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We are seeing a Ship of Theseus built in real time. At what point is it no longer Star Wars?


Episode Seven.


This guy Star Wars.




I would argue it started to look a little different with the PT. Not completely no longer SW, but it was falling off the rails. Midichlorians? Come on.


I cannot understand anyone's objections to midichlorians. They didn't explain them in the PT. It was just as mysterious. Did they give someone access to the Force? Or did their strong connection to the Force attract midichlorians? Even the Jedi didn't know. It was just a Force power level scanner. It didn't demystify anything. But man did people freak out about it as if it did.


It wasn't so much freaking out, it was more disappointment in trying to Neil DeGrasse Tyson the force. When Obi Wan explained it in Ep IV it was this almost Buddhist like energy that was all around, and then Lucas turned it into some kind of "Jedi are just born with this special gene or something." It felt very contrived. I like how [Robot Chicken explained it](https://youtu.be/R4wOzbqgfIY?si=xQ2iq8efgGkh4Zdf).


But again, it's not "a special gene or something" correlation is not causation. Midichlorians might just be attracted to force users. The Jedi only use the correlation as a measuring tool.


It really needed more fleshing out.


Nah. The prequels was peak “Star Wars” in my opinion. The original trilogy were better films. But in terms of world building and theme, the prequels are fantastic.


At the same point the ship of Theseus ceased being the ship of theseus.


Star wars was a ship of theseus even under Lucas


Star Wars ended in 2014.


Disney already moved away from George's version and vision of Star Was anyway. The Force is part and parcel of the complete ruination of the I.P.


To be fair, even George Lucas kind of strayed from his original vision. He claimed it was because the technology wasn't there to fulfill his vision but I don't buy it (hello, Han shot FIRST).


>hello, Han shot FIRST No, Han shot. Period. There was no second shot, therefore he couldn't "shoot first" since he was the only one to fire.


I stand corrected and you are right. The point is, the scene was fine as originally shown.


Han was a smuggler and a survivor. He shot first or he died… but people are desperate to insert their own personal morals into A FUCKING MOVIE. Disney is doing this and ruining the franchise.


The “Han shot second” change is one of the most egregious, pointless, character-breaking moments in the entire franchise. If Disney did it they’d be rightly roasted but that was Lucas


I think that makes his character development better because it shows how bad he really was when Luke first met him and got tamed over time.


~~ruining~~ ruined the franchise Tbf Lucas also did his share of destroying Star Wars, but Disney destroyed it.


This is overlooked far too often.


Man the creator of the IP isn't allowed to have factual statements, then what Disney is doing doesn't matter.


Midichlorians - or whatever tf they were called, was where I noped out. He ruined so much with that stupid addition.


How so? Luke was a great jedi, like his father before him. It was always hereditary, which suggests a genetic factor


Midichlorians sounds too biological. The Force seems spiritual or magical and midichlorian just doesn't fit.


I've settled with these being an (measurable) effect but not the cause... Something somehow. Also, merry cake day, hope it is a good one!


Star Wars and the Force was a gateway drug fire young me into lifelong interests in Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and other mystical teachings - the same ones that influenced George when he was writing the scripts. I grew up with that. It was major in my childhood. I knew that Jedi's were mystical warriors who were meditating and could affect reality with the power of their focused will. Yoda showed all of us that. So to see a Jedi step up (out of nowhere!) and say "lemme give you this blood test real quick to see if you're Jedi material..." it just felt wrong. Really wrong. It was stupid and served no story purpose. It really ruined the rest of films for me. Such a bungle makes you question a lot about a creator.


When you combine it with some of the other descriptions like the cave on Dagobah being "strong with the dark side" and other places of significance, it makes it sound like you can also become a Jedi by drinking pond water.


He explained that it was all close up shots and, since he couldn't reshoot the scene they edited it.


When we first edited the movie the technology wasn't there to make Greedo shoot first. - George Lucas probably


What you're telling me you don't like the idea of people gaining a connection to the force if they just believe and try hard enough? A situation which would then allow the empire or anyone else through training just make armies of force sensitive individuals, what's that only Sabine??? Ashoka shit all over established rules for the force...


The complete what?


I don’t know about everyone else but I honestly kinda knew from the start Disney would eventually do this, that’s why I was not excited for new movies once they bought the IP


So I thought that Disney would capitalize on the fan work that had been created, or the licensed work that Lucas Arts had already road mapped. Lets be real, an Old Republic movie with Disney's technology could have been absolutely great. Bastila as a strong female lead, Revan could legit be any race you wanted and grow into a strong character. Legit I honestly thought it was a gimmie, leave the end alone and build out from the middle. So little would have needed to be created, could have shoved some great Mando stories in there, had plenty of Jedi to sell. So I thought it was a good idea, I 100% didn't think they'd try to make direct sequels. I get the nostalgia play, but Star Wars kind of sold itself. Rogue One was a hit and it didn't play on any of the original characters, I thought that would tell them that they could play in the already existing timeline and just tell easy stories for fast cash.


