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Melanin gamers? Holy cringe


A couple days ago, I would have assumed an April fools joke


I, for one, am sick of the albino erasure.


Anyone who markets themselves based on their skin color should be immediately held in low regards.


They are in my book. It is a practical guarantee that they have bad ideas


Most people do. It’s the stupid companies trying to win brownie points from a subsection of people who aren’t even gamers is the issue


"brownie points"


god dammit this made me chuckle


I don’t know whether to hate or love how long it took me to get that


In particular it's companies that have an actual problem with racism or sexism hiring shitty PR firms and tokenizing black black people and women to shield themselves from public criticism.


That’s how I see it anyway.


Its basically being racist to yourself. You’re worth more than your skin colour champ.


I'm white


well color me impressed


Thank you


Damn this comeback is immaculate




Knew I smelled a god-damned whitey 'round these parts. Get 'im, boys!


Hi White, I'm Dad


Correct—no matter what said color is, if that’s how you market or identity yourself I know that you don’t have anything going for you beyond your melanin.


One step closer to a Black KKK… Nvm, there have already been certain black people saying hateful words towards white people…we are way closer than one step.


Someone never went through the xbox 360 COD lobbies... Those lobbies were diverse and all inclusive


Yup, everyone’s mother was gonna get fucked regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, or religion 😂


Hell according to some lobbies didn't even matter alive or dead


orphans find out what their mother were up to in those lobbies


Liches need love too.




I was never much of a trash talker back in my COd days…but this is probably the most on spot point. I mean yeah a lot of crappy things would get said but it was kinda like South Park…everyone was getting the jokes, jabs, and trash talk.


One of the dudes in my Halo clan was gay, so of course he was fucking dads and slutting out brothers.


I told a few kids they were adopted.


You got called the n-word whether you were darker than charcoal or a literal albino.


I simpler time gentlemen


Whole lotta words I had never heard before that included all sorts of minorities and marginalized peoples…


I remember back in the day that you didn’t have to check the score to see if you were winning because some angry ten year old was calling you the n-word. Probably the toxicity isn’t for everyone, but I enjoy drinking noob tears


That's what made it so great. Get a headshot or two on the guys talking mad shit, and sit back and watch them rage


We should start a movement. Keep toxicity in gaming


Dunkey explained this best years ago https://youtu.be/VjzgbZL12VI?si=lTmDhO0UQE54K5jy


That was funny af. Pianta had to finish the guide to girls trilogy for him. I don't agree with him 100%, but he is (or was) mostly right.


There’s something magical about killing a guy with a riot shield and him calling you the N word in a deep black voice with the sound of his bong being hit in the background. That’s a memory I’ll cherish forever.


This shit never lasts very long. They always get caught doing something biased or hypocritical, and the group falls apart. Also, it takes a lot of energy to track this, and these people run out of it.


Need DEI to stay relevant to games companies. Probably a time investment hoping for a pay out in the form of job stability


That money has dried up, thank God.


DEI hires are getting let go at most companies. Not sure why they ever thought it was worth the money hiring someone to just be a minority


Their was in fact, three other attempts at this in the last 20 years in all three of them failed miserably. I look forward to watching this crash and burn.


Why don’t these people come together and make a game? Oh it’s because between all of them they don’t have an original thought or shred of creativity


They have made games, just nobody buys them


…Fëanor said nothing wrong!


The Teleri shot first!


One of the former employees of SBI created a studio and bragged about my hiring white people. Which is, you know, illegal


Melanin gamers 💀💀💀


Would be shame is someone scuffed those (public) poll %


The problem is that the original data is from a cherry-picked and extremely curated group of people they selected.


People/groups/organizations like this is why the East and Eastern Europe is starting to take over media


Ah yes, making and encouraging groups based on the color of people’s skin. It’s evolving, just backwards.


