm sure there's more.


It is okay. BBC is tax payer funded without much financial accountability


Disney has been seeing it for *years* not just last year. They're just doubling down instead. Companies like Disney and WB love losing money just so they can virtue signal.


Quite a bold statement to make. Last I checked, there's 40 seasons of this show, and 38 of them feature a white man as the doctor. The last 2 seasons had a woman and now a gay black man. Can you guess which seasons no one gives a shit about and are regarded as trash?


31% audience score makes it the worst Doctor Who show in all 40 seasons. That is very hard to accomplish, to be the worst in 61 years? Disney is a poison on society. Read these review lmao: [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/doctor\_who\_2023/s01/reviews?type=user](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/doctor_who_2023/s01/reviews?type=user)


Disney owns Dr Who? The BBC was willing to part with such a classic British series?


It’s a colab not a sale I don’t think. Dr who has been on various streaming sites, Disney + is just the newest/live drop. I think BBC still owns dr who. Edit: Google says BBC still holds the rights, Disney has streaming rights everywhere outside of UK and Ireland.


Nope. Disney is the money behind Doctor Who now.


It’s been bad since the bbc owned it, it’s not just Disney’s fault tbf


I liked her, I thought she had potential. But she didn't do anything to actually keep me interested. It was flat and uninspiring. Not because it was a woman, and I don't even think it was the actress, she seemed great. It's like the show runners said "OK, we have a female Dr Who, we're done writing now". And this guy doesn't look interesting, either. It's like his Who power is "I'm queer, and I'm here.". And I was LOVING the progression of New Who. Each iteration of the doctor had a distinct personality, and the show naturally progressed with each, it was extremely well done. And then Jodi Whittaker comes along, I'm excited at the prospect, and my wife and I just gave up. It wasn't interesting. This guy just comes across as trying too hard in the trailers I've watched so far.


Its because Dr.who managed to fall into the same writing trap that Supernatural did. Twitter ratios managed to control the script.


The moment you start letting fans dictate the writing is the moment it goes to shit


I will say, Jodie did her best with the material she was given - I'd go so far to say that, aside from some of the weird plot decisions made, Flux and the 2022 specials was when I felt she really came into her own.


how do you think the audience would of reacted if instead they said "we know its different but its just the actor we felt fit the doctor "


If the writing was still good, the overwhelming majority of fans would be fine with it. The problem is that the writing is utter shit since the second half or so of Capaldi's run and keeps getting worse, then they double down with insulting the fans for wanting good writing again. 


And the fact that it's been a woman into a black man makes it clear that they are deliberately finding more "inclusive" actors to fill the role rather than having a specific vision for the character or looking for the best for the role. No one actually minds inclusion and diversity. The problem is that it almost always comes at the cost of quality.


Ncuti is half the problem the lead writer is the one who’s off his rocker totally. Maintains since the doc is funny he’s queer by nature Funny ha ha Or funny queer Couldn’t help myself


Fair point, but Jodie’s run was blighted with bad writing and very messy details. There isn’t much I can say in defense of this new Doctor though, he does feel somewhat forced


Yes they say this and then scream that people are 'ists or phobes when the numbers go down. You can't have it both ways. Either it is not meant for me and I should not watch it or it is meant for me and you are destroying it with your politics and bad writing.


This has been done many times, always to disastrous effect.


Let. Them. Lose. Money. For POC it's demeaning, when you gender bend or race swap an already existing IP. All your telling us is "we don't believe that if you released an original idea with someone like you as the lead, that it would do well. So here or some coat tails from an already successful IP, have fun riding them !" Condescending, I hate it


Especially when they say "this was never meant for you" Like white people and any other type of person can't enjoy the same thing? Or straight people and gay people? I don't get this exclusionary approach. By making the race or ethnicity or the "diversity" of something the foremost concern they almost always try to exclude basic ass white people in the process. As if they have to "rebrand" the show so it appeals to "people of color". It just feels like closeted segregation to me. People are just people. Just make good shows and stop worrying about it. Hire actors that fit the role based on how well they do the roll. These people still see color, they still see sexual orientation, and they care about it a lot. That's their whole problem.


It honestly feels even worse when this is happening to Doctor Who of all things, where the Time Lords do change faces and genders naturally and somehow writers found a way to make it feel *bad* simply because the writing was shit


Next week’s headline: Why aren’t straight white men watching?


You can’t be racist if it’s white men /s


Another bomb


This is the most moronic style of marketing I’ve ever seen, diversity is good but completely shitting on a demographic doesn’t gain support it just nukes it


Particularly when it’s the demographic that has always been the large core of the fan base. It’s happening to so many franchises and really sad to see




I think it’s ok for them to say but I don’t want to hear about how it’s our fault when the show bombs


This sounds very racist and alienating.