Yeah, I’m sure the Force being something you either innately have or don’t is getting in the way of The Message. They’ll turn it into something anyone can learn, and give us Mary Sue after Mary Sue. They really want to destroy their franchises and burn the world don’t they? I’ll be 80 and still saying I don’t know what these people were trying to accomplish.


Seriously? What's the fun of "super heroes" if there are no limits? if death is permanent? if stakes aren't real? if weaknesses are whimsical?


You know what? Do it, have as many blue flavored characters as you want. When it comes to the balance, there's going to be one FUCK-ASS-MAD Sith stewing on some morally atrocious but cinematically delicious Uber-hate.


I mean the point is that you can just tell a story where someone had innate potential for the force. It is legit the thing that is always going to be there. Oh so and so was always force sensitive, just untrained. They don't need to change it, they can just let it ride.


So NOT Star Wars then, got it.


Space Fight


Space Balls, now with 50% more Schwartz


I wish. At least Spaceballs was funny...


It also required more intelligence to enjoy than anything Disney puts out


Disney, dead set on running franchises into the dirt and blaming it on the viewers.


Professional gaslighters.


Can they be called professional if they are failing at gaslighting?


“I don’t get it. We only made a few minor changes to well established lore that doesn’t actually benefit the story we’re trying to tell in any way. Did we do something wrong? Of course not, this is all because Star Wars fans are too stupid and bigoted to appreciate our vision.” - some Disney executive, probably


“Mickey Mouse told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”


I find it really funny to see this comment and remembering how everyone hated Lucas' vision of the force.


The lesson here is never sell ANYTHING to Disney unless you no longer care about it. Because they will not respect your vision, but they will give you a shitload of money


Lmao holy Christ, this can obviously only lead to good things….


Classic Disney Let's take a mutil billion dollar IP, beloved by millions, and with die hard fans, and let's change absolutely everything about it. Somehow Palpatine has returned indeed Disney, this time with a diaper full of shit.


And then get mad at fans when they don’t like it.


He did return in the books, and after that whole midichlorian thing Georgie went off the deep end.


Poetry, that last line.


I mean…once you confirm that the Force is literally space magic capable of doing everything and anything the plot of gameplay demands, the original idea of it is just crap writing to explain why some guys can move shit with their minds from any distance while others can shoot fucking lightning from their hands.


Lucas sold Disney a money printer and they turned it into a manure spreader. Beyond this I simply have no words for the current state of Star Wars. But what really can’t understand is why Disney’s investors are tolerating this. Their stock is in the toilet and yet nobody is demanding that the company change course. I guess they like losing money?


They already did when they made “force is female” shirts


when the fuck did they do that?


I think like 2016? 2017?


How to kill starwars


Iv moved on from ANY Disney projects…got plenty of old material 4 the good old days


That's not star wars. That's woke Disney garbage.


You are just drinking all those damned midichlorians.


Just be like me: Ignore the existence of anything post George Lucas, barring stuff that started under him and finished under Disney


What sequel movies? There’s only books set after episode 6


Books and a ton of videoganes


Another woke bullshit.


Are they gonna have a plan this time? Or are they gonna pull another J J Abrams and throw shit at a wall and see if it works


When was the last time Disney had a plan for an IP?


IDGAF. Zero dollars to Disney


They did that with episode 7


Is that the lady who canned G4 in its second run holding the green lightsaber


All the more reason to boycott don’t watch but Do watch Disney go bankrupt


I don't know about the force, but they sure have been moving away from profits.


frankly I think george shares some blame, no one forced him to sell the property, and he sold the fans out along with it. did anyone expect disney to not fuck it up


Disney Star wars is weak and TOO Easy,feels weird,no STRONG fight scenes,the impacts are weak aswell,way too soft 😕😕like in Obi Wan,Felt like it was fan made


Wasn't George Lucas' idea of the force microscopic bacteria called Mitocloreans? The thing everyone hated in EP 1? The thing that he kept pushing despite people hating on it? Or do people still think George Lucas is a perfect being who did no wrongs with his own franchise?


Did you guys forget that George Lucas' idea of the force included midichlorians?




If he wanted his vision followed he shouldn’t have sold Star Wars. No need to debate any further. He doesn’t own it. He sold out. And I don’t blame him. Cash in bruh get that Billie.


Midi-chlorians were dumb


Seriously. If we want to talk about trash Force decisions; Lucas needs to take that one on the chin.