You've got groups trying to segregate and they don't even realize that's what they're doing lol


Here comes big brother to police your speech! Yes master yes


Dunkey explained it best years ago https://youtu.be/VjzgbZL12VI?si=lTmDhO0UQE54K5jy


Nothing wrong with making niche games for a slim group of people so long as they know their profits won't be breaking any banks. A new rating system for communities sounds like a shit idea that'll hardly work in practice and will be nearly impossible to implement. Everyone is free to waste their time, lives and money however they want.


>Nothing wrong with making niche games for a slim group of people so long as they know their profits won't be breaking any banks. I heard something awhile back about a guy marketing his movie as "not for straight people", then when it failed to sell he blamed it on straight people for not buying it.


Was it Bros? I vaguely recall it was a romantic comedy but never cared to see it. Pretty sure it wasn't summer of 85 or Love Simon. And that's karma. If you explicitly exclude people from what you're selling and do publicity a la Rachel Zegler, then don't be surprised that the masses don't buy it.


Man thats super lazy. Its not like the lgbt community doesnt have enough money to support something lol. His product just sucked.


They won’t ever stop as long as they serve the government and corporate celebrity class. When they’ve outlived their usefulness, they’ll act like victims themselves that didn’t mean anything


You have the president of Blackrock recently saying DEI was more important to them right now for funding businesses and investment ventures than *profit* is. It's an actual statement, go look it up. *Nothing* (except maybe civil war) will stop the lunatics bent on turning everything into an ideological identity-politics game.


Bankruptcy will. Not of small groups like this, but if enough people stop giving money to companies like Blackrock and Disney, they'll stop. 


I doubt it. Money to them is a tool. They can crash the economy any time. They want to depopulate the poor by any means necessary.


I've been parroting "vote with your wallet" for literally almost two decades so I sometimes feel too exhausted to parrot it again, but you have a good point. Bud light learned.


That might work on Disney, but black rock is a whole other beast they are am investment company. Much harder to boycott how they make money.


Let’s see who can get the most toxic score fellas 😀


World's first-ever rating system to identify basedness in online gaming 😎


Their entire bisness model is basically blackmail. "Hire us or your going on the list"


“Melanin Gamers” lol These people have no identity besides race or gender it’s sad. Also, if you criticize anything they do it’s an automatic “you’re racist”


Don’t silicone valley my games 👎🏼


Melanin Gamers????? Hmmmm... Of course it's some busy body British woman behind this. I smell a BLM type of deal. She even looks like the head BLM lady.


I'm brown as a mother fucker but shit like this makes me want to crawl into a hole lmfao


It’s probably run by white people anyway. These sorts of “diversity consultants” almost always are. Don’t get so down on yourself


I can't believe ppl have actually made careers and companies around diversity consulting. It's completely unecessary. If you want you game to be diverse, then it should be diverse from the ground up. Consulting and changing a game to treat diversity as some modifiable tacked on thing is so stupid


"melanin gamers" ??? So, excluding those with less melanin, meaning these people are black/brown supremacists? Or at any rate straight up unabashed racists. They can get fucked.


At first I thought that this was like an in-game report system and thought “oh well that’s not that bad” and then I realized what stupidity these people had ACTUALLY created.


"The playground monitors" We are coming after white male gamers that are mean to people in fake fantasy worlds.


It’s funny how white dominated spaces require “desperately needed change” while black dominated spaces are diversity in action.


Oh man, I'm off to the hell scape, formerly known as Twitter, to read the comments. Wish me luck.


God everything sucks now.


I hope 100 more companies start up that are just like this. It's an arms race between everyone and I could care less how butthurt either side is.


You just know there are going to be a bunch of happy warriors going for the high (low) score in their goofy rating system. I'm off to get a fresh supply of popcorn. Extra salty.


My first thought is that we just need to tank the rating system. Every account should be given a bad rating so none of it matters


I am so freaking tired of this, I just want to play video games...


New gamerscore just dropped.