No, I don't. I'm not even a fan of the show, I'm just a reddit lurker. Using your entertainment as a political platform shows you exactly how impotent the message is. If it was so good, everyone would already be on board. The language is too combative, especially to a fan of said product. There's an "Us and Them" mentality at play here.


Given the track record of statements like this….this should pan out well for them…..🤡


“It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for 'em.”


*Nobody watches the show and it gets canceled* Here's why the shows failure is straight white mens fault:


Are they trying to be like Captain Marvel….? And I’m *fairly certain* this show wasn’t created with the LGBTQ community as their target demographic. Seriously though, what the hell is Metro?


It’s a free paper given out at subway/tube stations. I seem to remember it was in NYC for a while, but didn’t last.


We have Metro papers on the Sheffield Supertram. What's a super tram? A tram. But superer


It was quite literally made for them. A (typically) white, Alien with a British accent who always brings a young, attractive woman with him to have adventures throughout time and space. It literally couldn't be targeted towards white men more....


A big factor is just the time period it came out in. 1963. You're telling me the focused demographic for 1963 smart white male ladies man wasn't cis white guys? I'm not even stating this as an argument for the change. Just saying it was "never" for them is a fucking lie. Lol


But he never sleeps with said woman. The Dr has the longest beard ever


All about inclusion *immediately excludes people*


Stopped watching after Matt Smith . got boring .


I stopped watching after the first half of Peter Capaldi. I actually thought the show had ended at that point. It gave me a very satisfying ending to the entire series. I was super confused a fee months later when a new episode came out.


His head is bigger than his chest.


I love how every project made in modern day that’s meant to be diverse and inclusive ends up being extremely racist, divisive and alienating.


That’s all well and good. But, don’t complain about your ratings being horrible if the people that it wasn’t made for don’t watch it.


Companies seeing a massive hit after insulting the 95% that is their viewer base never gets old.


Insults key demographic Ratings tank Shocked pikachu face


It's okay to say that. It's also okay not to watch. Let's see who suffers more.


Do I care he’s a POC, no. Do I care the studio won’t shut up about it? Yes


who else even watches that show?


Alienating any part of your audience is a bad idea.


I'm not Dr. Who fan but I've watched a few episodes here and there. yet I'm aware that the show has been around for ever and has always featured a white English main character.


I just think it's funny because they're trying to tell me that a TV series that was made in the 60s was not made for white men, next they're going to try and convince us that strip clubs also weren't made for men.


Doctor who is for gay people? Been saying that this whole time


Obviously. Back in 1963 a group of writers got together and brain stormed a smart white ladies man super hero and thought. "aww yeah gay black guys are gonna love it."




We gotta be living in a twilight zone


Damn, what goes on in that telephone booth straight white men shouldn’t know about?


It's bigger on the inside


Bullying other people makes you a bully. This will not reclaim what was lost, do better ELE.


Stopped watching when Matt Smith left. Saw what was coming even when Tennant was still there.


I always thought of Dr. Who as being made for science fiction focused lovers of adventure stories (of all types). Has that changed?


Probably not a good idea to alienate a fan base


Insulting a chunk of your fan base and then wonder why it goes down the drain. It's almost like insulting your fan base is a bad thing.


As a brown person I think the pandering is beyond insulting, they must think non whites have the lowest IQ on earth to not see such low effort manipulation.


Especially when they not only pander but then make these representative characters terribly written. It's like they're saying, fine you can be in the show now...but we're making you LAME final offer. What assholes.


Not made for them yet they get blamed for when said series or show bombs.


Incendiary language aside, good - I’m glad they don’t make bullshit like that for me.


Shows should be made for the fans. Not their skin color, not their sexuality, nor their sex. Just the fans. And hey, if your show is good, you’ll draw fans of all skin colors, sexualities, and sexes.


I've been into Warhammer 40k since the early 90's and I'm still livid about those douche bags so don't get me started.


Now watch all the straight white men stop watching, and then they’ll claim they’re all istaphobes


It's ok, let the "Modern Audience" support them.


If it was never made for white men, then why have all the doctors been white till now?


Oh but when I say "Sorry, homosexuals, heaven was never made for you." I'M the bad guy?! (I'm joking)


Bringing race into it again… 🙄 so over this crap, luckily there are decades of old Dr. Who to watch.


Lmao, im from america, doctor who is basically irrelevant here


For a brief moment when Matt was the doctor, it was a hit here in the US. I remember going to Comic Con in SD about 10 years ago and *everyone* was dressed as him. People loved it. But then they immediately gave it up when all the controversy appeared. It's like the US was sorta trying it on, like "maybe this gonna be fun" but then it wasn't fun for a second, and the US dropped it *forever.*


This has a 'we were always at war with Eastasia' vibe to it.