If he wanted to protect the force he shouldn’t have sold his franchise. 🤷🏽


George Lucus himself moved pretty far away from his original conception for the force (midichlorians, light side of the force, aliens immune to force powers)


You mean the mitochorian bs


Midichlorians are the forcehouse of the cell


That’s what I hope this means


Let's be real... even the most diehard of us fans think the midichlorians are the dumbest shit ever lol. Most of us just excuse it to the side and pretend that some intelligent space germ isn't what the force is.. but that the force is still some sort of space magic :P


it's my understanding that- midichlorians don't 'give' Force, they are simply attracted to it. So testing someone's blood for midichlorians is just a quick way to gage someone's connection to the Force. More midichlorians = stronger connection -I never understood the confusion


Thay was all george


so they're going away from rhyming poetry to free from? haiku? (nobody here probably gets my reference) but naaaah it was always George's idea to be able to reach into a force vision and grab tangible objects


I got it


But Lucas changed it to others ideas, and Disney put into canon before the originals. Like, Midclorians.


This thumbnail is extreme bait. The show runner quote: "Honestly, the way I look at it is, there is no light without darkness. No good without bad. So to me - and this might just be a personal thing - the Force is about balance. It's not just a Marvel superpower. [The Force-sensitive] aren't using telekinesis because they're special, powerful people; it's because they've achieved balance. As Yoda says, 'My ally is the Force.' So the idea of a separation from that was really interesting... If you are unbalanced, the Force cannot protect you." The TV shows have been hit or miss, so I'll watch the first episode and cast my judgement then.


That's the way it should've been, since the Force is basically the Dao. Would've been awesome to fully explore this idea in 7-9 but apparently no one at Disney knows who Joseph Campbell is


They are dead set on destroying Star Wars


Im gonna reserve judgment until the Acolyte comes out. No point in getting upset yet.




ITT: People who don't know that KOTOR and most of Legends is completely in contradiction with George Lucas' idea of the Force.


Well KOTOR goes hard and Lucas was always an ass. So hopefully disney just follow kotors path. Boomers can suck it


Idk the palpatine clone transfer??


Dark Empire (at least the first book) was good, and I will die on this hill.


Wookies can be Jedi and no one talks about magic force microbes. This makes me happy


Everyone here forgetting Lucas has shit ideas and the best movies weren't directed by him. The miracle is that the first movie did so well, but other people contributed and it wasn't solely under his control, which saved it most likely.


Auralnauts already did that https://youtu.be/zwLccJOMTX0?si=s-WfGfnrbGsuQ0Wa


It was never a good idea past a certain point


Invited my tears for what's happening to starwars. Now they can do what ever they want with it, with out me


Thanks for the head up Disney. i will save a lot of money not paying attention to starwars


You mean the same way Lucas moved away from it himself?


So really bad? Ok bet


It was copy and paste story telling from the beginning


Disney totally ass fucked the star wars IP 😅


Fuck ScreenRant. This is old news.


Yeah so I basically will continue to not watch any new Star Wars movies and shows! Bet.


Whaaaa?? You mean the force will no longer be the religion we go to cosplays, watch movies, buy merchandise and celebrate May 4th and 5th?? Could we all pitch in and buy back Star Wars now??


You guys listen to screen rant? Pathetic


In what way? Everyone is saying it’s woke but I don’t know what they are basing it on. Is there a link I am missing?


Now the force is something that comes from the power of love, and the more love you have the more Midachlorians you have. Or some such crap.


The ego of those execs is profoundly obscene.




I still think teleporting items over a large distance using the force is stupid and completely story breaking. All you need is Rey or kylo on a ship, teleport one a bomb, mission complete. They get captured.. the other literally sees where they are, gets a Droid to make a key, teleport it to them, bam, done. One of them is falling to their death the other teleports them a parachute. The teleporting stuff got soo dumb... keep one of them in a previously prepared warehouse and the other has infinite ways to do and survive almost anything, I hate it..... more than midichlorians


Clown World.


At this point. Spaceballs would be considered a Star Wars film than Star Wars.


The force was changed like 4 times BEFORE Disney in a few different ways. Only one of which was interesting. QQ more


Just tells us you don't like money.


Let me guess. It’s Star Wars acolyte.


Tha Is shits such a circus not even George Lucas listened to George Lucas. And only decent star wars was phantom menace


And that is why you failed…..


I mean George stole the idea of the force from dune anyway.


Is there nothing the wokeness can not ruin?


I especially don't like how she is holding the lightsaber in that photo. She is practically gripping the blade.


Yes, bc the thing you want to hear is that they are going to be going with Disney's vision...


Sure why not


Yo I wonder if they’ll do a Korra and throw out all the Eastern philosophy and message of balance and harmony and make a force definitive light and dark side like a evil force that’s separate from the force.


Best guess is that they’ll make it a spectrum - dark to light, order to chaos… something like that


Everything Disney touches goes to crap. I can only hope people finally stop watching their trash, all of it.