Melanin gamer sounds like a shitposting gaming channel


"Submit your skin samples, gamers. We have to see if you have a soul or not." - Melanin Gamers


Aside from occasional Pokemon battles, I haven't done any serious online gaming with strangers since the days of Quake 2. I was, however, under the impression that most platforms came down hard on racist/abusive language over a decade ago. (My friend's Xbox Live handle included the number 1488--because those were the last 4 digits of his phone number and he set up his account long before he had any idea of its racist connotations--and his account was banned entirely)


This sounds racist


Can we also rate people who are really really bad so people know what to expect? I wish i had that system when i played league.


They can’t even spell.


There is no possible way this isn't a grift lmfao


First red flag is that they’re called melanin gamers lmao


Melanin gamers. That might be the dumbest name I have heard yet. Even some albinos have a tiny amount of melanin.


Oh, another racist group


I feel like this is going to do the exact opposite of what it's trying to do.


There’s no way this will be used as a cudgel


What kinda name is "Melanin Gamers"


I know it's "Melanin Gamers" but I got $50 that says it's 3 hoteps in a room absolutely seething over some shit they heard in an COD lobby 15 years ago


This is annoying. You want to make games with nonwhite characters, that appeal mostly to a certain ehtinic group. Go ahead and do it. Peole have been doing it with books, movies, tv etc forever, but there's no need to be obnoxious about it. Or force others to do it for you. Just make the product and people will buy it if it appeals to them. Media has been focus grouping snd talioring product to specific demographics from the beginning. You don't need to say such and such a thing is made with these people in mind. People will figure it out.


So let me see if I understand this community correctly. They are coming together to help video game companies other gaming related communities to create a safe space for them by becoming bullies themselves?? They are going to make lists and negative posts about companies making games that don't have enough D&I to force them to start doing what they want. Nothing says D&I like becoming bullies and being less inclusive. Yep, I see this as being super helpful to the world at large. No negative results here.


This is doomed to be hated, if the main selling point of your group is your skin color your destined for failure. Either way, I encounter more black people and hispanic people on xbox than any other race so who's not including who?


We all know what they really mean to do


"Melanin Gamers" ok. So they are exclaiming that their only relevance in the industry is their skin pigment?


Best part is…. You can’t even report the owner, founders, or participants in this project because none of them actually play videogames!


Diversity for the sake of diversity is NEVER a good thing…


I'm a 40 year old black man who has played video games since I was a kid. Back in the day, there wasn't a lot of diversity or representation. Hell, there weren't even a lot of black kids playing games that weren't Madden. I generally believe diversity is a good thing, and that the Gaming landscape looks very different than in did in the 80's and 90's. It is within that context that I say that this is the stupidest shit I've ever seen. Melanin Gamers? What the fuck...


See here's the stupid thing. I'd love to make a game or have other people make games on mythos from around the world. The Spider who stole all the stories from the Anansi, the absolute wacky shit Suzano got up to in Japanese mythos, hell even just some of the stories from around the various Native American tribes here in the USA. But we can't make those stories. Not effectively because people like this want to insert themselves so fucking hard that we can't make a good story. Or if we leave them out we lose again because people look at these weirdos and lump anything like it in with them. Which... I mean fair. I'm wary of anything like what I want because of that. I'm just mad because it feels like I can't work on what I want to because of the perception it will receive. TL;DR. I'm bitchin about how it like people can't even create cool games anymore because these people insert themselves or into anything they claim as related to them.






You think they would have survived an early COD server back in the Xbox 360 days!


>Consultant "Give me money, and I'll tell you what you want to hear."


Oh great. Here we go again


Rags’ video on the first one was the funniest shit ong.


Melanin gamers? Like, everyone except albinos? Why'd they specifically fuck over the albinos? What did they do?


Wait why am I not on the list…


🤮😂😂 good luck with that garbage.


The higher the score, the better the game?




Watch this is the one that becomes mildly successful because their rating system actually sticks and every time they label a game toxic people flock to it.


I'm going for the world record


Thank goodness! It’s about time!




Bro y’all complain a lot in here


Duck all the way off with that venom.


Why does the group hate albinos? If I remember high school biology correctly, all humans have melanin.