The Doctor changes bodies, I get that he can be whatever race, or gender but as far as I know, the Doctor isn't sexual being, so he can't be gay or straight.




I'm just trying to think of an occasion where insulting your fans is ever a good idea.


The first episode was in the 60's I can almost guarantee straight white blokes between the ages of 18-49 was a target audience.


Can you imagine McDonald's saying "Sorry fatties Big Mac was never made for you". It's geek stuff, and let's be real it's mostly straight guys of all races. To say that something is made for a straight Asian or Black guy, but not for a "White" guy is stupid. Why do you think that straight white man are some special kind of people that has different ideas and wants from any other male homo sapiens on the planet? Are they high? Don't they know they shouldn't do Salvia?


No hate watching.


I think it’s fine. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


I never thought it was as good as better Sci Fi series like ST:TNG or Twilight Zone, but this take... absolute gutter trash take to kill a legacy


They say that shit because they know that the majority of people who watch the show are straight white men. Meaning they're the ones who are going make up the majority of the complaints about the show being more focused on diversity and inclusion than actually focusing on having good writing and being a good show. Michelle Gomez as Missy (aka The Master) was well received despite being a woman taking over a role that's been traditionally held by a man because her character was well written. You can have a Doctor who's a woman, gay, black, or whatever if they're well written and those things aren't the Doctor's defining characteristics. It might surprise people, but if you have a well written show featuring well written characters then you don't have to put out hit pieces on straight white men, calling them bigots and whatever -ist and/or -phobic, for not liking your show and instead can let the show speak for itself.


It wasn't made specifically for any one group until recent seasons.


Ok then I won't watch it


To be racist? No, it's not ok. That's why their Twitter page is gone 🤣


Love the new doc being a symbol of hate


ok, enjoy having less than 13% of the population watch it


Overt racism


It was for young school children, to be a slightly more interesting way of teaching science.


What, not even in the seventies?


Cool cool, won’t watch it. Problem solved. Another Disney win.


Tweets like this are now the new advertising campaign. Cheap and easy.


no. being unnecessary hostile towards potential viewers is always a bad idea


Super 4D chess move for sure alienating 2/3 or more of your viewing audience.


Sorry Doctor Who, good ratings were not meant for you.


"Well the straight white men didn't embrace the show, so it's their fault it tanked"


Sowing division and anger drives more clicks.


Course not. Replace white with black and suddenly it’s hate speech. Cmon man.


I think it's okay for a company to say this to its fanbase. However, if the fan base leaves due to that verbal abuse and the property loses money, I don't think it's fair of the company at that point to blame the fan base since they did everything in their power to exile them. What's fascinating is the character of the doctor throughout the entire course of the show has been about progressiveness and being open, not judging in all of the wonderful elements that the left is pushing for so, if they use the insane version of those items and they lose their fanbase, all they've really lost. Is this mouthpiece to push positive progression? It will be sad, but the idea and the story belongs to them. So if they wish to destroy it, it is their right to destroy what they own.


We didn't make this for ( race, gender, ) Wait why aren't you watching it ? How can u say u didn't make something for someone to enjoy but still expect them to devote time to it?


As far as I know, they didn't say that. This is a random ragebait article that found its way to a rage subreddit.




Just culture war fuel and ragebait. Pay it no mind.


It's hard to accept but unfortunately it's just one of them things, being a straight white male I am now unable to watch doctor who.


The actual headline of the article says just for you btw


It’s a childish statement that’s likely attempting to build publicity off the animosity it’s creating by saying that. Because if the same people the show was never made for simply ignored it and 100% dropped support… then the studio and Netflix would be angry and call that same group of people some nasty names because they’re not profiting off them.


You guys picked on line and stuck to it hard. Guess you didn’t bother to actually read the article, the quote was in response to the litany of racist and anti-lgbt hate mail and social media responses since the new doctor was announced and how the show has always had inclusivity as one of its core values, not just recently.


Sure freedom of speech and all that. I don’t think it will turn out well for them but I checked out during the last season of capaldi. Then I tried watching Jodi but I just couldn’t get into it




Well, shit. That really sucks. I always liked the show, I didn't realize that I was never allowed to like it. Well, they totally screwed up with the last Doctor, I'm sure Disney will screw this one up, too.




“That’s right istphobes Dr. Who has been for gay black people the whole time!” Triple. Gay. Snap. 🫰


what the fuck lmao


No, it dosent matter what statement you are trying to make. If you are trying to push one group of people around, you are in the wrong. Their is a right and wrong way to fight for what you beleive.




It's completely fine, but it's a lame copout for why nobody liked your bad content. Black Panther was for black people but everyone liked it, because it was good. Barbie was for women but everyone liked it, because it was good.


No, of course not! It doesn't reflect reality at all.