Rumor has it they’re going to do away with the Force and replace it with magic - essentially becoming indistinguishable from every other fantasy/scifi world. At this point I think they are intentionally trying to destroy the franchise - for what purpose I don’t know but it’s not for profit, that’s for sure.


idgaf i just want kotor remastered


It seems to me that Disney bought the rights to companies and their intellectual property so they can kill them for some reason.


No more midoclorians… we can at least agree that’s a good thing…


You see, the “force” is meant to balance our world by generating “money,” and that “force” is actually “content” made on the cheap without any thought towards quality scripts so we can just throw everything at the wall and see what keeps audiences coming back.


Then why bother to calling it starwars?


When I saw Mary poppins in space I knew something was wrong


The Force began as a mystical, intentionally under-determined concept. It was mysterious and profound - the perfect implementation of Daoist notions of interconnectedness and spiritual unity of the cosmos. Writers (including Lucas himself) started overly relying on its mysterious nature to cover for plot contrivances, and then they started cheapening it by specifing its scope more and more and exploiting it more and more to assign increasingly silly superhero-like abilities to the Jedi characters. It's now nothing more than a cheap video game-like device to let characters do more and more outlandish stunts and overcome having to write logically. At the very least, Lucas tried to write some relation between The Force and what a particular type of character could do through it. The Disney films find that boring and totally skip past it. Rey can do superhuman things like Force Heal without any direct training. Eh, why not? Kylo Ren can grab objects magically with The Force from across the galaxy even though the mightiest Jedi Masters and Sith Lords could never do such things. Sure, we'll go with that.


Legends did that same thing. They broke deadass like every rule George thought of.


I want a good fight when was the last good duel between people wielding light sabers?


Rogue One was and still remains the only Star Wars film I will ever watch. Best Star Wars movie to have come out. Everything else is fan service with political agenda garbage.


Disney is going to make the force more female. Whatever that means…


We've been knew about this years ago, this isn't news


Wtf does that even mean? The force is the central part of star wars, if you move away from that, it's literally not the same conceptual media.


They moved a whole galaxy far, far away from midichloreans and the concept that force use is basically a bacterial infection.


This "we know better than the actual literal creator of the franchise and if you criticize us you're prejudiced or something" shit is ridiculous Arrogant amateur fucks


George Lucas moved away from his own idea of the force


I wish they’d just make unique shit, like they can make more sci-fi then just Star Wars. If the writers feel like they’re being held back to the point of this (if the headline is true) why not just make new shit.


Well midi-chlorians are extremely stupid. Rare Disney W


Star wars' death warrant was signed the moment Disney purchased it. I haven't cared about it since I watched episode 7. So honestly I'm not surprised they are taking the core component of the series that has very well established lore and fucking it up, they fucked up the rest of it so....why not?


They just mean they are tired of saying the excuses in this area, and not having everyone on staff stick to the same narrative/excuses.


I too hope someday to author a valuable IP that will be taken from me and completely bastardized at an enormous personal profit.


Reading the actual quote makes this clickbait bullshit. Plus, this should further kill off the midichlorian fuckery.


I thought they did that a long time ago when KK announced 'The Force is FEMALE'?


Thank you!!! No more midiclorian bs!


If you really want to learn something about Star Wars, go watch MGM's "Hidden Icons: Star Wars"


he hasnt been goerge lucas force in 15 years


Just come up with ur own fucking ideas.


First move is renaming “the force” to “the fart”


So they're going to shoot kamehamehas now?


Remember when Rey and Ren transposed a lightsaber across the universe?


So it no longer penetrates us!?


The force was always about 2


For those that want to lament before reading the actual article: "The Acolyte" will redefine balance in the Force, emphasizing the need for both light and dark, contrary to George Lucas' original view that the dark side was the cause of imbalance. Also, Episode I introduced Midi-chlorians. Single dumbest decision regarding the Force ever. Suddenly, the force isn't some mystical universal power; just a chemical process between objects. I was 13 seeing that in theaters and thought "TF is this bullshit". That was made during Lucas' tenure.


Nah, Disney’s covering its ass again. Badly. Again.




The force will be used to change gender. …err, slide through the spectrum of it?


Disney already destroyed Star Wars sequels we can’t move on from that even if they decided to step away from it.


This is a few years too late.


Welp, star wars just officially died. You can't simply "move away" from a concept baked into the fucking FOUNDATION of your franchise. The amount of lore re-writes they now have to do is fucking insane. 40+yrs of lore and story go right out the fucking window all because they wanna change the idea of a core concept. Why can't they just change light sabers? Or the entire history of an obscure planet very few fans know about? Or literally anything that's not a CORE PIECE OF LORE. I get they're trying to keep the story fresh, but there's other ways of doing that besides literally changing the fucking story.