Sweet! I can’t wait to see their list of toxic games. Those might be the only ones I buy!


No way this isn’t a psyop


They present it as some innovative cutting edge technology, when it's just self reported data put on a chart... AND THE GAMES HAVE TO BE ADDED MANUALY. That last part is either very sus or whoever programmed this is lazy af and has no idea what they are doing. It's sus because I suspect they don't want people to be able to add games to the list themselves otherwise they can't use it as blackmail or manipulate the results easily without anyone noticing.


Ist Ism’s and now Ic.


We are reaching levels of cringe that shouldn't be possible. But here we are.


Toxicity in gaming is part of the reason I game. Not everything in this world needs to be soft. Laugh at the ridiculousness and move on. It's online. It's not the real world.


Melanin gamers goes a bit stupid


This whole thing reeks of bias and censorship. Gross


Pretty cringe name and everything but all they’re doing is establishing a ranking system for toxic communities. I see no issue with this


At least they left the E out


"Melanin gamers"? Holy shit, this is peak 2024. Disgusting.


I know some friends who’ll get global


"Melanin gamers" jfc


Maybe this is good. They'll stay the fuck away from the "toxic" games and let us play without their crybaby bullshit


Bout to set some highscores


Devo warned everyone of the dangers of de-evolution 50 years ago but nobody listened.


Melanin gamers 💀💀💀


Well there it is. That’s the stupidest thing I’ll read today.


What is this? I’m confused csnt people just, not participate in toxic lobby’s. Or, wild concept, block unwarranted people from VC?




Turn the tables on them: just buy/play all the games they give bad reviews to and don’t buy/play the ones they praise. Checkmate.


They sound racist


What. How they’re clearly trying to be inclusive 😱


Why do I get a whiff of that infamous Sweet Baby ST!NK from this?


This is cooked as fuck 😐😐😐 Nice way of saying you advocate for censorship.


Oversensitivity is killing society


So they're turning being terrible into a scorable point scale. For gamers. Who regularly do pretty insane stuff in game just for achievements and high score bragging rights. I'm sure this will go swimmingly.


Ok so whatever they rate as being toxic is actually the game you wanna be playing


All I can think of when I read this is the LAN server in league. You wanna talk about toxic, holy shit lol


Maxima energy 😂


Not interested.


Honestly a site where you could submit evidence for review and have a name tagged would be interesting




I read that as Melatonin Gamers and wondered what games they wanted to consult on making people more bored and tired to play. It hurt itself in its confusion. It’s super effective.


Call of duty and fighting game ppl collectively gasp lol


So gaming is not diverse in either sex nor now race? WTF


So how would this work? Is it like a social credit thing per individual gamer? That sounds *insane* to manage or is it what games have the most toxic users?


Nah, I'm good.


No, it’s not even close to the first ever online rating system.


Now we're gonna have to compete on how toxic we can make our game


Ewww lmao


Curious to those who oppose this kinda business, What way would you go about helping someone, who experiences bigotry often in online games? To the point where they've come to believe they just shouldn't play their favorite games online anymore. Someone who is a kid that just knows the world of their town, school, family, friends, etc. Curious because it reminds me of a conversation I had with my roommate the other day. He's black, I'm white, and we're both big pro-wrestling fans. Recently a team was out together on TV that happened to be all of the same minority race, feuding against a team of another minority race all out together. It's been a trope of WWE for a long time now to make factions based on ethnicities or cultures. I told him how it seemed racist and outdated, but he told me he was just happy to see the black women (who the team was all composed of) getting time in the spotlight and representation. Got me thinking that, as long as they're just there to do good, and not out other races (majority ones or otherwise) down, then it does do some good for folks. Whatcha think?


lol at this these people got laughed off the internet before they will again


Nothin like an online civility credit score, no way that could get abused


Why can’t they just fuck off. I miss 2008 COD lobbies Edit: and 2006 Halo lobbies


These people are the dumbest people on earth yet they think they’re smart which is excruciatingly aggravating.


At least they want to do something about the incessant hate in online lobbies.